Pinky Promise Conference 2016: Marriage Session

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so honored to be here you've taken such good care of me already and it's it's amazing because I love being in environments where women get to be powerful here I mean like I love the environments where the truth is preached and we get to respond to that but that we have everything we need to thrive and that's the truth you get everything you need to thrive no one is hiding anything from you because you are following Christ and Christ gives you the Holy Spirit gives you an anointing to live out the promises of God so I have been on this journey I get to celebrate 20 years of ministry this year which I'm very excited about and uh and I it's been a wild journey which we'll talk more about but I think I have a picture of my family I may have sent you guys there's my family and let me just say this that family photos are statements of faith come on you know we are never going to look that good there was five seconds of our life that we looked at good and the truth is we hang these in our houses so we can go if everyone could get their their crud or cropped together then we will look like that so everybody get it together and so we I'm sorry I want to show a picture real fast my husband that's been and we've been married 11 years and I waited till I was 27 to meet my husband and I like to say good meat takes time to marinate come on so if you haven't found him yet he's just marinating he's just marinating so uh bin is a little bit younger than I am he's about four years younger than I am as well so I also believe in that and so I didn't get so bad and tell the other day we were at the dentist and we went into the room she asked her to son to the room and she said ma'am you're going to come with me would you like your son to stay in the room or not and I owe you no you didn't you did not say that so I looked at her and I said oh no he's our husband I know he looks younger than I am but honestly we're the same it's all the same in the bedroom and I'm just going to say that but I wanted to say that you know and and so I'm sorry can we just get real is that are you guys good with that ok go good so so I said no no and so we panicked and she was embarrassed and so I went on to disclose when you get nervous does anybody just kind of over talk like vomit what you're saying and so she was like I think we're done talking about this and so but he is my hero and he is an incredible man of God he's really a man of integrity and the one characteristic I look for in a husband early on was a man that was teachable because the truth is if they don't I mean if you can get a man that will is willing to learn learn how to learn how to be with you learn how to do marriage learn how to do life and God learn to have other men speaking in his life it's quality it's quality so I love my husband and he's home with all four of our boys by himself he takes care of them and so they I call a dude weekend and so they spend time and they beat each other up and eat meat and all that good stuff and then Judah is our eldest he'll be 10 this year and Judah was our first one he is the four is anybody a firstborn in the room look it first Born's never miss the opportunity to say I'm a Flicka I'm a firstborn that's me they're usually the ones that are taking note have their Bibles come on my first Born's always have their phones charged my gosh it's come on wait with me you know who you are right you've been monitoring you're already upset at somebody who's not listening look at you you're like that girl over here needs to get it together and he's very sensitive and very kind my second-born is Hudson Hudson is the middle child who here is the middle child look at you're on your phone right now trying to him on middle children we're almost there and so he is always moving does anybody have a child or a spouse that's like that always moving and climbing things and Hudson is a he always comes home every day with like a note from a girl and so yeah it's a mess and then Grayson is our blondie he is very much like me he has a little raspy voice and the other day we were sitting in the living room and he he gets very serious he's like my child where I could I had all my secrets until I had him does anybody have a child like that like they tell all your secrets you thought you got it together and then they're like my mom yelled at me this morning I'm like no I did it she's like yes she did you're doing it now I'm like shut your mouth son and Jesus name and so come on so he is he is the type he goes mom when am I gonna be an adult and he remember he's five years old I said um Grayson I said you know why do you want to be an adult and so he looks for a minute he goes well um when am I gonna get married I said well Grayson you know you're five years old you got a lot of time you know it's you're gonna be okay and and I said you know you could marry me cuz you know all moms have a moment when you're like that's the purest form of marriage for you is to marry me and he looks at me and he goes mom I don't want to marry you I want a woman all to myself so he's in therapy and then Becca come on so and then Beckham is that he's the baby he thinks he is the five-year-old but he's an eight-year-old that second a five year old body does anybody else actually Sport sorry for I get the mixed up so um so he is our baby and he is and I'm done I'm down having children praise God I had my tubes cut tied and burned and so can I get an amen I remember I said to my OB can you just describe to me again the surgery that happened and we were on a plane and she's a beautiful woman and and she said well I cut your tubes and I burned them and I turned them to the side and she said but there could always be a miracle from God I'm like I reject that in Jesus name I do not believe in the miracle working power of Jesus over my room anything from here up is fine or down here but this part do not pray over me I will slap your hand can I get anybody like that like I don't want no miracle baby I have four children I'm trying to keep alive so that's where my life is and so we have four boys it's wild and crazy and I did not set out to do ministry that was not something that I set out to do but early on God began to call me in 17 I began to travel and speak and I would clean houses during the week and I would speak during the weekends and I would pay my gas during cleaning houses to pay the gas to preach and I would go and travel and preach and that began a journey to what I'm doing now and today I want to talk a little bit about marriage and I want to talk about the importance of marriage the importance of commitment and covenant and you know we could spin like five days on this topic can because the world is kind of messy on this topic and so we could talk all about like the value of marriage we could talk about is the marriage between a man and a woman we could talk about you know how to keep your husband happy or how to keep yourself happy and we could do all kinds so I'm going to try to give you as much as I can in the few minutes that we have together but I realize that we're not going to touch everything and that's because we're students we're students of the word and often times God will give us pieces to the puzzle but we're not to get everything in a moment like this we're to get things that spur us on to go I want to learn more about that I want to research more about that I want to I want to get more on that topic and that's how we buy books and we buy teaching tapes and we listen to podcast and we follow communities and cut and cultures like this because it helps us grow so hopefully we'll answer some of your questions today and then hopefully you'll get more of your questions answered as you become a woman of the word so if you have your Bible today I want you to turn to 2nd Samuel or you can do it on your phone as well second Samuel chapter 11 and I just want to pray again Heather thank you for having me it's honor to be here can we pray while you're turning all right Jesus help amen that's all you need there's not much more okay so when you're yes it's secure you're know is easy when you're yes is secure you're know is easy when you find out what you're saying yes to your no becomes automatic and I think our world gets caught up and trying to figure out what they're saying no to but in reality if we could figure out what we're saying yes to the knows will become a lot easier and the Bible says in 2nd Samuel chapter 11 this is a story of David and David was a powerful man we don't have time to get into his whole story but David was this comeback King you know David was this young man where his brothers hated him they'd be smart they despised David David was that kid brother that everybody it turned from annoying to hatred and David was one of those kids where when the Prophet came to anoint David they couldn't find David because David was being hid in a field and the Prophet came to anoint all of all the men the brothers of the family and that and the Prophet kept saying isn't there another man here isn't there another son here there's got to be another guy that I want to I want to anoint and they kept saying well here's there's this one and there's this one and there's this one and they couldn't find him and scholars would say you'd have to do your research but they believe that David was an illegitimate son and he was being hit in the field and so they believed that he was actually being hid from the family when the Prophet came but I want you to know something it didn't matter what David's story was God had his eye on him and God was trying to anoint David to be king of the nation which i think is profound and so David has this amazing story and again many of you have followed him he goes from shepherd to warrior kills Goliath goes from a warrior to serving the king and then eventually begins to lead the nation we land here in this chapter in this moment where David is king I mean he has it all he has riches he has the cutest women he has power and authority he has everything that his heart had dreamed and not just that he asked favor from God he is anointed he's not just trying to be an anointed he is anointed he's not just trying to have favor he has favored David has a history or people going if David can do it I can do it that's David's story you ever have someone like that I called a hero we need somebody we can look up to and think if they can do I can do it come on that's important in our lives and so everyone's looking at I'm going if they they can do it I can do it this is a young shepherd boy that's become King this is like the true Hollywood story of the Bible and now David we find David King and we find him in this chapter in his second samuel chapter 11 it says it here in the spring time at a time when Kings go off to war David sent Joab out with the King's Men and the whole Israelite army but David remained in Jerusalem if you're taking notes are you in underline this is what I want you to underline I want you to underline when a time a time when Kings go off to war and I want you to underline remained in Jerusalem and one one evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace from the roof he saw a woman bathing the woman was very beautiful and it said someone out to find out who she was and the man the man said she is Bathsheba the daughter of Eliam the the wife of Uriah the Hittite then David sent messengers to get her she came to him and he slept with her and when she went back home the woman conceived and sent word to David saying I'm pregnant I'm pregnant now this is one of those moments in the Bible have you ever had a moment in the Bible where you just kind of get offended come on someone said God offends our heart our minds to reveal our hearts you know and so this is a moment where you're like David you have everything you have everything and yet you're sitting on top of a balcony and you're watching another man's wife get naked and not just watching her get naked but actually sending for her to come to you so that you can take advantage of her and some scholars would believe that David raped her that night yet if he didn't actually take advantage of her in that way he definitely took advantage of her with his power and so we come to this moment in the story where David it's it's like David what are you doing on this balcony you know we asked Heather asked this question this morning how many of you are married and how many do you want to be married right or how many of you how many would you'd like to get married just wave at me for a minute okay if I asked you the question how many of you would want to commit adultery or are planning on committing adultery just wave at me smile we're going to take your picture right now no no okay listen if I ask that question how many of you want to commit adultery none of us would say well I don't but the truth is statistically 50 percent which is five out of every 10 men and 42 percent which is 4 out of every 10 women at least commit adultery in their marriages which means they're not faithful to their vows now I I personally know many people that have I have been a part of their lives and I've watched the havoc and the heartbreak of that but I've I was in 16 weddings before I was married yeah it's something to trust God when you're single and you're in sixteen weddings come on specifically when you're cuter than most brides you don't I mean like okay you know what I'm talking about you're like if they can get married dear God we all can get married do you guys come on you know I'm saying so so none of us plan on violating our covenant our commitment that's never the plan but we even are all liars or there's a real enemy out to get our marriages and I have felt safest and realizing that that there is a real enemy that's coming to take our marriages and our commitments now I want to I don't have time to take you to every scripture show I want to paint a picture for you and that is the enemy comes to take from us and to steal from us the Bible says in John 10:10 that the thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy but I've come that you may have life this is Jesus's work and when it says that the thief comes to steal that word in the Greek is the word klepto can everybody say klepto does that sound familiar to you yeah because that's where the word originates from it means that the enemy wants desperately to take from you and continue to take from you listen I love you but all of us have a real enemy and whether we like it or not whether we're like I'm not really into that stuff or I'm not really the spiritual warfare girl or you know I'm just hanging out there's not much danger no no the reality is because you are eating and breathing and our soul on the earth the enemy wants your life the enemy believes that the earth is his and everything in the earth is his he doesn't realize that the earth is the Lord's and everything in the earth is the Lord's and so the enemy comes to steal from us now that means that the enemy just wants to take and continually take from us so in marriage when we come into covenant you know is this really interesting I think what's fascinating and we will learn about this a little bit but in Genesis chapter 2 it talks about that Adam had all these animals and he had this beautiful garden and he he landed in this beautiful place and pretty soon he's like yeah this isn't doing it for me I need something else and pretty soon God says you know what I'm going to give you something else and so he goes and he solves the first worldwide problem with a woman I'm not going to preach that but I think that there's some profound thoughts in that but God solves everything by giving him this beautiful woman and it says in the Bible and I'll take you there for a minute I want you to see this in Genesis chapter 2 guys are pretty quiet Genesis chapter 2 verse 22 it says then the Lord God made a woman from a rib he had taken out of a man and he brought her to him and the man said this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall become woman for she was taken out of man that is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife and they become one flesh and then listen in verse 25 and Adam and his wife were both naked and felt no shame now that word in the Greek is in the Hebrew is very telling to what happens and this is God's original design I'm gonna unpack this for you I want you to hear me cuz I'm gonna say some things where you're like I don't want to hear it I'm going to talk about it but in order for us to have healthy marriages we have to talk about sexuality a little bit and we have to talk about sex because that's what married people do ask your mom and so so in this passage the word naked in the Hebrew means to be naked and bare but then it says and they felt no shame that shame word means is the word bouche in the Hebrew everybody say that and it means to be put to shame to be to be ashamed or listen listen listen to be disappointed and so what it means is is that when Adam knew Eve and we all know what new in the Bible means it means that when they were together in an intimate way as husband and wife you said well they weren't married yet well there wasn't anybody else to marry so you know let's not be too critical the fact that there was one man and one woman but they were in covenant together and how do I know that well in the Old Testament and I hope you can follow me for a minute on this thought but in the Old Testament the way that they made a covenant was by blood and so they would kill member they killed Lambs and they killed things and everything was a blood covenant and covenant means this listen I'm sure we talked a bit about this because this is part of your your core values that pinky promise but a covenant is a relationship where everything that I have access to you now have access to come on so when I'm in covenant with my husband and we make a declaration before God and before all these witnesses I now am saying I have access to everything you have access to and everything I have access to like this is we're all connected right that's why you go to the bank and you're like I'd like to get my name on your account right because I want to be a cosigner because this now account is our account you know when you go to get medical are you are you his wife do you have his luck right because we want access check his stuff amen write that down no okay so so when a man and woman are intimate God made a woman's body and I hope you can follow me because I'm not trying to a sex ed class so just follow me for a minute that a woman would have a representation of a blood covenant God created a woman's body with something called a hymen you guys are like a high a man hurry up a man hurry up and when she has intimacy for the first time sex for the first time God created her body to have a covenant and so God knew that even though we couldn't see with the human eye and we may not be glorifying it God knew that what was happening between a man and a woman for the first time would create a covenant a blood covenant that no I could really see but he knew even in the beginning that their bodies would make a covenant together in the beautiful part with that in the Hebrew culture Jewish culture when a husband and wife would come together they would send them for like a week to go into the marriage chamber they would put them on a white sheet and they would have sex for the first time and then they would come out and they would show the sheet how many of you are glad that life has progressed can I get an amen just the thought of that gives me a little bit of chills you know like thank you Jesus for progression but but again it was it was evidence that there was a covenant that was taking place now listen this is very very important the reason God wants us to be married and to have an intimate life with one person for the rest of our lives there you go I don't know I haven't seen that isn't just because we don't witness it on a daily basis doesn't mean it's not true okay just because we don't actually see our leaders or people around us does it mean that they can change truth because they don't live it come on truth is the Word of God and we are to live in the word and trust God that he is who he says he is he'll do what he said he will do and what he promised will come to pass now this is important I'm going to unpack this you when we get married we are in covenant before God and these witnesses to be with one person for the rest of our lives that's what the dream in God's heart is but the reason that there's covenant listen is because your sexuality is very important to God God didn't stumble upon Adam and Eve and were like angels close your eyes I have to go talk to the Trinity about what's happening in those bushes no no listen God knew what was happening he wasn't a shame let's say Justin Timberlake is not bringing sexy back he didn't invent sexy you're like why are you sure no listen calm down Kim Kardashian isn't going to break the Internet come on we need to do we need to unpack all of this because God is the most sexy person alive you get to be sexy when you invent it come on who invented it God so God is not embarrassed by the topic he's overwhelmed by it he's not ashamed of what you have inside of you or how your body works or what your drive is or any of that he actually wants to partner with you in it that it would draw you into a covenant relationship where you could be safe there was no no toward sexuality in the Bible except one this is very important because how many of you went to churches where everything was no my name is no my sign is no come on come on you don't have to talk everything is no no no no no nope you're like what do we say yes - right god only had one no in in the Bible when it came to sex and he said this do not experiment with your body and with someone else unless listen listen you're in covenant because covenant is the only thing that protects with powerfully happening I know that sounds crazy but listen follow me on this the only way to protect what God's given you and the only way to not be disappointed to not be ashamed or to experience shame to not experience regret and heartache to not experience undeserved pain to not have children without full godly families the only way listen listen to it - to be able to show yourself spirit soul and body to another person is that when they they have to get up in front of everybody and say I'm with this person for the rest of my life before you and before everybody else now I get you're like well that doesn't always happen I get that I'm in the real world too I don't live in a bubble but you only need one person to make that one commitment you don't need a thousand people you need that one person that God brings that you go yeah that's who I want and sometimes you have to wait for that and what the problem we have is a generations we don't like to persevere I know I'm not reaching to you guys I'm preaching to the people out there but you know we don't like to persevere but the truth is God wants to partner with us in our weakness he wants to be with us in the middle of it he wants to say I'm not torturing you I want to teach you to steward what you have because you can't go into the bedroom to get your show land spirit needs met and whatever we've been sold as a generation in a culture that says as long as it's consenting it doesn't matter if your husband or your wife isn't doing what you need them to do then you'll find somebody who does the truth is is that we violate covenant and covenant is important to God this value and God responds to it and then it says this when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit and Eve gave Adam the fruit and they ate of the Apple it says it in the next passage it says in Genesis chapter 3 which you have to turn there but verse 6 it says when the woman saw the fruit was good for food and pleasing the eye also reliable for gaining wisdom she took it at Eden and she gave some her husband who was with her and she ate it when the eyes of both of them were open they realized they were naked same word but not in the Hebrew it says they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves and when the man and woman heard the sound of the voice of God was walking the garden the cool of the day they hid from the Lord among the trees and the and the Lord God called to them where are you he answered I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked so I hid and he said who told you you were naked who told you who told you that marriage doesn't work who told you that no one's faithful who told you the Covenant isn't last who told you that you could do anything with your body as long as you consent who told you that you're not valuable you're not worthy who told you you know we have four boys in our house and most the time with our boys you know they love to be in their underwear and capes they run around I mean my kids love to like take their clothes off all the tighten me up like that or like where's your shirt go like it's in the driveway like go get your shirt on you know why are you in your underwear you know and so they run around they put their capes on and then every once in a while my husband gets dressed but they I'm kidding I'm kidding but they they love it and there's something about a mom where we look at our children and they're innocent you know they're kids and there's there's these two dreams that I have in my heart for my boys which I love number one is I want them to know that how they were made is good like nothing about them am I disappointed with or frustrated or disappointed that you look the way that they do are the way they I want them to know that what God created is good in them and the second thing I want them to catch on is that I want them to know that they are enough and if that is my heart for my boys listen that's God's heart for you because he is the perfect parent and we can't bring into marriage what we don't have come on and so part of being a confident woman and a wife is being able to realize that what God made in us is good and that we are enough the Bible says very clearly that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and I remind my husband about her a lot but the enemy is after us he wants to put our shame on display he wants us to think that marriage is going to solve everything come on he wants us to believe that we're not just marrying a regular man we're marrying God come on and the truth is is everyone's human everyone has limitations and God is not asking you to make a covenant with a perfect person he's asking you to make a covenant because that's what he's asked you to do and he's asking us to partner with someone for life and to say in all of it you know the reason the reason that many of our generation has our intimacy and covenant and sexuality filled with shame and disappointment is because we expect one moment to give us everything but God did not invite us into a one-night encounter God invited us into a life with someone you know the amazing part about marriage is that if it wasn't great last night we can try it again tonight prayer clearly prayer you know did you know that in the Bible when you actually look into what what intimacy is gentle husband and wife it actually goes all the way to the meaning of worship so we always say we were late because we were worshiping no but it is worship it is choosing and you know I when we first got married you know I was a woman and I'll tell you my story for a minute but when I when I got married you know I was a woman at 17 where some guys have picked my sister and I have to go to a party one night I was a church kid which meant I worshipped on Sundays and tried to fit in there but at school I wanted to be cool and fit in and I I remember one night going to a church service and some guys picked my sister and I have to go to a party we got in the backseat of this car and the music is really loud and I'm sitting back there like any other night and I felt the Holy Spirit begin to speak to me and I didn't see anything I didn't hear anything my heart just began to pound and I knew he was saying something to me and I heard him say what are you doing Havilah why are you doing this I have more on your life than this so I knew I needed to say something in that car so I remember awkwardly shouting out over this music can you turn the music down so the guy in the front turns the music down and I I didn't have a plan I just knew I needed to say something so I just blurted out I have a called God in my life and it was so awkward like no piano player no like pastor Amen keep going I gotta you don't nothin Anna I started to cry because when we make decisions in our lives and we choose to really live it out the Bible says being in the middle is miserable it's a horrible place to be because you can't just go out and live how you want right but you're miserable inside you're just at this really lukewarm yucky vomit place yeah you can look that up and so I began to cry I knew my life was changing and I said you know you're welcome to go with me if you want but this is what I'm gonna do and I laughed because they took us home like they didn't even ask we just showed up in front of our house I'm like cooking here's my exit so we got out of the car and we walked into my house and I remember kneeling down my bed and I remember is dark my parents were asleep 17 I don't know what God's gonna do with my life I just know I'm saying yes to him I said God out loud god I'm not much I'm young seventeen I'm a girl which in my world I haven't seen a lot of women do anything that I've not seen women preach yet in the world that I was in and I have no special giftings or Grace's cuz like I got with learning disabilities my whole life I was horrible at reading and writing I I couldn't read my own handwriting which is a problem because I wasn't like going to medical school and I said god I don't have anything to give you like I can't think of one thing that would wow you but if you can use me I'm available and I don't know how you're gonna do it I feel so unseen so hidden such a joke but I'm available and got my life and he began to use my life it didn't start out big it started out small it was turned out with obedience was eight people and then revival would hit and ten people would show up and it wasn't how we all think it will be but when I got married in my husband I waited I heard the Lord say to me I don't want you today I want you to date men that you would marry which was like nobody you didn t I mean and then all the good ones started getting taken you know and you're like well I could have you know and you start getting older and start getting older and you're like what's going on and I know I'm not teaching the single clap the single session so you guys but I just have to share this with you and when I met my husband we started we met each other and he started to call me and we would talk every day and and he told his roommates that I think she just likes to talk but I was like I'm not talking to any other guy right now but and finally a couple months later I'm like it's gotta get real now like this has got it you know like I see interested or not and I remember one night he said have aleb like what's going on here have you ever had that what's going on here and you're like why am i defining what's going on here you know and I said um I don't know what's going on here and he said well like it's like are we like is something happening and I said I said stop throwing the ball in my court are you interested in me or not and it was scary to say cuz you're you could hear him like no and you're like just kidding you're like you know you know like I know I know and um and he said he said I image did you and I want to pursue a relationship with you and my heart was pounding I knew I had I drew the line in the sand and so we we quickly pursued a relationship together and when I got married it was so it was so wild because the Bible says like the two will become one but it's kind of like which one of us you don't I mean and I grew up in a very feminine home I have a mom and I have a twin sister identical twin sister and I have an Italian dad who's almost a girl and so we you know like we live in a very female and then I got married to this man and and it was it was hard like can I just get honest like it was hard because God's not trying to give you a feminine representation of yourself or masculine I should say hopefully not a feminine or masculine he's trying to give you somebody that you will learn to serve and love and give your life toward becoming who God's called you to be as the two and there were times when I would say God just kill him and make me a glorified Widow did you know okay just me alright so and God was like I'm not gonna kill him I'm trying to kill your flesh that you had loved him well and that took years that took years where he his life was in jeopardy but in jeopardy but I can say this as we were as we're closing that what God said in here early on was that when you come into covenant listen you are anointed to be there and we don't get powerful until we know we're there on purpose you will not become a powerful woman until your know your you know you're here on purpose the Bible says in Ephesians chapter one that before the earth crusted over he saw you and he called you to this generation it's not just something that happen like somebody had a good idea and we needed some more women on the earth no no no listen in the in the Greek it says that the Lord chose you which are two words one meaning out and the other meaning I say and so what it actually means is before the earth crusted over before this generation was ever put on the earth before anything ever happened listen listen listen God saw you with all your gifts all your talents all of your Grace's all of the way that you think your humor your personality everything that happened and he bypassed all of that and he said listen now is the time for her to be on the earth now is the time for her to give this generation why has been within her from the beginning of the earth and I love the quote that says just you being here on the earth is evidence that you possess something this generation needs and what I want to say is this clearly is that marriage is a choice every single day but it's more than a choice you see in the Bible we said that David went off to war the first phrase gives us an understanding of why he messed up his his relationship why he stepped out on his on his covenant why he was messing around the first phrase of that chapter says in a time in the spring time when Kings go off to war was David a king with David a king where was he supposed to be and what was he doing he was on a balcony he was on a balcony and so here's the truth the only way that we can stay true to our covenant and commitments is when we stay in the battle when we get on our balconies and we hang out and we have facebook meltdowns at 1:00 a.m. and we walk malls and we think I shoulda coulda woulda or whatever it is we'll mess up our relationship but the Bible says again we do not war against flesh and blood but against every principality every high thing that holds itself up against the knowledge of Christ and here's the truth you that are married today you are in a battle you are going to have to fight for your covenant you're going to have to take God at His Word that he does not want you to experiment with your sexuality outside of covenant you're gonna have to trust that God wants you to not be disappointed to not put your shame on display but to actually enter into a covenant before God and man where you stand before everyone and say I'm in it for life for the rest of my life and God listen he wants you to stay engaged to realize that when you enter into marriage you enter into a new type of battle where you begin to fight to stay connected to stay unified to stay part of his story so I want to pray for you I want to pray for you that God would anoint you if you're married I want you to stand for a minute good I want to pray for you for I want to pray for you first so if you would just get into a place of receiving however you would receive close your eyes or whatever whatever it is for you and I want to pray for you Holy Spirit I pray for every woman in this room God they have entered into covenant they've entered into relationship and I pray right now that you would help them Lord some of them right now they're feeling like the the Covenant is broken it's not alive there's nothing there and I pray right now they would remember first they're in covenant with you haha that you have invited them into covenant first to be in relationship and you will not disappoint them because you love them but secondly I pray for those that are married that feel like they're in this journey of learning about their spouse and learning how to do life and ministry with them learning how to stay in this I pray Holy Spirit that you would anoint them to fight for this relationship I come against hopelessness hopelessness means that you believe that life is perpetually bad I say no in the name of Jesus I come against that part of them that would want to die on the inside of them that would want to give up on me inside of them that would be good that would be lost pointing fingers at their spouse and I asked right now they would get off the balcony and into the battlefield I asked that they would get off the balcony and then we get into the battlefield that what they would fight for what they committed to do early on they would be the women of the word they would be the women of their word show them how to do that God restore what the enemy has taken from them I speak it over every one of them restore what the enemy has taken from them Holy Spirit for those of you that would like to get married I want you just to join those that are standing for a minute not everybody wants to get buried so I'm not saying just everybody stand you stand if you really feel like that's on your life good I want to pray for you right now listen I want you to know that God's going to give you a spirit of endurance to wait for the right thing and so I pray right now Holy Spirit I pray for every woman out there every young and old Lord we say God keep them keep them by your grace God show them God that what they are waiting for is worth the weight that they have value they have they have what they have and what they don't have on earth they have in the spirit with you God would you show them what covenant looks like to be in with you God that everything you have access to they have access to you and I come against a spirit of fear I come against fear that would say that they're going to miss it they're not going to get it that somehow they're going to be left out to drive that all the good ones are taken that somehow they have to settle somehow they have to just take what they can get I say no they are daughters of you and they are worthy of the best and so god I just commit these women to you god I pray that we would have the healthiest families on the face of the earth I speak that over every one of them the healthiest families on the face of the earth anoint their hearts God right now anoint them God right now if they are in a relationship that they do not need to be in I pray they would have courage to delete the number today I pray they would have courage to delete that number and move on and I pray that they would find the treasure where they least expect it I bless their lives and I bless their journey and their story is just beginning you are writing it so I've left them a night in Jesus name Amen and amen amen
Channel: Heather Lindsey
Views: 30,190
Rating: 4.9087248 out of 5
Keywords: Marriage, Pinky promise Conference
Id: HPzOu81C1Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2016
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