Pizza Party | Home Movies with Alison Roman

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what are you doing your vitamins now  I'm setting because I saw them and   if I don't set them out right now I'm I'll forget ever throw a pizza party obviously step one take  your vitamins because Pizza is not for your health   hello everybody Welcome to Home Movies my name  is Alison Roman and today we have a very special   guest I have known today's special guest for her  entire life I've watched her grow into a beautiful   young woman full of life Heart of Gold it's my  sister my name is Carleigh please welcome Carleigh   restaurant this is my sister in town visiting  from Los Angeles and it just so happened to   coincide with a Home Movie shoot and I said what  would you love to see in a Home Movie because she   watches them Faithfully she said Pizza I said  pizza and I was like okay like we live we we're   in New York and I would you know take her for a  pizza but also we can make pizza I've made pizza   [ __ ] it I haven't is there anything about  pizza making that scares you it just I feel   like you need to have like a special oven to  make a proper pizza and like make a good pizza   but you have one in your book that looks amazing  and people love it and I haven't made it yet and   so I'm like really stoked to make it I didn't  pay her to say that organic material I'm glad   that she asked to make this actually because  we haven't ever done it for a Home Movie and   I am not a Pizzaiola a Piezo what is that hate  style I'm not I've never studied how to make   pizza I'm not an expert in pizza making and  I kind of agree that you do really need like   a beautiful very hot preferably like Wood-Fired  oven to make a great Neapolitan style pizza but   for like a grandma style which sort of has  that like spongy Chris recipe focaccia-ish   base I really feel like anyone can make  it if your oven goes to 500 which mine   does perfect we're gonna make the dough I'm  gonna make the dough I'm gonna send you back when you're ready for me to yeah yeah  so I'm gonna make the dough I'm gonna   send her back and then I'll come bring you  like Thanksgiving and stuff like I'll help   but not like what's that face when you've  come home I have cut or things okay yeah   to that degree we have cooked together  okay so you know so thank you Carleigh this is like a base dough recipe I've also  baked it off as a pizza Bianco which means   just like Focaccia effectively but it's pretty  great it's foolproof you don't need to knead it   all you do need is thyme in the instructions  within the recipe there will be two methods   one is if you're going to make this tomorrow  and one if you're gonna make this tonight so   dough of most sorts pizza dough and or otherwise  a lot of breads effectively the ingredients are   flour water salt and yeast for the pizza dough I  like to add a little honey because it helps with   the Browning of the crust which I feel like is  really important in a pizza dough it also gives   the yeast something to eat which ensures that  it's bubbly it's activated it's just like added   insurance so this pizza dough recipe will make  one standard half sheet tray size pizza which   is enough for like 40 people let's see one two  12 pieces so if each person's having a piece   it's 12 people and if each person's having  two pieces it's six people so six to twelve   people Choose Your Own Adventure or one person  with leftovers see if I care in this bowl I'm   going to mix one little packet of yeast this  is a quarter ounce of yeast this is active dry   yeast this is not instant yeast although you  can use instant yeast so in this bowl two and   a quarter cups of water I'm going to use like  a warmish water not hot not cold two teaspoons   ish of honey I'm just gonna kind of drizzle  some in a packet of yeast two and a quarter   teaspoons if you're using yeast from bulk we'll  whisk that together we're not trying to dissolve   these I'm just trying to incorporate it to kind  of like Get activating give it a head start   we all need a head start in this world sometimes  and then I'm gonna go with five cups of flour you   can use bread flour if you have it you can also  use regular all-purpose flour scoop oh level the good thing to know is that if you've had  that yeast in your kitchen for more than a year   maybe consider getting new yeast just because  you don't really know how old it was when you   bought it and if there's any doubt in your mind  and if you're like I it's kind of like spices   when you're like I don't remember the last time I  bought this then it's a good idea to just get new   and then a tablespoon of kosher salt feels like a  lot isn't actually that much and that's it that's   the dough so I'm gonna mix it I'm just moving it  around so that there's no like visible dry spots   and that's that when you touch it it's like it's  not like a beautiful dough and you're like how   will this become a pizza dough or like anything  that you could do anything with but that's okay   because I'm going to show you what happens  basically remember those like grow a dates   they were like little capsules and like you put  them in water and then they grew into a person   flower is like that each little little tiny piece  grain molecule whatever a flower grain of flour   Becca flat what is it I'm really going for it  with this plastic wrap but that's just because   this plastic wrap isn't particularly sticky that  will continue to hydrate this dough which will   expand it it'll become bigger the yeast will  help it get bigger but it will also become   less wet because the dry and the wet become  one here's what happens when you let it this   rest just in the fridge overnight didn't  do a single thing it looked just like this so it's like you can see it it's alive the yeast  did its job we're gonna deflate it that's called   a punch down the first rise of any bread or  bread product or pizza dough or dough product   it's to develop flavor have you ever had like a  really amazing pizza crust and you're like wow   this crust or this bread or whatever has just  like Flavor that comes from fermentation which   is a product of the yeast being active the best  ones start with like a starter like a sourdough   starter that has like a lot of character built  in we're just using regular yeast so it's never   going to have like quite that same interest level  but it did its job it was active it came to life   and it's no longer like a Shaggy mess it's just  like kind of like a nice homogenized dough so I'm   going to punch this down onto itself and you'll  notice how much it deflated look how beautiful   and shiny this is and I didn't do a single  thing to it after what you just saw this is   just from resting pretty cool part of what makes  like a grandma style pizza Sicilian style pizza   whatever other style pizza so delicious is the  way that the dough kind of fries in the oil you   bake it at a very high temperature in a lot of  fat and it sizzles it crisps up it Browns it's   fantastic we love it never been done before  riveting incredible amazing show-stopping   spectacular if you're shy or scared about this  I don't know what to tell you but don't be   brave but don't skimp on the amount of olive  oil that I'm about to put on the sheet trip   and we're gonna do this very satisfying  okay so now I'm going to take this dough   as advertised gorgeous and I'm going to do my  best to just kind of encourage it to spread into   a rectangle shape it's not going to fill out the  pan right away and it's not going to be super even   but all I'm doing is just like applying slight  pressure to encourage it to be a rectangle shape   you can be whatever you want to be when you grow  up as long as it's a rectangle shape this will   continue to relax and grow just like all of us  but don't force it right now all you're trying to   do is like get it in like a preparation shape for  its final form which is the rectangle shape that's   going to like be spread out onto this sheet pan  any additional coaxing at this stage won't do you   any favors it's too tight it's not relaxed enough  it needs to like resettle from that Journey from   bowl to sheet pan so while this rests I'm going  to just like lightly drape it with some Saran Wrap   set it in the corner not pay attention to it and  ignore it let it do its thing when we come back   to it you'll notice that it just will stretch so  much more effortlessly and it'll be a little bit   more Supple and that's when we're going to Pivot  a second Rise it's going down for its second nap   of its life right now and while that happens we're  going to make our sauce and prepare our toppings   good sound really good sound it also just feels  good cold dough like cold greased up dough like   this is I'll come give it a little snack  so put your hands in the oil first and then oh oh yeah like when you're a kid oh yeah  it is yeah see she's younger than me   and you can tell because I would never I  would never bring that up but she's right yeah but it was more of your generation thank  you thank you you're welcome you're welcome regeneration as with any nap you need to make  sure that it is snug and tucked in and cozy   so I'm just gonna drape it with  a little bit of plastic wrap   like a little blanket sleep well sweet prince  and that's kind of it for for now it's like a   rolling process if you do this the night before  it just becomes a very easy process and like a   very unscary thing to do in my opinion I'm gonna  put this to the side we're not gonna touch it   look at it do anything to it it's gonna be about  40 to 45 to 60 Minutes depending on how warm it   is in your apartment or your home right now it's  very warm in here it's almost 80 degrees so this   will probably happen actually relatively quickly  although it did come right from the fridge so I'm   just going to set it aside I can check on it in  a little bit meanwhile I'm gonna make the sauce I believe in a tomato sauce for  a pizza that is pure tomatoes   raw garlic salt olive oil that's it I've done  many different styles of tomato sauce for this   but ultimately what I have determined for like  the Focaccia style is that you do want to cook it   a little bit more than say like a Neapolitan which  I don't believe is cooked at all I think it's just   like fresh crushed tomatoes but because this is a  bit different and it bakes for quite a long time   it does help to give this a head start because  otherwise it can be very soupy and wet like in the   Focaccia or the pizza crust I'm using the words  interchangeably because to me they're kind of like   same same it's like similar same  technique application here let's   give this work clothes I give  this sauce more clothes foreign Thomas's in this apartment right now if you're  not privy to that joke uh I'm here to tell you   that it's in reference to the song Smooth uh by  Rob Thomas and Carlos Santana watch more of our   videos yeah when what the hell have you been  doing with your time you can slice the garlic   you can crush the garlic you know I'm just gonna  crush the cloves I don't need like the garlic in   the sauce necessarily but I'm gonna crush them  really really well so they sort of like perfume   the tomato sauce and putting the garlic in the  pot first because I'm gonna add some olive oil   and then I'm gonna heat it so the garlic just gets  like a little Sizzle on it and then I'll add the   tomatoes two tablespoons of olive oil once I hear  the garlic start to sizzle you could add a little   chili flake if you wanted things spicy but it's  really just the Tomato I don't it's not to me like   a sauce that needs any onion or like tons of raw  garlic or like torn basil like it's like to me it   should mostly just be about like the sweetness of  the tomato and a little toastiness from the garlic   once that comes up I will crush the tomato and add  it to the pot if I'm being honest I would probably   use like crushed tomatoes here but like really  good crushed tomatoes I'm fine with just crushing   by hand you just have to kind of cook it out a  little bit longer crushed tomatoes in a can tend   to start out thicker so you cook it less but for a  pizza like this to me I feel like it's more about   like the crispiness of the bread the cheesiness  the pepperoni like it's like less of a delicate   experience and you know also this is like a novice  Pizza situation I'm just giving this like a little   toast but I think that every good pizza I've ever  had the thing that stands out to me no matter   the style of it is the tomato sauce is simple as  there's like not a ton going on it's like tastes   like really good tomatoes it tastes like slightly  sweet has good salt there's like faint garlic   flavor maybe but it's pretty straightforward  all right I'm gonna add the liquid to this foreign and then I'm going to add  the tomatoes and I'm just going to   crush them by hand into the pot you  can do this in a bowl beforehand but   what are you looking at my tea  collection just seeing what's up there I didn't know I had peanut butter I must have  had a craving I'm seasoning this with salt and   pepper some purists might say pepper doesn't  even belong in your tomato sauce but yeah   when have I ever been a purist All Right  This is Gonna Keep simmering I'm gonna   cook it till it's like pretty thick  so probably like another 10 minutes I think it's really tough to beat mozzarella  cheese tomato sauce on a crust I really do   it's it's what I order every time I go to  a pizza place it's like always on the table   to me it's the best pizza that you can have and  when I make it at home that's how I feel as well   this mozzarella is a fresh ball of mozzarella it  has been salted it is not anything special it is   simply a ball of mozzarella that you can buy at  the store I like cheese that has been made with   salt that's just my preference I would never  purchase the pre-shredded mozzarella because   it has a totally different texture your pizza will  look different it will taste different to me it is   not the move but even like key Foods Price Chopper  a lot of big box grocery stores on the East Coast   carry just a regular ball of fresh mozzarella  it's not hard to find I don't think it's like an   exclusive ingredient but you know if you're gonna  go buy yeast at the store you probably just buy a   pick up a ball of mozzarella you could shred it  on a box grater but I also just enjoy slicing it   thin and then tearing it on top of the pizza  pizzas to me sounds like a thing that people   wouldn't make at home but a lasagna is lasagna  takes forever and there's way more components   and it's way fussier you like boil the noodles  the noodles could stick you got to make the   cheese mixture you got to make a sauce it's like  a full thing you gotta like assemble it you gotta   bake the thing you got a cool it's like a slice  it it's so much more wash your hair I made it   it's not totally there yet but it's definitely  bigger we could see a before and after   and like in another 20 minutes this will probably  be ready to go just in time for our tomato sauce   to be done Dan you look hot today what yeah that  looks hot today I can say that he's married how   many Rob Thomas's Santa Rob Thomas's today our  pizza sauce is done it's a little chunky which   I like I like those bits of tomato it's now like  no longer juice and tomato separate it is sort   of like it has become one and again I feel like  this should stream across the entire Banner of   the video for every second of the video this is  just one woman's opinion on Pizza this is not   the ultimate this is not that only this is not  the whatever it's how I like to do it everybody   simmer down if I hear one person be like that's  not I'm like then come here and tell me you show   me you start your own YouTube channel and you show  me how to make you Pizza okay I want them to make   their own channel I don't want them to come  here preheating the oven I'm gonna go to 450.   I would do 500 for a smaller pizza but because  this is actually quite large it's gonna go 450. now comes the time where we also can talk about  other toppings you want to welcome back Carleigh I love you I don't have a good cider that's  it they're both the same side   so so much so symmetry I am symmetrical what is   your favorite pizza topping mushrooms oh I  don't have those okay what else I didn't ask um I'm done with whatever okay I'm  not I'm not a picky pizza person   you're actually not that picky period no I'm  really not that picky we're very different no   I'm not picky I'll be like where do you want  to go to dinner she'll be like I'm fine with   anything and really means it I do mean it  which is crazy I don't understand I can't   relate well you say that it's a guess yeah when  I say it I mean if you get it wrong you're dead   to me she's not gonna like leave me astray  on a dinner recommendation so like I will   always take it and always but it's true why  would I I don't trust anyone that much about   anything it's her job and that's my job um all  right we got pepperoni we have soprasada first um we have arugula for afterwards we  have basil for after we have onion   mozzarella parmesan anchovies  for after I've been doing it on slice place you're walking around  with anchovies in your pocket and you kind of feel weird doing it really what's  weird about pulling out a tin of fish from your   pocket and then opening it up and then putting  it on the pizza in public David that's I don't   what do you mean our dad is guilty of this I  once went with him for a bagel good morning he   cares his own locks and so he had wrapped it in  some cellophane and we sat down and I watched   him Pull Locks out of his book it was pretty  great it was it was hilarious something basil   and anchovies if you're gonna put them on your  pizza put them on after the flavors change the   texture changes it's so much better fresh parmesan  could go either way parmesan could go on after or   before pepperoni goes on before onions go  on before has there ever been anything more   tender in your that you've ever seen in like  a floofy pile of fresh basil like also nothing   smells better delicate little cloth you know what  this reminds me of I bought it it's a stork last waking up from a snap do you see how it's changed  it's not quite doubled in size but it's obviously   like stretched more to the corners very very  delicately kind of just gently move it into the   corners like that see how like relaxed it feels I  usually go more orange I'm just kidding it's close I don't have to say anything I didn't say anything   I know what she's thinking what am I thinking  but you're the only one who can have red nails so it's not perfectly in the corners and  that's okay because as it bakes it will get   there the olive oil will also soak up into  the dough which we want I did want to chop   these Peppers because mine's going to get a little  pickled pepper do you want typical pucker present   do you want some pickled peppers on your  pizza is that what is that a pickled pepper   yeah then yes okay now let the games begin  I'm sorry I don't know what's going on here   it's our fifth video it's the fifth video and it's  20 in a 48 hour period I'm gonna put the sauce on   it's warm it's hot it's fine you can see bits of  dough in through here like we're not dousing it   with sauce and if you watch any excellent pizza  place make pizza they're doing the same thing I'm   tearing this cheese just so I'm Gonna Leave This  corner here pure just for the anchovies because I   like just tomato the pizza crust and anchovy with  like parmesan know that this cheese will melt it   will spread and you don't want to pile it on top  of each other because then you end up with like a   big cheesy mess you might not even use this whole  ball you're like mosaicing it this is hard to   write a recipe for because you're like according  to your neuroses apply the cheese in whatever   pattern you see fit and you wanna do some peps  peps let's do this side with onion and the side   without this is fun it's also nice because you can  really kind of get like four different types of   pizza from this one sheet tray if you truly like  bisect it um great yeah let's do some parm you   can also get get some on the crust a little bit is  a nice technique I'm gonna put some pepper on it   and maybe a little salt is there like a rule for   the like bottom part of the question  I would put it directly in the middle 20 minutes 15 minutes 35 35 to 45 minutes 37  minutes later at 450 degrees without rotating   at all our pizza is ready it's crispy it's golden  it's baked through it's bubbling it smells amazing I'm gonna hit it with that sweet sweet parm just  so it can kind of melt a little bit I am going   to let it cool slightly before we eat it but one  thing I want to point out is that with all baked   goods I.E pie insert video here I really take  my baked goods including my pizza to the Limit   I bake them for a long time at a high temperature  when it's called for I like crispy texture I think   high heat especially for something like pizza or  dough it causes the dough to rise quicker meaning   you'll get airier texture crispier texture and  more golden brown business so to me this is like   platonic ideal of how this should be looking right  now I think some of you might be like oh there's   like dark spots but like I like the dark spots  those are my favorite spots yeah we agree you can   see it's like free it's like loose in the tray  now it's contracted it's like mostly filled out   the corners but these sort of rounded edges are  totally normal you can either cool this like on   the sheet tray just on the stove you can put it on  a wire rack if you're looking to eat sooner rather   than later you can take it out of the sheet and  because of all that olive oil and how it baked it   comes out pretty easily and all I would do  is just take like a spatula and lift it up   and just let it slide onto your cutting  board so do you see how like tall it's   gotten and the fact that you can tap on  the exterior means like it has a really   nice crust but it shouldn't be dry on the  inside anchovies go on when you're eating   but basil can go on now do the tiny cute  leaves okay okay that's also enough basil wow I'm going to move this  to another cutting board   so you can like really see the fluffiness the  crunchiness the sauciness it like has like when we   made those divots with our hands that's where like  the sauce pools the cheese pools so you get really   nice surface area where it gets Brown crunchy this  uh tomato sauce gets kind of Jammy and sweet and   then the divots where the dough is like dimpled  that's where the sauce stays like fresher juicier   and the cheese stays like kind of meltier  and cheesier and then this one has our meat do you hear it feel like crunches this is my favorite part to like crunchy Edge part  personally I can eat like half of this at a time   this is not a full portion this is for dramatic  effect can I cut you a piece yeah which one do you   want well I want to try your anchovy slice earlier  yeah so I just put a piece of anchovy on that one oh you're doing great not easy to get on camera no  it's delicious it's very good really really very   good it's like a perfect Pizza to make at home it  really is this is not like a New York style size   we are in New York but this isn't has nothing  to do with the style of pizza it's very hard   to beat the like soft spongy Focaccia part here  the very crispy bottom of this dough the juicy   sweetness of the Tomato the cheese the chili the  pepperoni that gets crispy on top it's like yeah   and I think the moral of the story is like don't  overload your sauce don't overload your cheese   I know at least some of you are going to be like  she didn't put enough sauce or cheese on there   and you're gonna do like double and then you're  gonna be like my pizza's too wet it didn't bake   in time and you're gonna be sad so do whatever you  want but there's enough sauce there's enough juice friends it was really good I'd say I'm not usually  a fan of like a thick crust but it feels very like   I don't know I'm just eating like a  good patacha you know I'm a middle   girl you don't like a crispy crust I'm a  soft food person okay thank you everyone   no thank you to my gorgeous baby sister  I know it's hard to believe I am older um the joke is clear I'm older nothing that  much age is nothing but a number nothing   but a number I love her I love pizza I'm really  glad that you inspired us to make this because   I'm not sure we would have otherwise  oh I love you guys this has been so fun I'm close to being drunk as she's  ever been she hasn't had any at all
Channel: Alison Roman
Views: 268,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, pizza recipe, focaccia pizza, grandma pizza, focaccia pizza recipe, easy pizza recipe, quick pizzza recipe, simple pizzza recipe, pizza party, alison roman, home movies with alison roman, a newsletter, nothing fancy, dining in, cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, food, chef, home cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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