Picanha 101 | Chef Eric Recipe

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hey team chef eric gephart here hope you're doing well today we're going to cook the infamous pecanha okay known as the top sirloin cap or cool lot steak or cut into the brazilian style sword skewered pecana there's a lot of different ways to handle this cut today i want to treat it almost like a mini prime rib or a roast and low and slow smoke it let's get into the action so our kettle joe still has some embers from a previous cook let me show you really quickly how to incorporate new charcoal into old charcoal and get that fire going again we're going to remove the slow roller so we have access to our firebox dump in some new charcoal and then use our ash tool to roll in the old embers with the new charcoal lit up draft door all the way open and we're gonna leave that for about 10 to 15 minutes and watch that fire grow notice how all the charcoal is engulfed so we're going to use our ash tool and give it a stir just to make sure that all that charcoal gets fully incorporated while we've got the lid up and the slow roller out now we're going to place our wood chunks in the hottest portion of the fire notice how this has great air flow you can see the way that all of those flames are peeking up and we want to wait till we see combustion and then we'll put our slow roller right on top of the fire we're gonna shut the dome and damper down the draft door okay and let's come up to the the control tower here and leave it open by about a quarter while the grill is stabilizing at 275 to 300 let's go ahead and take a look at our pecan so this pecan is coming to us from creek stone farm it is a prime pecana and i don't want to trim too much of that fat cap off this is an endemic part of the actual cut but what i do want to do is come and lightly slice some avenues for that fat that thick fat to render out okay and this is going to allow some of our smoke and seasoning to drive in as well so not trimming that fat cap off because we want to celebrate it but giving smoke and seasoning access to the meat notice i'm making a little checkerboard action here it's functional and it looks really nice in the end there we are beautiful didn't cut into the meat just through that cap now let's examine the bottom just some light trim action going on here we'll get some of this silver skin off nothing crazy and definitely want to get into this okay this is a lasting it doesn't break down with cooking we're gonna get rid of that so again we can get some nice seasoning and nice smoke through there plus we don't want our guests to have to chew on that all right we're there today i've chosen lane's barbecue brisket rub heavy on the salt heavy on the pepper big granules for nice mouth feel let's go ahead and go pretty liberally on this remember we're treating it like a prime rib so we're going to cut this entire roast so we want a nice layer of seasoning on all sides the salt will actually help not only the rendering process but to build that bark on the outside of that fat cat all right all seasoned up that is a thing of beauty our grill is stabilized at just over 275 so let's open up the kettle joe and we're going to place this fat cap side down to start with we're going to cook it this way for about 25 minutes and this is just to kick start the uh the rendering process on that fat cap so 25 minutes back cap side down and then we'll flip it for the duration of the cook we're gunning for an internal temperature of about 120 to 125. we've reached the 25 minute mark let's go ahead and open the lid let's see what's going on still got a fair amount of smoke coming i can see the plate here the deflector shield has got some fat on it so we've got some nice rendering and i'm starting to see a little bit of a nice smoky color on this side so let's gently flip oh yeah [Music] good start there now we'll finish on this side but because we started with that cap down that's going to continue to render so we're going to close this lid so it can do its work and we'll check the internal temperature in about 25 more minutes i bet we'll still have a little ways to go at that point uh trying to attain that 120 to 125 internal mark but uh the kettle joe is doing a great job of maintaining that 275 three hundo so pretty exciting stuff team it's been another 25 minutes and look at all this i'm getting i'm like living in this basting cloud right now and i just love it the rain's moved in uh luckily we're covered up let's see oh look at that beauty come on off it's hot and that is stunning let's take a peek at the bottom oh yeah great bark on both sides and notice how we can still see the grain running this way it's really important to cut across the grain so while we're resting we're kind of visualizing how we're going to cook cut this baby we're going to go this way to ensure that we're cutting across that grain for a pecan this size we're going to let it rest for about 10 to 15 minutes it's been 10 minutes and the anticipation is driving me nuts look at this beauty remember we talk again about slicing across the grain so i'm gonna slightly turn and then give a little support on both sides and then three fingers of support here and we're just going to go at a slight bias that that is stunning here we go getting into that meat now all right we're cutting about pencil thickness look at that stunning medium rare remember we really celebrate that fat cap with this cut let's give a another slice and a taste here some of that board sauce on there oh i'm super excited about that i'm just going to give me the meat sweats before i even try man smoky salty beefy so good and the nature of that prime creek stone beef i mean that fat cap is just to be celebrated we gave it just enough time for all that inner muscular fat to just turn into moisture juice and goodness i mean this has got to be one of the beefiest bites i've ever had but i cannot tell you enough that that salt content on the outside just helps drive all of it something about salt fat and smoke just sings my song i gotta take no bite yeah that's it if you enjoyed this cook as much as i enjoyed just taking that bite do me a favor subscribe hit that bell alert button so you don't miss a thing don't forget to like and please do leave us a comment because i respond to every single one of them uh thanks so much for joining us from our backyard to yours cheers and happy grilling [Music]
Channel: Kamado Joe
Views: 33,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kamado Joe, KJ, Not Your Average Joe, Kamado, Joe, Ceramic Grill, Picanha, Picanha 101, Picanha Recipes, Chef Eric Recipe
Id: JpYxfnNgZOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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