Plans That Didn't Go As Expected - Part 5

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- [Narrator] Now, okay, I'll admit, I make plans that go wrong all the time! I'll go out to buy milk and get the wrong kind, or I'll accidentally reveal my face in a video and have to delete it immediately. You guys just aren't ready for that yet. Fortunately, there are plenty of people out there whose plans have taken a much worse turn than mine. From explosive miscalculations to bullying backfires. Let's take a look at even more plans that didn't go as expected. (light gentle music) Firework Fail. Every year on the 4th of July, some 500,000 people gather on the shores of San Diego for the annual Big Bay Boom. It's one of the most logistically complex fireworks displays in the world, spanning 14 miles across 5 locations. And in 2012, it had more than 7000 fireworks ready to go for a 17-minute-long display. The first ones would be launched at 9:00 PM, and everyone who gathered along the shore was hyped. But then suddenly, at 8:55 PM, this happened. (heavy explosion of fireworks) (crowd shouts loudly) - [Man] This is insane. (laughing) - [Woman] This is the best fireworks show ever. - Yeah, that definitely didn't look or sound right. In the space of just 15 seconds, every single firework exploded prematurely across all locations. In less than a minute, the show was over. And no one was more disappointed than the organizers, Garden State Fireworks. The entire display was digitally coordinated using a computer program to synchronize all the launches across all locations. But someone had accidentally doubled all the code of the primary launch sequence. Which wasn't picked up before it was sent to the different locations, forcing all the fireworks to launch at once. Well, I reckon someone was probably fired for that massive mistake, hopefully not up into the air with the fireworks. Face Lift Fiasco. In the last decade, South Korea has become a hub for cheap professional cosmetic surgery. So much so, that many clinics advertise plastic surgery travel packages, to encourage tourists to get a little work done abroad! But back in 2017, it became clear that these travel packages came with a few hiccups. Three Chinese tourists, had flown over to the capital of City of Seoul, gotten a few face-lifts, and then headed back to the airport to fly back to China. Only their faces had been so radically altered and heavily bandaged, that they looked nothing like their passport photos. Unable to confirm their identity, the three women were not allowed to board their plane, and were held for questioning by airport authorities. Yeah, I'm not surprised. I don't even think their own mothers would've recognized them. For Luck. Have you ever tossed a coin into a body of water for luck? Like throwing a penny in a wishing well, or a quarter in a fountain. It's a gesture that stems from ancient traditions the world over, where people would symbolically pay to pray to their gods. But sometimes the answer to a prayer is straight up no, as this lady on the left found out. You're meant to throw one coin Susan, not all the coins. Well, Susan may have lost her bag and dignity to the sea, but it could've been worse. Back in 2020, a first time flyer in China, decided to bless his plane with good luck by throwing coins right into the engine. Ironically, throwing foreign objects into a plane engine is a pretty sure fire way of ensuring you don't arrive safely at your destination. After the grounds team of the coincidentally named Lucky Air, found a few coins near the plane's left engine, they quizzed the passenger who happily admitted it. The flight was grounded due to safety concerns, and the 162 other passengers had their flight delayed, and legal action was taken against the luckless coin flinger. He was eventually charged 120,000 Yuan, roughly $19,000 for the disruption. Now let's hope he didn't try to add a little luck in the courtroom, by flinging coins at the judge. Trial by Zoom. Is there anything funnier than watching boomers and old people working out how to use technology? Video conferencing software Zoom is always a good one, because the camera usually ends up pointed in a weird direction, and helping them figure out the mic settings is near impossible. But back in 2020, when the pandemic hit, and Zoom was the only way a lot of people could continue doing business, a peak boomer moment happened. During a civil forfeiture case, lawyer Rod Ponton plans to appear before a Judge on the 394th Judicial District court in Texas over Zoom. But when he logged in, there was something a little unprofessional about his appearance. - You have a filter turned on in the video settings, you might want to take a look- - Uh, we're trying to... can you hear me judge? - I can hear you, I think it's a filter. It is and I don't know how to remove it. I've got my assistant here, she's trying to, but I'm prepared to go forward with it. I'm here live but I'm not a cat. - [Narrator] Don't blame Jerry up there for cracking a smile. Apparently, Rod's child had used his laptop before him, and had left the filter on. But Rod had no idea how to turn it off! Now seeing how hard it is for some people to find the right button, let me make this next bit real easy. You see the big thumbs up and subscribe button below? Yeah, pretty hard to miss. Give them a click if you want even more videos like this in the future. All done? Great, what have we got next? Hella Halloween. Admit it, everyone loves a good costume party. Nothing beats seeing someone dressed up as a cactus, or a sheaf of corn in a costume they've clearly made themselves. God tier-creativity there. But, sometimes making a costume yourself comes with a catch. As Ouiam LaBanane found out the hard way. They decided to dress up as a balloon bouquet for a Halloween party, painting their face bright blue to fit in with the bunch of balloons they'd taped to their head. There was just one problem. After the party, the face paint wouldn't come off. They scrubbed over and over, but the blue paint had stained the skin on their hands and face. After 45 minutes of scrubbing, they changed tack and started using micellar water, before desperately resorting to olive oil. But after another 45 minutes, the stain was still pretty obvious, so they gave up and went to bed. Now one might be wondering how a simple face paint can cause this much chaos. Well, blue face paints can leach into the skin. And because their contrast against most skin tones is so dark, they show up as a stain compared to other colors. But back to Ouiam. Getting desperate, they eventually decided to use bleach on their skin to get the remainder off. I really shouldn't have to say this, but never, ever use toxic or corrosive products on your skin, unless you wanna end up with chemical burns. Now, initially, I didn't think this face paint could have been that bad, but I looked up the brand she used, and there's almost 30 1-star reviews online, with all of them claiming the blue paint wouldn't shift from their skin. Well, if you plan on painting your entire face in the future, might I suggest reading the product reviews first? Funny Face Swaps. Back in 2014, the very first Face Swap Filter apps hit online stores. These apps use innovative technology that scans an image for patterns of contrast, typically of facial contours. It then uses a statistical model to pick out specific facial features. Allowing it to swap two faces, and semi-accurately map one person's features onto another. The results are almost always hilarious, but the technology isn't perfect, because there are a lot of things that look like faces. For example, this guy was trying to face swap with his baby, but the filter recognized his nostrils and mustache as his eyes and mouth, resulting in this nightmare fuel. This woman on a plane was trying to face swap with the woman next to her, but the algorithm found a face in the two lights and AC grill above, leading to this monstrosity. But it could be worse. This lady tried to get a fun little face swap with her doggo, only to find her face replaced with its nose. Well, it's okay, I never wanted to sleep again anyway. Bullying Backfire. There are losers, there are cowards, and then there are bullies, the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel variety human. People who make themselves feel better by putting others down unnecessarily are just pathetic. But sadly, these were the kind of people Whitney Kropp had to deal with back in 2012. As a sophomore at Ogemaw Heights High School, Whitney had been bullied relentlessly by some of her classmates over the years. But they stooped to a whole new level of low when they voted Whitney into the homecoming court, just to try and show her up in front of the entire school. Initially, Whitney was delighted to have been nominated, but her heart broke when she learned it had been done as a sick joke. And the male student who was elected with her, had withdrawn. She would have to face the entire school alone, knowing they had only put her there to humiliate her. What a sick thing to do. Fortunately, Whitney was about to turn everything around. News spread on Facebook of what had happened, and she suddenly received many donations from strangers to help her get the homecoming dress, hair, and make-up of her dream. And then, when it was time to face the school, the entire town turned up with placards, and messages of support for Whitney. National news outlets put a spotlight on the event, and students from other schools and towns even showed up all cheering for Whitney. The bully's plan had backfired horribly, and all while Whitney was having the time of her life. Well, whoever they are, I reckon those bullies will never forget their homecoming celebration, or the lesson it taught them. Dead End. They say, "If you're prepared to do the crime, be prepared to do the time." But this was something Rafael Valadão and three others, thought they could bypass back in 2012. Confined in a prison in Ceres, Brazil, the creative convicts had loosened a metal shower pipe. And at 2:00 AM, without the knowledge of the guards, they used it to batter through a section of wall in their cell. The first of them squeezed through the jagged concrete gap and escaped down the corridor on the other side. But their plan fell apart when Rafael, who was a little larger than the first guy, promptly got stuck in the hole. His top half was home free, but his traitorously big belly and backside wouldn't budge. His cell mates tried to push him through, but it was no use. Rafael was stuck. Rafael wailed for help, but when the guards turned up, they mocked him ruthlessly before calling the fire brigade to cut him out of the wall. So instead of a low-key prison escape, these embarrassing photos of Rafael were plastered all over the news, as he recovered in hospital. Talk about being criminally dumb. Butt of the Joke. Corgi's have some of the cutest little butts around. They're super fluffy and funny, even though many don't have a tail. That's because Pembrokeshire Welsh Corgi's for instance, have their tails docked at birth. As they're traditionally a cattle-herding dog, and having a tail only puts them in danger of being stomped on. Today, many different corgi's sport the tailless look. But a new butt trend sweeping the internet, has inspired owners to take their precious pooches down to the groomer. Why? To get a heart butt. It involves carefully cutting the thick fur on the dog's rear, into a cute little heart shape, which looks super sweet. But, remember to be specific when asking your groomer to shave a heart onto your dog's butt. Otherwise they might misunderstand, and your pooch could end up like this. This is apparently the exact mistake Twitter user, TheWorldPolice made. Well, at least the dog seems to like it. A Meaningful Tattoo. We all have a favorite YouTube video. Mine's a video of a seal someone put captions on. (laughs) A classic, gets me every time. But as much as I love it, I'm not sure I'd get a QR code linking to the video tattooed on my leg, like this guy did. Back in 2019, this avid Club Atlético River Plate fan, decided to get a QR code linking to a video of some of his team's greatest goals, in hilariously crappy quality. The tattoo was undeniably complex, but amazingly, the link worked. Okay, despite the quality, this is kinda genius, right? But before you all go getting QR code tattoos linking to your own favourite videos, this didn't go quite to plan. You see, the video called "La Gloria Eternia," used a piece of music, music that wasn't copyright free. Yeah, anyone familiar with YouTube's trigger-happy copyright hammer, knows where I'm going with this. Mere days after this fan got his tattoo, the video was taken down by the copyright owner of the music for unauthorized use. This left our soccer fan with a huge QR code tattooed on his leg that led to a black screen which read, video not available. (vocalizes) But the gods of soccer were smiling on this fan, and after a few months, the video was luckily re-installed. Talk about it being touch-and-go at half time. Build Your Own Burger Backfire. McDonald's is a business that's always jumping on new marketing crazes, that'll help them sell even more burgers. So over in New Zealand, back in 2016, as interactive promotions started to take off, McDonald's HQ decided to test a brand new, Create Your Own Burger campaign. It was simple, customers could design and name their own burger online for free. When they ordered it in store, they'd be rewarded with free fries and a drink. But this is the internet, nothing is safe. Heck, we couldn't even be trusted to name a boat via a poll that one time. Sorry, Boaty McBoatface. And with that said, McDonald's unmoderated campaign went about as well as you could expect. Here are a few of my personal favorites: The Super Mayo, North Korea Ration, The Carbonator, Girth, Bag of Lettuce, The Sad European, Who Pharted, the list goes on. And those were some of the tamer ones. Needless to say, McDonald's had massively misjudged the campaign. Hundreds of un-moderated submissions were posted before the site was taken down. I guess you could say they ordered this McCampaign to go? Military Action. If adverts and movies are anything to go by, the USA would have you believe that serving in the military is all armour, ships, tanks, and cool guns. But we all know that these adverts are staged, and that a real battlefield is horrifyingly different than a Hollywood set. That said, soldiers are still some of the bravest people among us, even though many have been negatively affected by harrowing, death-defying experiences. But whoever was in charge of the US Army's twitter account back in 2019, appeared to be blissfully ignorant of this. They posted the question, how has serving impacted you? Clearly expecting everyone to line up to post nothing but praise for the military. Instead, they were flooded with responses from rightfully angry veterans and family members who'd suffered from depression, anxiety, destroyed hearing, pain, grief, lost limbs, and lost lives. The backlash from the thousands of replies that exposed some of the cold, hard realities of serving was so great, "Time Magazine" ran an article about it. Definitely not the winning PR strategy they thought this tweet would prompt. Permanent Parody Pox. When you were a kid, did you ever pretend to be sick so you could stay home from school? The old run the thermometer under hot water to pretend you have a fever trick, or mix up some canned veg and leave it in the toilet like it's vomit trick? Yeah, I really hated school. But not as much as Lily Schooley from the UK does. Back in 2019, the then six-year-old noticed her friends had to stay home from school for a few days when they all caught the chicken pox, a mild but highly contagious infection. This gave Lily a brilliant idea. She used a red pen to draw dots all over her legs, face, and hands, chicken pox style. No school for her. There was just one problem with her plan though, she'd accidentally used permanent marker. So not only did Lily's mum see straight through the red faced lie, but Lily also had to go to school covered in bright red dots. Well Lily, I have to give that an A+ for effort, but an F for execution. Gender Reveal Gone Wrong During the late 2000's, a weird new trend began sweeping the US, gender reveal parties. Expecting parents would cut into a cake or pop a balloon revealing blue for a boy or pink for a girl, but it didn't stop there. The trend started to spread, and these reveals got bigger and weirder by the day. From setting off coloured smoke bombs in the park, to influencers lighting up the entire Burj Khalifa in their baby's gender colors. But one that really left a mark, though not in a good way, happened in Arizona, 2017. A Boarder Patrol Agent and his wife, set up a huge package filled with coloured powder in the middle of the Arizona brush. It was rigged with Tannerite, an explosive substance designed to detonate when shot. But once they hit that trigger, it wasn't just the package that went up in smoke. (loud explosion) Yeah, see that fire? They didn't put it out. This eventually became the Sawmill Fire, a deadly wildfire that scorched more than 47,000 acres of land, causing more than $8.2 million of damage. The ignorant agent was forced to pay back $220,000 in restitution after pleading guilty to starting the fire a few months later. All that just to learn they were having a boy, really doesn't seem worth it, does it? Do the Splits Weddings can be some of the best parties on earth. You get all dressed up, witness the power of love, drink the free bar dry, and remember the day with some hilarious snaps. The crazier the better, right? Well, not always. Groomsman Lee Coleman was part of a photo shoot for his best friend's wedding, when he decided to pull out some moves to really make the pictures pop. But that wasn't the only thing that popped. The seam on his trousers burst, splitting right up the middle. And this was right before the ceremony. He hastily employed the help of a nearby bridesmaid, who ended up sewing and taping him into the pants, just in time for the big event. Luckily, the bridesmaid did such a good job, the emergency fix apparently lasted all the way through the reception. Well, at least he was wearing fresh underwear, I hope. Man's Best Enemy Dogs are pretty intuitive creatures that can usually tell when something's wrong with their owner. There have been stories of dogs alerting others that their owners are unconscious. And others have even jumped on their owner's chests, giving them a form of CPR that's saved them from heart attacks. But not all dogs are heroes. In fact, some are villains, as Haley Deeckan found out when she filmed her dog Dunkin's reaction to her pretending to choke. (dog barks) - Ouh, you stubbed me. - Haley seemed to think Dunkin would try to save her, but after grabbing a knife from a holder on the kitchen cabinet, it seemed like Dunkin just wanted to finish the job. Either that or this dog was prepared to try his hand at emergency surgery to save his owner's life. Why do you guys think he grabbed the knife? Let me know down in the comments. Dangerous Denial When it comes to the sea of conspiracy theories, at the shallow end we have those who believe that The Moon Landing was a hoax, and that the earth is flat. These are pretty harmless, if not hilarious. But at the deep end, lies a conspiracy that's way more harmful. That Covid-19, the virus that has claimed the lives of more than 6 million people to date, doesn't exist. This is what Sydney-based preacher and healer Mohammed Shaar, idiotically claimed to the public throughout 2020. He preached that Covid vaccines were ineffective and that the pandemic was a myth. Instead, he encouraged his followers to come to his healing centre where he would cure them of any ailments using natural remedies. Sounds like his plan was just to drive-up his own sales if you ask me. But in 2021, Shaar's plan to prove Covid didn't exist suddenly fell apart. How? Well, obviously, he caught Covid. He closed his healing center claiming he had a common cold, but 5 days later he was taken to hospital where doctor's confirmed he had contracted the virus, and was in a serious state. His family asked his followers to pray for him with one suggesting he drink hot lemon water to speed up his recovery. Yeah, that'll do it. Luckily, Shaar recovered, but since then he seems to have quietened down about Covid being fake. Gee, I wonder why? Richard Pictures. Gents, I can't believe I have to say this, if you send a picture of your junk to women who don't ask for it, then you're just as pathetic as your presumably tiny pickle is. Seriously, it's just weird and some women simply won't put up with your desperate attempts trying to get their attention, like this twitter user. She received a message from a man asking her to laugh at his junk. When she said no, he sent a picture anyway. He probably expected her to pay attention to him in some perverse way, but instead, this lady came up with an ingenious reply. She created what looked like an automated message, claiming an AI Bot had identified an unsolicited picture had been sent. It also claimed his account, along with all his associated information like his email address and location, had been reported to the police. However, if he just replied help, they'd look into the matter, and the local authorities wouldn't contact him. Like the massive man-child he was, he begged for help in big capital letters. Don't think this guy expected to be squirming with anxiety for 24 hours, wondering if the police were going to come knock at his door when he sent this pathetic pic. Hopefully he'll think twice before doing so ever again. Caffeine Fail If you're a caffeine fiend like me, you'll know that cutting down on things like coffee and energy drinks can be a nightmare. Caffeine itself acts as a central nervous stimulant, helping you feel more awake. However, an over-reliance on it can leave you feeling sluggish. So, when one reddit user and coffee lover decided to get in the best mindset possible for their big upcoming law exam, they chose to quit coffee altogether. For a whole month they studied hard and didn't touch the stuff. Then, right before the big exam, they downed a cup of the delicious morning brown. They thought it would give them the boost they needed to feel more awake during the exam. Pretty smart thinking, but that's not all that happened. You see, caffeine isn't just a stimulant, it's also a laxative. Meaning that as well as getting a boost, this poor law student had to rush to the bathroom and spent 30 minutes of precious exam time battling about of explosive diarrhoea. Hoo boy, what a crappy decision. Which of these plans do you think ended in the funniest fail? And have you ever had a plan backfire as badly as any of these? Let me know down in the comments below, and thanks for watching. (upbeat music)
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 2,990,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, firework fail, san diego big bay boom gone wrong, funny face lift fail, chinese face lift not allowed home airport, woman throws coin and bag into sea, man throws coins into plane engine, zoom meeting fail, funny halloween face paint fail, funny face swaps, whitney kropp prom story, prison escape fail, man stuck in hole in wall escaping prison, corgi butt heart funny, QR code tattoo fail, gender reveal fail, dog picks up knife video
Id: m_ML4idkWSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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