Churro Pancakes

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- Er normally you should clean that but I mean Chloe germs aren't that bad. (Chloe breaths heavily) (upbeat music) What are you doing? (laughs) Hello everybody. All right? - Hello. - We're a little bit tired today, we just got back from our first ever camping trip as a family. - Yay! - It was... - Amazing. - Intense. It was brilliant, and actually I'd really like it if you guys want to see maybe some camping recipe videos now that we've done a camping experience as a family. I'd kind of like to go and build a tent and do some camping recipes, that'd be cool right? - Yeah. - So as we went camping, you'll see today look, we've got no dogs they're being looked after by our relatives. Chloe's a little bit tired aren't you? You enjoyed the great outdoors a little bit too much, didn't yah. - Yes. - Don't worry we're gonna power through. And you need a little bit of a sweet cook, cook, energy boost we're gonna make some churro pancakes. Do you know what churro's are? - No. - I'm glad you asked because they are kind of like donut sticks normally, that you pipe and someone actually messaged me a while ago saying Barry is there a way of making churro's without piping them? There is, we're gonna do churro pancakes. They're rolled in the cinnamon sugar and they are delicious. Normally dunked in chocolate, we're gonna drizzle them in chocolate. You're gonna love it Chloe. But I gave you guys, particularly the followers on Twitter a choice, look here is a poll. I asked you guys do you want me to make the churro pancakes, or do you want me to make the one pot sausage pasta which is actually stonking. Literally takes about 10 minutes. Maybe I'll show you that another time. What do you think? - Sausage pasta. - She wants the pasta. Some of you guys were like do it together, but I couldn't really work out a way to go hi this is my recipe video on sausage pasta and churro, it just wouldn't... But anyhow this is gonna be easy peasy, in fact the first thing we're gonna do, Chloe in fact you're gonna do it. - Yeah. - Is make the chocolate sauce, is that exciting? - Chocolate. - [Barry] All right pan and kid eating the chocolate. What are you doing? - Taste testing. (bright bouncy music) - This is 200 grammes of dark chocolate okay. (Barry laughs) In the background there we have an array of other ingredients to add to that pan Chloe all right. All right, yeah. The first one is golden syrup, we have loads of this in the house. We need three tablespoons of that okay. So I'd give three good squeezes out of that bottle okay. One, two, three. If you can't get corn syrup then, what could you use Chloe? - Golden syrup. - [Barry] No if you, oh yeah. Some vanilla extract, we'll need this in a minute anyway for something else, for the main churro stuff. - [Chloe] Do we need it now? - [Barry] Yeah do a little pour of that in there. - Okay. - Bit more then a little pour but a poury pour, there we go that's nice. We're also gonna add in, what is that Chloe? - 100 kilogrammes. - [Barry] No millilitres, not kilogrammes. - Of milk. - Yes. Right you need about a third of that okay, so we need about 100... Don't spoon it mate just pour it. That's enough, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's maybe a little bit too much, that's half way, only needed about a third of that which is 100 mil but it should be all right. What we can do now, like an adulty step, there you go. So the good thing is we can put this on a low flame and stir it from time to time, but then get it melted, keep it warm but then reheat it if it cools. Looks, oh my gosh I love this so much. What the heck are you doing with that bowl on your head. (laughs) That is gorgeous, I'm gonna take that off the heat and we'll come back to that. I'll bring it over, don't touch the pan look, how cool that is. (Barry laughs) This is an emotional moment for me. The first time Chloe, using this mixing bowl huh. - No it isn't. - Yes it is. - It's the second. - When did we use this? - In the keto recipe. - The keto one? - Yeah. - No we didn't did we. - We did. - Making memories huh. (laughs) Your nose. Uh normally you should clean that but I mean Chloe germs aren't that bad. (breaths heavily) You're cleaning it are you. Right, so in here all the dry ingredients are going in first then we'll add the wet. We are gonna definitely wash this bowl now. All right Chloe, see that flour. - Yeah. - [Barry] Stick it in this bigger bowl. This is some baking powder in some sachets, tip them in Chloe. So we have got two teaspoons of that, what you've got there is, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's way too much. Actually just dump it in, just dump it in. You don't need to do anymore now. - I only need about a centimetre more. - [Barry] A centimetre more all right. That's gonna be very, very sweet now. - Yay. (groans) - [Barry] What's that, don't you like cinnamon? - The smell. (Barry laughs) - [Barry] You need a little shimmy of that okay, just give it a little shake. No tip, don't shake it in the air, you've gotta shake it towards the bowl. It's not like yay, yep that's, that's enough. Good education. - I'm so sorry to use you. - The last dry ingredient to go in is salt and normally I do the salt bae thing. (laughs) Whoops. But we've got obviously Boston in salt form today so he's still here, he's probably loving having his holiday. So we're gonna go a couple of shakes of Boston salt in there all right. - One, two, three, four, five. - No, no that's plenty, you're making it into a savoury dish. All right that is all the dry ingredients, let's mix it up. So we've got the dry and this is the wet. - Wet. - The wet. - The wet, wet, wet. - [Barry] We're gonna need some milk, some more milk. Chloe get that in there. Good girl, nice. We're gonna need some sour cream. We're gonna need about half that tub okay, can you squeeze that in. Don't need a spoon just squeeze it in. Bit more, bit more, bit more, that's enough, whoa, whoa gee. You okay. - Yeah. - Oh good work mate. - Oh. - You got some shell. - Quite a few. - Oh don't worry. Right just got a little bit of shell in there but I think I've shown you this trick quite a few times just scoop it out with a little bit of egg shell. - No! - What? What do you mean no, I just did, it worked. No that gets the yolk apart, you don't want, you want both mate. Stop playing with gadgets. Anyhow whilst she's doing that, these go in there like that. And with that all in there, once that's mixed together, which you're gonna do, that'll be it all done. - I didn't know you added the eggs in. - [Barry] Yeah I did, helping you out. - Without me. (Barry laughs) - [Barry] That's it girl, go for it. Because you can see little bits of flour hiding in the bottom, get it all one consistent mix okay. Go for it. There's a couple of large lumps in there, so we just upgraded to a whisk, can you whisk now. - Whisk, watch me nae nae. - [Barry] That is good whisking Chloe. Why on earth have you got that on your head now. Look at Homer he's missing it. (laughs) - I'm cheeky. - You are cheeky. Do you wanna know the easiest recipe in the world, cinnamon sugar. You basically take a bowl, 100 grammes of sugar (gasps) (Chloe laughs) Cinnamon, just a shimmy, see that. Mix it together, and you've got cinnamon sugar, that's it. How cool is that Chloe? - Cool. - Well that looks good to me, how's your whisking, all right? (grunts) The most important thing Chloe, what you laughing at? (Chloe laughs) You must not have any of the chocolate sauce off camera okay, do not, I repeat do not be tempted all right. (laughs) There you go. Give me a kiss. Are you doing the floss? Okay that's fine, it's okay 'cause this next bit is where we're gonna fry it anyway, bit of the adult step. So we're gonna fry it up in some butter, once it starts to foam and bubble gently put it on a low heat and that's when you can fry it or if you want you could use oil. You don't have to use a pancake pan like what we're gonna use do you Chloe. (Chloe gasps) - Unicorn. - Unicorns, oh my gosh. You could just use a standard frying pan if you wish. I've put the batter in a jug as well to make this step a bit easier but we'll just get that around, woo hoo! You see how it's gently bubbling like that, nice. Right in that goes, just gonna add some naughty nutty flavour to it, doing it in the butter. Right we'll have a little check under here. Oh yes, we've got golden colour. Scoopy, scoop, over. Nice, here we go, in it goes. Right yeah let's just flip it over, can you turn it over? Here I'll do it, watch out. Here we go, whoa, there you go. If you get your sugar on. - [Chloe] Tastes really cinnamony. - [Barry] Yeah, oh I didn't show that at all. So we're just getting it in there, flipping it round in the cinnamon sugar. - Now we're gonna dip it in the chocolate? - [Barry] No we're gonna make loads of them, and then we're gonna cover it in sauce. Oh yeah, all right so you kind of get the idea now, we're melting up the butter and then pouring that batter straight into it like so. (imitates beeping) There you go Chloe look, there's our second one. - How many are we making? - [Barry] Huh, they're hot, ow, we're gonna make one million. - No we're not. - [Barry] How many? - Five. - Five okay that's more sensible. All right update, I've just done all of those pancakes. Got loads out of the mix, little bit dangerous for Chloe so she's kind of been in here chilling out, haven't you mate? - Yeah. - Behold your pancakes. (Barry laughs) We made, how many's that, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11. See look stonking, I've just warmed up the sauce that Chloe's gonna pour on it now. If you wanted to make them super fluffy you could add self raising flour, bit more baking powder and bicarb of soda right. - Yeah. - [Barry] But you like them thin, you gonna pour it on. Alrighty hang on a sec, let's get a nice close up. Up, up a bit higher, about there, get a pour on it, a bit higher, keep going, keep going, that's it, keep going, keep going, keep going. So we're getting the chocolate sauce on and it should, you can see, start to run off the sides hopefully. See like that, you want it running off mate like that. That is very naughty. So that's the equivalent of where you would dunk it normally. Is that looking good Chloe? - [Chloe] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Barry] What do you mean no one's gonna have that one. That's the naughtiest one, everyone's gonna want that one aren't they. - I don't wanna be naughty. - [Barry] Don't you. - You are gonna be naughty. - Okay, if you insist. So whilst we tuck into this, if you've enjoyed this video don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Oh my gosh, for regular recipes each week. Sometimes live cook alongs. (laughs) Did you miss your mouth? I'm in a food coma. Oh my gosh, you're going for the chocolate, you don't want the chocolate one. Oh, they're still warm, there's the cinnamon on it, it's got a really nice texture. Do you like it? - Yeah. - On a scale of one to five billion, how much do you like it? - Five. - Five? - I remember saying that, you asked me when I was little. - You are little still. - Yeah but I meant when I was about a baby, I was about two. - These are really naughty, there's a lot of cinnamon on there. Cinnamon sugar's got that kick, the sauce is rich, it's naughty but it's a nice sort of pop, doesn't it, like a contrast between the two textures and flavours. - Yeah. - (laughs) Yeah, yeah. Thanks Chloe for helping me out today. - You're welcome. - You're just fingers now are you? - Uh huh. - Yeah brilliant. If you do try this recipe send us a picture on social media, any recipes you wanna see let us know down below. Other then that stay stonking, and we'll see you next time right Chloe. - Yeah, and now we're gonna call Phoebe and mommy in. - Are we? - To try them. - Go get them then. - [Chloe] Mommy! - [Barry] Need the sauce do you Phoebs? - Yeah. - [Barry] Go on there. (groans) - Wow! - [Barry] I think I made too much sauce actually, got loads left over. - There's some in the microwave. - [Barry] Could make truffles with that actually. - [Mrs Barry] Yum. (Chloe mumbles) - [Barry] Chloe I think you've had quite enough now. Mrs B, boom. - Oh wow. - You like it? - They're amazing. - Try the chocolate. - Yum. - Oh my goodness me. - [Barry] Right okay so portion control but there's four of us but there's still 11 pancakes there. So enjoy them, looks like these guys are. - And you. - [Barry] And as we leave the Lewis household we'll leave the girls surrounding the carcass. - With the pancakes. - Goodbye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style the kitchens for me ♪ ♪ Simon's moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ - [Barry] What's that? - My arm is covered in flour, it's the whole point of baking. - You all right? - Yeah. - I don't know where she gets it from. - You.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 132,148
Rating: 4.9221005 out of 5
Keywords: Churro Pancakes, churros recipe, how to make churros, churro pancake, homemade churros recipe, how to, homemade churros, churros recipe easy, chocolate sauce, chocolate, pancakes, pancake stack, barry lewis, my virgin kitchen, how to make pancakes, pancake recipe, virgin kitchen, myvirginkitchen, cooking show, cooking with kids, mrs barry, learn to cook, recipes, diy, best pancakes, my virgin kitchen taste test, no bake dessert, food, what is churros
Id: JH_sYhg_Wcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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