Front to Round Kicks by Duane "Bang" Ludwig

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our guys help us this week we're going to work on front kick surroundings Mr Banks where's the swap the hips five Rear Front kicks nice and Light knee up working straight out Bring It Back hands up elbows in two more [Music] left front kick you do it from the lead or from softball either way it's up two then five right round kicks [Music] five left [Music] speech [Music] first off we're going to focus on the same size so you can go two right front kicks one at a time now this third one is the biggest nip as if he's going to it was rotating him over for a round kick so he's gonna be hiding this around kick with the front kick right so right the two front uh right front kicks that is the knee up again and then turn over the route though so the front Gates and stuff around quick and vice versa okay and with the zipping three two of the front kicks your leg up and turn over for the route right now same exact thing two right front kicks guys they pick that knee up step the southbound and go left Round kick so we're going opposite side now now sending left front kick to left front kicks pick it up skip in the news the right round kicks right we've got that same sequence one more time from the top two Rear Front kicks and then two left this boom now back to the right to the left right [Music] so now we're going to work on is he's going to throw either from kick two times okay it doesn't matter you can go there's a left right or left right right left it doesn't matter then he's going to react to where I hold the round right so that's gonna be the visual cue for him so again Rock kicks either one doesn't matter interactives where I hold the mountains right so this would be make sure you guys mix this up sir [Music] so make sure we get that for entire round now we're going to move on to numbers with front kicks those are the opposite front kicker blast punch but then he's in a rack to where I hold the tie pad the route for the round pick the route gets to be uh unscripted this will be after visual cue all right so again I'll call whatever it is like let's go up front I'm gonna bring that backward Atlanta Ford either way Dependable distance and then again rack to where I'm gonna hold the round right free Friday [Music] and I hold the Tapas hopefully you can see it in this direction is he should be front kicking this bottom pad the top pad's holding that down in place okay so it should be everything I get into the bottom half but the hill or the ball to put either way you want to make sure you get those knee up or kick out and then bring it back when we do letting it forward we do that by twist either way we're going to our body balance no matter what we're doing we're going to go three front [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you one thing that helps sell the uh the round kick is picking that knee up okay so the Rear Front kick the yep the front kick your front kick now I'm gonna pick that up and step forward for the wrap your everything's opposite side now for the lace the rear again front front this one I want to pick it up and Scoot forward and then fill the Ops around here so as far as hiding and blending those if it is the same side front front again the up half second delay and rotate over for the round cable it's not as powerful as it will kick but you're going to be setting it up so this should already be uh scripted to block that and the Rockies attacks on the middle now rear boom boom still picking me up I should kick around their guards because again it's the same concept as the 230. we're attacking down the middle to set up the arcing strikes and today of this week's arguing strikes will be the round kicks as far as you guys making sure you understand the delivery is set up it's hard down the middle and then attacking around the side so make it more real quick so again this week's focus is for constructs right let's do a few more friends [Music]
Channel: Dynamic Striking
Views: 978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fight tips, how to fight, fight training, fight techniques, learn to fight, learn fighting, striking, learn striking, striking techniques, strike techniques, how to punch, how to kick, kickboxing, kicking, kick techniques, mma training, ufc training, fight skills, martial arts, self defense, muay thai, dynamic striking
Id: 0QWwC8HeU80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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