Dr. Panda TotoTime | Season 1 | All Full Episodes | Kids Learning Video

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hi everyone how are you today today we are all going to head over and see how loose doing are you ready yeah then let's go oh there she is let's wait to Moo hi moon today Moo is going to bake a delicious apple pie for his birthday but first she needs to pick some apples Apple Oh what's the matter Moo you can't pick the apples I see they're too high up for you to reach where are most chickens going or bringing new things that might help her get the apples out of the tree can you help me pick the right object let's see what we have here a hammer a ladder tuba okay so which one do you think will help mom reach the apples [Music] well done guys you did an awesome job of helping men today now she'll be able to make her apple pie for Hoopa Moe is gathering ingredients for Hooper's Day cake she still needs one more egg from one of her chickens ha ha there's that egg oh oh oh no there are two chickens and moo can't remember which chicken had the egg hey maybe you can help move these chickens almost look the same but they're not can you help most spot the one two three differences between them then she can figure out which one had the egg let's get started okay this chicken has a pair of cool sunglasses this chicken is also wearing a blue tie one more to go what's the last difference that's right it's the tail feathers it's the chicken guys now she's another step closer to making hoopa's apple pie Moo has prepared all the ingredients for his birthday apple pie but she's still missing something she needs let's help her look for it huh those are all cans of beans who can't put beans in hoopa's apple pie what moon needs must be behind those cans can you guess what it is does it look like a bowl mr. spider I wouldn't put that in your pie mu your rubber duckie that's where you left it there it is it's a mixer with a mixer mill can mix all the ingredients for Hooper's birthday pie great job guys moo needs to follow the recipe step by step to finish Hooper's birthday apple pie see now step one cut the apples okay step two add two cups of sugar step three add three teaspoons of cinnamon step four cover it all with dough then put it into the oven Oh No Moo can't read the recipe anymore oh no worries mill I'm sure together we can help you remember the steps that let's see step one cut the apples carefully step two do you remember how many cups of sugar we need right it's two cups of sugar there we go step three and how many teaspoons of cinnamon do we need three teaspoons of cinnamon looks delicious [Music] step four watch out mill that oven is hot better put on some gloves Oh [Music] something smells yummy Wow look at that pie Hoopa sure is gonna love that hi Moo what are you doing oh I get it you want to surprise who bud okay we'll be quiet so hoop is totally surprised when he comes in push there he is are you ready hmm now let's all sing him a birthday song as loud as you can ready and A one A two A three happy birthday [Music] [Music] now can you help Cooper blow out the candles on the count of three blow as hard as you can but sure is happy with his birthday pie what an awesome birthday surprise hi everyone how are you today today we are going to construction site today's a special day nobody is going to build a playground but not just any playground it's for someone really special special someone is let's head over to Hoopa and see if we can help him ready let's go they're super high oppa oh oh it looks like the place the playground is going to be is in a big mess hoopla is going to need something to help clean it all up let's go find it whoa they could definitely help lube up but hoop I can't decide which one to you come on let's take a closer look here's a crane yep that could be handy and here's a forklift truck that sure is strong and here's a razor why can you help Hoopa decide which machine could be best for the job a crane a forklift truck or a bulldozer bulldozer now you can start building Toto's playground maybe that mouse will help - oh there's sofa let's wave to him hi Hopa today Hoopa is going to build the slide for the playground it looks like we need to use one green hammer - red screwdrivers and three yellow nails all we need to do is follow these instructions to build a slide let's get started Hoopa going are you all right - but everything's in a bit of a mess no worry supe we'll help you get it sorted out let's see now can you spot the green hammer okay now do you see the two red screwdrivers there's one the other one that's two red screwdrivers do you see the three yellow nails one three yellow nails good job now hoopla can build the slide for Toto's playground he sure is fast awesome a perfect new slide for Toto's playground hi hooba today who pays going to build a nice brick wall around the playground hoop I can't lift those bricks all by himself he's going to need something to lift them what are you looking for her [Music] what you're looking for is behind those creeks can you guess what it is [Music] it's a forklift truck a forklift truck you lift up super heavy stuff looks sturdy I'm sure it'll keep everyone safe inside great job [Music] hi hubbub hey look at that hoop is already finished Toto's playground what's that hoopla is there something missing oh I get it there is something missing color oh you already know what colors to use can we have a look hey max Toto's drawing let's see which colors Toto pick for his playground Toto wants a red slide a blue seesaw and Green merry-go-round okay let's go get the paint supe oh we can't see Toto's drawing now no worries UBA will help you remember which colors todo wants to use toto wants a red slide so where's the red paint [Music] do you remember what color the seesaw should be you got it blue Toto walk some blue a seesaw and the merry-go-round needs to be bright green favorite color Wow look it back Toto the playground looks awesome can I get a high-five okay hooba you sure did a great job Hoopa loves to build but you know what else he likes to do sing do you like to sing too that's great how about we sing together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that was great everyone well Toto what do you say should we go have some fun in your new playground see you next time hi everyone today we're going to have a lot of fun at the beach oh let is on lifeguard duty hmmm she's got the important job of making sure everyone stays safe why don't we head over and see if we can help ready let's go hiya let is everyone okay on the beach awesome oh hey who do we have here it's home oh wow he's carrying a lot of stuff watch where you're going [Music] it's hoopa's first day at the beach and it looks like he could use some tips from Alette let's take a look at oh let's safety tips rule number one always wear sunscreen number two if you're a beginner swimmer wear a life jacket oh dear number three always swim between the flags along the shore and not away from them wow you're all set for a fun day at the beach Hoopa Hoopa mm-hmm aren't you forgetting something remember oh let's rules Oh [Music] Hooper's already forgotten though that safety tips can you help him remember let's go through that list again okay rule number one always wear sunscreen rule number two if you're a beginner swimmer wear a life jacket and rule number three swim between the flags now is safe in the water awesome can I get a high five yeah okay Ayelet is everything still safe awesome hey what's that sounds like someone's in trouble Alette can't see who's calling because they're too far away what could she use to find out who needs her help a light-blue a whistle or a pair of binoculars you guess what would help oh let's see someone who's far away the binoculars of course yeah now we can find out who's calling for help nope BIP seems to be okay and Luke was having a good time too he's not upset Paul was coming from she stopped good job oh let everything's okay on the beach again pilot shall we take a look to make sure everyone's safe on the beach Hey look mo and vivir having a great time hey there supe uh-oh he's floating away from the shore Hoopa hey you buck come back you're drifting too far away no I think he's asleep you better go get him a let oh let me do the rescue she needs something to get to Hoopa quickly and it's behind those beach towels can you guess what it might be [Music] bananas I'll let will reach Hoopa with those maybe it's some sort of vehicle oh [Music] excuse me what do you think it is a jet ski awesome a jet ski is like a motorcycle on water huh really fast on this oh you fell asleep kuba luckily oh let came to save you up on Hoopa great job oh let pilot Wow it's so hot isn't it there's Hoopa you sure have brought some nice things to the beach today look at those lovely colors you're going for a swim now oh good idea hooba it might help to crawl you down [Music] oh there goes olive Hoopa stuff oh oh let's hope I can't find his things can you help that who pass stuff back great let's get started oopah had a red umbrella can you see it there it is and now we need to find hoopa's green beach towel you've got it and what about Lupe's pick flip-flops awesome there they are what else did who believe behind oh yeah the cool sunglasses do you see where they are mr. cottham great job everyone Hoopa has his stuff again and now I'll let can go back to watching the beach oh let's like our duty is done for the day thank you a lot for keeping everyone safe at the beach so we could have a building sandcastles playing with the beach ball enjoying the Sun and swimming in the waves there are so many fun things I can hardly choose hey what's your favourite fun thing to do at the beach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lovely peach everyone [Music] yeah what a lovely sunset see you next time bye bye hi everyone its dr. panda Toto time today we're going to have a lot of fun see the airport who was going on holiday to banana island and she's taking her chickens too let's it over to Moo and see if she's ready for her flight hi mal are you ready to go on holiday yep you've got your luggage all packed and ready to go oh and your passport and boarding pass ready for check-in awesome [Laughter] [Music] now your luggage is unpacked did you get everything back into your suitcase milk oh I get it you're checking your list to see if you're missing anything good idea maybe you can help mooch to see if something's missing okay everyone new pact a pink toothbrush can you spot it there it is check what about mousse yellow swimsuit can you see it yes that's right now you spot mousse alarm clock in the morning can you find her rubber duckie no worries mu will help you find your rubber duckie he can't be too far away time to start enjoying your holiday awesome can I get a high-five yay okay mu needs to go through security with her carry-on luggage that's right mu all your things go into the tray don't forget to look at the security signs too all electronic devices have to be put in a separate tray there you go mu you're all clear what's going on oh I see there's something in your suitcase you were supposed to take out mil hmm what could it be wow you sure packed a lot of stuff mu what do you think mu was supposed to take out of her suitcase that nope that's okay hey there are you going on holiday to your rubber duckie can't be the problem oh it's your tablet mil don't worry mil you can still bring it on board after it's gone through the machine now it's your chickens turn let's count and make sure all three of them come through okay that's one that's two that's three oh there's a problem you can't bring lots of liquid through security now Moo is ready to catch her flight well almost ready your passport and boarding pass were still in the tray thanks al it there's Moo she's gone through security and now she's ready to board her plane but first she needs to get to her gate how does your gate number Mill great the flight to banana island leaves from gate number 10 but when does the plane take off uh-oh your flight is leaving in five minutes you have to get there before the gate closes Moo hey there supe he can drive you to the gate step on it Hoopa Moo has to get to gate number ten right away here we go can you find the right gate for a move have the gate numbers one two three huh it's this gate number ten this isn't gate number ten this is gate number five keep driving Hoopa okay let's keep counting the gate numbers six seven eight huh is this gate number ten nope that is gate number nine hooba Oh better get moving where mu is gonna miss her flight Hey he just went past it here we are gate number ten who just in time yep hmm looks like mo wasn't the only one to board the plane just in time hi mu are you ready for the flight awesome but before the plane takes off there are a few things you have to do first you need to put your luggage in the overhead Locker good job that's the sign that tells you to fasten your seat belt so now you need to sit down and buckle up though your chickens need to stop jumping around move they have to be in their seat spirit plane takes off good thinking mu that should keep them busy for the flight now you're all set to take off ready here we [Music] you made it to banana island Moo oh I see you still need to collect your luggage but can you help move spot her luggage ready let's go okay Moo has three suitcases one suitcase has yellow sunflowers on it one suitcase has rainbows on it and the last suitcase is in the shape of a heart look the conveyor belt has started Moo which one of these suitcases is Moo's that's right and the one with the yellow sunflowers let's see we have three more cases here yep the one with the rainbows on it okay only one more to go can you remember which one belongs to milkshake awesome Moo you have all your luggage now it's time to finally start enjoying your holiday hi everyone its dr. panda total time today we're going to help us go gosh poop is going to help BIP fix his old racing cart base so that bit contrived it in the Panda City race let's go and see how roof is getting along hey there's Hoopa hi there Hoopa that must be BIP oh oh this heart definitely needs a fix up looks like pips racer needs more than just a fix up now no worries Hoopa why don't you build a new racing card for bit we can help let's get started first Hoopa needs something to make the body of the cart it looks like hoop has got an idea it's what you want behind those tires who but can you guess what's behind those tires life jacket I don't think people need that on the road but Koopa bit wants to drive on the road not float on the water Wow awesome work Hoopa the canoe is perfect for pips new cart awesome can I get a high-five yay okay Phipps new cart looks good Hoopa is it nearly finished oh I see are those the parts you need to finish bits new cart let's take a look and see what you need for big racing tires too small headlights and one big steering wheel okay then let's go wow you sure have a lot of stuff in your storage room Hoopa can you help hooba find the parts for bits no race card Colette see now can you spot the four big tires that tire is small don't you need big tires ah there they are one two three four four big tires now we need the two small headlights can you see them there's one and there's two two small headlights one more part to go you spot the big steering wheel nope not that one Hoopa that's too small yep you got it one big steering wheel now Koopa has all the parts he needs four bits and racing cars Wow Hoopa bits racing cart looks awesome are you going to take it for a test drive the cart be going forwards not down oh oh the tires are flat they're going to have to pump them up with air Hoopa hoop is looking for something to fill the tires up with air can you help Hoopa decide which object will be best for the job let's see what Koopa can do a strong ducky so which one of these objects do you think will help poop up fill the tires with air no total not the rubber ducky yep you've got it it's the pump come on whoo it's time to pump up those flat tires awesome work kuba now you can take it on that test drive Wow look at him go hiya Hoopa what have you got there hello I see pips made a drawing of how he wants his racing car to look okay then we better go get some paint hmm let's see what colors we need first we need some yellow paint there it is we also need the color purple what's the matter hooba you don't have any purple paint no worry supe we can make some purple paint that's right we can make a new color by mixing two other colors together let's take the color red now which color shall we mix with the red to make purple the color blue now mix them together careful lupa don't spill it there you go red mixed with blue makes the color purple good work okay now what's the last color that we need four bits racing card I see we also need the color orange [Music] there's no orange paint no worries we could make some first we take some yellow paint and now to make orange we need one more color do you know which one we need the color let's see now red let's get mixing that's right yellow mixed with red makes the color orange now we have all the paint we need four bits racing Kart wow look at that that's an awesome paint job Hoopa life is no racing card Hoopa good job uh [Applause] [Music] Hoopa don't you know it's race day hmm you'd better hurry if you don't want to miss it [Music] here we go guys it's racing time [Music] watch this engine go [Music] [Music] I gotta think of something [Music] yeah why watching bit when the race was awesome wasn't it toto thanks for helping hoop have built bits race part guys hi everyone it's dr. panda total time today we're visiting so let's go and see what pimp is up to today hey there bit have you got plans to go anywhere or see anyone today hmm looks like pips pretty caught up in that game aren't you going to answer the door bit oh it's a let ayelet I thought you'd be practicing for your basketball game tomorrow oh I get it you lent your basketball to pip oh look it's already open are you all right oh let a pip I'll let just had an accident because your house is so untidy and how are you going to find her basketball in all this mess are you thinking what I'm thinking eleven it's time for a big spring clean don't worry bit we'll make it fun let's start with tidying away the toys in your living room can you help pip find the toys that belong in his toy chest can you see his red racing car great now can you spot the green dinosaur good job do you see the blue robot awesome now can you spot the yellow tractor good job only one more toy to put away now can you find the purple princess great job guys now all bibs toys are tidied away see been tidying your house is like finding a lost treasure awesome can I get a high five yay okay hi oh let's have you found your basketball yet not to worry if you and BIP keep cleaning up the house it's sure to show up somewhere whoa there Biff that is one big gar watch out oh you okay bit you'd better pick up all that garbage before it blows away what's that oh let oh look this shows you how to recycle all your trash awesome so paper goes in the blue bin plastic goes in the yellow bin and glass goes in the green bin hey pip time for a new game let's pick up your trash and figure out which bin it should go in can you help it remember which bin he should use and old newspaper okay let's see which bin does paper go in that's right what's this bottle made umm is it plastic or glass then that's definitely a plastic bottle so which bin does the plastic go into yep you've got it the yellow bin is for plastic careful with that one bin you don't want to play around with broken glass it could be very sharp now which bin was for glass yep the green bin that's the one for glass now all your garbage is in the right bins awesome job have you found a let's basketball yet hmm have you checked the closet pip I think it's time to do some laundry [Music] that's right I'll let you can't put all the dirty laundry together you need to separate the white the colors and the dark clothes maybe you can help pip separate his dirty laundry so the white clothes go in the basket on the left the colors go in the basket in the middle and the dark clothes go in the basket on the right is that shirt white dark or a color that's right it's a color so which basket should fit put it in it goes into the middle basket score where does this go it goes in the dark pile shoot for the basket on the right fit well hang on BIP have you checked the pockets score Wow and where did these go they go in the white pile aim for the basket on the left bit awesome now let's go wash the laundry [Music] you get bit there's still lots of other things to clean while you wait for your laundry to dry have you had any luck finding your basketball yet oh let no worries guys if you keep cleaning up the house it'll show up somewhere so you've got a mop and a bucket of hot water and soap you're all set to clean the kitchen awesome teamwork guys think you're going to need something else to get rid of that mark aha it looks like pip has an idea oh those dirty dishes won't help clean your floor oh I see there is something behind all those dirty dishes can you guess what it is throw that away she's been looking for that [Music] oh I see it's a sponge that'll be perfect for getting rid of the mark on the floor Wow your floor is looking super shiny now BIP I'll let can even see herself in it oh wait a minute dip you've still got those dirty dishes to do - violet Oh what's the matter bit are you tired of cleaning up well you can't quit yet you guys still haven't found a let's basketball don't worry BIP I know what'll make it fun music [Music] I'm dancing it play-fighting the days that we thought we'd lost putting away [Music] [Music] oh wow your hard work really paid off it's too bad you didn't find your basketball oh let never mind maybe it'll still turn up huh well how about that your basketball wasn't in bits house after all it was in your car the whole time ha ha fit all that cleaning sure swept you off your feet thanks for helping Beth out guys see you next time bye bye hi everyone its dr. panda total time dad today Meimei is having a costume party but first Nene needs to pick out a costume to wear let's go and see if we can help her hi Mae Mae what costume are you going to wear to your party oh I see you want to dress as power puss the superhero wow what a cool idea for a costume Mamie what's that I get it you're going to order your power puss costume online oh oh power puss costume is all sold out no worries Mamie why don't you make your own power puss costume we can help you maybe there's some stuff you can use for a costume in the house let's start with your closet can you help me make her costume first we need a purple mask can you spot a purple mask there's a purple mask now we need a purple suit to go with it there's a purple suit now all we need are some yellow gloves can you spot them he yep there they are great job guys now Nene has everything she needs for a costume Wow its power puss power puss have you seen Mamie she was here just a second ago awesome can I get a high five yay okay hi Mamie is your costume done yet what are you still missing oh I see you still need power puss is purple power cape why don't you take another look in your closet hmm nope there's nothing you can use here no worries maybe we'll find something maybe there's something in your room you could use me mate can you help me find something she can use for a purple cape let's see Mamie has a purple handkerchief the purple towel and these purple curtains so which one would make the best cape the handkerchief nope the handkerchief is too small to make a cape okay how about the curtains nope the curtains are way too long hmm what about the towel yep the purple towel is just the right size for a cape looks like you're ready for your costume party your costume is all done huh you're still missing something I see what you're missing is inside the chest can you guess what may may still needs for a costume [Music] now what could it be [Music] what's that pretty butt power push doesn't wear a necklace well this is all tangled up Oh it's doctor mad mouse power Puss we'll stop your evil plans to take over the world there's what Mamie was looking for power puts his power boots awesome power puss is ready to stomp out crime [Music] hi Mamie is your costume done yet there's still something missing oh I see you're missing the two peas power puss is logo hmm now what can you use for that it's your box of birthday decorations a happy birthday banner Meimei no toto it's not mayonnaise birthday today I get it you can use some of the letters from the banner for your costume Mamie needs two letters from the happy birthday banner no total Mamie needs the letter P for her costume but she needs two of them can you help me find the letter she needs that's right there they are your costume must be finished now Mamie huh your costume is still not done oh wow you look awesome Mamie you're all ready for your costume party you are definitely going to be the star of the show Wow looks like you are ready to party Mamie but you're missing one thing aren't you yep every party needs some music [Music] surprise [Music] it's all yours [Music] yeah that was an awesome party wasn't it toto yeah thanks for all your help with mamie's costume guys see you at the next costume party bye bye hi everyone its dr. panda total time today Alette is a detective her job is to solve panda city's greatest mysteries and she needs your help let's go find out what she's working on violet what exciting mystery are you going to solve today it's Mei Mei my favorite shirt has gone missing no worries detective Ouellette is on the case let's see Mei Mei what did your shirt look like it was pink with green stripes and it had a yellow bee in the middle someone must have taken Mei Mei shirt by mistake let's check who else is at the laundromat BIP mu and papa can you help will let figure out who has named a shirt first up is BIP his bit wearing a pink shirt with green stripes nope he's wearing a blue shirt with green stripes okay next is milk is mu wearing a pink shirt with green stripes yep but does new shirt have a yellow bee on it yes it does oh that was a real B mu shirt has a cupcake on it that just leaves us with Hoopa where'd it help but go can you see any clues I'll let I'll let behind you a ghost oh it's only who but so is Cooper wearing a pink shirt with green stripes and the yellow bee on it yes he is Cooper has made me shirt you have some explaining to do Hoopa why are you wearing MAME a shirt oh is that shirt yours Mei Mei aha oh let has figured out what happened Hoopa and may may have the same bags they must have got them mixed up by mistake mystery solved awesome can I get a high five yay okay Ayelet so what exciting mystery are you working on today what's the matter who better go and see what's going on a litte follow that hippo oh oh I get it some of Hooper's cookies have gone missing are you sure you didn't just eat them well no worries supa detective ìletís here to solve your cookie mystery detective al it has found a trail if we follow the chocolate chip crumbs it might just lead us to Hooper's cookies look al if there's a cookie the cookies trying to make a run for it follow that cookie where did the cookie go can you help oh let find Hooper's cookie is the cookie under the pile of planks no it moved did you see where the cookie went maybe it's behind those big wheels Oh No where did it go now is it between those bricks oh there's the cookie and look who it is it's mr. Mouse did you take Hooper's cookies mr. Mouse oh I see you needed the cookies to feed your family huh that's really sweet of you Hoopa giving your last cookie to mr. Mouse and his family awesome another mystery solved hi oh let uh-huh where is she ah there you are a let no mr. East assaulted ate just that for a straw huh awesome the parks a great place to relax see there's June Shh she's meditating it's like taking a nap Toto and look it's BIP he loves skateboarding in the park oh dear that doesn't sound good Oh uh-oh it looks like pip crashed into Jun with his skateboard are you alright Jun what's the matter Jun oh no one of your golden earrings is missing no worries Jun detective all that will help you find your earring hmm she can't find it because it's so small oh let me something to help her see things bigger than they are can you help oh let pick the object that will help her see small things bigger than they are okay does she need a camera a pair of glasses a bubble blower or a magnifying glass so which object would be best for the job a camera a pair of glasses a bubble blower for a magnifying glass you've got it it's the magnifying glass now a lek can search for Jun's Golden Earring let's see where is it oh hello there have you seen a Golden Earring huh great job you found June's earring Alette awesome another case solved by detective oullette hi oh let what are you working on today Oh what's the matter Moo Oh better move it oh let some of Moo's carrots have gone missing she won't be able to bake her delicious carrot cake if the rest is appeared - no worries Moo detective Olaf is on the case ah it looks like detective al it has a plan a piece of string and a bell hmm what is she going to do with those good thinking a let when the carrot moves the bell will ring and we can find out what's going on now all we have to do is wait until we hear the sound of the Bell can you help oh let listen out for the sound of the Bell let's listen really carefully do you hear that what's that the sound of a bell no that wasn't the sound of the bell ringing that was one of moose chickens clucking uh-huh is that the sound of a let's bail nope that was the sound of a frog oh hey oh let that's the sound of your bail now we'll find out what's happening whee those carrots huh how about that it's a little bunny Oh looks like he's really hungry Moo Moo you made your famous carrot cake for the bunny and all his friends hmm that cake sure looks delicious it's time for the next mystery let's put on your hat and start investigating huh your hat is missing hmm where could it be what's that a clue that could help you find your hat time to solve this mystery has got my hat who knows where it's at I don't know looking for the clues that's what you do here I go could it be look for the tracks you can follow don't miss a twist or turn near and far close and Lauro don't miss a trick you might learn every door the ceilings and pours as you go haha it's a mystery where can it be I don't know just don't know just like pieces and puzzle put together the clues aha those footprints and leopard now I know that it's hey don't you go the chickens got my hat now I know surprise oh let that chicken took your hat so it would lead you to this surprise party we want to thank you for helping solve all of the mysteries in panda city there is only one mystery left for you to solve what's inside this box huh the Fox is empty looks like we have another mystery to solve we'll have to start looking for clues again guys uh this might take a while thanks for watching and we'll see you next time hi everyone it's dr. panda Toto time hey ya today we're exploring the ocean with Leo yeah Leo's gone out in his book to take photos of any sea creatures he can find let's hop on board and help him spot them ahoy there leo what sea creatures are you looking for Oh dolphins what was that oh I get it that's the sound a dolphin makes good thinking you are going to listen to see if there are any dolphins let's help Leo listen very carefully to see if there are any dolphins nearby if you hear them shout out dolphins dolphin not yet toto we'll have to wait and listen first oh we can hear right now is the waves can you help Leo listen for the sound of the Dolphins hey do you hear that is that the sound of a dolphin that's not a dolphin that's a seagull bad day no worries Leo we'll just have to be patient and wait a little bit longer listen is that the sound of the Dolphins Oh No there goes your camera huh that was lucky one of those sea lions caught it and that's where the sound came from - Thank You mr. sea lion ceylon still no dolphins let's have one more go at trying to hear them another animal sound is that the sound of a dolphin yeah dolphins here they come tilt oh no Leo has fallen asleep you miss the Dolphins can you help us wake up Leo on a count of three see as loud as you can dolphins one two three oh he's still sleeping hey I've got an idea maybe the Dolphins can help us hey dolphins Leo would love to take a picture of you but he's asleep can you help us wake him up Leo look here are the Dolphins Wow look at those pictures those are possibly Oh hey where did Leo go let's take a look to the left hmm nope he's not there let's take a look to the right that's not real hmm let's take a look up in the mast nope that's not Leo either maybe he's gone diving let's go look down under the waves [Music] there you are leo you're in your little submarine you're going to look for underwater sea creatures awesome you want to find your favorite tropical fish the orange clownfish wow look at all the beautiful colors of the reef can you help Leo spot the orange clownfish look aren't those fish orange no those fish are all purple those definitely aren't the fish Leo's looking for let's keep looking Wow look at that a treasure chest what's inside is that the orange clownfish nope that's a red crap never mind we'll keep on searching look maybe the orange clownfish is in this school of fish what color is this fish yes toto this fish is yellow it's a yellow butterfly fish and what color is this fish well done toto that fish is brown it's a brown puffer fish when a puffer fish gets scared it blows up like a balloon look at this one can you name the colors on this parrotfish yep it's pink and do you know what colors the stripes are blue green that's right the parrotfish is pink with blue and green stripes but we still need to find Leo's favorite orange clownfish do you see the clownfish anywhere maybe it's behind this coral can you see it [Music] yes there it is we finally found the Orient's clownfish wow those are awesome leo so Leo what are we looking for next let's take a closer look Wow the pink jellyfish they sure look funny what else is on your list a leopard shark that's going to be a tough one to spot Wow the famous big purple octopus oh that's the orange starfish I heard if you shine a light on them they begin to sing so you're looking for these four sea creatures can we help you find them awesome Wow look there's the coral reef that's where the sea creatures live can you help leo count the sea creatures I wonder how many we'll find all right let's get counting hey that's a jellyfish is it the pink jellyfish Leo was looking for nope that's a blue jellyfish let's keep on looking it's bad the pink jellyfish leo is looking for yep that's the one one pink jellyfish [Music] look at all those sharks can you spot the leopard shark is that a leopard shark nope this one has stripes it's a tiger shark is that a leopard shark yes it is oh that's one spotted leopard shark Wow there's another that's two - leopard sharks wow what an amazing sight oh that's definitely not a leopard shark that's the great white shark the world's biggest predatory fish better keep moving leo whew that was a close one Leo [Music] this part of the reef is a little dark try switching on some extra lights look one starfish and there's another one that makes two Wow another one three orange starfish what a show whoa you scared us there uh hello you are one big purple octopus oh my mr. octopus I'm awesome can I get a high five yay okay look Leo's already looking for something with his binoculars ahoy there Leo what are you looking for today huh what's that noise quickly Oh get your camera that's a baby whale uh-oh she doesn't look very happy something's wrong oh no the poor whales tail is stuck in plastic huh what's all that plastic trash doing in the sea that's not where it should go no worries Leo we can help free her we just need to find the right object to help her awesome I bet there's something in your truck that'll help free her can you help Leo pick the right object for the job let's see we need a pirate hat do we need a life vest do we need an anchor watch out Leo that looks heavy or do we need a pair of scissors so our little whale friend is stuck in plastic what object would be best to free her the pirate hat the life vest the anchor for the scissors this is that's right the pair of scissors these will cut our friend free [Music] [Music] good job leo the scissors worked our friend is free oh wow this must be mother your daughter was stuck in all that nasty plastic but now she's free Leo saved her that was awesome I bet you can't wait to show all your friends your whale pictures Leo oh you forgot to take pictures well that doesn't really matter what's more important is you made a new friend time to relax after all those ocean adventures right leo leo have you seen what's up ahead iceberg are you alright Leo Oh Leo's boat is sinking quickly Oh better get in your rowboat Oh No you've lost your boat Leo but at least you're safe and mr. penguin lost his house looks like you two are in the same boat now so what are you going to do ah-ha now you'll have to row your boat and I know just the song that keep you captain must be strong at sea he's over the knows just what to do honor to the country [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the matter Leo are you too tired to keep rowing what what's happening hey it's your whale friends thank you so much for your help mrs. whale bye-bye Wow that sure was one great adventure at sea Leo and you made some great friends along the way it's too bad you lost your trusty old boat though well what do you know it's the big purple octopus and it's bringing your old bump back that is awesome hey octopus can I get a high five I mean high eight thanks for joining Leo on his adventure guys hi everyone it's dr. panda cocktail time today is driving the Panda city bus beep let's hop on board and see where he's going to take us hyah hyah let are you waiting for bits bus to arrive oh what's the matter oh let is the bus late hmm where could it be pip-pip wake up did you forget your driving the bus today well you'd better hurry up your passengers are waiting here comes the bus guys [Applause] Phipps bus has room for eight people can you help pip keep count of his passengers here we go who was on board that's one and Alette mix two now pip has two passengers oh right under the next stop it here are some more passengers waiting to board the bus let's keep counting pips passengers that makes three four five and that six man Oh pip has six passengers on his bus so first we have two passengers on the bus then floor more passengers came on board and when you add two and four together you get six let's get back on the road pip [Music] there's no one waiting to get on at this bus stop but maybe someone needs to get off uh-huh this is hufa stop he's off to work okay everyone let's count how many passengers are left now Hoopa has gotten off the bus there were six passengers on the bus but one of them got off do you know how many people are still on board yep that's right five now there are five passengers on the bus great job on to the next stop [Music] there's no and her chickens hi mil are you taking the bus to the farmers market uh-oh pip there's a problem there aren't enough sets for everyone there's only room for eight passengers [Music] looks like pip has an idea awesome now Moo can go to the farmers market with all of her chickens now Moo and her chickens are dropped off at the farmers market what's her next stop uh bip-bip hmm maybe wearing headphones when you're driving isn't a great idea uh watch out pip the traffic lights have turned red just in time drove through the red light maybe we should go over the traffic rules bits okay let's look at the traffic light colors and go over what they mean if the light is green it means you can go when the light is yellow it means attention the light is about to change if the light is red it means you have to stop stop that's right toto now can you help pip remember what the traffic light colors mean watch out for the traffic lights and shout together with me Spa when we see red attention when we see yellow and when we see green we shout that's right go [Music] so what color is this traffic light that's right toto it's green and green is for go okay everyone if you see another traffic light look at the color and shout with me stop attention or go now what color is this traffic light that's right red and red means stop stop for the red light you almost bumped into mu and her chickens didn't you know the red light means stop okay pit the traffic light has turned green you can go VIP see if we can spot more traffic lights there's one what color is that traffic light that's right yellow and that means attention great job pip just in time for that zebra crossing but we almost didn't see you there mr. zebra awesome now you remember what all the likes mean perfectly where are you off to now oh I get it you're taking Ritchie to his just Club huh this isn't the right stop for Ritchie's chess club why have you stopped in the middle of the road BIP oh I see it's a traffic jam all these cars are stuck in traffic Ritchie is worried that he'll be late freeze chess club no worries Ritchie we're gonna find out what's blocking the traffic hmm I wonder what it is it looks like it's something yellow I don't think it's a banana toto oh there's poram ooh she's stuck in traffic too don't worry we'll get moving soon hiya let some traffic jam huh so that's what's causing this traffic jam it's hoopa's bulldozer looks like he fell asleep behind the wheel and stopped moving hooba hey Hoopa time to wake up Beth needs something to wake up Hoopa so he can move his bulldozer Jean you help pip decide what's the best way to wake Hoopa up okay what could we use from the bus to wake him up we could turn on the headlights or the window wipers or the bus horn or the radio which one would be best for the job to wake up the headlights the window wipers the bus horn or the radio [Music] that's right the horn here we go on the count of three let's shout toot toot can you do that one two three hey there Hoopa you're blocking the road with your bulldozer could you move it please oh thank supa oh right the road is open again let's go pip awesome job pip rich he made it on time for his Chess Club so BIP what's your next stop oh I see you're taking a led to her basketball game so you're going to the basketball field and Panda City Park what's going on bit are we there already whoa the road ahead is being repaired we can't reach the park this way good thinking pips you're going to find a new route let's see now our bus is here and the Panda city park is over there we can't take the street straight ahead so we need to find a new way to get to the park look it the map is showing you a new direction mm-hmm it looks like first you'll have to cross the bridge can you help pip figure out which way to go okay do we need to go left or right to cross the bridge yep you got it we need to go right another intersection let's take a look on the map to see which way we need to go aha looks like we need to pass the panda peach lighthouse next do we need to go left or right to pass the lighthouse yep that's it we need to turn left the map says we'll have to cross the train tracks next okay do we need to go left right or straight ahead to cross the train tracks that's correct we need to go straight ahead oh hang on there's a train coming we'll have to wait until it passes let's wait with the passengers hi there let's go BIP we're nearly there all we have to do is go through the tunnel and we'll be at the park here we go whoa it's really dark better turn your lights on BIP yay great job Pitt you got a let to the park on time for her game uh I'll let didn't you forget something you forgot your basketball Mac have a good game Alette awesome can I get a high-five yay okay your bus is empty you must be almost done for today are you heading home only one more stop at the Panda City fair and it's time to head home whoa there are a lot of passengers waiting to go home come on BIP you can't quit yet just one more trip and then you can go home I know what'll make this more fun pip music let's turn on that radio everyone time to get rolling here we go back on the road a passenger load my friends and faces and places I go it's my bus passenger Lotus driving through the country and the places I know number two it's for you write a loop and a CD only sure they look so friendly you are now it stop number three feels like I'm almost home one more stop it's gone too and that means it's empty chance of you what a long day it's been new bat bus fill it up right to the top hurrying up going to the number four stop yeah though we're back on the road a passenger load my friends and faces and the places I go my buzz for all of us stop oh it's been a long day I'm parking my bus I won't complain or make up oh wow BIP that sure was a long day you did a great job bringing everyone home safely BIP but how are you going to get home awesome thanks for helping fit drive the bus today guys see you next time bye bye bye hi there stick around for more total time episodes and be sure to subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Dr. Panda TotoTime – Official Channel
Views: 5,778,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr. panda, drpanda tototime, toto time, dr panda tototime, dr panda cartoon, dr panda episode, baby cartoon, panda cartoon, doctor panda, kids learning, educational, fun learning, children learning, songs and stories, season 1, full episode, bip, olette, hoopa, full season, learning cartoon, dr panda compilation
Id: riKWZYfg7k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 16sec (6316 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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