Pilot Q&A - Social Life As A Pilot - Should I Go To College

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what is up everyone welcome back to another video this is a really flying with carrot episode it's just a long-awaited Q&A I think I haven't done one in about four plus months and I know I've let you guys down on post thing I made a promise to videos per week and the month of October I got sick last week for an entire week I've just been like because the weather's been changing long story short I didn't post I failed but I started vacation I actually I lead tonight for a four-day trip and then I started vacation I have ten or twelve days off I go to Hawaii so I'll make at least one vlog out of that so I promise if you're new here hit that subscribe button I greatly appreciate it's awesome to see the channel growing and glad you guys are enjoying the flying with Garrett episodes so today I'm doing a Q&A just random stuff I put it up on my Instagram when I post about a week ago there are some questions down below and I just went screenshot a bunch of random ones so they're gonna be all over the board flying about my pilot life personal life working out I haven't really prepared and the answers or anything so I just screenshot in a bunch and let's get right into it what's your favorite aircraft to pilot and which is the best one to travel one as a passenger favorite one to fly it well it's probably my first jet I've ever flown which is the one I'm on right now the Embraer 145 probably the favorite one fly because I mean I love general aviation I still love getting back in the small airplane but just something about just having all that thrust in a jet it's just amazing and what's your best one to travel on probably I gotta fly probably at 350 I got a fly on what I did around the world with those vlogs all in different countries I got a fly on two different 350s one was with Cathay Pacific and the other was with American Airlines and the 350 is just such a beautiful airplane so elegant sleek inside and out so probably the favored one to travel on do you need a date do you need to be I don't know I think they're trying to say do you high school math to become a pilot I don't think you can get through high school without taking math so probably but yeah you definitely need to know like basic calculations for being a pilot you know we do have onboard computers I do pretty much 99% of the calculations for us but every now and then you need to be able to do some math yourself I'm 25 years old and my tool to go through schooling and training to become a pilot no actually I believe my previous video I talked about this am I too old to become a pilot and absolutely not 25 I'm 26 they're definitely not doing in fact my fo yesterday my first officer yesterday he was 51 so I mean of course he had been in the aviation industry for a while he flew in different countries and stuff but absolutely not 25 no man to get right into it what do you do in the cockpit while the plane is on autopilot well we're constantly although there is automation we're managing that automation make sure the autopilots doing everything and then we manage all of our systems hydraulic fuel just make keeping an eye on everything and yeah we're I mean we're always alert we're always doing checklist or with for me my flights are never longer than two hours just because I'm a smaller regional jet so you know we get up to cruise and we're not in cruised by like fifteen to thirty minutes at most sometimes it's just a parabola we go up to altitude we level off and then come right back down so we're always briefing somewhere always doing something we definitely stay busy but on those longer flights like the international ones they have augmented cruise so they have in jairo international relief officer so maybe they're altering the cockpit they take off maybe an hour into the flight the captain goes back and rest for two to three hours and the two of the iro and the first officer are sitting up there managing the cockpit and then they just all alternates so but for me we're always doing something we're always briefing or or just getting ready for the approach was flight school hard and did you still have a part-time job and how long was class because I'm thinking of becoming a pilot also fly school was not hard you just study and there's just material and regulations and there's just always stuff to be studying so I wouldn't say it's hard it's just time oriented and did I have a part-time job yes so I was actually a full-time student while getting my ratings and then I fit I graduated as a flight instructor so I I actually got my bachelor's degree while I was still working so I was like a full-time flight instructor and a full-time student once I got all my ratings did you ever fly with this settin do you ever find the same people or are you always meeting new crew members it's really mixed me being based in Charlotte I tend to fly with a lot of the same people but I mean this last trip yesterday I did a flight tentative never flown was before and also a first officer so you tend to see the aviation world is actually pretty small believe it or not so you see a lot of the same people in airports all over but I didn't attend to to have different crews most of the time what was your biggest challenge in becoming a pilot oh that's tough me it's tough for me to sit still as you can see I'm probably just moving around a lot but it's hard for me especially like just staying focused on the topic I would definitely have to take breaks like I'd read through some material and then have to get up and go do something so I think staying focused and sitting down and reading which there's a lot of reading and studying to do and becoming a pilot I think that was the hardest thing for me flying was just a piece of cake I love doing it and is that I hated doing orals I love getting in the airplane how do you keep balance between work a social life and working out it's tough question the nice thing about my job is whenever I set that parking brake and I'm done with my trip I'm done with work I go home I don't have to think about making a sale I don't have to worry about you know calling clients or talking to my boss or anything I've done that parking brake is set we run through the parking checklist and I'm done I get to go home I get to do whatever I want I get to do stuff like this now social media is stuff and I'll get into that later but a social life like I said I don't work and social life don't really combined and then working out it's tough especially on trips you know you fly all day you get to your hotel room and you just want to relax and just watch YouTube or Netflix or something but just finding motivation like it's tough and a lot a lot of people that follow whether it's on Instagram or YouTube I get motivation from that and that gets me to get up and go to the gym after a long day at work so you just got to do it is ATP a good option for a flight school wanting to work for a major US carrier I think personally I'm no affiliation with ATP and I didn't go to ATP but I believe ATP is one of the best options I don't have any experience internally in the school but from what I can tell and from the people that I've talked to that have experienced ATP I think that is the best option because you can go in with literally no ratings and get through it that's the fastest way you can get through from what I've experienced I know some people can find private instructors at you know your local airport that are just as dedicated as you that want to work every single day but that's what the the structure of that flight school is about ATP is just that work you know ten hours a day and just bust it through all the way from zero hours to getting your ATP what is the model of your Breitling please this is a navitor the model number but this is it I don't know if it'll focus but this is the navigator absolutely love it I've got some exciting news about Breitling that I will be announcing the probably on my Instagram so just make sure you go check that out it's the same as YouTube fly with Gareth yeah so right link now a timer I love it it's my favorite watch hands down do you get paid when you're on reserve or on-call reserve I'll call the same thing but yes let's say yesterday I was actually on call on reserve and they they called me and you either get paid a minimum of four hours for the day or whatever the flight time exceeds you'll never get paid less than four hours and this is just that my company you know different companies have different types of you know however they write their language but ours is four hours but if I went in flew six point three hours yesterday that's what I would get paid so four hours if I don't get called or if I go and do like a Florence South Carolina round-trip which I maybe would fly two hours at most total I would still get paid four hours how do you prepare yourself in social media life together and your flying career balance and focus um I think I know what this is asking this it's kind of tough flying is my number one priority hands down I will never flying as my career I would drop social media in a heartbeat if I had to I definitely don't want to and I hopefully will never have to but flying is what has given me this opportunity to have this platform to speak with all of you and I'm super fortunate for that but I don't think I would have masked the the following that I have today if it wasn't for flying so flying is my foundation for anything and everything you know it pays my bills it's something that I love to do and I can't imagine doing anything else so it's tough it really is a you know sitting down like I flied tonight it's 1:30 in the afternoon and I have an APM report time tonight so I'm gonna record this I'm going to edit it and put it up on YouTube it's tough you know a lot of people a lot of other pilots they don't do anything else so they would be you know hanging out with their loved ones or doing whatever they want normally on this free time but it's stuff you have to make sacrifices but that's what you know life is about it's all about sacrifices is there any meaning behind the ring you wear I'm actually not because I just got a shower and are way out of the shower but it's a sleep ring I normally wear on this finger right here and it just tracks my sleep cycle I actually I love it it's called the aura I have no affiliation with the company but or a ring it trapped tracks like my heart rate all through my sleep attracts my habit activity through the day and then it also tracks my like different stages of sleep light rim and deep and it's just a good idea like if I didn't sleep well the night before I maybe won't push myself as hard in the gym or yeah have you done an emergency landing yes actually I had my first emergency landing what was this three weeks ago I was repoing an airplane and we took off and we immediately got repoing means it's a fairy flight there's no one in the back of the airplane it's there's no flight and it's just me and a first officer so we took off and right at a 400 feet we got an eye cast message which our eye cast is something that gives us alerts it you know if anything is malfunctioning with the aircraft and we got last smoke which is a pretty serious situation so I declared an emergency and I don't know I can't probably really go into detail but declare an emergency everything was perfectly fine we was right after takeoff so we just came shot an approach landed everything is perfectly fine but it definitely gets your adrenaline up and that's it's good to see that your training comes into reality you know that's what parents are really there for to assess and in handle emergency situations and it was just it was good my first officer was phenomenal we did everything just perfect and everything it was awesome so yes it was emergency landing thankfully everything was perfectly fine but it was good to experience something like that does it happen often to meet an Instagram follower of yours during a flight or anywhere else how does this make you feel I've actually when I went to the Cayman Islands someone came up to me while I was in my seat and said hey you know I follow you guys what if I could get a picture like that it's just so crazy to see we are on the same flight like that's nuts super cool I love when people do that also in the airport at us like gate agents and flyed tenants just people walking in the airport I mean it doesn't happen often but when it does happen it's it's kind of like wow this is crazy you know got over 400,000 followers on Instagram and you don't really fathom that until you are across the United States or on the other side of the world and so on recognize you it's just it just shows how small the aviation industry really is and it's cool yeah I really love it if you ever see me please come up to me to take a picture let's talk I'd love to talk to you do you think that one would need to go to college nowadays in order to become a pilot this is a tricky question and I don't want to ever deter anyone from not going to college but nowadays like you'll see companies more and more companies are dropping the requirement to have a college degree at least a four-year degree I'm not sure about the associate's degree and don't take my word for it definitely do your research see what companies you want to work for and see what their requirements are but I would I would say to answer your question straight up like no to become a pilot you don't have to go to college you don't have to have a degree but like I said I don't want to deter anyone from going to college definitely do your research for sure when do you move into your new house let's see today is Nova know October 30th and I move in either December 10th or December 18th so we're getting close we're like a month and a half away and I couldn't be more excited so I won't have a white wall I'll have an office I can't wait to just make it like my little studio office and so it won't be on just a boring white wall are you based out of Charlotte yes that's an easy one oh that's the last one okay so I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope I got to answer a lot of y'all's questions if you enjoyed the video hit that thumbs up button for me please I guess write in the comments what you want to see with the flying with Garrett episodes you know I just try and pick some random comments people who say the most things you know like I think I'm gonna do airline pilot life first corporate pilot life I see that in the comments a lot and I get a lot of emails about that so write in the comments what you want to see for flying with Garrett episode and also if you want to see you like vlogs I don't know if people are mainly here for a VA v Asian centric stuff or like they kind of want to just see behind the scenes life of a pilot so like I said hit that subscribe button and go check me out on Instagram I'm on there every single day and I'll see you guys very soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: flywithgarrett
Views: 77,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wpg1Y6-XSZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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