Dilly Bean Stew | Home Movies with Alison Roman

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beige is a color that i'm trying to incorporate more into my wardrobe i'm like going towards like monastic chic uh so like you know the sheet that ariel wears in a little mermaid when she gets legs it's like a rope and it's like she looks good it's a beige sheet and i feel like that's sort of the energy i'm trying to carry with me your 2022 style yeah like fashion inspo is ariel with legs [Applause] hello everybody happy 2022. welcome back to home movies it's been a minute we took a little time off um how was everybody's break yesterday yeah i didn't see that coming no holiday parties no holla i cancelled my hand party my my freezer is full of two giant hams in this moment because i normally have a holiday hand party and uh we had to cancel it because gathering simply was not safe i put new knobs on my cabinets look cool right i did that myself thanks for asking so i with the exception of last year i love to start the new year with a new stew it's like all i want to eat right now i find myself like needing a bowl of something warm and soft and something that i can kind of keep on the stove and just like come back to over the course of several hours when i'm sitting at my desk doing god knows what not writing i'll tell you about what i'm not doing um just kidding of course i'm writing your editor was watching yeah it's fine if you're watching this uh i promise i will have that manuscript to you within a month it was due last month sometimes a recipe comes from a name first that doesn't happen often but like sometimes i'll think of a phrase and i'll be like that sounds really good i don't know what it is but i know that i want to eat it i know that whatever it will become will be delicious and such is the case with jelly bean stew it is frizzled onions creamy white beans wilted cabbage so much dill and the right amount of seasoning in the form of really tangy vinegar and also delicious butter it is shocking how good it is with how few ingredients you're actually using and like to be honest kind of the most boring ingredients you could possibly be using like like oh a head of cabbage and a can of beans like sign me up i don't know but it is wildly delicious and so exactly what i want to be eating from now until like mid april this is just a like crusade dutch oven this is the three and a half quart not sponsored although call me if you'd like to engage in a sponsor now it's to me like a really nice size for little soups and stews and things like that it's not quite big enough for you know say a pork shoulder or short ribs or a big braise but it's just like a nice little pot people always ask me like how do i keep it clean i don't i don't really keep it clean it gets messed up in the in the middle i've had this maybe for about two or three years i like the patina i like when my pots and pans show wear and and personality because that's how i don't know that's like my clothes they're all stained that's how i justify i'm not taking care of any of my things thank you so much to ritual for sponsoring this video i started using ritual when i was in my early 30s it was just sort of like feeling like i needed help i needed help in a lot of ways but like i needed help with the vitamins that i was getting i liked that i could go to the website and it clearly listed every single thing that was in it so i could determine if i wanted to be consuming that or not it turns out i do and even on the weeks that i do feel like i'm eating well just having sort of that back up of a multivitamin makes me feel safe knowing that it's like filling in the blanks for all the things that i'm not doing for myself and right now you can get 20 off of one month's worth of vitamins by going to ritual.com allison20 and entering the code allison20 at checkout we tried to get them to put allison 2020 stew but it felt a little long so it's a weird mouth feel yeah 1000 20 is that's it the first step and the most important step of this stew is uh frizzling your onions i call for one large onion i only have two smaller onions that's what i'm going to use this is sort of like a high heat onion it's closer to a fried onion than it is a caramelized onion i think of a caramelized onion as a jammy long cooked like you know sort of impossibly tender and like supple onion and i think of a fried onion as like a crisp sort of like intact like large petals of like crunchiness this is again somewhere in between but closer to fried so we're going to do it over high heat it's going to not take very long and this is going to be used two ways one to like serve as the base of our stew is like how you flavor it because a lot of flavor is going to come from those onions you're going to get like sweetness and also just general like depth of flavor and then we're going to take some we're going to save them for the top and that's what's going to go over the top of the stew why is this onion so hard to peel i don't know it's giving me the business my grandma says that if i was being a pill growing up she'd be like you're giving me the business which meant like i was being enough i'm slicing them thinly but not super thinly again we're not making caramelized onions we're making like a frizzled onion and part of that is the integrity of the texture so i'm like a quarter inch thick ish this will give you like a really nice texture at the end they're not gonna disappear into nothing if you only had you know a red onion you could use that here as well the color wouldn't be affected that much but because once the red onion cooks down it kind of loses its color anyway but i would try and just get a white or yellow onion for this so i'm starting the stew off with some olive oil and butter i don't always cook with butter in fact i almost never do but i really felt like because the rest of the stew was so lean it's like white beans and cabbage it really wanted some extra fat and i wasn't really sure if something like sour cream or yogurt was going to play plan at the end which it can if you want it's definitely optional but i really feel like the butter is doing a lot of work here it's like not a superfluous ingredient but if you're dairy free or you just don't have any you can also just use the same amount of olive oil look at how pretty it looks i'm gonna add the onions we're not browning the butter or anything and i know it looks like a lot of onions but it is a lot of onions they will shrink down quite a bit but it is amazing how much they actually flavor the end product i'm just gonna stir them they're over high heat right now i want each onion slice to sort of like come in contact with that fat the olive oil and the butter but other than that i'm not going to really do much to them i'm going to let them frizzle and fry in the fat without much babysitting i might visit them occasionally give them a stir check on their progress check on their browning but i don't this isn't like a thing you need to babysit or really worry over you should trust in the fact that like the onions are gonna cook they're gonna fry they're gonna do what they're gonna do without you like watching over them it'll happen around the edges first but see how like you know they're browning they're not they're not wilting the goal is to not turn them into a jam we want to like keep their shape and their body all this stuff at the bottom that's forming like that's from your butter and your onions the sugar and the onions that will all get scraped up when we add our liquid in our beans so don't worry about that um let's talk about beans it's been a minute i just get so excited i'm using canned beans i love a brothy bean cooked from dried as you know insert video here one of my greatest joys i'm passionate about it i'll talk about it all damn day but i also am equally passionate about a canned bean i think canned beans are an incredible incredible innovation in bean cookery they're ready to go they're in a can you just open it and then you can eat them they take on flavor really well they their texture is like you know maybe softer mushier than i like my brothy beans but i think for these purposes where i'm looking for them to kind of break down become a little starchier lend that creamy interior to like the texture of the stew is really important for this one i call for any white bean i think that a mixture of beans is really nice we went to look for beans this week and brooklyn seemed to be out of beans so thank you to everyone who's been making this stew we really couldn't have done it without you but we finally did it we wiped out the entire white bean population of brooklyn so thank you everybody it means a lot to all of us okay supply chain no it's not it's not the supply chain it's the jelly beans too so we have great northern beans we've got cannellini beans we've got butter beans a lima bean would work a tiny navy bean would work any sort of white bean would work i've seen people make this with like half white beans half pinto beans which works black beans i wouldn't do it's like gonna turn a weird purpley gray color but you know anything will do and if you wanted to use three cans instead of two if you want to double this recipe super easy to do but i'm gonna go with these butter beans and these great northern beans you've been selected [Music] all right so they're fizzling i've turned the heat down to like a medium high because some of them are getting a little darker sooner than i wanted which will happen the longer you keep the heat on the pot but nothing to be concerned about and i'm just gonna keep stirring and i'd say these are like 80 there they're not jammy they're decidedly brown it's been about nine minutes so i'd say like another minute or two more and we're good to go and we're gonna add our beans directly to the onions after we remove some for the topping beans are stored in water and the liquid can be really gelatinous and kind of gloopy and it's just like not something i care for so as a rule of thumb i always drain and rinse my beans when i'm using canned you'll notice that sometimes beans come with salt or not these ones happen to not have salt added but that's just the brand i actually prefer the beans that come with salt so they're already seasoned but just know that whatever you're starting with you may have to adjust a little bit especially the ones that don't have salt added it's kind of like having a pasta that you've not boiled in salt water you might have to work a little harder to you know make sure that it's fully seasoned but nothing to panic about these onions are ready to go they are frizzled they're amazing it took about 10 minutes i'm reserving about a fourth of them and the rest of this is going directly into our stew to flavor it and these beans are going into the onions i'm going to season them pretty liberally because again mine didn't have any salt and in this process i'm going to kind of just gently crush some of these beans because we want to see some whole beans in there but we also want to release their creamy interior because that's what's going to thicken our stew so i'm not you know trying to crush them all into a paste or anything but you do see how it's getting a little mushy but you can still see some beans intact i'm adding water because i'm using better than bouillon not sponsored i much prefer it to any store-bought vegetable stock that you can buy i think there's more flavor it keeps forever this jar will last you a really long time you don't have to worry about using all the whole container in one go but if you're using broth whatever this is when you would add it as well and just kind of give it a stir along the bottom to encourage any bits that were down there to kind of come up and if you are using better than bullion you can just add it directly to the pot you don't need to like pre-mix it or anything another reason why i love using it and i'm using the vegetable flavor but any of the flavors would work they've got like roasted chicken and like not chicken chicken and like vegetable deluxe and mushroom and beef it's like they've got there's like many they've got like a full line i have three or four flavors in there i i love them all again great product strong buy so we're just going to bring that to a simmer cabbage time to talk about cabbage this is a regular ass head of green cabbage this is basic it is green it is delicious it is versatile it's what you make sauerkraut from it's amazing stir fried it's great wilted into stews and soups it's great braised alongside pork i love cabbage i love green cabbage a few people have asked questions like can i use napa cabbage can i use savoy cabbage can i use red cabbage and the answer to all of those is yes savoy and napa tend to be much more delicate their leaves are thinner they are have like more of like a long shape to them and once you start to slice them the interior is like more feathery more delicate so you might end up needing a lot more cabbage than say the green which tends to just be like very very hearty you can tell like the leaves are thick they stand up to like a braise and a soup and a stew without you know totally like wilting into it which if that's what you want and that's fine too i thought the red cabbage wouldn't work i thought it would make it a really gross color but i've seen pictures of it on the internet and it actually doesn't look too bad so if all you have is a red cabbage then go forth and use it but my pick my strong buy for the stew is green cabbage depending on how big your head of cabbage is and how much you like cabbage you know you might find yourself using a quarter of a head a third of a head a half of a head this is your core it's not unlike a pet of iceberg lettuce or romaine it sort of grows in the same way like there's a stock and then the thing grows around it so this is the stock aka the core it is entirely edible it is delicious you do sort of have to slice it thinner and it is a bit more fibrous so typically i do get rid of it just because say your cabbage is extra large that core is going to be extra tough and it's not worth like making this wonderful stew and then having like an uncomfortably tough or big piece of cabbage floating inside of it all i do is just go like that i think for like the first few iterations i was just like literally tearing the cabbage like that which you can do i think it's kind of fun to do that i like tearing because of the irregularity but if you're more of a chopper i respect that as you get closer to the core it becomes tougher to tear so your cabbage will come with a tougher and gettys style outer leaf i like to remove those these are very tough and fibrous they will cook down and when i'm doing things like making sauerkraut they all go in but for something where i'm just sort of quick cooking there's no long-term braise here i i will peel back the outer leaves until i get to like a reasonably tender first leaf almost you know just like you would for iceberg lettuce or romaine wow i just said my own name romaine this is just gonna simmer i'm thickening it the beans are softening even further they're becoming more seasoned with the liquid it really does taste so good already by taking those onions as far as we took them at the beginning stages not only are we having like a fun little garnish at the end but you're effectively making like a caramelized onion broth like all those onions and all those bits and that brown butter that like kind of cooked along with the onions is now flavoring the liquid that your beans are simmering in so it already tastes so so good i'm gonna keep cooking it for like another five to eight minutes to give the liquid a chance to thicken and then i'll add the cabbage i'll simmer it a few more minutes i'll season it with the vinegar i'll add the dill and then we are gonna eat the stew [Music] we're back we're gonna talk about this cabbage okay so our stew has been simmering for like 15 [Music] ish minutes it's thickening it's looking more opaque than translucent which is an indication that like the body is there once we have the cabbage to the stew just like any other green that we're adding some liquid is going to come off it's like if you think about any time you've wilted spinach in a skillet or kale or any sort of green vegetable water comes out because these vegetables have a lot of water in them so you're gonna get a little bit more body but as it cooks down you're gonna lose that body again so it might look a little soupier and then come back to stew but again i've said this before stew thickness is a journey and it ebbs it flows just keep simmering till it's the texture that you want it i love the way this looks i don't know it looks so beautiful it's like a big flower inside so this is going to wilt down in there it doesn't wilt quite as fast as say kale or spinach obviously because it's heartier but in due time so delicious the stew is going to come back up to a gentle simmer the cabbage is going to wilt it's going to tenderize it's going gonna melt into the beans some parts are leafier and more tender some parts are thicker more coarse i like that variance in texture so that's why i keep the leaves pretty you know leafy spriggy if you will but yeah so this will look a lot different in 10 to 15 minutes we'll see you then [Music] in for 2020 roses what did i say take me back just kidding don't take me back that is a joke in for 2022 large roses whimsy and cabbage and beige i kind of like a roast yeah monastic chic ariel yeah so i describe this stew is as being for anyone who loves pickles mostly because of the copious amounts of dill and this white distilled vinegar which like you know remind me of a pickle brine so this is where that happens the stew right now has cooked down it is absolutely gorgeous it is juicy it is thick the cabbage is wilted it is brown it is beige this is more brown than beige tbh some of you aren't taking your onions far enough and it shows but you can see like the physical being but you can also tell that some of them have broken up and given their insides for the sake of thickening the liquid and that's called real selfishness selfishlessness selflessness that's called real selflessness now we're gonna add our dill this still is especially feathery and like delightful that's about half a cup i'll save the other half for the top and this is going to go into our stew along with our tablespoon or so of vinegar and the vinegar will be very much like a season to taste situation for you you might decide that you want yours a little bit tangier or you might decide that that's plenty but any less than you're like not really there's no there there mmm i'm gonna add a little bit more it doesn't taste like vinegar it just tastes like like acidic acidic now we're going to plate our stew this is ready but you can see there's like nice even dill distribution which is nice because then we're going to shower it with dill on top there's beans there's cabbage there's onions beige food is beautiful this really illustrates that i need a smaller ladle but you know what my phone my six ounce ladle does a really good job it's like it's like hilariously large but guess what yeah my monastic culture all right then you're going to top it with some of those onions that you frizzled a little bit more olive oil maybe a crack of pepper [Applause] and obviously more dill a little pat of butter at the end that's like a lot of butter but as it sits it'll like melt into the stew and be so crazy good that is your 20 20 stew it tastes so good it doesn't need meat it doesn't need sour cream it doesn't eat any of that but if you were like i really love sour cream or i have some and i want to use it a little dollop on top of here is so good you will love that um full fat greek yogurt would also work creme fresh would also work another thing people have asked is how can i add meat to this so when you're cooking those onions a thing that you could do is add some raw chopped bacon or some sausage out of the casing or maybe like a sliced kielbasa or something like that and just sort of proceed as usual but in terms of like a vegetarian and could be vegan stew this has like remarkable flavor but when you eat it you're like why is this so good like i still i still can't believe it but i'm really phenomenal happy 2020 stew to more cabbage in your life to dressing like the little mermaid when she gets legs 2022 it's a 2020 stew [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alison Roman
Views: 356,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dilly bean stew, cabbage stew, stew, stew alison roman, stew recipe, easy bean stew recipe, simple bean stew, quick bean stew, internet famous, cabbage bean stew recipe, alison roman, home movies with alison roman, a newsletter, nothing fancy, dining in, cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, food, chef, home cooking
Id: UNnboQvc77M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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