PIKMIN Bosses: Weak to Powerful 💪

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Crash landing its way onto the GameCube in 2001,   Pikmin quickly became one of Nintendo's  most bizarre and beloved properties by   many. Taking control of a space captain  who's canonically the size of a thimble,   the Pikmin games see the player traversing through  a dangerous planet with an army of aggressive   multi-colored carrot creatures. Throughout their  travels, the space explorers and their obedient   plants have encountered many enemies which would  like nothing more than devour or crush everything   in their path. Today we're looking at the biggest  baddies of all; the bosses, and we're going to see   which ones are more of a minor nuisance and  which ones are the truly threatening foes. I'm Kifinosi with 1upBinge and this  is Pikmin Bosses: Weak to Powerful. Let's start off with some ground rules.  Firstly, we are only going to be looking   at the 3 main games in the Pikmin trilogy.  Spinoffs such as Hey Pikmin or the Pikmin   Adventure sub game in Nintendo Land are too  different to rank fairly with the other games. Secondly, many of these bosses appear  in different games with varying levels   of difficulty. For the sake of this  list, we're going to be judging them   in their prime based on their most  powerful appearances in the series. Lastly, let's define what we mean by  powerful. For this list, we are going   to be looking at these bosses' defensive  stats as well as their offensive abilities.   Since a lot of these enemies can kill multiple  members of the Pikmin army in one fell swoop,   we will also be taking into account how easy  it is for the player to evade said attacks. With those guidelines slotted down in our  Piklopedia, it's time to unearth our rankings. At the very bottom of our list we have the Giant  Breadbug from Pikmin 2. This boss is essentially   a larger version of the regular Breadbugs  which are harmless bread shaped enemies that   drag objects into holes in the ground. While  the Giant Breadbug can't hurt the Pikmin,   the Pikmin also can't hurt it by normal means.  Instead, the Pikmin and the the Giant Breadbug   engage in a battle of tug of war over the  treasure. If the Pikmin are successful,   the Breabug will receive damage after  hitting itself against the pod. Do this   a couple of times and the Giant Breadbug  becomes a corpse. The fact that this enemy   has low defense and literally no offense makes  it an easy choice for the bottom of this list. Next up on our list we have the Mamuta from Pikmin  1. While this creature does appear in Pikmin 2 as   well, it is only classified as a boss in the  first game. Out of all the bosses in Pikmin,   the Mamuta is the only one that can be  inadvertently helpful to the player.   Instead of killing the Pikmin that are attacking  it, the Mamuta will slap them into the ground   causing the player to pluck them again. While this  can prove to be an annoyance, this can actually   prove to be a benefit if you have leaf or bud  Pikmin you're looking to upgrade into a flower.   The Mamuta does manage to edge out the Giant  Breadbug due to its higher defense and the fact it   can actually harm the player if they're too close  to its attack range. Since it's more of a nuisance   than a threat for the most part, the Mamuta  isn't a boss which will cause you much stress. The next entry on our list is the Puffstool  from Pikmin 1. It says a lot about a boss   when the fire geysers that surround it are  arguably more of a hazard than the boss itself.   A giant fungus with stubby little legs, the  Puffstool is a cowardly mini-boss who will run   away from the Pikmin if swarmed. After a few  steps, the Puffstool trips causing Olimar to   throw Pikmin on top of it. Once the Puffstool  reorients itself, it lets out a puff of gas   which turn Pikmin into Mushroom Pikmin that help  defend the Puffstool. With that said, the attack   is pretty easy to avoid and the Mushroom Pikmin  can be turned back to normal if fought by the   regular Pikmin and called off by Olimar, so  it's not that big of an issue. Overall, the   Puffstool isn't that much of a threat if you have  enough Pikmin with you to take it down quickly. Bowling into our next spot is the Armored  Cannon Beetle from Pikmin 1. A fully grown   adult version of the Armored Cannon Larvae which  appears in Pikmin 2 and 3, the Armored Cannon   Beetle is the only boss in Pikmin that appears  twice in the first game. Both encounters are   essentially the same with the one difference  being the landscape. The Armored Cannon Beetle has   one attack which is taking a large breath and  spitting out a rock in a straight line. Its body   is surrounded by a protected shell which can only  be opened up by throwing Pikmin onto a blowhole on   its face. Once opened, Olimar can lead the Pikmin  to the back of the beast and swarm it for damage.   While the rock it shoots is large, it is pretty  easy to navigate around if you're careful with   your Pikmin. Since its weak point is on its back,  and the creature is pretty slow to turn around,   the Armored Cannon Beetle doesn't have much of  an offensive strategy when its being swarmed,   making it a pretty easy boss fight. The Goolix from Pikmin 1 is up next. A giant  blue liquid blob, the Goolix slowly moves around   and tries to engulf all the Pikmin in water  to drown them. This is a hard boss to rank   because technically speaking, the Goolix has the  best defense out of any boss in the first game,   being tied by only the final boss. However, the  reason it ranks so low is because if you bring   an army of blue Pikmin to its arena, the Goolix  has no offense or defense and can be wailed on   repeatedly until its demise. The Goolix does  pose a legitimate threat to red and yellow   Pikmin who have no way of attacking it. Also,  because of its high defense, if you don't have a   substantial amount of blue Pikmin in your arsenal,  there's a very good chance your army won't be able   to finish the job by the end of the day. With all  that in mind, if you prepare yourself accordingly   and know what Pikmin to use, the Goolix is a very  easy boss fight that won't cause you any trouble. Hovering into our next entry we have the  Ranging Bloyster from Pikmin 2. This large   jellyfish-looking creature appears several times  throughout Pikmin 2 and is enthralled by shiny   objects. Namely, the red and blue lights which  extend from Olimar and Louie's helmets cause the   Ranging Bloyster to follow the spacemen closely.  While one character distracts the creature,   the other must sneak behind it and throw the  Pikmin on its tail. As an attack, the Ranging   Bloyster extends its tentacles to latch on to the  Pikmin but this is fairly easy to maneuver around.   The Ranging Bloyster doesn't have high defense  but it can slowly regenerate health if left alone   so it's beneficial for the player to take the  creature down quickly. All in all, this boss   probably won't give you much of a problem  if you use your spacemen and Pikmin wisely. Crawling into our next spot is the first boss in  our rankings from Pikmin 3, the Bug-Eyed Crawmad.   Appearing twice in the Garden of Hope, this  creature is basically a larger version of the   Hermit Crawmad with two big bulging eyes that hang  from its head. If the player comes to close to the   Bug-Eyed Crawmad, it will lunge from its hole and  attack any Pikmin in sight. The only way to attack   the Bug-Eyed Crawmad is to throw Pikmin onto its  eyes. If the player has winged Pikmin in its army,   they can do this without going in the attack range  of the enemy. Once both of its eyes are injured,   the Bug-Eyed Crawmad will flip over leaving  itself open to being swarmed by Pikmin.   Considering the Bug-Eyed Crawmad has low  defense and can potentially be easily avoided,   this can be a pretty easy boss fight  if the player knows what they're doing. Up next, we have the Armored Mawdad from Pikmin  3. The first boss that the player encounters in   the third game, the Armored Mawdad is a large  centipede creature protected by a hard outer   shell. The only way to break through its exterior  is with the use of the rock Pikmin who can smash   it. The Armored Mawdad can crawl up the walls out  of reach of the player but its position will be   given away by the tree bark and debris which  falls from the walls and ceiling. To attack,   the Armored Mawdad lunges forth at its prey  which can easily be avoided due to the few   seconds it takes to position itself. While the  Armored Mawdad does have relatively high defense,   its overall predictable nature makes the  fight a cakewalk for any players who were   already familiar with the first two Pikmin games. The first of many arachnorb enemies on  our countdown, the Shaggy Long Legs from   Pikmin 3 stomps into our next spot. Appearing  three times in Pikmin 3, these creatures come   in black, white, purple and golden colors  depending on the area in which they reside.   The Pikmin can climb the legs of the beast in  order to remove its hair, causing damage to the   Shaggy Long Legs. While the Shaggy Long Legs can  stop on the Pikmin to crush them, if the player   brings a lot of troops to the battle it won't get  much of a chance due to constantly shaking the   Pikmin off of its body. The Shaggy Long Legs has  the lowest defense of any member of its family,   tied only with its bald variant in mission  mode. With the exception of its gold version,   the feet of the creature have small range and  won't crush that many Pikmin if caught under it. Right above its hairy brother lands the Baldy Long  Legs from Pikmin 3. As stated in the last entry,   this is a hairless variant of the Shaggy Long  Legs that only appears in the game's side modes.   It has the same stats as the Shaggy Long Legs  but it traverses across more of the in-game   area, making it much harder for the player to  deal with. This also means when it shakes the   Pikmin off of its body they are more  likely to end up in a hazardous area   or next to a dangerous enemy. If we were  ranking bosses based on difficulty alone,   the Baldy Long Legs would probably  rank a bit higher but since its stats   are the same as its hairy counterpart,  we are going to rank them side by side. Commanding its way into our next entry is the  Scorenet Maestro from Pikmin 3. This is another   boss which is difficult to rank since, technically  speaking, the Scornet Maestro does not attack the   Pikmin or the player. Instead, it commands an army  of one hundred smaller Scornets to do its bidding   for it. The player must avoid the onslaught of  smaller insects and attack the Scorenet Maestro,   which does have high defense to its credit.  Since the Scorenet Maestro isn’t really a   threat on its own, we can’t really rank it  any higher. However, due to its high defense   and efficient use of its army, we can’t in  good conscience call it a weak enemy either. Swooping onto our next slot is the Vehemoth  Phosbat from Pikmin 3. While posing more of   a threat than the Armored Mawdad, this boss  fight isn't so much hard as it is complicated   and time consuming. Residing in dark caverns,  the Vehemoth Phosbat is invisible until the   yellow Pikmin create an electrical current  to turn on the lights. In order to do this,   the rock Pikmin must break down barricades  and the other Pikmin must build bridges in   order to reach the electrical wires. The beast  becomes stunned when the light shines on it,   leaving it open to attack. While it has high  defense, The Vehemoth Phosbat's only deadly   attack is sucking up to five Pikmin at once in  its mouth. It can also spray dust onto the Pikmin   but this only causes a minor distraction for  the plant creatures. The Vehemoth Phosbat also   releases its offspring which eat the Pikmin,  but the small creatures are slow and weak,   causing little issue for the player. If  the Vehemoth Phosbat flies off to a wall to   take a rest, it will regenerate a small bit of  health, but it can only do this once. Overall,   this is a fun boss fight with a lot of moving  pieces, but not exactly the most powerful foe. The Waterwraith from Pikmin 2 drips into our next  ranking. This boss stalks the player throughout   every sublevel of the Submerged Castle hole  but can only be fought in the final area. This   large water creature traverses around on  two large wheels which crush any Pikmin in   its path. Much like the Ranging Bloyster, the  Waterwraith will only target the active player   which can be a useful strategy to keep  your Pikmin troops from being squished.   During the boss fight, the Waterwraith can only  be attacked by the purple Pikmin who stun it.   Once stunned, the Waterwraith  turns from liquid to solid,   leaving it open to swarming by every  Pikmin. Once its health is depleted,   the Waterwraiwill run around in fear looking for  another spot to reconstruct its rollers. If the   purple Pikmin stun it again, it will turn to solid  once more leaving itself open to attack. While the   Waterwraith can certainly be deadly when its using  its rollers, its fixation on the active player and   low defense make it a boss which can also be  taken care of safely with the right strategy. The next spot on our list goes to the  Man-at-Legs from Pikmin 2. A robotic   member of the arachnorb family, the Man-at-Legs  acts quite differently from its other relatives.   Instead of its primary offense being  crushing the Pikmin with its feet,   the Man-at-Legs instead shoots lasers at our  heroes using internally built guns found in   its body. To avoid the crossfire being shot  at them, Olimar and Louie must hide behind   walls which block the bullets from hitting them  and their Pikmin. After unloading its ammo,   the Man-at-Legs will stomp around angrily  leaving it open for attack. In order to   successfully defeat the Man-at-Legs, the player  must be quick and stealthy, ideally with many   flower Pikmin in its army. This battle puts  the protagonists' reaction time and navigation   abilities to the test and can result in many  casualties if Olimar and Louie are not careful. Digging its way into our next entry is the  Burrowing Snagret. A boss in all three games,   we're going to basing our ranking on Burrowing  Snagret's stats in Pikmin 1 where it had the   highest defense. In each game, the Burrowing  Snagret's attack strategy remains similar,   digging into the ground and popping up briefly to  eat the Pikmin. Chewing the Pikmin in its beak,   this gives the player an opportunity to save  their Pikmin from the creature. However,   the saved Pikmin will likely lose their flower  pedals and be reduced back to leaf Pikmin. Since   its primary strategy is to dig into the ground and  pop up unexpectedly, the Burrowing Snagret can be   a tricky enemy to fight, especially in the first  game where there's two of them in the same area.   Unleashing both of them at once makes the fight  even more difficult since you have to look out for   two giant snake birds to avoid and attack. It's  not hard to see why the Burrowing Snagret is one   of Pikmin's most iconic boss fights considering  how memorable and challenging it is to fight. Rolling into our next spot is Empress Bulblax from  Pikmin 2. Appearing twice in the story mode and   once in the challenge mode, Empress Bulblax is  the female head of the grub-dog family. She has   one direct attack which involves rolling from side  to side to crush the Pikmin. Hitting the walls   also causes rocks to fall from the ceiling  which can also crush Olimar and Louie's army.   In her second appearance, and also in challenge  mode, Empress Bulblax will have higher defense   and also be giving birth to Bulborg Larvae, which  will also attack the player. If she rolls over one   of her Larvae, she will crush and kill it same  as the Pikmin, showing she is a ruthless mother   as well as an opponent. The player's best strategy  is to stand in front of Empress Bulblax and throw   Pikmin, preferably of the purple variety,  at her face while she's stationary. Since   Empress Bulblax won't eat the Pikmin, this does  make the player relatively safe aside from the   falling rocks and Bulborg Larvae. Still, her high  defense, multiple appearances and ability to crush   many army members at once if you're not careful  make the Empress Bulblax a formidable enemy. Moving on to another boss  that's fond of rolling around,   the Segmented Crawbster from Pikmin 2 comes in  next. Found in the depths of the Cavern of Chaos,   this one-armed crustacean creature's body is  protected by a thick outer shell. Curling up   into a ball, the Segmented Crawbster rolls after  the protagonists in an attempt to crush them. It   can only be stopped by bumping into a wall, which  causes rocks to fall from the ceiling. However,   hitting the wall also causes the Segmented  Crawbster to land on its back, leaving its belly   open to an assault from the Pikmin. This boss  fight forces Olimar and Louie to be both quick   and observant in order to avoid being crushed by  both the creature and the boulders. The Segmented   Crawbster doesn't have the highest defense but it  since its weak spot is only open for a short time   frame and must be hit while avoiding debris this  boss still manages to put up quite a challenge. Our next spot goes to the Sandbelching Meerslug  from Pikmin 3. One of the largest enemies to   appear in any game, the Sandbelching Meerslug  has the highest defense of any enemy in Pikmin 3.   It has two primary attacks which include  spitting rocks around the area and creating   a giant sinkhole to suck the Pikmin down into  its mouth. The latter attack can be countered   if the player throws a yellow Pikmin holding a  rock bomb into its mouth. While neither move is   particularly dangerous in the beginning of the  fight, the Sandbelching Meerslug does become   more effective as its health depletes lower and  lower. While not the hardest boss in the series,   the Sandbelching Meerslug does prove to be quite  powerful due to its attack range and high defense. Popping up into our next entry is the Pileated  Sangret from Pikmin 2. Appearing twice in story   mode and once in challenge mode, the Pileated  Sangret is the more mobile family member   of the Burrowing Snagret. While its attack  strategy is similar to its burrowing counterpart,   the Pileated Sangret is more of a challenge due  to its much higher defense and increased height,   making it harder for the thrown Pikmin to reach  the head of the beast. Purple Pikmin have the   opportunity to stun and make the Pileated Sangret  bounce, which certainly can be useful, but tricky   to pull off due to the Pileated Snagret's height.  Overall, out of all the snake-bird creatures the   player comes to encounter, the Pileated Sangret  is definitely the most challenging and powerful. Coming in next is the Beady Long Legs from Pikmin  1. Olimar’s introduction to the arachnorb family,   the Beady Long Legs also appears in Pikmin 2 as  a miniboss. In the first game, the Beady Long   Legs is a strong and formidable foe with high  defense and quick movement. It’s actually best   to not bring too many Pikmin into this battle, as  the Beady Long Legs can stomp many of them with   the soles of its feet. Its body is also higher  up than many of its family members, meaning the   only Pikmin that can reach its weak point are the  yellow Pikmin. If that wasn’t enough, the Beady   Long Legs will also increase in speed while its  being damaged. Despite being the first arachnorb,   the Beady Long Legs stands out as being one  of the most powerful enemies in the series. The toughest member of the arachnorb family,  the Raging Long Legs from Pikmin 2 is up next.   Sporting the highest defense of any boss in Pikmin  2, this arachnorb also has the largest feet of   any of its family members which can crush many  Pikmin at once. Also, if left alone for a while,   the Raging Long Legs will slowly regenerate  health. Despite this, the Raging Long Legs has a   really large body which makes it easier to attack  than many of its family members. Unlike many other   Long Legs, this also means the player doesn't have  to position itself under the base of the enemy   to attack. Since it does have high defense and  can crush many Pikmin if given the opportunity,   this does put the Raging Long Legs high  up on our list in terms of its raw power.   In terms of pure difficulty however, the  Beady Long Legs beats this beast out. Crushing its way into our next spot is the  Quaggled Mireclops from Pikmin 3. Resembling a   large spider with a chunk of land for a body,  the Quaggled Mireclops goes on a rampage after   the rock Pikmin damage a crystal on its head.  Much like an arachnorb, the Quaggled Mireclops   stomps around the map which not only can crush  the Pikmin but leaves holes of water in which the   Pikmin can drown. In order to defeat the Quaggled  Mireclops, the player must attack its toes causing   it to fall to the ground, then swarm its head with  the Pikmin. After wailing on its head for a while,   the Quaggled Mireclops will extend its  tongue and attempt to eat the Pikmin,   so the player must call their squad off  in a timely manner. Once destroying the   crystal on its head, the Quaggled Mireclops will  become even more aggressive, rampaging around   the board and using its body to crush anything  beneath it. This could cause Pikmin extinction   in one fell swoop if the player isn't careful.  Because of its high defense and deadly offense,   the Quaggled Mireclops proves to be one of  the strongest foes in the Pikmin trilogy. The first final boss on our list, the Plasm Wraith  from Pikmin 3 morphs into our next spot. One of   the strangest enemies in all of Pikmin, and that  alone is saying something, the Plasm Wraith also   proves to be one of the most challenging. Being  comprised of cellular protoplasmic mass, the Plasm   Wraith can only be defeated by splitting its mass  from its core. It initially only has one attack,   which is stabbing at Pikmin rapidly with its  needle arms. While it may not sound like much, the   Plasm Wraith can stab up to twenty Pikmin in short  succession with this move. Later on in the fight,   the Plasm Wraith will release Elemental Plasms  which create hazards that can only be destroyed   by a specific type of Pikmin. If the player fails  to destroy these hazards, the Plasm Wraith will   absorb them back into its body and regenerate  health. With so many moving pieces and a high   offensive attack, the Plasm Wraith definitely  ranks among the harder bosses in the series. The Bronze Medal of Power is awarded  to the final boss of Pikmin 2,   the Titan Dweevil. Much like the Plasm Wraith, the  Titan Dweevil uses elemental hazards to attack the   player and their Pikmin. These come in the form  of four weapons which the Titan Dweevil also uses   to protect its body from Pikmin attacks. These  weapons are the Flare Cannon, the Comedy Bomb,   the Shock Therapist and the Monster Pump. For this  first stage of the fight, the best strategy would   be to use yellow Pikmin since the electricity  is an instant kill unlike the other hazards.   Once the weapons are knocked off of the body,  they will fall to the ground and might get in   the way of the Pikmin fighting the boss. Once  stripped of all its weapons, the Titan Dweevil   has no counter attack and can basically be wailed  on until its defeat. Due to its high defense and   skilled use of weaponry, the Titan Dweevil gets  the honor of being the hardest boss in Pikmin 2. The Silver Medal of Power goes to the Smoky Progg  from Pikmin 1. This is an optional boss which can   only be fought on the first 15 days in The Distant  Spring. Depending on the player's skill level,   that may be a good thing considering how deadly  this beast is. The Smoky Progg doesn't really   attack so much as it... well, moves around.  Its body is surrounded by a poisonous gas   which will instantly kill any Pikmin that come in  contact with it. Upon hatching from its egg, the   Smoky Progg will make its way over to the landing  sight and uproot any Pikmin still in the ground.   Olimar must defeat the Smoky Progg in order to  bring anything back to the landing site that day.   The Smoky Progg has relatively high defense  and is undoubtedly the deadliest creature   in the series. Upon its defeat, the Smoky Progg  leaves behind a pearl which produces 100 Pikmin,   which may or may not make up for the ce highest  defense asualties in this battle. Its easy to   lose your entire Pikmin army in this fight  very quickly if you're not extremely cautious. Finally, the Gold Medal of Power goes to  the final boss of Pikmin 1, Emperor Bulblax.   Emperor Bulblax also appears as a boss in Pikmin  2 but is significantly weaker than it is in the   first game where this emperor has the highest  defense out of any enemy in the Pikmin series.   After clearing a path in The Final Trial area,  Olimar encounters the Emperor Bulblax buried   in a large area of sand. Once it emerges, it will  chase the Pikmin down and lick them with its large   tongue. This does give the player an opportunity  to stun the Emperor Bulblax as throwing a yellow   Pikmin holding a bomb rock into its mouth will  cause damage. Once the Emperor Bulblax's health   depletes by half, it will introduce a second  attack which involves jumping up high and   smashing its body down on Olimar and his Pikmin.  Many Pikmin fans consider the Smoky Progg to be   the harder enemy due to its deadly nature and  appearing earlier in the game when the player is   less prepared for such a battle. However, due to  its extremely high defense and still very deadly   offense, we personally believe the Emperor Bulblax  stands as the most powerful enemy in the series. That about does it for our  list but before we sign off,   lets plant some honorary medals  to our cast of creatures! The Darwin Medal would have to go to Mamuta.  Considering this creature’s attack is more   helpful than harmful to the Pikmin, we have  to wonder why it doesn’t change its strategy. The Wrath Medal is given to the Burrowing  Snagret. Considering its multiple   appearances throughout the series, and even  appearing as an assist trophy in Smash Bros,   its quite clear this strange  snake bird is out for revenge. The Gluttony Medal is a hard one, as so many  of the bosses in these games are out to eat   the Pikmin. However, ultimately,  we will give it to Emperor Bulblax   seeing how it visibly drools upon seeing  the Pikmin. We’re also giving the Emperor   Bulblax the Pride Medal since it clearly is  prideful in being the biggest grub-dog around. The Sloth Medal is awarded to Goolix. This  enemy doesn’t really attack so much as it   moves around and tries to consume the Pikmin. The Envy Medal goes to Scorenet Maestro. This  particular boss wishes it could command its army   of one hundred Scorenets as well as Alph, Brittany  and Charlie command their one hundred Pikmin. The Greed Medal is given to the Titan Dweevil.  This beast loves treasure as much as the Giant   Breadbug and will hold on to all that it can,  as well as Louie, in order to protect itself. The Lust Medal is awarded to Empress  Bulblax. This is due to how often she   gives birth in her second boss fight. We’re  willing to bet this creature is not asexual. Let us know in the comment section if you agree  with our ranking, and tell us what we should   cover next. Remember to hit that notification  bell and binge our Good to Evil playlist,   where we break down the morality of the characters  in your favorite games. Thanks for watching!
Channel: 1upBinge
Views: 202,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puffstool, Pikmin, games like pikmin, blue pikmin, pikmin games, pikmin 4, pikmin 2, nintendo pikmin, pikmin 2 wii for sale, pikmin 3 deluxe, pikmin 3, pikmin games on switch, pikmin nintendo switch, pikmin for switch, pikmin for nintendo switch, pikmin 2 switch, pikmin on the switch, pikmin on switch, pikmin 3 wii u, pikmin switch games, pikmin switch, pikmin 3 switch, pikmin etsy, pikmin amiibo, pikmin 2 wii u, pikmin deluxe, pikmin 1 wii, pikmin gamecube, pikmin wii
Id: nA4T_IfA53M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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