Plant Kingdom | Part-1 | NEET 2024 | EAPCET 2024 | Varadhi Batch | Ajay Sir | Vedantu Telugu

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hello Champions welcome to vum biology Master teacher kdom okay as a part of our B okay okay we can begin the session okay let's begin the session is my voice clear and Audible for everyone good evening good evening late okay okay s dinner dinner a okay start let us start okay fine so so let us begin the session without any delay so plan Kingdom plant kingdom okay now okay Kingdom PL okay bopes perides gnos okay okay seual reproduction ining plsy so this is one important thing that we need to remember okay just a minute okay okay s right all right okay clear discussion okay okay gmsm okay Al F all have alsoa okay so this is the reason why they categorized the Cino bacteria alga gnos andos under the plant kingdom C bacteria Al okay clear are is it clear there are a number of classifications that we need to understand okay so classification that is the artificial classification system okay so we are going to start with classification okay just a minute classification artificial system of classification artificial system artificial system artificial system of classification okay NC slides what is this so artificial system of classification okay right okay so artificial system of classification artificial system of classification sexual okayif okay so morphological features morphological featur because characters are highly they highly influenced by environment they are easily affected by environment environment affected easily affected by environment environment okay ofely related is it clear the second one the second one natural system of classification natural system of classification natural system of classification natural system of classification benam and okay natural system of classification okay naal system of classification what are the what are the most important parts that they actually told okay morphology plom Anatomy histoical features okayyy okay fur phistry phistry Okay typ of PL hormones they give more importance to reproductive characters they give more importance more importance to reprod characters are comparatively stable planta it needs to reproduce it needs to produce polling grains and ovules it needs to do fertilize these things and after that reprod fragmentation as okay so this is very much important to understand okay right next next okay question third third is the phog gentic system of classification Pho genetic systemu Rel okay so it is the most accepted right now okay important evolutionary relationships I evolutionary relationship classification okay so this is important we need to understand just a minute okay happy National Science day okay sag okay happy National Science day okay now so let us continue [Music] okay so this is important we need to remember three different types of taom which are the recent recent developments recent developments recent developments what are the recent developments in the field of plant kingdom in the field of plant TOS artificial system system evolutionary relationships consider okay so okay is it clear so become important for us that numerical taxonomy okay numerical taxonomy numerical taxonomy okay that is cyto taxonomy isonomy okay so types of taxonomies okay okay let us go through it once okay so okay so they were based mainly on vegetative characters the earliest system of classifications used only superficial morphological characters such as habit color number and shape of leaves or the vegetative characters are on the Andrian structure such systems were artificial okay and they separated the closely related species since they were based on very fews charactertics as against this natural system of classification develop based on natural okay anomy emology phistry system ofu Rel classify so this assumes that organisms belonging to the same txa have a common ancest let us say imagine this okay so this is the reason why phenetic became more popular because phenetic okay both belong to the cat family or so it is important philogenetic classification system further okay this become more important so we now use this information for many other sources Cod number and codes are assigned to all the characters and data processer taom okay okay let us say let us imagine a situation okay for okay yes or no is it clear yes clear okay now good very good s in this way each character is given equal importance and at the same time hundreds of characters can be consider characters now cyy that is based on cytological information like chromosome number structure behavior and chemotaxonomy that uses chemical constants and biomol simple let us go further and let us try to understand the first classification that is alga start let us start with Al let us start with okay is Introduction clear for each and every one of you intruction clear yes so that I will understand let us start with before starting with classification in fogam cryptograms and phenograms okay typ types of organisms okay clear okay hidden reprs reproductive parts okay hidden reproductive parts okaypam particular group of PLS Crypt am I okay okay nexts fogam what do you mean by reprod actually exposed okay flings okay okay flowering plants let start discussing about okay let's start discussing alga so what are Al basic characteristic features so basic characteristic features okay basic character features okay so let us discuss them okay so what are the basic characteristic features of Al okay Al they are Flor bearing okay chlorophyll bearing simple thid autotrophic okay so one by one they are thid the plant the the structure okay the structure is not differentiated into is not differentiated notated it look like the same okay number one which is important for Al they are chlorophyll bearing okay so chlorop half the photosynthesis performed on Earth half of the photo photosynthesis 50% of photosynthesis okay so that's the amount of photosynthesis that Al are performing okay they are mostly aquatic okay they're mostly aquatic aquatic braish water brackish water FR is it clear so this is very much important so salt waterish water fres water water water so this is the first third point because they they are actually okay actually okay Stone okay what lyans they are symbiotic Association symbiotic Association between alga and [Music] fi okay so these are the different different areas where actually will grow okay let us discuss their form and size okay formular unicellular okay they can be multicellular okay unicellular multicellular okay they can be they can be forming Colony or they can be filament okay so different different types are different Ty ofms that we examp that is sp they are the best examples for okay filament so okay which type of is foll is it clear of reprodu types of reproduction okay so alga and a three types of reproductions will follow asexual reproduction sorry vegetative reproduction okay vual type of reproduction seual type of reproduction okay typ the common type of type of reproduction is fragmentation fragmentation what do we mean by fragmentation fragmentation this number one number two of reprodu asexual tyu asexual type of reprodu so different different of we see different types of spores unfavorable so that favorable spes are the most common type of spores okay common so these Force they can be filament okay or they can be nonfilamentous okay so this is the okay most of the time they are flated most of the time they are plated okay flated and flag they are motile so they can germinate and produce new organisms okay clear okay now clear and s okay last sexual type of reproduction we have the third one that is sexual type of reproduction typ of repr different of G Okay g okay so what are the different types of Gams that we see in sexual reproduction next okay right just a minute so sexual reproduction in an isogamy inami okay isogamy an isogamy inami more types of sexual repr okay gam the gamuts are similar in structure similar in structure Okay g same structure male gam female Gam both male and female Gams have same structure sitation okay okay flated type of gam okay non flated so isog flated SP okay important just a minute class okay right talk about type of actually of reproduction the Gams are dissimilar in structur so gam they dissimilar in dissimilar in size shape and structure and okay [Music] [Music] soim ex ex okay one gamut is actually one gamut is large okay one gamut is large okay large nonmotile one G is [Music] L female g another gam male gamut the male gamut so this is the female gamut and this is the male gamut okay so male gamut see it is motile it is small okay it is small and motile okay fcus and W okay let us see that one alga chlorophyll bearing simple thid autotrophic and largely Aquatic freshwat and marine organisms they occur in variety of other habitats moist Stones soils and wood some of them also occur in association with fungi and animals example SLO there okay next the form and size of Al is highly variable ranging from Colonial forms like WX and filamentous forms like otrix and spyroy okay few of the Marine forms such as scalps form massive plant Bodies Okay the reproduced by vegetative asexual and sexual methods vegetative reproduction is by fragmentation each fragment develops into a Talis sexual reproduction it takes place to by the fusion of two Gams this can be they can be flated in similar in size in and non flated but similar size in Sp okay okay so these are the common characteristics of common characteristics of actually fungi okay now okay just a minute yes okay important alga are useful to man in a variety of B at least half of the total carbonide fixation on Earth is carried out by alga through photosynthesis okay half of the carbonox being photosynthe the level of dissolved oxygen in their immediate EnV immedi en are producers of energy comp they are all okay so laminaria sasm are among the 70 species us [Music] as let us write the Ed part different different types of Al so Al Okay so species of the main that is POR por laminaria Ina sasm okay these three are edible type such as chlorella chlorella this organism is unicellular unicellular and it is rich in protein it is rich in protein protein single cell space food it's Ace of okay so this is one important point that we need to remember okay okay okay in car carag carag carag okay because of their water holding capacity actually they are used commercially commercial used so this is again very much important what are the gelidium gelidium and grasil areia grass nutrii okay nutrient Medi iceam okay microbes microbial grow okay okay okay so these are the some common points one by one students St just a minute let me check Okay so okay problem right okay okay s fine actually complete now we are going to talk about each one of okay fine no issues no issues let us minute one minute hello hello refresh is it clear for everyone okay now start today itself right so character character okay in roo5 okay Roo in 5 Okay so they mostly they're mostly fresh water fresh water okay few of them are okay number one call it as green alga okay so this is green algae okay this is red alga roo see this is brown alga most are actually fres water they these both are mostly marine and very few are actually very few are fresh water type is it clear this is very much important good okay number one number two body organization the second one is body organization body organization with body organization okay most of the organisms are either unicellular okay unicellular organisms multicellular organisms like okay unicellular in multicellular organisms okay they can be either Colonial or filamentous they can be unicellular multicellular okay Colonial and filamentous okay so they have a lot of variety okay okay just a minute okay Road of they are mostly they are mostly multicellular Road of a with mostly they are all multicellular organisms these are the different different points that we need to remember let me show you okay five okay the plant body is usually attached to a substr by a hold fast and has a stock the STP and leaf like photosynthetic organ the frond so FR PL okay is actually photosynthetic photosynthetic and it resembles resembles Leaf resemble CH okay so this is very much important okay aqu andaa okay simple okay okay right what is the next character that we need to discuss that is their cell wall cell disc which is very much important so the next character is cell wall just a minute so green algae red algae in brown Al okay to avoid any doubt so one Inner Cell is made of cellose part of the C is made of important is made of it is made of pect cellulose and pect okay okay so sorry okay okay okayer that will be present is okay this is very much important okay so this is the with respect to cell okay next photosynthe so let us talk about photosynthetic pigments so what are the photosynthetic pigments that are present in alga chlorop a chlorop b chlorop just a minute to avoid any confusion okay so chlorophyll a chlorop b okay chlh chlorop [Music] chlorophyl chlh okay there are some accessory pigments okay accessory pigments so what are the accessory pigments green alga red alga in brown Al okay green alga red Al in brown alment so what are the access pigments in GRE CHL okay it is blue in color okay it is blue in color P it is red in color so most of B organm okay last so particular r pyos okay right s clear okay bruc okay so with this accessment next one discuss what is the next point that we need to discuss Reserve food materials disc let us discuss Reserve foood materials Reserve food material okay so green algae red algae in brown okay greened Reserve materials one by okay just a minute pyoid and you see pyin prots star this resembles this resembles resembles amop amop okay it resembles amop and glycogen structure last okay red Brown Al Brown Al what are the storage materials in brown alga laminar laminarin and manitol laminarin and manol laminar man they are actually complex carbohydrates okay now clear let us discuss last thing that is the examples what are the various examples what are the various examples one by one examples so examples daily daily morning most of the it's okay okay ex important okayi grasia okay pora poonia carrix w w yes wall Vox correct just a minute wall Vox okay okay lamin are okay sasm Di sasm juste sarcasm diota dicota ectocarpus kpu okay not don't worry ectocarpus in KS okay what we will do so we will discuss that actually okay okay so let us discuss that also reproduction red Al Brown repr okay all vegetatively reproduced by fragmentation fragment okay fragment okay this is number one point asexual type of reproduction Ty zo sport are flated okay they present in Zo sporangia okay non so okay now brown Al Brown Al okay Ty of first of all they are bated un okaya okay here they are bated B flated they PE shaped what is it okay last and third important point that is sexual reproduction discuss sexual reproduction the sexual okay it can be isog okay it can be isog gamus okay an isog gamas or okay so for that we will give space here isog gamas an isog gamas inamas okay okay for suppose for nonm spes only okay there is usually okay is it clear so basic comparison which we need to remember and S so we will see a table first thing which we will discuss here is the structure of chop ribbon shaped chop important so let us highlight that okay so chlorop chloroplast different types of chloroplast is called plate like reticulate cup shaped spiral in ribbon shaped okay this is one important thing number one okay okay it can take place in the water okay it may take place the water or within the ug in the species the gamits are P form or Shi and beer to Lally attach so this is with respect to last okay last what are the important points that we need to mention they OCC both in well lighted regions close to surface of water and also greater depths in oceans greater depths in oceans they produce asexually by nonm spores sexually also by nonmotile spores okay so types of seual reproduction is anded by complex for fertilization development compleation you should write po okay so this is with respect to okay so that's about discuss the next class morning 11:00 so thank you next s thank you very much byebye take care and have a nice day Champions and sorry good night good night everyone okay
Channel: Vedantu Telugu
Views: 9,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b2dck-NIiBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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