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all right we are talking about living in pittsburgh pros and cons first thing i'm going to start off with is a con probably thought i was going to start off with the pro because i want you to move into the city and use me as a real estate agent that is true however i want you to understand what you're getting yourself into to be the first con is going to be traffic now i guess it depends it's relative to what city you're coming from but we have 446 bridges and i don't know how many but we have a lot of tunnels so anytime you have bridges and tunnels you're obviously bottlenecked funneled and narrowed down into a specific area at a specific time that always causes a problem even if we have tunnels that are two lanes that are the same two lanes out in the country but you put a tunnel over top of it for whatever reason it slows everybody down 10 to 20 miles an hour we have that in pittsburgh and and to make that even worse is a in a lot of our tunnels we have merging lanes so you may have merging lanes coming this way these people want to come on to where you're at before you go in the tunnel and you might want to get off so you got people merging every different way so con number one is going to be bridges tunnels which also ties in with traffic normal traffic's gonna be tough there but when you add rush hour in snow ice it becomes exponentially worse okay i'm gonna give you another con right away and that is going to be tie in with the first one and that is our infrastructure here it was told to me it looks like it was drawn on toilet paper with a crayon by a three-year-old now the reason why it chokes me up every time the reason why our infrastructure is bad isn't because we hired a three-year-old with a crayon and gave them some crap paper and said figure it out it's because we're an old city very old we'll call it realtor speak we're classic we're classic city so anytime you have old city it depends how old it was but they didn't even have cars back in the day you know it may have been walking and then it may have upgraded to a horse and buggy and then it may have upgraded to an edsel or an etsy a ford car and then a couple cars and then maybe 10 more cars maybe 100 more cars you know fast forward all these decades we've got hundreds of thousands of cars and you know all the paths were laid out all the roads were made and they were definitely not designed to handle all this traffic and you can't just widen it i mean there's a building there there's you know again a bridge or whatever so that is gonna be two cons right out of the gate don't worry i'm gonna give you some pros right now so over the last decade i'd say pittsburgh is really much like many cities put a focus on habitability of the city they know that if you make it able to be jogged walked biked it's going to attract more people and let me tell you i represent a lot of buyers that is so true i mean they have already done their research they know the trails they know areas of town that you can jog and bike so again we have a bunch of narrow roads i don't think narrow like in italy or paris where you have to have a small car normal sized roads but you can't just cut them out wider so whenever they put paths or whatever you want to call them on our roads you know what they did they got the stencil put them on the road and spray painted a pitcher of a bicycle and said yep that's a bike path now that's a bike trail so you're sharing it with cars in a lot of places we have very few dedicated bike lanes that's it bike lanes not pads on the south side i bike there a lot lawrenceville there's no bike lane man it's just a regular road with a bike painted on it so they have made it more appealing we've taken up train tracks that they no longer use and made trails out of that the pro for me is biking jogging etc the city's gotten cleaned up and it's a lot safer than again it used to be decades ago so con number one physical activity plenty of it to able to do it nice and safe so am gonna give you another con so if you're like me and you live in the city proper that would be where the city schools are so that would be the city of pittsburgh downtown the core proper whatever you want to call it we have a high wage tax i'm not going to say what it is in the video because it may change but as this video grows old but um you can certainly find out by just doing a little google search so we pay a higher wage tax in the city limits and i'll be honest with you i don't mind i moved from the suburbs to the city because i kept finding myself driving here for biking activities so much stuff going on in the city and you'll see that in other videos that i didn't mind coming here and i don't mind paying the high wage tax man that's why i go out and i use the trails use the parks i use everything the city has to offer because i'm paying a high ass wage tax for it all right moving on let's get another pro so we talked about high wage packs let's talk about the offset low cost of living i'm going to do a video on the cost of living in pittsburgh it is extremely low of course it's all relative to where you're coming from if you're coming to a small little podunk town we're probably a high cost living but you know we're a small big city and our cost of living is really low it's about 160 000 is the median price for a property not just in city proper the whole greater pittsburgh area and that's pretty low relative to a lot of places if you're gonna drop a half a million or a million you're gonna get a palace now here's a bonus a little caution i've represented some buyers that have moved from seattle la and they couldn't believe what you can get for 500 grand moved in paid 500 000 for utility bills started adding up a little high and taxes real estate taxes are kind of high it's going to be my cost of living video coming up and they kind of got overwhelmed with that and some of them wanted to sell it to get out of that high monthly outgoing of money so another pro that you're gonna love is we have a lot of great job opportunities there are jobs available in the pittsburgh market if you knew anything about pittsburgh and history we used to be very big industrial blue collar etc as times have changed pittsburgh has thank god changed with them so one of our big tech schools and tech drivers is cmu carnegie mellon university we have put a lot of geniuses through that school that have gone on to work with facebook google to help make these big tech companies what they are and they haven't forgotten about pittsburgh a lot of these big companies have satellite offices in the city of pittsburgh that is because of cmu and that has done well for us so a lot of techie jobs in medical upmc allegheny health network we have hospitals popping up i mean you would think there's more people sick in the world than not with how many hospitals are popping up in pittsburgh allegheny general over the north side just put a huge wing on which i did a little video of we'll see in a different video it's absolutely amazing tech and medical are going to be our biggies all right moving on as i sit in our 20th 90 degree sunny day in pittsburgh i'm actually going to tell you that the weather is a con usually in the past two or three years it has been gray skies we've had more rainy days in seattle they've done studies not by a lot but we have our spring seems to get pushed way back into our summer summer gets pushed back into our fall when our fall gets pushed back in our winter which isn't necessarily a bad thing but we seem to have a lot of great rainy weather we have a high humidity a beautiful thing about that is we have a lot of green foliage coming out of that oh one of my big pros shout out to dawn boyle a local real estate agent here in pittsburgh reminding me a huge pro even though we have bad weather don't offset that no tornadoes no hurricanes no earthquakes and no tsunamis and any other catastrophic mother nature type thing you can think of race guys bone chilling january and february temperatures slushy winters hot humid hazy summers that's about the worst we have and we have air conditioning and we have heaters to offset all that we don't have anything to offset tornadoes tsunamis hurricanes etc so if you like skiing you cannot ski directly in the city of pittsburgh but we have two ski resorts really close and about an hour and 15 minutes is gonna be seven springs it's a huge ski resort you can go up there in the summer as well but it's primarily known for skiing and we have another one called hidden valley which is about the same distance maybe a little bit further seven springs it's just known that it's bigger and more encompassing it has some black diamond runs and hidden valley is not as big so maybe you're looking to learn this ski or looking for a not so grounded type area maybe hidden valley is your area and of course they have other stuff like snow tubing and etc so about an hour away you have skiing in pittsburgh all right so i took a little survey on social media to see what some of my pittsburghers thought and i'm gonna put this one in there as a con i thought it was funny and that is too far away from beaches we can go to erie pennsylvania it's about two hours north it is a lake erie lake and they do have beaches there it's definitely not like a beach you would find a budding an ocean i can tell you that for sure we're definitely far away from beaches so a pro that i really love is cultural diversity we have a cultural district right down in downtown pittsburgh dedicated to cultural diversity obviously but we have areas of town that have names such as polish hill do not have to be polish to live there or get in i don't even know what the polish population is it was named that way back in the day before all the social correctness was ever thought of there's a place in pittsburgh actually not too far away from polish hill that is called bloomfield and it has a lot of italian descent and they have a bunch of little italy days type thing where they shut down the street and have festivals and you know has all your italian food super awesome central north side has the mexican war streets absolutely nothing to do with that race or anything like that it's named after a mexican war and i'll get into that a little bit different in a specific video so polish hill bloomfield central north side has mexican war streets which is a historic area and shadyside and squirrel hill has a large jewish population due to the dense amount of synagogues that are in close proximity to each other so we have a lot of ethnicity a lot of cultural diversity in and around the downtown pittsburgh area another pro is we have a lot of museums art galleries and stuff like that andy warhol is from pittsburgh so we have the andy warhol museum we have a children's museum a bunch of different art galleries throughout and we actually have a symphony so there's a lot of shows that come through in downtown pittsburgh as well plenty of stuff to do that's a good pro all right so listen i'm almost through the list i'm not going to take up too much more of your time but do me a favor hit this subscribe button so you can keep getting my cool videos about living in pittsburgh and the bell you just tap that bell for me and select all notifications all right getting down to the end you're not gonna miss the last one it is by far the best so another pro is we have an international airport you might not think that's a big deal but if you're trying to fly international when you have to hop around to different airports to get international flight that's a big deal pittsburgh international airport's probably about 20-25 minutes outside of pittsburgh it's a straight shot down interstate 376 which brings you into town into the fourth pit tunnels over the 4-pit bridge which i have done extensive video on in one of my other videos it is called the seven things you need to know before moving to pittsburgh 2020 you can find the link right here so another pro maybe it's a con for some people is pittsburgh is a huge sports town we have baseball we have hockey and we have football all professional sports we even have professional soccer though it's not as popular in america or the city of pittsburgh as others so we have the multi-time super bowl champion pittsburgh steelers black and yellow we have the multi-time stanley cup winning nhl pittsburgh penguins and we have oh yeah pittsburgh pirates i think they may have won a championship way back in the day but no longer sorry okay so that was a lot of pros let's talk about a con potholes some of you from the south may be thinking what is a pothole have you ever seen a pothole here this right here this is a pothole so we do have a lot of potholes because we get extreme heat and we get extreme cold so the asphalt or the concrete will expand and contract over time especially coming out of winter going into spring it's known in pittsburgh i think the news even makes jokes about it the road just pops up and goes away and that forms a pothole and if they don't get out there soon enough and you go through it i personally have blown out two tires and been two rims it's not the same time two different potholes and i had to get my car flat bedded and got to get a new rim unfortunately my deductible was too high and i had to pay out of pocket both times i tried getting the city of pittsburgh to pay for but they said they have to know about it and neglect to actually fix it before they would take any culpability so potholes it's a pretty big con but they're getting better at it okay another pro is we have a community that's just 45 minutes to two hours away it's called indian lake beautiful lakefront homes it's a private lake you cannot just haul your boat up pull it up drop off and go you have to actually own a home on the lake it's a man-made lake and it's byof i call it bring your own fun so there is a there's two golf courses and there is a clubhouse for the golfers that has a good restaurant that was just reopened in 2019. it's not like deep creek where you could pull your boat up and go to a bar and get drunk and stuff like that the amount of horsepower is limited as well it's meant to be very family oriented very sick so you have a little boat you have boat permits for your land from your property et cetera a lot of jet skiers pontoon boats water skiing and stuff like that so indian lakes probably an hour and a half to two hours away that's a pro okay you made it here is my last one and it is a pro we have great health care some of the greatest health care in all of the united states i already mentioned in upmc allegheny general upmc has great medical schools i represented a bunch of fellows that have turned into doctors different disciplines etc and it's one of the best children's hospitals again in america a lot of people will come into the city of pittsburgh to get fixed we'll call it a lot of athletes come to upmc as well professional athletes to get fixed as well knees elbows etc so that's it that's my pros and cons list please if you're thinking about relocating in and you want somebody that has all the knowledge in the world feel free to contact me you can dm me smoke signals carrier pigeon text phone call but again the best way to get in touch with me is just drop a comment below if you can just drop a comment on what you thought do you want any more pros and cons did i forget anything do you want me to do a video on something feel free to drop a comment below ryan tessier look forward to hearing from you [Music]
Channel: Living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Views: 18,517
Rating: 4.7971015 out of 5
Keywords: Living in pittsburgh pros and cons, should you move to pittsburgh, living in pittsburgh pennsylvania pros and cons, pros and cons of living in pittsburgh, move to pittsburgh pennsylvania, moving to pittsburgh pennsylvania, moving to pittsburgh, living in pittsburgh pennsylvania, living in pittsburgh, relocating to pittsburgh pennsylvania, relocating to pittsburgh, pittsburgh pennsylvania, why you should live in pittsburgh pennsylvania, where to live in pittsburgh, brian teyssier
Id: 4etSYDsTbhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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