Let's Learn English! Topic: Clothing and More!

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- I keep forgetting that I used to hide behind the paper good morning good afternoon good evening welcome to this English lesson about clothing I've been waiting to do this lesson for a while there are quite a few lessons that I have on my list of lessons to do this was one of them thought today would be a good day to do it so hi I am Bob the Canadian welcome to this English lesson about clothing let me just check to make sure everything is working it looks like it looks like everything is working so hello to everyone welcome to this lesson I'll get started in a moment when I stop laughing I don't know why I'm laughing I'm in a good mood this morning I think I slept really well and my coffee tasted especially good this morning um so a few rules before we start please use the chat for English conversations please don't ask questions in the chat if you have questions there is a link that will be shared in the chat that you could use please follow that link to ask your questions so we're doing a lesson on clothing here we go let's get started um first of all this is a vocabulary lesson and more I'm going to go pretty quickly through all of the different articles of clothing because I want to get to the middle part of the lesson where I'll talk about all of the words and phrases we use when we talk about taking care of our clothes and the parts of clothes and stuff like that before we start let's talk about the word clothes it's a hard word to pronounce for new learners but really it's the same word that we use sorry it's the same pronunciation as when we close a door even though it has a th in it we just say closed so I'm wearing clothes this morning that's a good thing so let's get started most common article of clothing that's how we refer to clothes is a shirt I showed some of you this shirt in my You Tube stories last night it says kind is the new cool oftentimes when you wear a shirt this which is a t-shirt it might have some words on it or a slogan or phrase so we have a shirt there are two kinds of shirts there is a short sleeved shirt and there is a long sleeve shirt sometimes people say short sleeved shirt they add a D on the end that's fine in informal English but I think the most correct version is to say short sleeve shirt or long sleeve shirt so I often if you notice wear short sleeve shirts because I am warm almost all the time I am a warm-blooded person I have told you before that my family originally is from the northern part of Holland I think that I am part Viking if you don't know what Vikings are you can look that up so I wear short sleeve shirts I don't wear long sleeve shirts very often the most common casual shirt in North America by the way this is North American English I don't know all the names for the different articles of clothing in the UK or in Britain so this is very much a North American lesson but many of these names are the same this is what you will see most people wear in my part of the world t-shirts t-shirts are the most popular shirt to wear less people wear what's called a dress shirt a dress shirt is a shirt that's made of final material our finer material it's definitely less comfortable for someone like me but it is the second most common type of shirt is a dress shirt many people if they work in an office building will wear a dress shirt instead of a tee shirt my work we don't wear t-shirts as teachers we always wear a shirt with a collar okay it doesn't have to be a long-sleeve dress shirt with a tie but that's what we wear I do want to stop and say hello to everyone in the chat I'm not sure if I remember that it was fun chatting with you before the live lesson started I want to show to learn can English with this guy who's here hi Brent how's it going and then thanks again to Todd and Dave maybe they both want to say hi in the chat for being here to moderate but let's keep going can you tell I'm trying to go fast this part there's a lot of pieces of clothing women will sometimes wear a blouse so women can wear shirts just like men can wear shirts men and women wear t-shirts but when a woman wears a shirt that's a little fancier maybe it's made out of nicer material it might have ruffles or some design elements that make it really really cool-looking we usually call that a blouse okay let me repeat that a blouse so a blouse might have sleeves that are a little bit poofy it might have fabric that's in ruffles along the collar but oftentimes when men or women need to dress up a little bit a woman will wear a blouse and a man will wear a dress shirt um Qi Shang says I wear t-shirts at work very cool I I don't think I'm allowed to wear t-shirts at work we have a dress code at work a dress code is the English term for if you have a place of work and they tell you what you are allowed and not allowed to wear so at my work we have a dress code for the teachers one of the things in the dress code says that a teacher must wear a shirt with a collar so I can't wear a t-shirt I can't wear jeans either but we'll get to that pants probably the most common thing to wear on the bottom half of your body a pair of pants so that's how we refer to it this ban is wearing dress pants you can also wear other kinds of pants but anything that's a little more formal looking we would call it dress pants and I wear dress pants to work I wear khakis actually to work every day let me keep moving here if you want to relax you might wear what are called jogging pants jogging pants are usually made out of a material that's a little more stretchy and it is a little more comfortable to wear and sometimes people wear jogging pants too jogging but most of the time in North America people wear jogging pants to relax many people when they come home from work will throw on a pair of jogging pants or put on a pair of jogging pants so that just helps them relax a little bit women sometimes wear yoga pants or workout pants when they go to workout yoga pants are a very tight fitting pant so learn English with this guy said pants is never plural but it's kind of interesting when you say when you talk about the type of pant you don't put an s on the end it's not weird so there's me there's many types of pants but this type of pant it's kind of sounds funny doesn't it this type of pants sounds odd to me so anyways yoga pants worn by women not by men men don't wear yoga pants okay I guess if you wanted to you could but it might look a little strange the most common thing to wear on the bottom half of your body in North America is a pair of jeans so jeans are made from denim I think jeans were invented in the United States by a man called Levi Strauss and you can still buy jeans from Levi's but definitely I wear jeans a lot I can't wear jeans to work because remember I said we have a dress code for teachers but I can wear jeans on what's called a dress down day so a dress down day is a day where you can wear more comfortable clothes to work some people have dress down days on Fridays they have a day at work called casual Friday casual Friday is a day where you are allowed to wear jeans and a t-shirt to work I often wear a belt so a belt is another thing that you wear not technically an article of clothing I guess it is but it's certainly something that you wear to hold up your pants that first shirt let me jump over and do some questions I'm flying through the vocabulary right now let's see your first question from Dikshit thanks for the question and the question is hi Bob what is the difference between clothing and clothes there is no different I wear clothing I wear clothes okay so exactly the same thing teach chant and you'll already hear that I've used both words I've said things like this is typical clothing in North America or these are the clothes that we typically wear in North America so we wear clothes we wear clothing clothing a little harder to say for some of you probably let's see here ha so Fedeli smeared up hello teacher Bob how are you doing I hope you and your family are doing well how many blue shirts do you have what's it what's your lucky what my lucky one is starting to wear out and I think I wore it in last week's live stream but I have over 20 blue plaid shirts okay it's what I wear to work every day I wear a blue plaid shirt every day in fact one day I went to school and I wore a shirt that wasn't blue and students were like who are you like they pretended they didn't know who I was because I didn't have the right color shirt on because they're well aware as you are that that's generally the kind of shirt I wear if I find a whole bunch of blue plaid shirts on sale it's like a good day for me next question is from Eugene from Karkov hello mr. Bob thank you for your lessons you're welcome my question is what do you call the national clothes in Canada and do you have Canadian national clothes thanks again so our First Nations people have traditional outfits that they wear I'm not aware of the names of them but Canada has a long history of having we have are in First Nations people have very cool and authentic clothing and that'd be something you should look up on Google it would be very very interesting let's see here next question is from Henry from Taiwan hi teacher Bob what's the difference between overall I took the letter C out overall in coverall they are the same and O all I don't have a picture of one but it's like a shirt and pants together they're attached and it covers all of you so it's an overall or a coverall many people who work in a factory where will wear coveralls so if you work in a factory where the environment is a little bit messy or dusty or dirty you will have your work clothes but you will wear a cover all over top to protect your clothing let's see here sully bead has the next question hello teacher Bob are there certain outfits for occasions in Canada such as marriage solace and the dead and are they dressed up for a specific outfit so first of all for a marriage everyone generally wears a tie if you are a guest going to a wedding you would wear your best clothes okay so for me that means I wear a shirt with a tie when I go to a wedding I don't usually wear a jacket or a suit jacket sometimes I do but definitely when you go to a funeral you generally dress the same but in darker clothes so if a funeral would be when you go to a funeral is when you bury someone who has died if you go to a funeral service in Canada you generally wear black or darker colors if you go to a funeral you don't in some countries you always wear black to go to a funeral in Canada you can wear dark blue you can wear darker colors to go to a funeral but you certainly don't wear anything bright or happy if you go to a funeral so that was a good question let's see here Alina has the next question Alina says hi teacher Bob do students in your school have to wear a uniform if yes what does it look like yes they do have to wear a uniform they wear a collared shirt and khaki pants very if you look up like school uniform on the internet that's probably pretty close to it let's see here so you're from you create says hi sweetie Thanks what is the difference between strings and knickers and what does where her birthday suit means so first of all knickers is a bridge term so I'm not going to talk about knickers I will talk about underwear in a bit though and no one's allowed to laugh but if you are in your birthday suit that means you have no clothes on it's another way of saying naked so if someone is in their birthday suit it's the suit you wore when you were born so think about that when you were born you had no clothes on so if you say someone is in their birthday suit it means that they are naked Sam from Ukraine says hi teacher Bob it's Sam from Taiwan sorry I said Ukraine Taiwan what is the most popular and common brand of clothing in Canada I'm not sure there are all of the major brands so we have Tommy Hilfiger we have Levi's we have I don't even know the clothing brands I think I wear a lot of shirts I can't remember the name right now it's in the thumbnail van Heusen and those kinds of things let's get back to the lesson yeah remain Co says wow there's a birthday suit I hope you understood the definition of birthday suit if it is cold out you might wear a sweater so a sweater is a very thick shirt it technically isn't a shirt it's a sweater it's usually made out of wool or cotton or some kind of fabric that's very very warm and generally in Canada in the winter people wear sweaters and sweaters are usually nicer than sweatshirts so a sweatshirt is kind of the it's the top part of the jogging's jogging pants so it's made of a more relaxed material and a sweater with a hood we sometimes call a hoodie so this person you could say is wearing a sweatshirt you could also say he's wearing a hoodie in fact we've pretty much separated the two in Canada and in the United States where if this is the hood the hood is the part that goes on your head if this didn't have a hood we would call it a sweatshirt because this one has a hood in my part of Canada we would call it a hoodie okay so and by the way that's spelt like how I just put it in the chat if it's warm you wear shorts it's almost warm enough to wear shorts today here in Canada it is 18 degrees this morning I don't know what happened it was snowing last week now it's almost shorts weather so we do say that by the way it's almost the right weather to wear shorts this is a jacket a jacket is a warmer piece of outerwear that you wear when it is spring or fall or a little bit chilly it's not really thick material jackets are usually thin and this in particular is what we call a jean jacket if it's really cold you wear a coat in Canada we have coats in the fall and we have winter coats I actually have two coats so I have a coat that I wear in the fall which is pretty warm and then I have a winter coat which is really warm that I wear in the winter so in Canada sometimes people have a few different pieces of outerwear usually they have a jacket a rain jacket kind of a thin coat or just a coat and then a winter coat depending on where you live in Canada let me jump over and well first of all let me say hi to some people in the chat hello Nicole hello bow tier TV hello Panther inori hello Natalia illusion welcome to everyone who is here and participating it is awesome to see all of you I especially want to thank those who are members and who are longtime viewers of my channel so there's two different categories there there are people here who have been watching my videos for almost a year you guys are awesome and there are people here who have decided to join my channel and become a member to support me I appreciate that very very much so thank you to Marlo and Panthera and Vitaly and lolly and Rachael and learn American English with this guy and I've missed some people now but thank you to all of the members if you want to support my channel there is a join button somewhere that you can use to do that on let's see your next question and I do a few questions before I do the next section because the next section is a little bit delicate you'll see in a minute let's see here Bernadette's from Belgium says hello Bob what is the difference between a jumper and a pullover thank you for your lesson for your answer so we don't use the word jumper very much in Canada or the word pullover generally we use the word sweater like I showed you a very nice warm sweater or sweatshirt or hoodie those are the three things that people generally wear we also have what's called a long sleeve t-shirt so a long sleeve t-shirt is the same as a t-shirt but the sleeves are long so those are the most common words we use for shirts that have longer sleeve next question from John Lee is there a giant gap between teenagers clothes and older clothes so generally once you reach a certain age you stop buying clothes that are made for young people so there are clothes that are made for people between let's say teenagers around age 14 or 15 up to people in their early 20s those are like the cool clothes the hip clothes I don't wear any of those clothes because I'm in my late 40s I'm too old to wear clothes the clothes that teenagers where we sometimes call teeny bopper clothes so teeny bopper is just kind of this informal name for young teenagers so there are clothes that there are clothing stores that sell teeny bopper clothes Jen and I don't shop there because we don't need clothes like that so yes there is definitely a distinctive difference I wear what my kids call I wear old man jeans and I wear old man shirts so there's definitely a different let's see here there's a few questions here that are not related to the topic so I am gonna skip them sorry about that no problem Bernadette for giving the answer that's that's what I do I give answers Chico from Ukraine good morning sir could you say what is ants in your pants so when a kid let's say you're sitting at the supper table and there's a little kid and they they can't still they're just always moving we would say do you have ants in your pants so ants are very small insects if if you had ants in your pants it would probably not feel very good and you would move around a lot jesse the canadian has the next question hi Jesse by the way I hope you are doing well is there any specific idiomatic expressions for those who are materialistic purchasing clothes and stuff like that so we sometimes call people that shop a lot we call them shopaholics so the same way you have an alcoholic who is someone who drinks too much alcohol a Shopaholic shops too much okay I don't think we have a specific one for clothes maybe Brent from learn American English what this guy knows but I don't know someone who like we would say they're addicted to buying clothes but maybe Brent knows something or can look that up quick that would be awesome let's see your one more question and we will move on this is from grace not totally related to clothing hello Bob how are you I was wondering what you wear in different seasons I've heard Canada is really cold in the winter so I'm not sure yeah so in the winter I don't wear my clothes aren't that much different in the winter but my outerwear changes so I wear this kind of shirt year-round okay I wear a short sleeved shirt in the winter but Oh Monica morass has become a member of the channel thank you for supporting me Monica so what I wear every day doesn't change much but what I put on before I go outside changes so in the middle of the winter I put on boots instead of shoes and I put on a winter coat and a winter hat for sure yeah Shopaholic Brent for sure so this next section I'm going to get embarrassed while I teach this next section but you need to know these words no one's allowed to laugh or snicker so snicker is like when you teach a sensitive topic in a school sometimes kids snicker they're like like they laugh a little bit so we're gonna talk about underwear and Underpants and I'm gonna try to do it myself without laughing because this is what we call a sensitive topic okay but you need to know these words you are learning English so what you wear under your clothes in English is called underwear sometimes we say Underpants but normally in my part of Canada we say underwear it's different for men and women this is men's underwear this is women's underwear sometimes women's underwear is called panties but this is definitely what people wear under their clothes and now to go into a bit more detail this type of underwear we call briefs okay so sometimes you will watch a television show and they'll be talking about underwear and I don't know why they shouldn't talk about underwear but they will ask a man if he wears boxers or briefs so boxers are a type of men's underwear that looks more like a pair of shorts and briefs are a type of men's underwear that looks more like I guess like a bathing suit in Europe or something like that so sometimes people will say to a man do you wear boxers or briefs don't ask me I am not telling you what kind of underwear I wear women also have an additional piece of undergarment or underwear and it's called a bra technically this isn't underwear though you would call a bra a bra so that's it that I've done it I've talked about underwear and I've talked about bras and I probably turned red because I'm embarrassed a little bit but now you know underwear is underwear Vitaly says and it's a word you need to know by the way when you're learning a language you can't avoid learning certain words you simply have to learn them because you know them in your own language so you learn them at some point so that was your little that's the huh boat underwear whoo I guess we can continue now if you go somewhere horrible and you are a man you will wear a suit okay so a suit is we refer to this as every part of it so it's a jacket a dress shirt a tie dress pants I think the French have a better word for it I think it's complet so that means like everything like complete so a suit would be when you really get dressed up to go somewhere maybe to a wedding maybe you have to go and give a speech somewhere or you're going to a formal dinner you would wear a suit you would also wear a tie but apparently the picture didn't print I hope that didn't happen let's go back to this picture so this guy is wearing a tie you can see that right there and this is a piece of paper that says tie on it but there's no picture I wear ties when I need to dress up but I don't actually like ties because when I I just it doesn't feel comfortable to me to wear a tie I like my collar to be open a little bit but definitely when I go to a wedding or went I go somewhere formal I wear a tie Mahdi as a member is saying hi in the chat hi Mahdi I do see you there thanks for being here awesome yes complete version in French yeah I think that's a better word lali lali I think in English we should call it a complete complete outfit women when they go out can also wear a suit by the way there's something called a pantsuit I don't have a picture of it but generally for us if Jen and I go to a wedding I wear a suit and Jen will wear a dress this is the most formal attire so that's another word for clothing by the way this is the most formal attire that we use in English so I would wear a suit Jen would wear a dress sometimes instead Jen might wear a skirt so a skirt is simply the the bottom part of a dress okay and then she'll wear a nice blouse on top so notice that's how we refer to it shall wear a blouse on top and shall wear a skirt generally Jen when we go to a wedding though will wear a dress well I have a lot of clothes to talk about we wear shoes on our feet shoes have laces most of the time they have laces and you need to tie your shoes so when you put your shoes on you tie your shoes some people though leave their shoes tied and they just slip on their shoes so one of my kids leaves their shoes tied a little bit loosely and they just slip on their shoes when they want to go outside I tie my shoes every time I put them on I wear boots in the winter sometimes I wear boots when it is raining on the farm boots are simply a little more waterproof and they usually go higher up on your ankle than a pair of of shoes I was gonna say socks but I that would be wrong cuz that would be the next word muddy that's called a scarf I'll talk about scarf look it's kind of funny eh I'm almost ready to talk about scarf and Mahdi is talking about it we wear socks on our feet we have socks that are really long we have socks that are really short but generally most people will wear socks year-round in Canada and in the United States but we do go barefoot sometimes we take our socks off and we just walk around barefoot so barefoot is when you have no socks or shoes on your feet and we say that you know they were walking around barefoot or they were walking around in their bare feet so by the way the word looks like this barefoot but generally people wear socks except in the summer in the summer sometimes people just walk around in their bare feet and there's a little bit of a joke about that because it's bare be a r-e not be EA R which is like ah like a beer anyway it says I don't know if you cut sometimes when it's cold you wear a scarf but sometimes you wear a scarf just to look good so this guy is wearing a scarf just to look good it is a fashion accessory or he is just kind of accessorizing himself so that's when you put on clothes that don't have a purpose they just look good okay so he's wearing a scarf because he thinks that we're actually this does look pretty good I must admit but he has a nice scarf on so that he looks fashionable I don't dress fashionably I dress practically you understand the difference when you dress fashionably you dress to impress that's another phrase we have in English when you dress to impress you're dressing so that people are impressed by how you look I dress practically so that means I wear the clothing I need depending on how warm or cold it is outside the same can happen with gloves you can wear gloves to keep your hands warm but you can also wear gloves just to as a fashion accessory you can wear gloves so that you look good sometimes when you go out and you are wearing a nice suit and it's a little colder out you might wear some really nice gloves as well and again gloves there's a spot for each finger and with mittens your all of your fingers go in one spot so that's the difference between gloves and mittens if you weren't sure huh on your head you can wear a hat so often when I go for a walk I wear a ball cap or a baseball cap so you can see them up there on my shelf there's one right there we would call that a baseball cap or a ball cap but you can also just call it a hat hat is kind of the general term for something that you put on your head you wear a hat because it has a brim so the brim of the Hat is the part that keeps the Sun off your face sometimes you wear a hat just because it looks cool or maybe you have a hat from your favorite sports team but generally in Canada people don't wear hats very much when you go out to the mall or you go out in public you will not see a lot of people wearing a hat other than a ball cap that is probably the most common type of hat in Canada in Canada when it's cold you wear a winter hat I'm sure Brent who's out in Maine learned American English with this guy wears a winter hat we also call it a - sometimes in Canada only but a winter hat is a really warm hat that keeps your head warm when you go outside during the winter or in colder weather sometimes when you are home and relaxing you will wear slippers so slippers are like really warm comfy coverings for your feet they're kind of like shoes but they're kind of like socks and they're just made so that you can be comfy at night I don't wear slippers very often but here's a little secret in the middle of the winter when it's really really really cold I do sometimes wear slippers one more thing for your feet these in Canada we call flip-flops so they are little things to wear on your feet that are really easy to put on and take off we you can also sometimes call these sandals but technically I would call these flip-flops sandals look very similar as well they are an open toed or a more open type of footwear I don't have a picture of sandals right here but that's definitely people in Canada will wear sandals or flip-flops at certain points hey folks just give me a second here I am going to try to speed up for what they have to make a little switch here so once again I do want to mention well let me just get a question for a sec let's see here I want to make sure I don't repeat any questions so let me get rid of a few here let me get one from Ying from Taipei greetings from Taipei besides casual smart casual formal sporty could you please give us some adjectives that we can use to describe a person's outfit you you have almost all of them Yin so definitely you can dress casual you can dress smart casual or semi casual you should look up the definitions though because I do know all of my articles of clothing but I'm not I'm not an expert on that aspect of it give me one sec here because I have to thank my members so what I do each week with my live lessons is partway through the lesson I do switch the chat to members only just for about 10 minutes or so to allow members to ask questions directly in the chat so if you are a member you are able to talk in the chat right now Vitaly says do teachers dress-code require wearing pants during online lessons yeah there is no current dress code we all wear pants during our lessons Vitaly of course let's see here I'm gonna skip in the chat if if it's not a question okay so if you're just chatting with each other I won't read those out loud but Alena says teacher Bob how do you call a special stick to help you put your shoes on so we call it a shoehorn there's actually a special little thing that you can use if you don't want to untie your shoes and retie them you can use what's called a shoehorn to put on your shoes if you do a search for that on YouTube or on Google you will find it business casual says English Danny yes that's another type of dress let's see normal wants to know is a flip-flop called that for the sound when one walks with them I think it might be I don't know the origin of the name Sam says hi teacher Bob what do you say if a couple wears the same clothes do you ever wear the same clothes with jet we don't but you can dress as twins sometimes at our school for fun we will have twin date where two people dress exactly the same just for fun one time we had a day where me and another teacher wear very distinctive clothes I always wear a blue plaid outfit he always wears a shirt and tie and then on the one day for fun we we wore this we switched our outfits so that he looked like me and I looked like him that was fun let's see here next Gleb says all have to wear masks and gloves in public place in Moscow I should have mentioned masks it's becoming a fashion item as well now people are wearing masks for safety but they're starting to wear masks that look really cool as well Isabel hello teacher Bob thank you for this great lesson regarding the hats for women in English do they have special names they might Isabel but Jen doesn't wear hats sometimes she wears a ball cap but I don't know the name so AHA you'll have to look those up let's see here it seemed like you check your pants yeah I have pants on vitaly just so you know for sure let's see there let's see twin day yes they have that at Brett's school as well let's see here danny has the next question Danny says hi Bob this is not a question just wanted to let you know are we crossed over 10k subs so this is I learn English with Danny on his channel thank you because we learned a lot from play paying attention to you well thank you for the compliment Danny that's awesome let's see your next question let me back up a bit Panthera says how do you look look Oh what does the prison uniform look like in Canada I don't know I I don't have a lot of knowledge in that area Panthera nori oh I would have to look that up I don't know if they wear orange in our prisons I would have to check that and then let's see here do you punish if dress code is broken at school well punished yeah in a way sometimes students they get in trouble there's no huge punishment but they leave if students don't wear their uniform they do get a talking-to that's how we say it in English so you then get in trouble with the vice-principal samuel chen hi teacher Bob what do you wear under a shirt an undershirt no I'm too warm for that I just wear a shirt this all there is is a shirt some people do wear an undershirt they will wear an undershirt underneath their formal shirt I don't because it makes me too warm I'm just always warm always always warm let's see here Mahdi says we have the big clothes called for covering the whole body so if you're wearing something that covers your whole body in Canada we would call that overalls or coveralls usually we use the word coveralls and a coverall is a is something that's worn by like sometimes farmers wear coveralls when they work in the barn sometimes factory workers will wear a cover all Roman says what about trousers so we know the word trouser in Canada and in America but we don't use the word trousers very often so trousers is another word for pants so you wear your trousers you wear your pants we just don't use the word so we're familiar with it but we generally use the word pants and if they are made from denim we use the word jeans so we don't haven't used I haven't heard the word trousers in Canada for a long time let's see here English Danny says thank you Bob no problem English Danny what do the heroes have on their back a cape so they wear a cape on their back so it keep is a long flowing thing Superman has a cape dr. strange has a cape Ironman does not have a cape so good question learn American English with this guy is Jen always cold I'm always very warm too and my wife Jamie is forever cold yeah Jen's a little colder than I am but I think we're pretty close actually Andrae 10 how do you call the pants that ends like a bell well they're called bell bottoms they're not very popular they made a little comeback about 10 years ago I think but in the 1970s bell-bottoms were very very cool let's see alena clothes layers is not for me as well it's always too hot even in winter yeah I don't so that's a good the use of the word layers in people dress in layers so that means you wear an undershirt a shirt a sweatshirt a coat so you have four layers of clothing in the winter it's important to dress in layers for sure English Danny commenting on trousers it's kind of an older term yeah definitely in North America very much an older term my grandmother used to say trousers Oh by the way English Danny are you in England maybe they don't see trousers in England anymore I'm not sure where you're from English Danny let us know let me grab another question from the crowd Harry I'm not gonna try and say your last name no I should try and say Harry RAF endemism toast soya hello Bob the Canadian what does the T stand for in t-shirt is it true that it comes from T thank you very much I don't know but I think it's because when you lay the shirt flat it looks like the letter T okay I'm just guessing I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's what the T stands for in the t-shirt let's see here nori hi teacher Bob basically are the boots pretty since ones are they the ones for hiking are there more different words for them so I'm not a I'm not super familiar with with boots I buy boots that keep my feet warm but I know that women have a lot more options when they go to buy Footwear like boots there are boots that you buy for dressing up some women wear boots to work some women women wear boots for the bad weather so I'm not a boot expert but I do know if you go to the shoe store the section where they have boots for men is much smaller than the section where they have boots for women there are many many more options for women and I'm sure they have a variety of names nor even English Danny I'm from the US yeah that's what I thought let's see here Cal oh hello Bob what's the difference between trainers and sneakers so running shoes or trainers or sneakers those are all different words for shoes you wear when you exercise okay so they're all very very similar to each other let's see here Muhammad what do you think about uniforms instead of dress code in our country students wear uniforms uniforms make it really easy for people I like uniforms hand Turk hi teacher Bob have you ever felt lazy to change your clothes and wear pajamas before going to bed I'm not going to talk about what I wear to bed so that's that's all I'll say about that Norma Rae are used in Canada I saw a YouTube video of two days ago and they are still used there yes so jeans that you buy that already have holes in them are still popular in Canada Mike Europe has become a member thank you so much for joining Mike Panther a panther and new hockey teacher Bob you used the word fabric or textile up we're talking about clothes we use the word fabric okay so I would say oh this is made out of a really nice fabric it's very comfortable I like the fabric textile is more of a the word you would use in a factory or something like that to talk about making clothing Julia what is the name for a square scarf do women wear it in Canada it usually covers the head I'm not sure sorry I'm not familiar with the name of it alena it seems that to me you have a lot of rubber boots to work on the farm yes we have a lot of rubber boots I think they're called wellies or something like that in other countries but we have rubber boots hey I need to teach faster I have a lot of teaching to do give me one sec here I'm gonna turn normal chat back on and I'm not sure how many more questions I will answer but I'm gonna teach really quick when you go to bed sometimes you wear pajamas pajamas are comfy clothes that you wear when you sleep I'm not gonna talk about what I wear to bed maybe I wear pajamas maybe I don't it's not of your business have you ever heard that in English before it's none of your business here's the part of the lesson I really wanted to get to so most of the clothes that my kids wear we call hand-me-downs so hand-me-downs are clothes that you get from another family or another person that they have already worn so we get hand-me-downs from other families and when our kids are too big to fit in those clothes we give those clothes to other people we know that have littler kids so hand-me-downs are clothes that you get from for free from another family when I grew up I mostly wore hand-me-downs so I mostly wore clothes that my parents got from my cousins your clothes are dirty you have to wash your clothes or do the laundry so once a week Jen or I do the laundry actually Jen does the laundry we talked about that in our other video but that's how you talk about washing your clothes you can say I need to wash my clothes but more often you would say that you need to do the laundry sometimes you take your clothes to a dry cleaner that's when you pay someone in a there's a business called a dry cleaner and they will clean your clothes for you at home though you would use a washer and a dryer I hope I pointed to the right ones you would wash your clothes and then you would dry your clothes in order to get your clothes to the laundry room or to where you do laundry you would put them in a laundry basket so this is a very common thing in North America many many people have laundry baskets I'm sure it's common around the world as well sometimes you take your clothes out of the washing machine and instead of putting them in the dryer you would hang them on a clothesline so when it is warmer out at our place we usually dry our clothes on the clothesline because it's free the wind and the Sun dry your clothes for free if you hang them on a clothesline and in order to make them stay on the clothesline we use clothespins sorry I don't have a picture of a clothespin if your clothes have wrinkles you would iron them using an iron on an ironing board I will say those words again because they are hard to pronounce for people learning English this is an iron so we have an iron and we have an ironing board so I will put my shirts on the ironing board and I will iron my shirts so that they have no wrinkles when you're done and your laundry is all dry maybe it came off the clothesline or out of the dryer you would fold the laundry so generally you hang up certain articles of clothing and you fold other articles of clothing okay so I hang my shirts in the closet but I fold all of my other clothes I fold my t-shirts I fold my jeans and I put them into my dresser when you wash clothes you use laundry detergent so you go to the store and you buy laundry detergent Kim says we don't have clothes lines in the city yeah that's too bad because your clothes smell really good when you dry them on a clothesline I hang my shirts up on what are called coat hangers so by the way if you are wondering why this lesson was called clothing and more we're in the end more section right now so in my closet upstairs I have many clothes hangers and OH coat hanger or clothes hanger it has two names by the way but we have many coat hangers in our closet and the clothes that I fold I put in my dresser and the clothes that I put on a coat hanger I put in my closet Jen and I have a very small closet that we share and we sometimes fight about it and we wish we had a walk-in closet but we don't um and we probably never will because this is for rich people or people who have lots of money they might have what's called a walk-in closet which means you can walk into the closet okay if you watch television shows where people are really really wealthy they will usually have a walk-in closet we put our dirty clothes or our dirty laundry let me do this one first so when you wear your clothes and you're done wearing them we would say it's dirty laundry or dirty clothes even if they don't have stains we still call it dirty laundry by the way if you have a criminal past sometimes people will look into your past to find dirty laundry so we use the word dirty laundry to talk about bad things you've done in the past as well um but we usually put our dirty laundry in a hamper so this is where you put your clothes after you've worn them for a bit you put them into a hamper so that you can wash them sometimes you spill coffee on your shirt I did this once at school and then you have a stain so this looks to me like a ketchup stain you can have coffee stains we just named the stain off whatever kind of food or drink made the stain on our clothes as you can tell I wear shirts that have a collar so this shirt has a collar in particular I like to wear shirts that have a button-down collar that means that the shirt buttons down or the caller has a button on it mine actually do you just can't see them they're hidden behind but my collars I usually like to wear shirts with button-down collars buttons are of course these things so they go through a there's a buttonhole and you put the button you button up your shirt I'm having trouble putting my button back through so buttons are small circle small little circle things are sew it on to shirts how that you use when you need to button them up and pants as well you have buttons or you might have a zipper a zipper is something that you usually find on the front of your pants also on a coat or a jacket you often have a zipper so zippers are cool I I was going to say I think the zipper was invented in Canada but I'm not sure if it was you're welcome if it wasn't sort of with that on your pants if you wear a belt you will have belt loops so the belt goes through the belt loops so belt loops are on almost every pair of pants not everyone wears a belt you might have a pair of pants with belt loops and you might decide not to wear a belt for sure pants and shirts often have a pocket so right here I have a pocket if I wanted to put this in my pocket I could put it in my pocket take it back out again you have front pockets and back pockets on a pair of pants so many people will put their phone in their back pocket or their wallet in their back pocket when you walk around in the city you shouldn't put your wallet in your back pocket it'll probably get stolen and many many articles of clothing have a tag in the back so my shirt I can't see it or feel it has a tag that hag has two things on it usually has says where it is made and it usually tells you how to wash the article of clothing I really like tags I looked at some tags upstairs before I did this lesson so my shirts are made in many many places around the world some are made in Vietnam so I don't know if Gaga is here or any of my Vietnamese friends some of my shirts are made in Indonesia some of my shirts are made in the United States one of my shirts is made in Spain one of my shirts is from France lali lali and so shirts are made all over the world and all of the shirts I own they're just from all different places none of my shirts are made in Canada so I wear blue plaid shirts all the time plaid means it's got checkers on it so I should thank all of your countries for making my blue plaid shirts for PETA that is very awesome hey I'm going to do a few more questions let me get to the next one next question Renata the Brazilian good morning Bob could you please explain what a tank top is and is knit hat the same as beanie and two knit hat and beanie would be very similar and two and a tank top is a very small top where you can see the person's stomach and you can usually see their shoulders and it's usually worn in countries where it's very very warm for sure let's see here Alexi does every woman wear tights in your neighborhood no tights or yoga pants or anything that's really tight generally people only wear when they are working out it's it's somewhat worn like if you go to the mall you might see a few people but it's not as common as you might think from watching TV hey welcome a new member but I can't read the name sorry about that if you want to shout out if you have how to pronounce your name that would be great but thank you so much for joining let me get the next question here Mohammed Rafi hi teacher Bob you said yoga pants are strange for men what else is strange for men and key I don't know that's a tricky question I think really short shorts would look weird on a man but that's just my personal opinion for sure let's see next question I'm skipping some of the questions because they aren't related to the topic so give me a second here to find a few more let's see here Frank has the next question Frank says hi Bob roots is very popular in Canada roots is a little expensive in my country yes roots is not does not make cheap clothing my watch is a Fitbit so it tells me how many steps I did today muddy routes definitely is a little bit expensive hey folks you know what I think it's time to wrap this up I want to just say thank you to everyone who is here thank you to all of my subscribers if you are new here and you don't know what this is I'm Bob the Canadian if you click the subscribe button I do a new lesson every Tuesday I do a live lesson every Friday a live lesson every Saturday so please subscribe if you want to support my channel please consider becoming a member there is a button somewhere to do that there's also a link in the chat that you can use to do that if you did not understand parts of this lesson there will be English automatically generated subtitles tomorrow so do come back and watch some sections of this again to help you but certainly thanks to Todd thanks to Dave for being here and moderating the chat again thank you to all of you thank you to my members I think I've thanked everybody thanks to English Danny thanks English Danny for the super chat sticker that's awesome and Brent's here from learn American English with this guy thanks to everybody who participates and makes this an awesome lesson I hope you were able to learn something I know this was probably a little bit of review for some of you but when you're learning a language review is always good Bob the Canadian here have a great weekend I'll see some of you tomorrow 11:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time live lesson you can ask me anything and I will see you then bye
Channel: Learn English with Bob the Canadian
Views: 94,593
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Id: 73kcudM4-eQ
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Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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