Looney Tunes | What a Mood: Lola Bunny | WB Kids

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[Music] hi bags how'd you know it was me oh I answer every call like this just in case it's you know it's okay it's just a weird winning answer I wasn't talking to you I almost have an oil truck oh well maybe I'll call you at a better time this is a better time this is a perfect time are you kidding this is a perfect better time go on well my friend Debbie needs some dating advice and I thought maybe you could talk to him are you serious well if you'd rather not no not you I almost hit another oil truck driving is hard so you want me to help Daffy yes would that be a nice thing for me to do yes and you like nice people yes so if I help Daffy you'll like me I guess then I'll do it great thanks what you won't do it oh sorry that's my phone sorry a lot of stuff in here makeup keys rubber band ball dick of cards stupid flashlight mini fan I like to record my thoughts note to self clean out your purse oh here it is oh hello hi um I'm just on a date with a really cute guy he's sitting across me right now he's totally looking at me oh no wait now he's looking down no he's looking around oh he's looking at me again well I better go okay call me later bye ye friend of yours nope wrong number Oh is there butter in this I'm not supposed to have butter I'm allergic to butter oh no wait it's gluten nut butter I'm allergic to gluten no wait not gluten pollen oh no wait I love pollen is there pollen in this can I get some pollen in this you know what now that I'm thinking about it I don't really want carrot soup actually maybe just one little taste Oh oh that's good oh maybe just one more mm-hmm you can really taste the pollen are you gonna eat yours so what do you have planned for after dinner how about a movie we'll just sit together watch a movie hmm and not talk so good I'm so glad I'm not allergic to butter do you like this movie I love this movie it's so sad but like uplifting to like a feel-good movie a sad feel-good movie it's funny also and scary oh this is the best part oh no wait this is the worst part Oh eat this part oh I have to pee sorry excuse me give me excuse me what watch your leg excuse me excuse me sorry going back excuse me excuse me sorry wow that was a good movie and now your feature presentation so basically I'll have to make a long story short wait what was I talking about I have no idea oh my gosh I never paid that was the worst date of my life that was the best date of my life wait didn't I have to do something note to self that's right hey Lola standing on the side of the road fun oh my gosh you're never gonna believe this there is a guy standing on the side of the road who looks just like you I'm about to hit him you look just like my boyfriend we poor thing I can't believe Daffy was driving cut a drivers license that is so irresponsible [Music] that was a red light I can't go to jail I'm too pretty I won't last today I'll lift weights I'll get really muscular my voice will get really deep I'll run the place hi officer can I see your driver's license absolutely just one second hold on let me see here oh here we go oh no wait that's my credit card here we go Oh nope that's a recipe for salmon balls aren't really good here it is oh no that's my frozen yogurt frequent muncher card two more and I get a free waffle cone oh here it is it was hiding oh no wait that's a picture of bugs isn't he cute here it is wait that's a basketball card Manu Ginobili I love Manu Ginobili oh here it is oops fortune cookie fortune you will receive an unexpected letter from a friend how does the cookie know that that's crazy I'm sorry what did you want your driver's license oh yeah I don't have one of those congratulations Lola I gotta get inside and shut off the water main whatever that is winning the Nobel Prize that's amazing Lola move it I mean no bells none I can't live without bells I think my house is flooded [Applause] Wow someone wins the Nobel Prize and thinks they're pretty hot well guess what you're not alright all you did was not have a bell okay anyone can do that I can totally do that Who am I kidding then why can't those are so fun doing here you called me you were hysterical oh right it's a simple fracture she'll have the cast off at about six weeks how did it happen it's crazy I was out buying cupcakes when I noticed a baby stuck on top of a building I knew I had to save that baby I'm finished my cupcake and shimmied up the drain pipe when suddenly the drain Pittsburgh coming loose from the building and you fell and broke your leg no I let go of the dream pipe just in time and grabbed hold of a telephone wire so there it was hanging from the wire I started swinging myself back and forth until finally I flung myself as high in the hood hoping I would make it to the roof but I didn't make it to the roof I was totally on control and that went crashing through a giant plate glass window and that's when you broke your leg no I made a clot on there back in the middle of some girl's apartment she was super sweet we're totally having lunch next week anyway I found my way to the elevator but it was out of service so I had to pry open the doors and throw myself into the elevator shaft you fell down an elevator shaft will you please just listen I caught the elevator cables I pull myself up hand over hand until I finally reach the top where I make the great open with my feet and catapulted myself onto the roof but right before I could grab the baby it turned and I realized it wasn't a baby it was a crow and what I tried to fend it off but he was one of those angry crows and no matter what I did he kept attacking he wouldn't stop when you broke your leg no I landed on an inflatable gorilla in front of a car dealership so how did you break your leg oh I was here for a checkup and I slipped getting up on this table it's really high you should try it no wait don't you'll break your leg like me she's a keeper hello Duffy Mulla what are you doing here did you ask that girl out yeah I did so you're gonna go hell with her would even know about this girl she can be trouble she could be dangerous you know not not every girl this enables me know Tina's great her name's Tina that's not even a real name that's a made-up name like like balls away Kirk a throg I think Tina's the real name she has you so duped I think you should leave fine but you were making a huge mistake Tina's crazy she's a crazy person she's a crazy fake name person who's probably a stalker [Music] I'm just gonna leave this ladder here for later it's gonna be okay believe me I have a sixth sense about these things I've got sight I've got hearing I've got taste I've got smell what is the other one touch oh thanks I'm flattered but I'm trying to think of the other sense well whatever it is I've got it but the important one is my sixth sense my sense of humor speedy what are you doing here ieave here or at least I go school wait a minute you live in bugs this house don't you want a restaurant can't you afford your own place huh probably speedy we're adults okay adults live on their own way did you live with my parents they gave me t-cells how do you say taco in Spanish Bakkal taco how do you say burrito what are you thought what oh so Spanish and English are the same that's that's crazy Hey I think it push it hey bugs where you been I've been waiting a half an hour I got lost what do you mean you got lost you come here all the time I know I don't know what's wrong with me oh you poor thing let me get you a glass of water or as they say in Spanish a glass of water that's right that's right these are all right I have to pass you let your Lola oh hi porky what are you doing here my driver's license expired mm-hmm you and Daffy so irresponsible hi sorry that took so long I'm a little nervous I'm not a really good test taker I'm more of a test giver or a test watcher or a taste tester you passed perfect score oh my gosh II did I'm a really good test taker you [Music] failed again then what what's happening let me take another one I'm sorry sir you only get two chances yeah that I at least come close well what do you think hmm he's pretty nice I guess maybe I could put my hole over here what are you talking about you don't have to live in a hole you got all the space I don't know he seems so B I could help you decorate Oh it'll be fun I have a really great eye it's my left one my right eyes just a regular eye oh no wait I'm wrong my right eyes my great eye my left eye has x-ray vision hey my eyes are up here okay I can totally see through that this mailbox was Tasha's destination did he make it there's only one way to find out dust for fingerprints right yes dust for fingerprints you know what we don't need fingerprints let's run some forensics right forensics love forensics big fan of forensics now that I think about it all we really need is a DNA sample great one sample of DNA coming up you will have just crawl inside and see if he's in there nope no gopher oh but there's tons of mail in here oh really hmm not as roomy as I thought it would be oh nice bail may we help you hi yes hello hi I am decorating an apartment for a dear dear friend of mine Oh whatever can you tell us about him um well he's a mouse named speedy Gonzalez I think you might wear a hat well we just received some lovely pieces from Spain this particular chest of drawers is 18th century mahogany notice the burl walnut inset panels oh I don't know it's not really speaking to me oh well perhaps senior hon Salas would prefer something a little more modern I'm positively obsessed with his mid-century sofa I'm really speaking to me either oh now this is speaking to me hmm oh thank you it's very flattering but I have a boyfriend you just won the Nobel Prize besides you're not really my type you're too tall and you're an armoire so huh oh and um wha excuse me I'm from France well what about this it arrived this morning look I appreciate what you're trying to do but you don't know speedy like I know speedy I know you think you do because you're all mice we're givers oh is that different just take a look it's Italian Baroque isn't it exquisite mm-hmm it is nice and speedy is Italian maybe this is speedy you know what no this this isn't speedy mm-hmm yeah I think I'm just gonna keep looking around try a few more stores and maybe some place that feels more like him oh I do love that Bell though it's a great Bell seven years isn't that long when you think about it thanks for getting all my stuff I really feel like I'm at home remind me again why you're not at home because you're taking care of me and you live here see I'm doing you a favor gee thanks you won't even know I'm here Oh bugs yes I'm kind of thirsty would you mind getting me a glass of milk milk oh no wait I'm allergic to milk how about a soda diet soda though oh no wait regular soda I need the calories you know what sorry so does bad for you how about an orange juice no wait apple juice no orange juice no apple juice you know what just give me the milk and we'll see what happens what's that water oh it's just what I wanted no no no I gotta pee when do you get your cast off again only six weeks [Music] we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of bugs and Lola before we begin if anyone objects to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace I object what I'm sorry bun bun I know how much you love me but I can't marry you because I'm in love with someone else I'm in love with him you know what they say the eighth time's a charm will you ever get over me it's gonna take a long time we probably shouldn't talk for a while I understand so lucky so so lucky Bugs Bunny dumped I've been there brother you'll never get over it wait I thought you got the cheeseburger that cottage cheese will be fine try something new who knows maybe I'll like it mmm-hmm it's cheesy as you'd think very cottagey though okay let me give you a scenario oh it's so sweet thank you I feel bad though I don't have anything to give you here take my cottage cheese I insist oh one more quick huge bite no a scenario I'm gonna describe a situation at work you tell me how you would handle it Oh fun okay imagine some customer comes up to you at the counter who is it who is what the customer I don't know what doesn't matter just pick someone okay I've got him all right so this customers in a hurry but you're already busy doing a bunch of other stuff I'm sorry where do I work again copy place right got it so you tell him to wait a minute but he keeps ringing the bell saying miss miss [Music] well hello there customer can I help you that depends what are you doing for the rest of your life well kind of thought I was gonna work here until I figured out what I really wanted to do or maybe I'll go back to college forget all that married Oh customer say yes yes [Music] [Applause] huh what would you do with that customer I drop everything and do whatever he said he's my customer and my customer is my world Wow I think I've got the wrong personality for customer service huge bite what are you doing I'm trying to win my boyfriend back I said I'll lose that girl what boyfriend Daffy Daffy's not your boyfriend I'm your boyfriend say that again mm-hmm that's okay I have it right here what are you doing here we're on a date he's my boyfriend I'm his girlfriend we're boyfriend/girlfriend I thought you were our waitress Wow she's a keeper you know we should do some time double date how about tomorrow night you guys like Thai yeah who is that it's bugs that's not the bugs I know that's not the bugs I know either but I kind of like it where do you think you're going young lady wherever he'll take me I forbid you to go out with that daddy I love him go deal room I don't even live here anymore well then go to your old room that your mother turned into her scrapbooking room get off my property Bugs Bunny I'll come back for you you know we were young once [Music] what do we do we know climbing inside a mailbox is against the law what else the fire department's not happy when they have to use the Jaws of Life to pry you out of a mailbox what else the city says you have to pay to replace the mailbox or do 1100 hours of community service what else Tosh has been missing for 28 minutes and we still haven't found him oh right the Gopher I totally forgot about that whole situation well I guess we're back to square one huh interesting maybe it could be ah I like where you're going with this I hadn't thought of that you're good what do you think I think this is just the break we've been looking for yeah I think we'll be able to focus a lot better after we make some cookies and decorating your apartment I had to ask myself who is speedy Gonzalez what does speedy Gonzalez want what does speedy Gonzalez need I had to get inside the mind of speedy Gonzalez it wasn't easy but I think I nailed it speedy Gonzalez welcome home yeah uh there's a lot of little bills everywhere these bills have little bells inside the belt you know I appreciate you doing all of this but I think I'm gonna go back to senior bugs I like my little mouse hole there he's gotta be dry by now but then who's gonna live here you're good me I don't know it's not really my taste I guess I could make it work get rid of some of the Speedy Gonzales influence Lola Lola coming what he's dead it's a stairlift I felt so bad you were having to carry me up and down so I had women stop while you were gone it's top of the line that's why it's so quiet all up there here I go more steps [Music] come there what's that your Chinese food that's not Chinese food Chinese foods flat and round with cheese and tomato sauce and a bunch of different toppings that's called pizza well I don't know I don't speak Chinese Thanks Oh think I have to pee again area [Music] next hey cool your jets blondie I'm a real stickler you look familiar yo smite it's Yosemite Oh like the National Park you know I was named after a National Park oh no wait sorry I wasn't named after our National Park I was named after my grandmother oh no wait my grandmother's name is Betty not Lola wait there's a national park named Betty can you just take her right all right yes might I just got a perfect score and my written test I think I can do a little more than take a right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] did I pass hello yeah I passed oh now I know why you look familiar your bug his neighbor he told me so much about you he's not a fan I can't believe they named a national park after that guy [Music]
Channel: WB Kids
Views: 1,067,954
Rating: 4.6878495 out of 5
Keywords: Scooby-Doo!, Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Compilation, Cartoons, Classic Cartoons, Animation, full episodes, Scooby doo where are you, chuck jones, Mel Blanc, Spike the Dog, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Coyote & Roadrunner, LT2018, LTS
Id: auLHVjthp0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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