Pilot Arc vs Non Pilot Arc - What Is Pilot Arc ????

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[Music] my guys PDF peach tools today I want to talk about plasma cutters and plasma cutter torches the difference between a pilot arc and a non-pilot arc torch what do I first got started doing this sort of stuff cutting up steel and law rest of it I didn't really know the difference and didn't really know what I needed so here's just a quick video and I'll give you a few pointers on both and in my hope you decide what you need to buy or much help you understand what the difference is if there is a difference alright guys so here we have like a standard eight shift torch it's PT 31 this is my favorite torch if you haven't gifts by now it's rarely chipped consumables and that are easy to replace and now they're really good just the generic Chinese torture Li but this is an HF torch high frequency start and on the other end of this cable let me just show you here see here we've got our ear or whatever you're running through it or you run compressed air and here this other two wire cable here it's just a simple on/off switch basically it's just two wires in there that when you when you pull the trigger on your gun like that all that does is connect the circuit and it turns on you compress the air or whatever you're using and then it starts to cut alright now I'll show you where that plugs into your machine I'll just give me a second I'll grab it I'll machine here is my old plasma cutter as you can see it said I'll cut 40 good old machine so like here we have there where the compressed air screws into here just screw it in like so once again this is an H if high frequency start machine screw you can press dear and near put that in there B on off switch on your torch your - why's your on/off switch and this is just your ear sleep so what you're really good yeah like so yes cable goes in there like so and there you go the you got yes you go sit up and you're ready to go now the only advantage disadvantage sorry were these i finders if you're cutting rusty dirty painted steel or something because what this machine does the hf start machine what that does is when you ground your porch like my torch here say if I was cutting this piece of play here when you put that on your piece of plate then it connects that to your machine through your ears and then it starts the arc alright it's a high frequency start so what you have to do basically because you know here you put your clamp on your steel whatever you're cutting you put the torch on there you pull the trigger completes the circuit and then you place my arc starts and then you could start cutting but if it's rusty or it's painted or something like that then the steel from the earth we've gotta hear to your gun does not make a good enough contact and I don't know if you guys ever try sometimes you have to go like that to get it to start sometimes called scratch start as well if you TIG TIG welding sometimes yet to do that or sometimes you have to get a grinder and grind a lump off and then even when you're cutting once you start cutting you hit the rust again and it goes a bit sort of minke it doesn't cut properly again so that is the high frequency start torch now if you're cutting new steel or you're prepared to clean up your steel or whatever then this is perfectly fine perfectly fine but then what happens is if you want to cut rusty steel or you want to cut painted steel then you need a torch like this now this is a this here is 80 to 100 amp pilot arc torch now if we look at the plugs illness we have the same as the as the a chip start one we have this via air supplies we have this for your um be on/off switch it's exactly the same same two things here but we also have this now now that is the pilot our why're what that does is you still need your s cable on there but what that does is it allows your torch to start when you pull the trigger you don't have to have it in contact with the steel that you're cutting so what I'm saying is when you pull your trigger on a pilot arc torch then the flame shoots out of here without you having to touch anything which is a lot better when you're cutting steel and other bits and pieces if you want to know more about this this style torch click a bubble I've got a video up there explaining all about the about the PID torches and that sort of thing and yeah so that's basically the difference in a nutshell and the difference inside the torches I'll show you in a second I'll show you inside both of these torches and you can see exactly what I mean how the differences now what I find is the consumables for the pilot are are a little bit more expensive than the consumables for an HF star but it all depends what you want and it all depends what sort of Steel you're cutting anyway I'll one I'll go in our shop all these torches to business news never look so here we have the PID torch the pilot arc PID torch and he could use this this is just a generic Chinese torch you could use it to replace machine 60 up to a hundred and probably but they have to be pilot out so what we'll pull up the boats and we'll have a look and I'll show you just being with me for a second well right now this is the pilot art version of this so what we'll do is we'll take their yeah ceramic off first ceramics off like that and you see here we've got the nozzle just you normal nozzle here and your left right in there and here we have a brass footing oh if we pull what's the pieces take that off put them like that and I hope you guys can see this right here we have the internals of the torch we have a switch which goes to which goes to goes to your plug this plug here which is your to print probably goes from the machine like I showed you we have your ear line here which is here which is braided and it shield it as well and then we have this Y here which is your pilot art wire which is this wire here that goes onto your machine right now before I take this off I'll show you soon your just basic torture see the cheap torches the good torches look as though there's a link up above but you want to have a look now you see this Y here goes into goes into the torch body here and I'll show you why so boy that is is this why I here you can see your green wire here now if we take this off all right now this is yeah this is your cutting tip like so and this is your electrode now what happens is when you run your compressed air through it and you run up through a year you place a machine you get the the arc the frequency for the arc and what it does is it jumps between here and the top of here so there is a minut distance between when you screw that up there is a minut distance inside here between your electrode and your tip and when you pull the trigger and you get the electrical current coming through it and that compressed air runs up there it forces that current to jump like a spark plug in a car between these two points and then your compressed air or whatever gas you're using pushes the flame out like so and it's exactly the same on a chip or on pilot arc now I'll show you what this wire goes they'll would take that electrode out as well take your left row down you can see that guys yeah what we have here guys is this wire comes up here goes in there up there and it grounds to here and if you can see inside there now if you can see inside there or not there is an insulator built into the torch here that separates the holder of your electrode to the outside of the cutting tip right so when you pull your trigger this goes up there and that basically what that does is it's tricking the gun into thinking that it's already yes because it doesn't need the earth to complete the circuit so then your flame shoots out here I hope you understand that's probably as clear as my guys but anyway that's what I try to understand and yeah so this here basically the principle if you've got a pilot our torch you pushed your button on your torch right the flame shoots out of here without you having to touch your steel or anything like that so that's ideal for cutting rusty stuff or whatever because you've already got a flame that you can blow through it you don't need to make contact with the steel ideal but like I say the consumables for these are a little bit more expensive than the consumables for the high frequency start so anyway guys I'll pull a pull of high-frequency stuck under pieces and show you hi guys this is a PT 31 ATF torch this was probably my favorite torch but about the cheapest one you can get to a place on your a chief machine and they run about the cheapest consumables that I could find anyway if you want some more info about this torch just click the link above there I've got an in-depth video about them and their fan symbols and where to get them and all that good stuff but anyway I'll show you this torch so we'll pull this on the pieces and we'll compare them to the other one so we've just got our basic ceramic we've got a cutting tip we have a swirl room the ceramic swirl ring like the other one I showed you remember it was built into the torch this is a lot simpler version and we have a double-ended electrode so you can use it one way and when you burn it out you can just use it the other way so we'll get into it and we'll pull it to pieces and we'll see what makes it tick all right so we'll pull them to bits but I'm drop it everywhere look at that oh god Rock without dropping the screws that's amazing for me alright so what we have here is we have your head your torch head here they will come along here nope there's no wire going into this it's just the straight for your ear that hooks under your ear on your machine you switch your two wires that go to your plug like I showed you before go to that plug here this here is braided and it goes to your guest supply or your ear or whatever using here note that the other wire is absent because this torch here like I said needs to is to complete the circuit so you have to touch ya tip onto your steel to complete the circuit to get the flame to fly at the end of it now the only disadvantage with this torch like I say apart from cutting the horrible rusty steel and that sort of thing is that when you go to start they recommend will I recommend to that you drill a hole in it whatever you cut it first so you can touch your electrode so it blows the plasma through the steel when you start cutting otherwise that ruins the life of your consumables are you going to give it a half to life a T consumables because of you blowing a hole through here then the plasma before it cuts through your steel comes back up and goes into your torch but if you imagine that there still and you haven't got to hold it and you're trying to blow a hole through it so you can start cutting then the plasma comes straight back up into the torch and burns out the end of your electrode before you even start so that's the only disadvantage but what I do is I've got a little trick there that I just dump I was using old one of these to blow the whole through first then just change them then start cutting and it tends to to last a lot longer but I'm here so that I hope you know the difference there hope it wasn't too bloody confusing for you so not really computing at all really it's dumb it's just that if you don't try with your plate shoot down or doctors before you is it then your torch there's this another wire here that goes on to your place with machine and if you've got a a plasma cutter that is pilot arc you will have not only three connections on it you'll have four on the front you'll have one for your switch you'll have one for your run where the gas you running which I'm learning from first year you'll have one for you is for your is clamp and then you have another one for your pilot arc leading it's just a little screw on switch but it's all pretty basic guys so I hope you have a loot Sonic I could totally confuse myself talking about it but hope more than the clear as mud and remember if you like the videos to subscribe you'll be gunning to say drop a note down below I'll be glad to have a yarn again and until next time guys have a great safe day [Music]
Channel: pete's tools
Views: 34,442
Rating: 4.8053098 out of 5
Keywords: non pilot arc, pilot arc, non touch pilot arc plasma cutter, pilot arc non-hf plasma cutter, what is pilot arc, pilot arc vs non pilot arc, difference between pilot arc and non pilot arc plasma cutter, pilot arc vs non pilot arc plasma cutter, what is pilot arc plasma cutter, what is a pilot arc plasma cutter, pilot arc plasma cutter torch, pilot arc plasma torch, pilot arc vs hf start, pilot arc vs high frequency, pilot arc vs scratch start, pilot arc definition, pilot hf
Id: nfItOjYrZNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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