Phil & Jase Debate: What Makes a Good Labrador Retriever? | Ep 16

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welcome guys to the unashamed podcast with Phil Robertson of course you've got Al you got Jase the sidekicks and today we get into some pretty good stuff about you know doesn't take much for us to talk about our dogs cuz we love them and they're part of our hunting experience and so we're gonna get into what makes a good Labrador Retriever so it's pretty good old point/counterpoint going on between Jason Phil you enjoy that we're talking about worship today which kind of came out of our last discussion with Abraham really interesting I think it'll give you some different insights so I'm glad you tuned in buckle up here we go hey folks Phil Robertson here on the podcast look one of the companies that is one of our sponsors called Patriot supply they have everything from pancakes chocolate pudding it's about a four week supply you can save a hundred bucks for a four week supply this you say why you why did you get in bed with them because everybody at some point in time probably will face an emergency they have foodstuffs water filtration and whatnot to get you through I mean listen we just went through an eight month flood down here the miss cave we could still get to her abode and we stockpile enough groceries to write it out if the water gotten any higher got in our house and all that we would have needed my Patriot supply and some of these very things we just take it for granted in case something happens floods hurricanes you know the Russians take the power grid down whatever for weak food kit you got breakfast lunches dinners this thing these things will last 25 years it's a pretty handy thing to have just in case because I'm looking worldwide at a lot of disasters if one comes your way you'll at least be eating so it's long lasting so you can prepare with feel calm today feel calm today check this out it'll give you a little more peace of mind than you might otherwise not have by having plenty of foodstuffs when you need it check it out do what you think I'm all-in with it what about you breaking news on the river I feel like this is now the place where I can reveal this at least I have some somewhat of a controlled setting it's like a special there's airs you remember you know we got a issue I mean it's it's August now so we're looking toward duck season here you got the whole planet the river finally fell so where there's a little bit of Hope here you know we had a nine month flood mm-hmm but our biggest issue in the duck hunting world is your dog who is the greatest dog in the world that I've seen greatest retriever ever except right ranks at the top that he wants consistently and it's maddening when you hunt with that know for sixty days because he's it never stops would you agree with that he he wants to be great he is great but he has a hard time just sitting there and waiting he wants to go go go all the time and he whines when he came so it was nothing personal but we've moved past the denial oh it's something for experiencing that this was a problem because he is the Johnny Ringo of tombs the tombstone movie there poor soul he's just too high-strung he's the cane canine version of Johnny Ringo so dad that with it by turning his hearing aids off yeah it's how he dealt with it well I don't have here he's the greatest dog ever thought a dog what am i yep but he won't stop whining and this loud I miss louder than you think but though they just can't hear whatever so last year I tried an experiment I paid an obscene amount of money for the greatest dog I could find and he was an okay doll wasn't as good as the one we had but his problem was he had some kind of condition and he goes blind and I was like what what's wrong this no I didn't see what yeah it couldn't see I never heard that I mean I knew something's wrong with him I need to be able to see to be good well see ya okay it's a little thing so anyway I found a great home for him young guy you know it's a rice field because out there it's it's open cuz the dog loves someone so now the breaking announcement is I now have a new dog I've had him one week he's called diggin diggin b.i.g in and look here's here's the funny part Vig I am no no just be ID in bigan you just got to say it didn't yeah yeah yeah and yeah he's got a little marker so and diggin I got it the guy who brokered the deal y'all know him beby AE a KA red dog he used to be on duck commander videos that was was that was one of the boys that got caught up in the controversy and I tore his tail up at about 15 yep that's him and he stayed around ya know i think that y'all were like 8d no he was 18 someone said he was smart enough when he heard that I was faking that whip the whole bunch young teenage boys drinking they look a few beers and I didn't like it so I'm gonna dance it if I quit getting drunk y'all are too so get over back over the car yeah once said that he slicked me I found about it found out about it years later that he had a magazine between his pants underwear yeah Agassiz and a net worth of where the where the late we're not be is hey he's the he's one of those guys were you know he was repulsive and obnoxious it that a and he never really never got I don't know but if you if he hadn't come to Jesus I mean he would just be one of the most miserable people cuz he's hard to get along with in Jesus you know he's very uh I consider him a good solid brother oh he is he's good yeah but but here's what happened he brokered this deal but that's what he's doing he's living Arkansas now but he felt bad cuz the guy where I paid the money for this lab that went blind he was like if that dog if something happens like the dog going blind yeah I will replace the dog because I paid a lot of money if I was nice heaven well he didn't do it yeah I got slicked on that so W II starts feeling guilty so he's looking for me another dog surely he didn't reach into his pocket I don't that's not a W move so look so he calls me up says I got this dog with that this guy wants to give for free he told me that at the end he's like I found you a dog it's a yellow lab his name is begging nothing got a little black spray-paint can't care for daylight I mean I think it looks like grass you know in the city you know you seen that yellow girl's gonna die maybe stands out too much he stands out too much will die I don't mean kill him ladies and gentlemen I mean die literally die him I'm a different color it's more important duck hunting situation and be camouflaged yep so let me get to the point so this this guy from Alabama of course I was wondering what's wrong with this dog cuz dougies the Hollis dog was fantastic he's three years old you know he's so I'm like well she hunted any he's never done hunting he's only dove hunted because they want to get rid of him well yeah it for free so the guy comes over from Alabama a little bit suspicious a strange story that's why I'm sharing it seeing what America thinks about but uh so he comes over a guy from Alabama couldn't be nicer here's big and when he said his name is big and I look and I said well this is the smallest lab dog I've ever seen what could be big about him well he said but when he was born he was the biggest puppy of the litter so he cut named him bigan but he just didn't get big he never got big but he has a big heart maybe female or male male well here's the problem so he said well I know you're wondering what the catch is we go down to the pond i watch this dog that's what I'm wondering right now oh yeah I watched I watched him working I thought what could possibly be wrong with this dog he's awesome good on dummies great on dummies and so he said unproven on ducks but good on dummies he said here's this dogs problem because I looked and I was like what are all these stitches and staples about half his hair was gone on all sides he just had he looked like he had been split apart and then put back together via sutures and staples I was like did he get run over that's what I thought he said here's the catch this dog if he sees him another male doll he's gonna fight he said the problem is he's always gonna be the smallest dog and in the fight just look at it so he said what you're seeing this guy runs a dog kennel he's like but this dog literally attacks all my dogs and he gets whoops so now we have the the status report one dog is the greatest of all time but he whines yeah the replacement animal is a dog we don't know yet whether you retrieve a duck or not but he wants to fight every dog he sees yeah I'm just looking at a whiner or you want to you want to fight it out for daylight I like the fighter I like we're not around a lot of male dogs so well right now the only problem is yeah we'll have to keep your dog and this dog apart they will never be able to simulcast in the duck blind that won't work so the assessment from observing bigan is that he does not make friends easily he has no friends yeah he doesn't even like humans they do share that your dog and my dog had that in common the first time he saw me he went because he knew what was in your heart you didn't like him because you won and that's why he never did like you well that's why side and like side no he left side will turn his head like this to look for a duck and blue would see him he'd go for a peony he's healthy he was saying basically piss on you because he didn't like you yeah my problem is you're ragging my dog's name and your dog's name is blue and he's black came from the there were three three male dogs one had a fluorescent green collar one had a white collar and one had a blue collar they were all the same age and they were all three males they're identical black labs so the guy that owned them put a different color on each one of them so he could to know what to tell them and that's where it all went wrong and he will put him through the rate through the routine and I'm watching them and he said which one do you want and blue had the most Drive yeah to this day oh he's got plenty Drive I said I'll take the blue collar when he seems the one has more the drive I didn't realize it have been a very difficult in the future to keep him seated there without nervous he's impossible he's not it's in his DNA so anybody does have great beard now he's 6 years old so can we rest him and try my dog this year that's all I want to do but you gotta realize my dog has never been Duncan so there will be a learning curve yeah but um he has the drive went when I went it's time to retreat is it possible that if we worked them if they could get along enough feel they're not I just told you he has a problem he I'm just saying if he watched another lab retrieving Ducks he may say all right I get it no he will die for trying to prevent that from happening we're gonna that's why I got him this dough does not work well with others there had to be a catch you're going way out on a limb let's go with a dog that's never retrieved we have the one of the greatest retrievers of all times you know he goes out if there's teal small ducks he'll get up three four doesn't bring them but then he whines in between retreat I can't handle it you could do that we could try your dog gold-diggin but just remember I have Lou I want some of his offspring so they're bringing down this month a female when she gets in heat and I want a puppy off of that coat I said get a little low-key female that's a good Retriever and the guys were a great little retriever John Gimbert he's got a dog she she no Hawaiian and she's very obedient quiet meat and I said when we cut that blood line a little bit and maybe we'll get a puppy out I'm I'm gonna try that that's fine long term but short term let's try this yellow lab and and have some silence and we can try in between the trees we try okay so maybe our audience needs to give us some feedback on whether you would have a whiny great retriever or a anti dog unproven retriever who is little in spite of his name trying this dog this y'all and it's whooping yeah you know are trying to all other dog well if we're really if we were in the dog fighting like so I'm like who was the quarterback that gets I don't like I don't like fighting dogs I like dogs go get the Ducks and bring about Thank You tree of squirrel that's good dog I think this dog you know has the perfect home there's no dogs around at my house and except little hazel and he doesn't seem to mind her so we're we're I didn't charge you anything for this animal zero that's what he said the only catch is three years and I'm giving him to you there's dog got a problem he would fight with everything but we don't know where they retrieve a duck or not a lot to go on Jace how about a great call zero and he said this how many days do we have to try what do you think what's his face never duck on it I think we need to try in the whole season I mean let's let's give him three weeks but the progress report as we go forward what kind of progress report day 1 day 2 day 3 happy TOC 16 days the teal scene how many days put up with him 16 days you know you know half the time well but if you do I look I'm telling you I feel way better who's gonna get the ducks if this dog doesn't bring them back who's gonna volunteer to go out turn the milk and think about all right I always said a young man was better than a dollar all right you can say he's over on the right and a young man to say okay and walk over and get him a dog blow the whistle punch your hand sometimes you see what I'm saying blue blue trusts me implicitly trust me when I say I move my hand blue nose oh there's a duck there and he's saying he's over there well he ain't lyin the trial works great off the whistle all that you by the way stop going left but it is a dummy you know me so we'll see we'll see hello there are folks you know we live in some dangerous times I never thought I would see a day to where when I give a Bible lesson on Sunday morning 150 people pretty tough neighborhood but I'm not right next to the college and also you think you know you'd be fairly safe I have law enforcement personnel on the premises I'm armed it's just it's officially in lieu of what set in the last decade and all the mass shootings we've had we just live in a dangerous world well here's a group that can help you arm yourself and be prepared before an attack occurs because you never know there's so many when that day will come to where you are TAC PAC is the premier monthly subscription box for military tactical and Second Amendment food enthusiasts you need to check into this 4995 50 bucks roughly they'll ship you at least a hundred dollars worth of gear companies like 511 hex mag mission first tactical our respect and America grip to only name a few they can ship your a ar-15 parts these shooters have more firepower than most of us are carrying around on us and it's a you need to be prepared because you never know if it's happening in Walmart parking lots concerts churches synagogues we 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you a heads up on that I love you be careful out there be prepared what kind of spiritual matters are we discussing after the dogs well yeah now that we got the lab situation taken care of you know last time we talked about Abraham and really how amazing he was in his faith and obviously we talked about the resurrection but something struck me out of that discussion then I wanted to bounce off y'all didn't get your your take on in Genesis 22 you remember when we set the stage that he went with Isaac it was his only son and he basically looked at the guys that were with him and he said we're stay here with the donkey while I'm the boy go over there cuz you know he was gonna sacrifice and mess with God it to them to do this for the talking donkey no no it's later that's Balaam which is an incredible story yeah we got it we need to do a whole thing on that one yeah here's what I said boom people doubt God you can get it on can you start talking imagine a talk like if the donkey and it just started to look in Hollywood you know that's where they got the idea and now all animals talk on all these maybes you know me well Shrek has the talking donkey oh my this was yeah this was God's idea you don't realize how many principles come from the Bible you know talking donkey you know they're doing that what 7,000 years ago the way since you're there what are the odds that some department in salt water because the evolutionists would say salt water made dogs and humans and elephants and everything else what department in salt water said let's make some that really excel in retrieving birds let's make some like that let's make some that are great at herding sheep let's make some that are that will tackle hogs a point it point Birds out so you have all these dogs but they have all these skill sets what Department in salt water decided let's give this particular brand of dog this skill set let's give this one this skill sets teachers hey you just added up you say you know that's that's pretty amazing did you have all these dogs animals that that are have a skill set and I mean it's zoned in on that I mean blue is a bird retrieving dog it's oh it's in his DNA you see what department has saltwater so let's just do this in the algae it just said that's and only that thing about this you go back in time not very long ago three to three hundred years ago and back the you depend oh they were dependent on these animals to help get food to meet oh you're saying it's not like now he's my puppy I don't have to I just go to the store what would happen if you had to get all your own game in those guys they look they got Birds these you know they train these Falcons they go in they catch or you know get the rabbit bring it back I mean there was all sorts of hunting animals they were naturally in them but they assisted humanity which as an outdoors person the more you get into the details I just don't see how people come to that it did it seemed like you would have to be insane to say that it just randomly happened and then through natural processes you got what you have now which all stop somewhere because you're not seeing the process anymore right no no way you gotta look at it for millions of years but you would think you would dis have stopped popping up 90% of the creatures on the planet we haven't even discovered do you know when you get out it's just insane to me to say that something wasn't behind it blue runs out there in the brush raises his head up cuts a hard right and runs for 100 yards 200 yards 300 yards thick brush button Willows tall grass you couldn't even get there he raises his head up and Chewie Turks out we saw that ducks swim that way so I Pont over there the duck is fully alive just crippled can't fly but it's going through the brush and you look out there and you give him about 5 10 minutes and you look coming out of the brush Blue's got this duck still alive this heads well he uses that no he takes the training oh yeah just what's in his DNA you know that's that's what it is that's correct but then he uses that nose cuz you like that's a detail you don't think about if you're gonna be a great retrieving doll if you're gonna design something have had good nose which is an intelligent design you look at that doll well he's got to have a spectacular nose and that's what he does they use that no I notice that this new dog Oh got me that knows this to the ground you know me so once you get a duck in his nose and and he's like this is what I'm after I think it's just giving too much credence to saltwater I mean I'm sorry yeah well salt waters what they're into now I mean it was I mean it was the gaseous mist and be no hit whatever you know I mean you read all that stuff and you think where's the intelligence right that's what I'm after yeah all right back to the Abraham story all right so so Abraham says we will worship tell my team and the boy and then we will come back so we talked about last time how he was basically reasoning to the resurrections with Hebrew writer said yeah in other words he was gonna kill him and he just reasoned that God would raise him up but it's what was interesting to me and that's why I wanted to bounce off y'all is that this is the first time the word worship appears in the Bible is here and it was really interesting that what was about to take place that was the word he used but this sacrifice think about that and so it got me thinking about this concept of worship because if I said worship I just threw that word out and get people are watching and listening if we say worship in 2019 I mean what's your typical what's the first thing you typically think of you know singing you know praising God at church or you know I mean think about worship but the Bible has a much broader view of this concept and that's what I want to talk about a little bit today is the idea that it's really bigger people have it just kind of contained to a 20-minute 15 or 20 minute segment and there's no gathering here and there's no pomp there's no ceremony it's just a little glimpse of one little period of time to where worship is in inserted like it has nothing to do with a congregational meeting singing has nothing to do with it in fact in this case it he's been in his life and who he is in fact in this case there's gonna be a very gruesome thing that's right that was gonna happen now the idea of sacrifice of course comes from week we saw that way back at the very beginning with you know with Cain and Abel and Noah so there's the idea of the sacrifice was giving God the glory well that becomes the kind of the concept of what we talked about with worship but I thought at any time and it is really an incredible fascinating point that worship was introduced right here yeah cuz you're basically he gives him the plan all nations are gonna be blessed are your offspring now take care of spring and sacrifice you know what's weird I'll but he he used the word worship because I think in in that moment he was saying what is worship is that your God and we're not yeah and look think about it therefore Romans 12 the section the the chapter all worship yeah therefore in view of God's mercy Abraham had it yeah in view of God's mercy you want me to do what sees yeah we're gonna go over here and worship and view of God's mercy said offer your bodies it is pretty amazing I say living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God he brings that same concept up all those tiles of the years later you're like hmm exactly sacrifice comes with worship well this is the epitome of it literally that's right and dad's referring to Romans 12:1 and 2 because he says right after that this is your true and proper worship so that same concept that was introduced way back there with Abraham and you're right it's the idea of saying God is God I'm not and therefore my entire life and a certain amount of suffering is intended here may be required of you it may be Helen as she works yeah right there here's the guys he's using the word worship there up on a mountain just his family in a difficult situation not knowing exactly how this is gonna turn out I mean I absolutely love this I think this is in contrast to what happened at the Tower of Babel which was God told them I'm God you're not go scatter and fill the earth let's fill this thing up and multiply you would have seemed like they would have been jumping up and down about that but they said no we're gonna stay right here build a tower to the heavens and the key phrase there in contrast to this is make a name for ourselves that's right so my point is when you fast-forward now thousands of years later to churches I think you have the same problem going on from Genesis 11 to Genesis 22 you have people who take church buildings and they confine their worship there which is in some cases not really worship it's just a ritual or ritual routine but you don't have that worship taking place out in the real world and so yeah it's all it's all structured its structured and they're trying to make a name for themselves whatever denomination whatever sign and I really think it's the same concept that you see here at the beginning of the time our time from a Genesis standpoint happening in our churches today well I just jotted down here in your all elaborate on this and you guys are pretty sharp I can't happen if I did sire you hurt Ella just didn't pass did the genetics I wrote down this question in view of Abraham and worship will at any given time will your faith prevail at any time but if you read Romans 12 you know you say mmm all the time you have to be ready for that moment when it's time to worship God asking yourself a question I'm calling on my faith will my faith prevailed and Abraham no wonder he's called the father of our face because look just view what was before him wait right here we're gonna go over here and we're gonna worship there we go we'll be back you like mmm he'd know and he was told to kill him well it I mean here's the nother one to blow sacrifice here's another one that blow your mind so we know in job the book of Job there's a conversation going on in the heavens between the Evil One and the Almighty about Joe so by the way I mean that's recorded - no so there are conversations that happened the heavenly realms and any of us could be the night Joe he could be concerning us that's right yeah so so the Almighty allows the evil one to attack Dobies it just don't kill him Joe gets the word he lost all of his stuff his animals but back in that day that was your wealth family and then he lost all of his kids and a terrible accident and you you love them oh this'll blow your mind you know about how he reacted he tore his robes which in that day was grief just grief-stricken which we all can understand he falls on his face and Jobe once said the Bible says he worshiped God he worshiped God when he received the worst polity he lost came down that's exactly right which of course proved God's point that he was a trustworthy man he knew his heart and he wants an artist cause you blasted me giving them all this stuff so almighty said all right take it away and let's see how I react that's why to our listeners y'all don't need to forget this there's a lot of ups and downs in life just remember be ready at any given moment to call on your faith will your faith prevail because you're looking at a situation that's not good and suffering is involved what are you going to do well here's Abraham and the job of old the the epitome of faith you're like the Hall of faith here they are this is the way they operated right it's where they have no doubt it is I like acts 17 you know we I know we all love this chapter because when we're studying with people who don't know Jesus this is a or who don't believe in God this is a good place to go because Paul he run up on a group of people in acts 17:23 said I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship and these were great thinkers best minds of the day yes right but they these people had created these things in these places where they were going to worship and so he gives an explanation he says I even found an altar with this inscription to an unknown God so they were just worshiping something unknown as a symbolic deity make sure they cover it yeah and they said now what you worship as something unknown I'm going to explain to you and so then he has this nicely packed sermon that basically answers life's three questions on where did humans come from what are we supposed to be doing here on the planet and how are we exiting the planet you know but one statement he makes in there I think because he was in the context of worship where what and how and who he says the God who made the world and everything in it is lord of heaven and earth and he does not live in temples built by hands which flies in the face to everything that we as a culture think about worship we think you go to church you go to the church building and we're not and we're gonna meet today in the sanctuary yeah they call it the hallowed ground is where the preacher is standing down there and he's always up higher than you by the way by the way but I'm giving my lessons at the local church here I'm up there you know you say why do you go up and you sit down at a little table and you with your Bible you're not standing there because I don't want them to get the idea I'm preaching down to them I'm over them I just say let me I just sit and I give him a lesson but I just want them to know look they're not paying me anything I said so I'm not doing it to get your money I'm here for your charge but but I'm with you you're the brothers the sons and daughters of God here I'm one of you I love you I hope you love me and I'll give you some script but the point is these are people and y'all know y'all for me because you're your parents were raised in a church you know your history came from they where there's churches that had the opinion it's more important of how that goes yep during during what I had our yeah at that hour how you were so than anything else we need to correct that if we can we're trying to it makes people what happens they get in the routine the habit and the tradition of and I think they take the Bible and kind of try to justify what they're doing because of some of the problems that happen in the letters to the churches but no matter what they do how do they how do they stack up with that verse I just read God does not live in a building he's not worried about this place you remember what he told the woman at the well in John 4 he said you know he challenged her life which same concept is what we're talking about Abraham he's out there making a life decision it was America were sort of under ISM that named that mountain and Jews worship in in Jerusalem you know she was she was like where'd I go well yeah but what happened was he challenged her life you know he's like how I live Saul fine I'm gonna go back and tell my husband he's like well the fact is you've been married whatever was five six times and you're now living with a guy who's not chosen what so what's so not funny but interesting so he challenged her life was she knew how does he know this and then she got religious which is most what most people do you chose about their life what's going someone is reading your mind and dictating it back to your like whew well where am I supposed to go to worship and but Jesus made that famous statement they'll come a time which was fixing to happen in Acts chapter two when the spirit was unleashed that people they won't go here or there the worship was a worship in spirit and in truth which gets back to the same principle in Genesis 22 with Abraham here they are on the side of a mountain plus he said which is the kind of worshipers that God seeks he this is the kind right wherever you are girl and you know of course she was profoundly impacted in what she was saved over and just to be clear we're not saying don't attend a church and be a part of it and participate in praise immersion all those are great the problem is if that's all you got and that's not who you are it's the small woman that's a great thing to come together it's awesome I love it is a smallest part what changed my view on when duck dynasty happened and then we started doing advanced in some of the vents you know probably only half of them are involving churches that I do I don't know about what your percentage is but but I go to some of these churches and I would just be so impressed with their worship that it wasn't it was more what we're discussing today it wasn't about a ritualistic you know legalistic setting where they thought you had to go to some place and follow some rules it was more an experienced celebrant oh yeah coming out of that their sons and daughters of God they have Jesus Christ the most awesome being ever on the planet as their Lord and brother and they are filled with the Holy Spirit and this is an experience where we're all together where we're gonna say you know your God and we're not and be excited about it and I think that's what's appealing and why I started looking at how we new things and I'm like that that's this is the way it should be when young people and the reason I'm singing out the young people because a lot of these churches that we're talking about they just get older and older and older and you think well what happened they just died out because it becomes so ritualistic because young people go in there and they look around and think I thought you said y'all were going to heaven you know it's just miserable cold dark and then when you see a certain agenda put forth and then you watch their lifestyle outside of the building young people the one thing they see more than anything else is sincerity and what's real you know and they know that's not real that's why they there's I'm happy one little simple truth what they must we all must realize all right you were there for a hour or two on one day once you walk out that door out oh the the worship begins in earnest as one who you are and how's your faith and how do you behave yeah until the next appointed time so you have to understand that or you lose sight of what works for it is well which was the point J's made from John for the woman at the well you know what's interesting J's is that you brought it back seventeen one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed was when we were in Athens filming for dad did a movie called torchbearer oh it was fantastic it was a great movie and somebody's gonna ask me I saw T Amazon Prime is where you can find it and also citizens united at their website to find the movie it's a long story and why never released big but the movies amazing but in in we were filming a scene where dad and we're having to film we're kind of guerilla style because you know we did some sets and stuff where you could but this was more we were just kind of running gun so dads on Mars Hill which is where Paul was in acts 17 yep we're literally standing on the same Hill and it was it was kind of it was a granite hill member dad it was real slippery because people are crawling all over it yeah and so it got dust on it so you can't have watch yourself you'd fall people that model the word all over the world they're crawling off tourists big rot and right behind it is the was the is the ruins of the Acropolis yep so as your imagine and Paul given this speech that you read about next 17 he's referring to the Acropolis which is right above yeah well dad basically memorizes the whole thing that Paul said in acts 17 so him with the beard and the you know the burlap shirt he loves he's just standing there giving this speech but we're kind of disguised with the cameras so we're getting a couple of different angles there's a couple of camera guys there and I'm just kind of everybody's kind of watching what these people are they don't know what he what he's doing he looks like a prophet or something he said they thought he was just like having a moment so well here's what was amazing cuz we had to film it three or four times to make sure we got it but I'm watching the people and every time dad would finished the family some of them were in tears I saw the walls would break out you know because they thought it was like some kind of theatrical they didn't know what it was it was like because we're in Europe so it's like a lot of name recognize like this that must be a smarter homeless guys look he had it down like he was like he do they were he was looking over Athens and he would refer up to the acropolis and I'm you nailed it you know in the I just tried to put my mind in place of the Apostle Paul I said right and it made me be very convicted I said it elevated understanding was the Apostle Paul stood delivering the same speech it's right almost 2,000 years later remember that they even had a little plaque there oh yeah it said you know this is it was great long yeah and and some guy there said that that's where I was Ted I made a round put my feet firmly in place right there where he was standing but I was stunned and how the audience reacted to that well and that was my point so it was interested we're talking my worship that was a worship experience there were a lot of people sure and it was for us too because I was in tears and dad was just like bringing it you know because he was sort of getting his inner Paul while he was doing it but there we were on that rock exactly actually we're not supposed to have cameras there right we were girls so they had sneaked to me in and then this was just an ad-lib get up and they didn't know I'd memorized that whole section they were just waiting on what I was by the way we captured it if you watch the movie you'll see exactly what we're talking about and it was fantastic but it really did in in and of itself and I think that's the kind of what we're talking about is you the experiences that you have and sometimes it is through hardship where you worship we just this so just by the way out that on the Apostle Paul's part and my part 2,000 years later that was an impromptu worship it was no doubt about it I had one last week in a nursing home with your youngest sister you know I mean she's she's gone now dementia she can't recognize anything and yet we were there and so we wanted to basically say goodbye to it she's been a very godly woman oh she's the reason you're a Christian that's right she and she helped us me and Jason will and all of us as much as anybody ever has to grow and I wanted to tell that while I'm just you know I'm crying you know talking to it she's she's out of it but she's looking at me but you know just vacant stare but it was my opportunity and it was a I mean I felt like a word we prayed over we pray for the Almighty to take her because we didn't want to see her just stay here like that no but I'm telling you that was as that was as close as you can feel to God as it would have been if I'd have been in a church server somewhere here in a sermon or something else it's those are the moments I think in life where God becomes real the texts we don't want you to be ignorant or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope we believe Jesus died and rose again that's what Aalto the Thessalonians that's an apt text for that moment you had that there exactly well she's in good hands and a lot of people would say good night the woman suffered from dementia dementia and you say she's in good as it said in good hands you know I think people you know gather and and they're drawn to churches that may suit their personality or their you know belief system are capable there's so many I think the biggest argument from the world on why they don't come to Jesus is they're like well look at this mess that is religion you have all these different groups how do you know which ones right they bicker they fight there some of them are so radical and evil you know I mean you're thinking about all the people that have died just in the name of religion and some fashion and so you know even at our church we've seen that thing evolve and and the same kind of concepts that that we're talking about but I ran across this verse I want to share it with you in Matthew 26 right before Jesus goes out to be arrested and he does the Lord sup wizard disciples and and he knows they're all fixed to turn you know the next thing that happens after this is that Peter denies them but Jesus knew okay this is fixed to get tough uh you know I'm fixed to literally give myself for my creation and he goes through the Lord's Supper and then he gets to verse 30 and there's this one little obscure passage that says when they had sung a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives and I thought here here's Jesus and His disciples here's Jesus knowing what's fixed to happen and he chose this as an opportunity for worship kind of like what Abraham you know being with this son but it's more real to me here and trying to get our worship like we're saying aromas 12:1 it's more of a mindset every day 24 set you worship God every day that's why mainly when bad things are fixed in 1/2 that's why Jace it is interesting that in Romans 1 about 12 - it says offer you about his living sacrifice hold it pleasing to God that's all the time this is your true and proper worship do not conform to the pattern of this world check us out Jase but be transformed by the renewing of your mind what you just the points you just bought up then you'll be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect will you say boy what is one of what a statement you know so it begins don't operate like these other people you be different that's when you make sure your faith is intact no matter what I think the the Christian music world in the last two or three years have really made some strides in coming up with heartfelt relationship kind of the stuff that we're talking about here today type songs like worship songs that you can do together that are not cheesy I mean the number one thing when you get to become in public for Jesus is not being cheesy and what I mean by that is the church building structure basically said well how they reach the public they basically are concerned a lot of them I'm saying the ones that you know are ritualistic they're basically doing their own thing in there going back to the Tower of Babel philosophy thinking if we can do this right somehow that makes us right and then their outreach is what that sign outside that they change every week you know look those are the cheesiest thing every time I Drive mom around they no wonder they're not going in there that is so cheesy movies look at the Christian movies that come out there are so few that are not cheesy are you saying are you telling me when you drive by and that says this church's prayer conditioned that that doesn't just make you want to run in there exactly my point Wow and you gotta remember too I left a large group where we are and I volunteered to go across the river at a little small place well the great song service when I left the large group of a thousand fifteen other people whatever it is when I left that group and we started with about 15 or 20 we you say how's the song service I said take heart brothers there's not the 15 of them sitting in there I said take heart I said I'm in the book of Acts and I said that's when the church started the first 3,000 obey the gospel Peter told him you don't repent and be baptized they were all baptized 3,000 I added to their number that day I said some of you are wondering because there's not the 15 of us what about a song service and I'm locked well I said we have good news I said I'm in the book of Acts they devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching that original 3000 that we were added to to fill the fellowship the breaking of bread to prayer they were filled with all the apostles were doing miraculous science they sold their possessions and goods goods and gave Denny ones he had need they continued to meet together in the temple courts no church buildings at the time in fact for 300 years there were no church building they broke bread in their homes there they are gathered up in the house they ate together with glad and sincere hearts they praise God enjoying the favor of all the people they said well what do you know and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved I said now we'll go through the book of Acts when we get to the scripture that talks about the wrong service will start singing well I said in the meantime if any of you can carry a tune there's not many of you but if any of you can carry a tune of any type I can't I need to recruit sighs yeah I said yeah I said stand up and you can sing any time you want to if you're happy I'll sing a song I said but so far in the book of Acts and I said by the time we get to the end of it yeah I don't read anything about a song service I'll always remember you don't have to have it no but I think it should be an experience that comes from the heart sure I'm it's like when you I remember you saying this a long time really forgotten this you said when you became a Christian and you went to the first service that you'd ever been to you said you open your mouth and you couldn't sing it was like it was such a humbling thing from where you had I was embarrassed yeah to sing the words in a songbook I looked down at him and I said but then later on as you grew and that became a part of the the way you could express your faith and your love for Jesus I keep going back to the Trinity because I think it's more of an experience and that worship comes out of that you know I'm married to a worship guru I mean why it's not amazing she can see divorce that's one of the reasons I pursued her I'm one to marry because I the first time I heard her saying I thought I need a front-row seat to that the rest of my life that was my thought no I because it was so inspiring and encouraging when you think about Jesus I was looking for that verse in Hebrews it said with loud cries and tears you know going through the process look worship it's okay to be emotional I mean Jesus wept when he raised Lazarus before he raised Lazarus from the dead and he knew he was fixing raised from the dead well why was he crying because remember life has those experiences and you should be passionate about your relationship with God and the struggle just remember in Abraham's case in job's case in the Apostle Paul's case you say in Jesus more and the woman at the well you say was there a song service embedded than any of these events well not no well that's why I read except for the one I read when before he was arrested he said yeah they it just says they got together and sung him but I just thought what would it be like to sing a hymn which you know it was acapella they were out in the woods and they just sang it together in that moment and so then remember act 16 Paul and Barnabus they just got the fire beat out of them I mean you took a beating back in them days it was I mean they're sitting in the inner cell locked together middle of the Nile than I were they do it singing yeah it had an impact on the trail it converted him about you but I think the point I brought up about about Christian music now is I think look as far as is who we are if there's a way to make our church services more dynamic and taking some of these songs that are modern day you know kids listen to and like I ran out of that I think you just use as much you know I kind of like our church we have an acapella service that because I think that's cool that's the way they've always done then they have a second services I think all in contemporary but it's instrumental and so I've actually had people say well I'm not sure you know that you should be playing musical instruments you know while you're having a church service and so I so wolf I'll tell you this in 1st Thessalonians 4 when Jesus comes back it said there's something gonna happen that's gonna signify that and of course they're looking at me like what does this got to do with musical instruments I said God's blowing a trumpet if there was anything wrong with a musical instrument the last thing he would be doing when the theater coming out of the ground is blowing a truck in a vehicle you want to come to our church and you want to relax in the body we got the first row but if you want to bring your trumpet bring it home buddy the deer coming the ground and what I thought about it that way that's pretty good that's a good point so anyway just a good discussion on on where we started with this idea of worship and I guess the challenge for any of us is we want to live that worshipful lifestyle every day remember God has to be first that was the key that's what happened with Abraham because you get off base when you worship anything other than good you know it might be on a mountainside it might be out in a lake it might better look it might be in a hospital we've all sang hymns to dine kids you know we best part of those moments is up that you can't help but cry that's right which is powerful so that's our discussion today live and learn live a worshipful life every single day nothing could be better for it so we're so glad you guys were with us today you can subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or YouTube or Facebook and be sure and rate us on iTunes so that other people can know about the podcast [Music]
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 92,222
Rating: 4.94208 out of 5
Keywords: forgiveness, salvation, christian, bible, study, bible study, BlazeTV, Phil, Jase, al, Robertson, Phil Robertson, duck commander, duck, commander, hunt, hunting, duck hunting, author, writer, America, soul, Jesus, Hunting Dog, dog, lab, labrador, retriever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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