PJ Masks Full Episodes Season 3 ⭐️ New Compilation 37 ⭐️ PJ Masks New Episodes 2019

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power bond weed last night's episode of Master Fang was awesome what happened here look green goo Oh like this stuff at the bottom of the garden pond but lots of it yuck time to investigate PJ masks we're on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] great becomes [Music] hey you saw it too what is it any other clues slap but the cockpits gone the cockpit that goes underwater Oh check out the movie G robot there he is but what's it got to do with that weird green stuff I don't know but anyone can find out it's the master of the disease remember your last underwater mission when Romeo turned robot into robot to puss you showed him Oh guys you lead the way on this one you're serious we're in your green lizardy hands master of the deep [Music] where do you think he is cat ears he's in the cave master of the deep that way no problem [Music] [Applause] always using too many clues Romeo what are you doing here anyway this is our boat is it now well on my last trip to my I mean your boat I found some of the green stuff what is it on weed my nosy nemesis our pond weed to be precise huh as I look powerful to me don't knock it this stuff gives its amazing energy from the crystal that powers even your precious 8q that's why it grows here impressed now you just made that up Petrie robot did you get that by my cat's whiskers he checks out if you see the mess my super-powered lab made up there and this is my ingenious pond weed power tool I can tap faster I do not like your pond weed ray of entrapment this pond weed is big you haven't seen anything yet deep deep in the moat a giant patch has grown I'm going to get it you'll have to get past the master the deep first and that's exactly why I've got [Music] [Music] come out come out wherever you we've got to get to the eat-down pond I'll run around the cave that super cat speed you to slip out in the gekko-mobile wait I've got a lizard plan you both run for it I'll use my camouflage to surprise him and get his pond weed power tool he can't do anything then what if we get caught they'll be on your own you won't and I'm master of the deep I'll be fine you're a cult leader okay let's go super Gekko [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go after em gecko will be okay but she's right okay I'll be back I'm the leader I can do it you can do it just made one mistake [Music] get a grip deco you're good you're great you can do this I'm coming for you Romeo [Music] [Applause] swimming scratch that's what you think [Music] call yourself a leader I'm going to lead the world with my pond weed power [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing stops the master [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] wait you don't have the power tool how will we get out with my new blood wave power what I've still got just enough power prawn week to trap you the hero with scales on weed power versus pond weed power you cowardly custard tin anyway reptile boy took the pod leaves power it'll take years for another batch to grow thanks I'm sorry I got you trapped I'm not a good here you weren't great just look what you did what we all did we could only do it because you came back and rescued us you're the best leader ever master of the deep pondweed pout yeah and next time I'm leader on an underwater mission you'll get to check it out how electives clean [Music] hurry up already we've got anything else cope in place or else not so fast hey girl that telescope belongs to the museum you have no idea what this tells Gordon do PJ pass you mean besides space discovery that's just the beginning this telescope can make my business so the only thing you'll discover with my telescope is how it feels to be sent into space [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you hate that stuff it's not yours I kind of can hey how'd you like to do an oilless trip to the moon not gonna happen [Music] too bad this telescope belongs to the city oh no correction that telescope belong to the city now it's broken thanks to you some hero it's not my fault yeah it kinda is doesn't matter I'll find a way making my food beam again way to go I will let you took down Luna girl and save the telescope nice going yeah well about that oh wait a second the telescope's broken look wait it is why would Luna girl do that actually she probably to get back at us well maybe it was an accident as if villains don't accidentally destroy things they enjoy it Luna girls gone too far this time [Music] tonight we stopped Luna girl I'm so tired of her ruining things but what if she didn't break it you were there she must have broken it if we don't stop her who knows what else she'll wreck come on the city's counting on us PJ [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes Connor becomes [Music] Luna girls position unless there's something else we can do like good save a cabinetry look up looking like let's investigate that it's not blinking this is right they're blaming Luna girl but I broke the telescope [Music] the telescope's gone probably for repairs so it'll be fixed in no time problem solved or lunar girls taking it [Music] Mott's raise your somewhere the moon's rising we need to find Luna girl in case she tries to fire up that portal again let's split up there I need to get little girl out of here or we'll both be in trouble [Music] girl wait you fixed it fixed no I replaced it with a stronger lens so it's over no it's not over you broke it Isaac this you owe me I don't know what you're talking about yeah we know you broke the telescope Luna girl they don't know know what just step away from the telescope no I fixed it and now I'm gonna open my Luna portal [Music] you don't get to break at that time for the last time PJ pests I didn't break it then who did yeah only you and I will let word it's true Luna girl didn't break the telescope I did what I just leaned on it in a tiptoe for him broke it was an accident but why didn't you tell us before I didn't know how to tell you it was just easier to let Luna girl take the blame she's usually the bad guy that was wrong I'm no hero and and she also fixed the telescope what and and I'm sorry for not speaking up when it happened ah that was such a sweet apology but it doesn't change anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my new telescope has ten times as much power take that birdbrain now what should I take to my Luna fortress how about three PJ prisoners [Music] [Music] we can't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] anything happen to this telescope [Music] nice catch gecko awesome feather work I will let ya yeah the moon looks so close but where's Luna girl I bet she won't try that again guys I'm sorry I let you think Luna girl broke the telescope ah we all make mistakes hi dumb PJ masks all shout hooray it's Planet Amaya let me see no I'm pretty sure that's the Conner constellation nope it just got eclipsed by the great galaxy or it's a cracking the lights kidding [Music] these take HQ sorry kids playgrounds closed some wild animals made themselves at home and left a mess behind what kind of animal reads comics master Fang versus the terrible toothache who tera vaada the wolfy's maybe those silly fur balls are trying to find a new place to hang out or take over turn it into a wolf eat end we better track him down PJ masks night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] break becomes [Music] hey Peter I've seen the wolfy's find them Museo must you dust the library was to boogie wait what about a treehouse too easy we need a dead that's out of this world [Music] pajama kids you know what that means there's bad guys around we're the big bad wolf eats remember look there oh yeah it's so cool and unguarded Oh [Music] never said that I said it's gecko remember me PJ masks were the PJ masks you're overdoing it cute no wait don't put their paws all over our things [Music] yeah those must be the controls for our new wolfy den everybody until I find a way to lock the door even if it makes a place go kablammo [Music] [Music] Oh fruit shake make mine wolfberry strawberry for me you have kiwi pineapple we're locked out I'll sneak through a hatch door and let you guys in [Music] [Music] Oh guys even got a superhero stop up this place has got to have a force field or something okay it won't be rocket to the moon [Music] as long as the wool please don't know how things work that buys us some time PJ robots are inside guy maybe he can get control of it he's our only hope if we lose HQ we lose everything PJ robot sneak away and stop the rocket from blasting off [Music] [Music] bTW robot engines ha Kevin what did you do nothing hey where's Wolfie bot he's trying to stuck with my remote control [Music] nice tell me we've got a back-up plan I got idea there is much [Music] awesome I think I found away what's going on it must be that Wolfie bot he's working with the PJ kids [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh gee that was close there goes our super cool hangout we can't lose you too homies God is each other true nothing is more important than that you did everything you could to help teach a robot sorry we put you in danger you think you can get control of HQ again it's too high it's not a range I like it [Music] sure miss BJ buddy [Music] [Music] oh why does up feel like down because we're coming in for a landing look out moon here we come get ready to go how do you guys get on the moon Oh didn't go anywhere this is our HQ so go take a bow not a chance PJ robot II the elevators and rooftop trapdoor if you please home sweet headquarters sure is good to be back yeah but this place wouldn't be the same without a red robopal thanks CJ robot don't just stand there help us I don't know guys are we sure we wanna mess run with paint yeah come on it's all about putting your paw print in the funniest place and I know where to start [Laughter] [Music] whoa what is that paw prints that means movies and if wolfies are on the prowl they're up to no good PJ masks were on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] what you got PJ robot those little fat wolves are making a mess but I'll find them in no time with my cuz I'm too much fun messing up stuff isn't fun it's bad werewolves were supposed to be bad didn't the fur into fangs Cleveland well Kevin's a wolf he's not being bad I just think paw prints aren't the only thing you can do is paint yeah but it's the funniest come on let's get work [Music] I remember that [Music] thanks for tracking the gekko-mobile PJ robot threat to school PJ goobers are coming [Applause] [Music] you go after them I'll find Kevin [Music] see nice flower oh thanks huh yeah I mean it I really like it I thought you PJ's didn't want us painting all over the place you're not painting all over the place you're painting on a piece of paper that's totally okay see cool trees that's why you don't like rippin howlers game isn't it cuz they like messing things up but you like painting I guess you're a good movie maybe sometimes no I can't be criminal or say wolfies can't be good well how could a bad Wolfie paint anything as nice as that I want to paint together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here thank you for how much fun I've had painting with you come on Kevin that was fun who would have thought a wolf and a lizard could have such a good time yeah maybe we should make this guy a lizard wolf I guess it is fun being a good Wolfie now and again huh what are you doing with lizard legs you're supposed to get more paint not have a blade [Applause] no worries come on dude I don't want to be a bad Wolfie all the time whatever [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] tonight Kevin we've told you wolfies are bad it's all that hanging out with lizard legs he's gone for Jabba no he's not always about messing stuff up hmm it actually is I want to be my own Wolfie sometimes I want to be a bit good too what is no such thing as a good Wolfie that's nobody at all you're in or you're out Kevin fine come on Haller no fee at all [Music] that was weird yeah Tonya's place where poverty ever super high place - don't you think cap wolfies rule we've got to stop these wolf eats yeah but what about Kevin hey why the long fur we're a rippin howler I'm out of the pack I tried to be a good wolfy but rippin Haller said I couldn't be you did the right thing by sticking up for yourself but what if they're right what if a good wolfy is no Luffy at all [Music] [Music] we'd never come down anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're howling with fear how can we help if we can't get near them you can help rescue your friends and prove to them that a won't we can be good what are you saying come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] to get close with them no way we'll my I'll be strong enough a good wolfy howl is strong its howl of all it's time to be a hero [Applause] [Music] Wow that's somehow Kevin it's a good wolf yeah come on let's get down from here don't drop me listen boy don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow that wasn't just good Kevin that was awesome we love your Kevin you're the best will you come back in the pack now please please course I will we're not just a path we're a family so a Wolfie can be good sometimes yeah once in a blue werewolf moon you guys you're hilarious I'm hilarious I'm hilarious yes come on guys what's that it's a lizard wolf thing lizard wolf or will be lizard PJ masks already good hey what's this a note it's from the wolfy's you think you're so tough pajama kids we've got something to show you wolfies room cool bad weather and bad wolfies likes PJ masks were night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Briggs becomes [Music] PJ robot PJ robot heard from the wolfy's yet sonic howling again come on they're in the park [Music] [Applause] sounds pretty pretty ugly yeah let's see how the pajama kids handle this it's just our regular supersonic cow with extra wind stuff and it's got a cool new name the super super Sonico ready [Applause] [Music] that you're going to knock stuff over you got our notes let's drool you mean duel we're gonna show you guys who's this once and for all here comes a super you can't just make up a new name and claim that you've got stronger powers anyone can do that yeah well we're doing it [Music] [Applause] no way can the wolfy's use the wind better than me super [Music] [Music] your note said you had something to show us I haven't seen anything yet our new power is the best it's not a new power [Music] what about wool feathers feathers I think it's called fur I've got a plan that you're not clever enough to understand its whoopee it's genius really yeah and all you have to do is get outlet just stick you with more feathers toldja geez you were like wind power plant lab and they were like someone had to stop him those wolfies always try and wreck stuff but then they met we'll shoot them Kevin Heller go get more how easy over here trying to cause trouble again [Music] city not when this out was in the sky [Music] this is actually gonna work I hate a genius [Music] why does Rip's plan mean we need to get feathered I don't know she said we weren't clever enough to understand what's the cleverest thing you can think of okay I can do this clever thing clever thing [Music] [Music] [Music] Hopson pops out of that little whoopee [Music] not behind you what's she up to [Applause] [Music] is it I thought it was going to be clever it is and you're gonna do it I'll let think she's so special clapping about wait until she meets the flying no fees whoo so I how maybe we'll get extra werewolf powers straight from the moon whoa astok but wait that's really high are you sure it's safe thank you to find out you check if it works don't want anything bad to happen to the wolfy genius here can I stop being chaste now yeah it's like this time okay PJ's the wolfy's won't be showing their faces around here for a long time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] those feathers are mine you can't use them against me if you're so amazing how come you aren't flying yourself scared of heights don't like the wind blowing feather phobia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we've got a rescue mission rescue the wolf is for the city gasping geckos rapture mess this one up know the feeling so much for my amazing feathers your feathers are amazing they're just not the answer to everything you know I think this calls for a cat strike yeah and some super Gekko muscles you're right let's get those feathers back [Music] okay you're coming in to win [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'll make it work yeah you made us go up there all on our own it's a true rip a plan you don't dare take part in yourself what kind of plan is that I'm outta here I'm telling what are you talking about [Music] good luck ripp I don't think they're gonna be listening to you anytime soon but I'm keeping an eye on these things just in case they do now that sounds like a good plan PJ masks [Music]
Channel: PJ Masks Season 3
Views: 8,578,607
Rating: 3.8372457 out of 5
Keywords: pj masks, pj masks full episodes, pj mask, pj, pj masks season 3, tj maxx, pj max, pj masks english episodes, pjmask, catboy, pj masks toys, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, pj masks full episodes Disney junior, pj masks full episodes in English, pj masks full episodes 2018, pj masks new episodes 2018, pj masks wolfy kids, pj masks vs bad guys united, pj masks easter wolfies, pj masks luna and the wolfies, easter wolfies, luna and the wolfies, pj masks easter eggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 9sec (3309 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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