Photoshop Channel Silhouette Process

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Alright, so now we're going to learn how to create the silhouette effect and we're going to use basically the same steps that you'll find in your book from pages 226 and 227 with a few tweaks. So the first thing you need to do is open your image, you go file, browse and bridge and we're going to select red. Alright with this image open the first thing we're going to do is duplicate that background image. Alright now go to the channels panel and you want to select a panel that's the darkest in this image that is the blue channel. So select the channel that's the darkest that's the blue channel and duplicate that channel so right click, duplicate channel, it's fine whatever it wants to name it is blue copy that's no problem and then go ahead and turn on the blue copy layer and you'll see that a quick mask will appear. Now one thing we do you wanna do is to darken up that channel layer and so we're going to use levels to do this. And so you need to hit command L 22 00:01:23,909 --> 00:01:27,200 and when you do so the levels panel will open up now usually you would use a levels 24 00:01:31,829 --> 00:01:36,520 adjustment layer but this isn't anything that we are going to be doing to the actual image and so just doing a regular levels adjustment is fine so command L and then what we need to do is we need to darken this up so we're going to start dragging our shadows and highlights down and you see my image being adjusted you see the shadows and highlights and then might bring my highlights up just a little bit continue to bring down those shadows and highlights and see things getting a little bit darker here. Okay it's pretty good I've got a nice shadowed area when I'm looking at you should see your shadow set to 215, your midtones set to .79, and your highlights are set at 243, click click ok and you should have a nice silhouette beginning to show up here and so now if I turn off my blue channel the blue copy channel is all that's left and I'm going to drag that down to create a selection. Now switch back to your layers and the first thing you're going to do is come down here into our adjustment layer, at the bottom of the layers select solid color, and we're wanting to make that black but what you can see is we need to actually invert our selection first. So cancel, go up to select inverse, now our female here our model is actually selected and not the background, come down select create new filler adjustment layer, select solid color, you're going to want to fill that with black so if you don't have black already here you can take your eyedropper and come and click on your image to get the black color, click OK and what you should see is just a black silhouette. Now I'm going to turn my other two layers back on and we're going to create a new layer to place in our background. So go ahead and hit command-shift-N, we're gonna name this one color fill and you're going to need to select a bright color for your background so your choice just needs to be super-saturated, I'm going to select a blue color, use the paint bucket, make sure you're clicking in that color fill layer that you just created and it's going to make everything disappear. Now drag that color fill layer to below your silhouette, rename the silhouette layer silhouette and then what you wanna do is you can go in and clean up like this hair here in your mask. So select a brush, make sure you got the mask selected, again black is going to hide, so if you have some hairs that are just kinda appearing out of nowhere don't seem to make any sense cleanup your image just a little bit. You're going to save this one, once again make sure your layers are renamed on your channels panel, you should have you're silhouette mask and blue copy there. File, save as this is going to be 4c your last name underscore red and make sure it's in your chapter five folder and save.
Channel: Gena Jean
Views: 116,154
Rating: 4.750988 out of 5
Id: Cy1HZQjr8v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2015
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