AHSOKA and Star Wars REBELS RECAP - Everything You Need to Know Before AHSOKA

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[Music] I'm not here to discuss my past we have a lot of work to do once a rebel always a rebel hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Erie and I am here to recap a lot of Star Wars history for you I'm going to talk about the entire series of Star Wars Rebels and the histories of thrawn and Ahsoka Tano basically this is everything you need to know before watching the Ahsoka TV series and if you are only here for the rebels recap the chapter is marked below we have a lot to cover so let's get to it old Legends stories told to us as younglings in the temple always a bit of Truth in Legends Ahsoka was one was born Soca showed Force sensitivity even as an infant when she persuaded a space tiger not to eat her years later she was adopted into the Jedi Order by Master PLO soon after this the events of The Phantom Menace happened after evil space Teamsters invaded planet with robots Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi saved the life of the queen of Naboo Padme Amidala and then they get sidetracked to Tatooine where they meet a kid named Anakin Skywalker who is unbelievably powerful with the force the cells have the highest concentration of midi glorians I have seen in a life form hey Doug I'm gonna have some lunch do you want some person don't use that raw packet of ramen like it's one big cookie yeah I think I skipped an important step here but I really hate cooking there has to be a better way yeah back to what I was saying so uh they take Anakin back to Coruscant the capital of the galactic Republic where the Naboo crisis leads to a new Chancellor being elected named chief Palpatine meanwhile the Jedi are worried about the re-emergence of the Sith they're sworn enemies who use the dark side of the force Anakin immediately takes a shine to Padme qui-gon's killed by a Sith Lord named Darth Maul Obi-Wan gets his revenge and then promises to train Anakin but more on that later on because now we have to go to the unknown regions of the Galaxy so this is going to get a little bit technical for a second but this is important ships in Star Wars navigate through a kind of Subspace called hyperspace using super Advanced Computers that chart through the Galaxy kind of like Han explains here not precise calculations we'd fly right through a star or too close to a supernova and then in your trip real quick now it has been theorized that hyperspace is somehow tied to the force itself the earliest hyperspace Travelers developed the technology because they observed space whales called purgil using the force to travel through high hyperspace it's also thought that early Force users or Jedi were responsible for navigating hyperspace before the technology existed to allow them to do so but the unknown regions are nearly impossible to navigate because thousands of years ago there was some kind of natural disaster that actually fractured hyperspace creating dangerous Pockets called the chaos people who live in the unknown regions use Force sensitive people called Navigators to quickly sense their way through this chaos so the unknown regions are totally separate from the rest of the Star Wars Galaxy with different races technology and customs oh my God person what are you eating smells so good someone call God because Heaven's missing an angel well Doug this is chicken parmesan with broccoli and tomatoes very delicious I charge you not to cook food on company time well this one's gonna surprise you I did not cook this this is a healthy delicious nutritious meal from Factor they're the sponsor of this video factor is America's number one ready to eat meal kit the thing is guys it's summertime we are all making plans it's too hot to cook but Factor makes it easy to eat a healthy balanced diet so now I can skip the grocery store with a factor meal that is delivered straight to my door always fresh never Frozen the meals are ready in just two minutes and are only around 550 calories per serving plus they offer more than 34 Chef prepared meal options everything from keto calorie smart to vegan and there's even a gourmet plus section so guys I've been using factor for several months now and I've noticed such a big difference there are days like when a new show episode comes out or a trailer drops and I just forget to eat or I run into the kitchen and grab a pack of ramen but now Factor meals help me to get through every day it's also so much more affordable and healthier than take out food so you have to give factor a try head to factor75.com and use my promo code screen Crush 50 to get 50 off your first Factor box thanks again to factor for sponsoring this video so back to Star Wars the major power in the unknown regions is called the chiss ascendancy a very secretive Advanced and cautious government that rules many many planets now the chiss are also a highly political culture ruled by various families on a ruling Council one chest named Mithra narodu or thrawn for short is probably the greatest military mind in Star Wars thrawn is able to understand a culture's Battle Tactics by examining its art to defeat an enemy you must know them not simply that Battle Tactics but the history philosophy odds and unlike most Star Wars villains he highly values life even saying in one novel all life has a purpose now back to the greater part of the Galaxy Ten Years After qui-gon's Death where the Sith Lord Sidious has taken on a new Apprentice this a former Jedi named Dooku and he instructs him to lead thousands of Worlds into seceding from the Republic Anakin is now a Brash promising young Padawan Who falls in love with Padme and if he acts on that love he would get expelled from the Jedi Order it's not fair War breaks out between the separatists and an army of clones created for the Republic which are led by Jedi Knights Palpatine is given new emergency Powers as Anakin and Padme marry in secret after these Clone Wars start Anakin has made a full-fledged Jedi and is assigned a Padawan Ahsoka Tano Ahsoka like her master is headstrong and a little annoyed when she's younger you're stuck with me Sky guy but as the two of them fight together throughout the war they mature and their powers grow now during the Clone Wars the Clones start off as cookie cutter copies of one another but eventually they start to develop their own personalities and nicknames Ahsoka gets very close to a commander named Rex leader of Anakin's personal clone Squad the 501st the Republic couldn't have asked for better soldiers nor I a better and she becomes friends with another Padawan named Barris offy who unlike Ahsoka is a real stickler for the rules a major attack occurs on a planet called ryloth where a Twilight freedom fighter named cam sendula fights off the separatists so the Republic can occupy their world at a certain point during the Clone Wars his daughter Harris salvages a droid named Chopper and they become best friends and help me put this panel back together really you won't be working much slower than you normally do now while the Clone Wars rage on something major happens on Mandalore the mandalorians are a very warlike people and their Wars turn their Planet into a wasteland they built super powerful Invincible armor made out of best car that was passed down their families for hundreds of years armor that can withstand a lightsaber but now for several years they have been pacifists and they have chosen to remain neutral in the Clone Wars but the Republic suspects that Duchess sateen is working with the separatists so they send Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate who fell in love with Sabine when they were teenagers and he even tells her haju said the word blood I would have left the Jedi Order but out in the Galaxy Darth Maul has survived his heaven and he is plotting revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former Master Darth Sidious now Maul is from planet dathomir which is inhabited by powerful Dark Side users called the night sisters he makes an alliance with death watch a Mandalorian warmongering terrorist group who opposed to teen Maul his brother savagio press and Death Watch unite various crime syndicates into a force that retakes Mandalore and then he murders sateen right in front of Obi-Wan Maul then wins the darksaber in a duel making him the leader of Death Watch and all of Mandalore right the rest of darksaber right the dark saber is an important Jedi Mandalorian artifact and some mandalorians believe that whoever wins that dark saber in combat is the rightful ruler of the planet well that's stupid that's the rule members of Death Watch then split off into different sects including one called the children of the watch these are religious hardliners who rescue a young boy named in jarin from separate destroys Ahsoka also trained a young partisan named saw Guerrera who watched his sister die in battle and he swears Vengeance on the separatists for causing her death so during the war Anakin Ahsoka and Obi-Wan traveled to a strange Force world called mortis inhabited by beings called the sister the brother and the father who represent the good side of the force the dark side and the balance between the two this is also when Ahsoka starts to dual wield her lightsabers which makes her even more awesome very very long story short Ahsoka is killed but then the sister gives her life Essence to keep Ahsoka alive after this Ahsoka has a mystical connection with an owl named Mori and she sort of becomes the embodiment of this sister figure and the good side of the force Padme then disappears on a mission in the unknown regions and Anakin heads off to rescue her and that is when Anakin crossed paths with thrawn for a team up now thrawn was on a mission to find potential allies to the chest and he is intrigued by this other part of the Galaxy and by this war that's raging across thousands of star systems long story short Anakin saves Padme and returns home just as somebody bombs the Jedi Temple killing many many people and Ahsoka is framed for the crime she is kicked out of the Jedi Order but then she does some digging and discovers that her old friend Baris offy committed the crime because and my attack on the temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become an army fighting for the dark side falling from the light that we once held so dear the Jedi Council invites Ahsoka back into the order but she is disillusioned by their prior decisions and she leaves the Jedi which makes her master Anakin resent the Jedi Council for driving her away soon Ahsoka is recruited by Boca tan Crees a former member of Death Watch and the sister of Duchess sateen okatan asked for Ahsoka and the Republic to help her retake Mandalore from Darth Maul in his sect of evil mandalorians so Ahsoka leads a special Detachment of the 501st alongside her old buddy Rex to help Bo Katan retake Mandalore bocatan's right hand is a woman named Ursa wren a Warrior from a high Mandalorian house called you guessed it house wren Ahsoka helps retake Mandalore even beating Darth Maul in a straight-up duel meanwhile Chancellor Palpatine has been kidnapped by Count Dooku but he is rescued by Anakin Skywalker good good kill him kill him now do it afterwards Palpatine pressure is the Jedi Council to admit Anakin as his personal representative but you're on this Council but we did not Grant you the rank of Master what and this makes Anakin resent the council even more especially when they ask him to spy on his mentor his father figure Palpatine now on top of that he discovers that his wife Padme is pregnant and he keeps dreaming of her dying in childbirth Palpatine tells Anakin that the dark side of the force could keep his wife from dying and eventually he puts it all together you're the Sith Lord so when the Jedi try to arrest Palpatine Anakin saves his life and then he turns to the dark side and gets a new name Darth Vader Palpatine then activates a control chip inside the clone's heads that make them turn on the Jedi as thousands of Jedi are killed throughout the Galaxy and Darth Vader leads an attack on the Jedi Temple that kills every Jedi even the Younglings except one of these younglings was an extremely powerful force user named grogu who was rescued from the temple but later fell into the hands of certain underworld figures across the Galaxy a Jedi master named Deepa balaba sacrifices her life to save her Padawan a boy named Caleb Doom meanwhile Ahsoka survived Order 66 and even uses the force to find and eliminate Rex's control chip the two of them survive even freeing Darth Maul and they barely escape with their lives Palpatine then frames the Jedi for starting the war and reorganizes the Republic into Darth Vader travels to a lava planet called Mustafar to finish off the separatists and he is pursued by Padme in Obi-Wan who also survived the Jedi Purge he forced jokes Padme out of rage and he thinks he killed her and then he and Obi-Wan have an epic duel meanwhile the great Jedi Master Yoda duels Palpatine he loses and then Retreats into hiding Obi-Wan defeats Anakin cutting off his lambs and leaving him Padme actually survived the force choke long enough to give birth to twins who she names Luke and Leia the twins are kept secret and put into hiding Obi-Wan gives Luke to Anakin's step family on Tatooine while a wealthy Senator named bail Organa offers to raise Leia one of these kids got a much better deal than the others anything good today a trade ship and an aquilian Ranger probably scouring for pirates that's what I said meanwhile Vader is placed in a new cybernetic suit and is fully a Sith Lord and spends decades tracking down and murdering all the remaining Jedi he is aided by other Dark Side users called Sith inquisitors they aren't powerful enough to be full-fledged Sith Lords but they are very good at hunting down and killing Jedi Knights [Music] Ahsoka meanwhile tries to live her life unnoticed but soon she is Tracked Down by an Inquisitor who she defeats in a duel afterwards bail Organa recruits her into a rebellion against the empire over the years various Rebel cells and factions appear throughout the Galaxy some like the one led by Sal Guerrera are violent extremists the Protestant Alliance sectorists human cultists Galaxy partitionist they're lost all of them lost and Ahsoka using the code name fulcrum helps to coordinate these cells with the help of spies like Luther and Rael so let's shift back to the unknown regions and talk about thrawn I will be here to listen so thrawn as a tactician is always more interested in results than he is in rules long story short he violates chis rules of non-interference when he confronts an enemy called the grisk the grisk are a major threat to the chiss and the unknown regions and we might even see them in the Ahsoka series and then the politicians strip him of his status and rank thrawn knows that the chists need allies in the other part of the Galaxy so he leaves the unknown regions to join the Empire now because he doesn't speak the language of the Imperials he is assigned an interpreter named Eli vanto to become his personal aide two of them attend the Imperial Academy together as thrawn swiftly ascends the ranks now as thrawn Rises through the ranks of the Empire his tactical Brilliance is resented by his fellow commanders who hate that thrawn never seems to need their help when he is elevated to the rank of grand Admiral he actually sends Eli vanto into the unknown regions to join the chess ascendancy as their first human officer meanwhile the clone troopers are gradually phased out in favor of human Troopers as the Empire begins to crack down on every planet on planet ryloth the Imperial sees control and try to imprison the freedom fighter camps in Doula so he flees the planet with his wife and young daughter Hera on Mandalore the Empire forced bogatan from power and recruited mandalorians into the Imperial academies ursaren's daughter Sabine Wren is a brilliant scientist you know I'm something of a scientist myself who invents a weapon that actually destroys Mandalorian best car armor fearing that it would be used against her people she drops out of the academy to become a bounty hunter and eventually a rebel much to the dishonor of her family who have sworn loyalty to the Empire The Empire also massacred a race of people called the lasat nearly causing them to go extinct the attack was commanded by Lieutenant kallus who carried out this order reluctantly but more on him in a bit all of this leads to the creation of the Rebel cells named the specters later known as Phoenix Squadron they consist of zeph a lasat who is one of the last of his kind and then there's Sabine wren daughter reverse Iran and that little padawana talked about who was saved by the bad batch grew up and became Kanan Jairus Kanan is in a romantic relationship with the leader of the specters a grown-up Harrison Doula who is also one of the best Star pilots in the Galaxy oh yeah in Chopper and their ship is called the ghost Hera takes her orders directly from an agent called fulcrum AKA Ahsoka Tano so the specters are based on planet lothal and as they're carrying off hit and run attacks on the planet they encounter a street rat named Ezra Bridger Kanan soon realizes that Ezra is force sensitive and even though he left the Jedi life behind him he agrees to train Ezra in the ways of the force but two new Jedi working together attracts the attention of the Sith Grand Inquisitor the leader of the emperor's Dark Side wielding task force who is tasked with hunting down Jedi Knights after The Purge at first cannon struggles to teach Ezra because he himself never completed his training then he and Ezra visit a hidden Jedi Temple on lothal one of the very few in the Galaxy that the Empire never destroyed k n gets some advice from Master Yoda who's still living in Exile while Ezra finds a kyber crystal for his very own lightsaber Blaster hybrid this is when we also learned about Ezra's special ability to use the force to talk to and control animals which is going to be very important later on then Kane is captured by the grand Inquisitor and is taken to Mustafar where he'll be tortured in the Palace of Darth Vader that is evil there let the specters carry off a daring rescue with help from other rebel cells and all these cells are uniting together for the first time the grand Inquisitor is killed but the success of these two Jedi attract the attention of Darth Vader and this is where Ahsoka joins the crew Vader fights Ezra and Kanan and nearly kills them both Kanan what was that and then later on during space combat Ahsoka connects with Vader's mind and they learn the truth about each other the greatest lives oh it's so good and the team encounters even more inquisitors as they're driven off the thaw and they realize that they need to find a new base Ahsoka leads him to our old Power racks and a couple other clones to remove their control chips because these clones know potential bases from the Clone Wars that the Empire can't find now Kanan understandably doesn't like clones the Clones the ones we Jedi fought side by side with suddenly turned and betrayed us I watched them kill my master but they overcome their differences fight off the Empire and Rex joins the Rebellion reuniting with Ahsoka the ghost crew encountered the hyperspace traveling space whales called pergel Ezra makes a connection to them with the force and understands that they're just trying to migrate and raise their well family Hera also returns to ryloth to reconcile with her father and like all of us when she goes home that accent slips out a little bit I am not wasting my life I help people I lead ships into battle I am part of something bigger she inherits her family's calicori a piece of art that details her family's history now the rebels help zeb's people the lassette find a new home Road after kalis and the Empire devastated their Planet but soon after that Zeb and kallus are stranded together on a planet where kallus tells him the truth that he did not know the empire was going to destroy zeb's home planet and he has been haunted by that day for years it wasn't supposed to be a massacre but I realized the Empire wanted to make an example Zeb ends up letting callous go in the two Warriors part with a kind of mutual understanding meanwhile Kanan and Ezra narrowly escaped to Inquisitor so they decide along with Ahsoka to return to the Jedi Temple on lithal to try to reconnect with the spirit of Yoda or some other Jedi Master kanan's Vision see him confronting his self-doubt and he has finally made a full Jedi Knight ahsoka's suspicions about Anakin are confirmed do you know what I've become [Music] and then Yoda tells Ezra that the key to defeating the Sith is in a world called malachor malachor who's malachor God what an idiot Chopper helps the rebels to find a new hidden base off all Imperial maps and they call it Chopper base and then some major stuff happens the Jedi go to malachor which is the site of an old Sith Temple they get separated and Ezra runs into an older Darth Maul and he earns Ezra's trust the inquisitors show up everybody duels and then Maul reveals the temple itself is a giant Sith weapon but he needed the help of an apprentice Ezra to help him open it ball fights Kanan and blinds him Maul and Ezra activate the weapon with the sis holocron as Kanan has to learn to fight blind to defeat Maul meanwhile Ahsoka races to the top of the temple to stop Ezra and guess who flies in on a TIE fighter your mom Darth freaking Goodman Darth freaking Vader I don't fear you then you will die braver than most Ezra is outgun but Ahsoka shows up and square goes against her former Master Ezra is all tempted to use the Sith super weapon to defeat the Sith but Kanan talks him out of it and Ezra grabs the Sith holocron meanwhile Ahsoka damages Vader's mask leading to this heartbreaking moment Soca and again as the temple crumbles around them Ezra is helpless to save ahsoka's life [Music] and now it's one year later and Ezra is a growing teenage boy he's way more powerful and has a green lightsaber now and sometimes he's getting a little too close to the dark side Ezra and Sabine develop a close connection a really strong friendship that might even be romantic Kanan meets an ancient Force being called the bendu who teaches him how to use the force to fight blind but meanwhile the specters have become Phoenix Squadron and their greatest foe comes to lothal Grand Admiral thrawn and for the rebels about bees by peace they'll be the architects of their own destruction now at this point thrawn has become the most brilliant tactician in the Empire even recently teaming up with Darth Vader to stop an evil race called the Gris from threatening the chess ascendancy so thrawn defeats the rebels again and again and again and each time they narrowly escape as he gets closer to finding their base he even pursues them to ryloth where he studies Harris family's art to understand and defeat her thrawn learns that there is a spy called fulcrum hiding an imperial command and vows to root them out I'm the Spy nope it's not hux it's our old friend agent callus wait wait callus is fulcrum how does that even make sense Malden later forces Ezra to go to his home planet of dathomir so when Maul and Ezra complete their Vision they realize that they both need to seek out Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine now Obi-Wan has spent the past 18 years watching over Anakin's son Luke as he was raised by his step uncle and Aunt Owen and baru hello there there was a brief period of time though where Obi-Wan left for about a week to rescue Leia from some people then he had a rematch with Anakin discovered he was Darth Vader and the whole thing was like very heartbreaking and for some reason he let Darth Vader live again good job anyways Ezra finds Obi-Wan and the Jedi Master basically tells him to walk on his own path and then Maul and Obi-Wan have their Final Duel thank you afterwards canobia Shores mall that the boy he's watching over Luke will grow up to destroy the Sith he the rebels need access to a key area of space which is controlled by a sect of mandalorians called the protectors their leader is named Finn Rao a former guard to Duchess sateen Rao has been forced to swear loyalty to the Empire you see Mandalore is now ruled by a Mandalorian Imperial Viceroy named gar Saxon who actually served under Darth Maul in the Clone Wars right here so when Sabine was on dathomir looking for Ezra she found the darksaber that I talked about earlier this is an important symbol of Mandalorian leadership Sabine now wants to use the darksaber to confront gar Saxon so Kanan transfer how to use it and after finrao provides her with some Mandalorian tactics she is ready to return home to save everyone [Music] father my brother everything I did was for family then Sabine duels gar Saxon beats him but then he turns on her and she almost dies until her mom kills the Imperial Viceroy and just like that Clan Ren and a bunch of other mandalorians are rebelling against the empire Sabine decides to stay with her people and doesn't rejoin the rebel Squadron just yet around this time mon mothma goes too far when she criticizes the emperor and they force her to leave the Senate a warrant is put out for her arrest so Phoenix squatter brings her to the rebel base where she makes a formal declaration for the Rebel Alliance calling for all the factions to join together this is our Rebellion thrawn works out that kallus is the spy and he arrests him this sets a trap for the other Rebels they're almost defeated but then Sabine and the mandalorians show up kallus escapes with the rebels gets a dreamy new haircut notice you've copied my beard the rebels joint Sabine to help overthrow the Empire's presence on Mandalore they're also joined by Boca tancris as other factions come to their side against gar Saxon but the Empire has rebuilt sabine's machine that destroys Mandalorian armor but savines able to reverse the machine so it'll work against stormtrooper armor Sabine then gives the dark saber to Bo Katan who is now the new leader of a free Mandalore where they all lived happily ever afterwards Sabine goes back to join the team at their new base on Yavin 4 as they find evidence that the Empire is building a super weapon with Giant kyber Crystals then Phoenix squatter decides that they have to leave the Rebel Alliance and return to lothal so they can stop thrawn's tie Defender Factory from being built but the larger Rebel Alliance cannot commit the amount of resources it takes to retake the entire planet so on lithal Ezra meets a large white loath wolf that talks to him saying and on the planet they're pursued by thrawn's top assassin a nogri death Commando named Rook rook and the Imperials have them cornered until the loath wolves lead them into a tunnel that mystically brings them to the other side of the planet so there's some weird four stuff happening on the Thal which is why the Jedi built their Temple there thousands of years ago now Hera tries to lead an Attack Force against the Imperial base but thrawn decimates her forces again using her family's artwork to understand her tactics to me they're not merely trophies but symbols that truly represent some of my greatest adversaries afterwards Hera is captured and then the wolf talks to Kanan I understand what must I do and Cadence sees a vision of his future he leads a mission to rescue Hera they get romantic I love you and then he sacrifices his life to save the crew this also destroys the refinery on lothal and shuts down the Thai Defender Factory so the wolf who may or may not be Canaan Spirits kind of hard to tell oh oh the wolf tells Ezra to go back to that Jedi Temple where the Empire is Excavating it while a Sith historian has uncovered a mural of the brother the sister and the father and that means something ezraid's art everything has a meaning Ezra uses the force to move their hands into a certain position and then a bunch of wolf drawings run in the circle and Ezra enters the world Between Worlds the rest of the world between the worlds the world Between Worlds is a Nexus between all of space and time inside of it Ezra hears voices from the past present and future and then Ahsoka Spirit al-murai leads him to a portal where he sees ahsoka's final moments in the duel against Vader and then he saves her life time travel the two of them keep Palpatine from entering this realm and then Ahsoka stays behind to learn more about the force and stuff like that and then the rebels launched their final plan to retake lethal there's a big battle The Purge will show up and then Ezra uses the force to communicate with the space whales to teleport him and thrawn Far Far Away presumably into the unknown regions afterwards Hera becomes a high commander in the Rebel Alliance and she has kanan's baby now shortly after this the Empire unveils the super weapon that works so hard to create the Death Star a planet killing weapon a group of Rebel spies leads a daring mission to steal his plan client and For the First Time The Rebel Alliance launches a major attack against the empire Rebels recover the plans with Darth Vader hot on their heels and barely get them into the hands of Vader's secret daughter Leia then A New Hope happens Luke meets his friends destroys the Death Star you know all that stuff let's fast forward however during this time the Empire cracks down on Mandalore bocatan surrenders the dark saber to Imperial Moth Gideon but Gideon chooses to devastate the planet's scattering sects of mandalorians across the Galaxy the war against the empire goes on Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi and the Rebel Alliance is Victorious across the Galaxy afterwards Sabine and Ahsoka embark on a mission to find Ezra and thrawn off to the unknown regions of the Galaxy but the Empire initiates the emperor's contingency plan called operation sender This Will Destroy Imperial world's resources and then the best of the best Imperials will travel to the unknown regions to build a better Empire the remaining Imperial forces are soundly defeated at the Battle of jakku why does everyone want to go back to Jessica and afterwards the chancellor of the newly restored Republic mon mothma signs a peace treaty with the Empire that allows planets to stay under Imperial rule if they choose to the negotiations were assured but it says they cannot have militaries she then orders 90 of the Republic's military forces to be dismantled that was not smart that was not smart meanwhile Imperial Warlords and Garrison still roamed the outer Ram Vine for power against each other then jarn has grown up to be a feared Bounty Hunter who takes a mission to capture grogu he learns that grogu is force sensitive and becomes attached to the little guy eventually freeing him from Imperials the two of them go on the run as then vows to deliver him to his own people the Jedi but instead he finds Ahsoka tan sent me we need to talk I hope it's about him Ahsoka is hunting down a woman named Morgan ellsbeth who I'm telling you may be one of those Dark Side Welding night sisters we talked about earlier with a little bit of help from Den jar and she defeats elspeth in combat and asks her where is your master where is Grand Admiral thrawn afterwards grogu was taken by moff Gideon's forces because they're trying to use grogu's blood to create four sensitive clones Dan gets some help from a resurrected Bounty Hunter named Boba Fett and his loyal second fennec chant and then all of them team up with bocatan to take down moff Gideon and save grogu then Luke Skywalker shows up saves their lives and recruits grogu as the first student of his new Jedi Academy so Den rejoins his people but he misses grogu and he visits Ahsoka at the new Jedi Temple after training with Luke for a while grogu gets new powers but he wants to be with the Mandalorian and the two of them reunite to help Boba Fett take the place of Jabba the Hutt as the leader of the crime syndicate on Tatooine now various Imperial moles have actually infiltrated the new Republic being Guided by an imperial Shadow Council the shadow council is hoping to clone Emperor Palpatine but mostly they're waiting for the return of their league so the mandalorians retake their world from off Getty and bogatan is made leader of their people and denigrogus settled down to freelance for the new Republic maybe alongside her old pal Zev I think that pretty much sums it up well guys that's the entire history of thrawn Ahsoka and Star Wars Rebels everything you need to know before you watch the Ahsoka TV show and just a reminder everyone to take the hassle out of eating healthy give factor a try head to factor75.com and use my promo code screen Crush 50 to get 50 off your first Factor box but we want to hear from you guys what do you think of this let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Erie foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 893,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebels recap, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, star wars rebels, ahsoka recap, star wars recap, star wars explained, rebels season recap, star wars rebels recap 1-4, rebels recap for ahsoka, rebels season 2 recap, rebels s1 recap, star wars rebels recap all seasons, rebels season 3 recap, star wars rebels recap before ahsoka, rebel recap howell hub, rebels all seasons recap, thrawn rebels recap, rebels s4 recap
Id: Ykwn11gtlR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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