Photographing Moab - Behind the scenes from the "Out of Moab" conference

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we're just outside of Moab Utah just outside of arches national park over this next weekend we're gonna be at the out of Moab Conference there's a lot of really cool people at this conference including there's a lot of cool people and it's on the seat plus one Thomas and I were leading one of the excursions together one of the things that we have to do is go Scout this particular arch since neither one of us has ever even seen this trail before so before leading a bunch of unsuspecting photographers we're gonna go Scout it out and at least experience it once for ourselves so we actually doing that workshop together I think so I think so maybe we're not maybe we're also very educated what's gonna happen oh yeah very much very much in the know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so unfortunately clouds are almost gone now I'm kind of skeptical as to whether we're gonna have any clouds at all that's okay we're here to scout doesn't really matter if we get the world's best shot but still really cool place so we're just kind of wandering around kind of getting ideas for possible compositions anytime that you're shooting in conditions where the sky is really not helping the shot too much you have to make the shot about something other than the sky and include as little of it as possible you really have to have a strong composition when you're shooting in these kinds of situations so what I'm looking for our areas where not only are we getting the arch in the background that's kind of a given but I'm also looking for areas where I can have a really interesting foreground so I found one composition where the light is kind of creating this triangle down into the corner of the frame I'm kind of liking that now I'm gonna start walking around and looking for telephoto shots anytime the sky is not really adding of a shot you might as well exclude as much of it as possible so for the past several minutes I've been photographing the clips that are catching light kind of opposite the two arches here the benefits of shooting that way is that we have these clouds that we're catching color they are the only clouds that we have to work with tonight so I was trying to make the most of that by shooting a slightly longer focal length and eliminating some of the empty sky so behind me we have bowtie arch which is really cool arch and I've taken several shots of it but I'm not sure that I've gotten anything that I really love it's kind of a hard to photograph arch so Thomas and I are gonna wait around and see what happens with our sky shooting opposite the sunset got a few minutes left to go before that happens so we're gonna go get a composition set up wait around hopefully all these tourists leave man I hate tourists so our moment has finally gotten here I've taken a couple frames let me show you the composition I've been working on so I absolutely loved this kind of gnarly crooked little tree that we got going here and it also serves to fill some of the empty sky that we have going on on the right side of the frame it kind of balances with the arch I feel like any time that you can have more than one interesting subject in your frame it's going to be a stronger image everybody that owns a cellphone has come and photograph of this arch but hopefully I'm coming away with something slightly different by having multiple multiple subjects in the frame turned out as good as we could probably get we milked it for with the conditions with a we got the most out of it we got the most out of the conditions that we were given by waiting for the kind of soft pastel the skies kind of opposite where the Sun was setting because there really wasn't much first guys tonight but I'm looking forward to the conference which starts tomorrow we have to head to the instructor dinner thing and we have to hike all the way back to the car so better get on that [Applause] so this is all the instructors getting ready so we have Josh during the daytime you know 6005 [Music] so that out of Moab conference has kind of come and gone and I haven't really got to film very much it's not really super appropriate during a a conference to film very much but it's been a great time I haven't got to shoot a ton but I did get a couple of really cool light events I guess you would say a delicate arch we got an awesome sunrise got some really moody shots the second time we went to Karen arch now we're at a place called Green River overlook and is this absolutely massive overlook over this really deep canyon I don't know how deep and we're up here kind of exploring some desert scenes there's all of this nice desert flora and fauna behind us to shoot kind of while we're hoping for some rays of light to hit down in the canyon right now they're not so it's a little bit flat but we're shooting other stuff in the meantime really beautiful place [Music] yeah open it yeah this is one of those places where you want to tie your shoes because it's a long ways down absolutely massive cliffs here [Music] so like every other night have really got too many photos and I haven't recorded hardly any video but it's been a beautiful beautiful night you got a good sunset I didn't really get a photos of it I was too busy being you know a workshop instructor but I'm gonna take a shot hearing this a little bit of Twilight glow we have going on and see if I can get something what a gorgeous night we got a nice sunset beautiful beautiful place Green River overlook just outside of my lab so this shots pretty simple I've got a nice flat horizon line so I only need two shots for exposure I'm gonna do a two shot bracket f/8 because everything's far away I'm gonna do ISO 100 one second for my bright exposure and two stops darker for my darker exposure boom all right so we got to get up early hopefully get some good photos in the morning I'll catch you guys in the morning [Music] and so for about the fifth day in a row it's raining again and Moab in a way it's really cool that it's raining because you know it's a condition but the desert doesn't get all the time and with rain comes the chance of rainbows and really interesting light sometimes the rain just doesn't let up though it's kind of tough [Music] reception there even with so this morning we're photographing dead horse point the clouds are not looking very favorable we have the opposite of what you want we have clouds low on the horizon and then big empty skies up above us but you never know it'll happen so we're gonna see [Music] [Music] for you [Music] lowering so this place is pretty awesome it's a long ways down another bad place to fall the benefit of being here during sunrise is there's fewer people as during sunset there's a whole bunch of tourists kind of sitting on the ledge and in your frame then you have to push them off and it's it's a big inconvenience but we're here just kind of waiting for the light to pop up kind of a cool storm cell in the background unfortunately that storm cell is right where the sun's gonna rise so we're probably not gonna get much for light until later in the morning so we're gonna take some shots now while the lights kind of soft and then we'll wait for the Sun to pop up and see what happens [Music] there are these little juniper bushes that were really like him kind of using as a foreground element to really give the shot a sense of depth because without without this foreground it just kind of feels like a helicopter shot like you're taking it from an airplane or something because everything is so far away so we're trying to include some of these junipers and some of the rock and the foreground to give it a sense of place [Music] so because there's a fair bit of wind one of the things that we kind of have to keep an eye out for is blurry bushes because as the wind blows the little June for bushes that we're using in the foreground we're gonna end up with blurry Journal Jennifer bushes so one of the things that you can do to avoid that let's take an ISO 100 shot of the entire scene with that long shutter speed do another shot with a little bit more open aperture higher ISO in the shorter shutter speed and get a nice sharp juniper bush and then mask that in and photoshoping us what I'm doing so I just took a 15 minute or 15 second exposure and now I'm going to speed up my shutter speed right around I don't know twenty fifth of a second or so open up my aperture 3.2 now we're gonna increase our ISO now I'm gonna go up to ISO 800 and take one more shot and then I'll mask this shorter shutter speed in with the longer shutter speed that way I can end up with a noise free scene with a sharp juniper bush so it's got going on man I'm taking the view just checking it out waiting for the color like yeah we're starting to get light hitting the distant distant rock cliffs and that's what kind of what we've been waiting for cuz I think that's probably going to be the best shot and or the best light that we get this morning and it's starting to happen this guy's looking pretty nice in the distance it's brisk it's a little bit breezy this gorgeous place gorgeous place to shoot [Music] so we're starting to get direct light hitting the cliffs and it's so so gorgeous especially when it starts to hit a little bit deeper down into our composition really draws the eye in [Music] [Music] [Music] the cool part of this location is that you get really nice sidelight on all of the get really nice sidelight on all of the cliffs down in the in the river valley it's gorgeous we've been using polarisers that cut through the haze and it's pretty cool it's definitely a good way to finish the trip I'm excited about a lot of the photos that we've gotten thank you guys so much for watching make sure you like and subscribe use the photos we got and we'll see you in the next video take it easy everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 36,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Landscape Photography, photography, thomas heaton, moab, utah, dead horse point, green river overlook, corona arch, nick page, vlog, in the filed
Id: xunglazRMzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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