Places No Human Has Visited

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We like to believe that as a species, we’ve been everywhere and seen everything. But this simply isn’t so. There’s a wild world out there that remains to be surveyed by us intrepid homo-sapiens. There are areas in Brazil inhabited by native populations living in closed hunter gatherer societies. In Myanmar, vast jungles remain undiscovered. The Mariana trench, 10,000 meters deep, in the Pacific Ocean, has yet to be explored with any real depth. There are caves in Vietnam as high as office blocks. Anthropologists have yet to discover all forms of human life on this planet, with hostile tribes forbidding access to their civilizations. Ruins remain for archaeologists to find in ancient deserts. And there are 1000s of species still out there for zoologists to discover on land and in the ocean. Today, we’ll take a look at some of the most interesting undiscovered places around the world, in this episode of the Infographics show – Places no human has ever visited. Number 8: Vale Do Javari, Brazil. An estimated 3000 Native tribes-people still exist in this dense isolated region. Thick with jungle, this is one of the most isolated regions not only in South America, but in the entire world. 32,990 square miles, or about the size of Austria, and bordering Peru, the Vale Do Javari is shrouded in mystery. Under the canopy, sloths shift from tree to tree careful to stay out of sight of the Harpy Eagle, while anacondas patrol the understory. This region promises adventure with every footstep. But don’t go booking a flight there any time soon, as this region is completely closed off to outsiders. Much of the jungle surrounding Vale Do Javari is open, and around half of the world’s rainforest can be found inside the 2.5 million square miles of Amazonian rainforest. Much of this forest is still undiscovered. There’s a host of animals here from tree frogs to anacondas and scarlet macaws, and numerous sites beneath the canopy that no human has ever visited. Number 7: The Northern Forest Complex in Myanmar. It is one of the largest contiguous forests in Southeast Asia and ranges more than 12,000 miles. At the crossroads of China and India, this area boasts great biodiversity. The Hukawng Valley Reserve is believed to be home to one of the region’s largest tiger populations. On the lower levels of the Himalayas, there is plenty of forest. Home to red pandas, gibbons, monkeys, deer, and the rare Rufus-necked hornbill, this area is rich in biodiversity. Moving up the Himalaya and to the beautifully scenic kingdom of Bhutan is the world’s tallest unclimbed mountains. While Nepal’s Mount Everest grabs all the world’s headlines, there’s a mountain on the same Himalayan range that has yet to be conquered. We give you Gangkhar Puensum, the 40th highest mountain in the world, standing proudly in Bhutan, where it measures nearly 25,000 ft tall, (7570 meters) and remains unconquered. Four expeditions have attempted to climb the mountain, but all have been called off due to bad weather. So far no human has ever tackled the summit of Gangkhar Puensum. Number 6: Vietnam’s Son Doong Cave, located in the heart of the Phone Nha Ke National Park. , It is the world’s largest cave, measuring more than five miles long, high enough to house a skyscraper, and wide enough, at its highest point, to fly a 747. Inside the cave is a jungle and river network. The British Cave Research Association expedition set out to explore the cave in 2009, but they were blocked off by a 300 foot tall calcite wall. For this reason, much of the cave remains undiscovered by humans. Less people have seen the inside of Hang Son Doong than have stood on the summit of Mount Everest. Number 5: The Tsingy De Bemaraha in Madagascar, located on the western edge, is widely known for its limestone formations. Some 200 million years ago, the seabed rose creating a plateau. There are 600 square miles of wilderness with a plethora of animal and plant species living there, many of which have yet to be discovered by man. Throw in waterfalls, untouched forests, and 11 different species of lemurs, and you have a virtual paradise unvisited by humans. Number 4: Northern Patagonia, Chile, has a huge rainforest, mountain tops, rivers, lakes, and a huge ice mass – The Northern Patagonian Ice Field. Unlike some of the other wonders we’ve talked about, this one is open to the adventurous traveler. In 1963, Eric Shipton, accompanied by Migual Gomez and Cedomir Marangunic, crossed the giant icecap from the San Raphael Glacier into Argentina. In 1972, an expedition led by Sir Crispin Agnew spent 5 months carrying out scientific research on and around the icecap. Much of the ice mass and surrounding area is unvisited by humans, who really aren’t too hot on the cold. Large parts of Greenland remain unexplored. The country is 800,000 square miles, with a population of 56,000 making it both the largest island and the least densely populated country in the world. Due to freezing weather conditions, much of Greenland has yet to be discovered by humans. Likewise, much of the Arctic Circle and the South Pole remain unexplored. Number 3: The Nambid Desert is over 43 million years old. This coastal desert in southern Africa stretches for more than 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers) within territories on Namibia, South Africa, and Angola, and is one of the oldest and largest deserts in the world. A number of animals and plants have adapted to the vast unforgiving landscape, including desert elephants, mountain zebra, Grant’s golden mole, karoo bustard, and a type of shrub, Welwitschia mirabilis, which only has two leaves and can live for over 1,000 years. Number 2: North Sentinel Island is both one of the most fascinating and dangerous islands in the world. The natives are totally hostile, rejecting any contact with the outside world. The island, located in the bay of Bengal, is totally untouched by modern society because the tribes-people attack whoever tries to approach. Two fishermen in 2006 accidentally drifted too close to the island and were slaughtered by members of the native tribe. While there are wonderful places on terra firma that we have yet to fully explore, perhaps the deepest mysteries are to be found offshore. Which brings us to number 1: The Mariana Trench - the deepest part of the world’s oceans. Located in the western Pacific Ocean, this crescent shaped scar in the Earth’s crust is 1600 miles long (2,550 km) and 43 miles wide (69 km). It reaches a maximum depth of 36,000 ft (10,994 meters), making it inaccessible to humans. In July 2015, members of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oregon State University, and the Coast Guard submerged a hydrophone into the deepest part of the trench. The titanium-shelled instrument picked up natural and man-made sounds such as boats, earthquakes, a typhoon, and whales. More submersions are planned as scientists hope to find out more about this most unexplored region of the world. So that’s our trip to the world’s most unvisited places. Which is the most hostile, untouched place you’ve ever been to? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video called Do These Things To Survive If You Get Stranded On an Island! Thanks for watching, and, as always, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. See you next time!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 2,008,759
Rating: 4.6877027 out of 5
Keywords: education, educational, infographics show, the infographics show, discovered, deserted, places no human has ever been, strange, mysterious, desolate, mariana trench, vale do javari, madagascar, ocean, facts, top 10, namib desert, isolated, North Sentinel island, inaccessible to humans, northern patagonian ice field, Vietnam’s Son Doong Cave, rainforest, ice caps, native tribes, mount everest, dangerous, amazon, in the world, places, discoveries, science, secret
Id: FUt6_8ZhsPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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