Pi-Hole Follow Up - Is it Working?

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hi and welcome to the channel my name is tony and today we're going to go back and take a look at the pie hole installation one week later after it's gathered some information we'll also talk about the different ways to configure the network devices to use pi hole so let's get started with today's video alright guys so i'm signed into my pi hole server and we're looking at about a week's worth of data collected the pi hole server has been up and running for a little over seven maybe eight days and we're looking at a total of almost 31 000 queries coming from eleven clients forty two hundred of those queries were blocked equaling about thirteen point six percent total blocked now if we take a look at the chart here it's the total queries over the last 24 hours and if you move through the timeline you can actually see at different times of the day the number of queries that were permitted and the number that were blocked looking down at this graph here you can actually see the different devices and types of queries for example the number of ip4 queries ip6 queries pointer type queries https etc again if we scroll down even further comparing to last week where we didn't have much information because we had just booted up the server for several minutes now we have larger lists of permitted domains and larger list of block domains same with the top clients and the top clients block now looking at this overall it's just telling me that pi hole is working and it is protecting the network and blocking ads and things like that however if i did want to drill down into any one of these clients to to dig deeper and see what's going on i could for example come over to the top clients blocked only and click on this particular device and take a look at all the domains and all of the records it gives you the record type it gives you the time that it occurred it gives you the domain that was blocked and this just goes on i mean you can see here there is a total of it looks like 85 blocked pages so again just wanted to take you back to look at a week's worth of data collected to show you um that there really are things going on on the network that sometimes we're not aware of that said let's come over to the left menu here i want to go to the blacklist because during this last week or so i did discover a little bit of an issue that we're going to talk about later on in this video so you notice here i blocked quicktexsolutions.com and that's my own website and again we're going to talk about that shortly just remember here i'm showing you that it is in the blacklist i just entered it i came up here and i typed the information in and i said add to blacklist okay so that's that now the next thing i want to talk to you about is how to get the clients on the network to use pi-hole so there are a couple of different ways and i am going to stress this right now i'm going to show this to you on the edge router the concepts are the same but it might be done a little differently every router manufacturer will vary right so you might have to google your router model and see how this is done but basically the concept is you want to point the devices on your network to the ip address of the pi hole server you want to put that in the dns areas either on the device or in the router itself so we're going to take a look at how that's done on the edge router right now and there are a couple of different ways the first way is if i wanted everything that's behind the router to go through pi hold and i would just come down to the dashboards main page click on system and then here under name server i would just enter instead of here you see i have cloudflare i would just enter the ip address of the pi hole server here now notice i did not do that what i prefer to do is do it by network so i come up to here under services and here are all my different subnets i just have it working for my main network so under my main network if i click on view details you can see here under the first dns entry i have the ip address of my pi hole server and that's really nice because it takes all of the clients on that particular network and it will filter them through pi hole now that's not to say i couldn't take a second network or a third network i could do one or multiple just by changing the ip address here under the services tab and then obviously you can just choose to take a particular device or maybe a number of devices maybe two or three or four for whatever reason and just do it that way on the device itself so instead of going through the router you can come up to your device's adapter settings in this case i'm on a mac so i'm going to go to system preferences and network and if i click here on advanced under dns you can see it's pulling um the device is pulling from but if i didn't have anything else set through the router i could then just add the ip address of the pi hole server here and then just this device would be going through the pi hole server so there are a couple different ways again it's going to vary depending on your router model how you do it in the router or if you do it at the device level so when testing out the pi hole server during the first week of operation i noticed something i noticed that it was working fine in safari it was blocking ads and blocking website domains that i had in the blacklist however in chrome i noticed that the ads were still appearing the blacklisted sites were still loading in the browser so i was wondering about that i was like hmm so i did a quick google search and that revealed with secure dns or doh dns over https the pi hole doesn't work so in order to get it to work with chrome you had to turn off a feature in the chrome preferences called secure dns so i'm going to show you that in the next clip and i'm going to show you examples of it not working with the secure dns turned on and it working in chrome with the secure dns turned off and you'll see examples of the ads loading or not loading as well as the blacklisted website that i have in their quick tech solutions either loading or not loading depending on the state of the secure dns so let's roll that clip now okay so i'm going to narrate through this recorded clip first thing i'm going to show you is that i have safari running in the background and chrome running in the foreground next we'll go into chrome's security settings and i'll show you where the secure dns is located so it's under privacy and security under security and just scroll down a little bit under advanced and you'll see you secure dns and you'll see here that it is enabled here i'm just showing you i'm just reiterating what i mentioned earlier in the video that i have quickteksolutions.com on the blacklist so the first thing we're going to do in chrome is bring up the new york times website and there's an ad at the top of the page that you'll see it loads now i do want to mention that the laptop that was doing the screen recording is a little underpowered so it's taking a little longer than normal but you'll see here there's the ad and it typically shouldn't load right by whole server's running so now we'll go over to safari and we'll type in the new york times website and again it's taking a little longer than normal to load but you'll see the site will come up there's where the ad would have displayed and boom the site loads without the ad so definitely know that pi hole is doing its job now we'll jump back over to chrome and we'll bring up quick tech solutions and technically it's on the blacklist it should not load but again there you see the site loads no problem in chrome with secure dns turned on so now we'll jump back over to safari and we'll load quick tech solutions again and here you see that it's being blocked by the blacklist so the next series of steps you're seeing is i'm going to go into the security settings on chrome and i'm going to disable secure dns then i'm going to clear the browsing history on chrome and restart the browser okay we're bringing up chrome again after it's been cleared and restarted and this time we're going to do the same exact thing but you'll notice something different so we're bringing up the new york times website and boom this time the ad does not load now when i attempt to bring up quick tech solutions which again is on the blacklist you'll notice here as well in chrome that it does not load and there you go so i'm not telling you to turn off secure dns or leave it on that's a decision that you have to make i just wanted to show you this because when i saw that chrome wasn't working i just wanted to figure out why if you found any value in today's video please give it a thumbs up be sure to check out some of my other videos that i have listed up above please remember subscribe like and share this video and i want to thank you as i always do for using my amazon affiliate links i know they don't change your price but they do help out the channel my name is tony with quick tech solutions as always please stay safe thank you for watching and we'll see you next time and as always i'd like to thank our patreon supporters and if you would like to help support the channel there's links to the patreon page and paypal down in the video description you
Channel: Quik Tech Solutions L.L.C
Views: 8,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Running Pi-Hole On A Synology NAS, pihole synology, synology pihole, pihole synology docker setup, pihole synology nas, pihole synology setup, pihole synology vs raspberry pi, quik tech solutions, How to install Pi-Hole on a Synology NAS using Docker, Install Pi-Hole On Synology, Install Pi-Hole using Docker, pihole synology update, quik tech solutions l.l.c, Pi-Hole Follow Up - Is it Working?
Id: XapR8WhWNG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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