Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Pig and George Pig Play on the Sand Digger Rides

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[Music] this is the sand digger like people and jewels jump on board mummy and daddy pig you have to pedal and pepper George has made a big sandcastle this is the wall building ride stack of these soft blocks to make a wall okay here comes George with a demolition figure oh dear George has knocked down peppers wall part of the van that bigger world this is the grabber machine how do we play this one let's hope it's not pedal-powered mummy and daddy pig do the pedaling Oh pepper I'm George use the grabber to win is lovely prize there are mr. Potato dolls or toy dinosaurs to be won Georgia grandpa pig hard at work digging Peppa has found a little cup oh that looks like a very old teacup George has found an enormous bone it might very well be a dinosaur bone George ha what's this grandpa pig has found a gold coin how is the pond coming along very well we've dug up a cup a dinosaur bone and a coin very treasure how exciting I have a little treasure - that is not treasure that is a gnome grandpa pig does not like gnomes mr. Fox says it's an antique very rare one-of-a-kind of course he did grandpa do you think we really have found buried treasure I'm not sure but the museum would know this is the museum ha can I help you hello mr. rabbit we've dug up some treasure let's take a look at what you've got hmm fine china cup interesting what else have you brought to show me a coin made of gold is it real plastic girls oh it's metal gold Oh anything else my goodness this bone is the best of a lot look it fits my dinosaur perfectly thank you so much for bringing these valuable objects in valuable say they are worth something oh yes they are worth lots of money and you can visit the museum anytime you like to see them a children are free [Music] steps take us down into the caves yes it actually is quite fun it's good not to know exactly how deep we are well the hot beaches down now imagine if you will the tons and tons of rock just sitting above our heads great it's so pretty and sparkly amazing you know what because this cave is so huge and beautiful I feel fine about being down here we go through this squeeze I can't say I enjoyed that don't worry we won't go through any more tunnels good we just have to cross this chasm well that looks like quite a drop yes it's wonderfully deep I'll show you see how long it takes this rock take it the bottom so how do we get across did you hear anything about a ride of doom muddy mouths that the right of doom was the best bit what exactly is this ride of doom nothing to be alarmed by it's as if my ride over this chasm and down to the deepest part of the caves oh of course completely safe [Music] I'm not very good with Heights is there another way to house yes there's a shortcut through the park fairies in the park not that I know of but it will be a nice walk maybe if we look hard enough we might see some pepper and George have arrived at the park oh I don't know it feels a bit magic to me yes this is like the path in Little Red Riding Hood I wouldn't be surprised if we bumped into the big bad wolf there it is mr. wolf hello mr. wolf how are you very well thank you just a little bit hungry I'm trying to decide where to go for lunch I'm going to my granny's house for lunch are you really yes is it far not far this is the shortcut we'll be there soon very good oh well catch you later Red Riding Hood's meet mr. wolf in the middle of the woods when I'm going to Granny's house which way now daddy pig uh I'm not sure there's a little house over there let's ask them the way hello is there anybody home I wonder who lives here in the middle of the woods there are three chairs and three bowls of porridge here are Belinda bear and mummy and daddy bear hello mr. and mrs. bear sorry to trouble you the door was open so we came inside it's quite all right it's lovely to see you are you gonna say for lunch pepper its porridge it's not too hot or too cold but just right yeah are the tortoises oh we keep this gate shut so they don't run away look like they could everyone know they're moving very slowly yes that's why they live to be so old tortoises can live a hundred years now feeding time who knows what tortoises like to eat tortoises like to eat vegetables that's right that's why we feed the lettuce mr. lion is feeding the tortoises lettuce all animals eat vegetables that's right mrs. wildebeest my name is Madame gazelle sorry gazelle wildebeest for some reason I always get those two mixed up we say next I'll give you a clue it lives in water is it oh wait and see look carefully into the water I can't see anything hello I'm mrs. crocodile I'm the keeper in charge of the Penguins [Applause] you can see the swimming underwater yes that's why we have this fancy pool and [Music] the children are having so much fun playing all day mr. elephant has come to collect no problem ladies I'll get you out daddy pig peppa and Suzy have come to collect George what good little children you are where are your parents that usually happens to me that is going to happen to me isn't it I'm going to go in there and get stuck where smaller that's kind of you both but it is my job as a grown-up I must do this don't worry Peppa if I get stuck I will ring for the rescue services ah yes I'm stuck lucky I've got my phone hello Rescue Service oh you're in here too [Music] chase fish mr. Fox's store sells everything oil is Gaston rocket engines pepper and her family have come to the market to do their shopping fresh opposed oh please what kind would you like big or small red or green why don't you try one hmm a bag of the lovely apples please Josh loves cheese I've got a very smelly cheese here maybe daddy pig girl should give it to Smith the smell of the cheese has not daddy pig off his feet Wow that's what I call a strong cheese good isn't it George likes smelly cheese maybe we buy that one please of course fish not fresh fish can we buy some fish please okay I've got trap addict mackerel or squid what would you like they all look good our bet I'll give you some of each then you can make a lovely fish pie thank you very much fish o J's here is mr. Fox's store nose power to handbags I'm selling anything really what do you want nothing thank you we've bought everything we need oh cheese and fish Oh what didn't you come to me first I've got all of that do you sell apples you never saved apples like these they're made of wood [Music] we could do their picnic to have a picnic on we can have our picnic in the boots who'd like a sandwich mrs. duck loves picnics everyone loves picnics let's see who can get back first we'll have a race sure I can pedal much faster oh I'll do the pedaling will be carried back by the wind Danny oh the wind has stopped without any wind the sailing boat cannot go well just have to wait for the wind to pick up again I don't know it could be weeks can't we use the yanqing no you don't have engines on sailing boats Danny oh the sailing boat does have an engine [Music] [Music] Here Come dannion captain dog was exhausting next time we'll take a sailing vote yes sailing boats have engines on them pedram pony is playing on the roundabout hello we've got a desert island with houses and road sharps trees and a lake but we need water for the lake have you got some please I don't know what you're talking about it's just pretend we're playing a game oh I see you want pretend water yeah I know pretend snow we can mount it to get pretend water on your mountaintop that's a slide it's a pretend Mountain Oh what's the matter Pedro because it is a hot day the snow has melted can't we pretend it hasn't melted no it's melted good and Papa oh but look over there real water daddy pig is drinking from the water fountain [Music] daddy can we have some water in our pocket please we're making a late [Music] it is Freddy Fox it's a desert island we are going to live here forever if only it had a flag I've got a flag in my van if you'd like it mr. Fox has got everything in his van what's that grandpa pig is putting up a big stripy tent in his garden circus pepper there's no circus yeah that's a big tent then this is for granny pigs garden party oh what a garden party it's where grown-ups stand around talking what's a waste of a good tent the circus would be more exciting why don't you make your own circus we can call it a circus have you finished putting up the tent grandpa the guests will be here soon granny we're doing the satisfy your garden party what a splendid idea tell me your son of course I'll get the dressing up Fox streaming and jugglers my daddy was in the circus Wow what did he do he sold tickets yeah you can all find something to wear in the dressing up box pepper has found a top hat on Danny dog has found some spotty trunks and a stick on the stache Pedro has found a clown outfit I want to be the clown where is your clown costume okay you be the clown I want to be the strongman okay Danny you be the strongman I want to be the juggler but I wanted to do that okay you be the juggler break it back Emily he will be busy all day selling it here is mr. Fox hmm this all looks very interesting may I have that one how much is it how much have you got oh of course we are raising money for the school roof everything wonderful Emily how much money have you raised money did you not get some money for the bits and bobs I didn't need to mr. Fox took it away for nothing [Music] Suzy sheep is in charge of the face painting stall hello Suzy can I be a mountain leopard please no I can only do fruits okay can I be [Applause] Pepa is in charge of the lucky dip okay mister bowl has won a dolly mrs. cat as won a digger mr. pool mrs. cat like they're lucky give prizes Freddy Fox is in charge of the mummies and daddies race it's all to raise money for a new school roof it's a shiny spoon I can make you go upside down it's magic my daddy says so ah let's find some more magic shiny things in the garden George has found a muddy puddle it's shiny enough to see our faces I can see the sky there's a cold fear a pebble Tony and Danny dog did you drop something in that puddle no we're looking at the sky but the sky is in the sky look at this it's a funny magic mirror spoon I know where there are some big funny mirrors really wobbly mirrors alert where are these wobbly mirrors at the fair the parents have brought the children to the fair see my amazing wobbly mirrors it's very simple illusions of optical differentials by convex and concave surfaces yes it's magic Peppa likes playing with Twinkle Toes perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside yes mmm it's a bit steep here maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down I know what I'm doing Peppa I'm a grown-up [Music] what was that big splash what big splash Oh daddy pig did you know you've got a duck on your head oh yes well I did fall in the pond George wants to ride on the toy horse George cannot make the horse go if only there was someone big and strong to push George along I began sole I can't this George what's a good idea Peppa George loved playing together with Aussie twinkle toes now let's make the party food this is the playgroup kitchen everyone is helping with the party food Emily elephant and Wendy wolf are decorating cupcakes peppa and George are making jelly Pedro pony is outside keeping guard here comes Madame gazelle gazelle is coming we're not ready stop her Pedro okay hallo pedo you're early for playgroup yes don't go inside why not it's a nice day out here isn't it yes pedal can I go inside now ah no it's against the law what are you talking about Pedro we're ready is a present for you and I'll take cloak it's made of solid plastic thank you but why is there a party for me everyone wanted to thank you but being the best teacher in the world so we've made you a leaving party because you're going away forever I'm not going away forever but you said there was no more plague Oh pepper all I said was no play cope next week I'm going on holiday I will be preaching for many years to come who else could be the teacher [Music] pepper has knocked over two skittles very hard you probably won't be able to do it Suzy has knocked over all the skittles [Music] now it's George's turn because George is little he can stand a bit closer Oh George is too little to play skittles George doesn't like being the littlest one hmm let's play baton ball Peppa can throw the ball and George has the budget but if anyone catches the ball George is out [Music] George is out George is a bit too little even for baton ball you just need a bit more practice George watch me oops I'll just get the ball back hello mummy pig can we have our ball back please yes but please play more carefully in future yes mummy pig sorry mummy pig here is Danny dog is very good the ball all the way into the house Wow can i play button ball too maybe it's time for a different garden game I'll show you I know you jump over it it's much too high to jump over we go under the limbo and we need music to do it [Music] [Music] an old pram baby grandpa we only need the prams wheels pepper this bit can be the bonnet what's your favorite number George George his favorite number is two oh this racing car will be super fast George is only little don't worry Peppa this will be a pedal car not a motor car ah next we need a steering wheel last of all you need racing goggles and here are Danny dog Zoe zebra pony I want to race - where's your racing car pepper I don't have a racing car don't worry Peppa you can be the chief mechanic you fix George's car if it goes wrong oh I hope it goes wrong let's start the race three times round a garden [Music] that's the end of that one and George is in the lead what's all this noise out here I'm trying to watch television two adults and two children please miss rabbits fizzy isn't it easy no this is quiet the potato sexy have a lovely day Peppa's friends have come to potato city too and this is mr. potato himself welcome to potato city where the magic of a vegetable never ends see how vegetables grow learn how they keep us fit and healthy and get back into space by the potato rocket pepper and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket George wants to ride on the potato rocket - are you sure George it looks a bit high daddy pig doesn't like Heights no I'm not getting on George is too small to go on this out oh okay make it quick oh it's very quick George has changed his mind oh dear George come to mommy maybe I'll just get off too [Music] yes lots of fun go round and put your head through that hole this is nice what Oh shoo shoo naughty birds birdies go to bed okay pepper all the birdies have gone to bed daddy pig can go inside now your plants have started to grow soon they'll have flowers on them little snail has come to take a look oh dear snails like eating plants grandpa pig can you taste Barbara to your garden um okay I'll take care of Barbara it is one week later Peppa George look and look at George's plant it's a bean store and it goes all the way up to Giant's Castle oh no pepper but it does go quite high George's flower is taller than our house Oh George has grown a sunflower well done George I love our flower garden now let's make you a vegetable garden but that's where I sit in my chair like tomatoes and carrots and potatoes we've come to make Polly better how long has Polly been sick since we came out on our boat trip uh-huh I know what's wrong with Polly she's a sick get Polly to dry land the sooner the better there's an island there we go better Polly Polly Polly is not a sick parrot anymore Oh emergency hello hello daddy pig here daddy pig is in his office there are some ducklings stuck on our roof thank goodness you're here dr. hamster here mrs. duck later eggs on our roof fun no the ducklings have hatched who can make a quacking noise me I'm very good quacking pepper start quacking and the ducklings will follow you lead them to the duck pond please pepper okay hi mommy duck yes mr. hamster I'm late for my tea [Music] [Music] here we are the seaside the beach is covered in snow sea looks cold I was looking forward to having a swim you still can the Seas not frozen over I can't swim because I sprained my ankle and I think I might have a cough mommy pig it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today okay then mummy pig is going for a swim it's a little bit cold it's always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving your warm up okay I'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dried pepper Georgia daddy pig our warming mummy pig tongue by rubbing her with towels are you going for a swim daddy pig maybe not today everyone likes ice creams of their seaside the beach is covered in snow we can make snow castles first we fill the buckets with snow we send the buckets upside down give them a little tap and hey presto a snow castle I love the seaside and I love the snow I love the seaside and the snow I got up this morning the CMAs to the sky mr. Cheney santan you book how to run a light house the staircase goes round and round to the very top of the lighthouse because it has the top it shines through the dock helping sailors to find their way and when it's foggy I use this foghorn no fog today just seeing sky the stories I could tell well thank you we've got to go [Music] granddad dogs boat has arrived at pirate island hide-and-seek okay there are not many places to hide on Pirate Island Where's George Brenda dog can't find George anywhere I give up where is he Oh George was hiding behind granddad dog clever George let's set off home before it gets dark the light from Grampy rabbits lighthouse will show us the way home Grampy rabbit is ready for bed ah my new book how to ride a lighthouse now that's what I call a blackberry bush this bush has been here since I was a little piggy it's an overgrown weed I should have cut it down years ago don't you like it I don't like the way it looks at me silly grandpa it's just a harmless bush and it's covered in lovely BlackBerry's George has seen some really big juicy blackberries careful George or you might get tangled I have a stick for picking hard-to-reach blackberry but the best blackberries are right at the very top that's why I brought the ladder um don't lean too far over mummy pig don't worry I've been climbing this blackberry bush since I was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now I know what I'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush once upon a time there was a princess could Sleeping Beauty one day she fell asleep in a funny book and she stayed at 400 yes that's a nice story pepper it is Suzy sheep Suzy my mummy isn't a blackberry bus and she'll be there for hundred years like Sleeping Beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss my mummy is having an adventure I wish my mummy would have adventures like that um can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in hundred years a handsome prince blew risky [Music] grandpa what's that sticking in the water submarine action stations it's Grampy rabbit in his submarine lovely day to go sailing with just the sea of the sky the stories I could tell you you need any shopping Lucas cheese please grandpa pigs boat has arrived at the supermarket hello it's very quiet today you're my first customers maybe it's because of the flood silly isn't it a little bit of rain and everyone stays at home what can I get you oh dear polly has forgotten the list it was lucky pepper was going to the shops or we'd have nothing for dinner here's your chocolate now we can have our mummy [Music] pepper and George have arrived back home it is their big time the water has gone but left a big muddy puddle put that pipe there I know I'll take a shortcut [Music] come on car daddy pig needs to get home daddy pig is stuck while ring for granddad dogs pickup truck [Music] breakdown recovery I'm stuck in the mud can you come and rescue me please sorry daddy pig I'm moving a big metal pipe that some maniac is left in the road I'll pass you on to the next Rescue Service hello sorry daddy pig I'm rescuing a tortoise but stuck up a tree come down two dolls I don't know why are you like climbing trees you're at our time don't worry daddy pig I'll pass you on to the highest Rescue Service in the land I'm miss rabbit's helicopter has rescued Danny Pig should we show him what my helicopter can do yes it can go straight go straight [Music] everyone likes going up and down round and round in helicopter today is International day when we celebrate all the countries of the world pepper is dressed as France I'm frog George is Russia Pedro is America Zoe is Japan konnichiwa Susie is Holland to all the countries of the world do they sing the song of harmony together I like singing so do I does everyone remember the words [Music] [Music] lovely and later we will sing that for your mommies and daddies it is playtime [Music] all the countries are playing in the playground the United Kingdom is on the slide France and Switzerland are on the swings Germany is playing hopscotch America Russia Spain and Greece are in the sand here are Holland and Japan now it's our turn in the sandpit why because you've had your turn you can play on the side now we want to play oh dear there is not enough room in the sandpit for more than four countries we do have a big dinosaur a real whopper would you like to meet it these are its footprints we just have to follow them these footprints look very real are you sure there's no living dinosaurs about Grampy rabbit [Laughter] [Music] it's my ginormous dinosaurus you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you all right my little explorers are you ready for the next bit of the adventure yes we have to find an egg foxes love hunting for eggs Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell [Music] welcome to my cowboy camp yeah it's a tent it's a cowboy camp where Cowboys sleep at nighttime are you going to sleep air in the night um no that might be a bit scary but we can pretend it's nighttime but it's nighttime just pretend the Sun is the moon okay Petro can we be Cowboys - yes you could be my partners it's my little cowboy hungry I sure AM aah that's how Cowboys speak would you cowboys and cowgirls like something to eat - next to the Mummy's kitchen no you have to pretend the house is not here this is the Wild West not the Wild West is the land where Cowboys live what - Cowboys do they sell stories same songs and eight phase-- beans on toast for everyone Cowboys love beans on toast everybody loves beans on toast hey cowboy yes I made it up and it goes like this I'm a brave cowboy enemy two i-beams with a big animal man fight me back please bird fight baby [Music] I could tell a story make it scary Suzy sheep has returned with the biscuits did anyone see you no Wow only a grown-up you helped would you like some juice to go with your biscuits its biscuits the biscuits I just gave you for your friends oh can I be in your secret Club please please I've always wanted to be in a secret Club which is pickle noodle pick a needle noodle that's what happens now ah there you are mummy sheep what's new I always wanted to be in a secret Club can I join please my mummy is grown-up well which is Papa D don't do don't dance papa Deedle Deedle dum what do I do now look out it's mummy pig mommy in secret daddy pig ah hello mummy pig what are you doing in that Bush secret cup oh I've always wanted to be in a secret Club we can't have everyone in the secret Club it wouldn't be a secret [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 5,564,112
Rating: 3.7031846 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig full episodes, peppa, #peppapig, #peppa, peppa pig english, pepa pig, #peppapigenglish, peppa pig peppa pig, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig song, pepper pig, peppa pig in english, peppa pig live, papa pig, pepp, peppapig, pep, peppa pig new episodes 2018, peppa pig videos, peppa george, peppa pig new episodes 2019, peppa pig songs, peppa pig official, pepap pig official channel, mandy mouse, peppa pig digger world
Id: OKV6eu0iYGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 44sec (3644 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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