Photoshop Compositing with Lisa Carney & Jesús Ramirez - 1 of 2

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[Music] hi everybody welcome back to another very exciting Adobe live I am mrs. Ramirez and with me today is Lisa Kearney hi Lisa hello darling how's it going Lisa really awesome Lisa is watching from LA or not watching streaming from LA and I am in Manchester UK let us know in the chat where you're watching from I can see a lot of familiar faces already tame Anthony Marsha Philippa Chad Alexandra Andrea Jason thank you guys so much for watching us we have Andrew Cavanaugh in the house from the Photoshop and Lightroom group on Facebook before we get started let me quickly take care of some few housekeeping items first we have the schedule of the day earlier today we started with Howard Pinsky at 7:30 a.m. Pacific wow Howard you get up early man not only really yeah getting started with the Adobe X the beginnings getting started with Adobe XD then we had Kathleen Martin doing the Photoshop daily creative challenge which Lisa you and I are going to review a little later on in an hour and a half so make sure that you submit all your work into B hence dotnet slash Photoshop slash challenge and click on join the community chat I'll show you how to do that in a moment let me just finish here with the schedule it's a long busy day we're gonna have Julia mess up or actually no we're gonna have us right now Lisa and me doing a composite' challenge I guess recalling a compositing battle I don't know what the proper term is Lisa but you and I are just gonna show a couple compositing we're gonna create composites and you're gonna show us some really cool stuff about the movie industry and I'll let you introduce yourself in a moment but after you and me we have Julia Misaka do an illustrator the illustrator daily creative challenge then we have Nick chef with Claudia doing graphic design Jesse doing at the Adobe XD daily creative challenge Kyle T Webster doing the draw along and the design off with voodoo Bal and panda so make sure that you check those out all right that was like a really long introduction for the schedule but Lisa let's talk a little bit you what do you do yes let's talk about me because I love talking about me well I am a entertainment industry retoucher so I do mostly TV posters TV movie streaming log into Netflix a lot of Amazon that kind of thing okay definitely not a video gal definitely all print you guys can catch me at least carnie comic I've ever have questions or I'm on enhancing nice you know Facebook the usual the usual bit and yeah so that's what I do I'm a retouch I've been doing this for good Lord for a while years I hate that I can say that I was 12 when I started oh wow you've been doing it ready yeah why wasn't 12 but we don't talk about that so yeah I've been doing this for a really long time you know I love me some Photoshop nice and I can see you have some categories and solutions yeah well I thought if you know when you talk about doing this compositing challenge I thought well one of the things that is really helpful I find when I'm teaching folks Photoshop or or working is to have a roadmap to have a plan I have to have an idea of what what you're gonna do and since we're kind of doing this entertainment gig thing I wanted to talk a little bit about comedy romance action adventure family drama murder like what is it that you're making and why I say that is there's a visual vocabulary or color or tone that each one of these wants and that's how we recognize them right that makes sense yeah and then things like then how do you solve those problems what are your you're using a graphic saw of containers is it underwater illustration style and I have some samples I can show right so take a look this is a graphic solve so when it's let's say you don't have photography you don't have unit you have to come up with an idea generally when you don't have anything graphic solves work really well and then there's containers containers can be all sorts of things and why I wanted to talk about this as we do this kind of project and art work together I think out you guys out there and it will be live land this is what you might want to be thinking about when you get projects like what's the right solve for this in my short on materials and so these are a bunch of different ways of doing containers but they're all containers right just different styles you know are using the mask for it or using boxes look at this this is the same show same show just different all containers just handle differently and completely different feelings or it you know there's the ubiquitous flames and fire and explosion and notice the color palette on all these are really similar right so that's often really common they it's not only just do you have flames and fire but the palette of the whole piece it's that kind of patina mm-hmm you know underwater same kind of thing it's the same kind of blue colors with the water and look how many different ways you can suggest water right you know what I mean it's not just one way the the shape of water has just a few bubbles in color that's it really by the way my thermos was so sorry though on the previous slide my favorite one was the one on the right oh oh I think he only says that you guys cuz I did that one no but I I really like the whole the whole shop you did a series on those yeah those its ambiance actually it's thank you for pointing that out yeah thank you very much so let me see another style is illustration like this kind of 1980s kind of vibe or look and it's really popular and then look at this you got once upon time in Hollywood and then coffee and cream and you see how it's the same flavor right right right because it's popular it's it's it's in the vernacular right now and the other thing I want talk about is colors like look how some pieces really are it's the color that makes the piece the color is almost a subject in a strange way and that's another option to consider when you're making these kind of images mm-hmm and then with Photoshop now man there's such great stuff the color lookup table in particular I am super super fond of and what just a the button you can actually pick these really cool color schemes you don't even have to figure out how to make them and on a production level and haze this might be a good time to break in and talk about this when I teach or when I do my work I'm always discussing production like work your your work is going to somebody you're not the end purveyor of your work so I'm not my I'm not the client I have a claim right and I have to answer to them and I have to deliver files that are workable for them so one of the things you can do with color look-up tables which is amazing this was for a game called halo you can actually create your own color lookup table once you've made a bunch of color adjustments and then I can live within the file and no one can screw it up easily it kind of locks down the color so there's the whole way of how to export your own color look-up tables and I have a little link on that yep and I was gonna say I'll mention this a few times we're gonna drop a link to the drop box I'll have this presentation on a Dropbox for folks possible so they can have this handout and they can refer to this later um ubiquitous double exposure yep you know really popular to do and also you'll notice some of these kind of feel like a container also so it's kind of a combination of double exposure and container right by the way our good friend micah burke just sent you a heart in the chat oh hi baby i hope you're having your coffee need that lots of coffee when i'm in yeah we have a lot man there's people from all over the world netherlands yeah hello it's fantastic hi Chad no this is great awesome nice to see something here so I just want to like remind people what you and I are gonna be doing is we're both gonna be compositing it at the same time we already have an Adobe Library created with some Adsense we might download someone to fly but the point is is that you and I are gonna be doing a friendly battle and we're also are gonna be teaching it from time to time but times we may switch over to your screen you'll explain something or I'll switch over into mine and I'll explain something so the purpose here is so you guys could see that we could create two different styles basically using the same images and also we may both have the same issue but we may solve it differently so it should be fun educational and anything else you want to show Lisa yeah so real quickly there's for those who want to play along to start posters and to start designing it's always I think good they have a road map and this site is a great place to get you get I think almost every movie poster made since 1920 and it's IMPD Awards calm and again I really want to stress this getting a road map to start so you know where you're going is so much better than just you know throwing spaghetti on a wall right and then there's some other sites that are pretty fantastic I think and again you guys can download this PDF off the Dropbox later we'll give you that information and there's all sorts of creative places to all these inspirational sites and the PDF has live links so it'll take you right there nice by the way sorry for interrupting but we gotta say hello you know people we have Seth Seth our mutual friend Seth we have sake Theresa Theresa Jackson Claire Marshall Marc heaps Claudie Tim thank you guys so much for watching this is great it's our peeps yeah yeah there's some good people whose chat I don't want to forget to mention the Beyonce's an awesome place for inspiration there are so many crazy awesome artists out there and power to the poster and this is a sample I just want to get to a couple things real quick cuz you said I wanted to make sure I get to one we're talking about inspiration so on this piece it was fan how those pictures on the left and then I tried to recreate something that felt like it and then I did it for a job so the piece on the far left of the boats is the original photo from 1947 photographer out of Hong Kong middle piece was my test me just playing around and then the piece on the right is an actual job that I did after I played around but here's where it gets tricky game ripoff or oh my okay so I just feel like it's important that you and I while we're talking about hey go check out this site pull some scrap that we're clear about not stealing okay inspiration or omage so look these are not new ideas these container ideas or is this different enough is this a ripoff or is this a hat tilt just to a style and you guys are gonna have to be the decider of that but I think it's worth talking about I often will build off of something else is someone else's look but then I try to make something of my own so I think this extra piece is a great example I love this piece from Fox I think it's beautiful and it clearly inspired by MC Escher mm-hmm but it's it's own thing right I love this piece of these pieces brilliant and then you also have styles or genres that you know they're popular you're gonna see them in different incarnations and that's not a bad thing so yeah and then I don't know if we're gonna talk about the tool kit now this be good yeah where to find some yeah okay so again the idea here gang is that I'm trying to give you a bunch of resources of where you can get your stuff so that you can start giving these builds and start creating art and having resources or knowing where to get your resources hey Zeus I would say it's criminy 50% of my job do you think it's the same I'm sorry what was 50% of your job as way I think it's I think actually having knowing where to find your resource yes like knowing how to make textures by textures brushes gradients actions stock presets extensions plugins is probably 50% of my job yes yes for sure oh you know Dobie stocks amazing and use it all the time sometimes you're gonna shoot your own stuff or a combination or a combination absolutely and look if you look at the solo poster here I mean Adobe stock fully valid to use for this I have my stuff and there's a bunch of textures in here it's amazing a castle rock which was streaming on Hulu you can see what you can use from Adobe stock to build this file those are the actual files that make this job Wow or you know that there's renders you know why why go get trees from stock we could just render up you can render up from Adobe Photoshop yeah yeah yeah so it's just knowing where to get stuff a big shout out there sorry to get it I gotta throw a shadow a big shout-out to my friend Daichi Ito who is the Photoshop engineer who came up with that plugin Oh awesome yeah I have met him you met I think I fangirls I fangirl amazing I'm gonna say this publicly I'd hate him because he just has to way too much talent and he needs to leave some talent for the rest of us he's like a brilliant engineer coder he's an amazing artist he can draw he can do 3d he can do foot he can do everything we can I don't hate him I love him he's an awesome friend yeah yeah cool so these the other thing is plugins like there's plugins I'm not too expensive I think the flood plugin is $33 and it made that water right so by the way from yeah I found out about that plug-in Prius a really cool plugin oh good yeah we all share you know what I found back out from Joe Castillo and it was in a workshop and then I found out this I use pixel squid all the time when I need elements hmm and Corey Parker told me about that oh nice nice so we like to share some information so pixel squids an amazing a web-based 3d object so if you can do stuff in adobe dimension and you can get what do you call models off of Adobe stock and use them in dimension oh yeah or you could use pixel squid it's a little more limited and what you can do but for this kind of thing so this poster I get to wrestle Brown and 3/4 of it was all pixel squid mm-hmm awesome cuz I just didn't have access to go shoot and right now a lot of people are inside you can't shoot so here you go you can use pixel squid there you go and that's about it on that so I mean I thought we just talked about I mean come back to this part later awesome so that was a compelling your time no no no it's alright we got plenty of time I to remind everybody that we need to do a design feedback in roughly an hour in 15 minutes so make sure that you submit the work that you created with Kathleen let me show you people how to get there in case they don't know so make sure that you're going to be ends dotnet slash challenge slash Photoshop make sure you click on this big blue button to take the challenge with Kathleen everyday she's gonna be working on a Photoshop project and these little boxes get unlocked and you can download the assets that she's using and follow along with her today Lisa and I are gonna be reviewing the work which was to create an illustration using brushes and clipping masks and it the people the challenge was to create a peacock you need to log into the community chat which will take you into discord and in the left-hand side under feedback make sure that you click on current challenge and you'll see the awesome peacock that Kathleen created so this is what Lisa and I are gonna be reviewing in about an hour and 15 or so minutes so make sure that you submit your work once again that's on this cord under the current challenge tab so I really look forward to I'm checking out your work also make sure that you follow both Lisa and me on behance and click on that follow button so you can follow some behance and both Lisa and I have our links to our social media there if you want to follow us elsewhere I think we're ready to get started with some compositing Lisa what do you think yeah and I just want to show just can show them just to color things sure sure perfect let me switch over to your screen nope Lisa looks like your screen went the ways or camera stuff no I'm sorry hang on let's see I have a lot of windows open you went away Lisa you went away I'm coming back I promise there you are yeah better you're sorry about that nobody too many windows open no worries let me go to your screen in there you are cool excellent so in that mode of color and picking color to create images and making calm so cool this is from halo there I want to explain a difference between color gradient fill this a color gradient bill which you get here on the adjustment layer and right here that's a color gradient fill and then there's a gradient map and when you do cut a gradient fill and let's say you put it on color mode you're going to colorize your piece but how it works is it literally does a gradient either radial top-to-bottom or circular excuse me or top-to-bottom versus a gradient map which is and I use a lot in my comps I use gradient map all design this gradient map Maps the tone onto a file and it's on normal mode so I just think these kind of things are important to to clarify and then can you show one yeah okay again I'm just trying to give you guys an idea of what how easy compositing can sometimes be so for a job like this you've got your very basic crazy easy classic shoot on white seamless and by just adding contrast again that gradient map which I just showed you before on halo its from black to white only and double-click on the bar by the way to get the bar up the the gradient is pushed in which means you're doing a color move you know black and white color moves but also a contrast move yeah at the same time in one one step instead of having a bunch of adjustment layers you can do it in one step so this is the way of like almost like getting that threshold effect without going too strong correct right well and and hey just what's really cool about this is instead of doing threshold you you have control right so I can change that to a lighter version or not let me cancel out of that and go back to layers real quick oh crap sorry versus here where which this was talking about was threshold which is cool but it's it's a little limiting right because it's a hard move hmm where is you've got you have a little more control and yet aside from a little more control you also it's one it's one Kurt there's one adjustment layer it's nothing and then I just put a map on top and the map is on 50% opacity and it's on the mode called multiply do you guys notice I label everything please please please please please please label your thoughts do you guys notice the folder is on multiply not the layer layers are normal then I just do a basic desaturation and I thought that like a little too much we should do a little quiz who knows in the chat what the default blending mode for a group is it's not normal no it is not I wish it were though yeah I could change anything it would be that and most importantly why it's not yeah yeah and yes and I get it I get why that is but for someone like me if I could change that code I'd change it in a second cool and then yeah and so then that's just the texture and then the next thing again it's color it's a color fill layer on the mode called multiply and that's it and in like nothing that's nothing right two sets so you've got a fairly decent composite yeah without having to mask anything awesome so a couple of things um how do you Alberto's asking how do you label so renaming a layer renaming a group so you can double click yeah as you just saw at least I do they're double click on the name and you can rename it and yes the default blending mode is passed through by default groups are just a way of organizing layers so everything just passes through but if you change the blend if you change the group's blending mode to say normal that basically gives you the same effect as if you were merging the group so it's kind of like now it just becomes like a part of the actual piece it's no longer for organization it's actually creating an effect well and I'll tell you you guys out there in Adobe live land that for modular building meaning you're building for a company I have to give a file to Netflix I'm gonna give it to 17 other people when you have these folders autonomous like that it makes for safer file delivery less mistakes can get made awesome okay so cool so yeah you wanna what do you think should be started building are ya building oh you want to show one other thing go ahead we still no no no no we think we can go income I can I can fill in later so the way this is gonna work is that's my screen right up here and then Lisa screen is right above her head and I'm whirring my Photoshop shirt of course with the toolbar that's been like my official streaming shirt now I need this shirt talked to Meredith or you can get one from the Meredith so I honey I bought one and they are actually um Claudie bought me one and then Meredith came you won so now I have two which is awesome so I just want to let people know that we haven't like really practiced this well actually this is a comment for my next tutorial that I'm working out on my youtube channel so you guys get a preview of what that's gonna be um but anyway there it is in the bottom left what I'm working on so Lisa what would be the appropriate size for a movie poster or so at least a cop not necessarily like the actual thing ah 10 by 15 at 150 dpi okay leave this size we want let me double check that okay yeah okay 50 might 20 excuse me this is pretty much an average build right here okay and then go I'm sorry that includes bleed alright so I'm always concerned about what what else has to get put in there sounds good so what you and I did is we started working on a library called Adobe live compositing battle and we just started adding backgrounds overlays people texture and then all this other stuff that's not grouped because we got a little lazy and what we wanted to do is just maybe get some some ideas from you guys the reason we downloaded stuff now and not just asked for ideas in the chat was because sometimes the internet doesn't work too well especially when you're doing live streams so we don't want to be stuck without anything so we do have some images to work with yeah we're gonna we're just gonna start compositing so what do you think what do you guys think what kind of what kind of movie posters should we do action romance horror let us know in the chat and we'll pick something alright let's see and it's gonna take a second because there is a delay so we probably should have asked a little later but just to show you guys what we have is I'm just gonna zoom into my screen and you can see that we have buildings water mountains Street lightning fire this Indiana Jones character soldiers all kinds of stuff cats helicopters so we're gonna try to create something so people are starting to comment I don't know if you can see the chat Lisa I can't I just know there's a bit of a delay there okay so we got a horror comedy satire rom-com adventure eh not Star Wars poster cool so thriller pandemic is great I don't know if we want to go there adventure well I don't know it's the mood I don't know I kind of start it I was thinking you think you and making pandemic all right you're gonna go pandemic oh man I don't all right okay gun phrase the alone maybe I'll go like rom-com pandemic Oh see yeah that's a good idea all right let's see thriller rom-com comedy horror action or force horror action okay cool yeah there's a lot of action in horror ooh [Music] rom-com heist monk um hi yeah yeah oh you already started at least I see like you're already way ahead of me well I got a lot actually and actually I had a lot of coffee today all right cool let's do this I'm gonna do what I said I was gonna do a rom-com pandemic is that what I said I was in oh man do we have a street right yeah yeah you picked a street and if you want me to zoom into your screen let me know yeah no I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go ahead well also if you guys have any industry questions or anything let us let us know yeah yeah we can we can talk we can chat um let's see I don't I don't I don't even know where I'm going with this Street oh man I'm looking at your screen now and you chose a much better photo than me already but it's your photo what are you talking about it's not okay so we didn't really get that many rom-com images in here except for this one so yeah okay so I don't know but be able to do with this this guy and this girl but we'll see oh man who's gonna cheat quick here you're gonna cheat oh you're already going into like your your secret stash images they're your images you picked these oh zombie cats I like that social distancing for newlywed separated with a lot of my kids Lindsay Parmer would like to say least I just wanted to say your previous stint on Adobe libel it's excellent excellent excellent thank you it's really calm and we got man you got rocky saying no pressure hisses ha ha ha yeah rocky I sweetie man I should have done this where rocky would have been a lot easier on me don't know rocky me and Lise are all very good friends so it's not like I'm just saying that to like a random person on the check I'm just gonna try to select subject than this and see good job yeah I used to like subject a lot I don't know if you guys do it but I think it's a great at least for coughing yeah it's a great place to start and then I feel that a lot of people don't use a quick mask mode does anybody like use it not use it let me know I'm curious because I every time I show it it seems that people like had never seen it before which I find weird cuz it's one of the pills that I always used since I started using Photoshop but you know I wanna can I jump in for a second yes you guys there's gonna be on the what do you call it the Dropbox a bunch of freebies that I'm giving out yeah and um I have in fact let me see if I can figure out how to show you what that's gonna look like don't look behind the screen all right so I want zoom into your screen yet not yet totally kidding it's like seeing my dirty laundry um you can zoom in now so there are a bunch of brushes here that I've downloaded we are made and and downloaded for you guys that you can use so one of them ones I'm going to use right now is a dust brush which you'll you'll be able to see right here and we often paint in atmosphere when we're doing movie posters and I think people think that you have to find a photo like an actual photo of clouds or whatnot anyway you don't and I have it in my default section here and it just allows you to zoom up here I'm making it very big for this and I'm gonna make it white and I'm just filling in atmosphere to help this dude separate from the background real quickly you can also change it to black and make it be dirt you know smoke grime something like that and it's just a this really beautiful brush so that'll be available for you guys that looks awesome so where's the link can you put in the chat for them yeah I can I'm gonna turn in my head and do it over here awesome by the way we have ryan saying that he's a pen tool guy and yeah the pen tool works great for masking but you know we don't have that much time to like create all these vector paths but i would agree with you that that's what works fantastic look at she's using her fancy brushes oh yeah love those fancy brushes you know what else I'm sorry uh I have to figure out I'm gonna have to send something to myself like to be a little cagey here um do you remember we always talking earlier about the knowing where you get your stuff is where half the battle and my brushes are quite literally I'm gonna have to do the Linklater sorry hey Zeus know the my baguette tricks my brushes and whatnot are really my game changers it's what I take to go places to do my job and I can't live without them I just cannot they absolutely are how I do my job hurried so so yes my fancy brushes and I'm gonna share them with you guys to please you so I'm gonna go on Adobe stock real quick and see if I can find some broken-down trucks or whatnot all right perfect I need them too so I'm gonna steal him when you put him in our group yeah so maybe this helicopter is about to I don't know if I want to be that Oh helicopters we have that I forgot about that yeah I don't I don't want to be so graphic and you guys are probably noticing that I'm not licensing anything just because I don't know if I'm gonna have to slap you know if I'm gonna keep it or not but like for example with these flame things that I'm using and actually let me switch over into the battle screen so you guys can see what I'm doing with this flame I don't even need to mask I'm just gonna do the screen blending mode and bring that in there I don't know if I want to put the fire on this helicopter or not but we'll see yeah there we go a little nerve-wracking you should have practiced these yeah we were thinking I concur so I'm um I will often use adjustment layers to darken or reduce like black value rather than painting whenever possible I try not to paint on a layer so for example I'm gonna make a black adjustment layer mm-hmm I'm just gonna cut black and I'll use that to paint in tone darkness I can use a gradient and why I do that is it keeps the file size smaller in our business we can have files I'm not that are crazy that are like 22 okay I worked on a file at a place that I will not name the name and it was 98 gigs Wow how do you even function at 98 gigs and part of the reason it was was because all these things were painted they weren't adjustment layers mm-hmm and it just makes it really hard so Ian by the way I just I just want to show some people something really cool someone it's which order my screen and here's like a really quick way of just removing a white background like you can use the all this selection tool in Photoshop I think is the old is the magic wand wall and set the tolerance to something low like 6 make sure it contiguous is checked and you click on the white area it makes a selection you hold alt on windows option at the Mac and click on the layer mask icon and boom it removes the bathroom now I'm gonna show a trick that I learned from Lisa Carney herself and that is oh and actually you do have to go in there and click on these white areas to remove them as well so I guess I should do that now and and what I'll do is show you why I went with contiguous the reason that I selected contiguous was so that I would select all the white pixels and not accidentally select some of the white pixels that are inside of the actual soldiers here but in this case I don't think it'll matter I think I'm selecting some of these buttons here so I don't know I think I'll use it anyway but anyway so then I'll remove that and then this trick I learned from Lisa Kearney which is with a layer mask you can go into filter other and select minimum and with the minimum filtering a mask right so you can just contract the layer mask so that is something that you can do to contract the mask and make sure that you don't have any any fringing going on there so let me try that again oh my god I'm so flying by the seat of my pants here I think just one pixel would work I don't need to do much more than I want to press ok and now I have my super cool soldiers here and you know what I'm just gonna apply I'm asked why not I don't have time to work non-destructively and I'm gonna switch the screen back to to us and you're looking for some cheap images here mm yeah maybe this and where are you at now you've said this is pixels quit right I'm pixels quit and what is pixels quit for those so pixel squid allows you to get 3d objects and I'm not you are a 3d dude Jesus I am NOT and I'm thinking I want to put a dinosaur in here nice and so I'm gonna go ahead and add that to my light box and pixels squid is one of those programs that has a an extension so see here in Photoshop if you guys can see this I have pixels squid here yep now it's a little clunky in that like you guys saw that I was just on pixel squid sometimes the opening takes a minute but here it is so now I'm in my piece yeah I'm gonna go down to the background and in fact just to make this a little clearer I'm gonna click on that dinosaur mm-hmm and it's gonna download into my file as a not like a smart object and then inside the preview I can actually rotate it so now I've just rotated it and then inside my Photoshop document I can now scale it up and I can put a dinosaur in my piece because that's just kind of how I'm feeling is you nice nice so pixel squid and now I do want to tell you though it's only a 5 megabyte file when you do it this way hmm so I build comps this way okay and then I will um in fact I'm gonna put them on top size better and then forth if I like it and I'm gonna go for the finish I will actually download a high res so you can download a 25 make like Wow nice oh yeah okay so I'm glad we're on your screen because I was trying something that didn't work so I'm just gonna hit undo a bunch of times within that way a little embarrassed this is looking like crap but you know look at mine I really speaker I can't see your is it that funny Oh perfect yeah oh is that perfect is that yeah it's better that you can't see mine oh so somebody wrote what is here everybody's favorite way to do check the shadows I was actually just gonna do a shadow now so then I'm glad I saw that there's a lot of waste and for something like this like this dude that I have here probably what I will do is I don't know hope use his way the easiest way I'm probably just gonna do a drop shadow and then kind of get it the way that I want it to be something like that maybe select the color from the actual shadows in the background and let's see I'll guess I'll zoom into my screen so people could see this boom and I don't know fine something like that and then I'm just gonna make it into its own layer so click on create layer and there it is now it's its own layer see that this is the shadow is its own layer and I'm just gonna transform it something like that and actually I need to I need to do all that work but oh well I did it anyway and actually I move in mop just in it you can see how it worked but what I would do is just probably match the foot here somehow and then edit puppet warp and then click here to make sure this one reaches his foot there something like that and try to like match it as best as I can something like this all right cool now I'll move them back now and actually something sometimes what I like to do when I have layers like this that one layer depends on the other I'll just link them and when you link them if you select one layer yeah it just moves yeah that's good yeah three years and then I can you know adjust this again if I need to and you know filter blur if I want to learn more that's too much obviously but you know it all depends on what you want to do and I love your little rom-com it's looking so silly I think it's really funny that you're you're all sweet romantic and I'm all bitter and someone's about to get eaten by a well I was trying to be funny and this is definitely not working but there's like I have a couple ideas that I'm gonna I'm gonna try to do and just to remind everybody we have the daily creative challenge review coming up in how much summer we have oh my god that we have is it twenty minutes already do we have 20 minutes yeah it's coming up we have 40 minutes you know 40 minutes oh yeah wait Turnham do you start 10:30 we started oh no we started at 11:00 yet all right cool so we have some time okay we got 40 minutes yeah all right I'm put the ubiquitous Flair in awesome Oh rain do you guys know how to make rain oh okay there's a filter called random fur and it's called fibers and you can do that and put it on screen and then do a levels move so and you can make rain sorry go ahead okay let me do another one sorry render fiber and you can change this strength I'm gonna zoom out so I can see what I'm getting that was a little too much of a zoom out and I did it the opposite color but that doesn't matter you can change your black and white again and then I'm gonna do command I and then it's on screen mode and then if I do a levels move and just make it a little darker and then I can even rotate it do something like that but it's a great way of getting atmosphere without having to go find a stock shot mm-hmm and then can mask it in or not is you know what it's gotta be a rainy cloudy day doesn't it you're getting eaten by Troy on asaurus rex so there was a comment in the chat which was why doesn't anyone in these classes use the trick where oh man this chat went up and I totally lost what I was reading let me go back up let's see why doesn't anyone in these classes use a trick where you have two instances of the image up one zoom in so that you worked on one zoom all the way outs you get the overall effect the reason I'm not doing it is because I'm working in a very small screen if I split it in half I'll even see less of that but usually if when I'm working normally I have a second screen and I do use that technique but that is a really good one to use it is it's just it's also a little problematic because we're two of us and it's not just one of us right now yeah I'm trying to spare and get a higher res file real quick cuz I don't like how it's looking okay yeah that looks better sorry so pixels quit again sometimes you need to go back and get your your piece up do you mean it the extensions you guys these file extensions like color Adobe color themes particle Shoppach so squid these great and you can go to the Adobe marketplace to get stuff it's really handy all right nice cool so now hey Zeus I'm a little dark here I'm a little worried about my mental well-being let's see my guy in there you know what I just downloaded uh coulda sworn it I'm trying to find out oh here she is so I downloaded this this image and no license it now but I downloaded an image of a woman and you could use it if you want Lisa she's wearing a face mask oh yeah I know face mask free thank you for the offering hey you guys um you know what I'm doing here I should talk about this real quick can I at the screen for a second yep go right ahead awesome um so I just dropped in I just want to put some kind of rugged terrain debris if you will on the bottom and I don't want to mask it out so I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do so rather than do a mask I'm gonna hold the command key ctrl key excuse me and go to blending options and I'm just gonna do a blend if where I say hey take the whites out and if you option click on the triangles in between you can make it a little smoother and so then right there I've got this rocky bit masked out pretty quickly without having to actually pull a channel or do a mask um I will tell you sometimes this doesn't work for final production but it's certainly enough to get you there and then you go back in and clean up as you go so it's a little blend if things super clean you'll see that little icon on the right side the layer that indicates that something's going on there I'm not sure what the resolution is for them for if they can see this stuff some of its a little a little dark maybe anyway debris let's see if I have a debris brush for you guys clouds sweat beads shipboard aerosol can debris brush that's what that looks like so do you guys ever make brushes and then forget what they do yes all the time happens to me all the time so I love this debris brush so I just wanted to do a little tester now I'm gonna do a layer debris brush you guys will notice I can't spell it's a sign of genius my mother says I don't know crap how to spell this anything you get from me will have a spelling error in it and that's how you know I did it oh yeah I'm gonna make a production suggestion for you guys as well when you use a brush I suggest you actually label the layer with the brush so that when you come back to the job you know which one you used I cannot tell you how many times I've had a job where I had to go back like they did character cells and they wanted to do a whole bunch more and I could remember what the brush was it's really embarrassing so don't be me I know everybody wants to be Lisa so I have a brush I'll often make a temporary black layer so I can see what I'm doing underneath yeah I want to do a rim light on this guy and I have this brush that I'm gonna give you guys that I think is so fun and it's kind of got a stupid name it's called astral projection and I'm going to show you what it does it's got this like all this head to it on the entity lights it starts with the bulb thins out and then bulbs again I'm gonna draw a straight line with it see how that goes so it's a nice way to get kind of rim lighting so how would you do rim lighting well if I mean this may seem a little complicated but it's kind of fun I'm gonna get my pass up I'm gonna command click on my object my character I'm gonna make a working path out of it I'd like a tolerant of two so now I have a really quick rough path of this critter I'm gonna have that brush selected I'm gonna be on my paintbrush icon here in the toolbar and I'm just gonna hit the enter key and that's going to basically stroke the cheat way stroke path you should just be able to hit return but because I'm doing the live demo it doesn't want to let me do it Photoshop knows when you're streaming and doing live demos with that Hayes is totally nice doesn't it Adobe sensei that's what it is look crap I'm at the impatient so normally that would work just not cuz I'm doing this demo right now it doesn't want to work so instead I'm gonna just hand paint it I'm gonna turn that path off but what I like about it is that it's your regular this this particular brush mm-hmm and so when you're doing a rim light it doesn't look quite so I don't know canned if you will yeah and then I'll probably group it or link it to the to the character why I grouped it is so that I don't have to double mask it what are you doing hey Zeus I can't see what you're doing I'm working on these face masks you know switch over to the dual screen here so they can see both of us there we go it's trying to work on some liquify action right oh nice you're gonna be outside you need to wear these masks you know yeah we're so sick aren't we all right so I'm having some tonal issues I need to figure out my light and darks like what what you can see what you can't see do you notice how everything I mind is all blobby so there's no there's no backwards and forwards right so I think I might start with a blur like blur my background and you know it on Smart Filters what's so nice is there's a man there's a mask built-in so I can put a blur on the background and then do a gradient and mask it out so that the background comes in and out of focus I'm gonna make it much more obvious you see that so because you can mask the filter that's it folklore that's it slightly masked and why why I like this is it keeps everything flexible so let's say the client comes back and they say this this poster is great but we gave you the wrong Street me to use a different Street then I can go in and just apply the same everything to it but for example it but but never that never happened Lisa clients never change your mind all right right I can't see the stream has social dimming Photoshop and what not while you're out thank God Adobe lives out every day to teach them new stuff for sure lettuce on the chat what you guys have been learning while doing social distancing if the Adobe lives have been helpful which streams and yeah enjoy which one should we go back and re-watch three wash I know there's been a lot of good ones I'm also curious what people want to learn like what's the what's on people's lists of like learning yeah like I'll tell you I'm on learning I dimensioned I'll tell you my list a hundred percent dimension is pretty fun you guys are getting all these brushes you're gonna be happy and you're gonna have to wait to the very end to get them yes can't just well that's how you we keep them coming back right yeah it's my play it's I'm on a second date I think my text you might be a little heavy anyone has anything they want seen in there in the files oh yeah let us let us know yeah what you want us to add and then maybe we can find something on Adobe stock to include yeah you guys notice I'm definitely I'm all about the brushes today I don't know why it's all about brushes I was spending way too much time on these shadows on these masks but oh well hopefully they they look good what else it what am I your surprises did you put in that library what else is in there yeah so if you guys know this that if you're in the libraries you just a ctrl click on the picture and you could say place link and it will drop it into your file wherever you are super cool yeah and I'm scaling like a spaz here and scaling like a spaz that could be a t-shirt someone want to make a t-shirt for me besides the Photoshop t-shirt that I should have hey you talk about not having the mask by changing modes right yeah okay so what else sometimes do I think I mentioned this earlier when I'm in the middle of building something like I don't know if these helicopters don't look any good I will put a real quick levels move on it to crank that again and ruff-ruff-ruff mask this I better give a little tidbit about what happens in our entertainment stuff when you're working on a project you often have for each show movie whatnot you have to come up with three comps a day Wow three comps a day and that's a lot and so being fast is super super super important especially for a designer and you won't have time to mask out everything perfect so the idea is you you want to get it I don't know kind of as close as humanly possible take a look and then decide if you want it and then go back in and make it better right I need some more people in here I'm just trying to visit the mask was covering her face obviously but I wanted to get that hair going over the mask I was trying to think of like the fastest way I could do it so what I did is with the lasso tool I just selected this hair strand here and it went into the actual layer this one here where she's at ctrl J command J to duplicate and then I drag that back up to that mask layer clipped it to the layer let me know suction in the Mac to split that in half and then I could adjust it like so some sample some of the brown shadows using the eyedropper tool right here and I'm just going to create a new layer clip it to the layer below ctrl alt G command option G and just pain in some of the brown there on that mask something like that just to create some shadows and I should be naming layers but I'm going way too fast for that yeah cool and the front guy mm-hmm I'm not sure so when I'm not sure I still label it and I put question markers but it's just kind of a habit it's like a work habit to get into yep to to make sure you start labeling stuff at the time you guys - I'm totally obsessed with figuring out if there's gonna make me type in here because with posters we all have to have type oh sorry so you're saying you go ahead you know I'm just gonna remind people about the daily creative challenge we'll be reviewing that and I think it's now about an hour so make sure that you went to be hands not met slash challenge slash Photoshop and click on the join the community - link so that you can go into discord and submit your work under the current challenge tab Lisa and I will be reviewing those shortly so I just want to give you a shout out Jesus you are one of the few people actually there's some people whose Chad who are also those people who actually I learned from I learned from you all the time it's absolutely amazing the stuff you come up with and in fact I wanted on some of these handouts I have some information about how to change brushes and I go to your site to find it awesome I mean you're absolutely amazing yeah you're plugging me go ahead yeah yeah I should plug it yeah you're amazing honey and you know like I said before I've been doing this a really long time so it takes a lot for me to be amazed thank you and like I said earlier today I showed a technique that I learned from you and you're one of the people that I also know from so it's oh cool all right I think they've been way too much time on the face mask but there they are okay so I don't even know where else what else I'm gonna had let's see I need to add have you downloading anything new that I haven't seen in there Lisa ah no probably not okay this is fun so Earth Oliver wants to challenge you by the way out there but he wants to he's coming for you honey I think I sent them the gift of the movie 8 mile where Eminem there was some it was like the the you know bad guy or whatever his name is like the antagonist he throws him the mic because he did say a challenging or something so I just sense that you know what I'm gonna add a cat into my composite why not Lisa there's a question how much direction do the movie people give you for the movie posters that you make for them oh so that's really interesting generally there's um different ways it goes sometimes you get nothing and then I'm gonna tell you a story about a job I did it's die Reba diary of a teenage girl and I didn't get much direction on that and when I saw the piece it was a 1970s piece and it's kind of dark actually so I did a piece that had like 1970s color and dark and moody and angsty and they were like oh no we don't want it to feel that way we want it to be light and fluffy and lovely and I'm like my god have you seen your movie like are you kidding so so to answer your question yes sometimes you get direction and it's completely the wrong direction like for example there was a movie about drummers uh an older man is teaching a younger boy drumming and they've got a very angsty relationship and it was a great film actually and I'm sorry I can't remember it so my portfolio something and they would be right oftentimes what will happen is you don't get told something you create some artwork and then they know what they want after they see what you've given hmm does that make sense like it comes after the fact that are there any suggestions er oh you know what we asked for suggestions earlier we probably didn't also Mike Lopez was asking about you get to watch the show beforehand I will tell you the the last two films that I worked on where I saw the film first I will never do that again because as I said they asked for something that wasn't in the film and all I could see in my mind what was in the film guys and I really really really struggled to try to come up with the vision that they saw instead of what I saw in my head right really struggled notice that was painful alright this I'm so dark today I don't know my work is dark yeah I got kittens and you know I know I'm like so no love no kittens and if I have kittens are gonna be dead kittens I think oh no no have you guys seen that documentary on Netflix don't mess with cats I think it's called or something like that love you know I started watching it crazy so I'm creating a channel base mask right now for this cat cuz it's got all this crazy fur channel pullings my friend you know it oh yeah Dino kitten Dirk is good Kathy some of us are dark right now someone just said Kathy Newman was saying Dirk is good yeah someone's asking who's playing in our movies that could be fun see now that is a determining factor who's in your piece like who's yeah yeah we should star yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be the vibe yeah so let us know in the chat who you think will star in my movie and who would star in Lisa's movie based on the movie posters that you're looking at I think these night I think in my movie we have a cat we have the couple I don't know who's a silly actor you know what I got it it'll be Ashton Kutcher would be the star of my movie alright I'm gonna put a cat in mine as well so I'm gonna go on the top when I add new elements I um I add him on the top whenever possible so I don't lose my place mhm make sense all right I'm doing this select subject and whenever I do select subject I take the refine brush and do a real quick pass around the edges and I find that gets me going all right now I'm gonna move it the critter down do you guys notice I don't have a lot of color and atmosphere on the top and I'll often to make a folder called CC or atmosphere okay so we are saying that Jennifer Gardner for me Bruce Willis for mine the rock in your movie Lisa Tom Hardy for Lisa I don't know who that is Tom Hardy no Marty you know a girl yeah Emma Jones no Indiana Jones yeah Ryan Reynolds whoo yeah I'll take him he should be with you though Scott Valentine sets has been an hour and Lisa has the drop and F bomb what hasn't dropped in that fun once you said that Scott Valentine God hi Annie it's just about to do one for you but not today I love Scott you're very talented dude writes good books yeah this cats terrible you know what I need a cool looking sky I'm not liking this guy let's see oh man I'd really different background okay so what should I add to this now um you know what I want to look for like a sunny sky I feel like that rom-coms always have like Sun coming in for some reason right hey um I'm gonna interrupt you for one second while you're looking for your sky so one of the things that I like about Adobe stuck it is so I have this city background right and let's say I look at that go oh maybe I want a different firemen I could so easily go in there and go oh I want a knight Street or a different Street or a different vibe and just in two seconds I've never left Photoshop I'm still in Photoshop which is so amazing and I'm not kidding what I'm telling you it's knowing where to get your material is key it really is just for this demo I'm gonna license it because I don't like that watermark it's in there you guys don't have to license it so you can go through the whole build yep and and make your decision heck you can go through the whole build and show your client before you even license these Angela it's in Angela wrote I love how serious Lisa's poster is and how fun - yeah it kind of speaks volumes about who we are all right I'm a little bitter what do you want sorry silly kitty more darkness I'm trying to find a nice sky picture from an ugly stock and I'm having some difficulties finding something that I want to use let's see skies yeah I think doing this I mean I should probably just try one of these photos and if it works it works and if it doesn't right select another one I think I spend too much yeah that's like one of the things that I you know bad habits that I have I'll try to find the perfect picture and sometimes I'm like screw it I'll just download this one and then it works well you know it I think this is why this is a good conversation to have is what's what do you need to do like for me I I normally sketch these things out I don't willy-nilly do it like I'm doing now right so I'm incredibly uncomfortable I'm like oh gosh right right but so if you're gonna willy nilly it what do you do what do you how do you do this and how do you do it quickly and I think that's one of the reasons like your blend mode tricks uh-huh I find so helpful because I can really quickly drop stuff in right and figure out if I like it without spending two days and I didn't spend two days looking for it so you just talked about like spending too much time looking for elements mm-hm and that's real that's a right problem I mean I'm not saying you have a problem I just like assumes you have a real problem that's a real problem you got to sort that out well can you imagine oh do you remember I was talking about um how much how many pieces people have to do for our industry like three three three pieces per show right her movie per title let's call it and then sometimes you have four or five titles right that's three a day for each one I mean holy crap alright I need some paint the ground I knew that the soldiers making me nuts so I'm just gonna real quickly oh my quick oh my god I totally misread a comment dr. Jacqueline Hyde rode his suit search for dark skies I read it as a search for your dark side oh oh he sees has a dark side oh you know he does God did I just tell them something they didn't know about you honey my dark side oh it's yeah can you guys see it no no he's got all the guys don't want to know yeah um so someone was talking about always struggling to find images for projects you are a hundred percent not alone I can't pronounce your name right so doing that screw it up Manu Huia anybody finding images I'm not kidding you is like one of the hardest things for people to do it you're not alone you're 100% not alone and that's why having resources like pixels wid and Adobe stock or brushes so these these can I take a second and talk about these brushes yeah go ahead I mean let me switch over to that screen there you are do you guys get this way you get obsessive and you cannot help but finish the one thing you were working on all right so I'm going to just for giggles like a black screen here and actually no not you guys know this trick if you hold your ctrl key and click on the control bar on the top of your piece you can duplicate your image out in one move super cool so now yeah it's handy so on these brushes so some of the brushes that I'm giving you guys which I hope you'll find useful I've got this chain brush small you can't really see how cool it is make it large it's a chain and look it rotates with you chains right blood drip you need a blood drip distress tape like something it looks like masking tape I use that on the piece that I have now I used it for black um I have a fur brushed okay need to do that cat mm-hmm and I have another fur brush which is smaller which isn't that great I love this brush that is super cool um then I have a really cool brush that I really love so let's say you need to illustrate I'm not a good illustrator I really wish I was but let's say I need to do a bird make this smaller I'm playing with the opacity of the brush so I'm just layering up this wing it's the same brush I'm just stroking it it's building and you can get like a pine cone look you could get a bird wing you could change the head of this brush and make it into fur and it's so beautiful and I have a smaller one too so sometimes I think people think oh I got a mask out something sometimes you don't need to mask something out you need to actually just paint it mm-hmm just smoke plume I used on my file here which allows you to do a big huge buildup of smoke in two seconds you don't need to find a shot of smoke you just draw your own smoke and just keep painting over it the bokken particles are fun pixie dust and look at all rotates for you so you just keep going and going and going you can do some pixie dust to make a love of little love bits above your people I'm gonna put bokken on top to make it look like there's embers maybe I don't know why it's doing rainbow oh look confetti hey I just changed look I just got happy yeah it's like a she's very unhappy look at this face happy little very unhappy I got a mask in there hey he says I got a mask in there alright you bought that nasty ice minute I spent half the street on a make one see Oh Christopher says his head's gonna explode yeah ours is clearly exploding as it is so we're at 10:45 we have what 15 minutes left hisses I believe so at 11:00 a.m. Pacific we're gonna do the design feedback that should be that's an hour and a half from when we started right we started a 9:30 so then yes 11 and so make sure they can so make sure you're going to be hence dotnet / Photoshop / challenge click on community chat and submit the work that you would did today with Kathleen during the Photoshop daily creative challenge Lisa and I are gonna give you our thoughts in about 15 minutes and let me so we just want to see real quickly if there's something I I'm gonna hey this is it cool if I show him something real quick go right ahead on the handout so that rain I did on the handout it'll show you you can either get stock shot or use that fiber filter and when you use the fiber filter you just want to make sure you put it on screen mode so it'll be transparent there's a little how-to and that brush dust brush I'm giving you this is just showing you how you can use it in different items like for Batman and TV shows and then there's a flare thing so anyway I just wanted to show that so that just gave me an idea maybe my dinosaur needs a rim of dust and smoke go down to my Dino smoke that's kind of isn't it so let's see I have a cloud brush here that's big what I really trying to do is get that separation between light and dark that's how you get things done top right you always want to have light and dark Leyton jerk dark against light like light against dark and in fact I think my guy needs to contrast that rim light I painted on him is total crap so I'm gonna over her that now I'm trying to blend two skies together and them and all I can keep thinking it's like oh my god I we only have like what 10 minutes maybe less yeah I mean we're not really gonna finish this oh my god Kyle's on the show after us today's he Kyle yes yes oh my god he is ah he is so amazing he is the reason I am so in love with these brushes he is the brush man he is absolutely incredible it definitely is the brush man yeah my helicopter my scale so what I'm realizing is I think the scale on my helicopter is way too big and oh let's talk about this one of the reasons you please dear Jesus label your layers is if you label your layers if you're looking for something like look how many layers I have I have a ton of layers in here but because they're labeled I can go right to by holding my control in my command key right to do the layer I want and I can scale it or do whatever I need to do like I wanted to scale this so another reason to label your layers uh-uh-uh-uh-uh else Kim Kim converses on hey sweetie how's it going one of our favorite people definitely Chris - can't leave Chris out no Kim no I'm doing just little pockets of color back here this is fine he's yeah the brushes up good I can't wait to you guys tried these brushes out they are really amazing really amazing it and the thing about the brush is it's let's say you find a brush you like so this bird look oh my god my spelling you I do apologize everything you get will be misspelled them alright clarified that so one of the things if you like the brush and you want those same settings if you go in and look at the settings you can see how it was set and then you can copy those settings and use something similar so like this brush this bird brush I think is 200 pixels yeah 200 pixels so if I pick the smaller one which is 60 pixels and I unlocked I lock these settings here I'm just real quickly locking these and then I pick another brush head another brush tip I want to pick something near the same size it will keep those settings so I had on the bird small I had a feather like brush let's say you want something it's more angular or sharp you just pick a new head for the brush but you keep the settings and it'll operate and have all the same attributes and then try to remember to unclick those when you're done there might be a quick key from that but I don't know what it is so hopefully that's helpful for folks I have this big long vertical in the back of mine yours this very sweet a Zeus it's very colorful we said rom-com oh my god so funny we might as well honey you can find love at all different ways oh yeah you like I need to add another element you know any thoughts anybody what did I should add to this yeah oh it's my R will be fun too we have more tomorrow so this is not it I assure you this is not the end of the story you know let's try I mean we don't have that much time for like a real coloreds race I'm just gonna try to color a lookup table and hopefully I'll get lucky with something here lay down if you guys think any of these look cool let's see hmm maybe you know what I'm just gonna keep I'm gonna keep the colorful thing going so or just select come on this the most colorful honey someone's gotta be in a good mood might as well be you let's see this one here a little silly but that's okay maybe let me just write color and by the way like with these color look-up tables if you don't like the way that look you can always change the blending mode to color color keep will keep the color will keep the saturation in the hue of that color lookup table and then luminosity just keeps the brightness so you can try using blending modes and then maybe that'll give you the effect that you're going for oh my god I just realized that there's a whole bunch of people all right we're gonna have to hide them because they're supposed to be locked so there's no social distancing oh my god you guys should have said something oh my god I love you guys this is funny alright maybe a little related something that happened to you guys that you like move a layer and then everything looks pretty bad and you try to figure out what you did yep every day honey every day alright so that God knows where that shadow is but I'm not gonna worry about it now let's see we don't have that much time so we have them well maybe maybe these needs to be brighter why not yeah it's super bright and so we got about seven minutes before we do the review so make sure you go into be hands that met slash challenge slash Photoshop and I'm sure when other moderators will throw in that link in there so you can submit the work that you did with Kathleen this morning for the Photoshop daily creative challenge let's see I gotta figure out a quick way of removing all those people from the background and maybe I should add what are we having to light me I'll just cover it with something what do we have in here oh we have I when I'm in it oh you have cars you have all these these broken-down cars oh maybe I could use some of that yeah I'll probably let me see what this car looks like because some of these assets Lisa added in there and then I had it some so I you know I don't know exciting yeah like you will just discover some things in here yeah maybe you can use one of these cars we'll see yeah I'm gonna do that at that RIM light trick I said I find it more tomorrow but I think I would drop one in right now cool so let me yeah do something super rough so I'm just a painting on a layer this is really gonna be rough a little rim light and what I've done is normally what we do with that is you just literally I did it earlier you take a layer you link it to your your hoo-hah it's a technical term and you do your painting right well instead of doing that let's say I want to change the color of this rim light so what I'm gonna do is actually make a copy of the of the character and impact on him and double it up a little bit and fill it with black and I'm gonna put it on the mode called screen so you guys should know that on screen black disappears and then that edge painting I did I'm gonna just link to that instead and I'll show you why in just one minute let me turn everything on so just for a giggle so you can see it so here I have this the character a copy of it masked out on black that you can't see now right because on screen mode there it is and then I did that white drawing I'm gonna clip it so now it's it looks the same as it did before right it's just white on top but now what I could do is I can add like a gradient map to that character to that to that line and put it on color and what that just did and now it'll colorize my my rim light you see that so now instead of it being white rim light its colorized and it color eise's to whatever you have so if you have purple to orange if you have green to red whatever that is and so it's a way of getting multiple colors into your edge lighting without having to hand paint each of those colors and in selecting each one of those colors I have another better sample tomorrow for that that'll hopefully bring that baby home should be fun yeah alright let's see where we're at I don't know the cat's a little ridiculous how dare you talk about my cat like that oh you mean you're sure yeah I'm gonna make that cat little did I know a carcass in the crash car that's quite a name I'm gonna put my cat folder all right let's see gradient map see a gradient maps are really awesome they're really handy handy handy you have some office fans there hey you guys if you like this give us a thumbs up yeah yeah my mom can see my mom can know that you like us yeah we were talking about hitting that thumbs up button like last time I was in this for thumbs up and I forgot to mention it someone in the chat someone in the chat was saying it hit the thumbs up for his shoes so somebody remember that from last time I forget who it was thank you guys for anyway yeah I don't know maybe I need to add more people maybe there needs to be more zombie people or pterodactyl I thought I'd license this mainimage but why is it saying that oh wait what is it oh is it the flare is that what it is oh yeah the lens flare oh the darn lens flare yeah I could beat a bear in mind oh so we got one more minute submit your work to be handsome how we're not to be held at this court tomorrow yeah yeah and tomorrow I'm well time flies tomorrow we'll have some more fun stuff we'll do something maybe maybe we'll prepare something crazy maybe he's maybe we should do composites of each other ooh be cool I like that I like that idea I'm gonna be a supermodel please I'll just be a regular model I can't be a supermodel um wait breathe I'm putting weight debris in mines down and put black debris now I'm gonna put white to breathe I know I think I'm gonna keep the confetti mine for some reason my see this is why doing things life sometimes doesn't work I was trying to remove that Adobe stock logo by licensing the image but it's not licensing the image and I don't know why keep it because we're doing a live demo yeah this is how it works I'm like licensed I think people have seen me at that license button like five times I want to remove yeah you know it's interesting I was talking to somebody about the Adobe stock and you know why buy it if you don't have to and just and I will tell you when I do jobs anymore it really is a competition to see who can get the best looking comps and so well I often will do the water pay for the licensing myself even if the client hasn't spilled off right just because I I want my constant look better and it's it's affordable to me it's a portable and if I'm billing per hour on the job I put the licensing of the image in the per hour rate right over that copy oh hey you guys he's just was just doing a color lookup table I just added a color lookup table on top of mine which was smoky it's the smoky Thunder device and I really liked it but I didn't want it to color the whole piece so again holding the command key on that layer you can do a blending mode and I can say keep the smoky into the highlights but take it out in the shadows that's right and then and I don't have to do a channel pool in that way if I changed characters later I'm not stuff yeah so see for whatever reason is let's learn ever license and I don't want to license it like seven times and it starts working after the stream but there it is so it's time for the design feedback guys let us know what you think of our movie posters I'll swim into yours first Lisa so then people can start moving here today let me hit tab there you go hit tab there you go this is Lisa's final composite what do you guys want to call her Mary and work in this town again what do you guys want to call her movie there's a dinosaur there is really bitter Betty he's out there some awesome awesome so yeah let us know in the chat what you will title the movie I'm curious to see what you guys think and let me see let me switch over to my screen and you guys will be able to see my colorful it's there's like oh you know what I didn't put a mask on the cat oh my god the cat's gonna yeah it's alright yeah and then the only reason there's a car on fire in the back minutes cuz real I realized there were so much of people walking outside is hard to cover them up with a car on fire and there's a helicopter on fire for some reason and can't do and then there's like I guess the guy I'm forcing to lock down behind them like just looking at them like really you know mean like hey where are you guys out there gonna cite them yeah so yeah let us know what you would title Lisa movie in my movie and I don't know if you want to see some of these comments I thought I said one of them was pandemic Rex that was honey Corin asaurus rex : quarantine Korona stores rex oh my god oh oh my god that's awesome pandemic love six feet is not enough keanu partner - that's awesome alberto yeah hmm katti gears open epidemic cat Lisa get that cat kit Tim wrote that posters totally Photoshop no way that's real cool lovestruck for mine awesome Steve thanks for the suggestion okay guys so we're gonna work on the the sign feedback now so let me just set that up really quick so you guys are just looking at our beautiful faces now and put on why don't I bring that up I'll bring up the discord and I'm gonna refresh to make sure that I get all the latest and greatest submissions okay so let me know when you're there Lisa and we can start doing this together we'll do it on my screen yeah second I had a little trouble with that earlier so let's see if I can do it this time so we got so a few more names we got Lisa is in search of the hoo-ha Angie just cat-astrophies yeah I should have made the cat dig yeah cover your six for Lisa nice nice Lisa a year should be called operation coded did I miss the brush pack link no but Lisa will get that pack for us no I will get it on four we finished yeah hey Simon I'm having trouble with the I'm getting kicked out of the okay no worries but you can just wait to me you can just um check the feed I know that it's a little it's a little bit like Haven think I'm still thinking about compositing and cats yeah I see it stalking you I can see I can see them up right now so cool make it work cool cool cool it's stalking you so that is by Micah and I'm assuming that's our good friend Micah Burke yes a little icon that he has there looks a lot like him so awesome like to see the thing with Mike is we have to be very very rough with him because he's a professional so we can't you can't yes I'm just kidding my very good professional micah always does really good work we see him at all the conferences and he's always doing some really cool stuff Micah this is really cool I'm wondering if you created that in like a 3d app or if that's a stock photo but I think it looks great I love the contrast between the orange and the blue stay at home your hands very good message I think it's an awesome composite I love the texture that you added in there both in the text and in the orange background it looks like mica did it in Illustrator to Photoshop that's what he wrote in the comment yeah made a virus in illustrators what he's saying in the comments oh nice nice work Kim converse wrote nice mica yeah nice work mica mica is not nice no I'm just kidding Mika's babe oh my god is really nice mike is very nice in his design is also very nice but yeah Kim they put the comma in there so yeah cool so let's see what else we have for today okay so now we're gonna look at the peacock design that Kathleen was working this morning and the Photoshop daily creative challenge oh I think the person's name is Phil fita so disappointed with myself with this one I have to try again oh don't be disappointed in yourself just keep trying keep practicing I think I'll speak for myself not for Lisa I'm disappointed yeah but yeah I think it looks wonderful I didn't I don't see why your this appointment with yourself I think that it looks very good it's a I think it's a really good piece it's good texture the matter looks great the colors look great so I I wouldn't be disappointed with this piece I don't know if you have any thoughts Lisa yeah I do I think you know what I'm gonna stop wax philosophical here for a second I think as artists we do always want to strive to get better and I think the day that I look at my work and think yeah that's it it's probably the damn done yeah don't be doing any more no I well I don't want you to feel bad about your piece because your piece looks fantastic I get I get that wanting to do better and driving from work and that that's admirable yeah I think it's beautiful yeah I think it's great and the thing is is like with every piece that you create you're the only one that knows every mistakes in there like nobody will notice you know maybe 1% of the quote-unquote mistakes or things that you don't like 10% Julia Child says that we need to serve a meal you know that you don't ever talk about what's wrong with the meal right right you present it cool yeah well done awesome so then we have this might have been for a different challenge challenge number seven or wait it might be the same one I'm not sure it says add texture to an illustration using brushes and clipping masks so yeah so it is in fact today's illustration by tongue Buddha and I think he was in a chat on B hands as well so it's um this little I don't even know is it a tiger is it a pan that it's at a combination it looks really really cool um I just love the texture I think you just see the thing is some of these like I there's nothing for me to critique I think it looks great the one thing I would say though is maybe I would add a background that sort of enhances the subject it just looks too plain so me and also the the main subject is mostly gray so the white background really doesn't create that much contrast I would just create some sort of background that would help enhance the actual subject I don't know if you have any other thoughts Lisa yeah some context might might be nice for that cuz you're right the the white is not overwhelming the white of the eye is in the mouth mmm lip I'm even this may sound crazy but even like a drop shadow like a little little shadow on it like it's sitting on something also the format's interesting you've got a very round piece in the you know horizontal okay and maybe this wants to be in a square yeah yeah intra make it a little stronger I like that so yeah like yeah the canvas matters yeah I was just gonna say I love how you're thinking about the canvas as well not just the actual content so that's very very intelligent yep also uh I'm sorry to interrupt I just want everyone to know I dropped the link in the chat and I'm gonna do it again real quick so I just put it in three times so awesome help yourself I know what you think so I'm gonna download all those brushes so I can be ready for you tomorrow Lisa now I have all right now I have all your secret weapons at my disposal and again I do apologize eyes a few of those brushes probably have spelling Arizona because as many visual artists I'm Dyslexic as heck and so I fix them on your onion or don't know they came from me okay cool we have another painted peacock by Bonnie's 22 and I don't know are you seeing what I'm seeing Lisa or yeah no worries so this one is very different and all the others it says play at home and it's a photo of a peacock the one thing I would suggest right off the back is that the text is very difficult to read so I would definitely make it brighter or just the text is almost the same color as the actual background so which is so difficult to read so that be them you know it's if they took that a green from the tail you have to text it from there probably handle it I I agree completely so that's a very good suggestion but besides that I like it to be one thing I'm seeing it might be the screen that I'm looking through it's not the best quality but there's like a little yellow glow I think it is I'm not a big fan of it but maybe yeah it's it's hard to tell on screen resolution versus other the other thing can I make a suggestion is if you squint down and look at that piece that tail while it's gorgeous is really it makes it look like it's kind of a side piece and I think you have to pay attention to color and value as a compositional element so perhaps if some of that green went up the back of law pika or some of the blue of the peacock went down the tail so that it felt like an arabesque I suppose to a block in a block right and also like our eyes are more attractive to brighter objects with more contrast or sharpness and that's the brightest sharpest thing in the whole image so then your eye immediately wants to go there so yeah you might want to keep that in mind when when you're redesigning this if you want to redesign it yeah so let's move on to the next one this one's by Trish I know nothing about brushes lol and I don't have a mouse or stylus just finger on pad on a MacBook Air cool it looks like this is a different challenge but it's uh it says behold your kingdom my daughter the earth is fertile and the humans are caged that's a very very funny line there but I mean not much to you know critique it she said that she like basically finger painted this so I'm sure it's not easy but one thing that I will say that I like is that you know I know she used white paint for the outline but at least it has a background that I least I think helps the foreground so that was sort of what I was trying to say before to be mindful of the background well in the background part of the subject it's part of that the piece the right context right and in this really illustrates that that well and hexer maybe that's cool finger painting on a map how cool is that that could be a style the whole you know look it might be an asset not a hindrance right right super cool let's see this is definitely from another challenge let me see if there's any more for today's challenge and if not we'll just come back down okay with Sony's yeah I love it so we have i Matthews be number seven play at home it's the peacock and you know what I don't I don't watch kathleen stream so mckenna curious to see how she made it i'm definitely gonna go back and watch but i mean i think they all look great i think that that it's very difficult to critique something like this cuz there i mean they all just look great and the one thing i might say is again with the text it's kind of being hidden by those feathers of the peacock not to say that you shouldn't have them hidden but at least you should be able to make out what all the letters are and you know yeah the e is definitely way too hidden well well and that might be something adding a shadow colors so that it can its light against dark dark against light and i think that that the e against thats I am she's also reading really light right problem right yeah the purple is gorgeous the background color gorgeous lovely you know I want to put a plug in for I was watching her challenge that it is so helpful to watch people who are outside your discipline who do different work completely different work than what you normally do it's amazing what you can learn and that we can bring to the table to your work by looking outside for sure yeah I mean I was just telling you before we started the stream that I'm a big fan of watching speed art on YouTube because you learned so much watching dinner I mean I'm not necessarily watching Kompas am i watch all kinds of stuff so even even stuff that I don't do like you mentioned earlier that I like 3d and I like blender and another I'm sorryi'm dimension dimension and I watch blender videos even though I don't use blender because it's just cool to see how people create and how they absolutely solvent and it can help you in your own area just by just just thinking about problem solving and how things fit together and then you find it you find these things like Chris converse doses After Effects though yes is teaching me things to do in compositing form it means an After Effects dude I'm like waiting that I want to use that lighting technique in my front of chakra yeah so Chris converse and his wife Kim cumbrous might still be in the chat he has this awesome class and I can't remember the name but it's like after a fixed like or two Photoshop or something like that but basically how to use After Effects as like an extension of like basically layers house and if I'm not mistaken his session might be on this YouTube channel in the W Creative Cloud YouTube channel because he presented that at Adobe MAX and yeah and I'm fairly certain that Adobe published it on this YouTube channel so look for Chris converse and it's an awesome awesome session anyway imagine I'm a 30 year old 30 year Photoshop user and this After Effects guy showing me stuff whoa yeah awesome work so this is by ceci again play at home and it's got a gorgeous peacock so sort of to reiterate what we said in the previous example I think that ceci did a good job in placing the text even though the feathers are covering certain letters they don't necessarily cover them entirely that you can't tell what they are like you suggest that Lisa in the previous example it says use shadows on there you can see the drop shadows which I think helps it become a better art piece of art I don't have any other suggestions yeah like the tone in her background as well I really it's interesting it's a conversation about background which is interesting but especially your tone on this piece is so beautiful given how busy that that bird is and yet the background helps it help us hold the piece together that birds beautiful I really want to do this I'm gonna figure out I wouldn't even know how to start this alright wait watch this yeah check out the daily creative challenge with kathleen martin rocky Montes car wrote photoshop in after effect awesomeness yes that is the name of Chris's classes oh by the way rocky if it's on there on the youtube channel for Adobe Creative Cloud paste it in the chat please I think I know it's on there somewhere but cool so now we have Filipa gomes this is my brush challenge I used a regular softest brush with the blend mode to solve to give that texture feeling tell me what you think alright Felipa ooh I like this one a lot Felipa I really like the text okay you have the Peacocks head coming out of the letter O I think it's wonderful I think the background works great the texture on the peacock is awesome I mean it's really hard to think of something that I don't like about this this piece of it lisa be the meaning and she'll tell you something that you could fix no I'm just kidding no you know it is it's absolutely beautiful I feel like the type feels like an app an afterthought okay the piece the illustration is so beautiful and in fact I kind of think I would suggest that you put the type on the bottom I guess a rule mm-hmm looks like the bird is standing on the type yeah and just let the bird beat because it's the birds phenomenal and gorgeous and the type just kind of interferes with that yep actually no no does that mean no no not mean I think it looks great overall the one thing that another looking at it closer to me had a little bit of that texture on the text because there's texture all over so maybe the text would benefit from it some of that texture but it looks awesome yeah beautiful it's challenged we check the setup yeah let me send me more we have one two okay we have one more awesome so this is by Christy's fantastic this is my brush challenge play at home oh cool so she added some bubbles in there they look pretty cool so again I think that to steal Lisa's words the text was an afterthought here it seems like it looks like it's just a regular plain font maybe it's the same font but without any layer styles or any shadows or any textures it just looks a little too plain for my taste and I do like the fact that the background has some texture but maybe I would make it a little bit brighter so we can see more of the background Lisa any thoughts yeah you know it uh I think the colored backgrounds wrong I think perhaps a complementary color to something that's in the piece but the color feels jarring it's not so I think a complementary color or something in the same color family would be better and by the way if you guys don't know what like a complementary color is like what we're talking about if you little color dot Adobe com you're going to see a super cool color wheel when it comes up window is this that is my favorite app color the dopey color is amazing absolutely amazing it's such a very cool I love it and on the left hand side you can see the different color harmonies and Lisa was talking about the complementary colors so see when I click on complementary you can see that you can select them one set a color on one side of the color wheel and then you can see what the opposite color is so for example the opposite of red is green so you can see how I selected green when I selected red on the other side so you can just find a color theme that works for you you can also do a triad where you can select the week you guys screen-capture this you want this I promise you you want this do not lose this in action tip of the day if you go in so if you're in Photoshop you can go into worries it I said under somebody remind me color the extensions intentions yeah window extensions Adobe color themes and it brings it up and it's right here and it's for some reason is taking a little to load on my screen here but it's something very similar to what you saw and color dot and you can see the color rules here they don't call them color rules not color themes inside of Photoshop but it's the same thing complimentary there it is and you can also do the same thing inside of Photoshop once again that was under window and extension so check and then I'm gonna just say like Adobe capture up for your phone mogul mmm-hmm you can actually capture your own color palette and make this and put it into the cloud so Adobe capture mobile to go in with that fantastic cool and just wanna throw a big shout out to Kathleen Martin this is her work she was the person leading that Photoshop daily creative challenge this morning so that's Hearst absolutely it's so cool so we have about two minutes so I guess we could say not goodbye yet but maybe at least I'm gonna switch over to your screen so that you can maybe show her your website or some of your resources yeah that's cool so um you guys like what I do I you can find me on creative live I have a bunch of classes I have a class all on brushes oh the whole class is all about how these brushes work and how you change the settings it's not how to paint its look you open it up so that does brush for example or that bird wing brush it'll explain to you how to make that so yeah I'm on creativeLIVE and I'm also started in a new program which is called a photo mentor comm where you can actually book one-on-one time and there's a bunch of amazing amazing creatives on that who you can book time and get get your portfolio reviewed work on a project together do all sorts of stuff so Renee Robbins on here Steph is on here and meson here's her stuff is fantastic so yeah and you can find me at Lisa Carney calm you know when you get Prussians come also follow her on beat him so I know you're all and Behance right yeah that's right you follow Lisa I'm also um begins so let me switch over to my screen you can follow me on behance and the links to everything that I do is there probably the most the thing that I'm known for known for the most is the Photoshop training channel which is on YouTube great thank you but yeah so tutorials I publish tutorials every week and I'm actually starting a new series today I'm a little late on the video because I'm here with you guys but I'm doing something called a copycat Wednesday series which means that I'll copy like a popular movie poster book cover album cover something that's you know out there in the world and I try to recreate it in Photoshop so the first one will be published in a couple hours again I'm here with you guys sunny have time to finish it but I'm doing that next so yeah Photoshop training channel and Lisa is at Lisa Kearney that calm is that your website Lisa yeah that's me music Arnie calm all right guys well we're gonna say goodbye thank you so much for joining us it was a lot of fun we'll be back again tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Pacific Lisa and I will be going for round two it's gonna be on tomorrow gloves off yeah so make sure that you stick around for Claudia she's up next actually Claudia's hosting NEX let me do the schedule really quick Claudia is next with Nick shaf and we have Jesse Showalter after that Kyle T Webster at 2:30 that's gonna be a good one in the day will end with voodoo Val in panda at 3:00 p.m. Pacific and then you can just come back tomorrow and we'll start with Howard doing the getting started with Adobe XD Kathleen Martin doing another Photoshop daily creative challenge and we'll be back again tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. Pacific all right guys we're gonna say bye for now thank you so much for watching it was a lot of fun and thank you Lisa it was really fun it was a hoot honey thank you alright bye guys you
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 10,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photography workflows, mobile photography, lightroom, lightroom presets, create, photo retouching, photo editing, photoshop, compositing, pro tips, how to enhance photography, adobe, adobe live, adobelive, Lisa Carney, Jesus Ramirez
Id: VcpPvRl_SO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 31sec (6931 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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