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hi guys Jessica cuvee see here in today's video were shooting pro vs. pro [Music] this video is brought to you by Squarespace alright so for this video we are doing an editorial shoe pro vs. pro so we're going to do is take turns shooting with the same model and then we're gonna be comparing pictures but we're gonna show you guys that as if it were kind of like a magazine layout writing you know I choose like a collection of photos that like work well as the story together yes and present them as like a hold together and you guys can let us know which one you guys like best so if it doesn't rain too bad well maybe gonna squeeze in the third but otherwise we're doing just - mm-hmm so you might see a bonus outfit you might not we might just go to Burger King afterwards we don't know going to Burger camp how's it going to Burger King they don't have the fish it's fine they have a kind of burger I like that it's a thing here yeah this for London I like that you guys have a loom here it's this it's like that's professional cheese right there Pro cheese Orochi pro vs. pro halloumi versus like I don't know mozzarella we got to do like wow yeah let's talk about the gear what are you using today Flannery so today I'm using the Canon 5d Mark 4 with the 2470 2.8 lens pre-standard what do you know using the exact same setup it's a cool that were using the same time you guys are really gonna see a comparison a good comparison yeah we got our little covers here London you thought you could surprise them yeah this surprises cuz the first two days were sunny so we've already expect but otherwise no other two guys have ever you literally got a some lip [Music] hi guys so we're officially outside it's starting to rain it's not that bad though I think we'll be able if we wrap this intro up quick if I start talking a little faster would be good to go we have our amazing model natasha here from Manchester she came all the way here to shoot with us in London we're really excited have you shot in the rain before yeah I'm talking so let's wrap this up and let's get started with our first photographer Flannery I'm nominating you a alright I guess I mean let's go let's go are we doing one of these ok guys so we're at our first location is this red door mean plan walked by it the other day and we loved it Glenn what is your strategy for today so my strategy because we're doing an editorial Pro versus Pro shoot I'm gonna try and do a couple of different like focal lengths so I want to get a really wide shot and kind of tell the story of like her maybe at the curb and then I want to get like a medium and then a tight shot too so I can kind of have some like variation I'll race you're gonna have 10 minutes to get your shop it's like a good amount of time I'm used to like 2 or 3 minutes so that's a lot frantically trying it you know like 3 hours so we're gonna do the wide shot first then you'll will do some of you like coming out and like action shots of you like almost like reaching maybe like taxi yeah and then I want to do sound like a view standing like kind of like waiting as if you're like oh the taxi never came but I like waiting for my friends like feet up so we're gonna start with that so have you like leaning up against yeah and then exactly and then for you very much like powers fancy all right and then let's have you doing like the the taxicab like and like almost like a jumping shot okay so it's actually raining quite a bit it's getting progressively worse which is gonna be worse for me because I'm going after but so far it's not bad yeah we're doing a great job she really has her story to that I have no idea like literally zero ideas I'm just gonna go with the flow and see I don't know see where it takes me maybe an island with zero people on him no but I've watched castaway I know it can be done except when Wilson floats away that's kind of depressing book what the plan has her story Street you know that wouldn't the cops come and ask me like the story for the editorial all right 52nd by the way you guys plan almost ran into the spider in here shoot stupid e I had to like grab her be like we don't want to destroy his mom so oh ok your time it's not it's not flooding yet so you guys made it alright so recap of this location it went pretty well it was like a long amount of time so I feel like I got everything and we tried a bunch of different positions and locations like within this one area so I'm pretty happy with the way one guys backpack the backpack is solely on to this but I'd look more professional I look professional with this she's more pro so we really want to grow we want to prove a point here through our appearances that we like you're gonna go like rob a museum or something that diamonds canary heist yes I'm doing I'm the nerd in the back doing the computer work and like cracking the codes and stuff through the van I'm in the band yeah I I like vans so I would join the band I like bombing they're very spacious you know like II they got reclining seats cupholders everything okay we're but that's not why we're here we're here to do the pro Christmas bro from here and a water job just fell into my contract okay I don't know what I'm doing we're just gonna take pictures and see how this turns out [Music] well first of all I feel like I'm like a mama and like protecting my egg right now I'm like trying to kill a literally my whole body over my camera I was like very like quick just as very calm she's like she's seen your time on the face she's like just up in there I think she knows she wants just a portrait shot like I would like this lit so I was like maybe I should just slow down I didn't even notice how wet soaked everything on yes oh my god okay guys okay it started raining halfway through power through the rain you make it happen okay I didn't even notice the reigns of the autism it honestly was way worse for you it was like barely spring cleaning and then for you it was like starting to actually come down you got you got like a sprinkle cone from Dairy Queen I got like the epitome oh yeah let it go to Nelly oh you got like the hot amazing job you're great for our second out yeah let's go before it gets worse out here okay honestly you guys I would not worry I'm from Michigan Lee I know otherwise it's just a passing cloud we are turning in the puffy coat we're currently it's gonna take like like five hours it's gonna pass I know [Music] I think we kind of chose the next location this is great why am I even wearing this it's covered there's no rain and there's really nice light beautiful so I think this is going to be the next location hopefully no one turns in here because it would basically I [Music] [Music] need the camera put this back on edge need a helmet to complete this look good [Music] okay count me in like man on the cloth go okay [Music] this is like a playground oh my god there's so much the truth from um let's do know Jack and I like how this leg actually time you like by now that's you yeah that's you so Jessica's going right now she's doing a little like the one blue action with like the door and the dress I feel very safe because like just because got her backpack on she's ready to go if a truck comes we'll just like she's like the air bag you know you'd like put her out there and be like alright just got you ready everybody's protected Haley it's okay she's dropped a hurt seatbelt on she's good she's good to go maybe do one of you sitting what a trooper this is the real pro right here and she make it dead thirty seconds 20 seconds I should check the exposure around those exposure was a little gosh they're like really great but it's okay okay that's London right here we're keeping accurate historically accurate night six so just sitting over expose thank you [Music] that's how I'm huh she's starting before I look at this trucco right here she's a whisper nobody okay there we go flan we're starting you off I give you extra seconds to let it feel like turning the dial to zero so here you go that's right but I want you in this bush I I think this dress to me it looks like Alice in Wonderland I'm like very much so so I want you like in the leaves kind of like peeking out through these yeah [Music] [Laughter] okay it's going like super slow but those are the ones you guys look out for because they really hate you you know bleep you better make sure I'm the street football guy make sure everyone's safe here okay come on [Music] Flannery is really good at getting a variety of shots I think I get so focused on like one area that I forget to to go in to other areas so just a pro at that I definitely learning a thing or two from her actions that were things like a lava it's really not don't you laugh [Music] [Laughter] I have to change insetting oh my god it's okay anyway you got it we tried some days you couldn't get the Mercedes nine out of ten this is the van runway Q it we're gonna put some [Music] yes a we were doing our read travel and a man came out of nowhere and almost killed all of us but love the leaves none of us say and we're here to do the rest of the Reno so with that being said it started lightly sprinkling on us well it didn't even affect your pictures clutter you know we really want to give a special shout-out to a Natasha check out her Instagram she doesn't have snapchat which we learned earlier but uh she was back on them she was answer I don't have child she didn't have fun we're gonna have her Instagram down below you can go tell her hello who would love to think downtown well so before we wrap up the video I want to thank our sponsor I've been using Squarespace for quite some time now for my personal portfolio plus my online store you guys know I saw my presets on there and I love their platform I love what they offer they have so many cool features not only for just photographers you can have a portfolio website you can design a custom gallery for your clients you want to show them something you can have appointment scheduling you know clients can easily see your availability reschedule things directly on your website you can do things like email campaigns you know show off your work to your clients they have beautiful templates that are super easy to use if you want to make it change to one of them with a couple of clicks it's done so definitely you don't need a whole bunch of experience to be able to use this platform which is why I would recommend it to you guys and why I recommend it to my friends us can head to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to slash Jessica to save 10% off your first purchase of a domain or website [Music] anyways greetings from London we'll see you guys later hope you guys like the video new pictures
Channel: Jessica Kobeissi
Views: 448,839
Rating: 4.9283557 out of 5
Keywords: photography tips photography tricks portrait tutorial tutorial editing, portrait tutorial, portrait editing, skin retouching, portrait retouching, professional skin retouching, professional photography tutorial, photoshop tutorial, photoshop editing tutorial, outdoor photography tutorial, fashion photography, beginner photography, photography tricks, photography tips, photography techniques, photography retouching tutorial, pro vs pro
Id: _v9tqTDfE3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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