Pixelmon SHAPESHIFTER Hide and Seek! (Minecraft)

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want to go i gotta i got a diamond sword bro [Music] strange only one of the chances is reacting to the rare candies it's got to be one of you look i can't help you i'm nowhere near you man i'm over by the magmars if you want that 10 minutes watch time you need to get me out of here come on [Music] cody uh help me wha what i i'm a mr mime there's two of you no there's one of me okay what do you mean i don't know how to help you it's me i'm right in front of you is it which one's talking to me i am it's me blooper i'm gonna kill you no no just you i i trust you find judgment okay just do it i'm me both look very ugly okay that's fair missing me miney moe catch you mr bob you killed me yeah but i gotta catch this little mr mine right here welcome to pixelmon shapeshifters today we're transforming into pokemon and playing hide and seek one of us will be a hunter who will it be oh we have a volunteer hello kraken i will kill you he's the worst one at everything so this is going to be the easiest challenge he's going to be looking for us for about a year now now guys we will be able to transform into different pokemon if we defeat them in a pokemon battle so break this lucky block get your started pokemon and oh baby let's go nine times look what cracking got what bag is this what the heck is this wow 10 seconds does not know how to spell mississippi execute it's time for you to execute living we've morphed is that the best you could come up with yeah dude do you have anything better it's time to be executed that was decent all right blooper we gotta uh we gotta roll man we're working together here i'm in the middle of the map dude you come meet me let's just get a ton of pokemon hurdled up because if we have rare candies we oh there's a butterfree actually can i fly if i kill one if i become a butterfly do i get the flying ability that's the question who says i'm gonna help you that that's the that's the question i want answered why wouldn't you help me i'm your all right fair enough now you're pulling family into it i guess i have to if you hold rare candies dude you will lure pokemon near you it'll be like a fiesta out here no i can't fly that's a feels bad moment but butterfree of hides well in the grass and you don't get that like bouncing glitch they're not it's not looking at the working [Music] i'm currently in a herd of chances have you seen brady at all i see cracking i'm spying on him right now cracking's in mid he's in mid by the little tower thing wait what happens if i i uh kill a boss pokemon you died in real life oh my god dude i'm trying i'm trying to kill this cadaver yeah he's level 120. oh gosh oh gosh that's risky oh dude if i i have to go back to the town if i can't kill him oh god wait what the heck just happened guys what what what's going on uh i may or may not of i think hardcore pixelmon is on no oh did you just lose your starter i just lost it's okay i've turned hardcore pixelmon off why the flip would that be on we've never okay uh is by the laprases he's by the where's the lap blooper that's a new feature dude run just run don't go i don't know i have a butter for you in the wild you just can't take like a fire pokemon out in like uh maybe the the uh the water you can't do that can't be a butter free in the water either he's in the water he's in the water he's moving across the water okay i'm fine i'm on a safe spot guys find me a good pokemon so i can master i can use my master ball and i can get i get another starter all right just just go find out go travel to the high hills and get them you too oh yes is that where he is oh my god yeah yeah yeah i'm in route i figured he was along the outskirts oh there's a shiny charizard over here what get over here it's not you're cracking though that's the dangerous part he's also on this mountain don't kill it dude i want to try and kill it and see if i transform into it i mean a shiny is gonna make me stick out like a sore thumb but it's gonna be like high iq all right so judging by the wind direction uh i have no idea how to tell you where i am so uh it's fine i can fly okay yeah kraken is on that heat hill i'm sorry yeah what heat hill oh the volcano yeah volcano mewtwo you better have some good moves i swear i'm just gonna delete you confusion he has confusion in swift guys i'm coming to kill charizard guys crack crack cracker sees me cracker sees me help help help brady you got to run bud this is high to see oh my god uh direct go into the trees go to the trees go to the trees oh you pass the trees just keep running keep running get around that hill get out of there bradley where is this shiny charizard he's a liar no it was over there i swear ow why would you want a shiny mag dude it's gonna be cool oh yeah i am like glowing out here bud bradley are you still coughing i'm about yeah i i am i'm about to be a dead coffee jump jump in the lava no that's not smart i gotta go around he's chasing he's chasing help me help me i am helping no you're not no probably dead well then there was two okay crack kraken's got to be curious as to why he got hit with uh an arrow from a magmar um wait i i see you look since look to the top of the hill behind you jump i'm over on the kind of far hill to your left are you chancy yeah i saw that chansey all the way across the map dude and i was like that's weird i can see pokemon that far away yeah i can see you you're pretty funny actually let me take a shot at you oh don't mind me wait i wouldn't oh shooting at me bud blooper you gotta stay there dude once i get up there we gotta scramble the eggs okay you know what that means yeah yeah you're gonna scramble the eggs and me and you're just gonna confuse the crap out of him i gotta kill chansey though um where's the chances what's the chance he spawns dude over here on the other side of the other side okay if there's gonna be a million chances we should be able to get away oh there is a herd [Music] which one of you is magmar i think uh bradley is yeah bradley got him oh so is he a hunter now uh yo what if he was just lying and said he got you so you can get in your call and listen to all your tactics were you talking about i saw you chad said i killed aka brunch where oh where did that little magmar go you were running out of place dude strange only one of the chances is reacting to the rare candies it's got to be one of you cody bob and weave i see you i see him go go go go go go go go go go go i'm not even near you blooper why are you trying to throw them off dude who's the chansey i don't know it's one of them he's a chungus he's a chungus but he can move [Music] to take aim oh blooper you're getting sniped out there you're you're i mean i need your help i can't help you i'm nowhere near you man i'm over by the magmars if you want that 10 minutes watch time you need to get me out of here come on we're getting them you ain't running from me today boy all right so he was a magmar he ran up on top of that hill so just be careful he could transform into another pokemon here all right i'm just watching the chance you run for his chubby little life phobia you're too big you gotta kill something i'm gonna kill them bloopers go into the forest okay so that was just me no he killed me i didn't kill him oh i killed both of them chancy fought back yeah we can't fight that fine you guys can go get sharp ds5 what where's the body sharpest five you have 18 rows of hearts oh dude fix one shape-shifter if you guys hit freaking 3000 likes we will totally do another one of these it's a custom mod we made that allows uh basically you to transform to any pokemon in the entire game we should make a gen 2 map as well for the next time blooper are you transformed yet yes i'm out i i'm not going to tell you what i am just yeah no no brady i have a visual on him he is currently um residing by the volcano footsteps okay well gladly i'm nowhere near there i i'm by the mewtwo let me be real i i miss my ninetales dude she was cool and stuff but i said brady was at the base of the volcano yeah yeah yeah okay okay i'm a labras swimming swimming with a dream why did brady just get covered me with diamonds oh he's getting the sharpness i don't think he had a diamond sword was he just punching you no he had a diamond sword okay so i'm punching on the top of the hill i was just punching about it hey whoa uh what am i not supposed to sneak into the call to find information about where you are i mean that's against the law dude i think that's oh you're right sorry that's my bad all right but i appreciate you saying you do them you too i heard that part josh he just got diamond armor blooper i i is is this against the rules you two do it you yes blooper we are in the clear i am no longer a lapras oh oh you were lapras any visual on the cranking i haven't seen cranking in a while i i'm actually playing this really smart i'm playing close to them when i should be far from them that doesn't sound like you're playing smart it sounds like you're playing it with fire literal fire and you're about to burn you're too you're flying too close to the sun there everybody you you even know where that's from it's named the name of the man name the name of the man who flew too close to the sun his name was john cena [Music] i gotta get out of here oh we hop skip and jump out here boys he's almost actually icarus that's what i said we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go right now blooper what can i kill with mewtwo in two seconds what can i do anything anything you could literally kill anything oh uh is is it brady chasing you bradley bradley bradley brother his name oh what are you gonna kill it mewtwo you oh my god he flinched he's hitting me he's hitting me oh dude i have a heart oh blooper it's now time for you to be the pooper wait are you back at spawn me no i i i i just went to spawn and like it showed you hmm well i'm not at spawn i can tell you that all right i gotta go talk with the pros hello what's brad i slayed him i slayed i slayed thee brother that was uncool we gotta find blooper we shall find him all right last i heard he was over by the mewtwo's i'm heading over to i got a victory bell acting pretty weird no no that victor bell is uh he's a-okay we gotta spot this guy is anybody have the infrared goggles on no i do not unfortunately we may have player trackers we can use them no we can't use poker no i die yeah just kind of you got to swing your sword hit uh so if they don't get hit then they are not a player they are a pokemon cracking any any strats so i was also spraying pokeballs around i had a bunch of them so you know if the pokemon tried to get caught it was obviously a pokemon so wear candies yeah the rare candies do work too because you can see if they're uh following you i just saw you uh the i found him i found him his schedule it reacted a little too quickly yeah i'm almost dead i'm almost dead oh over by the the woods i see you i see you i see him nope that's heading towards charizards and onyxes oh okay okay he reacted a little too quickly with those rare candies dude come on i was being smart about it help he's cheesy oh he killed me guys get to that location and we gotta pin him start swinging he just starts swinging i see more cadavers head to the uh the west which one's here wait no that's not him dude what's his camper doing oh my god i got out guys i don't know how long it is oh my god i thought you could hide get it alright guys so this has been big spot shape shifter with my friends if you guys want to see us play this again in a new map with new pokemon hit that like button and subscribe and i'll catch you on the flip-flop atlanteans you know it oh wait if you wanna play pixelmon with us don't forget to go over at play.pokeyparadise.org our server our very own pixelmon server links in the description on how to join
Channel: Atlantic Craft - Minecraft
Views: 311,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrunner, pixelmon, pixelmon manhunt, minecraft, speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft vs hunter, mod, mods, speedrun, pokemon minecraft, minecraft pokemon, atlantic craft, the atlantic craft, minecraft mods, challenge, manhunt, hunters, hunt, fun, funny, game, games, minecraft manhunt, manhunt pixelmon, team rocket, pokemon in minecraft, minecraft pixelmon mod, man hunt, pokemon movie, pokemon, lugia, ho-oh, ho oh, legendary pixelmon, legendary pokemon, pokemon cards, hide, hide or hunt
Id: HLttDpx4qVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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