Piers Morgan Challenges Doctor's Claims That Homosexuality is an 'Aberration' | Good Morning Britain

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this idea this notion that you're not born gay you're sort of you become gay through malevolent forces and Bahman that forces and so on and there's somehow you can be cured as a gay man how do you feel about that and I think it's offensive to be honest and that's just me personally I find it very offensive but more so than that I think beyond being offensive I think it has real genuine possibility of causing harm to people you think being gays of sin and you think that people aren't born gay they all become gay I think that science is very clear even the American Psychological Association said that there's no evidence one way or the other in terms of the effect new blood therapy I believe that people are not born gay that they come into homosexual feelings and that it is something that in some cases is reversible for people who want to make that the trajectory why should it be reversed these homosexual urges that these people suddenly experience because it's inconsistent with some people's value systems and they they want to enjoy to them serving your value system well I think we're here today because this clearly a population group who feel that they are not comfortable with homosexual expression we call these people we call them horrible little bigots in the modern world just bigoted people who actually talk complete claptrap and are in my view a malevolent and dangerous part of our society what's the matter with you how can you think that nobody's born gay and they all get corrupted well when they can all be cured where's your evidence that you were born straight where is your evidence where's your evidence sexuality is something that is innate and unchanged where is your audience even the American Psychological Association crew or the royalty right have like he's back you some evidence where's the other denying you a question it's this prove to me that you're straight how do I why do I care about that all I want is to be very much about people like Josh you think he wasn't born gay no you got corrupted by these urges and now needs to be cured by Saint David Saint Michael I say shut up you old bigot you've you've got it wrong Pierce sorry but you're not giving people who have a right to find their own pathway in life the freedom and the space to be able to do it crossed your bigot in mind that gay people may not want to find your path again they may be quite happy this aberration because that's deeply offensive for for some people it is and they need to have the dignity and the freedom to live life as they want to but there are other people who want to go in a different direction and they need to be protected if we're a truly democratic society we will protect minority rights and this is a minority right recognized throughout the world watch our film voices of the sexual urges yourself I can be triggered but I no longer how to a gay man you triggered at the moment or not absolutely not what what what I see is a young man here living the life that he feels is right and congruent with his own aberration and he should be cured right no I have never said anybody should be cured I have read an awful lot about you and Mike Davidson and um what I would say is that I think that the very fact that you even offer this therapy you say that you were given people a choice I think that that suggests that it to be gay is somehow lesser or somehow people shouldn't be fine I saw Shirley and hot let me finish Shirley therapist should be helping people come to terms with their sexuality rather than trying to change what is your success rate let me ask answer the first question I think therapists should be working with the agendas that clients bring not imposing their agenda and whether it's imposing an agenda to help them come out of it or imposing agenda to help them affirm it is still the therapists agenda a therapists job is to listen to the clients and to work with them to achieve what they want to and if they are autonomous individuals who are legitimately there because they are free to do that they haven't been sent then they need to be respected and understood not everybody who works with me is going to come out a heterosexual person in a relationship with a woman that many of them feel so probably well in the last year I'm seeing up to 14 a week many of the workmen are in therapy for 18 months to two years sometimes two and a half years I suppose this year I have seen two or three go on into viable relationships with women they are happy and they are content why in Great Britain today are we not satisfied with allowing them to choose their direction why is that an indictment against gay well the environment against gay people comes because people like you say things like homosexuality is an aberration being gay is a maladjustment yeah it's a trauma right so people may be under the impression dr. Mike that somehow you are bigoted against homosexuality and think there's something wrong with it which you do I do right I do think that homosexuality is not the best answer now I you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 1,022,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, morning breakfast show, itv morning, morning show, piers morgan, susanna reid, gay, lgbt, homosexuality, michael davidson, debate, heated, argument, argue
Id: dQgq9qA6jGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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