Photoshop CC Normal Map Genaration

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hello my name is Eli - welcome to the video web what we're going to do is take a look at how we can create a normal map so within recent editions of a double Photoshop we now have the ability to generate no match put it in the actual software without using any external plugins or additional software so we're not being said what I've gone ahead and done is I've gone ahead and got a a texture here from CG textures calm and I've simply open this up in Photoshop now if we go ahead and we look at generating beam or Mac right now we can see we can have a quick look at the kind of results we'll get so if we go ahead and choose filter and let me just go ahead and select the layer here going to go ahead and choose filter sweetie and generate normal map and so what is going to happen is we're going to get this dialog box up here and we're going to get a few options here but as you can see the normal map itself is not really that good if we if we even look over here we can see that the normal is not great now wrong decisions go ahead and choose invert in this particular case and for this to work but you know I didn't say here you can see that we can increase these sliders as much as we want but we're not really getting much much other results so I'm going to choose council here so what we need to do is we to go ahead and modify this image so what we do is we need to go ahead and look at where the sort of gravel area or the sort of motor areas is and we go ahead and change this to be more of a black black tones and the cobblestones or the stones and something has to be more white and so what that's going to do that's going to help in pushing and pulling I'll give the illusion of a push-pull effect within the norm up so if you go ahead and choose image adjustments and what we'll do is we're going to go ahead and choose black on white here first I'm just going to go ahead and choose okay so you can see here that now this is black and white as the other normal what's being generated these greys are these tones are very similar to each other so what we need to do is make the contrast so I just did one of those image adjustments again and this time we're going to go home go over here and choose all levels and so you can see here that within the level histogram here I'm you see we have this blank space here and basically over here so when we Susan to go ahead and take the left untended handle here and pull it all the way over to the left until we get to about this point and we're go ahead and choose the right kind your handle and push it all the way over here so you see that this creates much more of a contrast and we can go ahead and take this middle section here and just push this slightly to the right which will give this more contrast look the other guidance is okay and then we're going to go to image adjustments and we're going to go ahead and choose I'm sorry levels image adjustments and curves and so all I do here is running train Mac's the histogram in terms of the curve here so if you do something like this anyone will go ahead and choose an add an extra point over here and just play around with this and see what we're going to get so I think something like this is going to be okay and finally we're going to go ahead and choose image adjustments and we're going to go ahead and change the exposure here and we're going to push the exposure up slightly it's one push the white one so white and you're going to go ahead and believe of blacks or the offset down here we're just going to push these back areas here in Warrington way into the black space okay so now let's go ahead and choose filter and let's try this again so let's go to 3d we're going to go ahead and choose a generate normal map and I give this a moment to load and now you can see we have a much more a much greater effect now to better see this we're going to go ahead and change the object down here at the bottom from sphere over to cube and now you can see we have our now now you can see that the stones are actually beveled inside inward so images in that height and if we go ahead and choose the unmoved option up here we can zoom all the way in and we'll go ahead and choose the rotate tool up above so you have that way to get something that works okay now what you see is that the detail here is a little too fine for my liking so I'm gonna go ahead and just increase the blood slightly so you see that now there's more blur everywhere you do having change the details scale here which is our basic gonna change the amount of detail that can be seen so basically you just wanna go ahead and find a nice balance for your own normal map here so I think maybe something like this is gonna be okay for me we can go ahead and choose okay and now you can see that which generally is this nice normal map so with it being said that's a nice quick easy way to generate an own map for useful thing in your game engine I like to thank you for watching and if you would like to see more Photoshop tutorials like this please let me know in a comment below anyway thank you for watching and bye bye for now
Channel: GameDevMan
Views: 71,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Normal, Map, Photoshop, Photoshop CC 2017, 3D, Unreal, Game, Tutorial
Id: 1PmMWdwZAvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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