Peter Rabbit - Most Greedy Animals | Tales of the Week! | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] sorry about that my friend once again my swirly exuberance got the best of me and caused untold heartache watch this [Music] you can open your eyes now benjamin we're on the ground uh i knew that um i was just doing an extra long blink the radishes are gone the radish robber must have followed us here too i say we could hold our breath dive to the bottom of the river and eat our radishes there or i know a perfect spot at hilltop farm we should tie it to a bird and eat it in the sky oh we should bury it until next summer hey huh what if we just you know eat it right now brilliant yay radish time i tell you what though if i ever get my paws on whoever took our radishes there'll be a uh a fairy mr todd [Music] three little rabbits out in the woods all alone you shouldn't sneak up like that i'm a fox sneaking is sort of what i do oh and what's this a radish hmm i am quite keen on the peppery flavor of ravenous sativus as it happens maybe he's the reddish robber ah come come peter rabbit even your father never tried to out a fox that's secret escape good old dad very well mr todd ah you may have captured our last radish but you won't catch us [Music] ah well the main dish may have escaped but the salad is intact [Music] cheer up we'll just get more radishes from mr mcgregor's tomorrow hey can you smell that [Music] it can't be it is that's right little cottontail brought them home she just found them lying around in the woods all radishes you've been taking all our radishes yes well done cottontail good scavenging much less dangerous than say taking them from mr mcgregor's garden [Music] so how do you like your first taste of radishes [Music] wait why are you so jumpy today peter is that rat savvy whiskers every time something goes missing he just happens to be there i think he's lucky every time he finds something someone gives him a sweet treat as a reward that's because it's a con a plot a scheme to get treats ah maybe we should try that stop worrying peter we're gonna go to the party and have fun oh i can't wait till mrs puddle duck's egg catches come on hatches imagine if something that precious went missing oh think of the sweet reward i'll get when i find it [Music] oh so exciting it's a wonderful wonderful thing well do you mind buddy what's the latest do i hear the widdle waddle of duckling fate yet oh not yet mrs teague winkle but my egg will hatch soon oh i just know it now if you'll all excuse me i really must check on my darling egg mr fisher is going to play some music aren't you [Music] oh we couldn't have asked for a lovely day could we i'm telling you if one more thing goes missing today oh my god [Music] you stay there my beauty soon i'll pretend i found you and get my reward caught you you've been stealing things all along mrs puddle ducks worried sick give me that egg back just get get thank [Music] try me fine i'll just go and tell everyone what you've been doing no one will give you any cakes then get back here you go no no he's gonna blow my whole scheme aha what do we have here a duck egg for lunch yes that will do nicely [Music] what to do what to do don't worry mrs tiggy winkle i'll get it a good rapid never gives up peter you can't go in there what about mr todd how very curious where did this tooth some tit-bit come from don't drat who can that be [Music] what's that who's there show yourself well well peter rabbit what better way to follow a nice egg than with rabbit stew ah this belongs to mrs puddle duck and you're not having egg or rabbit for dinner look at that safe and sound [Music] oh deary me somebody really ought to look after that egg lucky i left my egg in safe hands [Music] huh peter [Music] what's going on oh you were right lily you do have to be alert and patient and careful when you're exiting come on [Music] stop stop everyone move back very very slowly it was my job to look after that egg and that's what i'm going to do nearly there they just can't get any worse rain [Music] wow i wasn't worried i knew he'd use my dad's umbrella i take it back peter you're a brilliant exeter thanks wow time we got this egg back and it keeps the rain off too thank you peter thank you thank you what a helpful rabbit you are maybe there's something in my just in case pocket just in case acorn envelope spoon mitten ball of string i don't see how this is going to wait a second lily that's it string it looks just like a worm exactly we'll still deliver the worms just not the way tommy brock expects it let's hop to it pick a pinecone any pine cone oh why should i ah well uh not a magic fan uh no problem how about singing i'm pretty good at that oh enough your friends aren't coming back and if i'm not gonna have my worms then at least i can have i can have i know some nice new fluffy slippers [Music] oh of course why didn't you say i'll just run to the shop and i'm the slippers aren't i anyone for worms oh i don't believe it please believe it give him here no way you let benjamin go first that was the deal [Music] oh all right all right he'd only make one decent slipper anyway now put the bucket down and get out of here i like to eat alone lunch for one coming right up see you around tommy brook [Music] where are you you fluffy little huh tommy brock where did you get that bucket made the rabbits collect worms for me and you think you're clever oh you nincompoop those aren't worms it's string you've been tricked string eh nice try but you can't fool me those are worms now give them back aha rabbits no i think you can spill my lunch and get away with it come back here mr todd so you tricked a brainless badger out of his lunch well nothing that's in the way of my lunch you spilt my lunch time to get them paws dirty mr todd and bring me up some worms to eat they're confounded worms this is impossible oi less chat and more worm catching thank you [Music] hey mr todd try acting like a bird it really hurts those little troublemakers well i don't know about you poor flightless fools but i'm going out the chimney [Music] tail feathers it's been blocked we're trapped well if we're stuck in here i reckon i'll have myself a snooze [Music] oh you clumsy oaf my tea table tea table what kind of hunter has my best china both of you stop it you're wrecking the place first my table then my china why don't you just knock the walls down and be done with it hmm not the walls but perhaps the door you're a squawking old feather duster scissor duster am i yes you heard me you couldn't peck your way out of a wet paper bag and as for you you smelly old carpet you couldn't barge your way out of a balloon [Music] you are a strong pair of fellows and now we're free free to get those rabbits [Music] these radishes are delicious peter you know i'm actually starting to relax and enjoy this picnic and it's much more peaceful than i'd imagined they like it here the plan's working that's right dr bob tell it's a beautiful undangerous place look at the grass look at the trees look at the sky and back to the cross again oh no it's all brown we've got to get my parents out of here [Music] did anyone hear that i'm bored here let's go somewhere else yeah who's up for picking some blackberries that sounds like a good idea yes that does sound nice what blackberries why would we want to get blackberries [Music] oh i get it ah i know where there's some extra juicy blackberries come on everyone uh maybe we should stay here peter i'm not sure it's safe elsewhere oh i'd say it's even safer somewhere else ah look at that before we came to this valley we had to buy blackberries at the shop and now here they are right for the taking oh i do like this place [Music] no sign of him if that shrew catches us he's gonna be really angry these dandelions are for everyone he's just got to learn to share [Music] lily get down no i'm not hiding anymore it's silly shh he'll hear you i don't care i'm not scared of a nasty little shrew neither am i if you're not scared then why were you creeping around it's more fun that way yeah more fun so we all agree none of us are scared [Music] give me back my dandelions [Music] this isn't over [Music] [Laughter] sounds like you've been having fun do i want to know what you've been up to uh i didn't think so i'm taking some vegetable stew over to mr bouncer can you watch cottontail while i'm gone okay we'll have dinner when i get back so don't fill up on oh i don't know dandelions we want uh i mean uh wood dandelions all right then peter you're in charge keep an eye on cottontail [Music] [Laughter] peter play with me uh not now cottontail please sorry maybe later [Music] i'll teach them to eat my dandelions uh did you just hear something yeah my tummy it's hungry you'll spoil your appetite although i suppose just one couldn't hurt hey [Music] oh boy they're in trouble now i can't wait to see their fishes i want my dandelions back and i want them now you've taken too many i only have exactly 1073 dandelions left and another thing is pizza rabbit home well what are you looking at pretty sure oh hey hey get off what are you doing let me go it's okay benjamin it is zombie thunder i know wow all right you three let's warm you up with some soup wow what a storm uh that was me this time [Applause] storm's over come on [Music] what a mess [Music] look familiar it's from our tree house what's it doing all the way over here we'd better go and check it out [Music] oh no our tree house [Music] all my drawings are gone [Music] ah the telescope's missing too it's completely freaked it'll be okay benjamin hopping hazelnuts you guys really need to take better care of your treehouse it was a storm napkin where i love storms sorry it's already happened oh i guess i slept through it hey that explains why i woke up let's do this on telescope there must be pieces of our treehouse all over the woods [Music] look tommy brock's got some of our roof do you know what else is missing your dad's sign oh no what are we going to do there's only one thing to do we're going to find every single piece of our tree house starting with that roof let's hop to it oh i do love the wind it blows things around accept the pieces i find on the ground [Music] rabbits get off my tent no can do mr brock this tin belongs to us isn't that right benjamin yes i mean yes i don't care it's mine now [Music] sorry but our treehouse needs its roof back [Music] [Music] i don't know how we're going to get out of this one peter neither do i but a good rabbit never gives up don't let me my cake or me lily whistle as loud as you can quick uh okay [Applause] [Music] you thought some loud whistle would stop us that really takes the cake and so do i get them [Music] oh wow that was such a clever plan peter i didn't know why he wanted me to whistle at first but then i did wrestle and that brought out mr mcgregor and samuel was like ah run away genius uh i'll stop talking now good cause there's still one tiny little problem robert [Music] so close to you what can you do [Music] i think i hear i'm catching up to you [Music] not so far [Music] [Music] it's no use even if we keep hiding from mr mcgregor we can't get out of the garden not if every way out is blocked by someone who wants to eat us then we'll just have to get them to move won't we this is bad this is very bad just be ready to trap them under here when i leave them to you okay peter wait did he just say lead them to us oh a worm no getting hungry no yes maybe what did to you oh i was just thinking what a shame it is that when mr mcgregor catches us you won't get to eat us oh yeah i suppose that's true and rabbits go so well with worms too oh a nice big juicy one give it here you want it come and get it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 1,371,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, most greedy animals, peter rabbit villians, peter rabbit greediest villians, mr tod, mr brock, sammy whiskers, old brown owl, brock badger
Id: -_nV5_jKBcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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