PJ Masks are Taken Over as Robots! | 2021 | PJ Masks Official

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[Music] [Music] ah so is the itchy helmet catboy don't scratch that edge just get out let's help me back on right i won't make that mistake a second well a third time stop that do more exercise what cluttering feathers how did i even get here it's okay i'll get you out but first you gotta shut down that loudspeaker no more romeo melody no more romeo exercise it's time to be a hero nice work pj robot the glider may be stuck up there but i can still fly to the rescue whoops almost pulled a cat boy cat boy are you sure you can do this pad ears it's too much i know it's tough for you your ears are sensitive but what about your other senses huh you don't just hear things you smell things and see things like we all do okay i'm a hero i can deal i smell what dog i see flybots coming up ahead stop kitty and birdie from reaching the control room you keep going i'll stall them with my how did the pj paint snap out of it in the first place master incoming lizard huh if this is about you wanting a pet romeo this ends now say what sorry could you repeat that can you hear this [Music] very convincing faster totally good enough to fool those other pj pogo sticks into helping me with my next plan you'll never fall for it ever just watch and see knowing that you are enjoying the show will make my evil plan twice as fun hey pj buddies owlette who else well you two have been robot washing i've been coming up with a plan to get back at all these nighttime villains that doesn't sound like something flossy flash would do well maybe i've decided to stop being a feathery flossy flash it's time to do some real hero work like what i'll show you to the flying house how can they be falling for this [Music] now where are they uh why don't you use your owl eyes oh yeah television and what's wrong with your voice i think i'm allergic to your silly questions look [Music] there [Music] what are you doing here what are you doing here hey stop that or what no one threatens owlette dj's put your superpowers to you but he hasn't done anything that may look like dancing it could be anything ninjalinos stop them pj masks to the rescue super gekko muscles super cat speed [Music] huh i'm feeling sleepy owls don't sleep on them [Music] i put your pj pals to sleep for a hundred years my sleepy splats don't work on robots but hq is mine take the sleepers somewhere they can't escape gotta find my gekko-mobile i'm the leader god don't be silly i've gotta go back to hq catboy you know i can help me [Music] super gekko camouflage [Music] catboy owlette come in catboy the one and only i'm so clever and speedy what you're not catboy you're right having fun with my ninjalinos night ninja why are you there where are my friends they fell asleep on the job [Music] snoring snore snore no what's wrong with them why are they sleeping all you need to know is i've taken over hq it no longer belongs to you so if you don't mind about time what's this do hey what did i tell you don't touch anything and no pouncing oh come on guys you're superheroes not two-year-olds i'm three one two three i'm thirsty one two three give me milk you go now be good okay i've got to figure out how to stop romeo by myself [Music] excuse me hey no drawing on the walls and you get down from there this instant super lizard that's it we're taking a timeout [Music] it's okay don't cry you want to play find gekko again once my baby beam is fixed that lizard won't know what hit him [Music] no kitten boy down down that's hq's alarm oh romeo's on his way if he zaps me he'll rule the world with his army babies huh unless who wants to play superhero i do i know let's do it trust me you can do it flap those wings like this wow [Music] that's okay try again [Music] which of you are the real gekko and owlette i'm the real outlet i'm real gekko i am now what kitty little boy you can't tell them apart your robots may have super powers but they're not friends like we are owlette gekko catch hey kicking cartwheels [Music] see romeo i know who my friends are ready for our special move [Music] stop them whatever they're doing stop [Music] them [Music] time to put your bad coffees back to sleep romeo [Music] but it won't be for a while with the super computer destroyed nice at romeo to build these statues of us pj masks all shout hooray cuz in the night we saved the day coming to get you pj robot what is that [Music] fluttering feathers it flies [Music] leaping lizards it's a flying factory and it's getting away owlette and pj robot we've got to save them [Music] [Music] i don't think so i'm keeping you both prisoner in my flying factory forever hey let us out of here we're not part of your crew no and they never will be get them robot super gekko shield super cat speed this isn't over pj masks [Music] come on owl glider gekko cowboy is that you rossi flashes wire to turn you into an action figure like us fluffy flash kick and crash romeo you've gone too far this time i know isn't it great don't let it [Applause] [Music] oh but the fun's not over yet guys are you all right i'm so sorry i shouldn't have rushed off ah that's okay but you've gotta help us get back to normal romeo's got the controls hurry i'm on it time to be a hero time to ramp up the settings master look out hey i wasn't finished that's right you weren't show me how to turn cowboy and get go back to normal right now hmm let me think about it um no if you don't i'll use flossy flash on you you wouldn't dare besides you don't know how oh yeah then i'll just try this [Music] hmm as if i'd make it that easy give it back i'm the only one who knows how to reverse the process promise to change catboy and gekko back to normal i promise fine but you better not try anything [Music] first robot [Music] that was fun again again time to be a hero [Music] that's the best you can do a feeble flying display say what you like you don't bug me okay then fumble feathers wandering birdie turkey [Music] oh clever ready for takeoff huh super gekko [Music] stop that immediately [Music] robot hates water enjoy the rest of your flight romeo we're out of here [Music] [Music] one day i will roll the skies way to go owlette great flying thanks gekko i just had to stay cool and do the right thing i can't believe i let him make me so mad well he did break your owl glider pj robot you fixed it didn't need to worry about that either you pjs phil i got my moths back catboy are you all right there is no cat boy here only night panther and i'm dark owl huh is even better than i dreamed with the lizard [Music] you can't escape gekko join us never super gekko camouflage looks like the pj past got away don't worry he'll be back [Music] my best friends have been turned into bad guys what am i gonna do [Music] let's see how bad our new villains really are dark out if i said i was going to take over the world would you try and stop me no i'd help wonderful in that case let's take over the world but first a task to show me your true villain i mean i will help as well master no need with these two on my side i might never need you again [Applause] come my evil friends to the museum who's in the mood for stealing something huh we'll take the panther prowler what a wonderfully evil name who knows we might even lure that nice little gecko out of hiding with a naughty little plan it's okay nothing happened yeah i'm fine too oh my gosh whiskers catboy you've been multiplied i know i know but why does he look and sound different maybe the multiplying machine works differently on us because of our powers the robots look get that machine know robots is for multiplying you not pj masks throw me the machine catboy i'll pull out the glowy thing i can't there's too many robots but maybe if there's a few extra pj masks too [Music] wiggling reptiles now there's four come on cat boys i've got a plan and you're a part of it we're going to roll these robots [Music] so long robots not so fast looks like your copies have their own plan what are you doing make them roll away i've got a better idea i'll spin this one until it gets extra dizzy i'll raise this one around the city until it's totally lost i'm just going to run mine as far as i can this is an amazing exercise [Music] [Music] robots hold those pj pests in the air we have to get that machine back can we please do our plan now just give me one more try i've got another idea and with all these cat boys they can't fail [Music] we'll use these logs to fence romeo in but how will we get the machine back huh i'll explain later [Music] hurry [Music] so easy thanks for my lovely ring pj pests now roll along hey give that back we need pj robot you promised we risked everything to get pj robot back for nothing pj robot you know risking everything was worth it you saved us and we just proved that when we put our powers together we can do anything i think it's time we gave those naughty ninjas a pj surprise [Music] hmm i can't feel anything we got our friend back night ninja now it's time to find out who's got the real power come on huh was meant to give him three times more power makes sense to me whoever gets the ring has to put their powers together like we did the ring doesn't give you three times more power it's proof you've already got three times the power like us working together it doesn't mean your ideas are always best and you've made us do everything your way but but ah i wish i could stop jumping being controlled is horrible wait i've been controlling you and ignoring all of your ideas now romeo's going to control everyone it's okay we'll think of something yes being a good leader means listening to other people's ideas it's time to be a hero and listen to you now well if we just let romeo keep controlling you then you can distract him while we take care of the tower and the dish let's follow your [Music] okay play time's over i'm up to the town square where my remote signal will reach everyone and if you try and follow me i'll just zap you again hey romeo i'm the uncontrollable cat boy i'm going to stop you in your dreams kitty litter boy and just because you think you could stop me i'm going to take you with me you can watch as i take over the world now flips hey romeo what about making me hop high in the air ha ha a good idea [Music] i like it bet you can't make me dance i'm great at somersaults too town square it's evil time okay it's pointing at romeo so what are you gonna make me do now romeo let me think oh yes [Music] i'm just as super as they are if only these things weren't in my way huh what if i add my cat speed to bouncing that'd make an amazing move maybe my supers one yet super cat bounce yes we know you're super you don't need to prove it sorry i was testing out my new moves it's super right [Music] no wait [Music] huh this is too fast catboy i'll catch [Music] you [Music] it's a pj bouncy tron this is all because of my a lot machine i'm a genius you may have invented the machine but i'm the one who's gonna dastardly plan not as good as i am now give me back my machine no i'm just as good at being bad as you are you are a small time thief if not once i've done all of the biggest comic book collection in history give it back never it's my invention my super ninjalinos can't be beat your band of minnie me's aren't as good as my robot show em robot yes oh now i can zap the rest of the city was that your plan master um yes and you but how i have been watching from the shadows waiting for the perfect moment to strike and remove you from harm but how come the magic flute didn't work on you i took these from the food table clever pardon never mind i'm getting the hang of being the hero in the city good because we need you to help save all those party-goers they do not seem unhappy are you kidding they're being taken to the mountain to be night ninja servants that shall not take place okay pajama time pj masks we're on our way to save the day night in the city and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing [Music] [Music] becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] connor becomes cowboy pj masks so how do we grab that flu and stop night ninja it's easier said than done as soon as we get near we'll hear that music more pastries too risky they could fall off and there's not much time [Music] it's like taking me over whoa what's going on it's the power of the beast my time is that is not a rhyme pjs don't listen to them being a hero isn't just about having powers sure helps there's more than one way of being a hero we've got to try something different i got it [Music] okay you've got to use your super binocular eyes to find us a wolfie i meant really different guys but fine let's try this super owl uh zoom okay one movie straight ahead on it amazing skateboard speed [Applause] nice camouflage greg that kind of works but how do we get our powers out of kevin's jacket and back into our pjs we need that ball thing from romeo's vacuum of doom okay let's go get it wait we can't keep pretending we have powers we need to be heroes differently but why kind of powers rule kinda think amaya my power's better it's my mind you mean mine no i mean mine [Laughter] silly wolfies only they tried playing together for once that's it [Music] okay greg kind of camouflage
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 1,752,755
Rating: 3.8066299 out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, disney jr, pj masks season 4, pj masks robots
Id: uur4VweSj5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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