Phineas & Ferb Reanimated

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This was shared earlier and i saw it but still,thank you.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Handoxthehand 📅︎︎ May 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
so Ferb what do you want to do today what about Perry what does he want to do well he's a platypus they don't do much I for one I'm starting to get bored and boredom is something up with which I will not put the first thing they're gonna ask us when we get back to school is what a big do over summer I mean no school for three months I'll I should be a roller coaster and I mean a good roller coaster not like that one we wrote at the State Fair wife I built a roller coaster I would I'm gonna go pick up a few things you boys stay out of trouble okay okay mom we're gonna build a roller coaster I'm in charge right you did tell them I'm in charge relax Candace nobody has to be in charge but what if there's an emergency like what what if what if a satellite falls out of orbit and crashes into the house if that happens you're in charge mom says I'm in charge conditionally whatever wait a minute what are you doing homework it's summer that's cool you wait till the last minute then well I'm watching you and I'm in charge conditionally hello Stacy no I can't judge the mall right now mom what's the story she left me in charge well you know conditionally if you go can you see if Jeremy is there no no he's at you when that works at mr. slushy burger yeah he totally smiled at me last time I was there I just about died no I told you I can't I'm watching my brother instead brother yeah and they never get into trouble his mom never catches that one of these days though I'm gonna see to it that she catches em red-handed well you hold it down try to use the phone mom left me in charge so there'll be no shenanigans today what are they doing right now why do you ask what do you mean you could see it from your house say what do you like it ooh I'm gonna go tell mom and when she sees what you are doing you are going down down down do WN we're gonna need a blowtorch and some more peanut butter hey Candace is Phineas hmm hey Phineas hey Isabella what's she doin building a roller coaster in your backyard some of it isn't that kind of impossible some might say hey Ferb does her stepbrother ever talk Ferb he's more of a man of action I was gonna go to the pool you wanna go swimming kind of in the middle of something here oh right okay I'll see you later then okay hey Ferb you got enough rivets up there hey where's Perry [Music] this morning hid the evil dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to his old tricks for reasons unknown to us he's bought up 80% of the country's tinfoil I want you to get over to his hideout right away find out what he's up to and put a stop to it as always Agent P it is imperative that your cover identity as a mindless domestic pet remains intact now get out there [Music] so the way I see it the solid fuel Rockets kick in in the mall parking lot then we release the snakes during the corkscrew around the interstate I'm gonna go get the snakes mom you got to come home right now did a satellite crash into the house no no no you got to see what Phineas and Ferb are doing seems like we've had this conversation before what do you mean I seem to recall you telling me that the boys were training monkeys to juggle bicycles and when I came home there was a stunning lack of monkeys I still don't know how to clean it up so fast so what's the emergency this time through building a roller coaster Candace seriously isn't Phineas a little young to be a rollercoaster engineer aren't you a little young to be a rollercoaster engineer yes yes I am I must say I'm very impressed the forms all seem to be in order although I've never seen them filled out in crayon before so if there's anything I can get you anything at all just let me know do you think we could borrow one of those gadgets [Music] surprise and my unexpected Doofenshmirtz have covered the entire eastern seaboard in tin foil and when I put my giant magnet next to my ingenious magnetism magnifier i will pull the east in a westerly direction thereby reversing rotation of the earth you may well ask yourself well let me just answer that by saying I haven't really worked out all the bugs yet I mean I'm telling you they're building an acute Phineas and Ferb present the coolest coaster ever now open mom Phineas and Ferb got a roller coaster you think we get a discount if we bring the flyer you would better taste see I told you I'm not crazy I told you and you're not crazy because I see your point Candace no crazy person would scream at a post like that I'll be in the dairy section if you want to come yell at some cheese or anything [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages may I present to you a spectacle most of the morning in the making the coolest coaster [Music] so who wants to go first to fasten insert the tab into the metal buckle to release just pull back on the oops well you get the picture well that's about it enjoy the ride you all signed the waivers right [Music] [Music] [Applause] I really make all my money back I buy a bunch of east-facing real estate and salad [Music] [Music] you are too late [Music] quake in your boots and watch helplessly as the unimaginable electromagnetic forces pull the eastern seaboard thereby reversing rotation are they well that didn't work now we have a traveling 200 miles an hour [Music] you saved us Mary [Music] okay I give up what am I supposed to be looking at I'm gonna go get the cart mom time to go I've got frozen okay so you think that Phineas and Ferb are still under that stupid tree in the backyard right well yes that would be my guess [Music] oh there you are Perry nice hat Isabella [Applause] funny I remember this the blueprints [Music] I'm worried about you sometimes Candace [Music] welcome to mr. slushy burger may I take your order Oh anyone wanna hustle [Music] you know if that thing crashes to earth Candace is in charge [Music] we should have charged more okay we're here are you happy yes Seema I told you they weren't there oh hi boys hi mom come on Candace help me with the groceries let's go hey Phineas that was great way to dad was awesome that was great Phineas so what are you gonna do tomorrow don't know yet maybe you can teach Perry some tricks well he is a platypus they don't do much they're the only mammals to lay eggs maybe you'll an egg cool it really was the coolest coaster ever you guys make a great team well a brother is a brother but I couldn't have asked for a better one than Ferb you know what I mean oh man I can smell the peanut butter that was impressive
Channel: Awesomemay
Views: 5,218,211
Rating: 4.9320078 out of 5
Keywords: phineas, ferb, phineas and ferb, p&f, candace, drawing, art, animation, animator project, kirby reanimated, reanimated, steven universe reanimated, reanimate, spongebob reanimated, shrek retold, doofenshmirtz, reanimation, candace against the universe, cartoon, awesomemay, awesome may, animator, steamed hams, phineas flynn, phineas and ferb 2020, phineas and ferb hd, phineas and ferb reanimated reaction, pewdiepie, dan povenmire, disney, disney reanimated, dream, minecraft, multi animator project
Id: WDf49wbB4yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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