PJ Masks Season 2 Full Episodes 7-12 | 1 hour PJ Masks

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[Music] terrible twosome okay my turn whoa hold on let us older pros give you some tips before you go the key to this trick is speed speed speed speed trust me I've done it a zillion times uh no it's all about grabbing some serious air he says speed and she says air but I can do it my way here goes can't be careful okay okay I'm not a baby got it very first try not bad for a little guy yeah one day I'm gonna know all the cool tricks and I'll be showing you how it's done Cameron look at me why is he talking like a baby [Music] [Applause] Oh something's not right everyone's acting really little even our teacher Kamran how old are you Wow he's acting like a two-year-old how is that even possible let's find out pj masks were night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Romeo should have known intruder alert shall I stop that master no let's show the my greatest plan ever whoa what is that thing behold my latest invention I call it the baby beam so that's what's making everyone act like they're little exactly I've got you master sorry I'm not gonna happen Romeo oh really just try and stop me PJ baby make them hold still [Music] Oh got one look baby birdie Oh No you okay I would like how we I got a boo-boo come on it's time to plaster BJ that wasn't even close to rhyming oh no you don't see [Music] [Music] gasping geckos you won't get away with this Romeo oh but I just did and it gets better watch hey kids wanna play a game yeah oh goody it's called Romeo says now I want you to catch that lizard boy no time for games no me wanna play then you gotta find me super Gekko camouflage [Music] lizard go over here Romeo and I've got a game to it's called follow the runaway lab lizard boy or should I say little baby lizard cuz you're next thank you I found you okay playtime's over let's buckle up and go back to HQ [Music] this is Romeo's greatest plan ever [Music] what's this do hey what did I tell you don't touch anything oh come on guys you're superheroes not two-year-olds I'm three one two three here you go so be good okay I've got to figure out how to stop Romeo by myself [Music] hey no drawing on the walls when you get down from there this instant that's it we're taking a timeout it's okay don't cry you want to play fine gecko again once my baby beam is fixed that lizard won't know what hit no keep me right down down that's HQ alarm Oh Julio's on his way if he stops me he'll rule the world with his army of babies huh unless who wants to play superhero I do trust me you can do it flap those wings like this [Music] that's okay try again now flop really hard to make super owl wing wind grow up so fast [Music] okay now run as fast as you can and say super cat speed and woosh very good but you don't have to say the woosh part okay now show me your hero stance we'll work on that now remember Romeo is the bad guy and we have to stop him okay well look who's here PJ pests add to my army of babies nothing will get in my way not just one wait they're your backup come on guys wake up it's your time remember cat go tell her so beddy-bye story another chance [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you remembered all the superhero moves I taught you my heroes [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa what happened long story but first who are you cat-boy last time I checked and Alouettes Luna trouble [Music] I'll get you next time PJ night ninja won't be trying that trick again Wow big moon tonight wait till you see it tomorrow something amazing is going to happen I read a book about it like you know about the moon stick the facts about feathers luna up to no good just listening to someone go on and on bla bla bla I dunno about the moon yeah [Music] leave the moon to me I know a bunch of moon stuff I read that whole book so what is happening tomorrow an eclipse the moon disappears disappears the Sun shines on the moon when the earth gets in the way a shadow crosses it and that's an eclipse cool yeah Luna moths what are they why they seem interested in the Eclipse maybe Luna sent them to tell us something well we don't need them if something's up with the Eclipse I'll fix it PJ masks we're on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] so there's the Eclipse and there's Luna she was having trouble flying I know what the moths were saying to the glider [Music] [Applause] [Music] the moon's losing its shine no wonder Lunas flying all wobbly when the moon loses its powers I lose my powers figured it out did you I was going to say it hi my board stopped working on a magnet down to my mom I need help help maybe start by letting me actually speak come on I will let you can't blame her for getting snippy losing your powers that's not fun okay but if we're gonna help a villain there better be a good reason you sure there's a reason you can't get away Luna girl you're bored a new magnet will be mine Romeo wants to steal your stuff but why if it's lost its power because its powers coming back when this Eclipse thing is done ver brain and he's gonna use it for some crazy plan birdbrain let's not get her whiskers in a knot Romeo moon power not cool we gotta work together I helped I wouldn't call it helping exactly other way oh I might as well be flying this thing try signing us now low meow [Music] pretty bird brainy huh man hey enough with the fighting she started it maybe we should just try and stop Romeo's plan what is his plan don't know my mom's only hurt a bit he calls it project moon crunch moon crunch sounds like a cookie whatever it is don't worry I've thrown him off with my cloud tray trick he tricked you sure did with my tracker device I pretended to lose you but I tracked you the whole time get the board and magnet away we'll stop robot super cat show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you sure lost your shine well no one's taking mine come on we have to stop Romeo's cookie plan Luna can you try to not get under our let's feathers I'll try you gotta try to our light being on a mission is all about dealing with difficult stuff that's a difficult person okay okay I get it stop Romeo that's the mission step one we gotta stop running away from him and take him on so we can shut him down I like it to do that we gotta find him nice and that means how will I know my boss will do it what problem I see everything motsi more fluttering feathers there is by the town square no he's over there by the school can't you read arrows [Music] [Music] I knew it no he's there look Romeo in two places that's not actually possible seeing things our grand machine that's why you saw him in two places you were both right well both wrong actually [Music] [Music] and now mine and what do you know do you come again catastrophes Romeo's got moon power with my stuff [Music] everyone's moon I let it happen I was so busy fighting I walked into a trap I shouldn't have got you worked up I got myself worked up but it's over now come on we're doing this together [Music] nice slowly onto HQ and crunch it that's no cookie and it's not gonna happen time to be a hero [Music] ready [Music] [Music] nicely done I guess you're an okay pilot after all um thanks okay your turn [Music] No I might catch whiskers they sure like argument balls [Music] [Music] sure got its shine back I think we all managed to shine tonight wouldn't you say guess that means you got your powers back to a Luna you betcha you know for PJ pests you're actually alright I'll let you two let it grow when you're not so busy being a villain I wouldn't get too used to that if I were you so long do better PJ masks so shout hooray guys guess what my telescope can see everything in super close-up they spit a luna moon dust yeah I'll have the best view ever next time there's an eclipse let's hope that doesn't happen again [Music] ninja Maz cat-boy tangles with not one but two super villains as they try to ruin space day but not on my watch no chance I saw him first [Music] [Music] I caught him fair and square maybe we can work together [Music] boy geckos in trouble go [Music] lazy's and you you you call yourselves mas I've never been so embarrassed thanks all it that was horrible you were all laughing at me [Music] trips by my own ninja Lino's how humiliating nice power moves guys I'm just glad that's over with [Music] [Music] look sticky spots everywhere that's not all moths have eaten the school flag looks like Luna girl and night ninja have teamed up again but we I mean you guys beat them last night and we'll beat them again tonight it's not that what if they laugh at me again that was awful don't worry we've got your back PJ masks [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] look there's chaos all over town in the air and on the ground that's definitely Luna girl a night ninja do they have a bladder [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's odd it didn't touch the rocket let's go in for a closer look wriggling reptiles yes very funny hey how do you like it I say leave him no wait how did you get up there in the first place it's all her fault her mom stole my sticky splats and his mentally ohh stole my Luna magnet and alone aboard they've teamed up to turn against us no wonder after all the nasty things you've said about them sounds like a movie Revenge of my ninja mom just get us down from here okay [Music] wait we're not really gonna help them are we they're the bad guys remember come on Gekko we're heroes and heroes always help whoa those ninja moths mean business [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got something there right we've got to get me down before someone gets hurt [Music] you're saved happy no it's your stuff why don't you just go get it back are you kidding there's too many of them [Applause] he's right it's only a matter of time before they trash the city okay everyone today how will Carter even those two yep even those two will all be much safer in the air here's the plan outlet and I will lead night ninja you and Luna girl follow then Gekko stay close ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sticky splats these ninja moths are evil you mean moth ninjas and I'm not just evil they're making us look bad I know I should help okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] Wow for such tiny villains those ninja moths are big trouble [Music] the ninja moths knock Luna girl in nine engine to the rocket [Music] gasping geckos those ninja moths have gone too far time to be a hero it's not your fault if you hadn't snapped at your ninjalinos this never would have happened my fault no no no all I wanted to do is ruin space T not become the main attraction those ninja moths have got to pump I gotta admit I liked it better when they were the bad guys yeah if only there was a way to get them back with their sidekicks wait that's eight maybe we can break up the ninja moths by getting them back with their bad guys okay but how simple by showing them they really do care not bad but if that's gonna work we've got to save Luna groan night ninja before they launch you guys distract the ninja moths I'll free those too [Music] hey ninja BOTS over here super owl wings cat speech my turn super Gekko camouflage [Music] can you believe those PJ masks they didn't even try to save us won't still will I get you out of this super Gekko muscles why are you helping us because it's the right thing to do and I was thinking maybe you want your sidekicks back okay but you've got to be nice and show them a little respect [Music] we don't do nice right then it looks like the ninja moths are here to stay and you two are all washed up without my amazing locks your moths are nothing but wings my ninjas are the super intelligent brains here my most excellent ninjalinos you don't need those silly moths you want to play that game listen up my beautiful majestic nobody calls my Angelino silly they're highly skilled warriors look it's working Wow the ninjalinos and moths don't know whose side they should be [Music] time to be a hero [Music] little guy this time PJ masks but we'll be back huh thanks lizard boy I've got to hand it to you Gekko your plan worked you guys were right heroes always help even if it's just putting enemies back together PJ masks all shout hooray [Music] who's got the Apple power okay kids ready to play track the treasure all you need are puzzle solving smarts sharp eyes sounds like a my is kind of game the rules are simple solve a list of clues and find the hidden treasures now tima first clues a riddle what goes back and forth and through the air but never takes you anywhere a yo-yo or maybe it's something we write in the playground like swing swing I was gonna say that come on [Music] I'm guessing this isn't part of the game not unless the next clue involves a giant gopher Oh what happened sorry everyone we can't play track their treasure today but we can track down whoever did this PJ masks we're on our way into the night night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with my ax becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] a bird's-eye view will help us find you today to the owl-glider [Music] [Music] night ninja me I'm just setting my ninjalinos off on a little game Jane what kind o trap the ninja treasure tracker ninja treasure that sounds kind of fun no way do we play games with night ninja I know that it's just you'd be no good at it anyway I mean if my ninjalinos aren't clever enough to solve the first clue then you pesky PJs don't stand a chance oh yeah oh we just said I got this with cowboy speed Gekko strength and my swooping our power I think you'll find we're a winning team swooping if you really think you can solve three clues and find three treasures we can't play with him we should be stopping the destruction this is the way to stop it so if we find all the treasures it'll be game over no more thrashing deal deal not that you'll ever solve these clues check you later guys new guys focus we've got treasure to track clue number one in water here they're tough riddle something that needs water and air to bloom a flower maybe you need to be a pied abundant hey smooth Thanks I call it my super swoop pretty sweet huh this is fun what's the next clue some kind of ninja treasure map if it ninja star marks the spot better find it before the ninjalinos rekt the city my our wings do come in handy or should I say Lanie [Music] [Applause] ah gee he's sneaky so you solved the first clue beginner's luck shall never win Oh homie my ninjalinos had wings the ninjalinos don't even look like they're trying to solve the clues yeah they're just following us that's cuz they've gotta cheat to beat us come on are you sure this is the place absolutely nothing inside maybe it's underneath yay second treasure one more what's the last clue the babble base is that code no it's instructions for origami that's the Japanese art of folding paper into things you just fold a 2 B 2 C and whoa it's a dragon I know where the last treasure might be the museum [Music] you think there's dragon stuff here not a real dragon I hope there's all kinds of things tucked away in an egg a fossilized egg legend says it might be a Dragon's egg my cat whiskers are getting a bad feeling about this what's night ninja want with these treasures it's just a game and he's losing [Music] [Applause] [Music] we win yeah we should quit doing that says the lizard boy with camouflage power drop the egg birdie came overnight ninja no more destruction it's time to call up your ninjalinos or call them in [Music] thank you for finding the treasures they're not yours you never would have figured out those clues you don't even know what origami is yes I do there's something to do with them napkins anyway you all seemed so eager to do the work especially wonder wings here now for my prized trick no fair we had a deal my game my roots what are you planning to do with all that stuff anyway buy stuff you mean this rare Lotus this antique monkey statue and the dragon egg there are actually ingredients for an ancient end recipe what to improve my sticky splat oh oh yes now let's get cooking one rose petal zest of dragon egg and done already mm-hmm care for a taste you PJ statues will never mess with me again you won't get away with this correction you know it's my fault I was so excited to play the game I didn't see what night ninja was up to yeah well I never thought we'd end up looking like bowling balls we gotta get out but how have these flats the strongest thing ever then heavy splats gonna break us out yo ninjalinos huh looks like one of us escaped on your watch [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah let's get the flour egg back where they belong the monkey statue can go in HQ we don't want maintenance you're making this recipe again PJ masks okay read least if treasure for friends is what you seek it's where you keep your books take a peek so the treasures must be hidden in a place where we keep our books our backpacks I'm getting good at this my way of thanking my BT TTE ah please no more riddles that's treasure tracking teammates ever [Music] he's a pinball Wow I just realized we've stopped every bad guy every single time you're right we've seats every kind of day in every kind of way hey we're pretty good at this hero stuff you know it why I bet we could even stop a wrecking where'd the wrecking ball go whoa you just disappeared this can't be good we better check it out night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] any sign of the wrecking ball nope he just vanished how does something that big just vanish chuckles right there's got to be some kind of clue to the cat-car [Music] I think we found it what's going on whatever it is we can handle it [Music] Romeo figures Oh what's with the wrecking ball Romeo I think you mean giant pinball really I mean it's not like we haven't heard a bazillion times before yeah there isn't anything you can throw at us that we can't handle good luck while I turn the city into the biggest fattest most destructive train ball machine ever then it'll be game over PJ pests Oh see uh-oh don't worry what's a giant pinball gonna do oh you see Damon [Applause] [Music] more than a wrecking ball to stop us I'll let you slow down with your album win-win easy peasy wait for my signal PJ's can stop me this time watch this [Music] [Music] we can handle anything puh-leeze it's going to take a little more than that stop T you see that coming don't worry he stopped it once we can do it again easily relax guys we've got this but I think we should split up I'm pretty sure I can stop that one with my super Gekko muscles cool my vocal mate the other wrecking ball [Music] [Music] how can you give me a lift sure thing now set me down right on the wrecking ball great idea won't you stop this one I'm going to help gecko it's just you and me let's tangle super Gekko muscles [Music] keikaku oh just a little dizzy maybe we were wrong about being able to handle anything that's one ball down [Music] [Music] oh I thought you said you can handle anything one ball was a challenge two balls double Trump but three balls no I think we may have underestimated Romeo maybe but heroes never give up if he wants to play pinball let's show Anthony J pinball come on [Music] and don't even think of trying to blast off with us taking care of that option oh there those are escape you're right we're not going to escape we're going to outplay him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we'll never stop the other two balls [Music] it's gonna take some time to build back up we don't have time the polls are closing in on us Decco sink HQ you've got it take us down now now let's rock it out of here last stop [Music] maneuvers now let's show those PJs show-offs they're not so smart collect a third wrecking wall and activate the pinball slingshot as you wish master [Music] it's the PJ pests think they can blast aware of this they are sorely mistaken [Music] whew that was close that was quick thinking cowboy [Music] but somehow there's a flying pinball headed right for us in five four I don't suppose you have any cool tricks up their sleeve do you deco fire the thrusters maximum power outlet aim them at the wrecking ball you got [Music] [Music] Wow Romeo almost beat us that's cuz we thought we can handle anything we can we just can't underestimate how big the problem is that's the last time we do that and that's the last time I ever play pinball that games dangerous bounce a try so we pulled off some awesome super news last night didn't we my dear wife wasn't sure was sweet my upside down disappearing act was cool how would we know you were invisible even if we had seen pret smooth that wouldn't have been as cool as my super double backflip nice to landing Connor coochie-coo are you okay so much for that super move it wasn't my fault it was that [Music] it's some kind of bouncy blog well no blog trips me up and gets away with it Connor you tripped no big deal whoever left this year we'll find out how super I am tonight PJ masks night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah-oh trail event let's follow it yeah time to get super cat point always lands on his feet blossom no blocks you know you're super you don't need to make a thing as a attacked are believe this way [Music] that's strange the trail ends here [Music] someone's taking my greatest invention my pencil what machine lemme guess it makes things bouncy not only that it's gonna help me take a road how um well first it needs to be found I've been robbed leave it to me I'll catch the thief with my super cat leaves oh hold on there tiger we know you're ready to pounce but what's important is that we find the Machine and give it back to me didn't you say you were going to take over the world with it upo unidentified bouncing off hang on cowboy now why would I do that you PJ masks haven't seen what I'm planning to do with it yet but first let's play a little game of catch it oblong towards you with my towel wing wait [Music] nice landing speedy kitty there you are what's wrong with me how come I'm the one who ends up in a tree held hags well yeah I get serious and show them I'm worth my whiskers angels are just bouncy they're bouncy thieves who steal what I want gym equipment to make my ninjalino stronger I'll pull them off course with my owl wing wing I'll carry all those big bouncy blobs with my super Gekko muscles [Music] [Applause] I'm just as super as they are if only these things were in my way huh what if I add my cat speed to bouncing that make an amazing move maybe my supers won yet we know you're super you don't need to prove it sorry I was testing out my new moves it's super right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you may have invented the machine but I'm the one who's gonna dastardly plans not as good as I am no give me back my machine no I'm just as good at being bad as you are you're a small-time my super ninja reno's can't be beat your bin minimis aren't as good as my robot [Music] your plan master yes what everyone wakes up and steps outside good thing I invented super-heavy boots so we can stay grounded [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you say we send this troublemaking machine on a little trip your plan won't be as good as mine will too will not I don't think they'll ever learn now watch as the mighty cat boy uses a super cat speed to clean up all the splats in record time they're sticky Oh actually I could use some help from my friends PJ masks
Channel: PJ Masks Season 3
Views: 1,120,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pj masks, pj masks full episodes, pj mask, pj, pj masks season 2, tj maxx, pj max, pj masks english episodes, pjmask, catboy, pj masks toys, pj masks live, cartoons, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, pj masks full episodes Disney junior, pj masks full episodes in English, pj masks full episodes 2018, wolfy kids, pj masks new episodes 2018, pj masks wolfy kids full episodes, pj masks wolfy kids, pj masks wolfies
Id: Zld7HBvRYck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 22sec (4162 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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