Improve your SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY - tips, tricks, and examples.

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okay in this video I'm gonna give you tips on how to improve your sports photography let's go tip number one angles so what you want to do is you want to make sure you're taking the pictures from the perspective of looking up so it makes the athletes look a lot more heroic whether it's professional players or if it's your kid you want to you want to make them look heroic okay if you take the pictures at eye level this is just not gonna look as good so get down sit down lie down do whatever you need to do and you I tell you the pictures will look much much better tip number two back button focus so if you assign that button behind your camera to just focus it will improve your photography now if you're just starting out I wouldn't consider doing that for the moment being focus on everything else else like composition is the settings etc this is more of an advanced feature but if you're out there taking a picture for a long time now you want to prove it back button focus is where to go tip number three raw versus JPEG now this is the eternal question should you be using Ross you'll be using JPEG it depends on the situation the bottom line is raw is by far better I mean hands down no one will question that but it might not be the the appropriate file format for everyone so if you're just starting out here if you're brand new use JPEG if you want to take it to the next level and recover a lot more highlights and a lot more shadows take more out of the pictures that you take and recover more details and raw is obviously the only way so it's up to you but yeah you make that decision tip number four I saw um most most cameras these days will let you pick a setting for ISO in Auto meaning the camera will set of ISO free for you you don't have to worry about it so you only have to worry about the aperture and the shutter the shutter speed okay so that's a really good thing professionals use it all the time and the only reason the only situation in which I wouldn't advise using auto ISO would be if the lighting conditions are always always the same so in that case you said it yourself and you go from there okay otherwise otherwise so is the way to go tip number five focus point well the one I would suggest to improve your sports photography would be using a single point focus the center one which is always the most precise one and go from there okay in I can show you in my canyon how that looks like but most analysts should allow you to pick this this setting and yeah just use this single point for bus use a syndrome tip number six pictures need faces and in most sports they'll they'll need the ball as well right so you want to make sure let's say football for example soccer for you American friends in football you will want the picture to have the ball in a face you don't want the players backs turn to you because people don't connect with that people want to see faces people want to see what is happening with the ball so make sure remember to get the ball in the picture and faces as well okay that's important tip number seven gear so if you're investing in gear I suggest investing in lenses before you invest in the body lenses will outlive camera bodies by far and they are what will make the the pictures really cameras these days are pretty decent but they're replaceable every two or three years whereas glass if glass when I mean I mean lenses if lenses are good they can last you a lifetime okay so glass before camera bodies tip number eight get close fill the frame now one thing you don't want to see in pictures is dead space right you just it's gonna be speck arts of the picture that people are gonna ignore no feel the frame close it in make sure only the things that matter are in the frame everything else doesn't matter if he to crop in the picture and prop it but yet getting close fill the frame tip number nine focusing modes so in sports photography most bowls in all sports will be fast action so you want to make sure you want to use a focusing mode that will track the subject constantly right so you want to use in Canada's called AI servo I don't know whether it's called in different manufacturers I'm sorry but if you google it I'm sure you'll find out I use Canon so that's why I'm using terminology terminology used by Canon but yeah a I serve always is what you want to do basically if you're holding your back button focus or if you're not using if you're using the shutter button to focus if if you hold it and you track the the subject it's gonna keep focusing while you have it pressed okay so yeah AI servo is the way to go tip number 10 capturing motion no some of the money shots some of the best shots you'll be taking in a in a sport in any sport will be of emotion because that's what people can actu'ly right they want to see emotion whether it's someone happy someone said someone angry anything any type of emotion so let's say football for example after someone scores ago they'll they'll be cheering with their your teammates or you'll see in the crowd people sharing with themselves because they are be that their team supportable so be sure to capture that emotion that's really important and it makes for great great pictures on the other side as well if someone suffered a goal for example you'll see faces of disappointment and those make for great pictures as well right it's not just about happiness or sadness it's about emotion it's about understanding what's going on when the picture is taken so emotion will be a really good thing to try and capture okay tip number eleven jimping so jimping in photography means when you take a picture and you constantly look at the back of the camera to see how I turned out now if you keep doing that then you're gonna miss the action right chipping is okay just to make sure your settings are right or if there's a pause in the game you want to review your pictures flag the ones you like and whatnot but if you're constantly doing it you're gonna miss the action so try to avoid camping as much as you can trust yourself you know if you're taking a lot of shots and you know that the settings are correct you don't need to constantly be checking the back of the camera leave that for later you don't want to miss the action tip number twelve shutter speed so if you're shooting athletes that are professional or if you're shooting kids this will change obviously because athletes that are professional will move much much faster but let's say soccer for example you want to freeze the action so in order to freeze the action I would consider using one one thousandth of a second as a shutter speed as a minimum if you can get it a little bit higher great if not then dunk but remember freezing the action is important you wanna you don't want to have all those blurred shots you want to have text sharp action frozen shots tip number 13 manual mode use manual mode don't be afraid of it okay you don't want the camera deciding your settings you want you to decide what settings you want for your shot now even in manual mode you can still use auto ISO so you will only have to worry about the shutter speed and the aperture but don't let the camera decide those two for you okay tip number 14 be early this should be very obvious but in sports photography you want to get you want to get to your place of shooting ahead of time right you want to make sure you do some test shots you want to be there before the crowd gets there maybe you need to get your accreditation some places won't even let you any of your late problems happen like traffic like something might happen that if you're there early it won't matter because you'll have plenty of time to fix it right be there early it's just common sense really tip number 15 use burst mode high-speed burst mode so you could take tons of pictures sports photography you want to take a good sequence of photos until you get the right one don't worry about taking too many pictures in fact do take many pictures because you don't know the ones that are going to turn out good so then you can delete them later it's not like you need to develop film these days so digital so yeah take tons of tip number 16 use a big lens what I mean by big lens is one with a long reach I'd say around 200 millimeters at least so you can get those close struts because you're going to be standing far far away and you don't want to miss the action so yeah big lens so you can get all of the action up close tip number 17 learn the sport knowing the sport will help you anticipate any action during the game and will also help you determine where your positioning should be to get a certain shot so knowing the sport knowing the rules will help you tons in photographing any sport really indoors outdoors it doesn't matter tip number 18 don't stop on the whistle blows so what that means is when the game is over it doesn't mean that your your photos are done there's tons of stuff happening after the referee has blown the whistle for the end of the match and the same happens before the start of the match so make sure you capture the action before during obviously and after as well so that's it that's a lot of tips I hope you enjoyed them did I miss something I'm sure I did let me know in the comments what do you think what would you suggest for people starting out in the sports photography what tips would you give or for anyone that's already doing it let me know I'd love to hear your comments thank you thank you for watching the video I hope you liked it if you did hit that thumbs up it helps a lot and subscribe to the channel that way you'll be notified when new videos come up and if you want to see more just click right there thank you very much see you later
Channel: M. Lee Media
Views: 28,990
Rating: 4.9276314 out of 5
Keywords: sports photography, tips, tricks, improve, camera, lenses, action, gear, better pictures, better shots, beginners, how to
Id: YclmO5y4r3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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