Pick ANY Pokemon Team...Then we BATTLE!

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what's up everybody welcome back to another challenge versus video chill and play i am chilling at the hair salon with the hair stylist twins these guys i mean they're even wearing the same clothes it's kind of cool uh quick gg is also here how you doing buddy hey pal i'm out here uh just learning about the history of the world you know that uh two heroes saved us using a sword and a shield in this city did you know about this i actually did know about that yeah i'm pretty sure i was there and uh defeated eternis yeah is that what's going honestly i kind of didn't listen to a word anyone said and kind of just kept battling people my whole childhood didn't really listen to anyone though didn't know but uh the more you know well guys if you haven't seen a challenge versus video before me and quick g go through our different pokemon games with different rules and challenges involved making teams of pokemon and then we have a battle for today's video we are here on randomized sword and shield all the pokemon are randomized with randomized abilities and move sets according to type we're gonna be doing a little different kind of challenge we haven't really done one like this before um we're gonna be catching whatever we want and then we're gonna fight now of course there's always a catch in these videos guys so it doesn't mean exactly whatever we want uh we're only going to allow one legendary pokemon and this can't be reggie gigas all right quick gg so no reggie gigas but you can get yourself one legendary pokemon for the team the other five pokemon can just be whatever you want buddy whatever fully evolved pokemon you want um as long as it's not a legend and then uh yeah we're gonna meet up and we're gonna fight it out big dog one thing you also can't skip a pokemon once you've caught it it's got a garbage move set that just sucks to suck once we got them all together we're gonna battle it out are you ready quick gg oh yeah i already got something in mind and when i say that i don't know what i'm gonna do yeah i gotta go i got a little bit of a game plan but i'm kind of just gonna ride around and see what's cool because you know i'm a cool guy i feel you i'm leaving the tower right now i'm gonna go hunt some pokemons bye bye all right guys let's do this i've got a kind of a little list pokemon that i would like to catch to try to help oh wow look at the choices already do i want a genesect on the team genesect is really cool ah but really weak to fire i don't think i want it i've got some pokemon in mind we're going to look for guys my legend i think i'm going to get is going to be a kyurim i think it's got one of the best base stats and it's also just a good type the ice dragon type is really nice although i guess ultra beasts could technically be a little stronger oh my god so many decent pokemon over here hershey foods and stuff oh rayquaza nah nah nah nah coyorium i think i'm going with kyrie actually rayquaza though bro rayquaza one time for the one time you know what one time for the one time get over here i'm doing it i've always wanted to oh wait a minute oh no you know what this is risky we don't have quick g blocked yet i'm not catching this rayquaza yet maybe i'll come back for it i don't know if you guys have noticed i don't know how many of you guys are hardcore fans watching the videos but usually we have each other unblocked at the beginning of the video and there's a little activity feed on the bottom left corner and we can see the first thing that each other's catches it's not like we look for it but sometimes you might accidentally look over and see it you just can't help it either anyways i don't want him to see rayquaza pop up because then he knows what legend i chose so i'm just gonna go ahead and try to catch one of my other types that i wanted and then we'll uh we'll block quick gg when we see him i just saw blastoise over there which is kind of cool but i think i want an italian i think i want to get an italian for my water type mainly for the speed and power i just feel like it's going to be decent okay i'm having a difficult time finding the things i want there's a lot of good options but i'll see you guys in a second when we find one of the first ones you know what i think i found one of my first guys right here tangrowth i would like to have this i was thinking willowboom for a grass type but i think i'm gonna go with tangrowth actually tango is a really good option and he's right here so let's go ahead and i think i think we're gonna go ahead and catch that all right i hope the quick ball works i'm trying to conserve my master balls we'll see if we get lucky here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got him hangar with on the squad we like it all right that's a really good grass type to start us out i'm kind of trying to cover all my bases here with these catches i got a little bit of a game plan not a huge game plan obviously we still need good moves and abilities to really come through all right tangrowth don't let us down once the pokemon's locked in it can't be lost it's got healer okay that's not gonna help we're not in double battles actually magical leaf nice flying press whoa bug buzz that's nice and false swipe that's weird that is a weird move set that is a very weird move set actually but at least i mean it's not too bad got a little bit of variety we don't we can't complain that's our tank growth i have more pokemon to go guys let's see if we can find him okay we're out here outside of mode stoke let's go ahead and get our move on so we can only catch one legendary pokemon i'm not sure what i really want in this game heat heat mowers i only want those i guess we're gonna just get some good fully evolved pokemon oh a reg ice don't really need that last year not gonna waste our legendary encounter on that arctivisch an ice water type hmm nah nah i'm not gonna get that either rather have a lapras stun fisk dude this derpy pokemon is actually so good sometimes and we're not going to get it though not this time buddy oh my goodness yveltal in the sky i think eventual is probably definitely worth taking guys that is an amazing flying type that's an amazing legend um let's do it flying dark type i feel like chill and play won't expect this at all gonna use this in our legendary encounter and hope for the best it's got misty surge which isn't a big deal because psychic type actually does no effect to us so it doesn't really bother us maybe we'll grab a psychic type 2 to combine with that misty surge actually that could be pro strats maybe a nice alakazam would be good all right captured and please don't let me down with this move set please okay yo vettel with misty surge it's got extreme speed sludge wave leaf tornado entrainment okay it doesn't have any flying or dark moves but these moves are actually really good extreme speed's awesome sludge waves pretty good leaf tornado is okay really not that bad guys it's not too bad for yveltal here all right first encountering vettel good start although our legendary choice is down but not enough to worry about choosing a legend but this wool wasn't as good ooh scolipede not a bad choice i kind of was hoping for a hair cross actually scoloped not a bad option we know it's here and i'll think about it ooh lantern could be a clutch water type actually only weak to grass you know what i think i'm gonna do it i think i'm actually gonna go with that i was looking for an italian but i think lantern's not a bad choice as well yeah yeah that's that's gonna be nice all right a beefy healthy lantern um it's only uh weakness is the uh grass that's pretty good we like it okay lantern is a nice addition i'm hoping for maybe t-bolt and hydro pump that'd be huge all right lantern has gooey so contact lowers the attacker's speed we like that oh weird oh gravity okay are we weak to ground i'm not even sure actually i didn't think about that fiery dance that may raise our special attack charge and guillotine oh no very weird very weird guys i don't know about that that's kind of a weird lantern yikes i don't like that at all well that is our lantern yikes four more pokemon to go oh my goodness hi dragon the dragon dark type we already have a dark type dude oh lanala lunala was right here oh that would have been actually maybe better oh my goodness i kind of regret my choices now i really regret my choices now let me get like a dragonite right now bro oh or instead of a dragonite we can get a dragopolt ghost a dragon on the squad we like it definitely catching this it's got huge attack and it's also got amazing speed so probably gonna outspeed most things we fight and it can't get hit by extreme speed either because it's a ghost type so dragon pull on the squad okay dragon pull with corrosion poi uh can poison the target even its poison or steel type interesting it's got breaking swipe which is pretty good psychic fangs another great move clanging scales don't we knew that we don't need that because we're more of a physical attacker and then mega drain uh not the best moves breaking swipe's okay but the problem is that it's like uh it's only 60 power it would hit multiple pokemon if we're playing double battles but we're not gonna be doing that okay not too bad still and also psychic fangs actually is going to stack with our misty surge all right let's see if we can find oh hello sweet sweet looking very adjacent looking very adjacent kind of looking for a um i'm still up for a kyurem or a rayquaza not sure which one uh ryperior would be nice kind of what i'm looking for here heracross ah zygarde is tempting zygarde's very tempting guys everybody's got choices hydragon whoa dark dragon dragonite ii como oh oh oh uh i don't know nah i got a kind of a game plan i got kind of a game plan i want to go with there's beefy dragons everywhere look flygon's 2 holy oh drapeon now hold on now nah we could go for mamoshwine instead of ryperio actually that's not a bad idea and then we could go and since we have an ice type at that point instead of kyrie and we can get rayquaza that sounds pretty good and then i still think chandelure is a must-have to resist ice i think it's necessary let's see um let's hit it with a quick one plus chandelure will be a ghost type i think it'll be nice there we go we got ourselves a mamo sweeney all right pretty decent i'd say all right we like it okay guys mamo swine let's see what it's got for us regenerator restores a little hp oh that could be really helpful icicle spear um okay charge again spikes and core enforcer well that's kind of really weird guys honestly that's really not too good but core enforcer does give it a rid of an ability if we have a troublesome one um and we got spikes for the battlefield that could be nice it could be nice okay mamo sweeney all right spike's just trying to take a while to get set up so i don't know how worth it it is honestly that's pretty good oh my god palkia palkia walking on on in the air right now right next to us king is khan if the mega form has parental bond which makes it amazing but it won't have that in the randomizer so or at least probably won't we're gonna go ahead and grab the reelaboom because he is a huge strong brass type slash monkey pokemon he's also brings like a drum set out to the battle so like that's just that's just really cool we respect him for the cool points guys master balling up and uh let's hope that he's got the strong attacking grass moves gabriella boom with dry skin restores hp in rain or when hit by a water type move we're resistant to water so we don't need that but oh man it also increases damage by fire moves that is gonna hurt us a lot uh we got bullet seed yes bullet seeds really what we need focus energy surging strikes and thunder fang all physical moves surging strikes an amazing water move bullet seeds actually pretty good at least if we get like three or four of those that's an awesome really boom guys thunder fang in case we need that that is an awesome real boom dude oh the move sets are not letting us down guys this is looking good right now oh man ho-oh is a really good bird too but rock types will just destroy it ooh archeops archeops without its ability that might be a great idea let's think for a second let me think for a second okay you know what our cops is actually really good i'm gonna go for this and if it has a good ability it could be huge now i just got to figure out who i want to give up i guess i'll get this instead of hair cross maybe i don't know because i still think i really want to get a chandeleur and i'm thinking rayquaza for the for the legend i'm not sure though i have to look at my team and see all right guys we got an archeops here this could be really really good let's see it's got guts oh my god if we have a status condition we get boosted attack oh my it could be really good okay stone edge that's all we need vicious rend and we're so fast that's incredible that's incredible poison sting is weird but whatever that's a good pokemon dude that's incredibly good that's hype we'll take it that's an archeops on the team that's so nice good choice that was a good choice flygon a dragon ground type do i want that we're kind of weak to ice right now i'm kind of scared of doing that i might actually get an ice type for myself we're going to skip on the fly gun i need a like a decent rock type right now honestly something that could take care of the ice typings like an agron that actually might be what i want there's some agrons over here i'm gonna hold off on those oh a wheezing gallerian wheezing is that worth getting team it is a poison fairy types will be good against the fairy typings and dragon typings it doesn't have the stats i want though not gonna i'm not gonna get that ooh venusaurs we already have villa boom so we don't need that but arcanine over here i like it that's gonna be good a counter for the ice typing it's got decent speed it's got huge attack so sacred fire on this would be all we really need and it's so fluffy guys it looks so fluffy i love it all right arcanine be good for us honestly as long as you have just a strong hitting fire move you don't need to be physical or special you have great stats all right arcanine please be a good boy for us you got the ability sound proof so you can't get hit by sound type moves that's good we've got side beam flame charge eruption and fusion bolt these moves team these moves are looking nice they're looking real nice team oh my gosh that is that is just great that is looking great ark and i thank you so much for being a good boy oh we needed that okay we got two more pokemon to catch okay i'm thinking chandelure definitely i want it like it'll go good with the synergy of the team personally come on chandelure show yourself oh dialga a steel dragon that you know what that you know what that's going to be my legend that is going to be my legend come here do y'all go come here not agron no no dialga the oliga march it on down here march it on down here come on what are you doing agron get out of here there we go okay dialogue is going to be our legend actually i've changed my mind twice ultimately i think a steel dragon this is going to be a good one to have on the team and i think it'll go well with the squad as well i'ma throw a master at this one that way i don't waste any time here all right that's our legend caught guys we're looking for one more pokemon now and i believe it's gonna be chandelure i'm gonna have to go searching for it all right guys we got dialga here i forgot to recap it entirely chilling nay no way no way that's awesome oh no aromatic mist taunt anchor shot that's good dragon energy oh my god oh this is amazing this is so strong okay oh that feels great team man the last verses i recorded i just had the worst luck it's nice to get some good chill and play luck once again dude nice now if we just get lucky and find the chandeleur we'll be in good shape yeah kendra we already have one dragon but you know what i want another one it's not too weak to ice either it's neutral to ice which makes it pretty decent in my opinion slow start kingdra wait a second wow actually after checking with the referees it turns out we have to catch this slow start kingdra i can't believe i'm master pulling a kingdra oh slow start kindra please have special attacking moves then you know what you're not too amazingly fast anyway just have special attacking moves and you'll be okay okay slow start as your ability so our attack and our speed is halfed for the first five turns out love that love that we got mega kick amnesia withdraw and steam eruption nice okay that is actually a great water move uh we're not amazingly fast but that's okay because that's a special attack so at least slow start won't screw us up there although that's all we really have on this you can also amnesia up for that huge special defense we'll see but that is our king drew there good at least you have steam eruption that's good well that was a weird weird catch guys we only have one pokemon left to pick up as well so uh let's let's think about this last one well there's the kairium but we've already made our choice with palchia and uh dialga and i'm pretty sure we made a good one willing to stand behind my choice oh i ran over a bug maybe chandler's over here swimming nope just tauros oh here's an italian oh it's chasing me wants to join but it's too late i wish we chose you honestly i do instead we got a lantern and i don't know too much about i don't know if we really want that no i wanted it at the time but the moveset is kind of garbagio really garbagio um where are you chandelure where are you i don't know why the heck a chandelure would be living out here but hey maybe it is oh my god a lot of creatures dude there's hair cross oh man milotic should i get a milotic oh look who it is hey a chandeleur nice i'm glad we found what we wanted we didn't have to substitute um i'm happy with it long as this thing is decent guys i'm feeling really good about this team let's go ahead and catch this and then we will do a final team recap and jump into it guys let me know in the comment section uh what you would have chosen for your dream team i'm actually curious i feel like this i mean this isn't necessarily a dream team but i feel like this is a good team that covers a lot of bases and obviously we have randomized moves and abilities so you can't get everything just perfect all right we got chandelure here it's got mimicry changes the pokemon's type depending on terrain oh no oh no oh my god but we're really good v create searing shot well we're not physical attackers actually so steering shot is huge though 100 accuracy 100 damage blue flare is met oh my god 130 damage that is awesome that is awesome and then we got this um that doesn't do anything okay well steering shot blue flare is all you need to see there okay that's a chandeleur that's nice all right guys for our team recap we got our chandelure that we just went over uh it's got mimicry and good moves we got 10 growth with magically flying press bug buzz false swipe and the ability healer got lantern gravity fire dance charge guillotine and gooey i know it's guillotine by the way i always just say guillotine i don't know mama sweeney with uh icicle spear charge spikes core enforcer and regenerator archaeological blast burn stone edge fishes wren and poison sting and guts for the ability finally diagonal with aromatic mist taunt anchor shot and dragon energy that is our massive squad we're huge guys honestly i'm liking it a lot let me know in the comments who you guys think is going to win based off of these i will see you guys very shortly all right team we're doing what we got to do and we're going to get this aggro on our team just for the type coverage a rock steel type with huge defense all right we got him out here hopefully he's got just nice rock type moves or steel type physical moves so he's strong but at least he'll be a nice wall against you know some rock some ice some dragons all right master blowing this last teammate agron please be good please be good buddy all right let's check what this agron has and then we're going to go over the rest of the team on a recap agron's got sandstream actually has sandstream let's go pokemon summons a sandstorm and enter battle that is that is actually amazing guys that is actually amazing to have on the agron it's got dazzling gleam what mirror coat counters any special attack inflicting double damage that could be that could be awesome guys that literally could be awesome uh iron head and anchor shot that is oh this might be a really really good setup guys iron head is a huge move anchor shot's also a huge move mirror coat for the cheese dazzling gleam because just maybe we'll use that sandstream is good as well because we're not affected by sandstream alright agron on the squad and let's go over the rest of the team with yvettel here with extreme speed sludge wave leaf tornado entrainment it's got the abilities misty surge dragon pulled with corrosion breaking swipe psychic fangs clanging scales mega drain then really boom with bullet seed focus energy surging strikes thunder fang it's got dry skin arcanine with sound proof side beam flame charge eruption fusion bowl king juror with mega kick amnesia withdraw steam eruption and slow start and that is the squad pretty tough looking honestly um pretty amazing moves all around kingdra is kind of a letdown with that slow start but everyone else is pretty decent so i feel i feel pretty good let's do this all righty buddy we got whatever we wanted with some rules involved and now we're going to fight yeah yeah feeling buddy started fighting yeah i uh i kind of found everything relatively quick my last guy gave me a little trouble yeah you know i didn't know what i wanted you know what i'm saying so i just ended up with what i got although i mean not in a bad way but in a good way i like honestly just start kingdra yeah yeah the referees uh the refs said that we i had to take it whenever i was uh hunting i wasn't sure but you know refs calls yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um well well i'm starting that's what we're doing i'm sorry that's what we're doing if that's what we're doing that's what we're doing you're doing then that's this is what i'm going to do what is this going to be i want what is this going to be what is this going to be that's going to be something don't that's something don't burn me please don't please just just don't i'm asking nicely you swapped in you earned it you deserved yes i earned it but i didn't burned it you know what i'm saying by the way no dynamaxing sorry all the dynamics lovers dragon energy that's a one shot that's a big one it's a big boy's slapper that's a one shot wow wow wow wow bye bye bye bye slow start chilling nay dragon energy though yeah yeah true but chilling you know chilling i'm a cold horse i'm a cold horse you are a cold horse animal fast yoga doesn't look that fast to me you know what i'm saying he's got beefy legs buddy what do you mean he's got baby legs how fast is dialga really though why don't you do a bb boop and find out i'm curious i'm very curious actually i don't really know off top of my head i know he's okay let's try let's try this let's just hope that stats don't ruin it whoa i got a fluffy boy i got a good boy on my team that's a fluffy one all right pal that's a fluffy one mm-hmm mm-hmm [Music] what am i gonna do what am i gonna do are you gonna do this i'm gonna do this really come on back now y'all yeah lanterns it's my turn eruption oh that's still gonna hurt that's still gonna hurt a decent amount yeah not as much as we thought it would though can i ask you this question as much by the way i'm saying mr beast for the algorithm you ever ordered a mr beast burger with extra cheese um have you not not with extra cheese no okay well oh who's gonna come who is this oh let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let me let you let me let me let me let me let me let me go let me let my extra cheese oh my god that's what you got that was the craziest animation i don't think i've ever seen it the jaws of justice just devoured you buddy i don't enjoy seeing that that is extra cheese mr beast burgers for you let me tell you it's a delicious meal it's a delicious meal the oco moves bro yellow vettel yeah mississippi hopes he's gonna hope you know what i'm saying misty sage right now i'm relying on hopes mr misty sage yeah yeah um what do i do i'm not gonna i should i could go for the extra cheese but i just don't know if it could happen like that uh maybe you can i mean what else are you gonna do really no you could try i'm gonna do a little bit oh well accuracy down miss right now miss right now i did i did i did i did yes that's what i wanted to see big dog is there any way you can miss i don't think so yeah yeah yeah yeah oh don't think so big dog that hurts a little bit yeah that's my cheese master down i'm glad he did something all right [Music] surprise you didn't try chilling nay sweeping well i think there's always a reason for everything right choices choices made choices choices forgotten maybe there isn't what are you gonna do with that well you know what they say about the choices choices will be made a lot of choices to make i'm standing that's going to hurt accuracy down accuracy down now one i did a lot that did a lot going on just don't hit although oh my gosh give me all five right now crazy oh yes oh mammo sweeney memo sweeney ammo sweetie don't kill me kill me high damage roll this time no let's go shot yeah sorry bro mr oco over there there we go that's what we need that's what we need i don't like that that's what we needed bro um sometimes you just need things and that was one of them i don't think i like that buddy now you got me angry well you still got a freak you still got yeah look at this now you got me angry that is actually scary though now i'm mad that is actually kind of terrifying um hopefully my cheese doesn't come back to hurt my tummy hopefully my cheese doesn't hurt my tummy right here buddy hopefully not right oh what is he who is he whoa that's a decent one yeah yeah that's a new special attack because that'll hurt me a little bit oh but that that's like that could crit oh maybe that was a crit there goes the mist okay there goes the mist r.i.p the mist oh no buddy i wish i had something that i mean i do have something but it's just what you got for it what you got for it huh uh choices nothing but choices viciously viciously oh that's just so much damage bro i surrendered you i rendered you did so much damage bro huh feels good feels good to have the rng over here today yeah that's archeops is nice to have bro and now you got a sandstorm just chilling i'm thank you yeah you're just chilling with that now i don't like all these surges you're doing though bro personally not a fan i don't got many choices at this point look how fast i got to flap my wings to keep my heavy body up can i be faster than you no way i'm are you you might be right wow wow yo that's a death that's death that's death that's death archaeops bro i didn't even consider him until i saw him and i was like that is a beast if it doesn't have its ability you know what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah that is a beast honestly he's got like a rat tail yeah yeah kind of crazy he's a rat for sure he's a flying rat that's for sure drag a pulp that thing might be faster oh it should it definitely should be fat if it's not the game is broken you know what i'm saying we're gonna have to re-run it because the game's broke is that enough i'm a little tanky it hurts a little bit oh i'm like oh i'm a little too tanky don't miss oh it's gonna hurt no crit oh sandstorm hurts sandstorm he's gonna wipe my team unless i create right here unless i crit right here unless you're right right here right here oh swap out you're swapping out unless you create right here unless he crits right here oh crap me quick quick quit no no no no no no no no there's no way anything's fast enough for this no there's no way like what do you have okay sandstorm subsided though i've got one thing left you already saw it [Music] he's a good boy though he's a good boy well big dogs look at you we'll hit you up man neatly viciously oh my god that doesn't miss and that is an op gg if you guys did enjoy the video make sure you smash a like and let us know in the comments what teams you would have chosen what pokemons you would have taken for your team all right guys have a good one
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 355,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WE CATCH ANY POKEMON WE WANT! THEN WE FIGHT! Pokemon Sword, halloween pokemon, halloween pokemon list, top 10 halloween pokemon, Opening Pokemon-Center Halloween Limited Edition Items! (2021), *HALLOWEEN EVENT* TIPS & TRICKS in POKEMON GO | PART 1, pokemon go halloween event, pokemon go, pokemon go shiny, scary pokemon, QuickGG, chillin play, Pokemon Then We FIGHT, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield VS, pokemon then we battle, then we battle, then we fight, pokemo hacks
Id: 85eDh5SrBJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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