Frog In One Shot ๐Ÿธ | Detailed NCERT Review ๐Ÿ”ฅ | New NMC Syllabus | NEET 2024 @VedantuTeluguNEET

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hello Champions welcome to vum biology Master teacher session this is structural organization and animals chapter similar to human humanology is my voice clear for everyone superb superb okay hello hello wow nice so session without any delay yes sir clear okay so okay so frog okay so frog the scientific name frog the scientific name okay frog the scientific name so the scientific name tigrina okay R tigrina so Rana is the genus name TIG is the specific name andina is most commonly found in the Indian subcontinent actually it's a poilo okay po they are cold blooded cold blooded cold blooded animals so cold blooded okay okay [Music] okay we can actually maintain our temperature at a constant body temp 37 37 I don't care body7 because they do not have a four chambered heart oxygenated in deoxygenated blood okay but it is very much important to understand in case of in case of frog frog has a three chambered heart frog has aamber there is only one ventricle and because there are two atrias and one ventricle the problem is the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood will mix and they then they will be circulated into the body and that's why it is not easy for the Frog to maintain that con body temperature and that is why the Frog will grow the Frog will go for deep sleep okay summ foration so sleep because they Po and they cannot maintain a constant body temp complete metabolic rest C Blood circul season they are the so they will undergo reproduction as well breeding season okay clear okays SAR dissection but we can study it as a model orm to understand our systems frogs are they come underrates so they under pH CA and they come under the class amphibia they come under the class amphibia okay so amphibia the organism which live on land and water so live on okay so they are the bridge species between the terral organms like species Conn so they are the also known as the bre species understood okay that we need to understand regarding frog what are those points let us go for those points as well number six okay cutanous respiration cutaneous respiration okay respiration or respiration okay just a minute bingel respiration ponary if the if the frog is on is in water frog and for suppose because it is Ani only Okay so skary so there are three types of respirations one is the cutaneous second is the Buckle third is the pulmonary pulmonary respiration we can call it okay soar to important point just a minute the seventh point just AE okay so the seventh point would be with respect to the reproductive system with respect to the reproductive system reproductive system frog show sexual dimorphism just like hum okay they actually have a habit of croing cro there will be a sound of croing so this is the way of attracting females soeding the males do a process known as croaking in which they produce some sounds from their vocal cords females females do not exhibit croing okay no croing in females that is the first thing second important nictating membrane nictating membrane nictating MBR it is in but in frog it is important because when they go aquatic aqu envir protects it protects ice let say the season for breeding for frogs is nearly between the end okay let us start with the ncrt okay so frogs and live on both on land and fresh water and belong to the class amphibia of phm cord the most common species of FR found in India is Rana dagati Rana Pina okay so they do not have constant body temperature constant body temperature under the temp you might have noticed change in the color of the frogs okay caml camouflage okay camouflage CH okay okaying to the environment and according to the is so that is very much important to remember points class amphibia okay very okay okay this protective coloration is called MIM so it is trying to mimic the coloration of the environment MIM so you may also know that the frogs are not during big summer and winter during this Shel let's go further okay let us learn about the morphology of the Frog okay so have you ever touched the skin of the Frog Max okay okay the skin is smooth and slippery due to the presence of mucus mucus skin so the skin is always maintained in a moist condition the color of the dosil side is generally olive green with dark irregular spots on the vental side the skin is uniformly pale yellow the Frog never drinks water but absorbs it through the skin okay correct okay nothing it is doing cutaneous respiration it is doing cutaneous respiration cutan and that is why the skin is always having a moist nature and moist nature is contributed by the mucus muc even in water this is happening fine okay number one point number second the second point with respect to the skin is that they never drink water okay DEH solution so they absorb water they absorb water through through skin never drink water understood okay clear let's go further the Frog never drinks but absorbs it through the skin important point this can be a question so remember this point last of the body is olive green okay GRE see on my front side okay okay pale yellow color Lo so that's about it let's go further okay let's go further now next is the body of the frog is divisible into head andk because that is the only M that they can do because they do not have NE now going further above the mouth there are a pair of nostrils ponary respiration eyes are bulged and covered by a n nicating membrane that protects them while in water so important Point okay th are bulg and they covered by a nicating membrane that protects them while in water so we have to close our eyes so next on either side of a membran is that WR down okay minut FR external external is absent external ear is absent in tanum tanic membrane tanic membrane is directly visible visible okay now going further on either side of the a membrane of tempar only the four Limbs and high limbs help in the swimming walking leaping and borrowing there is a leap so we need to mention that so let us mention okay in Lim zone four Li we can call them Fe okay so okay they have four digits okay and they are they are not Webb digit okay they are Webb okay so that is why webbing is important for the hind lims four fr okay so very good okay very good okay so that's with respect to that F okay croing croing sound croing okay so so the hand lims are larger okay four limbs four digits male female go further Sy C syat system nervous system okay phology it is very much similar to human beings comp fr okay they are actually carnivores Carnivores they will actually feed on insects insects they have an important role in the food chain and the food web okay but one important thing one important thing that we need to remember is the elementary Canal is the Elementary Canal or the G tra G okay Elementary can okay element okay this whole part if you think about it reduced it is reduced what do you mean by reduc okay number two because frogs cannot digest cellulose they cannot they cannot digest cellulose is a very hard food what do we eat we eat food that are rich in starch okay we eat food that are rich in starch starch Al sorry aluc it's a in cellul let us say okay let us say about let us talk about ruminants let us talk about ruminants just a minute okay ruminants goats cows okay cows buffalos okay okay they have a large intestine why do they have a large intestine to digest the cellulos cellulos bet bet they will have compar our intestin is smaller but okay from the large intestin so cellulose f is a fiber so F cellulose is a fiber rich food okay it's fiber okay okay okay sorry let's go further okay now one by one we'll discuss the system consist of element canal and digestive glands Elementary Canal short because frogs are Carnivor since the length of intestine is reduced the mouth opens into Buckle cavity mouth and bu that leads to Esopus throughs that opens into stomach which in turn continues into the intestine and rectum and finally outside by the let us talk about okay let us talk about okay ESOP Esopus intestin small intestine same large intin the only difference that will come is the CLA okay frog London okay frur okay male frogs ESP male frogs reprod system so okay three one okay the reproductive system okay so Urena so don't worry okay so this is the digestive system pathway for the Frog going further dig takes place by the action of and gastric juices secreted from the walls of the stomach no doubt gastric juices partially digested food called is passed into the stomach from the first part of the intestin and theodan so unlike us difference let us say common okay pancreatic du this isor this is okay open so small this is the basic difference betweena okay bif fat okay and pancreatic juices directly digest the carbohydrates and proteins dig int sorry there is one small mistake that I have there is no small intin and large intin okay okay that is one thing that I needed to correct okay so we look not write it as okay fine let us go furthers respire on land and in water by two different methods water skin acts as an aqu in water skin acts as an aqu aquatic respiratory organ cutaneous respiration dissolved oxygen in the water is exchanged through the skin by diffus CH okay on land the Buckle cavity skin and lungs act as respiratory organs the respiration by lungs is called as the pulmonary respiration lungs are a pair pair of elongated pink colored sa like structures present in the upper part of the trunk region okay so this is the trunk region so L they are pink colored pouches this is first this is one lung this is another L okay these both are L lungs only so lungs are basically they are they are pink colored pink color okay fine s pink color ES go further air enters through the nostrils into the Buckle cavity and then to the ls important Point respiration which we need to mention just a minute okay okay cutanous cutanous skin in cavity I'll explain once again EnV only Buck pulmonary estivation eation only cutaneous respiration follow it will only follow cutaneous [Music] respiration during isation and hibernation important point I wanted to mention to all of you okay next Circ system circulatory system or the vascular system cardiovascular syst frogs have aym system one heart is a muscular structure situated in the upper part of the body cavity it has three chambers two atria two ventricles and are covered by membrane called pericardium important point underl okay the heart has three chambers and is covered by membrane called pericardium incomplete Circ a triangular structure called cus venis joins the right atrium okay it receives blood to the major veins called Vena ventricle opens into a act called conus arteriosis on the vental side of the heart the blood is carried from by the arteries or arterial system let us discuss about it about this one carefully oh sorry sorry just a minute then box okay so right vric okay deoxygenated that structure is known as that structure is known as sinus sinus venosus sinus venos triangular structure triang Str Degen minut sorry sorry there is a small mistake mistake okay s difference okay L okay okay body diam I will definitely try to do it with the diagram so diagrams only di but at present is it confusing for all of you is it confusing for all of you incomplete double circulation just a minute just a minute okay so I'm not very good in diagrams I'm okay I can do well okay but I'm not super good in diams diam okay let's go further okay it is covered by a layer known as pericardium important okay okay I'm repeating it once again are three organs working one the lungs second is the Buckle cavity third is the skin only frog carbon dioxide exchange the frog is not completely dependent upon the lungs okay it is also dependent upon the skin and the so that is one advantage okay that is that is one advantage that have that frogs have that they do not completely dependent upon the lungs and okay fine okay so there are some videos that have an animation of frog as well okay let us go further okay important disc there are two systems there are two systems that we need to discuss okay similar to humans they have a hepatic portal system hepatic portal system okay hepatic forel system liver KN liver kn Sy there is another system known as the renal portal system renal portal system renal portal system so renal portal system and what do you mean byal portal system the for is called thetic portal system and the letter is called the Ral portal system portal system important portal system why it is important because okay hetic portal system portal system okay they both are Venus systems Venus systems what do you mean by Venus systems Venus systems and they are actually connected through through the veins ve okay okay let us go further okay so fine just a minute yeah let us discuss about blood okay blood blood two types of components write about blood here so blood blood l pigment on blood is red in color due to hemoglobin there are rbcs and there are wbcs okay w just a minute W lues only difference is first of all okay RB to human beings that rbcs are nucleated important super super important super duper important nucleated we have are nucle okay so this is with respect to the blood blood okay Elemento metabol productsc SLA important okay next one so some proteins are absent okay Ina lym flow seym system okay lyha systemy okay F gases okay so that's with respect to that okay sorry isut Gas and Water circul of blood is achieved by the pumping action of the muscular heart let us talk about Theory system [Music] okay I can those diams just one minute okay okay just a minute okay think I think system okay I wanted to mention that just a minute okay sorry last system but still so that you won't have a doubt with respect to that okay some problem okay no problem okay just a minute so okay okay just a minut okay so that you can easily see it okay okay you can see it is like this okay dark red color body comp it will be dark and compact in color okay it is actually connected with theal portal system is the urinary okay okay so that is with respect to the exory system male reproductive system female reproductive system M urinary system just like us okay okay so there is a common duct called the UR urogen okay they won't get so open so that is the difference okay and we'll be discussing it now in the chapter okay so P let us go back to our presentation just a minute okay all right yes okay right so the elimination of nitrogenous waste FR so the nitrogen carried by well developed exory system contains of a pair of kidneys Urus CLA and urinary bladder these are compact dark and red bean like structures situated little posteriorly in the body cavity okay each kidney is composed of several structural units called urinous tubules or nephrons uriner Neons two Ur emerge from the kidneys in the m male frogs okay frog they act Asal duct which opens into Theus Urus okay Urus have a duct called the urino genal duct this is with respect to males okay repr system is getting connected to the uror reproductive system reprod system minute feses the Urus and open separately in the okay Ur okay the thin urinary bladder is present ventral to the rectum okay and opens into the CL okay excretory Wes are carried by blood into the kidney where it is separated and excr simple okay let's go further for the uh control and coordination of control and coordination which Neal nerv horon thyroid paraid body body what is the difference between a body thyroid parid Thal body pancreas adrenal Calem Sy autonomous nerv system div okay a central nervous system peripheral nerv system and an autonomous nerv system okay okay right nervous system Sy okay first is the central nervous system bra next the peripheral nervous system third the autonomous nervous system sohal okay fine just a minute okay okay that isal okay cranial NES okay no problem finally they are in tend cranial nerves cranial nerves cranial nesani 10 pairs on okay sorry minutes just a minute okay just wait for one minute I'll be back in one minute okay okay thank you Champions sorry okay okay start continue okay soal minute toal 20 in number 10 pair number okay bra four brain mid brain last H brain okay okay cph okay the can be divided into all Factory robes let us not divide it let us write the components that are present calph okay but it is unpaired okay it is unpaired only which help in Vision Vision okay sir endocrine system PQ don't worry okay please water bottles during session thank you thank you thank you very much okay okay so if we talk about sense orans first just touch sensory taste okay tast okay nasal epithelium okay nasal epithelium nostrils biology don't worry okay next the fourth and fifth is the i i they have a very simple I in these are all single single compound I okay further in important just a minute okay the fifth one is the ear okay ear are proper orans okay they are proper organs cellular aggregations cellular aggregations and just like tissu okay clear biotechnology K plant physiology morphology Anatomy so wait for that surprise okay okay simple they can process only oneit org of hearing balancing Oran of hearing as well as balancing equilibrium external ear is absent important in frogs okay important 11 F systems first point that we have to remember and they are found to upper part of the kidneys by double fold of Peroni called misori okay so important Point let me highlight it out okay reprod foni lay that isor this is very much important okay just a minute okay that Mum is very much important frog frog okay M reproductive system M reproductive system M system okay T are okay they are in a pair okay okay and they are AED ader to kidney by a double layered Peroni of a peronal layer of connective tissue layer per tonium known as known as theor misor okay okay so fur next to just a minute okay next number 10 to 12 in number B Canal B Canal F Ur urino genital duct open which is in uror opening it will finally open intoa minute finally open into CLA so Mal it is the common pathway for number one reproductive system a minute okay fine okay fne okay and there is no functional connection with kidneys kidne attach a pair of will arise okay from the ovaries opening into the CLA separately separate mature female can up to 25000 us this number they will open into OB ducts okay which will also be two in number okay and this UCT this UCT will directly open into the CLA will directly open into the okay at a time at a time 200 to 300 ovani release at a time 200 to 300 ovani releas okay us talk about okay let us talk about fertilization Fertilization in humans and others the fertiliz that is known as internal fertilization which is happening in humans in mans but in frogs the fertilization is external external fertilization minut okay release okay female F okay and this is happening in external environment there is an external environment that is happening there is no link between them there is an let us say it is water water so once that is done okay once they both release that okay this ex fertilization will occur externally fertilization will occur outside body body outside the body especially in water okay will metamorphosis metamorphosis metamorphosis they will undergo metamorphosis metamorphosis undergo then they will become adults okay so the metamorphosis is a is a special process in which the body will directly transform into a new one it's a laral form soal oh 2500 to 3,000 oh okay sorry sorry sorry uh yes yes sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry 4,500 to 3,000 correct huh okay 2,500 to 3,000 at a time okay which is known as form metos okay so sorry for the mistake 2500 to 3,000 last and the most important thing frogs are beneficial for mankind because they eat insects and protect the crop frogs maintain ecological balance because they serve as an important link of food chain and okay but the main thing isem okay there are some people who actually eat frog legs okay right so but the okay so that's with respect to the Frog okay in reprodu uh frog dissection correct correct correct okay when okay so that's about it so no need to worry so frog let me tell you once again okay let us discuss about the The Humble creature that is minute okay okay fine D okay okay okay fine system and the reproductive system will open together into CA female only urinary system suppl I remember just a minute yes okay soes together only in males not in females okay let you know clear clear okay in bold point but get okay clear okay no doubts thank you thank you everyone okay good night okay thank you for attending the session next session endocrine system previous question s so with that let us say goodbye today happy Sunday to all of youa relax good night bye-bye take care bye
Channel: Vedantu Telugu NEET
Views: 10,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frog neet one shot, frog in one shot, frog in one shot neet, frog in one shot class 11, frog neet 2024 one shot, frog class 11 one shot, neet 2024, vedantu telugu, neet 2024 syllabus, neet telugu 2024, neet 2024 preparation strategy in telugu, neet 2024 preparation, neet telugu, telugu neet classes, neet preparation 2024 telugu, class 11 biology in telugu, biology class 11 in telugu, neet 2024 telugu, neet 2024 latest news, telugu vedantu neet, neet syllabus in telugu
Id: WsBUXQ0bmsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 10sec (6250 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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