Petrol vs Diesel / Automatic vs Manual / Overland debate (E20)

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join internationally acclaimed Overland expert Paul Marsh an award-winning journalist Gregory Simpson as they delve into all things responsible over landing from choosing the right vehicle getting yourself prepared getting your vehicle prepared safety tips and much much more only on responsible / landing okay and mr. Marsh will be getting good feedback on the videos many many many comments sir should we yes there's also some questions because I think it's lovely to and thank you all for your comments it really means a lot for you to connect with us and to share your comments and we're not make the mistake thank you again for correcting me it's good to learn and hey you know I value that support so thank you quick let's go what do you have to absolutely and yeah we'll start off with tons number question of my wife thank you for the opportunity to get involved in this format he's asking about petrol versus diesel and also on the 70 series automatics are you ready on the 80 series how do you sort of navigate the auto mrs. petrol is manual and the federalists let's tackle petrol versus diesel because it's a question I get asked often you know people go well why wouldn't I take a petrol Cruiser and you have to look at nothing traditionally people always suggest it's got to be diesel because you can only get diesel in certain places when you want in remote places you get longer you know all miles per gallon if you want to put it all kilometers per litre and that's true a swore true you know and of course you've got to look and say well cost is another big factor too over the years I found that you know both are exceptionally good vehicles so if I'm gonna take the Land Cruiser the Toyotas of petrol burst petrol diesel engines they're the most familiar to me I would say that I have built a lot of petrol Land Cruisers for for clients because the biggest challenge you're gonna have is you're gonna need to carry some more fuel by the petrol because it's going to but equally if you take a diesel and you load it really heavily and you drive it really hard you will use my I'm a civilian space they get very thirsty so you know especially if it's not turbid so you know when a turbo diesel gives a bit of power to weight balance it can be a little bit more economical but it does depend how you drive it so you know with every vehicle you look at I look and say how are you gonna drive it you can get petrol and diesel in most parts of the world to travel you know in very very very extreme cold conditions like we had in Siberia you know these little has a tendency to freeze up so we're using special Arctic Diesel's you know petrol would probably have been a bit easier reliability between petrol is that petrol unionism is their real video the petrol so no let's look at buying the vehicles ok nowadays if we look at the 80 series because that's normal you know be to find a good turbo diesel 80 series is really difficult it's harder to find you know because people have always deemed them to be the most the best vehicle if you go to the one without the turbo you've got a great vehicle very reliable very solid it also doesn't have a huge amount of power when you're trying to overtake the petrol ducts the petrol has got a lovely power there's your house which your foot down and you can overtake so are we looking at that from a safety point of view because and if I'm looking at safety that's a consideration either taking over taking into consideration doesn't mean to say you can't do it but it's more challenging you're trying to overtake that truck on a long road and you've got a 4.2 diesel and you heavily laden with no turbo you struggle so you know that's a consideration would you turbocharged the one I said I have done and I have to say to people that you have got to be extremely careful if you do so to bring any motor that's not designed to take a turbo is definitely gonna compromise reliability does it work yes it works as long as you drive within the parameters of of the turbo you don't overheat the so you're gonna put an exhaust gas temperature gauges so that you can measure the heat going into the engine that you can drive it careful so you know if someone's prepared to look after the vehicle very carefully you have to be more careful about @uu you absolutely can and it does work a low pressure turbo there's some great kids that I put together and yes I've done it successfully I've got trucks that have run for years you know and people have fitted a complete system you know an intercooler turbo and you GT gauge extra temperature gauges improved the radiator so if you're going to do it do it properly but the most important thing for me is the person driving the vehicle needs to take the responsibility is no point going you turbo my car and actually now it's broken because if you're not prepared to take the responsibility you're not a careful driver and you're not paint it then don't you surrender his ago here on the way you can damage you can damage the pistons you can damage the engine there's a lot of damage and it's expensive so you know the answer the short answer yes you can and you looking at costs again why Dooley you'd want to fit a motor that comes out with the turbo so let's go back to taking a vehicle that doesn't have a turbo and you're looking at your options and say I'm trying to discuss with a rabbi petrol or whether I buy a diesel so if my options in my budget dictates that I'm I'm going to buy an all the vehicle for simplicity in what I want to do absolutely nothing wrong okay now if you're looking at the older vehicles the petrol motors were very very strong mode okay they were absolutely bulletproof if I have to take the value on what you're gonna spend I'm gonna buy I'm gonna spend more money upfront to buy a diesel a diesel engine you know yes or no I mean it there's there's a it's a lot of rally you know as hospice if eclis do you wanna measure it but if you took all the costs and I think a lot of people have accurately done this I certainly haven't put you know you can buy a petrol version of the same vehicle for a lot less money you're gonna have to spend money on extra fuel tanks but is that a hardship it depends on how I guess how far you going I mean well you know both vehicles will take you where you want to go you know the petrel say must be a point of diminishing returns if you're going to use the car for 50,000 KS in the diesels benefit if your only thing to do a 10,000 K triple in the pitch was a no-brainer I think you'll find the well at all a measurement actually if you took if I read one article it was very well written and the guide taken a brand new vehicle and said have fun taking the money borrowed the money into the scenario for two vehicles and actually came up the petrol was more economical at the end I would you the pitch was a no-brainer than its average well it's it's again it's maybe not a little straining but on the highlight saving your babe yeah I do I think if I had a choice to drive a petrol vehicle it's lovely to drive you know there's going to be debates on this issue is a very impersonal topic and I think know without trying to take one stand in the other I would say absolutely both do you know certain countries your restrictions of using diesel in the cities is a problem there was another question regard to is in the UK the petrels should be more of an easier you know well you know no European and EU laws coming into practice now to taken all the diesel engine and actually get it to conform to the EU Emissions it's really expensive so I've got a friend of mine in Germany Tom who Thomas was taking up on those beautiful vehicles there right right so he's a master craftsman and he's been great and I know Tom for many years and so they're finding there in the old diesels the ones we like the one age said the 1hd T's they can't actually take a new one and get us through all the emissions so they're now moving towards supplying their clients potential very good to give your hands in a couple of these look I think any of those are being bought up kept but if you're talking a new vehicle you know brand new fine you've got new engines new technology and there's another question about that but you know going back to petrol versus diesel I think on the older vehicles and even on the newer ones you know they can both work both you've always got to look and saying what are the advantages and disadvantages so if I'm let's go back to the years of 80 series is I spoke with 105 series like hedaan will be who we built up that particular vehicle if I to take the two we had to do the work so if I to rebuild your diesel engine it'll cost me a lot of money to do it because it's expensive you're rebuilding the turbo injection pump the injectors the engine the parts are expensive the petrol one there that many around with that many secondhand engines I could almost just buy another significant new unit ten grand probably effectively you know I can't find you a second end diesel engine and good running condition so if I had a diesel engine heads I'm gonna struggle to find you a good second a diesel engine that's a really good condition but I could take your petrol in it I could probably buy you five and it's gonna be a lot cheaper so you know let's at the end of the day when you're trying to rebuild an older vehicle they both have their merits they both have a path forward and my answer to a lot of my clients now is why wouldn't you take a petrol yeah we're gonna put bigger tanks in but that's that solves that problem you're gonna be able to drive it comfortably in the bush it's a bit quieter you know I always serve service my vehicles at 5,000 in terms of a fire sometimes say if you guys through longer Osman is dry sometimes that yeah a little bit of a fire hazard with a petrol the petrol is obviously more flammable you wouldn't be carrying petrol inside the car you shouldn't carry any flammable fuel inside any vehicle I mean that I'm aside whether like spinifex itself no you know that comes from people who need to check out and understand driving in long grass so if you're driving any vehicle in long grass you know it's not so much that the petrol suddenly get to caused by it's more flammable so if the car did catch fire you would have a big problem on your hands and that's why we always say when I'm building vehicles you you have a fire extinguisher within a hands reach of the driver exactly you know and you have a second one so that you've got more than one fire extinguisher and then one at the back so when your fires yeah so you know that element of someone worrying about that problem or that concern simple when you're going to go into the long grass check your vehicle often if you're going to stop and you find grasses building up stop morphing because the grass is obviously longer than you expected you know and then I think that's and put a grass seed in it in front of the grass seeds or knocking off so you don't get those sucked in your radiator so I think like with anything Metro versus diesel I think that both vehicles will absolutely work very well I think on the newer vehicles I try and when I'm looking to build vehicles I go back to simplicity okay idea or ities of mines diesel yeah it's it's the one hdt it's a lovely vehicle yard you like it it drives nicely is it my vehicle actually loves chose as the boss is very personal I guess I get to work on it but it isn't isn't it possible you got a wildest I'm very blessed it's really great and now let's talk about the topic um automatic versus manual now there's lots of built both for many clients okay and and I think if we go back to the the automatic gearbox I love an automatic gearbox just butyl it's easy to drive and sad it's easy to drive in mud certain conditions or throating you would probably like to have a manual especially if I'm coming down a steep hill it's going to give you a little bit more braking especially the diesels where you can brake more yeah yeah you know you're going to slowly down some of the passes so this is maybe not so much so critical but it's much more when you're driving and your vehicle can build up speed and you have to keep going onto the brakes because the engines not assisting as much so in automatic that's that's the one small disadvantage automatic gearboxes are pretty much sealed although people you still need to service them and I do tell people change the oil change the filter and the gearbox that's got one change it and but you know if you're going to go through through water at every every like axle and gearbox they've all got breathers and those should all be brought up and waters your enemy what I didn't anything like that so you know where as an automatic gearbox it doesn't have that problem because it's sealed your mechanical gearbox with a clutch has got a problem because you can get water and mud in this lecture but - do you cross rivers notes and also you know if it's that bad then take the precaution afterwards wash everything out clean it out so we can debate everything - what's the most perfect vehicle what's gonna work with their automatic I always recommend that people puts an extra oil cooler because I think having an extra will cool on the car definitely does improve the cooling of the gearbox so that's essential mmm especially when you're loading a big cut heavy or you're throwing something then an automatic gearboxes definitely isn't well cooler you know to do a very good job of bringing oil cooler and if they if they haven't got if they need more cooling then increase that so that's important and then the other thing on the on the auto box is that you don't have the clutch I hate the heaviness of their seminar series clutch well yeah and touch is not too bad if it's a standard clutch if you're putting upgraded touches in there if you used to a car you know there's no people jumping I think when I'm testing by day five up the link was to cause much easier that's why it's different in city driving using a lot of clutch if you have the road not changing gear that often is right you know people have a preference and what they like the gone are never drive an automatic actually when you're driving automatic on expeditioners it's quite nice very long roads to drive you don't worry about it thus and it sounds easier for us and you know you've it's it's it's more beautiful control advice to you is less driver input is likely to get bogged you know that clutch and you're letting the clutch out you can often be a little bit too grim and the wheels spin and then you think you've done yourself down as opposed to going forward so you know is it is it isn't a right and I'm wrong they both work and they're both head of advantages and disadvantages and I think this is what people people actually need to sort of look at when you're trying to make a decision on the vehicle okay you're looking at reliability looking at safety you looking you're looking at simplicity looking at costs that's the key thing okay and if something goes wrong the what-if scenario so if I have a problem with an automatic gearbox it's gonna be more difficult to fix okay if I lose the world I've got a big problem is I'm going to be able to retire your conscience you're on jumpstart that's a very good point you can't jumpstart it so again you've got swings and roundabouts but if I found a really nice 80 series and I'm using the 80 quest attachment but you know a vehicle and it had an automatic gearbox alright and I go you know what this truck condition is amazing would I keep it yeah look you can swap you can swap stuff around with a specialist who knows what he's doing you can swap stuff around it's expensive so if I found a really good vehicle and they had an automatic gearbox and for some of my clients I've got I found your great truck yes it's been automatic why don't you just try it and see how you like it and let's teach you how to look after that more carefully and so like anything it can work you know and it has its definite pluses that's when chanak's somebody like you is essential to debunk some of these and I think again it's a fear you know it's a fear of the unknown people look and they say well you know I've got I'm going to take an automatic in them I'm really really worried about driving this automatic that for me is don't be fearful of it understand understand the advantages and disadvantages and then you have the power to make a good decision and you can decide like anything you know when you choose something they're going to be your likes or dislikes advantages the disadvantages you'll have 80% of what you really wanted 20% you're going to just lovely and is that so bad and again you could make it work so it's you know you could pay a lot of money to have the last 20% and that's often the case people can actually want that's ok too but we're trying to get the balance you know and rather spend an extra 20% on traveling costs when you actually are there hmm and it took co2 I do I actually say you know what we can we can do that but do you need it do you really need that do we need to spend that money you probably get that all the time and do this we really need I always say to people to say let's discuss what you don't need let's look at what you absolutely need because that way we're gonna get a much clearer idea and look at what you don't need and then and if you're taking it or if you're choosing that hood wide ask the why try and get all that information it can become arc on our sails too much information people going down too many sort of avenues to try and make it assume it's a simplified okay and just go back to what I really want I want a vehicle as simple I need it to be reliable it must be safe okay if it's an automatic I need to do this turret if it's a petrol I need to do this to it if it's a manual on you I'm gonna get these advantages and if it's an automatic and when I get these advantages very simply and make a balanced decision on on sometimes maybe the vehicle standing in front of you is giving you 80 percent of what you want so plus if you seems to sum it all up I look at your balls in it I can clearly see some of them are very expensive pools but you still maintain that simplicity it's is actually key over the years probably also gone down the route of trying to build vehicles that are too complex and it doesn't really serve anyone it's sort of nice to do does it end up giving me what you anyone the last thing I want for any of my clients or for myself is to be in the bush with a problem that we can't solve it you know so as much as well put together a repair kit espares kit a recovering credit on kit a first-aid kit that's to look after the eventualities you almost hope you don't have to use okay you don't really want to get your recovery gear out if you if you can drive around something in another land vehicle you're going to do that you
Channel: Africa Sideways
Views: 10,750
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: viewer questions 4x4, responsible overlanding, paul marsh overlanding, paul marsh, petrol vs diesel 4x4, petrol vs diesel overland, petrol vs diesel, petrol vs diesel land cruiser, manual vs auto land cruiser, auto vs manual 4x4, gregory simpson, gregory simpson and paul marsh, overland expert paul marsh, overlanding guru paul marsh, 4x4 Hot Topics, Automatic vs Manual
Id: mxvGfycgm0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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