Pittsburgh Steel Man's Top 10 Pittsburgh Pizzas: Shelly Pie

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[Music] Pittsburgh steel man's top 10 Pittsburgh pizzas continues oh yeah the search for the greatest pizzas in Pittsburgh continues and guess where we're at today we're at Shelly pie okay Shelly pie it's in the non-assuming town of Turtle Creek in a very non-assuming location here big building okay a very small sign you might miss it if you're driving by but here we go we're going to Shelly pies homemade Italian Specialties and wait till you see the size of this pie there she is Pittsburgh that is Shelly of Shelly pie she's actually making our pizzas tonight look at that look at that how easily she does that that's the real Shelly oh yeah all right it's almost time that pizza's coming soon here we're both excited Steel Man and steal her mascot Troy oh yeah oh yeah we're here we're here at Shelley Pie Pizza check it out check it out it's on it's it's on the list right here is there steel man's top 10 pizzas okay there's the Shelly pie right there that's the artwork and oh check this out we're very methodic with our judging today it's gonna be Steel Man and Steeler mascot Troy where we're at chili pie and here here it is folks the documentation look right there Shelly pie oh yeah that's what we're gonna be judging we're gonna be judging on cheese sauce crust toppings and overall what do you think Troy I'm ready videos was just awesome last week but I'm really looking forward to Shelly pie it'll get down here very often Braddock my stepfather actually grew up down here um before they moved to Squirrel Hill Way Back in the 40s or 50s so it's kind of cool to be here yep and check this out they put this this like uh this little table here you wait till you see this sucker come out okay we got the traditional pie okay and you think of a traditional Pie as like a circle so well wait wait to see how it comes out it comes out different every single time there oh yeah and and and Troy's enjoying the Margaritas they're they're only six dollars today delicious Margarita it's a smoothie it's a smoothie non-alcoholic strawberry strawberry smoothie strawberry smoothie okay an extra shot of kale yep oh this is good she got all these people they're all having fun here oh yeah very nice place here put that in there oh oh look look here here here come whoa whoa look at Leanne whoa whoa look at that pie man hey Liam put your arm there for for reference there that's a fully grown woman look at that that's that's the pie oh yeah that's a massive pie we're gonna be eating oh yeah what do you think of that Troy I'm ready that's the traditional oh yeah here we go we're going in there extra pepperoni this is a traditional pie in Pittsburgh you have to order extra to pay more for it and it still wouldn't have that much on it these years I was really resentful that I lived out west couldn't get a job here it's a good thing it's a good thing we're bringing some appetites today I tell you that we might have to wait this is really something this is really bad oh yeah thank you okay one you destroyed in a regular traditional pie check out the toppings in Pittsburgh you don't have to say extra cheese or extra pepperoni this is normal all right guys here it goes this is what you want this is this is a close-up there it is that pizza okay see that pizza see that pizza look at this pizza that's a masterpiece of pie and when you can film yourself and eat the pizza at the same time it's a good deal okay you gotta be talented though Tarantino never did like this what do you think so far Troy I like the fact that I get a mouthful of pepperoni foreign delicious see we're at these we're just two men this this this pizza was about as big as that young woman right there and we're we're we're we're uh we're handling it we put it down I don't know I got half on my face here grease in my hands I think it's got to be at least two feet oh yeah look at that huge all right it'll be back all right look at it look at that all right we're on piece number two oh yeah I'm telling you I've already full after a while but uh we're pushing it here we're pushing it check it out folks look see look at one of these pizzas you see you see that there that air pocket watch this look at this thing look at this you don't get this every day look at that look at the size of that thing oh yeah pull that over yeah oh boy extra oh yeah he's helping me out yeah all right well yeah we're still at it we're still at it we're not we're not done yet baby but hey here's the Moment of Truth here we go this is what you all been waiting for it it's the judging of the pie it's a judging our pie Troy what do you say about the Shelley pie cheese what do you give it up to ten one to ten I give it a solid Aid okay eight there's so much pepperoni it was kind of hard to taste the cheese okay that's true that's true sauce what are you giving it again it's all it is eight okay again there was so much pepperoni um I added a really concentrate to taste the sauce but yeah it was very good okay crust that was a tough one because visually I score it higher than it looks because even though it was a little birds on the top it was so soft and doughy on the inside it was almost like a fresh dough freshly made donut yep yep I give that a nine it's a lot there's a lot there's a lot of crust there it's nice and soft on the inside that's for sure how about the toppings Jam the toppings what do you say well the taste of the pepperoni I would score a nine but due to the volume of the pepperoni and it wasn't too much the boy it stepped on the line but it wasn't okay okay I gotta give it a ten ten okay pepperoni bombing here we go here we go the overall what do you what do you say overall eight nine and ten it's funny because I'm gonna score it higher than what would be the aggregate score of those because as you were saying earlier it's how it all comes together the sum is greater than the parts and pizza so how does it come together how does it come together what do you give it can I say 9.25 you can you can 9.25 all right excellent excellent well steel man's time here we go here we go steel man is gonna give I'm gonna give the cheese I'm gonna go with eight also okay um sauce you know relative to the pizza you know there wasn't too much sauce coming out you know but I'm gonna also give that an eight cross okay I very much like the crust it was delicious uh but me personally I I don't like any black on my stuff so you know well especially like this you know I mean it's good for a little bit but it's a little much it's it's a little much at times but still delicious I'm gonna give the crust an eight toppings I think they did a great job I'm gonna have to agree with Troy on this one toppings 10. all right and yeah like like Troy if we added this up and uh uh averaged it out you know what would it be it'd be probably like 8.5 but no no no I'm gonna give Shelly pie a nine Delicious Pie you can't go wrong with the Shelly pie very unique you know we also received excellent customer service oh yeah yeah excellent customer service thank you Leanne Leanne was great this has to be on one of your to-go lists to go see um you should you should try out Shelly pop for sure no doubt this this is one that you have to try out in Pittsburgh extremely unique Shelly pie and Turtle Creek it's delicious
Channel: Pittsburgh Steel Man
Views: 28,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pittsburgh, steel, man, Steel-Man, Piitsburgh Steel-Man, shelly pie, pizza, food, critic, delicious, pittsburgh steel man, cheese, yum, pizza critic, food review, review, pizza review, pittsburgh pizza
Id: 81z60xm3dmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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