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here we go oops I'm oh all right I'm live here we are am I on the Wi-Fi Y Cool hello my name is Rachel and I am teaching a plant-based Greek course tomorrow so I thought I'd jump on here and prep some of the food items for tomorrow's course so if you're taking the course um you might consider doing some of the prep you definitely have to do all the things in the packet that I said to prep you have to do them in advance if you want to cook along with us we already got something in the comments jackn cool it says hello Rachel I'm here waiting on you you caught me I'm a couple minutes late but I'm here now all right um this is my partner Julia she's going to be helping me with the prep and shopping some things if you have not purchased the course yet uh you can purchase it the link is oops I'm just adjusting the camera the link is inside the description in the show notes and it's also scrolling at the bottom here so here's where we're going to start um if you signed up for the course what you're going to get is a recipe packet can me ip you'll get the recipe packet you're going to get access to the live course so we're going to be displaying it's actually me and my mom doing the course not me and Julia um it's not my mom and so me and my mom are going to be demonstrating the course we're going to be demonstrating um you're going to get that's what I was saying you're going to get the recipe packet with all the recipes um and we'll be demonstrating I'll just State all the recipes so you know um [Music] it's at the top of the recipe packet you'll get it's lemon rice soup so in the Greek culture they make chicken lemon rice soup and we're going to be doing a uh it's like a chickpea lemon rice soup so you can use chickpeas instead and instead of the egg we use cashew so in Greek cooking they will use eggs in the lemon rice soup and there's no eggs there we'll make um spanic Copa which is spanic spanakopita which is um spinach pie and so you can make that glutenfree if you find a gluten-free felo D dough in the recipe packet I have a link to an oilfree felo dough so if you're looking for that um thank you for everybody who's joining Lauren I see you on Instagram Jacqueline is asking how many recipes all right so the Greek course has lemon rice soup spanakopita which is spinach pie um I'm not that good at saying it but it's called H atii and it's like a traditional Greek salad usually made with feta cheese and a bunch of vegetables tomatoes cucumbers bell pepper and a lemony sauce so we're going to be making a tofu version of that feta cheese um so that's three a vegan feta cheese not a tofu version four we have suziki five U which I'll be prepping today here cucumber bites six and then we have musaka seven tofu s so bad at these words suaki uh with rice and red sauce so if you count the tofu is one and then the rice and red sauce that's eight n and then Greek nacho fries 10 Greek Buddha bowl 11 baklava 12 and then a Turkish coffee 13 and then as a bonus so anybody who purchased this course you get a link to download my Lebanese ebook you might already have it if you purchased it before but if you haven't you get that link and a copy of the recording all right so that's my spiel about the course you can purchase it at tinyurl RDC Greek it's in the show notes um you'll get a ton of recipes we'll do a Q&A session during the course let's get chopping a little bit and I can I can Yap while we chop all right so let's get prepping a little bit um so you're going to want to do and I have it all indicated so if you want to cook along um you can go ahead and start chopping the two carrots diced you can dice the two carrots and then dice the two um celery stocks we can start there and then we'll put them in do you want room on the board um I'm going to do the tofu maybe right here so if you scoot a little bit over so we could both be going at the same time okay so she's going to be dicing the carrots and the celery and I'm going to be wrapping some tofu up so in this um in this course if you don't like soy I have Replacements of how you can use chickpeas instead of soy some people don't do well with soy so um I have lately just been a tofu fanatic just this tofu freak so um I'm using it because I like it all right so I'm going to wrap a couple of these we have something in the comments hey Rebecca Rebecca saying hey got one person looking at us on Instagram hey Instagram all right so if you want uh yeah that's beautiful no that's perfect that's perfect here can I show a couple you want to like to see all right so this is how we're dicing up oops over here this is how we're dicing up oops whoops couple oops another carrot down but this is how we're dicing up the the carrots they're jum jumping on over here too so we got a good question in the comments it says are the these recipes new that's not in the March bundle that I was in was it the March bundle is it in March that yeah that's that's when I lost my mind in Mark um so the Greek recipes are all new all brand new not in the bundle but the ebook that I say is a bonus that you get is the same one that you got in the bundle so folks who missed out on the bundle um can get that one and then I I added two new recipes Rees to that Lebanese ebook so it's a little bit different you get two extra recipes to that and then you get the um all the Greek recipes those are all brand new never before never before scen all right so these are my tofu towels I have um towels that I only Ed for tofu they're unbleached these are like looking scuzzy some of these I feel like they got to go but I got I don't know what happened to them but so they're unbleached um and they have no like um what's it called when they have like fur on them microfibers or whatever you got no microfibers all right cool so um I encourage you to sign up for the course it's going to be super fun and uh me and my mom have a blast when we're cooking together basically she does a lot of The Chopping and the cooking and she shares a lot of her techniques she was born in Lebanon and as a middle eastern woman she definitely learned the kitchen so she shares a lot of her Heritage our heritage in her techniques she's a delicious she's a delicious Chef she's a delicious Chef everything she makes is really good and she has a lot of Wonderful pointers around cooking and so and there'll also be an opportunity um for a question and answer session after the course oops I forgot to do two I like to wrap these in two so it soaks up I guess I'll use a suspicious towel for the the second yeah so if you are interested in the course um I would say give it a shot and I like guarantees so if you don't like it you want want your money back ask me it's a zero zero risk zero risk situationship it'll be fun and and you don't have to be vegan um to eat vegan dishes that was like something that I struggled with for a while I was like oh my God if I can't be a perfect vegan I just can't do this and it's like nobody cares well maybe if somebody cares in like they need to get a life you know but like overall you know so you don't have to be fully vegan to to eat some vegan dishes all right let's see you got any questions drop them in the chat oops my phone's not on do not disturb I'm GNA turn it on there so someone calls me it doesn't interrupt us all right cool cool jacquin says sounds like a winner thanks for the feedback um you know one of my favorite recipes in the gra course is the bakaba because it's we're not using butter So In traditional baklava it is just butter I think it's just like I I'm pretty sure you brush each sheet with oil or butter and so I mean that works for some people but that's actually not going to work for me it doesn't work for me so that's one of my favorites um in this and then we use a maple syrup a cinnamony maple syrup instead of a like usually the syrup is just water and sugar like white sugar and I've had both um because my mom like growing up would make baba um so we just we're using a maple syrup and I just think it's super cool to uh like watch my mom make these super traditional dishes like the spinach pie and the bakaba because that is like something that her mom taught her so you know to add a little bit of sentimental value to this I really like cooking Mediterranean um because I feel connected to it I feel like it's in my roots how's it going over there chopping as I it's done yep y oh it's done all right so we got the two carrots diced over here and then so the carrots go with the uh um what's that soup called chicken lemon rice soup except for it's not chicken it's chickpea chickpea lemon rice soup and then we'll have some celery in there and some rice and the way that we're making the kick pea lemon rice soup is really easy it's almost like a one pot no it's not almost it's a one pot thing which in a soup makes sense but we just kind of throw everything in there at once and just let it cook so it's everything's super creamy like the vegetables become super creamy we got some comments in The Thing ordinary o Okie o says how far I don't know what you're asking how far what um and then we got Michael hey you said cool F caristo I don't know what that means either are you guys are just what does that mean I don't know just go in here yeah we'll do half of it um in there and then we'll do the other half will be the celery okay so they'll both go they'll both go in the same one cuz they go in the same recipe yep so Julia is working on chopping up the things for the lemon rice soup and to keep the pace of the course uh I encourage you to chop and prep everything in advance that needs to be chopped prepped cooked and I have that Al indicated on the recipe packet that you'll get so and don't feel pressure um to don't feel pressure to cook everything I mean I was just thinking I'm like man me and my mom are about to do a marathon in this kitchen we're about to throw down we're about to cook um and something that's really cool is that Julia is going to eat it with me and then we have two friends eating it with us um so the food there's going to be a lot of food all right I got my tofu wrapped diced diced and chopped all right so we got oh Joanne says it means thank you f kisto what language is that cool we got a couple people on Instagram kind of going back and forth glad you guys are here if you have any questions about the course let me know and something else that's super cool that we do at the end of the course is is that we display so let's say um Joanne comes and makes a dish and at the end she wants to show what she made for us to all look at and talk about it's fun you know like these courses aren't just like oh let's cook healthy food we we we laugh and we Giggle and it's like it's fun so all right I'm going to do a third block of tofu for my mental sanity so it's ready so it's just ready in there um okay cool that's in gree k but it's not like that yeah if you've been like debating on getting this course or not it's a nice value because I'm including the Lebanese one in there too um and if if you're not into the course into this one I have more courses coming so I encourage you to sign up for my mailing list at Rachel Detroit and then you'll just stay in the loop for the next ones this one's going to be fun if you like Greek food and another thing too um with these recipes is you can make them more flavorable flavorful by adding additional spices let's see someone on the Instagram commented um what dishes are you cooking today so what we're doing today if anybody who just joined um we are prepping the V iies for the plant-based Greek course that I will be teaching tomorrow with my mother this is not my mother um and the dishes that are in that course I'll read them in a second let's see Jacqueline says how long do we have in time cooking um how long do we have in time cooking do we have in how how long oh so I'm guessing it means how much time is the cooking course how long is it it's two hours long we do our best to respect the time and wrap it up at two hours and sometimes we go over because we just yep yep yep yep yep and we're like having a good time showing um showing her dishes doing the question and answer but start to finish we like to keep it at two hours let's see someone said Kathy says found this uh live Facebook I signed up for the class so I need to start prepping loved your Lebanese class and really appreciate your energy and positivity awesome thanks Kathy I'm going to highlight that comment and put her on the screen that's super nice thank you for the nice words so perfect so we got the celery and the carrots cubed up diced up um beautiful all right thanks for those nice words Kathy so if you're curious about what the course is like um Kathy said that she had a blast at it loved the course and loves my energy and positivity so thank you for those kind words if you're debating on joining join you ready for the next task okay the next task is going to be to um tomato not Tomatoes potatoes and you're going to cut these in I see what my mom's going to say after we do it but you're going to cut these in slices skinny slices and then we're going to cook them okay the oven turned off the oven is now off that's okay you want it on um I can turn it back on let's turn it back on but do you see how skinny that I'm cutting these that's what you want yeah but like maybe do a better B even skinnier like not skinnier they have to be this like tall like could I cut this in half or do they need to be they they don't need to be but that's going to be the easiest for how we're setting up the spinach the spanic is that the thickness that's the thickness so I'm going to display that all right so the next thing that we're going to do is cut up the potatoes and this goes inside of the musaka um it's like a vegetable layer with the eggplant and so this is a about the width that you're going to want to do it and if you do them like uh the smaller way right it would have been like maybe this direction you're just going to have to stack that it'll just take you longer um and so this is our example and we're going to bake them at 400° all of this is in the recipe packet so all of the information on how to prep it is in the recipe packet how's it going over there good I want to do a good job CU then my mom is going to look at them and then she's going to say make comments that looks good to me that looks fantastic so my mom is like the ultimate in my brain like the ultimate chef and so like and like this is I do this now like I'm the I am the cook I've created a business where I'm a life coach and I you know teach plant-based cooking and nutrition but like my mom has been like the inspiration for my cooking and all of that and she always kind of has a little bit of words about about how I do you know how moms are you know they're like helpful and they cheer you on but they always got a little bit of words about St like oh oh you did it like that that's how you did it is that what you wanted to do so you know moms moms are like that sometimes all right I'm going to make the suziki sauce right now oh I didn't answer someone's question they said what are we cooking so in the course I'm just going to read it real quick um lemon rice soup spinach pie a traditional Greek salad where I'm teaching you how to make um like a tofu feta and then reg not regular feta because it's vegan feta but made with cashew so tofu feta cashew feta super good saiki which I'm going to prepare and make right now cucumber bites which are like stuffed cucumbers cucumbers stuffed with hamus and and um what is it called olives what are those things musaka which is an eggplant usually it's an eggplant meat dish eggplant meat potato dish and we're making it with eggplants lentils and walnuts and then this really beautiful um it's called like bash bushel sauce on top really tasty and the way that we're doing it is with cashews and oh just so beautiful so good a tofu Su suaki which is usually like a kebab and then we have red sauce and rice um Greek natural fries Greek Buddha bow baklava Turkish coffee so that's what we're making and then as a bonus um you'll get a link to download the Lebanese course that I taught in whenever I T that maybe it was in March this is my this is M it's yours yeah this is the oh that's your teacher yeah all right so I'm going to prepare the um saiki right now and that's something that we'll use as a topping for stuff so I ask you to prepare that in advance anyways so I'm preparing it right now so ziki and I've made this live before on YouTube so if you're curious about how to make it um you can look at my channel like And subscribe to my YouTube channel and check it out because it's on there all right ends part of this um I think that they can get cooked cuz they'll get eaten regardless I'm a Potato freak this one went not right perfect it can get cooked and I'll eat it how come I don't see okay I got to focus more that's a ziki recipe oh here it goes all right perfect graded cucumber so we're going to grade one medium cucumber I think is this medium would you say this is medium or is that Medium right either either or all right so we're going to grade one medium cucumber I'm going to make the suziki sauce right here so whether or not if you buy the course if you don't here here's this beautiful suziki recipe so it's one medium cucumber grated and then I'm going to squeeze out all the liquid from the Cucumber anybody that's just joining um I'm teaching a plant-based Greek course tomorrow and even if you can't attend live you're going to get the recording the recipe packet and then of course absolutely you can message me questions like there's a question and answer session at the end but you can definitely message me questions through the email about the course or about anything whether or not you buy the course or not I want to welcome you to do that I am here for it and if this course isn't for you if you're not wanting to buy this course I want to offer you that you sign up to my mailing list because I'm going to keep making courses and then you'll get information on these courses the next course I'm like kind of um still in my brain it's not on the paper yet so let me not let me not start because who knows what who knows what can go on in my brain from now until um when it's time and that's something too that I'm want I just talk nonstop I was a high school math teacher so I so it was part of I got paid to keep the show going that stop about math so it's like a skill I have I just nonstop I can just like I don't think I've breathed once I've been just going um but that's something that I learned in being becoming an entrepreneur right I was a high school math teacher forever and then I was like well I don't want to do that anymore and I want to be a life coach and blah blah blah but that's what I learned is um until it's on paper until it's executed keep your mouth quiet Rachel right and it's like that's you know that's like part of business like I've never I I'm a brand new entrepreneur I wasn't doing this my whole life I can go to college to be an entrepreneur and I also don't think you need to so any entrepreneurs you don't need to go to college for it but I did go to college for something my mom made me she's like I don't know Rachel you can't actually this is actually what she said when I was growing up she said can't get married you can't have kids and I was like oh my God who am I going to be if I don't get married and have kids now I am not married and I don't have kids but I went to college so I I made it all right so here we go I'm going to drain the thank you for chopping over there ma'am I'm going to drain the um we're going to squeeze out as much excess liquid as possible from this rated cucumber so you're definitely going to want to do this in your suziki otherwise it's going to be your yogurt is going to be real watery and that's not super delicious so I'm making this in advance for tomorrow because we use it as a topping for the Greek fries the Buddha bowl but we're not making the bable in the course we don't make every recipe in the course in the recipe packet I put stars next to the ones we're making but we're making a lot of them and you guys will see my mom she just she just she just like goes nuts in the kitchen she's so good she's so fast it's intimidating all right so I got that squeezed out I thought I was going to use this towel for it I'm not um uhoh two cloves of garlic minc that's not happening two tablespoons of fresh dill juice of one lemon I can do that I can do the garlic all right I can pause on this okay great um I need to open the refrigerator so I don't want to like clock you all right so then I'm going to juice this lemon and then we'll kind of wrap it up with this we'll finish up the siki we'll get that in the oven and then we'll wrap it up so if you have any questions about the course drop them in the chat if you have any questions about coaching you um I put it is that two cloves two cloves of garlic M you can do three because I like oh but you don't it's a zy okay I need the lemon juice here sorry dear morus for in there all right so if you got any questions about the course feel free to drop them in the chat we have a good amount of people watching live I love it we'll just whip this to up and then we're going to get these potatoes in the oven um there's a a bit more to prep and everything is written um on the recipe packet that you need to prep so please if you're not sure message me directly like on my Facebook Rachel Detroit coaching or my email Rachel at Rachel Detroit there's a contact form on my website if you have any questions message me directly and I will answer you directly Rosemary says is it Rosemarie or Rose yeah it's Rosemary I think not Rosemary because there's no why so it's Rosemary Rosemary says I'm excited about the class I'm excited that you're coming thank you for coming and signing up oops there she goes all right so these lemons are huge I got them from all these they're like Sumo lemons but they're not called that but they totally could be called them like that's like that's a really big lemon look it says juice of one lemon is how I wrote The Recipe but this is juice of one very large Lemon oops so check the recipe packet make sure you prep things in advance um I'm human if there's something confusing on the packet message me and ask me you know um I don't mind I think on one of the tofu marinades I put BR like I put uh Olive Grine and then I didn't say what to do with it and it goes in the marinade right so it's like I'm just a human right in these recipes all right so ask me whatever you want and this woman messaged me and asked me and then I fixed it in the packet so message me ask me whatever you might want all right smelling real garlicky I like it oh I'm supposed to see that cucumber well 2 tbsp of fresh Gill Sal salt and pepper almond yogurt Min garlic Dill lemon juice salt pepper Okay cool so this is the Almond yogurt that I like to use I use this for a see this so you're laughing and what my brain said is this is 9.99 and now it's on the floor you're nice I'm just kidding about the yelling I don't usually yell like that but is $9.99 and it's on the floor thanks for wiping it there's some over here too so some of these like vegan foods these like plantbased these almond Alternatives they come at a high ticket 9.99 for This Yogurt but I don't know how much milk yogurt is nowadays it might be the same I don't know I haven't bought milk yogurt I'm going to thank you for doing that I'm going to go in here and get thanks for being on my cooking show with me this is my Sue Chef for today Julia do you want to say hi to the people hello thanks all right so we'll do a cup of almond yogurt in here I have cucumbers we also need the Almond yogurt for another recipe but I don't think I spilled that much I wasn't just a little just a just a little just a wee bit all right and then I'm going to need to pull out one more thing from under you sorry that I keep doing that and then if possible would you chop the dness I need two tablespoons okay thank you teeny tiny um it's just chopped just your best I mean we're the ones eating it the flavor will be there just as best as you can and that's kind of the thing for the for all of it just just do everything just as best as you can you're the one who's eating it if you'll eat it that's all that really matters all right we got some stuff in the chat oops I got yogurt on my shorts they're my favorite Darwin shorts all right let's see Brenda says hi Julia hi [Music] Brenda Jacqueline says you got that right your mom is the OG in the kitchen she can whip up healthy beautiful dishes in a heartbeat I know it's overwhelming uh I know I'm unable to keep up with her and you're following right behind your footsteps thanks that's so kind nice words a thank you so much yeah that's that's my goal is like to follow inner footsteps but create my own path walk alongside we got a comment on What's the because sometimes she be a little bit crazy just kidding I love you mom if you're watching okay um sometimes she watches she actually often she watches so whoops she'll probably call me out about it tomorrow cath in the Instagram says Rachel nothing related to cooking I got to say this one she's complimenting my skin nothing related to cooking just a comment that your skin looks fantastic glowing must be doing something right huh all that healthy food and exercise you got that right Y and I'll just throw a plug in here because I sell vegan skin care um so if you're curious I don't like I don't promote it because really it's just like if someone that I know is looking for that I'll recommend the brand that I like so if you're curious about a vegan skin care line um I've posted it once or twice like months months ago on my channel but just messaged me directly and ask me for the link and I'll shoot it right to you it's skin care that's made from olives in the Olive Tree so there's no water it's waterless skin care so anyways thank you for the nice comment um and it's definitely all the aspects of Lifestyle it's you know the Sleep hygiene you know focusing on reduced substance intake Stress Management that's a lot of lemon exercise um all of those wonderful things the Garlic's ready Garlic's ready beautiful yep you can just toss that right in that's perfect good that's real good super good love it so in the taziki we have so far juice of one lemon one cup of almond yogurt two cloves of garlic y just drop that in there two cloves of garlic mint Dill so this is a recipe in the um in the recipe packet but we're making it here you go this is your gift from me and there's also a video where I made it online too so check that out um all right and so we got we're going to add the rest of that and then we're going to do salt and pepper to taste here's my salt and my pepper is running low so I'm just going to work with it o that's a lot of salt come back in all right so that's about half a teaspoon of salt and then I'm just going to do a few shakes of pepper Cho extra beautiful you there may as well but we're also going to need some chop for tomorrow so just this little drop it in drop it on in perfect back to potatoes back to potatoes so if you're not on my mailing list here another little pipe in from me if you're not on my mailing list Rachel Detroit whether or not you're interested in the Greek course or not I hope that you are but if you're not I have more courses coming out um so sign up to stay in the loop so that you can be a part of that I also do one onone coaching so if you're looking for a life coach I'm looking for you you can apply on my website but join the mailing list that's the most important so we can stay connected all right so here's the S saiki beautiful it smells really good yeah it smells super good it's all in the dill so super simple recipes that is my motto super simple super delicious super healthy low calorie density all of this food is low calorie density you could eat like a pig I don't recommend that but what I'm saying is like you can eat a a nice volume and still have low calorie density and high nutrient density so that's why I love cooking this way um that's how I optimize my health that's how I help people optimize their health so we're going to finish chopping up these potatoes and by we I mean she is gonna finish chopping up these potatoes oh you did all of them was I not supposed to you supposed to do four and then the other two were for something else so we're just going to cook them all and then use what we need and then I'm going to eat the rest Perfect all right so if you and I didn't communicate that so how would you have known maybe you did and I forgot that's okay no harm no foul okay all right so if you're looking um for something fun to do this is a fun activity sign up for the course it's super fun um and even if you don't like all of the recipes some people come to the course and they don't like every recipe you're not what are the odds that you like every single recipe that someone gives you no but you might like two or three or four and then you make them on repeat and you start accumulating what what works for you so sign up Rachel um no that's not the website RDC Greek and I want to ask you a favor if there's someone that you know that might want to take this course I ask you to please send them either this video the link to purchase the course I have posts on my Facebook page um or forward them the emails I've been sending out in my mail list it would mean a lot to me share my content um yeah so I think that's we're going to put those in the oven and I think that's it for what we're going to be doing prepping prepping on camera so unless anybody has any thoughts or questions I'm GNA sign out and then I'll see you guys at 2 pm Eastern Standard Time with my mom and Julia will be here but she'll be in the background probably maybe she'll make a guest appearance who knows all right um let's see someone in the chat says hello nice to be here live I'm glad you just joined and unfortunately we're getting ready to sign off but keep coming back I will see you guys tomorrow um thank you guys for purchasing the course thank you guys for sharing my content thank you for watching this it means more than you will ever know so that's all from me it's all from us see you soon take care bye
Channel: Rachel Detroit Coaching
Views: 440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: es_mxlpPJYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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