Planet Cosmo | Can You Name All the Planets in the Solar System? | Full Episodes | Wizz Explore

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[Music] oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon dad has been away on a mission but he'll be home soon attention i have good news guess who is coming yes my family i am home dad i got the rocky ground samples from mars yes instead spoil the surprise i was never very good at surprises [Music] here's a photo of me landing on mercury i zoomed in towards the rocky ground and then bump fantastic you're the best pilot i know dad that's right it's all in the wrists oh a photo of me landing on venus wow here's the best photo of all that's me landing on mars the ship made a really loud crunch sound as it hit crunch i love loud landings these mars samples are perfect dad i just need you to get one more sample from the rocky planets can i come too dad of course you both can but where are we going where are we going [Music] where are we going today [Music] i never do where are we going today [Music] where are we going today i need a sample from the rocky ground of planet earth earth i love earth i'm from earth you know let's find out about earth hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet earth so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets the third one along here is a very special planet called earth earth is a blue and green planet the blue here is water the sea the amazing thing about earth is that it is full of life trees animals people and children earth is where you live that's what makes it so special so remember earth is a blue and green planet with lots of water and full of life you live on planet earth did you know that could you please help me remember about earth [Music] earth is a blue and green planet with lots of water and is full of life trees animals people and you thanks cosmo out let's go to earth to dig up some rocky ground samples begin launch sequence [Music] there is [Music] look down look all around [Music] if you would like some light refreshments surprise i have no idea where we're going what i was trying to surprise you like i knew where i was going but i don't surprise earth we're going to earth will you help me find earth great one of these planets is earth but the pictures aren't colored in let's take a closer look [Music] earth has something that no other planet has can you see what it is which one is planet earth [Music] this one has life trees birds animals so this must be earth where you live earth is a blue and green planet with lots of water and it's full of life here we go [Music] it's beautiful earth's atmosphere now are you all strapped in all strapped in dad hold on tight it might be a bit bumpy as we hit the rocky ground zoom crash zoom and here comes the landing three two one second now here it comes uh dad here comes the landing look out the window [Music] that's not right [Music] this isn't rocky ground surprise you landed in water we're in the sea oh a bird a seagull that means we're not far from land i have never seen so much water there was no water like this on mercury or venus or mars of course not earth is the only planet in the solar system with liquid water hey that's something amazing to tell your friends earth is the only planet in the solar system with liquid water but how will we guess mom's rocky ground samples we'll find a way but before that who wants to go swimming so activate rubber ring mode activate our bag [Music] watch how far i can swim i can do 40 lengths of the entire ocean look at dad girl that's one two dad three i don't think you're swimming the entire ocean [Music] well not the entire ocean but most of it ah there we go four lengths you said you could do 40 well i could i could swim anywhere i want even down to the bottom oh that gives me an idea we need to dig mom's ground samples right i'll get the shovel but you can't dig water no but there has to be ground down there somewhere use my mask to look underwater see if you can find the bottom it looks all dark i don't know if i can you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i'm going to look underwater to find the ground at the bottom here goes wow it is amazing look [Music] it's beautiful under the sea and dad there is ground down there great let's dig [Music] yay you did it dad oh it's just sand we need to find land but how [Music] go away bird i'm trying to think but dad didn't you say the seagull means we're near land [Music] follow that seagull land ahoy isn't it strange that earth is the only planet that sees like this what a surprising day dad i'm just happy i had both of you with me to enjoy it oh i've got the samples and it's time to go home begin [Music] there losing a special little planet called it's green and blue it's amazing full of life and trees and you [Music] look down look all around and we learned something amazing today earth is the only planet in the whole solar system with liquid [Applause] [Music] green and water [Music] oh dad that was a surprise we brought your rocky earth samples mom mission thank you everyone well dad i expect you want to show me a photo of your landing oh i forgot to take a photo well it's probably for the best our earth landing was a bit of a surprise actually zoom splash surprise we're home where hello hello not to worry i was never very good at surprises oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon it's lifter's birthday today shh it's a surprise surprise what oh hello lifter it's your birthday happy birthday lifter you have to make a wish lifter and then blow out the candle are you sure darry have you ever seen me blow anything out i can rustle up quite a breeze it's not as if you're going to blow us away is it for that you'd need super amazing bagpipe playing lungs like mine go on make a wish okay then brace yourselves that was fantastic you have the strongest breath ever so what did you wish for lifter i hope it wasn't a slice of cake what i love more than anything is interior decorating decorating beautiful designs and where am i in this gray room my wish is to be able to decorate my little room [Music] wallpaper i knew it would come in handy sometime oh how exciting no don't look this is going to be a surprise off you go leave me to my decorating oh why don't we go somewhere we'll come back later and see lifters room wind wind that's a great idea so we could all go somewhere windy where are we going where are we going [Music] venus earth [Music] i never do where are we [Music] [Applause] there's neptune that's windy going to neptune would give lifter time to decorate a room in peace let's find out about neptune hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet neptune so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this one at the end is called neptune neptune is a big blue planet neptune is the farthest planet from the sun that makes neptune terribly cold one of the ice giant planets so remember neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold could you please help me remember that neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold thanks cosmo out are you sure you'll be okay on your own lifter no of course petal couldn't be happier wait until you see what i do with the place begin launch sequence [Music] makes it cold [Music] is take us to neptune gill an update for your neptune location file is available downloading update now download failed retrying please wait we don't have to wait for gail will you help me find snapchat great these are all the planets the sun is here if we could remember whether neptune is close to the sun or far away from the sun then we'd know which way to go is neptune close to the sun or far away from the sun [Music] far away this one is neptune neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold it's out that way dad update installed now to get to neptune we know farthest from the sun well it would have sounded better coming from a supercomputer [Music] wow neptune is beautiful [Music] there we go there we go we've landed in a windy part of neptune and it's so cold no cold i'd really rather stay behind you know the trip out will do you good gil do you feel it's all the wind is even stronger than lifter's what we need is a kite and it just so happens a kite what's this everyone [Music] no don't watch that that wasn't it don't worry dad look stabilizing shoes here it goes wow it's flying look [Music] kites fly up in the air i kite whoa it's getting windier scanning analysis indicates that conditions are very windy can you be more specific gil um yes breezy blustery one might say hmm westerly wind approaching 2 000 kilometers per hour is that a lot yes that makes neptune the windiest planet in the solar system the windiest planet in the solar system hey that's something amazing to tell your friends neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system and that's too windy for us we better head back to the ship dad don't worry i did seven extra push-ups this morning arms of steel i'll never let go dad let go but if i let go my kite will blow away it's my favorite kite it's my only kite dad let go before it takes you any higher warning prepare for massive gust of wind in three two one [Music] those gassy hills will be nice and soft that's right we can just let go over one of those hills it's too high i don't think i can do it they'll be perfect for a soft landing you can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right let's jump onto the soft hills help me work out when to let go when we're right above the hill shout now now not yet when we're right above it now almost now let go everyone [Music] we're back where we started my kite [Music] you'll get another kite someday [Music] let's get inside we'll go and find out how lifter is getting on with our decorating yay begin launch sequence [Music] oh [Music] and we learned something amazing today neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system it's beautiful it is rather lovely isn't it sweetie it's been a wonderful birthday just wait until you see the rest of it the rest of what oh lifter oh the moon base is beautiful the whole moon base every inch well done lefter mission complete all i have left is this one square of flowery wallpaper seems such a shame to let it go to waste hmm a kite go dad yay wind winds oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon do you like drawing i do look stars that's right stars saw loves the stars are you two ready for bed dad shh it's late are you two ready for bed teddy beddy and that is the end of the story i love stories good night saul good night cosmo i love you both good night dad no nobody saul's sometimes a little bit afraid of the dark it'll be okay look [Music] stars when saul can see the stars he's happy tomorrow i have a super important fantastic mission to another planet which you and saul like to come too yes please daddy good night good night cosmo where are we [Music] are we going to play where are we going today [Music] venus earth [Music] where are we [Music] today we're off to planet uranus that's right i need dad to erect a static chromatograph to trace the hydrocarbons in you mean i've got to put up a huge machine with my big muscles i've been working out all week for this let's find out about uranus hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet uranus so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this big one is called uranus uranus is a bluey green color it looks beautifully smooth uranus is one of the ice giant planets so it's incredibly cold so remember uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth it's incredibly cold could you please help me remember that uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth incredibly cold thanks cosmo out begin launch sequence far from the sun there's a blue green world it's called uranus world it's the seventh planet it's so far away from the sun there's a blue green world approaching outer planets now please specify destination planet uranus that's one of the big ones right don't you know of course i know i am a supercomputer but if you could just give me a clue will you help me find uranus great look at these three planets they're all big but look very different could uranus be this huge brown planet this yellow planet with the big rings or this bluey green planet [Music] bluey green so this one must be uranus uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth incredibly cold dad let's go [Music] there's uranus [Music] surface unstable that means the ground is all squishy look so the clouds are so pretty clouds warning surface unstable uranus whoa fantastic warning surf is unstable i did say surf is unstable didn't i i say a lot of things do you not listen no no you don't will you get things wrong i do not what about that time you computed that the best thing for me to wash socks in would be custard i've grown 2 415 times smarter since then right i better get to work setting up this big fancy machine cosmo i'll need you to look after saul okay right oh dad come on saul let's have a look around kill open bay doors i'll need lifters help for this warning surface i'm stable i don't believe it [Music] looks all the sky is beautiful here on uranus the sun looks so small i can barely see it through the clouds the atmosphere on uranus the clouds and gas is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it even the sun hey that's something amazing to tell your friends the cloudy atmosphere on uranus is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it it will be getting dark soon you better head back and see how dad is getting on [Music] this is taking longer than expected cosmo i'm fantastic at it of course but well lifter is a little bit clumsy excuse me sweetie i am a silly move saul is very tired is it time to go home i have to get this machine finished there are blankets in the spacecraft why don't you take saul inside and get him tucked up for sleep [Music] good night sir no nobody nobody oh no saul is scared of the dark and it's very dark in here dad dad saul is scared sorry cosmo i'm a bit tangled up here you'll have to make him feel happy so he can go to sleep me i don't know if i can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i'll find a way of making soul happy i know stars when saul sees the stars he's happy i'll take saul to the observation deck when saul sees all the stars outside he'll be happy again where are the stars oh do you remember the cloudy atmosphere on uranus is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it stars stars is there any way i can show salt some stars all we brought was lifter huge machine parts and crayons for drawing can any of these things help me show self some stars i can draw stars with crayons like we did earlier there's a star there's a star and there's a star i've drawn a star for soul too that's a lovely star girl [Music] stars so love stars good night so good night cosmo [Music] all finished all finished my gosh it's full of stars [Music] begin launch sequence far from the sun there's a blue green world [Music] it's called uranus and it's smooth not swirled it's the seventh planet [Music] it's so far away cold so cold [Music] we saw yours today and cosmo learned something amazing today the cloudy atmosphere on uranus is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it far from the sun there's a blue green world it's called uranus and it's smooth not swirled stars mission [Music] complete [Music] exercise is fantastic cosmo i'm okay just tripped over this plug well not to worry i'm the jogging [Music] key [Music] wow what a workout i'm a powerhouse a very thirsty powerhouse i need a nice cool drink with loads of ice oh yes ice is what i need if there's one thing i want it's ice no ice that's strange the fridge isn't working i'll fix it i am a supercomputer after all running fridge diagnostics estimated time left quite a while but i want ice now gil will figure it out i'm sure but until then no ice i'm afraid [Music] oh this again [Music] any ice back here ice anywhere ice are you out there oh you can still have a drink without ice dad without it my drink will be warm warm i just want ice dad is very upset about the ice i better not mention it again in case dad gets even more upset i have an idea let's take a trip somewhere take your mind off well let's just go somewhere okay so where are we going where are we going [Music] venus [Music] i never do where are we going today where are we going where are we going today [Music] where are we going today how about one of my favorite planets planish saturn oh one of the big ones let's find out about saturn hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet saturn so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this big one is called saturn saturn is a stripy yellow color it's a planet made of gas clouds and the most amazing things about saturn are the beautiful rings around it so remember saturn is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and you'll always know saturn by its amazing rings could you please help me remember that [Music] saturn is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and it has amazing rings thanks cosmo acts we'll leave mum with gil to fix the fridge but what about my ice i still want eyes try to forget about the ice dad we'll have a great time on saturn begin launch sequence [Music] yellow stripes it has it's the gorgeous one [Music] we left gil back home without him how will we find saturn dad we were told all about saturn weren't you paying attention i was busy thinking about ice oh dear will you help me find saturn great one of these three planets is saturn but which one is it the smallest planet the biggest one or this one that oh looks a little different which one is saturn [Music] ah this one is saturn because it has big rings around it remember sasha is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and it has amazing rings saturn here we come [Music] we're getting close now wait until you see it that fashion is the most amazing planet let's get a better look saturn no that's titan saw one of saturn's moons oh but look saturn it's one of the most amazing planets in the whole solar system aren't saturn's rings fantastic i wonder what they're made of thanks for taking me to saturn cosmo it's even better than that time i knitted a scarf as long as four elephants they never wore it elephants don't like sharing saturn almost makes up for not having any ice almost would you like to see more of saturn yes time for a space walk everybody remember where we parked here goes one two three oh brilliant come on saul come on cosmo uh i'll just wait here come on cosmo let's all go together no it looks a bit far i'm a bit scared of floating out in space we all get scared sometimes don't let it hold you back you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i won't let being scared hold me back here i come one two three this is fun [Music] look at dad he's having a great time daddy happy he's very happy off i go to saturn's rings and i think he's finally forgotten all about the ice wow the rings are made of ice ice sasher's rings are made of ice lots and lots of pieces of ice hey that's something amazing to tell your friends fashems rings are made of ice sparkly then that means we can use ice from saturn's rings for your nice cool drink that's what i wanted all along nice oh this is the best iciest day ever i love saturn let's collect some [Music] ice [Music] oh we should have worn gloves so my hands are getting very cold with all this ice dad is getting too cold quick we better get him inside now who for fancies and ice cold drink so lovely and cold oh dad hot soup is much better when you're cold saturn is amazing and so isn't it fantastic that saturn's rings are made of ice bye bye saturn begins launch sequence [Music] [Music] it's the gorgeous [Applause] [Music] and we learned something amazing today saturn's huge rings are made of ice [Music] [Music] things scan complete the fridge isn't plugged in what not plugged in oh there's that plug i tripped over earlier better plug it back in [Music] there we go you fixed the fridge dad all by yourself mission complete you're amazing dad yes i am pretty amazing aren't i you do know that it was you who unplugged the fridge in the first place don't you dad still amazing and that's why i had to spend all day mopping the floor amazing don't worry even though dad fixed the fridge you're amazing too mum you're both as amazing as saturn oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon mom has been showing me how to make paper flowers flowers not like that saul i'll show you slowly and carefully when i was a little girl back on earth i would lie out in my garden full of real flowers and i'd look up at the stars at the clouds fluffy all shapes and sizes some looks like little fish others like huge mountains the clouds sound amazing call coming in for you it's mission control i'd better go and see what this is about do you like the clouds we don't have clouds on the moon just sky and stars i think mum misses the clouds now slowly and carefully i did it i made a paper flower [Music] oh song you've just made a mess [Laughter] i've been in the gym i just did 300 rowing things maybe a thousand check out how big i am i'm the biggest of all even bigger than mom and she's big well dad today you're going to find out what big really is mission control is sending us to the biggest planet in the solar system biggest planet where are we going where are we going today [Music] venus earth [Music] where are we [Music] to the biggest planet in the whole solar system planet jupiter is jupiter really bigger than me yes is it bigger than an elephant yes is it bigger than a blue whale crossed with an elephant that just ate a really big sandwich full of big stuff yes wow let's find out about jupiter the observatory please patching you through now hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet jupiter so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this huge gas planet is called jupiter jupiter is orange and brown with stripes jupiter has this huge red spot here jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system biggest by far so remember jupiter is an orange and brown stripy planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system could you please help me remember that [Music] jupiter is an orange and brown stripy planet with the big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system thanks cosmo out so is it really bigger than yes incredible begin launch sequence [Music] it is [Music] approaching asteroid belt floating between mars and jupiter are millions of rocks they're called the asteroid belt kill set course for jupiter through the asteroids i can't see through rocks you know i think i can see something peeking out from behind the asteroids planets we'll find jupiter will you help me find jupiter great we can't quite see what these three planets look like but we can't see what size they are is jupiter the smallest the middle sized or the biggest one [Music] the biggest this must be jupiter jupiter is an orange and brown stripy planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system thanks for helping corset destination jupiter [Music] approaching jupiter now is it big senses indicate that jupiter is huge massive humongous technically it's ginormous it doesn't look that big to me well maybe it is a bit big dad take us into the atmosphere i have some tests to run cosmo why don't you and saul watch from the observation deck here we go sheep those aren't sheeps all those are clouds jupiter is made of gas clouds hey that's something amazing to tell your friends jupiter is full of gas clouds the clouds are beautiful just like mom used to see in her garden when she was little mom misses the clouds i think she'd like to be a little girl again [Music] gil these readings for jupiter's atmosphere are incredible gil where is everyone we all needs lots and lots of paper this is going to be a wonderful surprise i'm fantastic at surprises i once surprised a donkey actually it made the donkey a bit sad right i'll get the paper i'll keep mum from coming in until you're ready we're going to give mom a wonderful surprise just wait until you see it dad what are you doing nothing but you can't come in why not you see something's going to happen you must leave what what's going to happen something wonderful the paper yay now stall and i will fold lots and lots of paper flowers over and over again this way or that way oh i can't remember how to fold a flower i can't do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i remember slowly and carefully i did it a flower so did you fold yours that's all gil open the observation deck door i'm sorry mum i'm afraid i can't do that alert i think mum really wants to come in now she's getting a bit cross with me okay we're ready [Music] hello cosmo saul dad what is going on in here hmm [Music] surprise mom we made a garden just like the one when you were a little girl look look at the clouds oh cosmo look closely can you find any shapes in the clouds that one looks like a butterfly i see a fish look for shapes in the clouds shout out what you see a flower a star sheep sheep that's right so that's cloud looks like a sheep i see one that looks like a big ball of knitting with knitting needles and a stripy jumper dad oh you're right [Music] wow the clouds are beautiful jupiter is amazing thank you so much cosmo surprise just so you know while you've all been lying around i've gathered the data we need on jupiter i'm not boasting or anything but it was easy for me most of it you did very well gil time to go home launch sequence it is the biggest [Music] and we learned something amazing today planet jupiter is full of gas clouds [Music] it's nice to be home do you miss the clouds a little i loved being a little girl almost as much as i love being a mom to a little girl all of my own right here i lie out in our garden full of flowers i open my eyes and look up at the stars at the stars oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon dad is busy doing his exercises dad aren't you supposed to be exercising i am exercising cosmo i'm knitting it's great for building up a body strength tough workout today too i keep finding bits i've missed you're unraveling dad's wally jumper give it back saul no my one [Music] oh all right then [Laughter] i'll need to run an inverse tachyon pulse through the right geological samples to alert alert hmm we're stuck we thought we'd better call a scientist mom is a scientist an astrogeologist cosmo which means i study rocks as it happens i need some rocks from another planet right now oh i'll go me too but where are we going where are we going [Music] today [Music] [Music] don't forget neptune i never do where are we going today [Music] [Applause] i need some orange rock samples from the planet mercury now be careful it's incredibly hot there i love hot hot is my most favorite thing of all let's find out about mercury the observatory please go patching you through now hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planish mercury so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this little one is called mercury mercury is an orange color mercury is the closest planet to the sun that's why it's so hot mercury is also the smallest planet in the solar system so remember mercury is an orange planet closest to the sun and very small could you please help me remember that mercury is an orange planet closest to the sun and very small thanks cosmo out ready dad almost mustn't forget my knitting lovely warm woolly begin launch sequence everybody sing with me [Music] but mercury will always bring mercury everybody sing with me [Music] sorry having a bit of a crash here if it's any good to you i'm pretty sure mercury is one of these will you help me find mercury great look at these three planets each one is a different color could mercury be the orange planet this yellow one or this blue one [Music] the orange planet that's right mercury is an orange planet closest to the sun and very small let's go hold on tight [Music] wow there's planets mercury [Music] mercury is so rocky it is terribly hot though don't worry i'm built to withstand any planetary conditions come on dad let's find mom some orange rocks plenty of time for collecting rocks later cosmo we have more important things to do like what like enjoying the sunshine i've really been looking forward to this nice cool drink oh well the sunshine will have to do [Laughter] [Music] so so tired [Music] the ground is frozen dad's drink is frozen dad is frozen dad dad wake up i'm awake i'm awake oh hello cosmo i'm built for these conditions but dad your social's frozen ha don't worry i'm very strong i'll just my suit is frozen that's what i said i look like a snowman [Music] my nose is cold cosmo mercury is supposed to be very hot it was when we got here how did it get so cold i don't know cosmo but if my super amazing muscles can't move this suit i may be in trouble and they are super amazing my muscles i mean you'll have to help me cosmo me but what can i do you can find a way of warming me up this ice will melt and i'll be able to move again i don't know dad i don't think i can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i'll find a way of warming you up dad hmm i know there'll be something back at the spacecraft wait here dad oh i'll come too oh that's right suit frozen [Music] so cold and dark the sun is down it must be night time ah that must be why dad's suit froze because mercury is terribly cold at night hey that's something amazing to tell your friends mercury is one of the hottest planets during the day but terribly cold at night [Music] i'm looking for some way to warm dad up if you do not wish to reboot press any key now bucket and spade sandals and dad's knitting a woolly jumper [Music] which one of these will help warm dad up the woolly jumper dad can wear it and it will warm him up in no time i brush your missing dad thanks cosmo but i can't knit right now my hands are frozen solid inside this suit no dad look you can wear your woolly jumper to warm yourself up i'm warmer already thanks cosmo i would have thought of that if you just give me a little more time it's working [Applause] i can move bye-bye snowman i'm me again [Music] i feel fantastic thanks cosmo [Music] oh your drink is still frozen nice cool drink no thanks i want a hot chocolate come on let's go home but dad we still have to gather mom's orange rocks remember you're right i almost forgot let's get some rocks and then [Music] sing with me [Music] but mercury will always bring us and we learned something amazing today even though mercury is one of the hottest planets it's terribly cold at with night [Music] these mercury samples are perfect well done cosmo and you too dad very good work dad emergency emergency could we have hot chocolate please dad you can't tell gil it's an emergency every time you want something besides look at you all wrapped up you'll be far too hot dad loves hush heart is his most favorite thing of all oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon we're climbing a hill mountain cosmo it's a mountain i'm getting tired dad tired you need more exercise cosmo i work out 20 times a day and i never get tired then could you please carry me home carry you but i don't want to go home your mum will want me to do all that washing oh all right then come on dad do you think you could climb the biggest mountain on the moon if it got me out of doing the washing i'd climb the biggest mountain in the whole solar system dad i haven't had a clean lab coat in three days either do the washing or climb the biggest mountain in the whole solar system climb the biggest mountain dad wants to climb the mountain well i didn't think what i need some geological samples you see extrusive igneous work study oh you need rocks right and just how much washing is there a lot mountain climbing it is but where are we going where are we going [Music] [Music] i never are we done today where are we going where are we going today [Music] where are we going today you're going to planet mars home to the olympus mons the biggest mountain in the whole solar system i need some rocks that can only be found there at the very top take lifter with you she'll carry you most of the way lifter is a big machine who helps out around the moon base she's very strong whoops don't mind me she's also a bit clumsy and dad can climb any mountain all by himself of course i can you're still taking lifter now if i can't climb it all by myself i'm going to look silly let's find out about mars the observatory please patching you through now hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planets mars so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this one here is called mars mars is a red planet mars is a little smaller than planet earth where everyone watching today lives mars has two very little moons like rocks circling around it so remember mars is a red planet it's small with two little moons could you please help me remember that [Music] mars is a red planet it's small with two little moons thanks cosmo out now i know you say you can climb any mountain any mountain as high as you like we'll get your rocks begin launch sequence among the stars [Music] engage autopilot you call it autopilot like it happens on its own you know it just means me flying you there right that's right gil engage you flying us to mars right mars that's what the round planet oh i don't know will you help me find mars great oh the planets look very small out there in space we can just see the color so which one is mars is mars a blue planet a red planet or a yellow planet [Music] a red planet that's it mars is a red planet it's small with two little moons that's it gill [Applause] wow mars is so rocky and red let's go and find this big mountain lister stay here we won't need your help so you can read my book it's about abs you don't have abs but i do love a good read to the olympus monster [Music] this is going to be easier than i thought cosmo biggest mountain in the solar system ha dad i'm not sure that is the olympus mons oh then where is it i think that's it yes that's much bigger wow the biggest mountain in the whole solar system hey that's something amazing to tell your friends the olympus mons on mars is the biggest mountain in the whole solar system i don't think we can make it up there by ourselves we should call lifter lifter no i said i could climb the biggest mountain in the whole solar system and if i can't climb it all by myself i look silly keep going [Music] i'm getting tired dad tired you need more oh yeah it is pretty tiring i can't even see how far up we are we need to keep going to get over the next ridge i don't think i can dad you can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right no i can't this mountain is too big dad [Music] i can't go any further if only my thighs were stronger and my abs oh why didn't i do 20 more stomach crunches this morning we'll have to call for lifter no cosmo if i can't climb it all by myself i'll look silly you don't want to look silly no dad you always look silly i do not oh yes i have an idea let's make dad look even sillier let's draw a clown face on dad a mouth and funny big eyes one thing is missing to make a perfect clan face what do clowns have right in the middle of their faces [Music] a big clown's nose now does dad look silly yes and i love my silly dad very much [Music] looking silly is not so bad you know what we can't do this by ourselves lifter come in lifter we need [Music] help [Music] wow i can see the whole of mars from up here mars is amazing got mum's rocks you did it dad you climbed the olympus mons the biggest mountain in the whole solar system with a bit of help from lifter [Music] begins [Music] is [Music] and we learned something amazing today mars is home to the olympus mons the biggest mountain in the whole solar [Music] system [Music] my exclusive igneous geological box my rock thank you we climbed the mountain mum with some help from lifter we conquered the olympus mons the biggest mountain in the whole solar system mission complete and now i have another mountain for you to conquer you do a mountain of washington oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon dad and i have been out collecting moon rocks for mom we're the best ever at getting moon rocks best at finding rocks picking rocks up holding rocks looking at rocks mom we've brought rocks for your experiment well done cosmo now activating core b please stand by system error what's wrong mom gil's had a very nasty crash i better contact mission control it's okay i'm feeling much better now warning dumping core memory no you're right better tell mission control mission control is sending out a technician but it could be a while oh that's the end of my experiment until gill's fixed i am sorry so unlike me i am a super computer you know so what do we do now we wait i suppose if you have no work to do we could go on holiday holiday i love holidays that's a great idea holiday but where are we going where are we going [Music] venus earth [Music] i never do where are we [Music] [Applause] good place for a holiday the city of paris or rome venice oh i love venice planet venus it is no i said venice not venus villas venus let's find out about venus [Music] the observatory please patching you through now hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planish venus so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this one is called venus venus is yellow venus is about the same size as earth where everyone watching today lives venus is incredibly hot the hottest planet of the solar system so remember venus is a yellow planet same size as earth and it's incredibly hot could you please help me remember that venus is a yellow planet same size as earth and it's incredibly hot thanks cosmo out where's dad the other six suitcases are already on the ship then we're all ready for a holiday begin launch sequence [Music] volcanoes and hills [Music] sorry still feeling a bit funny i think i'm lost don't worry i'll find venus i'm the best pilot there is you haven't got the best sense of direction i have a great sense of direction oh you're that way will you help me find venus great one of these planets is venus each is a different color is venus the orange planet this yellow planet or the blue planet yellow that's right yellow this must be venus venus is a yellow planet same size as earth and it's very hot that's venus dad holidays here we come [Music] i'm just not so sure venus is the best place for a holiday well you weren't sure my custard and cucumber sandwich would work either remember we'll have a great holiday that's right dad best holiday ever [Music] venus is the hottest planet in the solar system a sun holiday no problem let's check into our hotel dad there are no hotels on venus that's a bit shoddy well then we'll have a camping holiday let's see camping that suitcase five and six i've never been camping before will we stay in a tent oh yes i have it right here we'll roast marshmallows tell stories oh and look a map is this a real map you bet i drew it myself come on everyone we're going camping [Music] lucky i did extra squats in the gym i've never been so fit i was planning on getting fit next week almost there cosmo let's see i think it's that way but i can't tell what this part of the map is that's a drawing of what a dog would look like if it did ballet that's a tutu not important well then we're almost there i can't wait to roast marshmallows [Music] it's too hot for us out here it's getting windy too not just windy stormy it's raining don't worry i came prepared oh my favorite umbrella my map this is acid rain not good cosmo and solar built for this weather but dad we need to get out of this acid rain but where could you please help us find somewhere to take shelter from the acid rain look for shelter there we can take shelter under that rock quick let's run [Music] the ground is covered in cracks my little face will fall through i've got you we made it we're fantastic at running even you mom i think mom was right venus isn't a good place for a holiday at all it has terrible weather with acid rain hey that's something amazing to tell your friends planet venus has terrible weather with acid rain [Music] we'll have marshmallows just as soon as dad sets up the tent oh what's wrong dad no tent this is the wrong suitcase this is my rubber duck case the tent must be in that other one oh gases but what about the acid rain don't worry i built to withstand any planetary conditions oh but the ground is full of cracks i don't think i can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i know i just won't step on the cracks [Music] i'm almost at the suitcase now to bring it back [Music] you did it cosmo a tent dad not a problem it's quite nice out here actually i'll just stay here [Laughter] what a day i know isn't this the best holiday ever not quite but close i'm hugging you all right now oh the acid rain is stopping come on i think i need to go home begin launch sequences [Music] volcanoes and hills and we learned something amazing today venus has terrible weather with acid rain [Music] is oh it's nice to be home just relaxing mission complete there you go computers all fixed picked up a fault in the ae 35 unit just take a moment to reboot and bob's your ankle [Music] welcome to gill 5000 for all your super computing needs oh hello i feel much better the experiment shall we get back to it busy busy busy i am busy girl busy relaxing and after that holiday i'll be busy relaxing for quite some time [Music] you
Channel: Wizz Explore
Views: 1,692,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wizz explore, wizz, kids, preschool, cbbc, cbeebies, planet cosmo, planet cosmo full episodes, planet cosmo on wizz, planet cosmo tv show, cartoons for kids, planet cosmo for kids, planet cosmo weather, Neptune, Jupiter
Id: U2ESM-v5mEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 24sec (5844 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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