Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk | FoundryVTT First Look

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hey YouTube uh another video here um this video I want to actually jump into and check out the shattered Obelisk Adventure that was the first release between the partnership of Foundry and Dungeons and Dragons or Wizards of the Coast um this is something that just came out about a week ago yeah January 30th so about 10 days ago the announcement was released that Wizards of the Coast was partnering with Foundry virtual tabletop to bring DND to Foundry VT this is exciting news this is huge because Dungeons and Dragons is the biggest tabletop role playing game in the world and bringing it to Foundry is going is only going to grow Foundry with this announcement they released an updated version of the game system that brought an updated version of the 5e rule set to Foundry in addition they also released the fend Elver and below the shattered Obelisk Adventure Pack for Foundry virtual table toop as of the recording of this video this is the only Adventure available and I'm curious enough that I actually want to check it out I'm invested enough in Foundry this will be the first tabletop or virtual tabletop specific Adventure that I've purchased I've haven't purchased any for Fantasy grounds or roll 20 or any other virtual tabletop and I wanted to kind of just go through this with you guys we could check it out this will be a first look I've never seen this before and so let's jump in um so far all I've done is try to find a place to pay for it and the two reliable ways that I found or the three reliable ways that I found are um to open up your Foundry virtual tabletop and click on this link in the news it opens up this page which can also be found on the homepage of Foundry virtual tabletop Foundry and if you scroll down there is a link to bend over the shadowed Obelisk that also lets you Pur is here now if this is in the future and you are unable to find these news announcements which is a total possibility just even a few months in the future if you go to The Foundry VT website you click on this dropdown menu go down to systems and modules I found that the easiest way to find this content is to scroll down to premium content providers and just find Wizards of the Coast and then you're going to click on or under on modules click on fend Al fend Alver below the shattered Obelisk you can click purchase here and this brings you straight to the page to purchase it I am go ahead I'm going to go ahead and just check out real quick how we get this I'm assuming we go to our add-on modules we're going to click install module and I'm just going to do a search we're going to do van Delver over and below the shadow dois I'll click install let's see how long this takes I'll speed up the video If this takes a little while it looks like it might it's not too big of a file but it's not small either certainly the biggest add-on module I've ever downloaded I don't know how this Stacks up against other premium modules I know that there is a very good Pathfinder second edition King maker Adventure module I'm very keen to check that out at some point but I currently don't play Pathfinder so we'll have to see and I don't know exactly how this works so I'm just going to take my best guess at it I'm going to create a new world I'm going to call this the shattered Obelisk uh game system of course will be D and D fifth edition not going to worry about the background image I'm going to make my join page minimal that's just my personal preference and we'll create the world and we'll launch and log in as game master clear these messages and then I I guess the first step would be to activate that module save settings let it reload oh here we go so it's an automatic popup asking us to import the adventure here's a quick overview so we have a quick summary Journey to the Beloved town of fandal where a malevolent cult threatens to overtake the region together with your party solve Mysteries and Stamp Out growing corruption as you uncover more about the peculiar happenings plaguing the town discover what lurks Below in this High fantasy Adventure that begins with the familiar story of Lost Mina fand Delver and then delves into the perilous underd dark that sounds exciting I have played the Lost Min of fend Delver that's a ton of fun great Starter Set great intro adventure for new players to D and D um we can see what this includes over 50 journal entries um 159 unique portraits 73 pieces of environmental and narrative artwork backgrounds um um scenes and then Dynamic tokens which is something I'm interested to see and then we got a few options so we have activate initial scene display the getting started journal and then customize World details I'm going to leave it as default for now oh and here's a list of contents as well 163 actors 252 items 59 journal entries 35 scenes 12 rollable tables nine macros and 70 folders and if you have a if you run into a bug you can submit it with this link so let's go and click import we'll let the magic happen all right that wasn't too bad took about five or so seconds in real time and it opened up this welcome journal and we can see we've got a map of the sword Coast I believe this is fair warning I'm not the most familiar with d and d lore but I believe this is a map of the sword coast and we can see we can see sorry I'm trying to you know what I okay I just want to make sure okay can't reopen this oh here we go welcome to fandal cool so I can reopen that just want to make sure I can before I close it so we can see we have a map of the sword Coast here I believe that's what this is we have this city of Neverwinter thunder thunder tree to the east of that uh Mount hoton hot now up north old owl well and Cony Berry and Ice Spire Peak you'll recognize those if you've played some of the D and D starter sets um ice SP Peak specifically one of them and then I believe the lost man of fend Delver includes old ow well and con Berry and then down here you'll see fandal the town and then Lyon we've got the Crypt Garden Forest mayor of the dead men never winter wood the cracks up here and star metal Hills very nice I believe from what I remember this looks pretty much like the map that comes in the Lost M of fendel starter set but it's a nice map it's a good map so I'm going to reopen that bit of that journal entry welcome to fandan and this is nice I'll admit it's it seems nice and organized we've got a great starter or great uh photo here we could take this and we could set this as our background for our game if we wanted to for the login screen we can show it to our players certainly provokes you know an interest in myself wondering what these goblins are doing carrying the stones this one has some loot this one's carving oh just a little stick figure into the stones this one seems to be you know something's happening to him because of the stone because of the stone he's carrying very very interesting and if we go and just real quick skip through this we've got a very big table of contents for the different parts of this adventure very nice about this book Running The Adventure character creation okay talks about backgrounds and hooks tied to them that's pretty useful if you struggle with finding a reason for your character to exist within this world or or partake in this adventure we've got an introduction to the town of fandel with some gorgeous artwork oops very nice little bit of info I I won't cover everything I don't have the time nor do I want to spoil everything if you're a player that'll be playing this a bit of a about section goes over the adventure the first seems like the seems like this adventure yeah split into two halves the last mine which would be last mine def fend Delver with a few changes and then the Obelisk [Music] section very nice some cool little artwork of the kagul Goblins we keep scrolling down I mean this is this is amazing artwork in my my opinion looks so cool I'm sure this is all present in the official adventure for the for the shattered Obelisk I personally haven't had the chance to look at that so this is my first time experiencing that as well and so far I'm enjoying myself some advice on running the adventure using the maps um not dead non deadly resolutions so you know your players talking their way out of situations or anything like that character creation which is big for new players I personally really struggle with character creation in any uh role playing game that I try it's happened in DND D and traveler and I am confident that it will happen in pretty much any role playing game that I try it's just something that I personally struggle with so any kind of character creation help will be a big help for me some Adventure hooks you know if you have trouble giving your party a reason to participate and then some faram influence whatever this is this looks fry nuts I'm not going to lie very nice very cool just some great artwork nice let's take a second um look through a couple of different chapters I'll start with I'll just stick to the beginning ones and maybe we'll jump to like chapter 6 or seven but we'll start with chapter 1 see if it starts yes seems like it starts the same as the Lost M of fendel and for those of you who don't know the Lost mind of fendel basically starts with a goblin Goblin Ambush your players or their their characters have been hired by a certain Dwarven gentleman who may or may not be in this yes gundran Rock Seeker he has hired your party to deliver a set of goods to the town of fendal and along the way they encounter a goblin Ambush that could potentially leave them to through a trail to The kma Hideout where they will encounter some more goblins and defeat or deal with a boss named clog that's that's a basic rundown of the very beginning of the L mind of fend over and it seems like we've got you know information covering all of that which would be in the adventure with links which is very nice okay so looks like we've got a cool little feature here we can select an act and request a roll let's go ahead and just see if this works for us it may not because I am the GM let's take a look drag this out here I'll select that there we go so I can ask for roll what's Target yeah so you can click on a character PR to roll and I'm assuming that if this token is player owned it will request a role from that player player which actually why not let's test it so let's go ahead and user management let's create a player no password and may not be able to do this easily what I'll do is I'll pop up a little window to show what I'm doing let's go ahead and connect to that you know what we'll just do this so log in as player two so we have a player two having back to my GM I'm going to configure ownership so that a is owned by player 2 I will reopen that journal entry go back to where I found here we go and I am going to delete this token just so I have a fresh token I'll drag a back on I'll select it hit the the request oh save configuration suppose this doesn't work lets me roll it but it doesn't let me POS a question okay that's okay that's something to explore this is certainly something that has been included I just have to figure out how it works but as you can see we've got a ton of links as well as a link to the restrained condition so you can read up on restrain restrained right here and I I would assume that all of these journal entries are all hotlink in that way very nice so all these journal entries seem to cover each chapter of this adventure from chapter one all the way up through chapter six which seems to be going to some pretty badass locations I won't lie talks about character advantage ment the different sections of this journal and then within each chapter there's also the art handouts which are and the art for this is frankly great I I love this art it looks so good and that's that's a bit of a spoiler I apologize I'll try and warn you guys before that pops up but there's a bit of a mind player which which I assume involves you know the baddies in this adventure I I don't know for certain but that makes sense to me this's a quick rundown of the journals um let's see what else we have we have some items we have some set between chapters we've got some containers remade too so Clark's Treasure Chest from the KRA Mall Hideout has a potion of healing and a jade statuette we click on the Jade statue there's a quick description it's loot worth 40 gold very nice and easy and oh we can even see this currency here 150 silver 1700 copper very nice got a barrel of oil 50 oil flasks and then outside of the containers we have a cask of salted pork with a description very very cool and I assume you know as we go on we'll get some more items the spider staff and I assume that this is something that you can just drag onto a player very yeah there you go drag it right onto the player very nice well made I approve of this this actors so I'll go and delete our test actor we got a link of the or a folder for fendel below again split up by chapters and then within those chapters are the different different creatures that your characters May encounter um take a look there's a party thing where you can it's which is a group you can add party members to let me see if so we'll do a b and c let's see if we can add these to the group so a b and c so we got a list of hit points here trolls inventory description we can give it to all of them we can aggregate hit points we can award experience points we give them all 100 XP and gold okay very nice you can select who gets it so we'll say 100 XP and 100 gold quick award resets down to zero and if we open up any of them we got okay I see it's split up so 100 XP divided between the number of party members so 33 each and then I'm assuming the gold would also be divided or not perhaps that doesn't work quite yet doesn't seem like any of them got the gold let's try this again so let award 100 gold pieces let's just do it to a see if that makes a difference no that's all right maybe it's a bug needs to be improved but regardless pretty cool to have a party interface where you can reward all of your players and split that XP evenly possibly give them access to a pool of loot that they can pick and choose from very very nice and there as well as it seems like we have some creatures that may be encountered so we've got clar here this well this all of his information drag him out zoom in on him very nicely detailed portrait token there's a wolf next to him sildar hallwinter very cool and if for those of you who played lost mend over you'll run into the noic GL [Music] staff as well as if they go to the right place even Venom thing which I believe is a young Green Dragon very nice very cool there's a nice list different tokens available and I don't want to spoil too much but there's there's a lot finally we can jump over the scenes tab again separated by folders and chapters o this is nice actually got a map of the goblin Ambush very cool this is something that I've actually wanted ever since I first played the Lost mend Delver Starter Set we got the two horses I believe these are supposed to be dead we've got that fandan region map let's see if I can just view there we go we've got kaga Hideout which nice has a campfire located there I believe we'll have yes all the walls in place very nice so your your fog of war and token Vision should work properly as well as some Journal notes that you can link to double click will open that up for you just information on every section in here L's cave really amazing art all the information about that all the Sleeping goblins over here with sildar hallwinter very very nice we'll go and open up one more chapter we'll just do the red bands and then also felan Village oh there's a nice trap section there all the Torches are lit so the lighting is done properly all the walls are of course set up we got the noic should have the noic around here those are goblins I believe the noic there it is the naic's right there very nice I think this is where we first encounter glass staff yeah the evil Mage and of course we have fandal and Village I'll try and only cover the Lost mind of fendel section of this adventure because that's the oldest I I do wish that this town were had some sort of legend or oh never mind there is some Journal notes set up for every little section let's see we've got sister G's home the shrine of luck Town Green eer eath Orchard Aron's home the Sleeping Giant in arbin Western's home town Master's Hall woodworker all the different locations Ally Farm H's home old miner Trail up here Tri War Trail trendar Manor very very nice very thorough which I appreciate and I assume the true the same would be true for all of the other parts the adventure wave Echo cave which is of course a mass dungeon fully walled out for you with the journal notes all set up and ready to go very very nice I want to be clear I don't think that this is any better any more wellmade than any other version on another virtual tabletop I think the benefits of this are going to come with it existing on Foundry because we get access to the modules that Foundry gets access to such as that dice tray dice so nice so when you roll [Applause] dice they actually roll out onto your canvas which I know exists in other things but there are other modules that will expand upon and enrich this adventure and that's something that is unique to Foundry that I love so let's go ahead and hop back I want to open up the region map we'll just keep that open very very nice content here um seems like the combat's the same chats the same um last thing I guess we could look at are the rollable tables I think I've touched on everything there are no playlists no card Stacks um the compendium packs we just have the SRD for fifth edition and the ones that came with the felver below shattered Obelisk looking at the rollable tables this is not something that I really mess with a whole lot but we've got a travel table which we can roll on if we want to drag it down to our macro bar and if press one roll on it roll the three a KAG Mall Goblin band of 2 D4 goblins led by a goblin boss we click on that roll 2 D4 so five goblins a kagal goblin band of five goblins led by a goblin boss and I can click on goblins and Goblin boss open up their respective sheets eventually I believe in the works is a sheet for NPCs So currently this looks very similar to the default or the old school um D and game system sheet for players I believe they are currently in the works of making a card version of this that is more similar to what you encounter when you read official dndd content but I can keep those open and I could even I believe yeah I can click and drag from that out onto the uh canvas very nice so yeah all in all this is this is nice this is something that I hope to play I'm excited for it again I don't I don't think it's any better I don't think it's done better than any other tabletop version I think the part where this will shine is when people start to figure out what modules really work well with this adventure and again the module system is something that is not really replicated well anywhere else Foundry does it very well right now and there's a huge following of people that love DND and are willing to mod for it and they will create some amazing content for this overall I I think I would recommend this um especially if you have the money you know it's it is 30 bucks it's it's not crazy expensive but it's not cheap it certainly seems like it gives you a nice big adventure that is well filled out and has everything you need to run it um I believe I touched on even the scenes have yes pre Place tokens which is nice so these the the idea behind these Adventures on all virtual tabletops is that you pay the money and you have a 100% ready to run adventure all your scenes are set up your walls are in place your tokens are in place all you have to do is bring in your players and they've accomplished that that's kind of the the minimum of course it's nothing to really praise but it's also nothing to scoff at we have to see what you know the the people who work the community behind this builds upon this with and that will tell us how much better this mayor may not be when compared to other versions of this adventure so I guess thanks for checking it out there there isn't much more to look at maybe in the future I'll do some videos highlighting some modules or add-ons that I think would work great for this adventure and maybe in the far future I'd be able to play this I know most of my channel is currently covering traveler and that's something that I still want to play and I'm still focused on play playing but I wanted to cover this because this is awesome news for Foundry it's big and it helps grow the community and empower the people using Foundry virtual tabletop thanks so much for checking it out I hope you guys stick around I'll see you next time
Channel: TheNewDM
Views: 725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FoundryVTT, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, Adventures, VTT, Virtual Tabletop, TTRPG
Id: arQcR-FC2co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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