Phase 3 Rogue Bis List & DPS rankings

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hey there guys today I want to talk about business and external resources for figuring out what your best in slot gear is as well as a way to calculate item by item upgrades for the next raid tier today we are going over assassination combat and surprisingly the subtlety spec so let's Jump Right In I was going to make a video mainly focusing on the assassination Rogue as I currently play that spec and I made a comment about not doing combat guides but then my GM slid in my DMs at 5am and uh here we are let's start off with my favorite the assassination Rogue togc and bis still has assassination at the top of the stack seeming at 11.7 K dps's Alliance and 11.9 K on a troll Rogue the gear sets of different names and looks to them but are one-to-one copies from horde 2 Alliance so don't worry about the names too much as I've already posted these resources in my Discord for anyone to find what their Biz looks like regardless of whether you're a horde or Alliance for assassination Rogue we have a fairly easy best list to follow with the introduction of Epic gems you really only have two rules that you need to follow going into this raid tier make sure you are expertise capped at 6.5 percent or 214 expertise then match your gem slots for red gems and yellow gems ignore matching blue gems unless it's in your helmet slot where you will use the newly acquired nightmares tier for weapons you can expect the same rules to apply since the beginning of the expansion your best will be two 1.4 weapon speed daggers as they apply your poisons faster generating more damage than their 1.8 speed counterparts your best daggers for horde are going to be the stygian blade breaker and their Alliance counterpart the steel blade breaker but in case you get unlucky or don't already have two belay Twisters offering an easy transition into the phase here's a picture of the best dagger combinations for phase 3. [Music] your best and Slot setup for assassination is going to be the four piece tier with leggings of the broken Beast as your off piece following the rule of thumb of ignoring blue gem slots whenever you have an item outside of your Helm that does have one of these slots ignore the gem bonus and Gem straight AP as you can see here with legs shoulders and bracers and rings oh and I almost forgot your chest piece as well there are alternative pieces that Sim very closely to the setup and may be easier to acquire so I will throw that up on the screen for you to see but seeing as this is a new raid tier you will likely not see these pieces at least for a few weeks meaning that you're going to have to mix and match these pieces together wherever you can I strongly suggest trying to avoid picking up the shoulders and Helm if you are already having expertise over cap issues without gemming as this will only make the problem worse and they net very little DPS in comparison to the other tier pieces but that's a decision you make for yourself based off of your current gear I don't want to get into the nitty-gritty of each item as there is an insane amount of item combinations but I do want to focus on trinkets as there are two new trinkets available in this upcoming raid tier Victor's call and death's verdict I just want to say like really quickly I have a speech impediment nitty-gritty was actually destroying my life so Victor's call has a whopping 83 expertise and is just really really really hard to care for I'm gonna throw that up on the screen for you guys so you can see it is a really good 20 second trinket uh that is probably fantastic I would say for blade flurry or just any sort of cleave fight because it matches up with your blade Larry perfectly matching a gear set around this though is going to be really hard and that expertise stat is just really really hard to gear for so I just want to set the tone very clearly for it I just don't think it's an item that you guys are going to be using very often but if you can make an extra gear set if you're just balling like that by all means go for it and then there's death verdict death's verdict is going to be by far your best trinket out of this phase and will probably last you up until you get this trink it's an ICC for a very very long time this trinket is just absolutely insane it is the upgrade to the Darkmoon card greatness trinket and is just cracked out of its mind other than that though commas Trail is still your best trinket for this phase because that trinket is also just insanely good I will throw up the trinket combinations on the screen for anyone who doesn't have their hands on their current phase two bits so that they can get a better idea of what to look out for remember I Sim everything at the three minute marker so these are subject to change based off of fight time all right let's talk about combat in terms of raw DPS combat is just over 11k's Alliance and about 11.1 K as a horde troll Rogue with a steep 500 DPS decrease when you're doing EA for your raid the gems you want to use are going to be red AP gems and rather than AP haste which is what a mutt Road would use you'll just use AP hit instead as far as expertise is concerned in this you don't have to worry about gemming expertise as the talent weapon expertise in combination with your gear already caps you for this rate tier your best weapons will be storm Pike Cleaver and lion head slasher for Alliance and then for horde it will be the Hellscream slicer and blood flurry here are the weapon combinations for Horton Alliance for non-biss weapon choices I would go more in depth for combat but everything that I already said about assassination Reigns true for this spec as well they basically gear the exact same way and are handled the exact same way except for the expertise cap that you have to worry about um without that you basically just do the exact same things for gearing choices you want to make sure that you're not going for the expertise pieces early uh if you already have an overabundance of expertise as you'll run into the same problem the only comment I'll say about that is that there's a pair of shoulders that Orcs are probably going to want to go for which is the spaulders of the snow Bandit this is just because it doesn't have expertise and since you're going to be using axes you'll get the bonus anyways and I think there's an alternative best where you use snow Bandit and use tear legs rather than this current this because it ends up simming about the exact same on DPS I'll make sure to post the alternate best list for anyone that's playing combat as well the only other thing I want to mention for combat are the ring choices rather than using the 252 algalon ring you will use the plain stalker band as it has better stat itemization for the spec and for your trinkets you can look at this image here you can basically replace dark matter for assassination with runestone for combat as far as trinket priority goes and like I said at the beginning of the video all this information will be in my Discord for you to check out at your own convenience as well as a q a channel for any questions you might have all right and last but not least uh we're gonna do this one freestyle I'm not going to write anything down for this one I just want to show you guys this spec because I was just doing the video for the other specs and uh I was just messing around figuring out what was good and I was asked by cricks my my guildy uh what subtlety uh was doing for DPS and I found out that hemo sub and dance sub actually do pretty good DPS I'll actively send these on the screen for you guys right now um they're obviously not as good as combat or assassination but it's pretty cool and it does offer a debuff with the Hemorrhage uh giving I think it was physical damage if I'm not mistaken yeah it's increased physical damage this is only rank one I don't know what its active rank is but I thought this was really cool uh it rather than using AP gems it uses agility gems and I'm not gonna try and speak on this because I don't know anything about it but uh definitely something worth checking out if I have a chance to maybe get some experience with this build under my belt uh I would definitely like to make a video for it and I think it'd be really cool so this is the Hemo sub spec which uses an ax and a dagger and this is the dance hemo spec which seems pretty cool I'm gonna actively send this just so you guys can see what it looks like on the screen this spec also uses Hemorrhage as its opener and Builder rather than or I'm sorry not as its opener but garot is its opener and hemorrhages its Builder and you can see here that it does less DPS with backstab than it does with Hemorrhage which I was actually very surprised to find out so maybe something worth checking out I definitely Lee put faint on here and did some uh personal calculations but it is definitely a DPS minus fusing backstab and just kind of went through the motions wanted to check out some different stuff so I'll make sure to put a link to this in my Discord as well on top of the combat and assassination specs for you guys well that's it for this one just want to give another thanks to everyone who's been supporting these videos it's been a lot of fun meeting all my fellow Rogue Gamers and getting to have conversations with you guys all the resources I posted on screen in the video are in my Discord so be sure to check that out as well as like comment and subscribe I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Sqwurrelly
Views: 2,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, rogue, dps, parse, bis list, bis, guide, world of warcraft, assassination, sub, subtlety, combat, togc, trial, of, the, grand, crusader, world, warcraft, p3, list, blade flurry, bf, mutilate, mut, phase
Id: Ej19d2MvAjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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