Photoshop Tutorial: Remove a chain link fence from your photos

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hi Michael and I have some photoshopping tips and tricks for you today's tip is going to be how to get rid of a chain-link fence from a photo and the photo we're using is this one right here and if you're interested I can send you the image that you can practice on it down line alright so getting started with this first thing we have to do is we have to create a blank layer and if you're not sure how to do that when you look at your palette your layers palette down here at the bottom you'll see a little square with a plus down the right-hand side and what I'm gonna do there is I'm just going to press that and what that does is it's going to bring up a blank layer now when this blank layer we are gonna do most of the work and if you notice this layer right there now mine says layer to yours we'll say later one because to make this a little bit quicker I already did some of the work ahead of time so again it's gonna create a blank layer but pretty much it's like a blank piece of paper sitting on top of our photo nothing on it alright so if I'm going to start with that and what I'm gonna do is I am going to go and get a my my brush and the brush I'm going to use is a hard round brush now again when you look at brushes when you're doing anything with blending and things like that normally you would use a soft brush when in this case because we're going to use different to another technique I want a hard brush cut I want those hard edges at the end so I am going to get my brush make sure the hardness is that for 100% and pick the size what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to zoom in and you know I'm going to zoom into my image so that you know where zoom into my image will look so you really get to see what I'm doing and only starting that upper right hand corner know what I'm doing here is because I'm using shortcuts and quick keys I'm using the bracket key and if you know the right bracket makes your brush bigger and a lift bracket makes it smaller and the reason I'm using the bracket so I can hover my brush right over the fence so I know the size and I wanted a little bit bigger than the actual chain-link so what I'm doing is I am going to paint with black and I'm going to start right on this one here and I'm going to make a straight line and if you don't know that make a straight line you hold the shift key down and click so it's basically two clicks I'm going to click once hold the shift key down click again to make a straight line now if you notice there I did it twice the reason is a lot of these this chain-link fence has a little bit of a bow to it it's not exactly straight so I want to follow it pretty exactly so I'm going to click once hold the shift key down click again keep holding the shift key down and click again and see how that made a straight line so what I'm doing pretty much is I'm going to go through this and every where there's a piece of chain link fence I am going to paint this black mark over it and again to get a straight line I'm holding the shift key down ok so again so I'm going to zoom out just so you can get a seat and you see all I'm doing is painting black right over this chain-link fence and I'll do a couple more and anywhere that we don't want anything in our final picture we're going to paint black so for example in this image you see it's got a little friend here a little bit of a chameleon you know I can paint him now if I make the brush a little smaller to make my lines a little more exact for his tail so there's his tail and go back up the defense so again anywhere.i we don't want because if we didn't paint out that chameleon he would have been in the final shot would but since he's on the fence he would have kind of come floating with a kind of silly so what I'm doing is I'm just painting all this nice and making sure the brush is a little bigger than my fence so that now there's a little piece there so that everything is going so and what you're going to want to do is get rid of all that fencing here and you see if I did this live it would take a little bit of time but all you want to do is keep continuing through go and paint all these pieces of facts out especially where it's near the line itself or whatever you have behind it a lot of times you go to a zoo or something and you can't can't get too close obviously and there's a fence in a way and sometimes you think it wrong with your image well with this technique you'll be able to actually get rid of that fence so I would continue doing this until it's filled and when it's filled it's going to look like that that is my final and if you notice there's some spots here where I have some breaks because I kind of want some of the green to come through I want some of the grasses that I see growing through here because I can always paint them back later okay so that's the main thing so I'm gonna delete Adams gonna drag the layer that layer I mean I will delete that into trash so now you can see that everywhere there was fence I painted black and if I get hide the background lighter you can see all that layer has on it is where the chain-link fence was so that's what you'll end up with you're gonna cover up all this face places where the fences so now here's where the we use photoshop intelligence and we can start tell it you know how to get rid of that fence and the what we're gonna use is actually content-aware fill and if you know anything about content-aware fill you know you need a selection now I didn't make a selection I painted the black lines but because of that and because it's on a blank layer I can click on the thumbnail and again the thumbnail is right over here so it's that little thumbnail that shows the picture of the black lines on the fence so that's what I want to click on and with that with the clicking on that thumbnail while I am holding the control kit now I'm using the PC control and PC command on the Mac if I click on that what you'll notice is I get the marching ants around where I painted black and this is one of the reasons why you need a heart bro there's a soft brush you'd have that little bit of a soft edge and we don't want that we wanted hard so it goes away so this is the marching ants this is now a selection we converted the black lines into a selection and that's what you need for content-aware fill so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to shut off the look of that layer so you don't see the black lines you still see the marching ants now here is the important step you want to click on the background not the layer we made with the black lines and clicking on the background itself going up into my edit palette from edit you notice almost halfway down there's content-aware fill I want to click on that let Photoshop do a little bit of its work now since I'm going streaming it's a little bit slower your computer might be a little faster but once I hit content-aware fill and what's going to happen is it's going to start making its calculations and give me this green square so as you can see that green square is everywhere that I'm telling Photoshop where to pull information from the filling where the fences and if you notice in the preview window it's doing some calculations and eventually when that's done you can see now my preview window there's basically no fans left so the big key is I like working non-destructive I don't want to ruin my original image so when I'm looking at my content aware fill palette on the side what you'll see is that I have options so first off the top section says sampling area overlay that's the green that's the same where you want Photoshop to sample from and that's just an opacity setting if you like it to be darker green you can change that to a darker green I like seeing through it I think 50% is fine so I can see what's behind it next is sampling options I want it auto not rectangular or custom auto works great for this and then my fill settings again my color adaptation is default and I don't want any rotation so scaling and no mirroring I want it exact now again I say I've worked non-destructively because I want to keep that original image so any output setting instead of current layer which way put this new change right on the current layer I want to have it as a duplicate layer so that my completed image will be a separate layer on top of it once you have this set once you know that's it all you have to do is a bottom right hand hit the word okay it'll do its calculations and if you notice it's going now I still have the marching ants because that is still a selection so on my computer I'm going to hit ctrl D command D if you're on a Mac to get rid of marching ants and as you can see now the fence is gone so there is before and there's after pretty good job not perfect there's a couple spots where I may have missed cleaning it or I didn't make the lines perfect and what you can do with those is you while you're on your background copy now I'm not original I'm going to zoom in so you can see it a couple of my trouble spots and you can see a couple spots here where I missed all you need here is using either clone stamp or your Healing Brush and just pick an area and start doing that like you with anything else but now all I'm doing is only it was kind of subtly clean up the edges where I might have missed some times or some rough edges you know things like that here I definitely missed part of the fence but it's so much easier it is really to go in and clean that up and when you're using this content-aware fill works really well and if you want to use the Healing Brush make sure you're pulling pieces of the background that are really kind of close to the area you want to fix because the closer it is the more exact your changes will be so I'm just gonna do a couple more areas just to show you what I'm doing and it's all I'm doing is just kind of painting with the healing brush areas that the fence got messed up now if you notice here's where I'm gonna switch tools if you notice in his ear there's a piece of fence right there and since it was close to image the content work field didn't exactly know where to grab the information from so what I'm gonna do is do it myself so I'm going to go into my clone stamp and I'm gonna make your brush smaller I gotta use bracket keys it's a lot easier and I'm gonna paint some of that right back so I'm going to be able to paint that back in you know and make it bring the fur and things back in on this one so and you can be creative you can't have to be exact because it's you know it's an animal so the first time exactly you know you can do something and all you want to do is make sure that you have a nice clean edge you know you know it's if you work with fur what or again it doesn't mean I don't behind if that's gonna be whatever just make sure that you're working on that and cleaning enough but once they zoom back out you can see the ears cleaned up and it's not bad at all it's a no spot right over here over his muzzle that the fencing what you can see where the fence came across so I'll do the same thing now to take a piece of the fur here drawl it in there to bring that back I'll draw that in and I'll fix that out there and one thing you might notice every once in a while where the fence might have been a little close you get almost like a soft edge and the black there isn't really black and that's really easy to fix all I'm gonna do is I'm going to go into my burn tool which is the hand and I'm gonna set it foreshadows cuz that's a dark area and I'm actually just gonna kind of burn that black back in but make it a little bigger there you go so I'm bringing the detail back that might have gotten lost by the fence there you go so that is basically it I mean it's a couple steps the first step is definitely the longest you have to do all these fun black lines wherever you have fencing and this will work if the animal whatever behind the fence is further away closer doesn't make a difference those have to be right next to the fact it's just what you're using is content-aware fill telling it to fill in what we made the marching ants with the black spots they give us that so here's our before and there's our after so hopefully you like this little tip let me know if you have any questions I'll you can respond to my YouTube page and if you have any other things you'd like to see let me know I'm going to be trying to do these tutorials every couple of weeks and see how it goes I know we're all pitching to get and do more work and things I got so hopefully this helped thank you very much and enjoy
Channel: Michael Barone - Photography
Views: 91
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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