Partner Combination Drills by Edgars Skrivers

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so another combination with the spinning back kick we're gonna do against aggressive opponent who is like constantly moving forward so we're gonna do uh again one two three we're gonna do now just three straight punches one two three and take a step back when he comes forward i stop him with the back kick this one you you can move in like any place of the ring when you are moving when your opponent is coming towards you you just throw while you are throwing these three punches just so his attention again goes to his head so he just blocks his head one two three a little step back when he comes forward stop him here so when you are holding hands here keep your stomach tight as well tight as well and try to breathe breathe out on the kick when you are like taking the kick breathe out breathe out so when you are breathing out all your muscles are tightening up and uh the like core of your uh muscle core is tightening up so you can take the kick even through the arms
Channel: Dynamic Striking
Views: 769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fight tips, how to fight, fight training, fight techniques, learn to fight, learn fighting, striking, learn striking, striking techniques, strike techniques, how to punch, how to kick, kickboxing, kicking, kick techniques, mma training, ufc training, fight skills, martial arts, self defense, muay thai, dynamic striking
Id: DjfEJo0Jb0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 19sec (79 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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