PewDiePie Minecraft Live Stream | March 9, 2021

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[Music] i'm live and there's no one here i'm all alone what's the point [Music] i don't have a thumbnail for this stream i wonder how that happens all right i'm just gonna open up the floodgates [Music] all right let's see sometimes my stream obs crashes with minecraft and i don't understand why i'm switching over oh it's all right hold up let me fix this awfulness that was a lovely song wasn't it how are y'all doing today tell me something [Music] y'all can't tell me nothing [Music] [Music] wearing shorts today gotta let these bad boys fly hell yeah look at these calves bro i still got skinny legs the is this sausage legs man come on man come on [Music] pathetic [Music] bro i work at legs twice a day and that's all i got they look muscular though if i flex them [Music] properly [Music] i immersed this there's no leg gang i mean no legs legs you're right you're right all right we're in the greatest game of all time everyone welcome back let's do some trading need to hit on my so they wasn't collecting carrots for a while no one gives a but i'm going to tell you anyway because i literally missed one redstone here so annoying why aren't you looking at me whoops there we go give me the xp [Music] this is so slow today what the is happening it's trading pumpkins why am i i'm not getting xp what's happening i am just very little you just get xp from pumpkins and am i missing something here what up chippy got nothing better to do way i ain't judging all right beat i need to save a couple of the beetroots because i'm building a wall we're gonna build a wall beat am i clicking wrong what's happening my brain just going in different mode and i'm there we go there it is hey you better give me better prices there it is i had to hold i don't know why i forgot about that weird i've just done it adam you will never escape stun out of muscle memory oh i know why these were damaged these were damaged i forgot about that i forgot it's forgotty now the xp's not behind them usually if i go close enough it's fine potatoes potato hell yeah there we go you right click not left click that's what i did wrong i was like why is it so slow music a bit loud maybe there we go weird like muscle memory and just let me down there it's weird it doesn't run that bad i'll never understand yeah it's right clicking i'm an idiot do i have carrots yes i got all in wheat i don't i need to kill that guy tater guy no my money it you can have it huge you can play slab stairs on top of stream lights and they still limit light see i saw someone said that and i tried it out and it didn't work maybe i'm just a dumb dumb uh let me try that in i like how i put them in my thing and then i walked over here anyway let me try to shaders might change that all right we have stairs so i would place it like that oh wow it's so bright guys thanks for the tip holy guys amazing tip i'm gonna find you i'm gonna scroll on william better do better william mr william better huh go back to minecraft school and then talk to me all right you understand i wanna at least three cents this apology for wasting my time not just once but twice we're waiting william the whole chat is waiting for you it will not it will not make a difference with a slab stop wasting my time oh wow it's so bright now whoa holy carpet that might work let's try that yeah carpet works that's actually a good suggestion who said that and savvy said it a lot of people said it yuri and the korean name okay carpet's a good idea like let's say i put a shroom light here and then i had a green green carpet right that's pretty neat like i don't like how it looks like bombarded cool i'm happy with that i can use leaves too but yeah but that one yeah on shaders you could totally see through them i mean you're just wasting my time again um because i have like this whole area with torches and i don't like it so i was thinking maybe i should make a cactus farm then because i need uh okay yeah trapdoor sure sure sure i know that but i mean i'm trying to figure out what would look good uh i have red wool let me let me make some carpet let's see how this would look like ugly unless i covered all of it ah good thing i wasted all this nether brick yeah hmm huh no i don't want everything to be black i want a contrast it is a neat way to get light on through the floor i will say and it doesn't look bad it's almost guess i can't put it there then i'll have to move my redstone signal or i can just you know always just carry this around put it there for now all right i forgot it won't even work if i of course i'm so dumb i'll need to figure out a better entrance for there we're just testing out right now that looks good stop it stop it that looks good problem okay the real question is would it look better if i do it here so i find it quite blinding almost just we're just testing we're just testing i honestly that's pretty isn't it you guys hate it that much oh i'm sorry oh i'm so sorry stained glass wouldn't change anything i agree it's just it's like but that's not really the problem the problem is comes down to that area i hate the torches you're free chicken you're free you're free to roam this round and do whatever you please do you understand me where the did he even come from huh answer me i mean it looks kind of sick i just think it will be too much everywhere like it is already borderline too much i put it here on the edges and i put it here oh i cleared up finally look at this whole big black wall i i couldn't be bothered to do it all i was like yeah this is far enough i'm tired look how look at bonkey just chilling looks like an album cover or some hey vodka you can't hear us you stop almost on my black stone but i still have more but yeah this is the wall i want to make this glass i think it looks nice hold up my door's ringing oh you're cheering for and get to pee what's wrong with you yeah i think that all the way around will look alright i don't like the crimson trapdoors they're purple we're going with red and yeah i like this this is too totally cool um i think you'll look good don't need more space tonight all right hold on i gotta eat y'all tell me something oh that looks horrendous beans dude sad oh it's quite good i was wrong it's not spicy though sad the reason i haven't played little nightmares is good i'm just kind of bored with story driven games i know that's really lame of me to say but that's the truth everybody that's the truth maybe i'll get back into it later but right now i just enjoy games like stardew doing minecraft [Music] that's why you can skip the cutscenes and start it well i've seen them already if i've already seen them i'm not gonna watch them twice [Music] this background music sucks can't i eat before my streams yeah but i've been like 30 minutes it would be like i wait 30 minutes and then i start streaming just feels like wasting time [Music] any other questions problem i'm on that beast mode grind of getting done you know why am i eating so late that is a good question i've been waking up late what time is it whoa also if i work out late as well i don't get hungry at all when i work out kind of tense up my stomach a bit so i drink a protein shake and then that holds me for a longer as well i guess this is like a lunch dinner for me i broke my weight you know i lift so heavily they just broke i can either contact a welder to fix it i can buy new ones and i don't know what's easier these are the problems i have i won't have to buy all new ones this is one one of the weights probably just go to a welder maybe just get some duct tape maybe i can just put it over my gas stove heat it up you know solder it gorilla glue oh yeah i didn't realize how hungry i was until i started eating now i'm i'm hungrier than now but then before i'm eating i'm almost done [Music] so you guys questions are too sporadic i don't know what to answer to be honest um [Music] hmm [Music] looks such a dick not we're playing i don't know what am i eating uh beans i said it would ever play grounded never heard of it any advice for young adults eat beans lots of beans what age would you consider a young adult oh wait the nasty part 18 that ain't young adult [Music] 25 maybe y'all kids y'all children says the man with cat ears trapdoors for glowstones no that looks ugly i would consider myself a young adult i feel like i recently transitioned into being an adult don't know who i had this conversation with or if it was live or not but i think i talked to ken was it ken i don't remember but it was like when you're when you're a kid you think adults know everything but then you become one and you're like they was all a lie dude they don't they ain't no the way they were talking about it was all a dream hold up i'm still hungry i'm getting a sign so [Music] [Music] so seniors know everything no one knows anything no one it's a lie [Music] what do i what did you wish you knew before coming in at all how do you do my accounting and taxes battling gripe to damon says how to save my money damon then you need to stop donating all the time bruh yeah true you did time to donate to damian then hey i'm planning to stay rich not happening sorry they all up speaking of wish i missed a donut from the sham thank you aliyah says hey fellas i'm gonna stay at home mom it gets really lonely sometime so your live streams are the highlight of my day it's like hanging out with a friend oh that's cool i get really bored because my chest away i've just been listening to podcasts and it's awful but i just like to have something in the background so i kind of get it i didn't used to all i mean okay thank you yeah if you have any podcast recommendations i'll take you i put my contact lens on i can barely read [Music] i don't recognize any of these names i can't see myself just randomly going to it i think i have to really like the person doing the podcast otherwise i can't stand it and i don't know why uh so many podcasts also seems like yeah i spoke to this with someone else and they were both agreeing that it seems like a lot of them exist just because of dc content there's nothing wrong with but if i wanted to really specifically enjoy one i wouldn't watch those i think that's what we did with broken like and we could have we could have taken it other places i think i just felt like i didn't have time to focus on it i didn't feel fair i like uh obviously trash chase podcast listen to those guys every once in a while uh [Music] cold ones all good [Music] everyone's saying joe rogan i would listen if it's i guess that's interesting i've been reading um i think i mentioned in briefly the last time i've been reading um the it's a book called confessions of a mask this is my favorite writer yukio mishima i think it's his first it's his breakout novel at least i don't know if it's his first probably not it's really good it's about a repressed homosexual living in 19 war ridden japan 1945 it's interesting it's so introspective he's trying to he understands that he obviously doesn't fit in and that his view on women is so different from other people and he kind of slips up sometimes not even realizing it and he's put on this mask and he's almost as a proud thing it's really strange uh his foot on this front because he's just decided this is what i'm doing and i'm committed to it and uh then he decides that he should fall in love with a girl and then he realizes that he's almost falling in love with the girl as well and it's just really funny and interesting and then he gets annoyed with himself because he thought he prided he prided himself for having being able to just put up this front mishima wasn't gay yeah i don't know i don't really care i think there's there's clear evidence that mishama was homosexual the writer but it's also part of me i mean i think he's such a genius writer and to write such deep self analytics thoughts about your actions like he does for these characters i thought like something about sexuality like that has to you i can't believe you would be able to write that without having those thoughts yourself then again he did also write a novel about an insane monk that wanted to burn up at temples and i don't think he had attention to knowing that so who knows everyone's always so like oh mishima oh he was he was a repressed homosexual did you know it's like yeah that's the least interesting thing about him but uh yeah i like the book it's interesting it's nice reading fiction i haven't read it fiction in so long [Music] if you guys are interested in mishama there's a really good movie called life in four chapters i recommend it because he's kind of authority the more you find out about his life the more you can appreciate his their turn but you can obviously still appreciate both individually i think it's always so misunderstood online every time i see people they just try and simplify him [Music] hey guy what do you want all right let's keep playing i think the the thing i like about mixture is that there's obviously there's always a lot of allegory but even if you don't see it when you read it you can still enjoy his literature i think that's such a testimony to his writing being so genius because a lot of writers like hemingway when there's some some there when there's symbolism and meaning behind something it's always like huh but you're wondering what this means huh we got this cr you know it's it's right there it's obvious yeah hemingway calls it the iceberg technique where it's like yeah you can see the tip of the iceberg but there's more meaning behind but when the mishima is almost like the opposite you can still enjoy his work for what it is but once you see it the whole thing is just clear it's not something like hmm i wonder what that means with that it's just uh as soon as you see it it's obvious i think that takes so much more skill to accomplish that sorry come in it's a fun read where should i put the carpets we're building a wall y'all ready to build a wall i'm not covering the break chill here we go this will be fun well again if you turn in education you can make balloons and what and attach them to pigs the pigs will then float off you know you want to try yeah for sure i cleared out the old war i didn't like it i mean it looked cool but he just didn't blend in with the rest i want it to be black stuff so so oops keep forgetting i can hit middle mouse one this shouldn't take that long that's how quick i do it i find the quickest way to build it is one two one two why don't you use glass bricks a panel is cheaper and it looks so similar so why not i need a lot of it my favorite western fiction i should know this probably donkey shot which i always say wrong or i've already had a glass dude oh spiders can't climb panels well that's another better reason or a counter monte cristo calamari crystal is kind of cheesy but it's still so entertaining that i love it yeah i guess it's not fiction that's real what are you talking about mandalorian is a western correct yeah glass is annoying just because if you plays it wrong it's fine it's not too bad we're just chilling also can we talk about clean shave hell yeah yeah i said at the start of the stream i i looked at myself and in the next meme review i looked at myself i'm like i look up dude i need to shave right now this is not okay oh my god i'm using so much glass i didn't realize lava around the wall yeah that might look cool that's a good idea thanks no one's gonna get near my base you can build three height i know but i found it two to be quicker i haven't tested it but it's just my experience where the did i place that yeah yes yeah you're right this is easy quicker you're right i should just hold that [Music] progress [Music] let's get some sand [Music] yeah this kind of monotonous work in minecraft i really just enjoy should have been a factory worker or some i say that but clearly i would hate it [Music] why is he always digging sound online because it's so easy to just do it and chat with the it's so boring to do on my own oh you guys don't like saying [Music] i'm so glad i well i guess i would have built the portal by now but i'm so glad i'm in the desert or next to the desert i i made a video reacting to it's coming up this week i reacted to my strange addiction and there's a woman that eats sand she just like so she loved the crunchiness it was genuinely painful to watch because then i don't know where she's like yeah if i don't have sand i like to chew on sandpaper and it's just like ah it just felt like fingers to a chalkboard imagining someone eat sandpaper she needs to go to police and he needs to go to jail for her crimes and the background story behind it was so funny too he was like yeah just one day i was at the park and i got sand in my mouth that was it this tastes good normal people get sand in your mouth what the dude i like the rocky tapes it's a weird thing when you're this uh reacting to people that clearly have some addiction or something problem with themselves because i don't know like i don't want to make fun of it too much it's an interesting thing well these melt now yeah do i not have enough coal i'm sorry i have a lot of coal that's not good what'd i put on my coal so messy down there have they been going here they've been going here that's not where you belong i like to fix that at some point so apparently the reason this doesn't work is because of the redstone signal it locks this hopper i i understand now my strange addiction g fuel straight out of the tub baby can you help myself i don't think i need more nether warts but it i need the soul sign and enchantment soul walker or whatever it's called you never have too many netherworlds man you're right man [Music] fix it there's a salted caramel protein right no i switched i tried a new bread cause i swear they gave me acne there's so much milk chocolate in them there's so many ways to judge a good protein bar right i had these uh [Music] tiramisu flavored ones which is amazing but they spill everywhere can't have it anymore please remove the red carpet no but thank you for asking plainly cat oh i mean to actually kill it pretend you didn't see that sorry cat [Music] it's all right it was a ghost it was a ghost bro it was a ghost chill chill i didn't kill the cat the cat died bro it's just pixels this evil temple is bringing out the worst in me i forgot i need to plant this one oopsie oops i made an oopsy all right it report me to the upstream police i don't give a sometimes people die when i kill them that's not my fault all right what are you gonna do put me in jail okay it was a glitch yes you're right cat glitch it's famous in minecraft [Music] dave's dog never died he's fine we we had a it was all a social experiment and you all got played yeah i bet you feel stupid now it was on watercat i knew it [Music] this is fun good times it looks kind of cool like fluffy pepperoni nipples oh mine if i do [Music] what's more gross nether wart or nether nipple top common wins one there you go sake yeah i really don't think anymore nether it's just for the nether break hey maybe i'll build some later who knows it's always good to have it rather than needing it right i don't think it would take this long there we go gold i don't want to mount the gold right now all right let's see how the glass is doing nice don't mind if i do need more beats she let me just put this here for now i want to keep the the flow going have you ever tried to read for brazilian portuguese later no i have not remember recommend the post humorous members of brasqubys by childhood you might like it okay thanks for the recommendation i'll keep it in mind i wanted to build a little garden here everything is so barren man i don't like it now i have to clear out this as well why is there stone here i only have the speed boost here oh disgusting i don't even mind face [Music] so have i even been to new york uh yeah i've been once for fashion week a couple years ago and then i've been another time i met up with ethan john i think jack and mark as well i met there yeah all right it was for the youtube thing and i've probably been one more time and i don't remember when i hate to break it to new york fans out there i really don't like new york it's way too busy it's way too loud it's way too smelly not for me i don't like big cities also felix moves to tokyo pizza was good why do people call it pie it annoys me so much when people call pizza pie it's like when people call pasta or spaghetti noodles that ain't noodles stop it america i want to ever get canceled that stuff that's that's the kind of real word pizzas are pie yeah well they're a pizza too aren't they the is wrong with you no one looks at a pizza and says oh wow that's a pie a pie is a pie a pizza it's a pizza do i really have to spell this out for you it ain't the same i want a real nice slice of pie then have a pie then not a pizza so annoying i don't know which one annoys me more the pie or the noodles i'm just having it happens all the time every time you see a vlogger cook some spaghetti i'm just waiting for it i take a deep breath from my oh boy here we go they're gonna call it noodles aren't they and then they do and i'm like right now i can never respect you again it should be illegal man noodle get the out of here what do you call a noodle then if you hold spaghetti noodles they call it ramen i bet i bet every noodle to them is ramen road pewdiepie i'll make sure to ban these words i'll make some real change have some noodle pie and shut the up a random question where do you find books reading i can't seem to find them anywhere it's always top seller young adult never ever go on the top seller list ever i forbid you no no no no uh what do i get i don't know i just look online a lot of times if you find an author that you like that you usually there's some sort of algorithm to go now you like this book you might like this book and then you can look into it that's it that's how i do it i'm not over the noodle part yet all right i also want everyone to confess if you ever call the noodles all right that's a hole right there so satisfying god damn it's like cutting up a slice of pie right there oh yeah bp is that the game jack played it look really i don't like the arch side but the sound is great have you been to washington no i'm not i just saw that meme yesterday about driving in washington apparently it's it's terrible that's all i know about washington excuse me murder mystery stuff i like reading that no sweden is obsessed with murder mystery and i'm so sick of it like your entire childhood in growing up in sweden is watching murder mystery with your pants because that's all they care about i never liked it and i will never like it stop it probably like sherlock holmes though but that's different hey cozy are people telling me to eat oh in the game i was so confused bro we're barely down a couple hours chill what does this buff do again the desert zombie thing doesn't seem to do anything jesus the speed of the dolphin with speed two holy come here come here me buff okay i need to trap a dolphin or some that's amazing ah yes so dramatic in the rain game sound higher okay yeah maybe eventually i'll make a track yeah put a bunch of dolphins in towers i don't know how it works i should make many replicas of the four ones of the world now i prefer my own style but not a bad idea it's really nice and sunny today that's why i'm wearing shorts i'm bringing it back no more it's short season and i've declared it it's really cold it's freezing outside but it's sunny so i cleaned my car today and i felt like such a loser i never seen anyone in uk clean their car unless it's like a nice cool sports car or some and i just have like a family volvo so it feels like i'm just trying to show off that this shitty car oh man feels so lame i already have a ton of glass an old lady came to have small talk she stopped by while i was doing it and she came to have small talk with me and i thought oh nice i finally like you don't get to do that much these days and then the wind gusted from her direction to mine for a sec and she just absolutely stank of alcohol and i'm like uh it all makes sense now a big fat gusto in my face it was disgusting and it was one of the things she kept talking about her coffee and in retrospect i'm like well she clearly was just putting alcohol in she had like a costa that's like a coffee chain in uk she had a costa cup and she's like yeah i'm just drinking coffee wait i don't get the chance to drink a lot of coffee these days same as me really we sound this sound perfectly alike these days you know uh but then yeah all right well clearly you're you're a liar or stinky liar leave me now to washing my car you're wasting my time and she kept saying that i'm we usually talk i'm like bishop i've never seen you before what are you on about i said that verbatim by the way definitely oh my god this is so much better [Music] so i've officially decided never to interact with anyone again let's settle oh maybe three is better you guys were right no three not better c wasted ah wasted again because i can't count to three apparently ah all right i gotta finish this row i forgot the blackstone dang it she's a frequent member of the live stream that's what she meant yeah that would make sense [Music] you can make like the glass if i run out of it it doesn't work with all items i'm not entirely sure i'll try it it worked my god well those can be expensive horse cars in disguise they are nice cars on the same level as the bmw i think so too thank you i'm definitely getting a tesla next no why doubt said wanna wants me to buy one of those box cars because she thinks they look cute i say i love you i will do anything for you but i'm not buying that car i'm getting a tesla can't stop me they have dog mode in them i try to tell it bro they got dog mode do you see how cool that is nothing not even a wow unbelievable she just wants the car to look cute that's all she cares about are we done here which model i don't know i really don't know i'll probably get whatever out at the time when i buy it probably their bigger model i'm so pissed that the cyber truck is so ugly i'm sorry ellen i would that's 100 what i would buy if it didn't look like i can't i i like what they did with it and i respect the choice but i will not you will not see me driving that thing i'm sorry not happening i wish they just went with like a normal design man i could 100 i would buy it no doubt a car for me is a utility more than anything so i want something useful like a pickup truck but man i don't know maybe i won't get a tesla they have doggo mode though new tesla car reveal yeah no one can ever buy a tesla as a youtuber and not show it online thanks guys just really thanks to you guys that i got this call what's dog mode you guys don't know about this you know how you're not supposed to leave your dog in the car which you're not supposed to do anyway but they control the temperature and it says on the screen for other people that are concerned about someone leaving their dog in the car it's in dog mode and their dog is safe and it keeps a healthy environment for them dog moon i need it thank you john big fan uh you ever played back for blood with jack and ken i've never heard of him but it'd be fun to play on your game thanks for the stream your microservice really brought comfort for the loved ones struggling thanks for watching you appreciate you be happy now b says i don't know what that means it's referring to me or some someone else i want a tesla that has sickle mode oh is it weird that i wish tesla didn't run on battery though i i just want a normal car i just want to kill the environment well can you blame me dogmod is ever the best room for a tesla and the self-driving oh my god the self-driving so my volvo has like half self-driving it did work with the glass middle clip by the way thank you uh where i still have to touch the wheel every once in a while and obviously if i hit a roundabout it's just gonna drive straight through it but it's still so nice so yeah automatic driving self-driving whatever it's called i want it i want it now the thing is when i buy my next car i'm going to be in japan and that's the only reason i don't know how tesla friendly japan is and i doubt they are very tesla friendly to be honest but i'm so stuck in my mind that i want a tesla god damn it i might end up with the cube car that everyone has that marcia loves goddammit i don't even care that much about cars but i love my car just because it's so handy oops no i missed 2 blackstone how why don't you get two cars because having one car is problem enough why the would i get two cars what kind of question is that this is the problem with society have you seen the uk every street in this country there's cars on each side everyone has like 500 cars apparently and you can't even drive some roads you literally can't cross two cars at the same time because people park on both sides on the goddamn roads in this country and i don't understand it stop buying cars god damn it why don't you have two i don't i need one car when do i ever drive two cars at the same time my gone it's one of the weirdest thing about this country is the parking and it makes the roads look so ugly too like every road is just packed with cars dude it's not like that in other european countries this is uk for some reason really grinds my gears i'll never understand oops just get marzia her q car and get yourself a tesla no no no marcel used to have her own car but she never drove it it's completely pointless i would love to see rag more to k-pop nah but thank you roads would be like a thousand years ago by romans they didn't specifically cars i guess cringe no no that that she ain't gonna fly with me they could have easily built garages underground i ain't buying that you can't blame the romans for this you can't blame the romans on this one underground parking have you heard of it uk but so many uh speaking of parking like so many buildings here in brighton are old converted stables can you believe that we're living like the horses did my flat that i live in here is literally an old converted dining room converted into one entire flag we'd live the dystopia can you imagine people before i live in a dining room people live in horse stalls what happened in between i don't get it man right saying hi to bird hands audi birds friend hope you recover well mate we're locked into the dining rooms and the stables this is the reality playing minecraft i can't believe it this is so depressing please someone change topic god damn it i am a boomer at heart i always knew it ready for me to graduate hope you do great yeah rachel grachel graduate chill this is all boomer's fault they had too many babies i'm not okay with it anymore they're great you need two cars one for us and one for tesco word plus one on pulsar if all this goal of zero car deaths seems noble for a faceless company now no no no i love volvo as much as anyone else but they sold the china all right i will not praise them for any moral morality whatsoever that you cannot sell your soul to china and then pretend to be moral okay and not buying it i'm through volvo broke up friendship with volvo over you have to understand that even if companies do stuff that seems moral morally uh that's right word positive sure uh they do it to sound more that's the only reason ain't nothing to it man [Music] all right same people made left for dead i was sick yeah i really like that game that's cool man all right playlist not so bad today i with it too high keep this hardcore stream until i'm eating hell yeah honestly sometimes i kind of wish i died just so i can redo it because like i would make the storage system even bigger but then i think about all the work i've done i'm like no i'm gonna expand this what the happened here we're just building a wall right now it's very exciting i know that's why everyone's keep popping into this live stream seeing what's happening you know they want to get that latest happy birthday snake have i tried volume yet uh bro i strained it for nine hours cringe you didn't know [Music] all in time my brothers all in time how do i deal with this parkour park ow well that looks terrible what can you do why everyone like modded minecraft so much i'm happy with this i missed the glass meatball results yeah there it is i kind of started putting some blacks on because i'm like it doesn't blend with anything else i right there yeah i might switch to stardew valley in a bit can wrote me i did not voice crack shut the up and the playlist on it's just you and me now on this giant wall what no hold up i guess that's how we do it panels are usually someone open down but this works pretty fast i would say that's cool you can see the shadow that's sick bias looks so much better with ray tracing it's insane why not move to america a little bit before coming to japan it's a terrible idea but thank you hey navi is the name of your devoted nine year old who grew up with you to 19. thanks for reading that and thank you again for bringing a smile to our face oh okay cool i thought it was like an expression i'm so self-centered i apologize all the best to you and like ayabi like slang or some yeah i mean b yeah b i'm white i apologize did joel announce that he's moving to america no i'm happy for him i just think personally i wouldn't move there right now but he he's got other reasons i'll keep that in mind nathan i try to it's just so ingrained in me whoop it's weird how just like losing your background music you can hear the silence all of a sudden strange oh my gosh see this is my panels are so annoying all right thanks for the tip david uh i don't know much about mindfulness now happy birthday ken is he in the chat is he ready i was waiting for you my let me check this chord getting there it's really tall isn't it maybe i should make it even taller because this did not take as long as i thought it would i want that whoa reaction you know all right i'm out of glass yo what's up were you on the stream i didn't see him yeah i just said something like a couple minutes ago do you want to see my uh minecraft coral [Music] yesterday and she was like yeah it looks cool but i'm like no no no no no you're it's not just cool all right what happens is the items sort themselves oh but i already showed you that so it's okay i'll spare you yeah it was pretty cool oh thanks man all right say something if you don't mind hello hello i'm saying you're low and i'm not sure why oh wait my decimal party is low hold up there we go yeah it's probably not even naming your headset okay so basically if you check the stream i'm building a wall yeah i'm looking at it it's going to be nice it's glass it's going to be used to zoom like that like what are you doing oh this yeah uh i press c and then it zooms it's literally just changing the fov to some crazy amount i think oh okay i'm not sure that's just a hypothesis but uh right yeah it's the shaders mod have that built in up to fine yeah fancy you use shaders didn't you yeah i did but i didn't get i never hit c you don't get it yeah it's really useful it feels like cheating almost so like oh look my inventory is so messy uh i have to think about it no i don't i don't think at all i added another element to it niken where if something needs to be melted it gets separated here so now if it needs to be melted it goes here into my mouth it needs to be melted uh thanks to the hoppers of course oh my god yeah we got the coal i can't even comprehend how this works and coal goes into a different one and then the melting items go in here and they are being smelted look at the sand and then that gets shot back here into the system let's go ride with it have some fun look i'm an item ken [Applause] oh i'm getting automatically sorted right now this is sad i've seen movies about this you got to get off for the last second true i picked up my signs god damn it look at those melons look at those potatoes i didn't pay for this it's all right i paid the minimum wage it's all good who'd you pay these guys minimum wage it's all good it's legal it's all cool over here jesus they're not contracted employees though they're self-employed technically and that's not my fault it's just the system that's how it works they're not hang on a minute so they're paying themselves to work for you hey i don't make the rules man genius my favorite is this farm where like you get the iron golems because they just get spawned randomly and then they gets murdered into lava right away and then their remains become iron bars oh last time i did play minecraft i had a monster like a xp farm just like a tall tower up in the sky and they just drop and it would drop them down to like almost no hp so you just hit them but that's the best i ever did this is not that different but the thing is like i had some of them iron golems here myself and when they get hurt you can heal them with the iron iron bars i think i told you this but like it did people kept saying you can heal them you should heal them i'm like i'm not gonna heal them with the murdered brothers that gets spawned in the factory it's the skin of the poor remaining golems even i have that much morals in me but i mean hey now that you're here and you have to listen to me i'm just going to show you more so basically hell yeah finally all right here's my pumpkin farm collecting underneath and there's my melon farm and then they both go into this underneath uh with a minecart hopper so it just like the mock heart runs past it and it picks it basically yeah if it goes underneath ground it sucks it up from the ground i had no idea about this but it's super useful and then once it goes over the hoppers it drops it in so now it's dropping now it's dropping and then it drops into the chest this detects if it has a signal right and then it shoots it up back into the pump you're getting this monitoring it oh okay oh about why you showed me this what what game don't even get ready to play are we playing valheim or star dude i thought star knew okay okay yeah and here's my sheep farm all the colors is there an automatic like trimmer thing too yeah cheers yeah how's that work same thing just a detector and uh shears in a dispenser and then yeah offers suck it up you're you're com you're learning very fast wow oh my god you're all right they're right what i'm thinking is like the people that made this game like they look they made it complicated but like it works together at the same time hell yeah well people are very smart when it comes to minecraft i'm blown away by a lot of people come up with there's paper form it's but it doesn't i don't need that much and here's my friend in the hole the he's been there forever are you serious oh this [Music] that's ruined oh he's like no i can't kill him i can't do it i'm not gonna do it he took your block it could be an important one i'm not doing it go back stop it he's gonna chase you forever no he won't give up i told you bro i'll find a way see all right i'm going to bed and then i'll start again oh he followed me all right you have to die now oh yeah he dies from water got him idiot oh my god give it up dude wall looks good what are you working on here what is this up here uh i'm just checking out the wall that i'm building what are these blocks you all these cutie pop blocks you have under you right now yeah yeah yeah pewdiepie that's terracotta oh yeah yeah got your color scheme though red and black yeah i went for it and went for it all right excited for some stardew all right let me let me or what do you want to play i didn't even ask but i assume you wanted to play no no no no i'm good with starting i'm good with eating like i don't even care as long as i just get to like hang out and chill and play a game these days sounds good um i prefer the iron wall well go back to iron well i know me too but it didn't match that's why iron wall oh my god i don't even know what's going on with you guys you guys are a big brain over there yeah minecraft geniuses basically can you can build an iron wall with the iron blocks in the minecraft it's really cool wow okay hang on what's all this stuff make this stuff work again [Music] stick around [Music] uncheck the boxes check the boxes uh i got a poopy yeah go ahead i'll sit here and entertain them
Channel: PewDiePie Archive
Views: 21,692
Rating: 4.8341465 out of 5
Keywords: PewDiePie, Minecraft, Live, Stream, March 9, 2021
Id: Ww2su4WmGC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 10sec (6370 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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