Philadelphia Phillies @ Chicago Cubs - Aug. 1, 1987 - Andre Dawson

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with steve stone harry carey back in rigby field here are the lineups farther phillies sam wallace second thompson and center hayes of first schmidt at third wilson wright james and left parish the catcher jealous of chart term hume ordinarily relief pitcher will be your starting pitcher for the cup it will be and center sandberg at second durham and first dawson and wright mumphrey and left moreland at third sunbury the catcher noche at chart and les lancaster the pitcher the umpires are larry pancino behind the plate brocklander in first to mute the second mcsherry at third we're just about ready to play ball and a standing room only crowd again now you take a look at les lancaster who is going to the mound for his 14th major league appearance that's how they'll line up behind him defensively this is his sixth major league start his second appearance at first start against the phillies last time out against montreal was a relief appearance in fact his last two times out have been in relief he pitched a couple of innings gave up a run on two hits his last start was against san francisco that was on july 19th he wasn't involved in a decision in a four to three loss and he's got his work cut out for him the wind is out of the southeast 15 miles an hour blowing out toward the left field corner and the first pitch is a strike call today is leith candy incorporated special olympics day here over 1300 people in nick are in attendance courtesy of lee candy including 300 special olympians were honored before the game one ball one strike the pit a bouncing ball noche he throws them out one gun that comes on at 300 special olympians who are guests of leith incorporated participating in the salute to the special olympians with hall of famers roy campanella and billy williams there you see roy and billy there as well as kelly cash miss america whom you'll see up here a little later she's there in the picture to your left here's the pitch to mill thompson a little bit low the salute to the special olympians is sponsored by leaf candy and the olympians are on their way to south bend where the games start tomorrow here's the pitch foul out of play throwing up the ceremonial first pitch with special olympian shanique verner she was escorted to the pitcher's mound by paul mullin president of belief who's a sponsor [Applause] of the games that south them tomorrow there's a strike call one ball two strikes one out milt thompson hitting 291. while one goes back to the screen one ball two strikes bill thompson thompson came over from the atlanta braves in a fine deal for philadelphia that brought them steve badrossian and they sent ozzy virgil along to atlanta thompson fits in very nicely in center field he's excellent defensively he's come into his own as a hitter here in philadelphia and you know bedrosian with 30 saves is leading the national league 2-2 pitch foul out of play detroit just got three in the fifth that lead the yankees five to nothing in the bottom of the fifth cleveland leading at the toronto three to nothing at the end of seven there's a problem again san francisco's leading at cincinnati six to nothing in the top of the fifth of the game is not an official game yet and it's being delayed by rain mill thompson out of a crouch fastball low two balls two strike a wind blowing out towards the left for your wall lancaster appears to have a good fastball today i'd like to see him get something off speed over the plate but he'll probably go with the fastball here come on tomorrow nice play there's the throw and he is safely beaten out nice play by moreland and he tried to throw off balance from final territory while running away from first base he made a play like that yesterday but thompson was too fast today good effort by moreland who spears it can't get anything on the throw and thompson just runs too well no chance to get him at first thompson has called time to tie shoelace he might have run out of his shoe does it take that long to tie his shoelace they are really big shoes we saw enough of rick's shoe yesterday to last for some time he's not in the lineup today much of the light of les lancaster yeah he was a big shoe yesterday one out one on thompson has stolen 30 bases this year he's been caught stealing only six times and odds are overwhelming that he's going to be going here's the pitch there we go there's the peg he's got it swiped easily jim sunburg had to do a double take from the throw no chance to get mill thompson it's a breaking ball and sunburg cannot get it out of his glove even if he did unlikely you're going to get him he got a great jump off lancaster and a tough ball to throw the off speed breaking ball boy the way they steal on our young pitchers is there's something one ball no strikes there's a drive going to be caught no double play [Applause] and then of course is just youth the inexperience of ours holding memoir and they'll get progressively better as time goes on you know when you take four or five first year pitches on a staff you know that you have to pay the price that was very good base running by mill thompson looked for a second like he was going to be doubled off but the ball was hit softly and he had some time to get back here now is mike schmidt and before the game he was lamenting the fact that he hadn't hit a fly ball to left field and 30 advance so look out today a pinch curveball outside or a slatter mike schmidt with 22 homers 16 of men runs better than hitting 295 he's 8 out of 30 against the cubs pitching this year the pitch he had a cut he was going through the downs on that one one ball one strike today's national anthem was performed by julianne smith miss virginia kelly cash was scheduled but she has a little laryngitis one ball one strike [Applause] in the lead he fouls it back he's in the hole one and two you can see the spot they want to throw mike schmidt is up and in off the plate and above the letters like most power hitters he has a little hole in his swing there getting it there is the problem if you don't want to go in then you have to go away with the soft breaking ball out of the strike zone he's ahead of him one and two doesn't want to give him anything too good now he's ready beautiful day for baseball hey struck him out schmidt goes down swinging one nine left we're going to the bottom of the first no score with steve style and harry carey back at wrigley field we're going to the bottom of the first and we're going to look at tom hill as a starting pitcher for the first time and this is his fifth start of the year he has started in this ballpark before that's how they'll line up behind him and last time out he threw the ball very well but he picked up a loss against atlanta going seven innings giving up seven hits and two earned runs walked only one in fact his last three times out as a starter he's walked only one man he's got a hard sinker that's his best pitch he likes to try to keep it down so he should get a lot of ground balls today and he's got a slider and a curve ball to go with it neither of them are horribly effective but if he keeps his sinker down he can be tough here we go with dave martinez hitting 307. comes with a three-game losing streak the phillies on the heels of a five-game winning streak they've won eight of their last 10 and they're the hottest team in all of the major leagues well the st louis cardinals [Applause] thank the good lord for the pittsburgh pirates last night they broke their seven-game losing streak on air and led to two runs to tie the game in the eighth and they won it after two out in the night a pitch foul jim o'donnell sends along information to paul nicholson press box manager at arlington park is leaving chicago today to make his home in phoenix a great cub fan and he's got to visit our restaurant and mesa go buy him a drink can't beat a new customer i'll buy it but you have to buy it one ball one strike the pitch low on it i'll tell you what everybody who's watching the game at harry and steve's in mesa right now i'm buying the drink steve i steve i tried to prevail but so i'm gonna buy it here's the smash face here and martinez rounds first holds up ordinarily the house buys a drink on a home run so let's buy a drink right now for everybody who's there at this moment lock the doors don't let anybody else see him dave martinez hits the ball very hard looks like samwell just is able to get a glove on it as it goes out in the outfield harry i keep telling you time and time again the only thing on the house is the roof [Music] i can't get any money from you so i might as well give it give it away in the way of free drinks for the customer good hit and run situation for the cubs not exactly the daily double but certainly the situation sets up the same here's the pitch a little bit outside well the leaf candy company certainly should be recognized to be this great day for the special olympians who are enroute to south bend where the games start tomorrow so the leaf candy company is branching out into public service huh yeah i guess the pitch there's a strike call and also billy williams and roy campanella participated in the pregame ceremonies as well as miss kelly cav miss america sandberg with a count of a ball and a strike runner back [Applause] in the bottom of the eighth toronto battling cleveland leading three to nothing again the throw over there [Applause] one ball one strike a little bit inside you know kind of think of it steve a lot of big corporations are taking part now in things like this the special olympics being one thing that many other forms of diversion and i think it's pretty good idea for companies two balls and a strike inside ball three well i don't think there's any better situation than the special olympics to watch those kids compete and in south bend this weekend it's really going to be something three balls on the strike on samberg here's the perfect pitch for the hit and run [Applause] watch martinez tom hume on the hill there he goes ball four the throw ball forward and sure what's the matter here i'm ahead of the game rhino didn't know what they had under that cone of the ball or not but he had definitely not recalled it a strike and so there are men on first and second lee you're not very happy with the call of larry poncino there you look at claude osteen the pitching coach he feels pretty much the same way uh here's durham runners at first and second nobody out there's another great chance for the cub [Applause] leona's two for four against tom hume lifetime there's the pits and it's a curve a little low you know the the real reason that cubs aren't closer to first place it isn't that they haven't had opportunity after opportunity to win games that they've lost it's just that they haven't been able to take advantage then on second and third nobody on yesterday couldn't do it on first and third two innings in a row couldn't do it with only one hour faces loaded nobody out didn't do anything except score run on a baseline ball ball two two balls no strikes on durham hitting 281 for a year 17 homers [Applause] and lance parish out to the mound to have a word with hume tough situation for him a 2-1 pitch leon looking for a fastball and hume hasn't been able to get his breaking ball over the plate yet now the little pitch ball three well we just saw honeymoon couple guy and mary mcaleera mobile alabama here in chicago to see the ball game they're on their honeymoon dennis rooney the uncle to the bride is president rony's ice cream wow four the bases are loaded high quality jam nobody out and here is andrea dawson [Applause] perfect situation for andre because you have a struggling pitcher who can't get the ball over the plate and you would think that there's going to be a first pitch fastball hume trying to aim it to throw a strike andre loves first pitch fastballs [Applause] giveaway out there in the street youngsters out on waveland avenue faces loading nobody out strike call high fastball a high strike [Applause] they're waiting over there for the home run on one the count base is loaded [Applause] hey don't boo you know he's not trying to hit him when the base is loaded that needs a run one ball and one strike [Applause] the pick high pop fly out of play good well wishes to jim brescia at saint francis hospital good friend of sharon pinazzo of the cubs publicity department one ball two strikes [Applause] infield playing back for a double play [Applause] the pit he found oh he crossed it threw a sign on that time and andre was fortunate he got a piece of that one he did not have a very good swing caravan of 18 buses from general binding corporation in northbrook has brought about 850 people and their families to watch the game here today [Applause] there's a line drive double play a line drive mike schmidt made a backhanded catch and race to the bag to double up davey martinez boy oh boy good play by mike schmidt he's guarding the line and this high breaking ball is driven right down his way he has enough speed and presence of mind to beat martinez to the bag dave caught no man's land he's got to get back and no chance to do it well i mentioned a number of times i've had great opportunities but sometimes luck is against you the difference between having a three run lead and nobody out and what it is now two out and two on is a matter of inches schmidt met a backhanded catch and stepped on the back here's mumfree strike car you gotta have a little luck owen won the count two men out some somehow some sometimes the harder you try the more difficult it is to get luck on your side the pitch high one ball one strike that's why this becomes one of the real big at bats in the ball game you've got the bases loaded nobody out you know you're gonna score and it just lets the air out of the balloon of any team if you come away with no runs so mumphrey in a big situation to drive one in and get the cubs emotionally back in this game the outside ball two two balls in a strike greg and jeff locks from little rock arkansas here with her parents [Applause] the big pitch at fouls even zakon up two balls two [Music] strikes the mulligans are here mike linda and noel from fort wayne [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] indiana two miles two strikes [Music] found it out of play [Applause] the lutz brothers are here from princeton and terre haute indiana [Applause] deuces are wild humphreys number 22 two balls two strikes two out two on no score the pitch here that ball three three balls two strikes [Music] big group here from osceola masonic lodge number 742 and osceola indiana three and two the comp ball four the bases are loaded again it had the base of the rotor with nobody out didn't score another time now we had the bases loaded with two out and here's keith moreland who still could make it a good inning keith picked up four hits yesterday and what a good time for his fifth hit of the series [Applause] eat your heart out harry the baseball game is this way we have kelly catch miss america in the booth here's the pitch strike call [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're going to talk to miss america in a moment at the end of the inning which will be quite a while from now i hope here's a pitch inside one ball one strike [Applause] what is johnny cash what's his relation to you um johnny's my great uncle boy he's not those good-looking joy i could have sung like him today your voice is explained laryngitis one ball one strike you know i don't think it's laryngitis i'll tell you what i think here's a pitch there's a ground ball to short there's a peg force out to end the emmy and so the cub fill the bases but cannot score at the end of one ending no score nothing or nothing here she is miss america kelly cash you know what i started to say about the air conditions but we get this stuff and we think it's laryngitis that's probably true you do sound a little hoarse huh well i'm just trying i'm just trying to be real sexy today i think that's it where do you go from here i'm going to be in the special olympics tomorrow that's right and i was here all day today with we had a bubble gum blowing cocktails with the super bubble and then i go off to new york after that well sure good to see you in the best of luck well thank you thank you for having me and anytime you want to come back steve said to invite you all right can i help you out you need some help thank you very much kelly cash with her lovely mother you can see where she gets her look from and here we are with one out and top of the second inning as uh wilson flat out to left here's chris james one of the big heroes yesterday for the phillies why not nobody on one of the first things lee elia did was put chris james in the lineup every day and then his natural talent took over he's a very strong young man hit a couple balls out of the ballpark yesterday you know this is what it's all about steve and i don't know how many years this goes on young ball players they play them for a week they don't hit they sit them down then they play them back again they don't hit you if you've got a young ballplayer that you know and your organization knows can play put the guy in the lineup and let him alone here's a pit swing on a bouncing ball to the shortstop no cheat throws in time two man up two men down they say that they can they haven't got confidence yet well how in the world they're gonna get confidence unless they do something at the major league level well it certainly paid dividends with chris james because he's hitting up over 320 he's hitting the ball out of the ballpark and as we saw yesterday harry with his catch in left field he can help you defensively who's parish uh here's a veteran ball player if any young of any young rookie was as bad as lance parish has been behind the plate for the phillies would have sent him back long time ago but paris has done things in the major leagues in the american league and so the phillies are committed to go along with them he's hitting 230 and they just have stolen his pants off the base runners do two out nobody on strong give me man well as hitting instructor del enter said he looked at films when parish was hitting with detroit and he's watched him now and he says he's not doing anything differently they point to maybe the first year philadelphia syndrome struggling with a new club there's a line drive to left field a base hit parish hitting 2 30 for the year singles to left and that brings up the shot steve jelt of course now here's the other side of the coin steve jobs hasn't hit much at all around under 200 all year long but he's a good defensive ball player and the phillies maybe have stuck with him longer than most teams would he's a regular shot stop there's a strike call he's a regular shortstop because of plays that ended the first inning he saved a couple of runs there that was a difficult play on the force out at second picking up a tough ground ball but even trying to make himself a switch hitter nothing has worked offensively here's the pitch swung and missed he's on no homers six rbis [Applause] hitting 190 for the year and get well wishes to bertha howell recuperating at augustana hospital big cub fan looking on today all into the count the pit here it is a little bit high boy am i happy about that scoreboard now i can just take one glance up there without having to count up the innings and tell you that toronto's batting in the bottom of the ninth with cleveland leading three to nothing here's the pitch swung on ground bald and ocean he's got it four sound at second base and we go to the bottom of the second with no score [Applause] harry carry back at wrigley field we're going to the bottom of the second no score boy oh boy the cubs uh the bases voted nobody out dawson in a line drive that schmidt made a great catch on turned into a double play that month free walk to fill the bases and steve gelsman a nice play for the fourth side there's jim sunburg as a matter of fact wgn tv is entertaining all the stations on their network the pit strike car earl and roberta samples and lakeview oregon celebrating their wedding anniversary cold fall outside third detroit leading the yankees eight to one at the end of six jim sunberger did a very good job yesterday getting another look here today jody davis showed up a little late for batting practice and gene michael took the bull by the horns and sunburned getting a chance to play he made a couple of good throws yesterday as well as hitting the ball pretty hard on to the count there's the pixel high the cubs organization that comes rise of conducting a food drive of non-perishable goods at wrigley fields sunday august the 16th when the cubs meet the mets one ball two strikes there's a fly ball right center field deep way back going to be caught thompson is there mill thompson took care of sunburst long drive there's the old scoreboard now look at the difference and now we're going to show you the new version look out isn't it easy to pick up the innings one out here's paul noche that's a good idea he comes and becomes lives a drive on food sets the non-perishable goods will benefit the underprivileged throughout the chicagoland area remember that sunday august of 16th here's a high pop the catcher parish [Applause] sugar oh i hope we didn't let hume really get off the hook in that first inning sometimes a pitcher will have an inning like that get out of it and shut you out the rest of the way hopefully that will not be the case here's lancaster still looking for his first major league hit [Music] childhood max rohrer here from houston texas celebrating his 10th birthday and we're also here from carrollton texas matthew howard in a group sky 2. fred howard was less lancaster's high school baseball coach that's why the howards are up here at the end of two innings no score where's steve still and harry carey back in the ballpark here's tom hume the pitcher to lead it off and you can see by juan samwell it's a very humid day a lot of philly fans on hand where are they sitting in the bleachers there's the prince swung on and missed sarah and ellen davis from knoxville tennessee one half of the ball here grandma right tomorrow nice stab over the first for the out that ball was well hit moreland came up with it run away keith moreland stabs this ball to his left it's hit right on the nose by tom hume who takes a pretty good cut watch it again but keith equal to the task you know a lot of people are under the impression that to play first and third you don't really need a whole lot of defensive ability but that any position it pays to be good defensively and especially third and first the first baseman has to handle the ball more than anybody and the third baseman has to get hot smashes that's why they call it the hot corner where you don't get a chance to hardly see the ball you have to make the play you know harry i had to talk with pete rose he said the same thing he said everybody said you take your worst defensive player you put him on first but he's going to make throws to second he's got to make throws home and he's got to handle every ball he said it's a tough spot if you can't play here's the pitch and he struck him out samwell goes down swinging and that brings up mill thompson looks like a different les lancaster today he's throwing with a lot of confidence he's getting his breaking ball over the plate and he's been ahead of the hitters well his coach high school coach brother howard as i mentioned before is here you need a little inspiration at times there's a drive caught in the air by the shark stop deflected by lancaster ooh he might be hurt the way he is reacting he deflected the line drive to noche who caught it in the air 163 of his scoring and thompson is retired we go on the bottom of the third no score [Applause] harry kerry back in wrigley field where's this uh last play watch this line drive now there's lancaster just gets his glove up he deflects it over to noche hit right off the wrist terry the left wrist to lancaster and he disappeared into the runway with john fierro the trainer no word yet it'll probably be sore but i expect him to stay in the ball game here's dave martinez now it's his high most large 372 of streeter illinois big group head by judy dufrese watch him again the full ball foul there's lancaster back in the background trying to get the feeling back in that hand that was a rocket joseph valentino mayor of blackboard watching the ball game and karen and joe babish are here from denver colorado the of brooklyn's in denver does that mean they go there yeah [Applause] two balls on the strike [Music] your sister goes there doesn't she yes sir two balls in the strike [Applause] pop foul out of play two and two are martinez who led the first sitting on for the base hit the cubs had the bases loaded with nobody out but didn't score david said all things being equal he starts to think about left and left center field it gives him a little longer to wait on the pitch so if it's a breaking ball then he can turn on it they've been pretty much trying to throw him in under the hands when they go to get him out let's see where hume goes here the pitch outside of high all butt fans a greeting from maureen finn from boulder colorado three balls two strikes found it out of play the wackowskis are here from brown county indiana saw the barbers from sioux city iowa i thought for sure you were going to say from seville no i was going to say uh frankie de la franza my barber he did a good job today he always does a good job he's a great barber he even cut jim fries here so he doesn't look as if he had a ball yeah but jim gets a discount he's got half your hair three balls two strikes oh four he locked him martinez opens a third with a walk [Applause] and here is sambar he also wants in the first city [Applause] [Music] they waited until there was a three in one count last time to run dave martinez let's see if he decides to go on the first pitch here dave with eight stolen bases been caught stealing five times [Applause] the only thing you dislike about running on the first pitch is running into a pitch out hey is it true at the racetrack last night you lost your shoe just my horse did there's a pitch a little bit outside and high well the philly shoe did all right rickshaw there's sandberg strike [Music] [Applause] they've just been shut out cleveland shut off toronto [Applause] drive if it's chased by it's curving it is a foul ball oh did he cream that baby but foul rhino got out front of that ball hume has given up eight home runs this year just curving foul at the last instant [Applause] the knights of revelry are here from chicago right field gonna be hey caught by samwell nice play with his back to the infield [Applause] that was an outstanding play by juan samwell it's doubtful that wilson would have gotten to the ball fortunately for the phillies he dives under samwell look at that catch well they avoided a collision and samuel made the play he has really improved defensively since the last time we saw him in wrigley field he plays very well on astroturf but since lilia has taken over ilya helped him out at second base when he was a coach and for some reason he's improved his defense and there's durham one out one on the pitch [Applause] [Music] the resume play at cincinnati after a one-hour rain delay san francisco's leading sixth to nothing good throw by parrish base runner cannot see the catcher start to throw when he goes behind a left-hand hitter and he just missed getting martinez at first all righty hello faithful cub fan harold hickey from glendale arizona and tom and margaret connolly also from glendale here there's a drive fair ball right field martinez around first he's going to be held up but double for girl right down the first baseline here's dawson now 19th double of the year for leon durham he drives this ball he's always hit tom hume pretty well good play by wilson getting to the ball quickly getting it back into the cutoff man samwell and john vukovic has got to hold martinez at third base despite the fact that hayes is 6'5 he couldn't get to this one just got over his head a streamer towards the right field congress now here's dawson he rounded the hit with the bases load of nobody out on his hard-line drive to schmidt but schmidt turned into a double player unassisted [Applause] long ball no strikes he swung in the curveball one ball one strike him throws a good sinker and a good curve he's won one loss two this year higher in run average the pitch there's a drive way back [Applause] donated by true value hardware there's a kid across the street with the souvenir true value donates 300 to come scared in the fight against cancer what a blow the back row of the left field stands right onto the street home run number 29 rbis 88 89 and 90 for andre dawson hume had first base open he figured he'd rather go at dawson than jerry mumphrey he did not walk him and it cost him three runs a line drive home run to left center field philadelphia you should have seen uh hume after he threw the pitch he knew he made a mistake here's mumphrey [Music] dawson is now one run behind clark in the rbi race there it is again it was a sinker that stayed well above the knee and andre hit it out now on to wadelyn avenue where the youngsters had a souvenir yes nothing coming let's take another look at the three run hume run way back in left center you mispronounced home two strikes or nothing the pitch [Music] one out three runs in that makes up for the first sunday one should have about three more runs about it let's pause here for station identification [Applause] andre dawson's 29th hold on the 90th run batted in has put the cubs into the lead [Applause] on a play one ball two strikes [Music] dawson is now one run away from leading the national league in rbi one and two the pitch grab all left to your basement momfrey singles to left there's moreland [Applause] the pitch the below a hot muggy day in chicago pitch outside the tigers lead the yankees nine to one from the bottom of the sixth gary ward's two-run homer won the ball game for uh the yankees last night [Applause] it's 10-1 and filled with tigers now in the bottom of the sixth three bones one strike the pit inside and high and now runners on first and second as moreland draws a base on balls and here's jim sunburg [Applause] claude osteen coming out to talk with hume and that'll mean the bullpen is starting to get to work and yankee pitcher charlie hudson was kicked out of the ball game by home plate umpire ken kaiser after hudson threw an inside pitch to mikey following home runs by darryl evans and ched lemon a little feeling up there at yankee stadium that's a big series detroit's knocking at the door and today they're batting it down and wallace ritchie up and throwing for philadelphia dear sunburn the pet he had a cut and he missed well the tigers had that game one last night five to four only for gary ward's two-run homer that beat him so they're going to equalize the siri one ball one strike [Applause] sunburned the battery i'm all excited double play out of second hand out at first and out of the inning however the cubs on andre dawson 29th homer score three run we're going to the we've gone through three wayne stats will be joining steve stone here in a moment this is harry kerry from wrigley field at the end of three but comes three the phillies nothing [Music] comes you're out in front three to nothing as we move into the fourth inning from wrigley field with steve stone and our producer director arnie harris this is duane stats nice to have you with us well we're hopeful that les lancaster's all right after taking that line shot that was quite a ball hit back right at lancaster to end the third he's not troubled too much by that because he's got the lead and von hayes leads off the fourth first pitch outside ball one it will be hayes followed by schmidt and wilson this one too low to another mil thompson hit that lighter right back at lancaster the ball deflected out to noche who made the catch a two ball no strike count on vaughn hayes to sandberg his first time and there's a strike two and one comes with three runs in the third on the home run by andre dawson another warm afternoon at wrigley field and a great turnout the pitch in first strike two and two last lancaster making his sixth cub start and he's using a flesh-colored bandage on his left wrist normally that is not allowed gene michael might have consulted the umpire about that that's where he was hit due to pitch ground ball broke his bat on that ground foul so hayes will go back to the rank for another bat with a count 2-2 you know it's a different les lancaster today dwayne and recent starts it looked like he was almost tentative but today he's going right at the hitter as you look around a very big crowd here today nice crowd here at wrigley field the cubs yesterday do better than 32 000 matter of fact just under 33 paid they'll be in that same neighborhood this afternoon [Music] a 2-2 count here on von hayes comes trying to find that winning combination again after winning the first game on this home stand they've dropped three straight there's a line drive into left field mumphrey coming on and he makes the catch a sinking line drive and mumphrey makes the grab and holds on for the out [Music] [Applause] lancaster getting some pretty good defense behind him today the pitch is up and jerry mumphrey off of the crack of the bat turns this into a pretty fine catch watch it again unfortunately the ball did not come out when the glove hit the ground one god in the philly fourth on the catch by jerry mumphrey here's mike schmidt lancaster with a pair of strikeouts including schmidt to end the philly first he held up says fred brocklander ball one schmidt with 22 home runs now lancaster's had good stuff today throwing the ball hard this pitch is too low two and nothing anytime you throw a fastball by mike schmidt and it's out away from him you know that you've got something on it and that's where he struck him out to end the first inning a high fast ball away for the game schmidt talking about not hitting any fly balls to left field for the past 30 at bats but he's always dangerous there's a high pop-up foul ball right side durham gives it a look but it's well out of play two balls and a strike to count lancaster making his 14th appearance he came in with an earned run average of 463 his first start since the 19th of july against the san francisco giants he had a no decision working six innings in a 4-3 loss against the giants at candlestick on the 19th foul ball again out of play that squares the count at 2-2 san francisco made a trade that they hope will bolster their bullpen they got don robinson from the pittsburgh pirates they traded mackey sasser to pittsburgh and they feel that don robinson at 30 years old despite the fact he's had numerous surgeries will help him a little bit in the pennant race and for pittsburgh they got a pretty good hitting catcher and as far as they're concerned mackey's back in town [Applause] here's the 2-2 this one outside and low three and two you really work for those two don't you well you have to set them up you know give a little information you know that's an interesting trade i wonder if there's not something else going on involving that deal the 3-2 pitch ground ball short stop notes he up with it a throw to first in time to get mike schmidt the schmidt's retired no cheetah durham two up two down you know the values played extremely well for the pirates over there well i think what happens in a deal like that if they feel that robinson has a whole lot more value than sasser at this particular time or if robinson comes over and does a pretty good job for san francisco there's always future considerations included in a deal like that so perhaps you'll be seeing a giant go to the pirates van wilson takes a fastball too close ball one wilson nothing out of one with a line drive to mumphrey in the second the pitch down and away two and nothing with lancaster coming back here and working the fourth inning after taking that shot off the left wrist in the third inning the 2-0 pitch is down for ball three three and all entry it's a reflection of his makeup and it's exactly what i think the cubs would expect of him in this situation 3-0 pitch and it's low for ball four he slammed that glove into the dugout when he was walking off the infield in the third inning and i think probably as much as anything he was a little frustrated thinking that perhaps he might have to leave the game at that point well he tried to get the glove up and the ball hit him actually just above the glove i think that's one of the byproducts of what people talk about when they talk about the lively ball we're seeing a lot more pitchers hit this year than ever before a lot more deflections i think than ever before and danny cox was lost to st louis on a line drive back to him that broke his leg so it's happened all around baseball unfortunately lancaster is able to stay in the game there's chris james strong hitter and there's a fly ball deep to left field and that ball is gone chris james who hit two yesterday has just hit one out here in the fourth inning to make it three to two that's his 11th home run of the year and since the phillies put him into left field about five weeks ago this guy has been hitting up a storm for the phillies everybody talks about the small ballpark at wrigley and the fact that there are a lot of home runs hit yes that's true but also pitchers get hurt on bases on balls the base on balls kept this inning alive and allowed chris james to hit home run number 11. it's a fastball in a perfect spot inner half of the plate 28-29 on the rbis on the other side of the field tom hume has walked five men so it's also cost him some damage here's lance parish ground ball left side gnocchi it shored up with it the throw to first within plenty of time to retire the side two runs one hit the home run by james nobody left and we're going to the bottom of the fourth 3-2 cubs tony castle from castle buick in berwin is here today from wrigley field the cubs leading three to two as we go into the bottom of the fourth inning tom hume and les lancaster the match up in this one front of the ballpark here at wrigley field has been a great home stand from that angle [Applause] not quite the artistic success that comes with like they end up being ready to duck in case a foul ball heads his way he's all prepared for that certainly he'll probably pick up the bill as well [Music] i knew you were about to say that steve and i didn't want to i didn't want to see you embarrass yourself i promise my fans there'd be no duck jokes today so out of friendship i thought i would bear the front here's paul noche and they've been working paul noche with a lot of sliders away and he's still looking fastball the batting average has started to plummet he's got to start looking for the breaking ball away and going to right and right center field until he does that he's going to see a steady diet of pitches out away from him they fouled out to perish his first time look at that pitch up and in noche thought the ball may have grazed that left sleeve i think all one [Music] [Applause] you making his fifth start he has averaged six innings per start this year pitches high two balls no strikes lee elia has to be extremely pleased to get six innings on an average out of tom hume this is his 35th appearance overall so 30 out of the bullpen fly ball shallow center and thompson under the ball waiting he's got it for that one out for les lancaster talk to claude osteen about tom hume and i said did you put him in the starting rotation out of desperation and he said well mike jackson was in the starting rotation was not doing the job and they were running out of pitchers and hume wasn't doing the job in the bullpen so they figured he had been a starter before at times during the course of his career with cincinnati and they figured they'd try him out and he's pitched pretty well as a starting pitcher for them now lancaster swings and pops one into shallow center the shortstop jelts out thompson coming in making the call and the catch for the out so milt thompson takes care of both noche and lancaster two gone bases empty and they come fourth for the top of the batting order david martinez you know you always wonder if managers know the record while they're managing and i went to lee alien i said you've really got your ball club on the right foot they're playing good solid baseball you're 24 and 17. he said 24 and 16. so yes he knows exactly where he is and there's lee a real nice man and certainly has his ball club hustling and playing good solid baseball they're the hottest team in all of baseball they won eight of their last ten and five in a row and he's just happy to get another chance to run a ball club here's martinez david lines it foul up the right side or the cubs have had some good cuts against hume today i think it's a little frustrating for a man who learned so many lessons the first time he managed and sit and wonder if he's going to get a chance to put all those lessons back into practice and so lee elia was given an opportunity here in philadelphia and he knows that he's got to make the most of it this time and i think he's doing just that one strength to count here's the pinch and it's down and in one ball and one strike well there's so many demands beyond just running a ball club particularly when you're in a major media market when you're in chicago or philadelphia new york [Music] the pitch is high the count is two and one or los angeles for that matter it becomes complicated not only to figure out who you're gonna play and when and who's gonna make the club and who's not but everything else aside from that foul ball rolling just back off to the right a little bit well that's one of the things lee mentioned when i asked him what he learned in his first stint with the chicago cubs and he said dealing with the media was one of the big things that i learned he realized he made some mistakes over here he's a lot more patient now both with the questions he's asked and also with his own players the count is two and two and so often that just comes down to people relating to people a popper foul ball perry starts to give it a chase but it's going to be out of play martinez still alive with a 2-2 count david up at the 309 mark now among the top 10 in the league in hitting he is singled and walked in this game rode home along with leon durham on andre dawson's 29th home run of the year that came in the third now the 2-2 just missing so full count hume was really at odds with the plate umpire in the first inning over a number of balls and strikes called or not called as the case may be now he's gone 3-2 to martinez and walks in for the second time so martinez reaches base for the third straight time this afternoon a walk with two gone bringing ryan sandberg to the plate tom hume should feel very fortunate that he's been able to escape six walks here so far normally when you do that there's five or six runs up on the board he finds himself just trailing by one here's ryan sandberg rhino has walked and popped to the second baseman cubs leading by a run three to two they've out hit the phillies four to three the pinch too low i'm not sure why they haven't tried to run a little more against lance parish i know he's throwing the ball better at this point of the year than we saw him last but he's still having some difficulties in that department let's see if dave martinez tries to steal his ninth base 1-0 pitch sandberg takes one too low so the count is two and nothing martinez at first what the walk um delivers there's a strike on the inside part of the flight two and one [Music] i'd like to see durham get a chance to swing the band in the fourth inning with somebody on base he has throughout his career hit extremely well against tom hume the pitch inside so it's a three ball one strike count on sandberg no action in the philly bullpen wally richie was up in the last inning the pitch ball four inside and durham will get a chance to swing the bat here in the fourth inning seven walks given up by hume sandberg to first martinez to second durham has walked and doubled in this game giving him 11 of 19 lifetime against tom hume and wally richie is getting up one more time and now von hayes comes over to talk with tom hume [Applause] well the philly bullpen got a workout yesterday they utilized five pitchers total following gross jackson calhoun to culvey and bedrosian [Applause] [Music] ritchie up for the second time today in the bullpen and leon durham faces tom hill the pitch is away ball one durham got the head of the bat out there in the third inning and lined a double up the right field line his 19th double this year 1-0 pitch down and in 2-0 [Music] with a little stroll around the mound while durham waits at the plate tom hume 34 years old and if he needs some incentive to throw a strike all he has to do is look in the on-deck circle and that might be it for him to the man hume has fallen behind durham a fellow who has really hit him hard through the years and we'll see what leigh elia has on his mind here two minute on with two men out elia taking a little extra time as he gets to the mound meanwhile gene michael sitting in the cub dugout hoping the cubs can expand this one-run lead elia decides to stay with the right-hander hume [Applause] [Music] andre dawson on deck now the stretch here's the pitch and a strike is called two and one cubs have a lot of the right conditions going here durham at the plate he said weld against hume he's ahead of the count he has dawson hitting behind him the pitch he swings and rolls it foul down the right side two balls two strikes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] slowing the pace in trouble here in the fourth inning on a hot afternoon here's the 2-2 durham swings and it's a high-fly ball deep right field wilson back on the track you'll have room and he makes the catch to retire the side durham gave it a ride but not deep enough for the cubs no runs no hits no errors two left through four the cubs three and the phillies two this copyrighted telecast is presented by the authority of chicago national league ball club which has a right of approval of the announcers and is intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction re-transmission or the use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of the chicago national league ball club is prohibited steve jones leading off the fifth one strike the count lancaster comes back with the next one and misses up and in so the count is a ball down to strike 3-2 the score that comes on top a three-run home run in the bottom of the third by andre dawson there's a looping liner over nochi's head into left-center field for a base hit ball gets by mumphrey picked up by martinez and jelts is on his way to second he'll make it standing up he didn't hit the ball all that hard a soft lighter muffler a little tough time getting over there and the ball got by him and martinez had to make the pick up on it we don't know yet if they're going to give him a single or double probably a two base hit on this as the ball gets by mumphrey so the phillies start out the fifth inning in pretty good shape now hume swings the bat pretty well so lee has got a decision does he want him to bunt the ball right at keith moreland or will he give him a shot to swing away there's three hits for the year and there's a bunt a little hard lancaster has a play at third out there lancaster moreland who put the tag on jelps so hume is still without a sacrifice this year [Applause] he reaches on a fielder's choice 1-5 ball's bunted too hard it's up and in a tough ball to bunt because he's backing away from the play and jelts is out easily at third base watch it again we'll look at it from the renter's perspective and it doesn't look too good and juan samwell steps in for the philly samwell has grounded to short and has struck out swinging right-handed batter and his career high in home runs this year with 20 and he swings and misses strike one phillies with the pitcher hume at first that can't be too pleasant for hume after working the first four innings and throwing a lot of pitches on a hot afternoon now he has to run the bases and he's not going to use his jacket little too much humidity a pinch swing and a miss 0-2 the only way that samwell is going to hit a breaking ball is if lancaster hangs it anything off speed anything breaking away from him he has a tremendous amount of difficulty hitting but you make a mistake and this little guy's as strong as anybody here's the pitch he swings and misses he's out on strikes for the second time today sink it out on the fifth and then brings up mel thompson strikeout number 98 for juan samwell a good slider low and away off the plate and it was a tough at-bat here's mel thompson ground ball third moreland up with it and the throw to durham's in time and that retires the side no runs one hit a man left on base and we're going to the bottom of the fifth for the cubs leading three to two we've gone to the bottom of the fifth it's a three to two ball game we have our cub affiliates in this weekend joe young the vice president general manager of wxim in indianapolis has stopped by the booth joe good to see you you fellas having a heck of a time here this weekend we're excited to be up here we're excited to be back with the cubs you've signed a multi-year deal that's right we signed the deal this year for three years for the cubs and we're very excited to be a cubs affiliate again all right joe keep cool this afternoon we're gonna try all right we go to the bottom of the fifth thanks andre dawson will lead it off for the cubs those folks in town having a heck of a time enjoying cub baseball at wrigley field and it's nice to have all the affiliates with us [Music] dawson hit the three-run home run in the third inning andre now with 29 home runs and 90 runs banded in here's the pitch it's too high ball one when you've already walked seven men and one of the guys that you haven't walked but has a three run homer gets up a little more difficult to throw strikes to it there's a wave and a miss one ball one strike comes with three runs four hits the phillies have four hits and two runs dawson sends one deep to left center field james back and he'll watch this one sail out dawson has hit his second home run of the day a tremendous blast over the back fence and the cubs now lead four to two andre dawson's 30th home run of the year there was no question about that one and the wind is blowing perfectly for him but neither home run needed any help from the wind today andre dawson has crushed a couple of long drives and now a visit to the mound and this could be it for tom young dawson's 30th home run he has 91 runs batted in true value hardware happily donates a hundred dollars to cubs care charities and to northwestern memorial hospital in the fight against cancer on the home run by andre dawson dawson with a curtain call that's going to be all for tom hume and we'll be back with more in a moment [Music] phillies bring on a left-hander wally ritchie and let's take another look at the home run by andre dawson that knocked out tom hume and it was a slider that didn't get far enough away from andre dawson as he took it against the back screen and now wallace ritchie comes into the ball game it's been an up and down year as you look at andre dawson richie's contract was originally purchased from maine in aaa on may first then the philly sent him back on june 16th only to recall him on june 27th he was three and one with a 205 era in aaa and in his last 12 games with the phillies he has a 138 era has only given up two earned runs in his last 13 innings so andre dawson with two home runs this afternoon nelson now with 32 lifetime home runs against the philadelphia phillies this is the fifth time this year that he has hit two home runs in a game and here is jerry mumphrey the pitch in for strike 17 home runs for the cubs against philly pitching for the year four innings plus for tom hume the pitch inside one-on-one now the cubs score four runs on five hits off hume he did not strike out anyone and walked seven the pitch it's too low two and one you know of the seven walks only one scored but he made a lot of pitches on a hot afternoon walking seven and andre dawson has hit two out against him as a fly ball right center field wilson and thompson in the neighborhood and glenn wilson the right fielder makes the catch for the end it was only the fourth at bat from the right side all year long for jerry mumfree and here's keith moreland more than all for one with a base on balls dawson has homered off carmen gross and now two off hume [Music] warm day today in the bleachers the pitch to moreland too low ball one and the attire most appropriate moreland with a career-high 19 home runs the pitch is a strike anthony's and the count is one and one the left-hander richie this one a little low two balls and a strike ritchie has the sign now the pitch and it's popped up foul ball backing out of play so the count is 2-2 richie's parents must have been fans of leave it to beaver and the dick van dyke show and why is that because his name is wally ritchie oh the sun's on those two shows could have been lionel [Applause] but he's too old for that the 2-2 there's a drive it deep to left james goes back and this one's going to be off the wall bowling around first digging for two in the throw will not be in time and matter fact is not even in the neighborhood samwell went down about halfway between second and third to take the throw from james as keith moorland picks up his 14th double james played this ball well and if he throws it on the mark it's going to be a close play at second base but as he wheels around the throw is off target and keith moreland hit a bullet off the wall in left so moreland is one for two this afternoon that gives him 11 out of his last 23 over his last six games a six-game hitting streak here's jim sunburn sunburg nothing out of two today seven out of 16 for the year against the phillies and the pitch is high of all one well the tigers have beaten the new york yankees ten to five the yankees had won five in a row this pitch is high 2-0 saneter wins it he is 11-7 rasmussen the loser 8-5 evans and lemon hit back to back home runs in the seventh inning now they're going to go ahead and walk sunburg and charlie hudson through close to the head of the following hitter and was ejected from the ball game at the time it was a 10-1 contest it ended 10-5 the tigers defeating the new york yankees they have 55 000 plus at yankee stadium for that game minnesota oakland through five three to nothing oakland out in front of that one and in the other american league game cleveland shut out toronto three to nothing an intentional walk to jim sunberg runners at first and second one out for paul mochi cincinnati with a run in the bottom of the sixth inning now at the end of six the reds trail the san francisco giants seven to two kurt stillwell hit a home run in the sixth the solo home run his fourth of the year for cincinnati starting the day cincinnati had a three-game lead on the giants in the west meanwhile in the american league east the tigers back to within two games of the yankees toronto two and a half back here's gnocchi and the pitcher swing gonna miss strike one [Applause] not much speed on the bases for the cubs the best arm in the outfield belongs to glenn wilson who has 14 assists this year to lead the national league perennially among the leaders in that department now the 0-1 delivery a wave and a miss had a pitch down it so in continues to have a tough time of it at the plate he's behind on the count two strikes all over two in this game there's a pitch a little close moving away from the plate the count is one and two she was hitting 295 at iowa when he came up on the 1st of june right now hitting 240 for the cubs one-two pitch he is out on strikes he was a little uncertain took the pitch and it was in there and that's the first strikeout for philly pitching i think that at bat shows you when a young man loses his confidence just exactly what happens you start swinging at balls out of the strike zone and taking pictures that you're not quite sure of and before you know it you get called out on strikes he swung at two bad pitches took a good one and that was it for that at bat well after swinging at two band pitchers you're so conscious of trying to avoid that now lancaster waves and misses strike one [Applause] and you wind up with that split second of indecision and that crossed gnocchi the strikeout here in the fifth inning one strength account now the delivery swing at a miss 0-2 lancaster nothing out of 17 for the year here's the pitch inside snap throw back to second and moreland is back in one ball two strikes again that's really a dangerous play with a pitcher up who hasn't had a hit all year you run the risk of throwing the ball into center field no need for it because keith moreland certainly isn't going anywhere at second the pitch there's a line drive into left field and james makes the catch to retire the side lancaster a line drive comes settle for one rod on two hits they leave two and at the end of five the cubs are on top four to two on to the sixth inning that comes about hit the phillies by two and lead four to two with steve stone and arnie harris jack rosenberg and joe in the booth this is dwayne stats [Music] just happy with us this afternoon in the middle game of this three game series between the cubs and the pillars quite a pitching matchup tomorrow rick sutcliffe scheduled a pitch for the cubs against philly left-hander shane rawley seth cliff goes into the match-up tomorrow with a record of 15-4 and raleigh is 13-5 [Music] here's von hayes to open the sixth inning hayes schmidt and then wilson the pitch is low and outside ball one thanks for watching hayes line to second in the first inning and lying to left on a fine catch by jerry moffrey in the fourth as a pop foul backing out of play and the count is one-on-one send along birthday wishes to danielle masala a young cub fan we've seen von hayes adjust his stance to whoever's on the mound yesterday he was way up in front of the batter's box today the foot is back a little bit against lancaster who's got that pretty good fastball you know he probably does that more than any hitter we've noticed in the national league there's a pitch hyatt outside two and one some hitters don't like to do that at all and it's i think it's interesting that a lot hitters don't because when you have an off speed pitcher it makes little sense to adjust your way up the 2-1 pitch and it's high outside and hayes does exactly that well he also crouches over some you know he's 6'5 and if he stands straight up he has an enormous strike zone he feels by crouching down some he's going to lower that strike zone and see some pitches he can handle right around belt high 3-1 pitch a big chop up the first base side fouled or on the count to three and two it's interesting looking at his style and contrasting it with chris james dale unser the hitting instructor said about james he was crouching down in spring training we got him to stand up a little straighter now he's hitting the ball out of the ballpark so it's a a matter of comfort a matter of what works for you what works for hayes does not obviously work for chris james this pitch is too low for ball four so von hayes opens the sixth inning by drawing a walk the second issued by les lancaster and mike schmidt will be the hitter you hate to walk anybody in front of schmidt the walk for hayes is 84th and that's one of the reasons why hitting below 300 he still has an on base percentage of 436. that's the highest on the philly ball club so hayes has done his part this year 12 stolen bases six caught stealings he's second in the league and walks behind jack clark who has 103. the story on hayes and the base hunting department schmidt with a line drive through the left side base it hayes will stop at second so mike schmidt picks up his first hit of the day his second hit of the series plus lancaster essentially is a two pitch pitcher he throws a fastball he throws a slider does not throw many straight changes and with a two pitch pitcher you have to have extraordinary stuff if you're going to start because you're facing hitters three and four times and you have to give them a different look so i'm sure herm sterett is a little concerned about pitch selection at this point and he's going out there to have a talk with his youngster wilson walked in the fourth and scored on the chris james home run after lighting out to left his first time he's raised his batting average over 20 points the last month so he's been hot and he uses the whole field the pitch is a strike on the inside corner so lancaster is out in front of glenn wilson 02. you can strike him out low and away off the plate with a breaking ball he will swing at a lot of bad pitches especially when the pitcher is ahead of him and fortunately lancaster is in that position there's a ball down it in one ball two strikes walk to hayes the base hit by schmidt comes leading four to two as we play on the top of the sixth inning bouncing ball right side foul hooked up by del unser so the count is still one and two wilson protecting the plate on that last pitch down 1-2 on the count [Applause] the one-two delivery foul balled again to the right side the cubs would like to get a nice long stint out of lancaster the bullpen has really been worked and the phillies utilized four men out of their bullpen yesterday and when you start going to that bullpen and then middle relief more than you want to things very seldom get any better with each passing day [Applause] the one-two pitch foul ball again right side well dwayne this is the time of year when you look around the league you'll see what managers utilize their bullpen the best because some guys who've gone to the bullpen a lot during may june and july are going to pay the price in august and september i think the real good managers are the guys who use their bullpen manipulate the guys to keep everybody as fresh as possible you get up into the 60s in appearances and all of a sudden that fastball's a little slower the curveball doesn't break as much and now you're really at the mercy of the hitter one two foul ball straight back so wilson's hanging tough against les lancaster and i think when you talk about real good managers around the national league the two names that pop up are buck rogers and whitey herzog both of them manipulate their bullpens well they seem to always have a fresh man in there and i think it's going to pay dividends for them as we come down the stretch here's the one-two pitch into the dirt good stop there by jim sunberg on the pickup and the count goes to two balls two strikes that is the one pitch that les lancaster is going to have to work on if he's going to be successful right now he's slowing down his motion to throw the change up and he's tipping it off to the hitter 2-2 pitch swung on fly ball right field sending dawson back on the run but he'll be there to make the catch the tag by hayes he's on his way to third and throws into noche at second so wilson battled for that fly ball into right center field as dawson made the catch schmidt remaining at first with hayes at third two on one out chris james will be the hitter and will pause for station identification this is wgn television channel nine chicago here's a look at chris james he homered in the fourth inning his 11th home run of the year he started 35 games in left field he took over on an everyday basis out there on the 23rd of june and he has been tearing it up at the plate two minute on one out the pitch in there for a strike we had a picture of mike schmidt and he was stretching out his legs it's not because he's a great base stealer because i think those days are a little behind him he hasn't stolen a base this year but he knows he's got to break up too because it's going to get the phillies a run if he can break up two on a ground ball a one strike count on james out of rusk texas born and rust went to high school in houston and the pitch is in there for a strike nothing in two [Applause] you were comparing his build with von hayes hayes long and lean they're out here at third and james a little smaller but he has a muscular build schmidt backhand at first i think he's built a lot like most of the guys that i've seen that have been reared in rusk two strikes they count they're tough he comes from a football family his brother plays for the patriots this one is low one ball two strengths and some physical [Applause] he's problems from the broken ankle broke a bone in that left ankle last may the 1-2 pitch a little bit close that evens the count so jim sunburg take control he put down one finger meaning the fastball he gave the sign to throw it inside gave him the fist to get it in there make sure you throw it so if he does get a swing he's going to jam him and lancaster did get it inside but just missed a two ball two strikeout parish is on deck now the pitch to james and he got him on a pitch down today he got james to chase it and that's the fourth strikeout for les lancaster big strikeout here in the six for the cub right-hander james helps him out by swinging a bad ball down and out of the strike zone and lancaster made the pitch when he had to two gone with two-minute odd and lance parrish is the hitter bearish one out of two [Applause] another move to first and schmidt's back in well the phillies have some strong fellows on this team when you look at chris james and lance parish and parish is about the strongest of any of them he really hits the weights hard i'll pitch in there for a strike he turned down a football scholarship at ucla signed on with the tigers there is frank depino in the cub bullpen [Music] he had 22 home runs last year for detroit the pinch is inside ball one hit 22 home runs and 91 games for the tigers last year [Music] parish waiting lancaster delivers missing too low this time the sitting instructor dale unser feels that he might be tying himself up too much by the weight program you take a look at his arms this man works out quite heavy he said he doesn't mind guys working with weights in the winter time to get themselves as strong as possible but during the season he doesn't like to see his hitters tying themselves up he just assumed they go on a lightweight program if a weight program at all and make sure that they maintain all that flexibility and that bat speed you need to bring the head of the bat through the strike zone and that's a return to the conventional thinking in baseball just a few years ago and those are the youngsters who will represent the area in the special olympics quite a thrill for them there's a high foul down the left side mumphrey starts to chase it but it's out of play and the count is two and two top of the sixth inning with the cubs leading come scored three in the third on a home run by andre dawson chris james two-run home run in the fourth accounting for both philly runs and then dawson open the cup fifth with another home run to make it four to two and that's how we stand on the top of the sixth inning michael jackson loosening for the phillies in the bullpen off the right field side [Applause] a 2-2 count to lance parish and a block has been called on lancaster forcing home von hayes the sixth block charged to last lancaster this year and the 26th buck charged to the cubs and you figure when less goes to the mound you usually see one of these but this is particularly costly let's watch it again it was called by larry poncino [Applause] and i can't really tell there exactly what he did here's the two two to perry she fouls it back now the buck forces home around and makes it a four to three ball game let's see if we take another look at that see if we can pick it up oh that was it right there yeah he did start twice the count to perish is two and two [Music] and he pops it into shallow left nochia mumphrey in noche called off the play by mumphrey as jerry mumphrey makes the catch to retire the side a run on one hit and a man left we going to the bottom of the sixth inning it's a four to three ball game comes on top out of the cubs sixth comes leading four to three andre dawson four in the phillies three dawson a three-run home run of the third and a solo home run of the fifth inning and in the sixth it will be martinez sandberg in durham against wally richie john hayes picking up the block as well [Music] and he carried the third philly run home he might have a future as an umpire before it's over martinez takes a breaking ball for a strike and kent tacovi is up and throwing martinez has been on base three straight times today with a single and two bases on balls [Applause] it's too high one and one there's the veteran right-hander kent takulvi threw a couple of innings yesterday picked up the win giving up no runs on three hits the pitch down and away two balls one strike to count [Applause] hume for four innings plus charged with all four cub runs on five hits and seven walks i popper back a third schmidt chasing it and will not have a play [Applause] schmidt was down in that same vicinity on a pop foul yesterday and ran into the tarp i think he got to the tarp yesterday before he thought it was going to that ball out of his reach and so the count to martinez is 2-2 you know dave martinez is thinking about this as a bigot bat not only is his ball club up only one run but he's facing a left-hander for one of the few times this year you hate to get pigeonholed as a part-time player and if he shows his manager he can hit left-handers it might bode well for his future [Applause] a wave and a miss martinez out on strengths second strikeout for richie and the first cub retired in the sixth inning richie took over in the fifth to face mumphrey after dawson had hit the home run near sandburg gold for one with a pair of bases on balls and i think leigh elia is thinking ahead if somebody does get on base he does not want wally ritchie to face andre dawson he will go to the bullpen and bring in kent to calvi so let's see if the cubs can get somebody on and bring that about [Music] frenchie's pitch to sandberg and there's a drive into left center field thompson over there calling for it and he puts it away for the second out mel thompson handles the fly ball by sandberg two up two down for the bull leon durham durham has walked and doubled hit the ball to the warning track in right field in the fourth inning and wilson made the catch on that ball to end the fourth the pitch in there for a strength leon durham 30 years old now the 01 pitch here's a strength richie doing strikes here in relief of tom hume he walked sunburg intentionally in the fifth inning after giving up the double off the left field wall to keith moreland but then struck out gnocchi and a struck out martinez here in the sixth ahead of durham the o2 loan away one ball two strikes a 120 first pitch tomorrow for the cubs set cliff against raleigh what a matchup that's going to be here's the one two swing at a miss durham is out on strikes to retire the side three up three down we've gone through six harry's coming back and the cubs are on top four to three with steve stone harry carey back in rigby field we're going to the top of the seven leading it off will be east to gel get the feeling harry the offense is tread water and wait for andre he's accounted for all four runs today joneses have a double one out of two there's ball too high make it three now three balls no strikes depino getting ready in the bullpen i think that gene michael might feel that lancaster is tiring a bit it's been a long time since he's gone this long all four he wants him the time runs on nobody out and now we're going to have a pinch hitter for wallace richie who pitched very well left-hander for the phillies ron renike i believe is coming up to pinch hit and his two innings he allowed only one hit no runs walk won that intentionally and fan three there's a look at ron rennicki the switch hitter left handed hitting just 0-8-0 right-handed hitting 368 and they'll come into the game to hit left-handed no run gotta be careful you might be looking at a bunt situation here three strikeouts i think they'll hit away they played the win on the road however moreland is in close renegade switch hitter and round the pitch over the first and step boy that bulk run last sitting really hurt four to three now right outside bowling well henry it makes it a completely different ball game because you have to worry about wild pitches a little bit more you have to worry about stolen bases a little bit more when you're leading by only a run one ball no strikes on remake quick jones is not very fast he's only stolen one base this year been caught stealing one time the twins scored two and he ate to take the lead at oakland two to one call one goal one strike i don't know i think the scoreboard might have the wrong score they got old from leading the two in the four but not ticker ending by any but said open nothing in the fourth one ball one strike roll ball two a key moment in this ball game top of the seventh cubs leading by a run four to three the twins beat the a's last night five to three they scored two in the eighth inning to take the lead today two to one it's about time mark maguire hit one two balls in the strike [Applause] outside ball three and lancaster it's a hot muggy day three balls and a strike renegade looking at jimmy davenport the third base coach strike two call and now i imagine jokes will be going on this pitch three and two nobody out running he doesn't strike out too much and with a man who is not possessed with great speed on base you can strike him out and throw him out if he can get the ball by reniki three and two after he throws over the first the five o'clock shadows over the third base section three two pit he wall up and reneke is on jealous is on nobody is out and the top of the bounding order coming up and sterent comes out which might indicate they're not going to change pictures well they'd love to see les lancaster retire samwell because they have the two left-handers due up next but with rick's shoe on the bench if you go to frank depino you're not going to see thompson you'll see shoe so a decision for gene michael right now herms tourette on the mound talking with lancaster who is very tired young man on the mound something wrong with your tongue shoe [Music] somehow it sounds like you just made a mistake in there's pronunciation michael talking with john buccaneers now let's see just a lightning fast man when he bunts he's got a chance to beat it out he's a long ball hitler too when he swings he's liable to hit the ball out of the park but he's also fanned 98 times this year including twice today there's the pitch [Applause] that's what worries me nobody ever strikes out all the time well he keeps throwing him breaking balls away and keeps him down he's going to strike him out again well they let him swing in the first place let's see what they do now all-in-one mccown if he's a decent bunner harry this is a good time for it he's going to swing amy missiles [Applause] [Music] is disdaining the sacrifice he's only a run behind oh and two now jealous a leadoff second renegade out first low ball one and two of the count we're in the seventh the giants beat the reds seven to three again grammar it looks like double play they're going to throw the third and he's out at third base on the fourth player no chi might have made a smart play there because with the samwell throwing it's doubtful whether he would have had a double play i don't think you can turn two on this ball it's a chopper in the infield and all the momentum of paul noche is going toward third base so he's got a choice and decides to go to third they cut down the lead man watch it again and it is a good play because a sacrifice fly now doesn't do any damage [Applause] here is mill thompson he's hit the ball hard today a base head another time a line drive of the pitcher's hand to the shortstop uh high pump fly left field is going to be caught mumphrey two man out that's a big out to get and here's haye looking for his first hit in the series one for four yesterday over four for two today and a great pitch to milt thompson a fastball in on the hands and if you're a manager you're sitting on the bench with a left-hander in the bullpen and a tough left-hand hitter up but let's see what gene michael does and now he's made his decision yeah new pitcher's going to be brought in here we'll tell you more about him following this we'll keep it here instead it's going to be dipino brought in the face von hayes cubs leading by a run four to three that was a mighty big out and a big play on samwell and i think that les lancaster scored a lot of points for himself today he battled out there took a line drive off his wrist stayed in the ball game he's still in a position to win this one but he showed his manager that he can get out of some pretty tricky situations he got out of a tough jam last inning he's two-thirds of the way out of a pretty big jam here in the seventh and so frank depino comes into the ball game with a one and two record a 3 40 earn run average 38th appearance he's got a save 39 and two thirds innings 38 hits 15 earned runs on four homers he's walked 17 he struck out 33 and he's got a man that the cubs have completely handcuffed in this series von hayes do up lancaster pitch six and two thirds in it the responsibility for the two men on base belongs to him he allowed five hits he walked four he fan four a fine performance by the rookie right-hander and now it's up to veteran frank depino the pinot has run into a streak steve where he has trouble getting out the first to secondary faces [Music] right now you don't have to worry about the second man the guy you gotta worry about with two out is the first man he faces the left-hand hitter von hage and the cubs keep a stat and that's the reliever's first batter faced and how many times he reached base and we'll take you around lee smith 12 out of 41. eddie lynch 11 times out of 36. ron davis 5 out of 20 scott sanderson just 2 out of 10 and frank depino has had the first batter reach base 8 out of 37 times and this is a big one for him trying to protect the game for les lancaster i understand a young man by the name of rich berkey who's 41 years old caught andre dawson's three-run homer he's already had about 130 homers hit over the wall on the way to waveland avenue here we go a key moment two out two on hayes the hither strike call [Applause] hey want and uh scoring on the block in the six you remember on one account inside mike schmidt is next they got a couple of ryan handlers including me smith ready for that emergency and lynch and lee smith are working in the bullpen one and one oh he jammed him with a fastball and he fouls it out of play one ball two strikes we're in the seventh cubs lead by a run i have a pitch swing out of the looper to retire the side [Music] least three [Music] all right everybody let me hear you all one [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow he's going to face mike jackson going for his third home run of the day [Applause] jackson had some problems yesterday appeared in the ball game but didn't retire anybody gave up a run on one hit struck out one and he reached on a wild pitch here's the pitch whoa he had a cut strikes or nothing jackson has started seven games this year they gave him a look in the starting rotation but he just wasn't ready to handle it yet so they're trying to ease him into the major leagues in the bullpen just a hard-throwing youngster with a good hard slider that left-hander they used before jackson richie looked very good the pitch outside one ball two strikes jackson's had two home runs accounted for all four runs the only time he retired was retired he hit into an unassisted double play there's a drag and a monster going back is holy cow he looks exhausted what a demonstration by this standing removing crowd finally he cracks the smile harry five to three now here's mumphrey ground ball he's honored first one away hey listen here's the home run again a high curball a snyder and tread water and wait for andre that's the new cub offense because that's what's happened all day today his third home run last time dawson hit three home runs in a game was at wrigley field but was against the cup while he played for montreal today he has hit three home runs four of them last cub to hit three home runs in a game dave kingman in 1979. that's a long time ago [Applause] he has taken over the lead lead now in [Applause] 92 rbis clark has 91 he has taken over the league leadership there's a nine drive hit two samwell by moreland this is dawson five the phillies three boy oh boy i wonder what clubs like the dodgers the dodgers above all all the money they have coming in could have signed both reigns and dawson didn't sign either one everybody in either league could have signed dawson finally forced more or less forced to come to sign him by uh offering a blank contract i think the way the story goes that the cubs filled out the financial end of it what a year he's having this uh sunburn ball one strike 31 home runs 92 rbi there's a pitfall on a play and five final the win brings this ball back into play and hayes goes out to make the catch so at the end of seven dawson five the phillies three [Applause] harry carey back in the ballpark watch this salami of the crowd to andre dawson andre's army out there in right field giving him the bow as he tips his cap to them he leads the national league and homers with 31. he leads the national league in rbi's with 92 and now back to the game with lee smith pitching marty trio playing third for the cup and lee smith has picked up a career-high 25 lifetime saves against the philadelphia phillies he's had four this year smitty comes in at two and six to 77 era 42nd appearance he's looking for save number 26. 55 in the third innings 52 hits 17 earned runs on only three homers he's walked just 14 men and struck out 66 in those 55 in the third innings there's schmidt the platte family from iowa enjoying dawson's showing today royal boy hungry all five runs battled him on three homers the only time they got him out with the bases loaded mike smith made a remarkable catch and turned it into an unassisted double play one strike on schmidt frank there's no telling how many rbi's dawson could have the first sitting with the base has loaded nobody out on a remarkable catch by schmidt yesterday when the bases loaded when chris james made a diving catch down the left field line robbed him of three then there's a pitch a little bit outside oakland has beaten minnesota on lansford's home in the 9th inning lansford's home at 3-2 one and two the count found it out of play they're from indianapolis watching the game last lance climb and billy monroe and saw the darchester senior guest of rick and robin sutcliffe who give various tickets to youngsters to attend the game one ball two strikes there's a ground ball sandberg one out that brings up wilson [Applause] lee just five outs away now and he's doing it a lot with his slider the slider has gotten better and better as the year is going along now he's really depending on it and there is a man like so many before him just in awe of andre dawson he talked about his home run yesterday and he'll have a lot to talk about tomorrow watching this performance lee smith going for save number 26. throws a fastball by wilson five to three that comes lead what a remarkable performance by andre dawson found it out of play on that out final game of the series and of this homestand afternoon one o'clock lead off man 120 game time glenn wilson had absolutely no chance that at bat lee smith is really firing the slider is snapping off the table and he just caught him looking where's christine two out nobody else [Music] all game in the eighth cubs trying to even up the series with the philly curves have done well against the phillies have won six last three going in to today's game strike call rick suckleth tomorrow standing room only outside and inside you see him on the rooftops what a beautiful scene rigby field is one ball one strike two on where's the hit james singles to write and that will bring him lance courage two out runner in first race a lot of the fans with no light spanners in the stands i don't think you can enjoy the majesty the majestic quality of a home run as well at night as you do in the daytime [Applause] two hours the pith curveball or below lance parish one out of three five to three that cubs lead andre dawson three homers good for all the runs all a little bit inside ball two now jeff calhoun gets up and starts to limber up in the bullpen gel still to be the next hitter the parish gets on i would imagine that pinch hit for him two balls no strikes paris is hitting on homers the pitch all three low three home runs have been hit off smitty this year three balls no strikes two out chris james the pitch walk to mall 4. and now let's see greg gross he's going to be the pitcher because during his lifetime is at 3 36 against come pitching and he's 9 for 33 with five rbis as a pinch hitter this year hitting 295 overall one home run 10 rbis a contact hitter who's likely to hit the ball to left or left center field against lee smith dave martinez shading him over around that way and jerry mumphrey in fairly close and left uh parish a big ponderous catcher is a runner and first be hard for him to score from there i believe on an extra base hip gross the pinch hitter he used to play for the cubs he batted 300 when he was uh with the cubs 306 i believe the pitch [Music] low ball long two rounds hit 322 and 265 for the cup but he's with him in 77 and 78. looks like jeff stone in the on deck circle two balls no strikes [Music] [Applause] hitter he's had only one the best gross during his career is only hit seven home runs in a major league and he's been here since 73. three balls in the strike all four the bases are loaded and jeff stone is going to be the hitter and now they're going to pinch run for lance parish sure because that's the time run darren dalton comes in to run for him give you an idea about the speed of perish dalton had massive knee surgery they thought his career was in jeopardy you can see him wearing the heavy brace on the left knee and he's coming in to run for parish jeff stone hitting twitter [Applause] stone is a pinch hitter this year four for nine no home runs of rbis gene michael a quick trip to the mound [Music] he wants to settle lee smith down who's thrown one strike in his last eight pitches i don't think lee smith has ever been taken out for a pitcher i mean taken out in the middle of an evil and there's nobody in the bullpen now which would indicate that there's no thought of that they're too out he got the first two men up this evening and now here's jeff stone sound is fast he has one home run hitting 288 the outfield plays him towards left field even though he's a left-hand healer the pit strike call a fine ball game you should have been on hand today to see dawson what a performance three home runs all five runs batted in thought it was low oh and two to count smitty's got him ready for a strikeout [Applause] [Music] bases are loaded the five o'clock shadows extending to second base [Applause] steps off the mound [Applause] [Music] the entire third base side of the infield covered by the shadow from the stand going to the count they fought back not a good cutter a fastball on two five to three cubs are dawson they give stone all the right field dawson's way over and left center right center so is martinez open up center [Applause] humphrey straight away little pit steps off the rubber [Applause] [Applause] [Music] watch this pitch base is loaded [Applause] oh almost threw it away one ball two strikes try to get a little extra on that fastball now let's see if he comes back with the slider away from jeff stone take a look at the last pitch one more time and look at the little ice cream cone and [Applause] two balls two strikes two out bases loaded cubs leading by two [Applause] there's the big pitch now two and two [Applause] the two out james parish and grosswalk and now stone the pitcher three balls two strikes everybody but running now three balls two strikes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lead five to three a beautiful day and we reveal with steve stone harry carey back from at the ballpark we're going to the bottom of the 8th pitch there's a replay on a striker with the bases this ball is up and out of the strike zone unfortunately jeff stone was not patient and he swung through it and louis aguayo comes into play shortstop jeff calhoun on the mound darren dalton behind the plate so a shake up in the lineup for philadelphia and jeff calhoun becomes the fourth philadelphia pitcher of the day 257 era is 10th appearance only seven innings four earned runs four runs [Applause] two earned one home run walked five and struck out four yes calhoun slum slow tap the throw he's out mochi tap the ball softly calum made the play one up just a reminder the cub players and wives softball game will be held sunday august 2nd from 11 40 to 12 30. included in the cub wives lineup are cindy sandberg robin sutcliffe vanessa dawson and many many more that's tomorrow from 11 40 to 12 30 and then the big matchup between shane rawley and rick sutcliffe well be good to see how the wives look in the cub uniform tomorrow one out there's maddie trio five to three andre dawson what a day [Music] well we gotta get a couple men on to give dawson a chance to hit his fourth today there's a strike call well he'll be working on a string tomorrow his first time at bat shane rawley against rick sutcliffe tomorrow afternoon each team will have its best picture [Applause] going one ball one strike what i want to know is strike two warning how in the world are you gonna distinguish between each of dawson's home runs for the budweiser player of the game one ball two strikes you better take the most productive the three-run job the pitch a little bit inside as a matter of fact i think that went the longest distance arnie i'll tell you what i know it's a little more work for you why don't you just do a collage of all 31 of andrei's home runs and make it the budweiser play of the game 33 000 to pay today that must mean about 5 000 no show there's strike three swinging calhoun strikes out trio it was uh martinez it's the second time he's battling against the left-hander today and philadelphia has really gone through their bullpen the last couple of days five pitchers yesterday gross jackson calhoun to calvi and bedrocian and today hume started followed by richie jackson and now calhoun again cam hoon's pitch 29 year old veteran used to be with houston throws a fastball outside hey show those figures again will you arnie one ball no strikes the betch stride car there's a cobs 1 million 456 000 plus for 54 days an average of about 27 000 per gallon two months in a strength slightly over 500 000 to go for two minutes and with the nuts here for a four game series on the next home stand ought to go a long way towards that two out three and one to count the pits to martinez walk to ball four that's the fourth time today martinez has been on base whether we get two more men on dawson would bat again today shooting for four home runs in a row [Applause] bill sandberg opened three earl for two rather walked twice boy but martinez has walked three times he's a leadoff man sandberg has walked twice durham walked once [Applause] the cubs have been beneficiaries of eight bases on ball one strike to sandberg a line drive right back at calhoun for the out he didn't know he had it so at the end of eight here comes five phillies three [Music] with steve stone harry carry back he's going to the ninth cubs three outs away from a victory they lead five to three and that reflects the score of the day andre dawson five the phillies three andre has been everything all year to this ball club but it was never so graphically illustrated as it has been today here's samwell to lead him up i can just see the that headline on the two daily papers tomorrow dawson five felicity i know story was more graphically put i always knew you beat him the headline arnie [Applause] i think lee smith might be having a few back problems he was stretching it out on the back of the mound hopefully it won't affect his control pitches stop the thing how bad that pitched the stone was samwell coming up next it could have been a disastrous eighth in here you know elise said his back was bothering him like it did a few years back strike a slider one ball one strike [Applause] as you can well imagine they couldn't afford to lose this fella be tough for anybody else in this staff to shut the door like lee can one ball one strike there's a little tap down to manny trio he throws the first one up samwell is over five for the day there's milt thompson he made a key on the seventh penny against lancaster [Applause] i was the last man lancaster faced here's the pitch a little bit inside well luss's high school baseball coach a lot of friends here from texas to see him pitch today and will have been well rewarded [Applause] on two two balls no strikes boy get this guy let's haze and schmidt next strike call super horns in the strike one out the ninth inning there's jody davis the pit swelling in the middle imagine jody will be catching tomorrow rick sucked their pitching has been a great battery two balls two strikes found it out of play oh that is a fine new typewriter you have jack did that come on the expense account where did that happen for his typewriter gotta hit right here in this ballpark 2-2 bench high ball three i don't know why you didn't use your imagination a couple of years ago just dropped the microphone there already type brother on the ground [Applause] three balls two strikes ground ball headed for left [Applause] oh now unless hayes hits into a double play smith is gonna have to face mike schmidt [Music] when out went on [Music] hayes hasn't had a hypnosis series 0 for 7. [Music] durham let smith know that he's going to play back off the bag [Applause] a little bit outside and that information is important because we don't want to have another bomb cubs have more than their share of 26. one ball no strikes whoa to mike schmidlet [Applause] a nervous time for gene michael a nervous time for everybody [Applause] two balls no strikes ball three lee will make it exciting from time to time won't he well they have the bases loaded with two walks and a hit after two are out in the eighth three balls no strikes there's a striker three and one the wind blowing towards left field a little stronger now [Applause] three balls and a strike hey swamp into this hayes was going for the long one trying to tie it up three balls two strikes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the pitch bouncy ball up the middle of base hit his thompson around second on his way to third well there is a double play chance now runners at first and third if he can make him hit the ball at the ground at somebody but mike schmidt with 22 homer will be the hitter fastball out away from vaughn hayes and he drives it back up the middle thompson knows that dave martinez is not going to try to throw him out and put the tying run on second base so he goes uncontested from first to third and the man who's grounded into 11 double plays this year is at bat second on the ball club behind lance parish hayes good speed at first base thompson at third base [Applause] the stretch strong and he missed and he was going for it a high fastball he missed it [Music] now schmidt hits them all hard to the other field too steve bedrockian up and throwing in the bullpen for the phillies [Applause] now ready first and third one out a little outside of orlando strike schmidt came in smith came in to pitch the eighth got schmidt on the ground ball the first hitter he faced 1-1 pitch double play ball nice play out in second a captain comes with a great play by sandberg [Applause] ball game on we're gonna have to show you that play again the ball was hit like a bullet up the middle you know if sandberg could come up with him he'd have a chance at the double player watch this here now watch don't you get out of the way perfect throw hey a gal can charging out of a field to get an autograph and she's being let off now by election but she got an autograph all right but cubs have let the game five to three wow what a way to end it the totals for the moment you
Channel: PigDog Video2001
Views: 3,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o5gydbB4pSk
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Length: 159min 33sec (9573 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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