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hello everybody we are here with my friend Joelle we are in ston Switzerland at the Pilatus facility Pilatus aircraft and Joelle are you going to show us around today to show us what all goes into making these amazing airplanes yes welcome Steve we are excited to have you here awesome let's get this started [Music] [Music] [Music] so the first thing you see when you come to pilat to pick up your own aircraft is the flag of your country so you feel a warm welcome welcome to the office of Flavia um Flavia is a product designer here at pilatos uh she doesn't like to show of her work but I really wanted to show it to you guys she hand draws basically all the products that we need inside the cabin and talks to the engineers and they will figure out how they can place it inside the cabin yeah the concept kind of starts here uh we also get a lot of feedback from customers I think that's also important so it's not just one head thinking and drawing and it's uh it's a combination of effort and yeah a lot of the designs that we see here end up in the product so I think that's the fun part about my job and I'm really proud of it yeah so for example here we have the Divan which we introduced with the new open R increase of the pc24 in October um we will take a look at the real thing in just few minutes this is uh the product management team here at patus we're responsible for all of the new ideas like we were saying and um this here is mat and when a customer has a specific request or if you want to choose your you know color thread and do a different carpet fabrics for the curtain or seats Matt jumps in and uh there's a div again and um he can create real time renderings with walk through um just to really help show what the feeling and the atmosphere within the interior will look like um and the customer can choose right away I mean we have different types of quilting for the seats different colors um so everything from sales comes to him and he will spit out some nice renderings for uh color selection and um materials uh and trims this is uh our showroom where customer they're welcome to choose their own um interior and their aircraft but what's um cool is that things that we use during the development project like U this mup um actually after we use it we test it we find out if it works if it's not working all that well um we change it for serious production but the mockup end is up here so customers can see and feel how it looks before they select uh optional items um same with this cabinet this was just launched um last October and it comes here for customers to see even before we have it out this is a 24 a PC 24 cabinet um it's the only aircraft this size that can accommod at up to four catering boxes so these are standard um catering boxes what you do is just trade this with the catering company in the airport and you can have the meals inside so it's very convenient and it's standard you see this in commercial and in business Aviation loveia thank you very much for having us here um now I'm going to show you how we actually built the aircraft from beginning this is where the process begins where we build our aircraft here we make all the smaller parts for example here you can see the inlet of the PC as well mostly what we do here inside this building is bending the parts into the right shape I will show you the process welcome to the Milling process here we have all the Milling machines to produce those parts we produce 100,000 Parts a year out of those aluminum blocks so the crew over here these are the guys that are in charge of putting the aluminum blocks and getting it fed to the machines to have the parts made the machine Knows by itself which block is for which part it will get the parts by himself it will get the tools by himself and also put the part at the right place so we can take them for further process in the Milling process we create a lot of waste as well so we press the aluminum into those small cylinders you see here and then we send them back to the manufacturer which will recycle it after the Milling process where we Mill out the parts that we see here we can put them inside this machine and the Machine will press the parts into the final shape 88,000 lb of force inside this machine after we made that we will have to cool the parts so so they also become strong at - 20° C inside of those chambers here so after the parts are all milled and cut out with the machines they come to this section of the factory where they sand down the parts and make the Finish really nice and if you take a look at this part this is the piece that goes between the two pilots on the center console with the different displays this is what it looks like before it's installed inside the airplane pretty cool now we are going to the other side of the airport where we built the fuselage of the c24 and also for our trainer aircraft and what we are doing right now is driving over the runway here in STS um so this is a very common thing here in Switzerland that we have open airports where you can drive basically with the cars over the runways and how do you know you're cleared the cross and there's not like an airplane coming in you just visually look no there is actually a traffic light we can show that as well [Applause] [Music] here we are at the L hor this is where we built our fuselage for the pc24 and also for some of our trainer aircraft we have 34 cubic feet of pine uh Spruce and um Beach wood built inside of this hole place is massive and it's amazing to see all the different the wings the fuselage everything that's Prim or green getting put together riveted together it's simply amazing to see all this here we got the Big Ben this is uh our big riveting machine uh we saved about 840 hours of man hours with this machine uh the reason why it's called Big Ben is because the person in charge for this whole building um he's called Benjamin and so we called it the Big Ben so right here guys this is the control room for the Big Ben riveting system everything's all computerized as you can see right there all the rivets are being placed all digitally by the computer amazing technology there's the rivets being placed right as we speak if you've ever wondered how thin the skin is of an airplane check this out so at this station is after all the riveting is complete they come in here and fine detail and clean all the different area of the fuselage Jo that was amazing to see this massive facility that's just designated for riveting where are we off to next we're going to the assembly line assembly line let's [Music] go this is the main Assembly Building this is where every aircraft that they make comes into this building they they put in the avionics they put in the engines they then take the wings and mount to the plane and get it ready for finalism here we prepare the cables for the aircraft for example for pc24 we have about 40 km of cable built inside the aircraft [Music] so on average it takes one week for an aircraft to come into this building to be assembled then they'll send it over to the paint shop which usually takes an average about one more week which then they'll return it back to this building to be finally have the wings assembled and everything completed and as you can see here guys this is a set of brand new trailing link landing gear that's already ready to go to get installed on one of the PC 24s brand new so in this section of the building you have the wings and the landing gear they mount all on a assembly here where they can do quality control and get everything to fit perfectly before it goes on the fuselage as you can see here the the landing gear all set on the wings pretty [Music] cool that was really interesting seeing the main Assembly Building let's go check out the paint shop where these aircraft head after departing this facility let's go to the paintt shop where is the paint shop so we've arrived at the paint shop let's go check it out here we are in the paint shop where a pc12 is currently finished it normally takes about 3 to 7 days to get it completely painted a PC2 with the paint job a is around 44 lb of paint for aircraft to be finished between 3 to 7 days it all depends on how elaborate the paint Scheme is on this one you can see it took only 3 days but if you were to add more colors and more layers then it's where you would get up to 7 days we're now here in the final Assembly Building so this is where we test all aircraft at the end and also install the interior here we are at the interior shop this is Marco tner he works in the interior shop they work about they prepare the aircraft about 10 days for the interior and then they also install 5 to 6 days and here we see the whole Furnitures for one aircraft The Wider walls and this one is for one cockpit for One Piece 24 as you can see here inside the Interior Department they have all the different units all set up they have the overheads all ready to be all installed into the pc24 so they'll pull all these parts out of this room here to bring it into the main Workshop area to install into the interior we're now getting near the end of what it takes to complete building one of these airplanes whether it's the paint Scheme the interior let's go check out what it looks like to finish one of these airplanes as you can see the interior has all been installed and this one actually has an extra surprise of having a sofa installed in the back of this airplane this is not a common feature that I've seen on many airplanes of this size but it's really nice so after getting to see all the steps and all the different processes throughout this facility today to how everything was designed with the designer and everything was created by all the employees here at Pilatus and being up here in the front this is where I feel like I belong being a pilot getting to see like earlier today when we were back in one of the Factory rooms when we showed you just the raw piece of metal which held these displays now seeing it in the final environment I mean it just really gives you an appreciation for what all went into to making this aircraft I hope you guys enjoyed that video of the full factory tour of the platus aircraft company thank you Joelle so much for showing us all around if you guys did like that video smash a thumbs up button subscribe to the channel also stay tuned as we're going to be flying the pc24 to some amazing unique destinations in the Swiss elps along with with the pc12 ngx anyway I hope you guys are all doing well and take care wherever you're watching from [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 126,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, vlog, Travel, Airplane, Aircraft, Career in aviation, Becoming a pilot, IFR, Cockpit, S1K, Pivot Case, Flying, Flight, STOL, Pilot Institute, Auto throttle, Pilatus Aircraft, Pilots Factory Tour, PC24, PC12, Switzerland
Id: LzSxQE-mmlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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