TURBOS & TEMPLES 2 // JDM Feature Film 4K

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Lmao that induction noise after they install the pod filter is obscene

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/willythestalker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the best Christmas present I've gotten since I turned 18. It's amazing like all MCM feature films. Can't wait for part 2.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This needs more love, everyone just now circle jerks Douglas

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlvinGT3RS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m only 38 minutes in and I am cheesing. It looks so good in 4K and I know how much fun it is to just drive around japan, visit the shops, and just see cars you don’t see in the states.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrFoolinaround πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This came out of nowhere.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/madzev πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

These guys deserve 2x the subs they have. Most entertaining and highest quality car content on YouTube IMO

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ncg89 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can anyone ID the slam mobile the duo pass by? I thought it was a Move or something but I can’t figure it out lmao.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gerarghini πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This with a nice cozy blanket on a Christmas eve night. Feelsgoodman

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/luuhuy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If i had to do a roadtrip and i could take any awesome JDM car, i think i'd take MR2 SW20 Turbo over an r34 or rx7

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] so we are in downtown Osaka it is very early in the morning we flew in last night we got to bed at around midnight and this morning we are here for something very very exciting now this guy has bought me a car sight unseen of course and of course off the internet from some random now it's a little bit of a crazy adventure tool we're doing we're gonna be in Japan for a few days we're gonna be road tripping this car but to pick it up the previous owner couldn't actually meet us today so I've transferred the money onto the internet and he's left the ticket in a Family Mart so that is where we've got to go down [Music] all right so we are in the Family Mart and now we're on the hunt of course for the thousand lemons the most delicious drink that you can buy in Japan I don't see it in the bathroom there are either going to be big ones here or they have like little counters over here where they have the kind of more identical equipment and right here is our you can check out those and then of course behind true to his word that's good because that was a lot of money daddy's a parking ticket so we'll buy these amazing going into our deal money I do and you put the money down here in the little tray a couple of thousand lemons that we can drink while you wait I got those I'm ass I got that so now over here at the neato suji carpet carpet the carpet we can go over and get our car it's in this vertical stacker it's one of those mad cars stacker things gonna do up boo the money how do I sign you got to pay my think how much this is how much it is somewhere Oh awesome that's very good English thank you oh yeah do you attend at Alden oh yeah I got that so your car Martin that I bought for you as a Christmas present is sitting inside this building and you're about to see it for the very first time this is like as exciting as it gets of course I bought it sight unseen go do it of course I have I got dog as I'm our fourth because of course last time we came to Japan I got my fair lady my dream car and now we get my tease rain car you better believe it I'm soaking [Music] yes that's amazing do it um do you drive out or we drop you drive out okay dude it's a super turbo so here it is everybody check out the plates check out the place nice Sun and look at it well it's clean look at all you have your lemons will celebrate with those in a second looking clean it is here you go Martin a thousand lemons for you 1000 lemons for me oh my god this is amazing it's what are you cleaner than your last one isn't it yeah that's incredible I'm us does this spin yes yeah I think we're gonna get the Wheel of Fortune little spin going on hey this is amazing it's in such good condition Merry Christmas button until you then you got it down the whole bowels and limits is amazing really do a whole thing you ready and here's to mad JDM cars [Music] amazing we gotta go get our bags from the hotel which is that way but oh no I think that's one way we go that way yes look at this thing dude did a note wait on before we go what does the note say in case it's important I'm gonna pull over and we'll find out oh it appears to be working we got to go get our bags but let's just pull over here first and have a look yeah see exactly what it is that we have and these streets are so tiny like Oh scrub scrub I know I'm known for buying a lot of like crappy cars on the internet but this year has actually exceeded my expectations I mean the photos of it looks good and let me give you the quick background of how this car came to being so almost ten years ago Marty owned one of these cars and he ended up selling it one of those decisions that you regret for the rest of your life I'm basically because he needed more room in the back cause he was playing in a band and legit his girlfriend hated the sound of the turbocharger the supercharger both of them she de said it makes too much crazy noise so he sold it now since then Marty has attempted to buy it back fairly regularly over the last few years and has not been successful so this here I saw come up on the internet for sale and I was just like I'm just buying it and it had like I don't know it had like quite a bit of interest on the internet and I was just like I'm buying this car no matter what so I did I transferred the money the rest is history and here it is we've got an S and March super turbo now I actually don't know much more about these cars yeah other than sending some bulk cash overseas without having any actual guarantee there's going to be something at the other end let alone a parking ticket in a family Mart tell us all about this crazy little car I cannot believe how good condition this this is this is amazing like mine was okay but this is incredible and worse than trying to buy it back is that I said to the dude I'd love to write back because I ran into him random my K man you bought my car can i buy it back and he said yes and then he said no oh no which is even worse because you probably remember I called you I'm like man already into nice lucky consider it and then a way clatters like now you can't have it just tempting you with the nothing these are amazing because this is a Katyn Nissen yes it's a Nissen miss and March enemy you had to remake yours yeah dude this is the same family as a figure oh except it's twin charge so turbocharged and supercharged the supercharger comes on and when the turbo makes enough boost to take over its supercharger turns off and it's all turbocharged nuggety JDM 80s action Jurgen this was owned by collector or something like legit I owned a car of this era that is in that good of component I'm pretty sure it's being painted but it's been painted well man like I can't really fault the paint job it's some it's good and I think someone really cared about it I feel like this is the kind of car that went to meets unless it's not painted like in the engine bay or that's that's likely but it looks good no I do it it's it's it if you can see some overspray and stuff like it's it's been painted yeah there's overspray down here as well but it's we've done really well and the interior is perfect man look at the - it looks amazing this your steering wheel - yours right that's yeah that's the original factory when it came with I never got that steering wheel it's just it's as good and better than my old one this is amazing we really need to see what this is but we also need to see inside the the engine bay there Martin OPM up some mad backwards bonnet action but this is not a um kei car is it no so this is this is in the next class up from a kei car so it's a 0.9 Lido a 933 CC single overhead cam turbos they're superchargers down there somewhere you can unplug it and turn it off and go just full turbo but it's the latest thing you'll ever drive in your whole life our first stop we have to get a pod filter yours used to sound so good the honk the honk causes problems ok but man this is pretty good this is this is good I mean it's it's it is 80s this is 29 years old at least 29 years old so there's a good chance something like all these rubber things don't usually love it after that amount of time but we're gonna roadtrip this thing does anyone on the internet know how to read that does it can anybody tell me what that says the infinite it's important like this car is stolen or this car doesn't work the internet knows how to read it yeah I got a thing I've got a thing I'll just take a photo maiden you are the resource a little in Russia scanning for Japanese looking for Japanese text let's come up like you've been royally buy a super turbo I feel a little bad when I blow it oh when it blows hey I do not feel well also when heavy rear wheel when it is heavy rear wheel please do your best I have three o'clock thank you very much well I have heavy rear wheel means it's scrubbed we worked that out already a little when I blow it jack and blow it means like give it to it yet I feel a little bad when I blow it when it blows I do not feel very well blows blower supersonic supercharger yeah supercharger doesn't work yeah maybe well that's yeah it's got a blower that's true oh yeah blow ah thing we're working it out um we'll keep this we should ask someone who actually speaks yeah we should find a place to have a nice because it may be wrong what happens at 3 o'clock though 3,000 rpm 3 on the clock Oh genius um let's go to the hotel let's get our bags and let's begin this road trip of extreme fez mcgarricle excitement you did so well this is amazing have you noticed that every car that I buy sight unseen is incredible no ok let's go we should actually find someone who can speak Japanese and actually get them to read this because it might say something actually importunately useful and but what we've gathered so far is that it's got a blown engine and that the wheels scrub all it will see all the wheels do scrub is that right what's up little car behind this thing down oh no power steering except for these halogens oh man they almost ran over us let's go let's go get our bags we're in Osaka which is the third biggest city in Japan and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world it's known for its vibrant food underground shopping centers and cosmopolitan nightlife we're gonna be taking a little listen super turbo on a road trip to Tokyo but first we've got to get out at the centre of the city and find ourselves apart shop [Music] it feels pretty good we've got to fix that scrubbing that's going bad I wonder if the wheels will put on like to sell it or something you know I don't know you could live with that no it feels pretty good it does have a sort of like a hesitation okay when you accelerate through but I mean these always feel a bit weird because it goes from supercharged of the turbo yeah and then back again but is there hesitation at three o'clock maybe like you've had it go for a little bit and then see if you can give it a little bit a little heat and we'll just see what happens might not be that obvious in the first but oh yeah you can sort of yeah a little too bad though that's alright they're probably worse in higher gears I'd say generally uh there's so much going on with that engine so many vacuum lines and yeah wires and there's right at the beginning of people using ECU's so that's pretty pretty simple so this is kind of like the Kings Cross part of Osaka so crazy night life last night lots of stuff going down on the street clown masks for sale over there with really big holes in the mouth I don't know what you meant to do with those lots of weird little photo boards and menus and people relieving themselves on the street I have seen anybody that I saw a guy who was like completely doubled over in a big pile of vomit also interestingly a lot of these places don't open till 10:00 or 11:00 and then that I'd shut till 10:00 or 11:00 well that makes it that makes a lot of sense I mean in Sydney come five o'clock heaps of the shops are just closed yeah done you can do anything that's right this is pretty cool I don't know I this would just be buzzing with people in the nightlife in Osaka is world-renowned for its crazy clubs amazing food and friendly people it's also considerably cheaper than Tokyo and some people attribute this to Osaka originally being a merchant city full of people looking for a bargain and that philosophy has remained to this day people from Osaka are particularly proud of their heritage and have a slightly different dialect to that heard in Tokyo there's some other strange differences too like the use of escalators throughout Japan people stand on the left yet in Osaka for reasons nobody really knows people stand on the right there are some theories around samurais drawing swords and merchants protecting their money but even in Japan it's a real mystery of course there's the usual Japanese array of vending machines absolutely everywhere where you can get everything from cold drinks hot drinks and even hot food yet it seems a lot of people at nighttime mistake these vending machines for a public toilet is that you with the accelerator is that the car kind of pumping and surging it's a bit jerky at low speeds anyway the conscious super lights and once they're getting used to it you don't have any effort on your left foot accelerator be an old car 29 years old did your last run have air-conditioning I don't remember that's cool hello some Japanese girls waved at us Martin cuz they love your car everyone loves sleeping those name I were just sleeping over in everybody's tears because everyone was crying that they didn't buy this I did it was some random at a Family Mart so we have got an epic road adventure over the next few days of hundreds of kilometers that's a weird thing Wow and as such we're gonna give the car a little once-over before we go so we're gonna try and find ourselves and Otto backs or an up garage or something like that keep the car a bit of a service see if we can find out why it's not running as well as it should and what else it's got to leave some wheels little hesitation we might see we can get some either some different wheels or potentially just some different tires cuz yeah those tires are so fat and we don't have anything in the boot it's just us so it will scrub yeah we get will solve the scrubbing thing for all the guards if we have to but I think wheels and tires might solve it easier I reckon it's a bit of a mystery about that scrubbing because the car is in such good condition I don't reckon the previous on it would have been driving around like that so I gonna had some fancy wheels on it those put these on just to get the cuffs off absolutely um well I will find out where there's something that we can go buy some stuff photo box you lahat up garage we will end up visiting all these places if they're out this trailer away don't worry we'll go to all of them and buy some mad stuff for you and us driving in another country can be pretty confronting luckily for us Japan and Australia both drive on the left-hand side of the road use kilometers not miles and steer from the right-hand side of the car the street signs also have what's known as Ramon G where the Japanese words are spelled out using an alphabet we can read and understand with this and a good GPS finding your way around is way easier than it once was as long as you've got yourself an international driver's license you're good to go so we've arrived at super Auto Beck's the creative car life store I want to go to the technical service Pete is amazing it's you I don't know ever seen this big this is like Bunnings size of cast off but this is the biggest one I've ever seen this is crazy it's like the supercharger valve isn't it plugs out on these they all do it's it's all it's not even connected properly but that's that's the bypass control valve and that's the vacuum line that's supposed to go into it but it has been on there you can see by the mark like did it it has it's more like it's just come off permanently but you can see yeah yeah you know not connected that is but also like these vacuum lines have perished yeah so I suggest if we can get vacuum lines it's just like replace all the ones we can see it's definitely not going to hurt it was an easy thing to try so vacuum lines spark plugs yeah do the oil cuz we can yep try and find some skinny your tires so I'm not scrubbing that's a start man and then we go just so we can't have any more water back sorrow in Japan if we fail probably a lot Oh many let's go [Music] so many cars for sale I've never noticed how many cars second-hand cars and bikes and made little lunch box looking nuggets this place is massive showing car stores in Japan are loud bright and full to the brim with parts and accessories to modify your car customizing and personalizing cars is a big deal here so there's an endless supply of ways to do it being that there are so many different models of cars from VIP cruises through a tiny cave-ins the parts shop stock items for just about all of them there's less stuff available for older cars as the idea of newness is appealing in both the cars themselves and the mods there's less mechanical parts available on the shelf as trade and retail is more segregated but we've managed to find some vacuum hose which will help address some of the issues with our little car so even we went to a 165 in Bridgestone I mean that's cool and that's still a good size for the car to 165 though is only gonna be tall but also drops the profile so we lose 10 millimeters of the width yeah and 50/50 more it's it's still better than nothing in it even if it's still scrubs at least we're not trying to get massive tires on that said 15 mil is fairly substantial to be lower rolling diameter hopefully they'll get us out of trouble my tuck it in saves us having to cut your arches Martin going up yeah the width is like it's 5% less with less sidewall less circumference [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this aisle here is basically some of the crazy stuff that we found that when we bought cars from Japan they just have so much wacky stuff like these cans down here that say this isn't LED lighted ashtray please smoke in the shape of a coke can I mean it's just like who thinks of it and then who makes it and then who actually makes it and then who buys it smoking is a really big thing in Japan like people are smoking everywhere and this whole aisle is just smoky things I think this instead of a funnel I think that there is meant to connect to the top of that and so instead of using a funnel you just connect that big long hose and then just tip the other end in that's not a thing that we get in Australia at all which is why I'm gonna buy it so down here shoot raise something else that you don't see in Australia this is so you can take your shoes off before you get into your car keeping your car nice and clean and mad and there are heaps of different sizes heaps of different kinds again something that you just never see in Australia cuz well because this is not Australia so over here obviously you got your spare flares just casually hang in here which we're not going to be able to get back to Australia but it would be fun if we could but we should get some just to like while we're over here in case there's an emergency all sorts of crazy lights your block shot of course whatever that is just need oil drain pan and now I think we're good to go alright so tires we found some tires so they've asked me to drive the car in we've found some bridge stones it'll feel a bit better someone has put aftermarket wheels on this thing which means we're getting some scrubbing issues which is a pain in the bum but we should be alright if we can just reduce our tire size a little bit the tires are actually a lot fatter than they need to be so we're going to go one size smaller and tires are really easy to get it auto backs there's tons of them and unlike a TRAI they have cake our sizes which is freakin amazing because trying to get tires for the mirror next to impossible particularly performance tires like the Rawi threes they just I mean people don't have performance kei cars really they're just like the cars that you drive to the shops so I'm going to drive our super turbo into the technical service pit you can come with us the service areas are super well-equipped for the fast turnaround of hundreds of customers that descend upon the shop all at once there is a huge amount of attention to detail possibly too much for us because our wheels aren't the factory size we can't actually put the factory specified large super turbo tires on the car which is worrying the technicians they may not actually change their tires for us potentially because they won't want us to put the wrong size on even though these are not the right size anyway let's see what happens [Music] although the current vibe is we're still not sure if they're gonna let us the tires that we want on aftermarket wheels it's very much a by-the-book thing yeah we don't want to put tires on that aren't supposed to be the car fair enough for insurance and everything else except this is already aftermarket wheels and the sides are gonna go is better I think we're gonna get there I'm feeling good it does feel like a test but I'm feeling good about it all right we're gonna leave the car here hopefully we're gonna get it back with some new tires if you don't was gonna have to try somewhere else so one of the options you've got four horns over here is 400 Hertz 500 Hertz 600 Hertz which is giving you your tonic a major third or a fifth and together you actually get a major third pretty cool Hey so before Marty when I was looking for an oil pan I was going on I wonder how you say oil pan I was thinking maybe I'll just add like a root to the end of it oh oh soon ascend or ooh pen for this digits and then I looked at the translator it's a roof hand oh yeah great amazing so we just put a couple of bridge loans on these are for compact car and this is a compact car you can see the fitment here they are in a little bit and they're down by about 15 mil so hopefully that fixes a scrubbing issue that we're having up the back because we don't really want to be heading down the highway scrubbing the hallway I know some people think scrubbing his life in the low life and all that kind of crap but that sound of scrubbing is like the sound of your tire getting ripped apart so that's not ideal so we got two on there putting two more on and then we're gonna hit the road and head down to up garage we're gonna buy some other bits and pieces then we're gonna give the car service and then we're on the highway and the road trip can begin we're lucky they agreed to change the tires considering how strict they can sometimes be a friend of ours in Japan need new battery for his key fob and the dealer refused to supply it because the car had aftermarket wheels installed which didn't meet the company's specifications this is one of the strange paradoxes of Japan there's a real sense of freedom in how people express themselves and how they modify their car but this is in stark contrast to what is often a very conservative and rule-based society a previous owner has fitted some aftermarket alloy wheels they look great but are smaller in diameter than the factory steel wheels with hubcaps that you would have gotten on your car way back in 1992 regardless we've managed to talk our way into a new set of tires which are now fitted to our mad little misson so you can see over here because they're getting inside the car they've put ace a bag over the seat and there's also a wrap around the steering wheel it kind of looks like a hairnet or something to keep it all nice and clean that is so much better you'll also they check the torque which you don't often see in Australia on a wrench like that they often set their tools like that yeah they don't go into a second check and they do it in front of the customer as well to go yes our talks are correct that fitment is so much better it doesn't look as vegan fat but considering we won't be scraping when we're driving down the highway and they're actually the right size tires for those wheels you can see because they're not bulging out anymore as much because they're in a way to do with the actual width of the wheel that's probably like a six inch wheel you don't really go especially got such a big tire on a small wheel I think that's gonna be a good thing I think we're good to go people think they're good to hit the road we can't tell if it doesn't scrub yet but we're about to be able to tell I hope it doesn't it can't scrub the same no we've like 15 MLS not rolling diameter these are the right size tires for these wheels and so you're looking this cut has been lowered then yes I do go through them as owners what a legend I'll be descent so polite so friendly for the legend awesome change some vacuum lives and then hit the road man with some tools and parts in hand from auto backs it's time to try and solve for misfiring mystery in our mad little car owners of March super turbos and enthusiasts over the years have worked out that the Achilles heel of this otherwise very tough car is the vacuum system it controls the way the supercharger and turbo work together and if something's wrong with it it makes it hesitate misfire and just generally slows it down it's usually just due to the age of the rubber parts which do have a limited lifespan so replacing them can get you all your lost power back it would be amazing if that fixed it be so good as that fixed it it's an idols and putts around fine so it's hard to tell until you actually get up it yeah but let's just see we just do a lap of the block no scrubbing no scrubbing man we might fix that burski feels good that felt good family you think it's still got a slight hesitation but I can't quite tell still run down here in second and I'll say it's there but it's not as bad no it's not as bad not nearly as bad so that could be maybe when we get to up garage toss out that sparkplug that's probably never been changed in the last decade or two that Valve from if my memory serves me correctly as well as that valve when it's worn out behaves like that yeah okay it flutters and sort of doesn't it doesn't work properly so the first place to buy another one the first key feels good either way I can Excel feels good yeah I couldn't accelerate probably before and now I can so I'm gonna call that a win all right well let's head on down the up garage it's good man it's got to be the Pope now let's get some curry first actually add some curry so it capers and curry let's do it Oh what is that STI look at that look at that thing there is so fat that is fat so good would own so we're down here at our Coco curry house this is like a staple down here it's a bit of rice a bit of fried stuff and happily just like fried tasty stuff our car feels a bit better I don't know it's 100% but it feels he's better feels he's ready to hit the road hurry up then we're gonna hit up garage and then we can start our road trip we sort of are road tripping I guess eg Caesar salad mg corn salad super that she that means like awesome oh right after lunch our next stop is one of our favourite destinations in Japan [Music] on this road for another 25 days or so and it wouldn't be a proper JDM road trip of course without proper JDM snacks we haven't done a full snack run yet but I did have time this morning to get a couple of snacks I have seaweed flavored Peas and I think what's going to excite Martin a little bit more is meat flavored pizza yes look at it no it's pizza meat meaty treats of flat dough meaty pizza-flavored chips I don't know why these exist or the need to exist but I'm happy that they exist that someone went to the effort to make them they're amazing can you crack them open Japanese chips are hard life and try opening them how you / lz1 see how do you do it I just punched in the face with the pungent give me a oh it's it's not Japanese they say on that like tingly tingly tingly look at them look how big they are man look at the pizza stuff on them ah it tastes like a pizza yeah in Australia you buy a chip it tastes like day-old pizza doesn't it that doughy meaty cheesy fatty really strong cheese to like mmm ah but it tastes exactly like it looks on the package which is both frightening and amazing unlike Australian ships they go let's barbecued paprika and your tasters like that's the Stairmaster in salt hmm I was in Japan what you see is what you get like the super turbo look at that car what is that what is that thing I've never seen one of those in the wild before I didn't know they actually drove didn't afife that's how excited you I'm not actually drove Wow someone's cruising around is that stance the revolution thing that camel is like that was Ben it was like the stuff you see on the Internet yeah but usually in carboxyls Robbie not surprising we're about to go into a tunnel Martin yes time will run down time try it on me man well I'll just just lay it on me and proceed well those you should celebrate with the pizza I was so good aren't mutton would you like to have a jerk-off session yep oh do we need the subject of today's Coco is man there's so many second-hand cars let's make it dealerships I'm gonna go first yep did you hear about the man that went into a commercial vehicles dealership and said I want a free vehicle and they turn around and said nah man no trucks given that was pretty good out of 10 see it's not a film c7 really enormous seven it's a give us six for the setup but like Pape the punchline which averages to seven oh it's pretty good I think we should both score each other's - Joe cough ability why was that why was the van delish why was the Toyota van dealer so good at poker because oh what a stealing he stole everyone's money no because he knew a lot about Ohio's oh okay I'm gonna give another four out of ten without brutal huh no only that's because I want to inspire you because you've got you got you got better you got better let me see ah did you hear about the car that went to the doctor cause his leg numbed my leg was numb 5c why was the sea captain disappointed when he tried to buy a car because it was full of semen sorry what's what's the answer no I really want to know because it was a dealership ideal a ship that's pretty good thanks man that's pretty good that's like a five and a half okay I'll just do a really bad one to finish don't do it no it's not it's not even funny come on um why did the Nissen keep beating a drum like blue to get a guitar cuz it was a Nissen March [Music] don't talk about something else now [Music] so this next stop will be my favorite place to go in Japan for used car stuff we go there every time it is no surprise this is up garage this is where you get mad secondhand JDM mods for your ride and what are we hoping to get here Martin we want to get the honk don't we this is real deal so I'm hoping we'll be able to pick up some nuisance style airflow meter / quad filter adapter yes and this they just have so much stuff and they have all the stuff or when you are modifying an old car yes this is a place to go because all their backs is glitzy and shiny and good for new stuff this is the kind of hardware in and your your um your girlfriend for a long time and go hated the old honk didn't love the honk so they've got it but we have to bring the honk that's why we may or may not have been Cheryl we're bringing honky back Cheryl's coming at your head let's go up garage for life so mad look at it look at it dude I can't believe it that's in there I love up garage of all these wheels look fit up garage is a must visit destination every time we come to Japan there's nothing else like it in the world we can browse such a huge selection of second-hand car parts for your Japanese performance car and best of all it's usually really cheap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] unfortunately occasionally with up garage due to the fact that they are secondhand you can't really rely on what kind of stock is gonna be here because it changes so often we can't get a pod culture there's one foot filter and it's for a dye hat suit but it is no way it's gonna fit our car so we're probably just going to try the next time we see or any other automotive parts shop we see we're going to stop at and try and get some bits I didn't find anything either by the way whatever do policy [Music] we're making our way through to India Prefecture about two hours east of Osaka the be roads that run alongside the rivers and lakes are stunning and if the engineers couldn't hug the mountain when they made the road they would dig straight through the side of the hill resulting in some huge tunnels nothing is getting in the way of a great driving road [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we were just driving down the road on our way to Iger prefecture and saw this place which I just had to stop at and in a second you'll understand why it also gave us an opportunity to pull over and have a look because we are going to attempt to disconnect the supercharger because the little March is still not running right and Marty is actually looking at a diagram that we got translated by a Japanese friend 10 years ago from his last Super Turbo and it was a Japanese diagram that we got and we used that translation to fix something so he's on the net watching some old Mighty Car Mods off to actually work out how to fix that but why are we here well I was just driving along and randomly we came across this we usually associate the classic mini scene with Britain but in Japan minis are huge I mean they're tiny that these little cars are absolutely everywhere while in most countries the market for minis waned in the 90s in Japan it went absolutely through the roof and they continued selling these Japanese market minis all these JDM minis right up until around the year 2000 that's before the newer BMW minis also known as Maxie's got made but they sold so many of these minis in Japan and this is where I got my JD and mini from I've got kind of a British racing green one that since been converted with a B 16 B which is a 1.6 liter engine from a Civic Type R but this is just not something that you see this is just a playground of mad mini stuff I mean I have never seen anything like this and you just would not expect to see something like this in Japan look how many there are look at them and this is only half of it there's a whole other one right up there there's just minis minis minis as far as the eye can see there's mad ones that are dumped they got big wheels someone got mini lights I've got other weird JDM wheels there's some like more British inspired ones this is just freakin incredible part of the reason that these cars are so popular in Japan is that from the beginning minis were always a car that people wanted to personalize and modify it's in the DNA of the design and this fits perfectly with the sensibility of Japanese people who want to customize their cars the mini scene is so big over here that you often see more modified minis on the road than some of the more traditional Japanese performance cars that you associate with this country like supras Amata's and civics but just like the r34 GTR prices of these minis has recently gone through the roof a few years ago a clean example like this could be picked up for around five thousand dollars now prices for a similar vehicle are closer to 25 thousand dollars what an awesome treat to see all of these mad old minis here just outside of Osaka in Japan meanwhile over here the car is getting a couple of stickers to celebrate that we have fixed our kind of stuttering intermittent problem not by doing anything awesome but by bypassing the supercharger now I do feel a little bit bad that I've bought him a car that doesn't entirely work but these are just the little niggles of buying an old JDM car everyone who owns one knows that is the way that it goes but for now we are getting some chop fingers on as we slowly mighty modify this car Oh No and we've got a blowout oh he's good he's gonna fix it there we go amazing so the supercharger has been bypassed just so that we can do some highway driving because on the way out here we had to do some hills and stuff and going up it was really starting to a burkha to it and so now we've taken that off which means the cars really laggy but when you do get on song it gets on somehow because it's still running crazy boost on the turbocharger but we might do a swing past our mate Rob's garage at import monster and that will give us a chance to actually pull some stuff off and have a look with some proper tools we don't have everything we need to do that now so the next step is just jump back in the car get on the highway and make our way to eat Opie picture you driving or am i driving I'll rock paper scissors you for it one two three one four seven six zero 21b double zero what's that that's the part number of the feet that probably fix our issue with a supercharger make them it's the bypass control valve otherwise known as the UFO you know I know that I looked up a micro forum and I found a post by myself from almost exactly 10 years ago that says this is the part number and when it's broken this is what it does which is exactly what our car is doing okay and then when you fix it by either heating it up in an oven or sending it around the world in the mail which I assume it sits somewhere really hot for a bit in error rats or whatever and then you get it and then you plug it in it works again okay so we basically get a heat gun and we blast it I have a feeling that I make this part anymore because this was I mean they barely made it 10 years ago there's no way they're gonna make it so well the ideas gets clogged full of stuff right so they can't actually bypass because there's crap in them yeah it's like a little little diaphragm in their rubber diaphragm and it gets clogged full of all the oil that's in the you know aging motor is pumping oil through its vacuum system yeah it's gonna get clogged up so I reckon we try and heat cutter we've got nothing to lose I mean we have now have a turbo car yes which is cool but this is a super turbo and this super means supercharged yeah so we've got to try and make it work when are we gonna do that when I finish looking up parts diagrams in the middle of the Japan roads but at least we do have boost but because there's no supercharged that's meant to kind of take off that lag eNOS I'll show you just how long it is watch this when I go around this corner I'll just plant it in first wait for the lag plant that's a big turbo for a little engine actually it's a it's a HT 10 which is way too big for a force on the 1 liter it's probably good for like at 1.30 1.5 yeah so you've got all that extra lag can spin that but normally the supercharger he's making engine more efficient which brings a turbo on quicker yeah well at least we have turbocharger we don't better than no turbo time to add all the zoom it should be looking at all forum posts from yourself it's so weird because all the questions I'm sort of asking I'm going on forums and doing that usual advance I keep looking it up and then my name comes up and like some of the posts are really good and some like here's this big head and I realize it's me it's really bad it's like I would need to that guy either as the Sun sets on our first day of road trippin we pass by eger castle and the eager IU ninja museum but on the other side of the highway it's all big industry some of the biggest names in the car scene have factories here often the size of a small suburb they sit alongside rice paddies farms shops homes and even castles so filling up with petrol or gas is slightly different in Japan than it is to Australia it's actually similar to the way that it's done in America which is that you've got to prepay at first even though you don't know exactly how much you need which can be a little bit confusing so what you want to do if you're playing with cash you hit this one if you're playing with a card you hit this one and then you lift up the flap and you slide your card in it's gonna read it and it's going to go hey we read your card it's going to give it back to you thank you very much once you've taken the card then it's going to say matches that is basically gonna flash a bunch of stuff in case you need some change I don't quite understand what that means it's go light what that is anyway then you choose what power you want of course the Veii power which is what is this high octane but I don't know mine is it'll be 93 like 100 octane or something that one that's the highest that's what man now it tells us to a blog Gandalf says put your gloves on my gloves are on mate take that off and off we go now I don't know if this is saying but it's going in it's going up that's all that matters now if you pay with cash here's the weird thing you put a large amount of cash in and then they'll actually print you out a little it's got a QR code and then you take that to another machine and that gives you your changes cash ten bucks got us seven liters it seems a bit convoluted but once you've done it once there we go we are done oh it smells so good it smells totally different to our fuel we've got about another hour a bit over an hour of driving to do we're an eager City at the moment we're about an hour from Matsusaka and so first thing tomorrow morning gonna try and drop in on our friend Robert import monster because he has a workshop with tools in it our little March currently is just a march turbo not a super turbo I want to try and restore some of that soup Ernest to it by fixing our super charging system here you go so that was three thousand and ninety three yen which is around thirty American dollars for twenty liters yes oh that's probably thirty five thirty eight dollars Australian approx for twenty liters it's pretty similar to home that's what it's expensive actually but that's why you drive little efficient cars yes still thirty years old and still feel efficient that's amazing crazy alright back on the road let's get to it man let's just boost our way it's it feels so we'd not going into the shop I feel like we meant to but now were actually just scutella doodling out of here man boosting down the street like there's no tomorrow don't be that guy and don't forget to reset my counter okay I will you like to do going out telling me flatten our early and chilly mornings brisk pen and it was mumming evening it was so smoky in a hotel so over here you still had to smoke in your hotel now I don't smoke in a variable mocha night in there before me did smoke you can just dairy on all night if you want to so it's time to get the breakfast of champions which of course is available here at the 7-eleven what are you again at squabble ears in that's pork that's for cleaning your butthole making it is - it's a special butthole or lollipop they've got a Xerox machine over here let's see many of those anymore convenient um so you can get all sorts of fresh and the packaged foods over here such as these delightful things now no doubt that will be a big snack thing like that just looks like pieces of garlic bear but that's why if we're lucky it doesn't look like they've done the morning stock it button but we can still get ourselves some gradual deliciousness oh no it's blueberries it's a blueberry shake look bacon bits man don't some bacon bit some kind of weird Sam we thought about some premium at seven premium is ever-evolving more tasty more affordable dairy foods look at that that is but I don't want to what about that not together who's that Martin that you've got there there little Frankfurt's I'm gonna get myself some little JDM breakfast over here we've got some octopus there's some seaweed dude this spicy cucumber tuna mayonnaise JDM spicy cucumber is like a deal breaker a game-changer pickled plum Martin a pickled plum I'm gonna eat a pickled plum four sounds really good what are you gonna get mate I'm gonna get some funny thing it's my shout today is a real treat thanks dude you get most awesome edamame oh let's get the pickled cucumber spicy cucumbers amazing this spicy cucumber for breakfast yeah we got a mad drink of some description the drinks are up the back they've got um there's obviously lots of hot drinks in Japan we've got one eye socket alcohol everywhere just as in Australia they don't sell alcohol anyway check out the milk shake you can just buy a beer if you want look it all up from the fridge what's zero zero calcite and I'm not that's all booze this or booze great business there's some weird tea some weird hot or cold coffee drinks we're just the normal drinks out over there okay yeah this juices and stuff here yeah I want like a healthy proper juice these do go all vegetable juices orange and fruity mango ones a grape one our grape ones are so your daddy's what do you can me geez turn it out you'll be able to see the liquid is it clear no it's milky ah I made you make milk and chocolates and stuff Oh little bad I think I want to I did it on a fruit and vegetable drink that looks healthy ahead good no good no good is this alright let's go get this thing done Martin look at that's some delicious oh I want a pastry in the morning look at the pastries that just I mean that just looks tasty to me I don't not sure about all of them Marty do me to pay for yours was wrong with stuff yes please that's that just looks too good but I can't spicy fish egg cheese snacks together I gotta focus on ours well you're paying awesome thanks Omar we're gonna fix the car today we're gonna try actually gonna do our best to fix it unlimited tools you can't actually get most of the parts required and no longer in production which yeah you gotta hack it backyard at DIY and so we can get home and and you know again because there's no Hal texts and stuff here that'll plug in anything and fix it so if we go to import monster now get on the tools yep do what we can yep because we do have some track time coming up and then in the road and hopefully we want to get some super turbo as we go yeah and then we're gonna hit the road and continue the get off all right let's do it typical Road man [Music] dude I'm pretty excited to hole in turf do you wanna taste this - I smell it and I'm kind of it smells a little bit like I'm reconstituted camel semen like that time we're in camel was there any remember that's how you know anyway but I'm gonna wash it down Martin with some pickled plum now this is a huge stage eating process in seaweed and of course I love these things every time I come here you tear down the middle then the little number two then you go number three this is amazing and then I've got a little seaweed ii pocket of pickled plum ready to be devoured what's actually in the middle of that is it just right pickled plum inside the rice [Laughter] good morrow I'm gonna wash it down with the camel I usually like those things this is awesome this is like carrot tomato Keuka no no yeah cucumber capsicum mango and banana mark what a combination I'm gonna I'm gonna have a crack at the UM the old pickled cucumber it is a beautiful day look at it man blue skies 7-eleven thank you you're not a tree to be seen oh I can see one tree yeah not many trees and plant trees up in these towns I've noticed we'll look at this pickled cucumber go father you had that before [Music] that's good don't be no it doesn't go in my juice no I haven't you know it's really good [Music] how could that I could just eat that all day let's go I've done beat Millie so fishy don't forget your Meiji [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we have to fix our car we can't drive a super turbo across Japan on just turbo it's not cool so today we're gonna have our one big shot at getting it fixed we've got a mate called Rob who runs a shop called import monster he explores JDM parts all over the world and he sent us a bunch of cool stuff over the years so we get pretty excited when we seen it was a deviation from our mapped out trip but worth it for some profits all [Music] so the idea today is to try and get the supercharger working again and Martin knows how to do it via well the UFO well information that he posted on the internet ten years ago I know how to do it but I don't know that it's actually gonna work but I've got my fingers crossed and my everything everything's crossed and I'm just hoping that we can do it there's also some other stuff that while we're here and we have tools because on the road you just don't have the same equipment as Rob's gonna have because we're gonna pull this off and we're gonna do this nasty spy plug that's buried under basically everything yeah that's your job yeah I'm gonna try and fix this UFO there's a few tricks to try and get it to work but I need to mark where everything goes because if it's not put back in the same way that I take it apart we might oh it's possible though that because all the vacuum lines are black it's not actually plumbed correctly already because it used to be color-coded and now it's not yep so there are a couple of hacks that you yourself helped develop and/or popularize to do with that UFO to do with heating it baking it all sorts of weird stuff to clean the stuff out of it so I think between cleaning that and between doing the spark plug yeah it's a it's about the best we can do we just give it a general once-over clean it up like get rid of like this just schmutz on everything just tidy it up a little bit which which always helps broken things and that's that's as good as we're gonna get with our brand-new parts and guess what you cannot get for this car anymore that thing no nothing Braveheart Smith almost 30 years old it doesn't exist so we do as best we can and then we hit the road again cool man oh yeah let's borrow some parts and rather than just get to it [Music] so if we can get this working this car sounds freakin amazing but it sounds even better with a pod filter so we've just found this nugget drift car here which is not running at the moment it's just sitting here in the lot it does have a pod filter on it which means it's got this Nissen pod fault or adapter so we're going to take that off and see if we can fit that on the super turbo and then we'll be getting some mad super charger honk and some awesome turbo intake noises as we continue our mad road trip I think we found the problem really yeah what is it there's a vacuum hose completely obliterated just split totally munted so I fix that and you couldn't got to it without pulling all the inner core and stuff off we couldn't even size up this end it's complete underwear your intercooler is well well I am um I'm pilfering are you stealing runs part yes the drift car doesn't work believe it or not do you reckon this'll [Music] fix thingies yeah you do that um but if it is that hose and that's the only reason we might be good I reckon we change the plug put it back together test run and if it were to put this on and then just go for it oh it's literally the lowest hose in the whole bay directly out of the throttle boy under the intercooler check this out oh look at that like just gone I mean it's leaking from this and 100% that end might have hung on just depends how far it's being pushed down onto the little metal pot but that's like that's totally boring and full of oil and no restrictor in there I don't think it's got a restrictor I mean we'll know when we blow some compressed air through it but I don't think so and if that is the thing that UFO they've been talking about that controls the valve the valve usually just works because if I was going to the valve is munted that UFO can be working really hard but it's not getting there yeah it's so small in him and you do you really really need to be in this one the only place that I can get the right angle to get this poor spark plug out this vacuum hose you really need to be right there well this is the vacuum hose that could fix our entire cars the spark plug that could fix it maybe maybe why we've got to work as a team mate I know but what did he stop sticking that screwdriver in my leg is that it's really good that's not I really hope we can get this pod filter going I really want to hear that honk again at least that's a nice filter if we you know if we can't find anything else that hose I've just crossing my fingers that that that is the thing that's been slowing us down I've cleaned out the UFO I've heated it up I've used all the little hacks so I'm gonna put that back together but the only thing I don't have ease like hose clamps and cable ties and stuff all right Rob should have some of those anyway oh yes Rob you got any cable ties and clamps and stuff cable ties no and we use them on the front bump on the skyline well I might go get something can I take the unn can I take the beat is it currently like Road doodling no you can't take the B drift car I'm assuming is illegal in them yeah it's bit off its dead doesn't strokes does the STI work the STI has the bad fuel pump ah I have my international motorbike license can I take one of those no they're race white something you can't take them okay what about that that is actually okay you can take that you can take that [Music] so this is a Honda NSX and this was Japan's answer to the v8 powered Ferraris of the day and what they wanted to do was make a car that would outperform a Ferrari and also cost less it's a similar kind of strategy that Nissen used with the GTR and also way back in the day what the 240 set was meant to do to go up against the Porsche 911 now of course this one here was made in Suzuka which is just near here and it features Honda's incredible VTEC which I will show you now and just listen to the NSX I mean that's amazing the Honda NSX was produced in Japan between 1990 and 2005 it was a revolutionary car for its time with its use of weight saving aluminium and in 1995 featured the first electronic throttle fitted in a Honda and the first production car in the world to feature titanium connecting rods and forged pistons revving all the way to eight thousand three hundred rpm renowned for its handling the suspension setup was a result of Ayrton Senna's collaboration with Honda engineers at Suzuka circuit all back together ena back in the game yep and with a pod filter that's awesome stolen from a skyline drift car actually fits so those missing mounts are all the same it's it's it's the same enough there might be a little bit of gasket goop in there but we've cleaned everything out I've just like air flow meter clean it cleaned the entire thing and just need these cable ties upon these vacuum hoses so that it pop off our UFO and I think this is about as good as it's gonna get but if we do a little test drive we'll know for sure hopefully we'll have some supercharger back and hopefully we won't have too much stuttering yeah turbo will spool up quicker and with that we should have some epic honking that NSX needs a turbo Oh how'd it go man I can say his cars have come a long way since the 80s are such nuggets this is from the 80s I know this is a nugget as well yeah but this is it was awesome what would you own a super turbo or an intersect Wow this nice do you know NSX stands for not 60-something new sports car ex does it and ex is like the the unknown the mathematical unknown so definitely the key nope you got the key yep Mike at key all right let's do this bring on the girlfriend hating honk I hope it still works man sounds pretty good it sounds good the idols a bit higher which is not surprising if we've messed with the entire system it's like 500 rpm higher isn't an ass or I didn't idle probably before now it does I hear I do let's do this bring on the hog ready yeah that is awesome bring it it goes there dude we are back in the game yes thanks man do you know what we've earned but what are we earn we've earned a delicious JDM drink we are now supercharged and turbocharged and heading east through Matsusaka to be a Kura where they make machi craft B and soy sauce Japan is not only famous for its mad cars it is famous for all sorts of things but one of the things that's best known for is soy sauce which has been made here for hundreds of years and it pretty much accompanies every meal so we're on our way to a traditional soy sauce brewery to see exactly how it's made and to see if we can help out they even make B here so we might try and grab a couple of those while we're at it [Music] [Music] I believe you need me beero Mon Ami Atma no mascot it turns out the reason she looks so confused is not that I'm speaking terrible French it's because they actually make the Beast somewhere else this is just a place where they make the soy sauce so we're gonna go inside and check it out so we are down here at car door huntin they make beer miso and also soy sauce we're in right now not only does it smell like just deliciousness this is where they have been making soy sauce for the last hundred years and these barrels that you can see are over 500 years old and they're not made anymore because in all the modern places they use big stainless steel vats and this is brewed so it's um it's made yeah much like beer yeast is in there water salt and soy beans yeah that's right and those three things they put them in there they ferment and the environment that they're in changes the taste so well a lot of places are just doing it on an industrial scale in stainless steel these are these barrels are from the Edo period of Japan hundreds and hundreds of years ago and so they have a very very unique taste and we are going to be smashing some and putting that on our we're not going to be smashing it we're going to be delightfully delicately tastefully and culturally sensitive Lee enjoying some but on our meal tonight oh that is not what I expected it to look like at all what does it look like not what you'd expect do we do we still want to eat it well what I thought it would look like sauce I guess they're just they've got the soybeans they've got the water and the salt and then all these rolls must just be holding it down and so you look at the year so the year is thirty wearing 30 at the moment behind us here is 29 and there's little 28 down there so it's two years so that one's been there two years be interesting to see on the two years ones are covered so there must be like yeah just doing their thing it's so interesting I mean UCB breweries and stuff everywhere but I feel like soy sauce is the thing that would normally be made in some factory somewhere not through this you know just not old-school ideas amazing this one's not a stirring it laughter all the way out oh look at that [Music] that's crazy stir it up Knight look at that so thick beanie it smells good look at this stuff stuck to the side of the thing poor Cheryl soy sauce originated in China where seasonings were originally used as a way of preserving food eventually this process developed and found its way to Japan hundreds of years ago where the Japanese honed their own brewing methods legend has it that while making miso the Zen monk kuku Shin realized that the liquid that seeped out tasted delicious today there are bottles of soy sauce sitting on tables all around the world and Japan makes some of the best and here they're making it in the same traditional way that has been made for hundreds of years [Music] so we need to go get ourselves some of this so we can jdmf I all of our food but also we've always said every single time we bought one of these cars from Japan they always smell like we're they smell like cigarette smoke cigarette smoke swear swear and petrol and petrol so that combo of four things with some actual legit JDM sauce we add some sweat some cigarette smoke a little bit of petrol get that into a little container spray it throughout you our the instant JDM apply your car we're gonna find some people to help us smokes and diaries cuz I don't want to but I reckon that we can work on the sweat part with a bit of a run through here and the petrol is no problem and get some soy sauce we should go find out how this good do we just take it oh let's go sir boss you only good job thanks mom this is the lead check and they give us a job I don't think they would give us a job mate but what's interesting about this is you go wow there's some special magical lid stuff going on just like people have these fantasies about Japanese cars there wow it's a special lid this is just plywood this is just varnish out of a can there's nothing like particularly mysterious going on here except what we have seen around Japan is that a lot of people RDR wine they're making stuff themselves like someone has made this like they haven't contacted a factory and said go and give us ten of these things you can see someone's cut it themself with some kind of jigsaw and now it's getting all painted up and this gentleman gets three legs and arms while we help and maybe we can trade it for a bottle of soy sauce that's a great idea Martin look at that well what do split Oh I missed a spot so this is one of the river stones that they put on top of those big 500 year old vats they use these these panels that my good friend here was just painting up to help out and then they pile these stones on top and it's a easy way of getting them on top to add heaps and heaps and heaps of pressure to kind of squash all the ingredients down together so they can then finally squash all the mad sauce out after it's been sitting there for a couple of years so they throw a big pile of them on and you get some mad soy sauce with a newfound appreciation for the salty stuff it's time to grab some souvenirs and then get ready to hit the road again [Music] where to next so next we're going to legitimate Matsusaka beef farm because we're getting on help out because we like to help cuz we've got skills don't we some this area is actually famous for its beef but the Matsusaka beef farm is so legit they only have four cows like it is likes a traditional farm it's the unicorn it's like the GTR in California of Japan of the cow world of Matsusaka they also have tea so potentially we can make our own tea even though I think that takes a lots of years but we we could wait there into our teas ready and there ya have it with our mochi however to you that's really not have some soy sauce drive around our mad car I could get used to eating that fresh every day that's delicious the problem is now you've heard that you never want it again fine oh that's so good chili I'm good to the mom [Music] it's one thing to go to a country and enjoyed cities cars and highways but a country like Japan with a population of 126 million people needs food so we're on our way to check out a farm a couple of hours [Music] I've never been to a proper Japanese farm before and I really like farms I think farms are an excellent thing I'm glad they exist they create things out of nothing all different kinds of food and what's great is you can grow on a cow or you can grow a lettuce that's what you can go to our crop and in the case of the area we're in there's lots of rice and when there isn't rice is lots of wheat and they usually start go between both different crops depending on the time of the year rice work requires them to be able to flood the whole rice paddy out which is why you're mostly seam in the flat areas but then there's all other sorts of farms that are up in the hills what I've also noticed is if it's flat in Japan it's usually got something on it yeah and if it's hilly it doesn't I grew up on a farm I grew up on a goat start actually at ogen Berg goat start tugging there yeah it's a kind of goats the kind of guns yeah if we weren't in Super Turbo right now what car would you rather be in if you had your choice from the JDM smorgasbord JDM smorgasbord sounds pretty good maybe a mirror which are also owned one really you know Suzuki Alto Works would be kind of cool but that sounding sorta predictable isn't it say I was gonna say a mini but it would actually be an rx-7 see I was gonna say in our 34 really the only time I felt like actually I don't want to be in any different car specially for this but when we're on the expressways and everyone like the speed limit says 80 but everyone just smashes it yeah I think there's some kind of rule on some of the motorways that you need to be doing a minimum like one of the ones that we saw said 50 and if you go less than 50 you get fine just like if you're going over which seems to make a bit of sense but this car actually sits really well on the highway yeah but if I did have my choice it'll be an rx-7 I reckon is that is how I would roll see sitting on that expressway like you know with people blasting past me I was thinking r34 GTR high divers went post on the Super Cub oh really so good r34 GTR I reckon would be pretty cool especially in those big expressways and then then I then I chief either we were on one section that was like probably 20k is long yeah I think when I saw the the toll come up it was about $15 dollars to go to Metro they're so good super smooth no traffic r34 GTR well part of the problem is if everyone just all over the world keeps buying them so they're not here anymore yeah and I mean I know of a few people who live here and they're just sitting on there are 34 was just waiting because some on car sales are like up near 200 thousand they're treating him like bitcoins like are 34 bitcoins except they're not gonna have in bronze well there's that well they might mean you never know the import law has just changed apparently in Australia which means we can actually bring this thing home at all cuz for a long time you couldn't yes I mean mind my old ones snuck in under some like loophole that existed for a very short amount of time and then they shut that loophole and now apparently knew not even a loophole is the new rules that say yeah okay alright just just do it then but the the ultimate JDM road trip car seven r34 GTR skyline imagine that man Bayside blue on those mad black ones well like this autumn trees everywhere the expressway everyone doing 160 you just blast in hundred I don't even disagree with you because it it is like my gran turismo car isn't it like it's made for doing that kind of driving yeah but see the faucet you'd rather be in an rx-7 I know you wouldn't rather be nice wouldn't be an rx-7 why should you be at the side of the highway here we go burn out the back of it I 34 just be there reliable you know why because this unlikely is reliable yeah everything works I mean except it didn't work dude I'm got it I mean I'm not even disagreeing with you everything you're saying is true everything except that for this kind of trip the rx-7 would be the more superior driving experience no wonder experiencing if you were to get an R 34 GTR in it either be Bayside blue or black with mad wheels on it right see that's just a cliche now it's I'm not saying that technically it's not incredible but I'm saying like that's just like the internet kids car now which is totally fine but the rx-7 is still like the bad boy of the date for the JDM world it's still the car that you'd go oh I didn't expect that and that's I think that I you've got to do I can tell them further your salt I can completely respect and understand where you're coming from like philosophically I really think there's something to it but the r34 it's just it's it's so so iconic and the rotary is this sort of strange thing that happened and then didn't happen and then it's gone and then they made it begin they made an rx-8 I mean look you went from rf7 tonight no no and then we went 34 to 35 I mean they're both disasters absolute disaster absolute disaster like we can agree on that weekend and if and if we can say that the rx-7 is like the ultimate version of what it is and that the r34 GTR is older version of what that is we're a great man if we can agree on that then all we need to do is come back to Japan get 1h and go for a drive that is a light omni million idea I don't think that's good man I'm really glad we had this chat I really I feel good I feel good it be the waterfall I feel good I generally just feel good I feel good I feel even better with some beef in my face I'd feel even better if I had my rx-7 it seems I can't pick that up yet I bet he falls out better the waterfall at this temple has brought a new sense of profound peace and centeredness and now we're on the right path now we know that someday we need to roadtrip Japan in an our 34 GTR and an rx-7 but for now we're back in the superior vehicle and that journey continues to do some important work on a tiny little Japanese farm so we've come out to like a legit Matsusaka beef farm this is a really small farm and I'm gonna mad little Honda kind of postie bike style things similar to my CT 110 that I've got at home Auto clutch and marty is over their plans and fields on a Kubota how are you doing I'm loving this man I was made to plow stuff this is so good I love ploughing stuff this is amazing how's your tractor going you've got a Kubota at home right but you actually have a Kubota at home I have a KX 41 v3 excavator but this is next-level man I love this is awesome this is amazing whenever I can smash a little bit of offroad while I'm here you know the main smash a little bit of arm well I don't know if I can make this thing work maybe I can do a bit of off-road with you how's your bike experience going Wow pretty good man send a little cruise around Japan here it's a beautiful afternoon get in the fields all playout up and dad is epic I would really want to rear-end you it's got some big blades and stuff going over there I'm gonna play some more how fast does that thing go look at it you're plowing I'm plowing dude you're actually plowing I know it's freaking relation to me this is the best man I am contributing to the economy and to the growth of food in another nation I am helping I'm being a helpful human being on a tractor this is helping somehow someway I'm plowing this field plowing it good I've got to pull the plow up now that I was coming up turning here we go Marty I'm gonna attempt to get a bit of the air off the edge of this food don't break it are you ready yep I'll race you chop well you idiot what are you doing you're ruining my field I just plant that and gone for another run then we'll speed this time I'm in second now I'll have to go there more you're ruining my field what an amazing place this is incredible this is not just what like this is one farm also so when you look at this place if you see a house and a little patty cool patty or whatever it is there's like multiple of them but then that might be like grandma's house and uncle's house and great grandma's house more families lived even the families together Wiccans awesome like there's a lesson in that for everybody and the other thing as well is that people who are farming it's hard work yeah and it's work that often goes unappreciated because people don't really know where their food comes from how it gets to them and it's something that we've spoken about before and what's also incredible is that these people are not just buying stuff getting rid of it buying getting rid of it we asked before like who built this wall there like ancestor ancestors they can't even say it was grandma grandpa or great-grandpa like oh that was 400 years ago yeah at least been here for that long it's just incredible from like we're from a nation that's so young and then you come here and you go wow that's next level and they've been looking at these mountains for like 20 generations it's incredible it's amazing I've done a good job playing this field and you've done a good job ruining it now I have to go on replay I've been helping you plow it with my mad little 50 cc Honda shall I jump see I think the only way that you can truly redeem yourself is to actually dig some proper dirt track planting rose for all the seeds because otherwise I've got to go and replay everything that I think we actually have to go I think we'd probably need to just leave so that they don't get too angry at us for armed so we just go so we just make it do a quick a little just disappear you know there's people that sneak away from parties yeah they don't actually say goodbye they just sort of just leave in the final installment of this story we continue on the highway towards Tokyo where our little car has a date with destiny [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mighty Car Mods
Views: 4,144,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mighty, car, mods, mcm, MCM, moog, marty, turbo, jdm, how, to, diy, do, it, yourself, nissan, subaru, supercharged, race, turbos and temples 2, TT2, super turbos and temples, March super turbo, K10 Micra, K11 Micra, 4k, filmed in 4k, UHD, ultra high definition, ultra wide monitor, black magic cinema camera, gopro7, phantom 4
Id: ve2hfpMOKnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 3sec (5463 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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