Owlette and Friends ❤️ HD | PJ Masks Official

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a light I'm going to use the peach a seeker spanner great idea outlet switching on the satellite [Music] nice going guys and I'll keep my lizardy dickerson super vigilant guys I'm picking up bird and cat sounds coming from the park we've got something Luna girl and she's not alone picha robot you see here it could be dangerous what's going on when a girl and where's Lionel well let me see here little lizard Luna treat Lionel come back here we had a deal I give you a treat you feel for me why don't with a steel alley cat wouldn't either you wouldn't right you gave those treats to Lionel last night to try and make him steal things that's why he was jumping yeah well I need them to take stuff for me a few toys a dino skeleton for my Luna fortress not much you've already got paid to steal for you your moths oh these new pets are much better than those silly moths oh there you are ma fees but these animals don't belong to you you can't just take them can and did lots who keep took my pets so I'm taking everyone else's must choose Natsuki well these pets choose me don't you wow it's so peaceful here it's where I was awarded my Dragon Warrior staff [Music] relaxing tell us for an you about your staff maybe it has powers like us right but its powers are different the staff only enhances what's inside um say again it takes the energy in me and adds it to the energy of the mountain cats whiskers what if I used it wanna try me staff I don't think so it takes many years to master it please and you wait how about we let and you show us how it's done [Applause] that was slick please and you can I have just one teensy weensy turn I'll be really careful just one turn then but be careful wait I've got this the mountain chose to help you wait let me try something else I could be good at this [Music] oh the Dragons gone well that's a relief I think I know why me too whoa I don't tell me tell me now give me those stones and leave this place at once all of you no I like it here and I hope you will too as a statue whoa she's good guys we've got to put that stone back before it's too late I don't know who you are but you don't frighten me not when I can do this how do we get this story back we can't see him and we can't move we gotta think of something fast looks like they're not so hot without your stick wait could these be the source of your power I have failed again nothing can stop me from conquering the secrets of mystery Mountain I wouldn't be so sure about that Supercat strikes [Music] now hand over those stones guys we're cutting it a little close here you won't hand them over I'll just have to tape them thank you I found you okay playtime's over let's buckle up and go back to HQ this is Romeo's greatest plan ever [Music] oh what's this do hey what did I tell you don't touch anything oh come on guys you're superheroes not two-year-olds I'm three one two three here you go they'll be good okay I've got to figure out how to stop Romeo by myself no drawing on the walls when you get down from there this instant that's it we're taking a timeout okay don't cry you want to play find Gekko again once my baby beam is fixed that lizard won't know what hit no kept me down down that's each Q's alarm Oh Leo's on his way if he stops me he'll rule the world with his army of babies huh unless who wants to play superhero called me he was doing something with the crystals done there's no way in its lost power The Doors don't work PJ cat-boy he tried to call me remember whatever he was doing he was trying to help you think so [Music] he's starting to help he tried to drag the cat car and he tried to make my walkie better - gasping geckos it didn't work we should have helped him he just wanted to be part of the mission it's not his fault [Music] energy is really low he ran his battery down to open the door he sacrificed himself to save us like a true PJ masks would hate a robot whispers the crystal I saw earlier okay don't worry I got this careful whatever it is it seems to have something to do with our powers I can't do it let's try it together we can do this we're still two PJ masks all of us come on it'll be fun across the city super awesome armor Dylan's crotch too might just watch villains in the night that's not how our cheer goes we saved the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight's PJ Patrol okay that's taste test you pour PJ masks your new sidekicks taking over what happened I don't want to talk about it what am I even doing here apart from getting laughed at oh maybe they're getting some ninja gizmo to make the plane go faster or maybe they're just trying to pull me away from the action so I can't help you they're ninjalinos they'll be up to something you've been gotta go [Music] where'd he go I don't think so this is just silly I'm a hero I should be going after [Music] [Music] [Music] that was close the PJ pests turned into dog toys that's actually quite funny [Music] don't just tender where'd you lazy's think you're going I'm pack leader [Music] I'm having fun with your wolfy Busters what a mess they've got you into groups they're ninjalinos maybe they don't like being wolfies that's what I keep telling them be ninjas again no yelling at them isn't gonna work try being nice to them like us okay we want them to go back to being regular ninjas right then remind them what's good in them and what's great about being ninjas time to be a hero remember your inner ninja doing a move like makes beer [Music] sorry for treating you like naughty doggies that's not who you are you're ninjas remember [Music] [Music] [Music] nice work team ninjalino nice work what about me set me free now you ninjalino sillies yep there ninjalinos again but that doesn't mean they want to be pushed around by you they your master I'm sure they'll come back to you in the end if you treat them nice oopsie I forgot [Music] what are we gonna do I don't know but I sure hope cat boy knows what he's doing did you hear that sounds like PJ robot there he is [Music] hurry Luna girl will be back any second [Music] it's no use there's gotta be some way to get out of here it's not the time for music PJ robots especially opera oh do you think I know what he's up to it's worth a try [Music] what about our powers [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's get out of here before Luna girl comes back [Music] [Applause] [Music] another moon what's it mean it means lunar girls up to something PJ masks were on our way night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] I don't get it why is wonderful marking these things I bet you're wondering what I'm up to [Music] we'll see about that today Howell glider PJ robot keep an eye on HQ we're going after Luna girl [Music] game's up wolfies give him to us this werewolves on our team cat-boy rescue ruffles while we distract the wolfy's on it super cat how'd you like some PC power [Music] we can match our fluffy sour ruffles come on move those pots please not as fine protects you by my cat's whiskers what is it about dogs [Applause] [Music] totally trashed show us how to go fool will be somewhere on the teller come on howler for some reason the wolfy's think ruffles is howler maybe if we can find howler we can trade him for ruffles I'll use CAD ears to search for him cat ears I just heard him this way and now I'm hearing a high-pitched laugh kind of a mean one to a girl what are you up to Luna girl oh just playing with my new with that you're messing my hair I'm so bored with my moths this dog is much last time I'm not a dog I actually feel sorry for howler a little let's get him out of there feathers I just think it's called fur I've got a plan that you're not clever enough to understand it's genius [Music] yeah and all you have to do is get out let just stick you with more feathers Soulja genius you were like wind power plant lab and they were like Oh someone had to stop him those wolfies always try and wreck stuff but then they will ship them Kevin Heller go get more trying to cause trouble again [Music] how will the city not when this I was in the sky [Music] this is actually gonna work I am a genius [Music] why does Rip's plan mean we need to get feathered I don't know she said we weren't clever enough to understand what's the cleverest thing you can think of okay I can do this clever thing clever thing [Music] [Music] okay now I'm going to catch night ninja hey Mon cowboy now why would I do that you PJ masks haven't seen what I'm planning to do with it yet but first let's play a little game of catch it oblong towards you with my owl wing wait [Music] there you are what's wrong with me how come I'm the one who ends up in a tree held hags well yeah I get serious and show them I'm worth my whiskers [Music] [Applause] but this is Series nine Angelenos are just fancy there are bouncy thieves who steal what I want I'll pull them off course again with my owl wing wing I'll carry all those big bouncy blobs with my super Gekko muscles [Music] we that's it is [Music] they finally realize no match for all-powerful night ninja hi Vijay pests but the second I strike the gong you're done [Music] [Music] [Music] that's oh you do the honors dragon I promise we'll reunite you with the Malik and I need you to do just one more thing the man master thanks for helping us we know it's been a long time coming but here you go thank you you're welcome today armadillos oh so tough guy didn't bleed English last night at the playground pupil stay calm remember oh yes big guy you're really controlling the fury [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to the words of this ancient book you must be in the now now I'm angry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing keeps car wise master cat-boy as geeks honor all the names protect his pupil and gets it to fall for the mountain you think the fact it's gonna work better I'm stressed we're here I feel [Music] [Music] [Music] she was just warming up from now on she's gonna be safe and awesome round one who's the strongest robot lifter those cars [Music] I am ticklish hey there easy does it [Music] what is your room for us way to go robot buddy ready for the next round if you say so armadillo buddy my buddy isn't just someone who does what you say well it sure is fun thank you I'm Matt Dillon [Music] what would you PJ's know you told me what to do half the time only when you do stuff that doesn't make sense like this round two robot Russell how about practicing saving the day together could be fun and not so dangerous yeah we could swap tips show each other moves nah robot wrestling for me that is master [Music] [Music] no ways that SAPI thing as good as a PJ buddy I know Gekko let's just make sure nothing gets rushed you gotta protect every close yeah use your strength to pull them in a circle will defend them together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Geko we were counting on you I'm sorry it's just look at him don't you think it's amazing till those eyes that tongue those scales maybe it's just a lizard thing it won't happen again I've promised to serve and protect all carnival floats everywhere come on we can still catch them how the owl gliders out we'll take the floats that way we can look after them at the same time I'll take the wrapping only because it's closest PJ robot we need you [Music] what do you want with them anyway Romeo what are you two doing together working on my most evil plan these devices transform the floats into evil robot floats controlled by my mind [Music] [Music] away guys [Music] [Applause] the coast is clear you're on now let [Music] cotton your own web I'll take those but where's night ninja I just love Halloween are we having fun yet taking goody bags isn't fun night ninja the saying goes trick-or-treat welcome to the trick part the goody bags disappear one by one until you have good luck with that we just got them back Oh [Music] sounds like your friends are in trouble better go save them chop-chop [Music] [Music] okay captain Cameron headlights be cannot DOS [Music] [Music] and she's going after the rest of the goody bags cover me I've got this don't have any trouble finding him who readies to surrender huh we'll never surrender for a crime we didn't commit check this out hmm those naughty ninjas I will bring them to justice not so fast first we've got to figure out why they did it wait what did night ninja staged the robbery Dickie was so busy to distract us yeah so we can do whatever I want without any of us getting in his way or maybe night ninja figure he can do whatever he wants without any hero getting in his way didn't I just say that come on let's go catch some bad guys bar my doing style how about we go for the less destructive flossy flash style [Music] [Music] the greatest ninja ever and how exactly are you planning to move it even I'm not strong enough to look that that's cuz you don't have made your fingers watch as we move that silly HQ out of the way [Music] the PJ pests I thought you were gonna lock them up for stealing those comics
Channel: undefined
Views: 11,906,480
Rating: 3.9600763 out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, disney jr
Id: LphKS5kbFjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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