Phil Robertson Easter 2015 Second Sermon - April 5th 2015

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so I just got word from third of my seconds oh geez Jason sent word by his mother my wife of 50 years tell Dad he's he got to do exactly that same speech that he just gave probably I didn't know how can I remember what I just said one of the era's I've made I think I said there was a palpable mouth around the circumference of the earth eight thousand miles through it Canis Majoris a planet out there it is huge had that planet get there through Jesus all things were made you have to be big to remove the sins of the world have to be big to conquer death have to be big to make the cosmos you agree now I'm about 600 years before the one who made the cosmos interred the earth Lord you persuaded me I was persuaded you overpowered me and prevailed I'm ridicule all day long everyone mocks me whenever I speak I cry out proclaiming violence and destruction so the word of the Lord has brought me inside and reproach oh they love I mean I get nothing but trouble when I proclaimed the Word of God but if I say I will not mention it I just need to shut up if I say I should not speak anymore in his name his word in my heart is like a burning fire shut up in my bones I am weary of holding it in indeed and I cannot I have to proclaim the word of the Lord I hear many whispering taro never side report him let's report him all my friends are waiting for me to slip perhaps he'll be deceived the it will prevail Lauren and take a revenge Oni but the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail they will fail and be thoroughly disgraced their dishonor will never be forgotten Oh Lord Almighty you who examined the righteous and throw the heart and man let me see here vengeance upon Aman for to you I have committed my cause that was what Jeremiah was saying 600 years before God became flesh Isaiah said this 700 years before God becomes flesh it's like me telling you folks giving you a prediction today and in 2715 what I said happens pretty good prediction would you agree here's what Isaiah said would happen 700 years after they said the spirit of the sovereign Lord has owned me someone is coming in the spirit of the sovereign Lord will be upon him because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor someone would come and even preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted because there's a lot of brokenhearted out there he has sent me to proclaim freedom to the captives somebody's uh a captive he sent me to release to release the prisoners that girl did just say Damion she understands what prisoners are her husband's in the penitentiary for forty-five years he's imprisoned this person who's coming here seven hundred years from now he will come to release the prisoners to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor you face forward 700 years and a carpenter from Nazareth he builds chairs he's from Nazareth Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit remember I will be anointed with the spirit Isaiah said he will be an honor mother spirit when he comes to do his work and news about him spread through the whole countryside he told him their sin - that one prayed and he went to Nazareth where he had been brought up his hometown on the Sabbath he went into the synagogue as was his custom he stood up to read and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him and unrolling it he found the place where it was written and the place where he went - an Isaiah is where I just read to you 700 years before it happened that's where he turned to check this out found in the place where it is written he said the Spirit of the Lord has on me God in flesh is speaking but they don't know it he's a hometown boy some carpenter the Spirit of the Lord has on me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor he sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to release the oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor then Jesus rolled up the scroll gave it back to the attendant and sat on the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him and he began by saying and you talk about a mouth full today right now this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing I'm the one Isaiah was talking about Jesus said there was a shudder went out across that crowd they were like in the beginning was the word the Word was with God how could somebody come down and give sight to the blind and release all the prisoners preach good news to the poor who's big enough for the job to take care of every sin of the whole world who could do it you know what I love about the story is because all the other stories when it comes to religion none of them have someone big enough to save the world they're just not big enough how big is Jesus Christ the one who said I'm come down to give freedom to the prisoners freedom check this out you talk about a happening if you hold on my teaching you're really my disciples then you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free I've come to release the prisoners to proclaim freedom for the captives the truth about me will do that they the most religious people on the face of the earth said we're Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves to anyone how can you say that we shall be set free what they're saying is set free from what after reading you will know the truth and the truth will set you free from the God who became flesh and the prophecies about him have now come true I would think everyone in America would be saying the same thing well what's the truth if it sets you free better find out what that is set me free from what here's a group of individuals religious we've never been slaves anyone jesus replied I tell you the truth everyone who sins is a slave to see now that's the lice audience a simple question now we'll ask you has everyone in here sinned you can raise your hand how many of you have sinned now if someone stands up in the back and says I haven't he just lied witches have seen why is it they were all honest enough to say what these people wouldn't say we're not slave to anybody jesus said everyone who sins is a slave of sin sends a problem you have to be set free from that and I will set you free from that listen these are weighty words he went on to say yet you're ready to kill me the very ones who say we're Abraham's descendants and we're not slave to anyone Jesus did you're trying to kill me and you're saying you're not a slave to sin now I want you to watch what he does I'm telling you what I've seen in my father's presence and you do what you've heard from your father Jesus said there's two father's at work here one of them is my father who is God and you have your father and it's not God if you were Abraham's children then you would do the things Abraham did as it is you are determined to kill me a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God Abraham did not do such things you're doing the things that your father does they have a relationship with someone who is their father and it's not God who could it be it's the same father and an audience this side if you're visiting you have two choices about who's your father God are the devil watch if God we're your father you would love me for I came from God and now I'm here I've not come on my own he sent me why is my language not clear to you because you're unable to hear what I say you belong to your father the devil it's the same way 2,000 years later you either belong to the devil or God is your father where do you think all this blowbacks coming from and someone preaches this we hate him either ASIS he's a homophobe he'll and he's nuts he's an idiot why all the hatred why is it the same message goes to two people one loves you and the other one hates your guts it's the same story some hate you others will love you the rest of your life what's going on there it's all in who controls you you belong to the fire your father the devil do you want to carry out your father's desire he was a murderer from the beginning that's why you want to kill me because he's the father of murder not holding to the truth for there's no truth in him that's why the truth set you free you say once kids gets in the way of the truth when he lasts the devil he speaks his native language he is a liar and he's the father of lies not only the father of murder he's the father of lies when you see murder and when you see the lies you say who's behind it the evil ones behind it yep because I tell you the truth you do not believe me can any of you prove me guilty of sin no your sinners Jesus said I'm God who's come into flesh they're like what in the beginning was the word that's the one who told them they belong to the devil in the beginning as she remembered God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning was the word Jesus was there along with the Spirit of God you say through him he was God and through him all things were made what is it chemists chemists Majoris a million and a half miles around it you say where'd that thing come from it is huge there's there's bigger ones out there look up at night you look at the cosmos you're staring into a huge panorama of giant giant structures planets galaxies you know what in the world Jesus is the image of the invisible God the god of the cosmos becomes a baby human with no sex involved by him all things were created I told you to look up at night and you said who made that Jesus made that and he comes beyond the cosmos becomes a human he has no money he's born in a barn he has no house he never covered by about a 30 or 40 mile circle in his life and he said I am the truth that will set you free you know what I call that ladies and gentlemen I call that the mother of all arrivals what do you call it you got anybody else that ever made an arrival like he did coming out of the cosmos the creator of it the creator of male and female the creator of the animal world the creator of the mountains and the oceans and the planets and the stars and he becomes a human being quite a story some other of all arrivals there is no one ever that showed up on planet earth with an arrival like that you agree Wow he created all things things in heaven and on earth visible invisible how are they even known 2,000 years ago to write down he created invisible things do they have any microscopes 2,000 years ago looking at invisible things I don't think so had the writer know they were invisible thing to begin with had they had he had they know that protons neutrons atoms molecules all made through Jesus dizzle and invisible Thrones powers rulers authorities all things were created by him and part of you he's before all things before time again and in him all things to hold together I think it's time for that planets life to end I think I make a cosmos you reckon he's big enough to remove you see him you think he's big enough to set you free from Satan yeah the children of God the whole world is under the control of the evil one people don't believe that what are you trying to say feel the Lord servant must not cry I must be kind everyone this is second Timothy 2:24 able to teach not resemble those who opposed him he must gently instruct in the hope listen that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth because the truth sets you free leading them to a knowledge of the truth you try to get him to see it over and over they mock you they ridicule you come on come on listen this is the truth that I set you free from the evil one I'm not a pro I'm not slave to anybody so that they can escape from the trap of the devil who's taking them captive to do his wheedle God is your father is your father God became flesh I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you which he received and on which you've taken your stand by this gospel you're saved if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you lies you believed in vain what I received I passed on to you as of first importance you suppose that a first importance that Christ died for our sins was buried and in three days raised from the dead because that's the truth that set you free we always thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you because we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints the faith that led that spring from the hope that stored up for you in heaven and that you've already heard about listen in the word of truth the gospel that has come to you all over the world the gospel is producing fruit and growing just it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace and all its truth when you get home you read the first three chapters you don't need to read three verses of chapter three it's an exact outline as follows Jesus is death burial and resurrection he being God in flesh big enough to do the job set you free from Satan set you free from sin set you free from the guilt of your sin Hebrews 10:22 his blood will cleanse your guilty conscience you can put your head on the pillow at night and say my goodness I've been set free from sake sin give and look and from a love of works that you never came close to keeping the law was holy and good any law of works you say everybody on planet Earth outside of Jesus is under a system some type of legal system where one violation condemns them and there is no provision for those violations you say what's the problem with the Surya code all the Muslims break it and there's no Savior as a provision for their breaking it they need a Savior Mohammed a big enough the creator of the cosmos had to come down personally in order to do it see the difference there's no talk of any other religious figure being the creator of the cosmos no sir sacred sin guilt law the grave I figured it up me being a c-plus man I had damn the butler backing up I sit down I have a number here and I went with 2015 years since Jesus because it is 2015 years right it's a 2015 yeah well count back 2015 years you get to the day the Year Jesus show that you say he lived on the air at 32 33 years and then he was resurrected after his death from the from the grave the truth about Jesus includes his resurrection which will set you free from the grave Obamacare is not going to do it do you believe me it's not going to do it you're like set me free from the grave you come down no money in the house you end up dying and they bury you'd like to do everybody else they killed and three days later you stand back up on the earth not only did he participate in the mother of all our Bibles I would say culminating with his dead body being energized and standing back up on the earth while he was here would be the mother of all visits you ever heard of someone coming along and vegetable and earth that he ended up by coming forth out of the ground and standing there alive I haven't I witness account and boy not only did he arrive the mother of all arrivals and the mother of all visits after he comes forth from the dead he says I'm gonna hang around for about 40 days so you folks can get a good look and what a body looks like having stayed three days in the grave this can happen to you was this point understanding down talking to him forty days later and now we have the mother of all departures he's talking to her but if you could make the Kosmos and you can beat death defying gravity would not be that big a job what you thinking you ever heard of anybody who is pulling these things out really you're trying to tell me there was 50 something writers that wrote this they were writing hundreds of years apart or thousands of years apart how in the world could you together do you think Isaiah was around 700 years after he said there will come on who released the print that's 700 years that way Isaiah died yeah what he said happened how could you have dreamed of that story when how you've heard what the truth is God became flesh and calendar is based on him he took away Satan I'm sending you Paul to open their eyes that's guy who was a murderer who wrote most of the New Testament when Jesus took him down he said I'm sending you to open their eyes because they're black remember so the plan can see and to turn them from darkness to light hear this and from the power of Satan to God so they'd be sanctified that they didn't me Satan's a problem seeing as a problem guilt is a problem many of you eaten up with it the law and being perfect under a system of works is a problem and the grave is a problem and Jesus Christ sobbed them all so when someone says like the old dad there's no great religions in the world they're all stupid and dangerous what you just heard it doesn't sound like stupidity to me outlandish quite a story God is just he'll pay back trouble to you and this is the final 3/8 he'll pay back trouble to those who trouble you that's what Jeremiah prayed for more deftly all day long let your vengeance be upon them well he'll give relief to you who are troubled unto us as well there's one thing left ladies and gentlemen he said what's left in all of this story feel the return of the one who became flesh and died and was buried and raised from the dead he departed defying gravity and went back to where he came from one more thing just one left the return he will give relief to you as troubled this will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven he left here bodily he's coming back in the same way he's coming with blazing fire with his powerful angels he will punish those who do not know God you will know the truth and the truth will set you free what about the ones who never came to a knowledge of God and the truth about him and he will punish those who do not obey the gospel that's the truth of our Lord Jesus there will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the magic his par on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled and everyone who believe marvel that we like Lord you did do it we believed it we put our faith in the death your death Lord your brand and your mighty resurrection we remembered 99156 it with a computer damn because I may be offering my figures he gets on this computer he says I said how many I didn't tell him I didn't tell him how many Sundays ago Dan figured it up he said I've got ninety nine thousand one hundred fifty I said bingo we're going with it it's been ninety nine thousand one hundred and fifty Sundays ago then Jesus came forth from the dead by my account give or take a few you're like there's a way off planet Earth alive if you're is there's a casket waiting on you you're going to die you've already set up sinned put your faith in the truth the death penalty resurrected Jesus recant turn from your sins make Jesus Lord and look since he's going to remove all of our sins what shall we say shall we go sinning so that grace may increase this is the gospel of God's grace the truth that set you free so we're going sitting by no means we died to sin critical point in a human's life how can we leave it any longer don't you know that all of us I'm quoting on the six all of us ties into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death we were therefore buried with him through baptism into death that just like he was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father we too may live a new life the Earl you died to sin and is buried in the new you comes forth and you're implanted with imperishable seed that you're guaranteed that the truth about Jesus his resurrection will get you out of the ground don't miss that so you said what I do feel when you're coming this way down here to obey the truth about Jesus I'll be going that way you said why are you going that way I've got people that want to do me harm because of what you just heard I'm leaving but not before you heard the truth that set you free what a wonderful thing you had done for us through Jesus every question I have ever had father you answered their mother where the Kosmos come from you said feel I had the father my son Jesus in the spirit we made it the cosmos we put it there God says he put us here father you answered that God says you have some problems father you know our problems you send Jesus to Tsavo to get us out from under the clutches and the captivity and the imprisonment that we all went through when we were under the control of Satan you remove their sin by the blood of Jesus reconciled us to you we were your enemies she brought us battle to the death of Jesus father for removing our guilt my goodness my goodness so what's guilt so what's in you even remove that took us out from under a system of works that we never did do very well at you put us under a system of grace father or about learn for you and our love for each other we do far better at keeping the code that way than trying to keep every jot and tiddle limit without your help and on top of all that father freeing us from the grave itself and proving it by raising Jesus from the dead call the you have told the world that you've appointed a day when you will judge this world with justice and you given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead father 99156 ago Jesus came from the dead what I want you to know father is that we remember we have not forgotten father what you did thank you and we're here on this Sunday all these Sundays telling you we have not forgotten our faith is strong we know father you of the father of truth thank you Father for giving us your spirit that seals the deal we love you Father again thank you if there is anyone here father I would pray if need be you grant them repentance today so they can participate in this great kingdom of ours it's in the name of Jesus who made all this possible I pray amen
Channel: Whites Ferry Road Church
Views: 12,308
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: Whites Ferry Road, WFR, WFR CHURCH, Church of Christ, Duck Dynasty Church, Phil Robertson
Id: iClq9xhWysY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2015
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