Pier/Bridge/Surf Seminar - Florida Sport Fishing TV - Tackle Tips, Rigging Techniques, Best Baits

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all right let's get into this again a lot of cool stuff to talk about what I'm gonna do is break this up we're gonna talk about Pierce then we're gonna talk about the beach and then we're gonna talk about bridges okay because there's a lot that's involved with each of those different venues let's start with piers we know that there's a lot of piers in Florida you know locally we've got the the Dania pier commercial pier Deerfield of course all the way on up Juneau pier all the way Sebastian and they keep the Lake Worth pier really the best pier fishing if you were to ask me is not in Broward County excuse my language the piers in Broward County suck okay they do and if you've been to these piers you know that you got a bunch of yo-yos on the peers who are catching you know they're fishing with that kind of tackle and they're just trying to catch whatever and not to say that every now and then you can't catch a quality fish at a local pier because you certainly can guys catch nice snook some nice kingfish pompano but in you know day in and day out Broward County is not to pier king of the world so to speak you've really got to go north okay really from Boynton north is where you want to be when it comes to pier fishing and the further north you go the better it gets all the way on up to you know for example Sebastian anybody ever fish Sebastian okay unbelievable the fish that you can catch on that pier make no mistake pier fishing is very technical but there's a tremendous amount of opportunity we're not talking about catching a fish this big okay that's not what we're talking about you can go out to appear you can catch pompano redfish snook black drum Spanish mackerel bluefish permit sharks if the list goes on and on enough flounder okay there's so much opportunity at these piers but you really got to be dialed in and you really need to know what you're doing okay otherwise you're just spinning your wheels and I overheard somebody about this and they said you know I don't like to go it appears because they're so crowded and there's so many people and you're a hundred percent right I don't like to go to peers because they're so crowded and there's so many people but most of those people are aware we're on the pier they're right at the end everybody walks out to the pier and goes right to the end of the pier and I'm like what are you doing dude you're missing the bite you know that's not really the hottest part of the pier you got to really think about it think about what appear is imagine you've got to stretch a beach okay just featureless Beach and then suddenly there's this giant dock on steroids that's sticking out okay hundreds and hundreds of feet that's really what it is right hundreds and hundreds of feet you've got this dock that's sticking out so all of the fish that are moving down to Beach where are they gonna be where are they gonna stop they're gonna stop at that pier because it's a feeding station all right its structure there's bait there and if there's bait there certainly it's going to attract the game fish that are around as well keep that in mind so you've got to look at that pier like it's a giant piece of structure and you've got to fish it properly and really the end is ideal if you're looking for say king mackerel okay because you can catch king fish on Pierce maybe Jack's okay but for the most part the first third of the pier is where you're gonna have the most action and really think about it why you've got these these troughs along the beach you know you've got these pockets of water and the waves are rolling in and what are those waves doing they're uncovering they're uncovering morsels in the sand crabs and shrimp so species that are highly desirable like pompano redfish snook they're not out at the end of the pier in the middle of nowhere hanging out in the wide open water they're closer toward the shoreline they're taking advantage of all of the bait that's being exposed so don't think that you have to be way out at the end of the pier because you don't that's first and foremost you absolutely do not the first third up to the half of the pier is certainly a great place to be before you decide where you're going to you know setup pay attention to what's going on walk out to the pier and look around see what everybody's doing scope out the scene okay get dialed in you know before you decide hey I'm just gonna fish right here look around see who's fishing we're paying attention to what the wind is doing pay attention to the current is though you know water moving down the beach up the beach you've you know see it moving in or out what the tide is doing you really have to pay attention to what's going on it's very technical it's very important it's not like just going out there and throwing a bait anywhere off the pier and thinking you're gonna catch whatever you would like okay so pay a lot of attention to what's going on one of the most important tools that you can have when pier fishing is a beach cart everybody has seen my beach card up here why because when you go out to a pier you can't say hey I'm gonna go pier fishing today and strictly fish for pompano you could say that but if the pompano bites not on your left high and dry if all you do is walk out with one rod okay so you've got to kind of keep your your your options open and say hey I'm gonna go pier fishing but I'm gonna take advantage of whatever bite is happening at that time and it may be pompano it may be redfish and may be snook and maybe black Trump could be Spanish mackerel and bluefish are running around so you've got to have the right arsenal and granted I'm not saying you need to go out with eight rods I do okay but you don't have to but the more tackle that you can bring the more prepared that you are the more successful you're gonna be and it's tough to carry eight rods out to appear and lean them up against the pier because we all know what happens then right at the least they disappear so a beach cart is absolutely essential this is from a company called platinum products really awesome eight rod holders okay big fat wheels that make it easy to roll in the sand as well so an essential piece of equipment when you're pier fishing you can hold a cooler obviously a bucket which is super important your lunch you can use it as a seat a place to keep your fish I mean I can't stress enough what an essential piece of equipment really is when you're pure fishing okay super easy to carry all of your gear the first thing that I do when I go out on a pier and when I prepare to go pure fishing is I bring a variety of tackle the first is a bait rod okay because of course what's going to be the best bait for you to use it to pier okay potentially live bait if you're gonna be bait fishing and not fishing artificials live bait well where do I want to catch that B right there it to pier okay so how am I gonna do that I bring a little tiny you know light rod rated for you know whatever 8 to 15 pound line with a seviche rig everybody's familiar with these multiple hooks ibiki rigs really really simple okay now keep in mind a lot of guys will bring a cooler with an aerator or a five-gallon bucket with a narrator and they'll catch their live bait right there it to pier little pilchards or whatever it is that they're catching and they'll keep their bait alive and that's what they'll use an absolutely great option option B if you're gonna be bringing your own live bait what's the best bait that you can bring out to up here anybody by show of hands shrimp everything eats shrimp everything everything that swims around up here eats live shrimp so if you're going out to try and catch pompano redfish snook whatever it is if you can get your hands on some big live shrimp that's an ideal bait to bring to the pier some other baits that are really effective include sand fleas other sorts of crabs clams okay are also an excellent bait to bring to appear and of course cut bait mullet lady fish things to that nature but again it all depends us through what specifically you are targeting make sure you have that bait rod because as I mentioned if you can catch bait at the pier that's really really going to be a big benefit so the next rod that I'm gonna bring is in fact a pompano rod okay just a light rod soft tip okay this is a chaos' rod rated for 8 to 17 pound line match with a little guy of black-and-gold size 4,000 reel you can put a 2500 or 3000 reel ten pound braid 20 pound fluorocarbon leader and a little Zig this is called a swivel jig a lot of people have probably never even seen that before it's just a little lead ball with a little feathered hook okay that's all that it is and it mimics a shrimp okay it doesn't even look like this that look like anything what in a world it's just this painted little ball when I first saw that I'm like what the hell is that thing I'm never gonna catch anything on that thing but you would be extremely surprised that the pompano will jump all over the swivel jigs and make sure you bring more than one because guess what what else eats the swivel jigs a Spanish mackerel and the bluefish so of course they're gonna cut you up now when you're fishing for the pompano one of the popular species that guys target on the piers as I mentioned or not fishing way at the end they're fishing in that first third of the pier right where that troth is where that water's beat you know it's turbulent and it's exposing the crabs in the shrimp that's where those pompano are cruising up and down to beach that first third you're gonna take that swivel jig or even something like it this is another pompano jig from Buccaneer it's shaped like a little banana that's kind of what that looks like and again you'll look at that and you'll say well what in the world is that thing what's gonna eat that well believe it or not the fit what fish see is different of course then what we see okay and that again mimics a little shrimp darting in and out and right off the bottom so very simple lightweight jigs but you've got to do it right you've got to have a nice little sensitive outfit imagine if I took this rod okay with that little jig am I gonna even be able to cast it I'm not even gonna be able to cast it I'm not gonna feel a bite I'm it's not gonna be sensitive and that's what's important is that you're really feeling everything that's going on you want to feel that jig you know bouncing right off the bottom I want to know it every minute exactly what that bait is doing and to be able to feel every single strike so it's all about sensitivity and the rods make a big difference so lots of options there when it comes to the pompano jigs another rod that I'm gonna bring is the same rod the same outfit pretty much the same reel same but with a spoon okay just a metal spoon with a little piece of wire or a gotcha type of plug you guys have ever seen those little metal gotcha plugs and what am i turning with this blue fish and mackerel okay blue fish and Spanish mackerel you've got to have something that you can cast obviously and keep in mind you know ironically sometimes you'll go to appear the wind is blowing from the north so it's blowing down the beach and you'll see everybody fishing the south side of the pier because they can cast their spoons and their jigs and their lures with the wind much further right does that make sense and all of the fish are on the north side of the pier I see a few people shaking their heads you've experienced this too all the fish are on the north side of the pier you can't catch them on the south side it appear and you wonder why in the world are they there and not there but the point is they are so you need something that you can whiz in into the wind not only with the wind and again it's all about balance I'm not going to take this rod to seven and a half foot rod you know and put a six ounce lure on here right because what's gonna happen you're gonna end up having tackle failure it's just not gonna work out right so make sure your entire setup is balanced that's super important but again something for those bluefish for the Spanish mackerel something with a little bit of wire you can eliminate the wire and fish a little bit of heavier fluorocarbon maybe forty or fifty pound line and you'll get more bites fishing the fluorocarbon leader than you will fishing the wire leader but in addition to more bites what's gonna happen you're gonna cut you know you're gonna get cut off and you're gonna lose some lures so it's a balance you know what do you want to do do I want more strikes and willing to lose a few more lures or do I want a little bit more security with the wire leader and get a few less bites that's up to you to decide but again so now I'm ready to catch those pompano I'm ready to catch the blue fish and the mackerel and if I only had one of these rods no problem I can easily switch off right it's the same rod same outfit I could easily switch off and put a different lure on that rod but it's nice to be rigged and ready to have a different lures next thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna have another rod this is a little bit longer eight foot okay matched to add Iowa little jig reel okay twenty pound braid a little bit heavier and this has a bait rig on it okay I'm going to fish this rod rather than fishing the lures I'm gonna throw out a couple of baits and keep in mind when I fish piers and when you fish piers how many rods are you fishing Hey okay other than our superstar that's fishing eight rods okay ideally you should at least fish - you know cuz you can throw a rod out there with a baited rig and then fish a rod with a jig just pay close attention to your baited rod because everybody you're nobody likes that guy who leaves his rods unattended at the pier you know nobody likes that guy you're that guy oh they do that a lot yes you are a hundred percent right there listen there's no miss listen I got to be honest there's no mistaking it you go to appear you're gonna see all different kinds of people you know there's some that take it seriously some that show up with an arsenal of equipment that are there you know to do some serious business to do some damage they take it very seriously there's guys that you know really are so into pier fishing that it's like a science to them and they're addicted to it and then you have these other yo-yos that just go out there with a box of squid right and they leave it laying around baking in the Sun and they got these heavy rods or they're fishing these little push-button things and they don't care they're not attending to their tackle you're gonna get all different kinds of people there you know you're not gonna find a pier that's just suited just for you and that's part of pier fishing it is it's just part of the whole game and you have to just you know play your cards right nevertheless don't be that guy that leaves your rods unattended but certainly you can fish two rods the second rod real important very stealthy okay twenty pound fluorocarbon leader I've got a pyramid sinker okay that I like the fish when I'm fishing the surfer when I'm fishing piers because when I throw this rig out I don't want it to move I don't want it if I just had an egg sinker or a bank sinker as those waves are rolling in and out that whole rig is rolling in and out and if it's a crowded pier I'm spending more time dealing with the yo-yo next to me getting untangled than I am catching fish so I want my rig to be straight out in front of me or wherever I cast it and to remain in that position so you fish either what's called a Sputnik sinker or a pyramid sinker that really anchors itself into the bottom obviously the size of that sinker is gonna vary depending on how much wind and current you have but usually two to four ounces is plenty to hook rig small little stealthy one o DMC circle hooks that's it this is a small hook but it's very strong you can catch an extremely large fish on this tiny hook and if you're fishing sand fleas if you're fishing shrimp if you're fishing a small fragile B do you really want a large bulky hook absolutely not that's gonna deter the entire presentation remember this is technical fishing and it's all about stealth and even the small details make a very big difference so you can see my rig is very simple to high-low rig to hook rig that's it one hook is very close to the sinker right there and another one's a couple feet up above it circle hooks you can throw this out like I said bait it with shrimp clamps sand fleas either of those three baits are gonna produce however one thing that cracks me up when I go to appear and I watch these people and they look around make sure nobody's behind them and they take their rig and they whiz it way out there right and it goes Scott way way out there and I stop and I think to myself I see you know if you were fishing a dock remember cuz we said appears like a giant dock if you were fishing a dock for redfish and snook would you cash your rig as far away from the dock as you possibly could would you do that no where would you cash your rig as close to the dock as you possibly could because that's where the bait is that's where the fish are that's where the structure is so I'm not suggesting you should drop it straight up and down although that's probably a terrible idea but don't think that you have to throw this a country mile way out there because you don't okay you want to fish that the vicinity of that that structure of that pier you know again you get these hotshots these pier rats kids that go out there with these enormous rods and reels and they're you know it's like a casting contest and I laugh because really the only purpose that you would ever do that is if you want to really catch like Bonita or king mackerel at the pier so I could see throwing it way out there but other than that Fisher Riggs and Fisher Bay within the vicinity of the structure because that's where the fish are that's why they're there they're there for that structure so keep that in mind this two we're gonna talk about when we get to beach fishing we're gonna talk about how a lot of this tackle is universal okay where you can use it on the pier and you can use it at the beach and so on and so forth you can literally take this entire cart and go fish on whatever pier and then roll it off the pier and roll down the beach and continue to fish so that's really nice about this sort of venue but again a bait rod super-important and you want something with a little bit of beef but you also want something that's light that's comfortable that's enjoyable you want to make the most out of these fish that you catch but remember a lot of the fish that you catch on the pier what do you have to do with those fish you got to flip them up into the pier unless you have a big pier net okay so you need something that has enough oomph enough backbone to be able to flip a fish up and into the pier and understand when you are flipping fish may it be a juvenile snook redfish black drum pompano bluefish Spanish mackerel whatever it is and you are flipping a fish and you are fighting that fish reel that rod tip straight down right down to the fish you want to minimize the amount of line between the rod tip and the fish okay the fish is right on the surface you're gonna reel straight down grab the rod don't grab the rod back here okay and try and flip it grab it in a beefy area in one smooth motion up over the rail and onto the pier make sure nobody's behind you you don't hit the you know Asian lady in the head with whatever you just caught okay so be careful there but again you need something that's got a little bit of beef got super important this is probably one of the most important rods and reels that you can bring out on a pier next one mack daddy okay now you may look at this and say wow that seems like overkill really really you think that's overkill go to Lake Worth and see a 50 pound Jack crushing mullet okay and try and catch that Jack on anything less than this okay you need a heavier rod for big big jacks for sharks okay there's a lot of sharks around the piers and you can catch these fish on poppers it's a lot of fun to catch those big Jack's on the poppers but you need something that can handle it big dialer dogfight loaded with 50 pound braid eight foot rod as you can see much beefier the nose rods but this is designed for one person one purpose I'm not taking this out there trying to catch a three-pound pompano or a two-pound pompano with this outfit I'm trying to catch a 50-pound Jack we're doing battle with a shark or tarpon how about tarp and let's not forget there's lots of tarpon around as well so you need something that's a little bit heavier okay that you can throw a big popper because there's few things in fishing that are more exciting than watching a big Jack chase a popper and crush your Poppa good finally you know I don't want to say finally I'm not done yet another rod a little bit lighter again a little bit longer because I'm fishing these piers so they're eight foot rods as you can see for the most part they're longer rods that give me a little bit more flexibility okay with just the swimming plug this could be anything okay there's just any sort of swimming plug now you can see in this particular case you know just the Rapala swimming plug but what does this look like what does that mimic what are the fish eating what are you gonna throw something that looks like a mullet okay I mean really really simple it's not rocket science okay and everything eats mullet everything you know again knows redfish to bluefish the Spanish mackerel the Jax the.you know the snook everything eats mullet so certainly I'm gonna have a swimming plug that I can fish as well on the move okay on the move meaning sometimes you do have that privilege of walking around the pier there's not a lot of people you know maybe it's nighttime and keep in mind pier fishing is not reserved for just daytime some of the best pier fishing takes place at night there's a lot less people okay and the fish are less spooky and sometimes you can really do well at night but swimming plug certainly important lots of different options there there's about 50 different options right here you know that's actually what's nice about this seminar everything that you need you can purchase right here at Kaos okay let's not forget that finally probably the number one killer of snook and redfish at Pierce okay is this jig right here anybody know what this is called that's right just a flare Hawk jig now keep in mind what does that look like nothing it just looks like a bunch of hair brightly colored with a funny shape head okay it just it doesn't look like anything but it really does look like something because in the water when you cast this out away from the pier and you swim this jig and keep in mind you do not want to bounce this the ideal way to fish a flare hawk is to throw it out and just really really slowly right across the bottom you want that jig to just creep right along the bottom and it mimics a crab a crab or a big shrimp okay we're even a small baitfish like a Mahalo or a sand perch you know and again that's what these fish you know when we think bait at appear we think silvery baits that's the first thing that comes to mind mullet you know herring sardines goggle eyes you think of all of these small scaled silvery baits but there's a whole world of critters down there that are in a different league that are prime forage for these species like the little tiny Jack revolves and the little leather jacket Mijares and the sand perch you know stuff that looks like a pin fish you know this stuff that really and keeping my pin fish is another great live bait to take out on Pierce so stuff that the brown stuff and that's really what this kind of mimics Believe It or Not is those more natural baits not the fast-moving silvery baits that's what I'm gonna use this for if I want to mimic a mullet I'm gonna use something that looks like a mullet that swims like a mullet if I want to mimic you know a sand perch and swim it really slowly across the bottom or a crab that I'm gonna fish this flare hawk okay really an awesome jig catches a lot of big snook a lot of big snook and a lot of big redfish will crush this flare hawk okay let's talk about seasons when it comes to pier fishing you can go fish appear 365 days a year any day and have success however the ideal season is right now winter time you know the cold winter time is really when the pure fishing heats up it really does and especially as you go further north as I mentioned Lake Worth Juneau you know Sebastian now is the time of the year when these guys are just crushing the fish on the piers and big fish to big bold redfish a lot of redfish that are over slot size that you can't even keep they're so big okay how about black drum approaching a hundred pounds giant giant black drum and of course you can't keep those either and if you could they probably tastes like a rubber tire right but nevertheless doing battle with a 50 60 70 pound black drum off a pier is pretty exciting it really is big snook at night okay so right now is a great time to fish to pierce a couple things that are really important when it comes to pier fishing we talked about where on the pier to fish you know seasonal like I said wintertime is an excellent time but what about the tide okay that's really important that tide regardless if it's incoming or outgoing both tides will produce as long as that water is moving you've got to have moving water if it's slack tide everything just stays still okay everything stays still and the fish could be there they're there but they're not eating they're not in feed mode okay you gotta have that moving water so the stronger the tide is the more likely you are going to achieve success there's so much more happening baits moving you know it's just that's alive the whole area is alive so you've got to have a good strong moving tide as far as conditions you know those days when it's flat calm and absolutely beautiful ow glass calm I'm not going to fish up here okay and you can but don't expect to achieve any great level of success nasty they like it when it's nasty and rough okay they really do that's when these fish turn on ensure the water is really well oxygenated there's a lot happening a lot of things are going on so don't be afraid to go fish these piers when it's blowing fifteen to twenty or twenty to twenty-five listen you're not going out on a boat you're going on up here it's gonna cost you two dollars and fifty cents to walk out there which is another benefit of pure fishing right the affordability you know some piers are free some piers you know five bucks or whatever okay can't beat that so and you know fortunately - I should have mentioned this earlier we all know that they're building a whole new Pompano pier here you know so it's going to be exciting in the future that there's gonna be a really nice pier locally and while it may be a nice pier though I don't think it's going to improve the fishing at the pier versus what it was because like I said the further north you go the more successful you're gonna be it appears you know make sure it's a moving tide time of day you know we all like to say early low light conditions at dawn and at dusk or certainly a great time to fish up here but some of these fish are very finicky and they turn on and off like a light switch they really do especially stuff like the pompano okay the pompano could be there suddenly they'll turn on at 5:00 in the afternoon until 7:00 in the evening and like a light switch they'll just completely shut off Snooker the same way anybody here an avid snook fishermen okay if you're not I'm gonna tell you right now very very finicky okay they turn on and off like a light switch and the only way for you to catch him is of course the be there at the right time at the right place so the more time and effort that you go and now you put into it of course the more results that you're gonna see a lot of these peers have webcams a lot of these peers you can call and say hey what's going on you know and get a little bit do a little bit of homework do a little bit of research before you pack your truck and decide to drive to Jupiter okay or Juno or wherever it is that you're going you know don't be afraid to pick up that phone and call the guy now of course they're all gonna say the same thing all the bites on fire that really what did I catch it oh they're catching poppin hoes and blues and bub it's crazy how good it is you better get down here right now okay and you get over there you're like what you know what's going on you know so you have to understand you got to kind of take it with a you know grain of sand so to speak but do some homework really important I can't stress enough proper preparation you know you want to have the right gear but keep it simple don't go out there with an entire tackle bag with all of this stuff that you're never gonna use okay only take what you need but make sure that you have what you need and make sure that you have spares because again very often you'll get cut off on your lures from the toothy critters you know you'll lose rigs from at the very least be entangled with other people just part of the game it really is but if you get dialed in and you put in the time you could really have a lot of success at Pearce some people are so good at it you know truthfully my brother and my nephew's my nephew's are teenagers and you know my brother's a little bit older than I am but they are so into pier fishing and they're so good at it that it's unbelievable you know these kids spend every day every day at these piers they know where the fish are they know where they're gonna turn on when they're gonna turn on how to catch them it's crazy but there's a lot of opportunity there like I said with a lot of different species it's affordable it's fun and you can catch some great eating fish you know coming home with redfish or snook or pompano these are some of the best eating fish that are out there you know whiting there's all sorts of different species that you can catch off the piers so we've talked a bunch about that and now we're gonna transition to the beach fishing okay because this too is very technical okay it's not as simple as just walking down on the sand anywhere throw in a bait out and catching a fish you know there's something about surf fishing that's really really special you know somebody said to me earlier today they said Mike you've got a 30 something foot CV with triple 350s and a beach cart okay and a beach cart and yeah I do have a beach cart because I like surf fishing you know I grew up Sur fishing up north for striped bass and bluefish and you know my wife will tell you how many mornings we spent out there you know fishing the beach there's something special about being barefoot walking out on the beach the sand between your toes you know not a lot of people the waves are crashing you know it's just you like look out at the water and look out at the horizon you're like this is my world right here you know and it doesn't matter what you catch so there's a lot of benefits to the beach you know of course the affordability very much like the piers you can get out on the beach doesn't cost you anything you've got to be careful with access cuz certainly you can't go behind Tiger Woods house on the water okay and just start casting and not even know if he lives on the water but I'm assuming he does you know sooo access is certainly an issue but there's plenty of places where you can access the beach here locally and again further north and as I mentioned the further north you go the better off you're gonna be when it comes to surf fishing when you walk down to the beach in whatever area you're dragging your beach cart which is essential okay I cannot stress this enough because imagine walking hundreds of yards in the sand carrying all of this stuff and a cooler and you know a backpack we your gear you know it's just not feasible so it's really important to have that beach car so when you walk down to the sand you can have a guy who's fishing right here catching nothing zero and you can have a guy who's 50 yards away who's catching fish after fish pompano after pompano black drum redfish all sorts a great you know great fish but he's only 50 yards away they're both fishing the same bait what is the difference between the two guys anybody that's right okay he's going like this and what he's implying is the contours okay look at the sand you know sand moves it moves with the tide it moves with the waves and little cuts and channels are created where waters funneling in and out of that cut in and out of those troughs okay so you've got to walk down and before you decide to plant your feet right here okay pay attention to what's going on and look for irregularities and you'll see them you know you'll see where that wave is breaking just a little bit different than all of the rest you'll see where that water is funneling out you know where there's a cut that's channeled in between two troughs you can see these these different distinctive areas that's where I want to fish okay that's where I'm gonna fish because that's a feeding Channel that's where bait is being funneled in and out of the beach right through those cuts and over those troughs so it's not as simple as just setting up anywhere it's all about well I guess like a lot of things location location location is very very important location location so once you you know figure it out hey I want to fish in this particular area right here then again you have to decide am I gonna fish bait what am i targeting what am i fishing for and again lots of different options okay if you are further north you know from this area well you know let me kind of start in this area if I was to go surf fishing here in Broward County the only thing I would really expect the catch are snook and potentially some bluefish and Spanish mackerel moving up and down the beach okay every now and then you may get a shot at a tarpon but not very often but you may okay there are some permit that cruise up and down the beach there's a a quiet secretive little permit fishery going on in Broward County off the beach that not a lot of guys know about and they're keeping it hush-hush they go out there they'll throw out their crabs and they'll catch permit and bone fish which by the way I'm not sure if you're aware that everybody you know associates bone fish with the Florida Keys and the flats which is true of course that's where they are it's a flat species but there's a whole body of bone fish all up and down the beach and once you get up to like you know Lake Worth and even Boynton and North a lot of bone fish being caught not a lot of big ones it's rare that you'll see one over three to five pounds but a lot of them so it's nice to see them you know guys off the piers are catching them and guys off the beach or catching them as well if you're going down to the beach to meet fish you know you want to have a relaxing experience you want to throw a few rods out in some sand spikes okay you guys are all familiar with sand spikes that you stick into the sand that'll hold your rod keep in mind another benefit to the beach card is that it doubles as sand spikes I can fish multiple rods I can set this up sideways and fish one bait this way one bait this way and one bait this way all from the same beach cart and not even use sand spikes but either way you obviously need one or the you know one or the other if you're gonna fish bait this this is really the ideal best bait rig that you can possibly fish off the beach the same bait rig that we talked about earlier fishing off the pier pyramid sinker okay twenty or thirty pound fluorocarbon diamond presentation leader small VMC circle hooks eight-foot KAOSS rod don't use any other rudder you won't catch anything has to be a chaos' rod okay and whiz this out there with again either shrimp or sand fleas or crabs or you know or clams or ideal baits that you can easily purchase in advance or you can catch the sand fleas with a sand flea rake right at the beach there's a lot of areas where you can catch live sand fleas right in a wash by raking them if you're unfamiliar with how to do that I'll tell ya you know after the seminar exactly how to do that but certainly you could acquire your own live bait or you can show up with fresh shrimp and you know whatever bait you do use if you and certainly nothing against this or any other tackle shop but if I go over there and open that freezer there could very well be frozen bags of shrimp in that freezer right if I took that frozen shrimp put it on this hook went down to the beach and gave it all my might and chuck this out as far as I could what's gonna happen to that Trent it's gonna fall off okay and if it doesn't fall off on the way out there certainly once it's soaking in the water it's gone it's mush it's garbage okay it's garbage okay so fresh think fresh is so important even if you have to buy live shrimp and let them die you know either way but again fresh I cannot stress this enough this is not this is a technical fishery just like every other type of fishery and bait plays such an important role it's so crucial that the offerings that you're putting out there are you know as appealing as they could be so just think fresh if it's clams if it's the shrimp or if it's sand fleas okay think fresh throw this out there this is gonna anchor in the bottom I've got a to hook rig I can catch redfish I can catch pompano I can catch snook anything and everything eats that kind of stuff when it's swimming in the surf okay granted I'm not looking for tarpon I'm not looking for monster snook with this rig that's not what it's designed for as I mentioned this is more about the relaxing meat fish in trying to catch some fish to bring home having a good time with kids and family members you know or even yourself trying to bend some rods so it's a great rig to throw out there and while this is out there one two or three or sometimes more because I can tell you that there's a whole group of dedicated commercial pompano fishermen okay their commercial pompano fishermen rod-and-reel fishermen without a commercial permit I believe the limit is 5 pompano per person if I remember right with a commercial permit I believe the limit is 200 pompano okay and these guys are so good at this they're dialed in there's a whole network of guys and they all talk to each other and the guy from Juneau is calling the guy in Jupiter who's calling the guy in Sebastian because they all benefit from each other by working as a team and the guy says hey the bites on over here and he's going to bite snot on over here and again that's where they all fish and they all get dialed in and they fish up and down the whole coast and they will fish eight rods at a time they'll line them up with to hook rigs and their specialty rods these rods are twelve to fourteen feet long with specialty type of conventional reels that have a super free spool that allows them to cast the rig further you're like where to go okay where I didn't even see it land and I kid you not because sometimes those pompano were not up on that first bar the first trough and sometimes they're not on the second truck sometimes they're way out beyond the third trough and I can't get to him and you can't get to him but the commercial fishermen would a 14-foot rod who could whiz this thing 200 300 yards he's getting to him okay but the point is these guys again they're fishing fresh bait okay they're fishing multiple rods but where I was going with this is if you go out there and you throw out a baited rig or two or even three I mean as many as you possibly can you can then take another rod with a spoon or swimming plug and you can walk the surf and fish for the bluefish and snook and other fish that are cruising up and down the surf with an artificial lure while you also have baited rods out there so you could really maximize your time okay and really try and catch everything you can now of course if the baited rigs are keeping you busy then you're gonna put that stuff down in a way and you're gonna focus on your baited rigs or vice versa if you're not catching anything on bait but you're only catching the bluefish and the mackerel on two jigs then obviously you're gonna focus on that okay simple rigs simple to tie you can certainly buy pre-tied rigs but as you see this is nothing more than a drop would than to dropper Lupe's sink or tight on the bottom not a lot of terminal gear not a lot of fluff not a lot of garbage okay it's very stealthy okay you can obviously just a little loop right I'm a sinker you can switch the size of a sinker based on the conditions because a lot of times what's gonna happen you're gonna take your rig you're gonna throw it way out in front of you and in three minutes it's gonna be over there that ever happened anybody right in three minutes it's over there you need a heavier sinker there's a lot of current there's a lot of tide there's a lot going on you need a heavier sinker you know to try and sometimes there's nothing you can do there's so much movement you can throw an eight ounce sinker out here and it's still gonna get you know swept all the way down to beach so you got to kind of play your cards right there a couple other things you can do on the beach that are also real exciting and this even you can do locally I've had a lot of success doing this locally you can bring a couple of light rods one rigged with a cebiche and the same rod just like this very very light the same rod okay with a thirty or forty pound diamond presentation fluorocarbon leader with that same small circle hook and what you do is you take your cebiche rig and you flip it out there and you try and catch a little door jack or a little bait fish okay and as soon as you do or pilchards you know there's all sorts a little bait that's swimming up and down the beach especially down by the piers here locally and then once you catch that bait you're gonna switch rods you're gonna put that right back in the rod holder I'm gonna grab my other rod that's already rigged and ready to go because the longer I keep that bait out of the water the more likely it is it's gonna die right so I've got a me I got to move fast here because I want to fish a live bait I'm gonna take that bait hook it right through the nostrils on that circle hook I'm gonna flip it out there and I'm just gonna swim it I'm gonna walk down the beach and just let that live bait just swim right down the beach and it's a killer way to catch snook okay great way to catch snook a lot a lot of fun and you know again make no mistake do not think that that live bait needs to be on the other side of this shop here it does not it's right there that's where these fish are they're cruising right up and down the shoreline okay especially the snook they're right there right in that trough it is extremely common to see the fish cruising right up and down the beach so you don't have to you know cast the country mile and that's why you can get away with a really light rod number one you don't need a ton of line okay because you're only fishing right there okay so I've got plenty of line capacity on here and number two I want a nice soft tip okay a nice soft tip cuz I'm fishing a small little three-inch live bait imagine trying to fish a three-inch live bait on that right I mean you wouldn't know what is going on you'd kill the bait there's just too much tension too much you know beef going on there you'd end up killing the bait so the lighter the rod is the easier it is on the bait fish as well the more lively the bait fish is the more fish you're gonna catch another thing you can do on the beach which you know clearly I'm not rigged in ready for here but there's this whole crowd of guys that are shark fishing on the beach and catching big chunks I'm not talking about little sharks I see you guys giggling cuz you guys are probably into that right okay 200 300 400 500 pound sharks off the beach with these massive rods massive reels they're using you know kayaks or stand-up paddleboards to paddle a live bait way out there alright not a live bait but like a Bonita or a big mullet and they'll paddle it way out there and they'll drop it in and then go paddle back and they'll fish off the beach you know or they'll use these slingshots okay these crazy big slingshots the Chuck der bait out there some guys are using drones okay to pull the bait way out there and they're catch these massive sharks and I'm not talking about sharks I'm talking about jaws okay I mean hammerheads tiger sharks all sorts of giant sharks and they're even not a lot of people know about this because they won't really talk about it but a lot of these guys will catch these black tip sharks okay little small spinners and black tips that are about four feet and they will take that shark and they'll put giant circle hook in it and they will fish that shark live okay four giant hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks and bull sharks okay so they will literally fish a shark on a hook like this okay for a bigger shark okay and they're catching them they're doing this right and again not a lot of people are talking about this because you know you're fishing a live shark is certainly unethical but that's to the extreme that some of these guys are taking this this big-time shark fishing you know and this not only happens here it's all around the state of Florida it's over in the Panhandle it's on the west coast there are giant sharks that cruise our shorelines you know if people knew people say to me do you scuba dive or do you dive like hell no my feet are staying in the boat I am NOT getting at it about I know what lives out there I've seen it if you knew you oh never I'm not going in water I know I don't go to the beach and go swimming I don't know my pool okay I refuse to go to the beach because I know what's cruising up and down the beach and I'm not saying these are man-eaters that are going to eat you but still intimidating to know that there's a 500-pound tiger shark or a big bull shark that's cruising right there we've all seen the videos you know we've all seen this stuff online there and it's true it's real big big sharks so again you've got this crowd that are fishing for these sharks with big baits and you also have the spinners and the black tip sharks that are migrating during the winter time you know we see it on channel 7 news they're like well shark migration off Florida everybody out of the water it happens every year people okay it's been happening for millions of years okay but there are a lot of fun and you can go catch these smaller black tips and spinner sharks that average fifty to a hundred pounds and you can easily catch them off the beach even with stuff like this with like poppers okay super exciting because you'll see those sharks are cruising right in the shoreline the same thing you'll see them busting you know mullet pods you'll see the birds diving and you can throw big poppers at these sharks and catch them off the beach on this exact rod and reel you know so it's a lot of fun and it's an another you know it's it's big-game fishing from the sand it really is this big-game fishing from the sand so not something that I'm super into but you know a lot of people are getting more and more into it that whole shark fishery thing so we've talked about you know the snook fishing off the beach and you know the blue fish where any morning you know any day any evening you can grab a rod with a swimming plug a Rapala x wrap something like that you can go walk down to the beach with nothing more than one rod with a swimming plug and just walk the beach casting that plug and have a great opportunity of catching a nice snook or a few smaller snook and some other bycatch like bluefish and things to that nature or you can take it to the you know next level and set yourself up with a whole arsenal and cast out multiple rods and reels with baits and target pretty much everything that swims by you know there's just north of Sebastian Inlet just north of Sebastian there are some we'll call them little like I don't want say a resort but they call themselves a resorts but the little single-story kind of hotel places that are right on the beach that are really affordable it's like 100 bucks a night something like that and you get this little studio but what's cool about it is it's right on the beach so you wake up in the morning you walk right down to the beach and you fish right there and you can go right back to your room and there's great fishing there you know when the bites hot there's times you can't fish two rods because one is constantly being bent over by a redfish a black drum a pompano you know while wading all sorts of really good eating fish and then during the evenings the bloom fish come in and you have these bluefish blitzes so lots of great opportunities that are affordable and a great great getaway for the weekend you know with an opportunity to catch some great eating fish so a lot of different opportunities on the beach but like I said earlier it's not as simple as just going anywhere planting your feet in the ground and hey I'm expecting to catch something you know pay attention to what's going on around you again do some homework pay attention to the tide because the same thing on the beach they're gonna bite with the tide okay the waters got to be moving so we're gonna transition to really what probably could be the most technical of all three between pier fishing and beach fishing and that's the bridge fishing okay the bridge fishing there are a lot of great bridges really from here all the way on up the coast and certainly once you get up past Boca like Camino Real from Camino Real North every single bridge holds fish every single bridge any Intracoastal holds fish make no mistake some will hold more fish on certain nights than other nights sometimes it'll be all big snook that are laid up on the bridge sometimes it'll be all little dinky snook okay all small fish that are you know shorts that are laid up but they all hold fish there tarpon that are around the bridges because think about what a bridge is structure again you've got this Intracoastal you've got the water that's flowing may it be incoming or outgoing okay you've got and then suddenly there's this giant structure that's going across the Intracoastal and usually it's a combination of concrete and wood right two primary forms of structure and then on top of that you have a shadow line at night when you're fishing these bridges at night you have that shadow line from all of the lights so you have a combination of different factors all coming together to present this ideal form of structure right up and down the Intracoastal but the fish these bridges properly and effectively takes some skill you know it really does it takes some skill and some specialized tackle okay certainly anybody can go out on the bridge I can bring my awesome zepkow push-button rod and my shrimp and I can drop it down and obviously anybody can do that but what are you gonna catch a little grunts little whatever you know you're not really gonna catch anything little mangrove snappers and we're going to talk more about bridge fishing and snapper fishing in you know a couple more minutes but around here and moving north fishing these bridges is primarily about snook and redfish there's a whole fishery that is developing from Boca you know in our area here we're starting to see more and more redfish more we've never you know 10 years ago catching a redfish in Boca people are like what you kind of what what's a redfish not today people I'm telling you you can go out here right now daytime and nighttime and fish all of these docks with live shrimp with a popping cork just take a live shrimp put it on a circle hook put it three feet under a popping quirk throw it at the dock drift that dock you don't get a bite go to the next dock drift that dock you don't get a bite go to the next dock drift that dot and eventually you're gonna get a bite and there are a lot of redfish I went up in our area which is exciting because we certainly would appreciate a really good solid red fishery down here it's not like what it is up north okay it's not like what it is in the Everglades are on the west coast at least not yet but a lot more showing up year after year as the population of redfish explodes you know redfish is like a it's like the poster child of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission red snapper or not okay redfish are they put these regulations in place that are so stringent that it's worked it really has worked as it was a time when chef Paul Prudhomme I don't know if you guys are familiar with a he invented blackened redfish and people were like you did what you took that fish you put this seasoning on and all you did was throw it in an iron skillet and it tastes like this let's go kill every redfish okay let's do it and they did and they went out and it was the biggest greatest thing and they killed almost every redfish and their knees you know obviously laws were put into place to protect the species and now they have come back so strong so as the population continues to grow they have to continue to spread out and continue to find new territory a new forage so pushing south bless you they're pushing their way south from the northern regions because the red fishery typically from Boyton north is certainly a lot better than it is down here it's non-existent until like I said recently so a lot of the guys that are fishing for the snook at night at bridges are catching a redfish at night as well it's challenging to fish at night I'm sorry it's challenging to fish a bridge during the day effectively number one you don't have the shadow line number two you have a lot more traffic and and let me just you know I'm gonna pause for one second Fisher bridges is dangerous seriously I'm not kidding people every year anglers get killed fishing bridges it just happened right by my house a matter of months ago on federal highway right down there right a South of Atlantic you're all familiar with that bridge just south of Atlanta confederal but a friend of my neighbor is snook fishing at night right off the bridge and you know when you're coming north you're coming over that hill you know you don't see what's on the other side well he was on the other side running across the bridge to fish the other side of the bridge car came over and that was the end of that okay so certainly you've got to be careful when you're fishing these bridges at night there's a lot of bridges won't even let you fish there you know and some of them you know certainly it's at your own risk no matter what but please exercise a level of caution when you're fishing bridges so all of the bridges like I said all the way on up the coast across the entire Intracoastal all hold fish and they're all smilk magnets they really are and there are really two ways to fish these bridges for snook one is with bait okay obviously with bait well what bait do I use I just lose this you guys still hear me okay okay sound a little funny there sorry either a mullet bingo mullet you cannot beat a live mullet when fishing the bridge because again it's the primary forage okay so you can bring a cast net often you can see the mullet swimming right next you know in the shadow lines or along side of the bridge and obviously some bridges are bigger than other some have you know you can access the bridge from underneath the bridge other ones you have to fish the top of the bridge so it's impossible you know to talk about every single bridge but the point I'm making is you certainly can catch mullet right there on scene at the bridge and that's a great bait to fish you're simply gonna fish it on what's called a fish finder rig an egg sinker okay a liter approximately four to six feet of 40 or 50 pound diamond presentation fluorocarbon with a VMC 300 or 400 circle hook that's your rig now understand if I am standing on the bridge right here and well we'll do it this way if I'm standing on the bridge and I'm looking north and it's an outgoing tide and waters flowing this way and I'm looking north and if I took my mullet and my rig and I flipped it out this way what's gonna happen it's gonna get swept right under the bridge right okay and if I don't get tangled it's just gonna be a nightmare any way you look at it so when I'm fishing live bait off a bridge I need the fish this way on that side of the bridge doesn't that make sense okay plus that's where the fish are there on that side of the bridge some fish right on the edge of that shadow line waiting for this current is tied to flush bait under the bridge and out you know out to their waiting ambush spots so the fish are there waiting again I don't want to take my mullet and throw it a hundred feet away from the bridge do I know because where's the snook he's right there he's right there at the bridge okay he's Vetri's very very close to it so I'm gonna drop it straight down literally straight down and I want to keep my mullet as close to that bridge abutment as I possibly can because with the current and the tide he's gonna get swept away anyway and I'm slowly gonna feed it out I want to cover some ground but once I'm way out away from the bridge I'm reeling that up and I'm starting over again okay another if you cannot get mullet shrimp again you can't go wrong with shrimp the only problem with live shrimp you know I don't know if this is a good or a bad problem but the only problem with a big fat juicy live shrimp is everything eats it everything eats it so it's tough to get that snook to bite if a little mangrove snapper you know eaten up your shrimp or a grunt or whatever it may be you know because everything eats them so certainly a larger harder er bait you're gonna have a much greater chance of catching a quality fish with a live mullet than you will with a live shrimp another option especially as you continue to move north that is killer our lady fish snook love lady fish you can take a cebiche rig like that same so be curious keep in mind same thing I can roll my cart right up on that bridge right next to the bridge obviously depending on the access I can have all of my gear ready to go I can take my cebiche rod and you can tip those little hooks with a little piece of squid or a little piece of shrimp and you can drop it down and you can often catch those little like six-inch lady fish man you put that on a circle hook rig if there's any snook in a country mile he's eating that sucker okay they love those lady fish absolutely love them crabs you can fish a crab you can fish a live crab you can drift the live crab with no weight you just drop it down and let it drift with the curve because remember that currents sweeping down those fish are on the back side I'm gonna drop that live crab straight down in free spool and I'm gonna let them float out as naturally as possible and again what's gonna happen that snook sees it looks extremely natural and eats it up so that's another option and you can get live crabs Atlantic bait and tackle locally here sells live crabs they're not that hard to get your hands on if you can't get anything else another option when no crabs are available or no live bait or if you're just an artificial junky who gets off on catching fish on fake lures like me okay because I'd rather catch one snook on a flare Hawk than ten snook on a live mullet okay this is the ultimate ultimate lure for fishing for snook off of a bridge at night is that flare hawk but there's a very difference now with that current coming toward me I am not fishing this this way I am not casting it down current and reeling it back up toward me why because any bait fish or crab they don't swim against the three five seven not current they swim with the current okay they don't swim against it so the proper way to fish this flare Hawk if the tide and a current are sweeping toward me is I'm gonna cast it as far as I can this way let it sink and I'm going to retrieve it just slightly faster than that water is moving okay and I'm just gonna slowly creep that right back to me on this side of the bridge not on that side of the bridge so it's important as to what side of the bridge you fish based on what bait you're fishing and what you know or if you're fishing an artificial lure versus a natural bait again lot of little details and nuances for bridge fishing when you do catch a big snook you know there's sometimes it's hard to get that fish up onto the bridge I mean think about a 25 pound snook okay you're not flipping a 25 pound snook you're not that's why a lot of times you'll see these guys that are fishing these bridges at night for snook to the serious snook fishermen because there's a whole crowd of guys that are super snook fishermen these guys are super dialed in and they're snook fishing aficionados that's all I care about you know is snook that nothing else and you'll look at their equipment and you'll see they're fishing some pretty beefy rods you know some eight foot sometimes nine foot conventional rods go fish 50 sometimes 80 pound braid heavy leader material big flare Hawk jigs cuz they know they catch a big fish they got to stop them and they got to get them up on to the bridge as well if they don't have a you know like a pure net or something like that so it can be very challenging to fish those bridges for the snook but certainly it could also be very rewarding as well another you know thing about bridge fishing that I just want to touch on real quick down in the keys there's so many bridges down in the keys and it's a different world than here when I talk about bridge fishing I'm talking about you know everything that we just discussed and not that you couldn't utilize a lot of these tactics in the keys but everything that we just discussed is from here north ok that these are the tactics that guys are using from here north and the equipment that guys are using from here north you go down to the keys it's a whole different world ok fishing the bridges down there is not about catching snook it's not about catching redfish or a pompano it's not about catching any of that it's about catching snapper ok and and groupers that are even swimming by the pier tarpon a lot of guys will catch tarpon off the bridges you know it's very challenging you know keep in mind with tarpon for every 10 you hook you're only gonna land one anyway that's first and foremost and to land that 1 out of 10 off of a bridge what are you gonna do pull up a hundred pound tarpon I mean don't be stupid you know you're not certainly there are a lot of bridges where you can walk down and have access neck you know have access next to the bridge and it's an exciting fishery and so many people even like I was talking about my nephews that are really into bridge fishing they get off on going down there and hook in these big tarpon off the bridge is knowing that the fights gonna end when it's right there ok that success is the fact that they got it right there where they could see it they've achieved success because they know they're not gonna harvest it anyway they're not going to kill it they're not gonna get it up on the bridge so once it's right there pop done game over let's catch another one ok so there is that fishery as well but a lot of people fish those keys bridges for snapper okay which is great because especially this year I'm going to tell you since Hurricane Irma the think that's the bottom fishing and a snapper fishing in the keys is better than ever anybody down there will tell you that they are experiencing the best bottom fishing that they have had in many many years incredible mutton snapper fishing yellowtail snapper so thick that the entire water is just yellow behind the bow and they're limiting out like this okay and big fish a lot of big mangrove snapper it's just been an exceptional year and hopefully it continues and same thing at the bridges you know when you think about a lot of those bridges in the years past you go there you drop a shrimp in order to catch a yellow cow that's as big something that looks like it should be swimming around my aquarium okay not today today they're catching flags they're catching nice fish at the bridge is really nice snapper fresh bait certainly important okay and the best way to fish down there is you can catch that bait that's swimming around the pier with the same cebiche rake okay that we're talking about or shrimp okay obviously every tackle shopping the keys with a jig head okay all you got to do is take a jig head which I believe on the other wall here they certainly have plenty of them in every size and color imaginable okay and you base the size of the jig head on the current if there's a lot of current and your fish in deeper water you may need a one-ounce head okay if there's not a lot of current shallow water you could get away with a quarter ounce jig head so obviously having a variety of different sized jig heads is certainly important and that's all that you need is a jig head with a live shrimp drop it down and just slowly feed it out with the current and that jig head will keep that shrimp tori to bottom and the snappers will lean it up some guys go to the extent where they take a chum bag and they'll drop it straight down so they'll Chum off the pier there you know and you'll see these guys like when you drive down to the to the you know let's key west there's an example as you're driving south you'll see a lot of these bridges there's some people have tents set up on the bridge they're there for the weekend right I mean you've all seen it they've got stoves and porta-potties and they're like they're they're camping out on that bridge they've walked out like 800 yards out into the middle of the bridge and they're there those are the guys that are really really serious about it you know and they will Chum literally they'll Chum right off that bridge and of course as that Chum is flowing all the snappers come in and stand up having a great experience there's Goliath groupers that they you know catch at those bridges down in the keys sharks permit they catch off the bridges with live crabs a lot of good options down there but it's a completely different fishery than we have from here north you know we just don't have those mutton snappers here what we do have is certainly a lot of mangrove snapper okay we certainly can catch a lot of mangrove snapper especially a Boynton Inlet okay Boynton Inlet is like a jetty slash pier the north side and when it's rough really rough like blowing 15 to 20 22 25 all of the snapper come inshore and you can go right there to that - Boynton Inlet and you can catch some really nice mangrove snappers with the occasional kubera snapper mixed in as well okay and I'm not I don't mean a 50-pound 80 pound kubera snapper but the five to eight pounders the ones that look like giant mangrove snappers so there's a whole snapper fishery that takes place at a lot of these inlets as well and it really Peaks when it's rough the same thing with the piers the best fishing at Deerfield pier is when it's really rough for the snapper for mangroves and muttons the muttons will move in there because when it's calm they obviously go out to the reef lines and all of the wrecks but when it's rough they'll come shallower and you can catch them right off those piers there so if you are gonna pier fish like I said don't be afraid to go out there when it's nasty because that's really when you're gonna experience some of the best best fishing [Music] [Music]
Channel: Florida Sport Fishing
Views: 134,071
Rating: 4.8856487 out of 5
Keywords: fishing videos, fishing florida, how to catch big fish, fishing charters, fishing tournaments, fishing action, deep dropping, kite fishing, where to fish, fishing tackle, rigging tips, seafood recipes, fishing seminars, where to catch fish, snapper, grouper, sharks, tuna, marlin, pinfish, ballyhoo, wahoo, mahi, swordfish, trolling, chunking, drifting, marine electronics, how to gaff, how to net fish, best fishing knots, jigging, bridge fishing, best fishing piers, how to surf fish
Id: 0VlYi1rXeR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 16sec (4216 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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